6 tips into making that eye catching Power Point!

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 6 tips into making that eye catching Power Point!

Tips into making that eye-catching PowerPoint!!!6

1Nobody likes long and boring!

Forget THIS!

Title No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring. No one will read this because this is long and boring.



People WILL read this!




2Play with colours!

BLACK and WHITE is SO 20th century!



3Use Good Fonts!

Nobody likes me because I’m boring.

- Times New Roman

I’m really unpopular because I’m unattractive

-Engravers mt

I’m OK, but I’m hard to read sometimes

-Edwardian Script

Everyone LOVES me! I look good on everything!

-Showcard Gothic

Pick fonts that look good but are

also readable!

4Images are WAY better than just 100s of lines!

Pictures will grab the

audiences attention!

Whenever we look at a book with a picture on it, most people will look at the picture first!!!

5Forget those who call you “Copy Cat”

Who cares if you copy from a friend?! It’s OK to get some ideas from them! Just don’t copy

the WHOLE thing!

GOOD!My charity is

called Childline. It

helps children who are being

bullied or abused at

school or at home.

My charity is called The Honeypot Children’s charity. It

helps young children you are in danger at home and


BAD!My charity is

called Childline. It

helps children who are being

bullied or abused at

school or at home.

My charity is called

Childline. It helps children who in danger at school or at


6The internet is there for a reason!

Don’t just get it all from your head!