6-Ponce-Puerto Rico Miracle Moments

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Ponce-Puerto Rico Miracle Moments

Transcript of 6-Ponce-Puerto Rico Miracle Moments

ROSALIA, Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico• I had pain in my back, neck and knee the past 3 years

at work.• I expected to be healed and receive what God had for

me.• I did not notice anything until the next day when I

realized that I could walk without pain.I t bl t t k d B t I• I was not able to get on my knees and pray. But I can do it now!

• My son can verify this. • I have great joy! This crusade increased my faith!• I have great joy! This crusade increased my faith!

Ponce, Puerto Rico1

Adlen, Ponce, Puerto RicoPuerto Rico

• For 20 years I was deaf in my left ear because I practice shooting a gun.• I found out about this crusade from my church.• I am coming to the field every day. I am an usher here.• I was expecting to receive my healing.• During a prayer I began hearing and I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t realize it until someone talked

to meto me.• I received healing to my back also. No more pain! Thank you, Jesus!

Ponce, Puerto Rico2

Julia, Ponce, Puerto Rico

• I had ulcers for 8 years and was deaf in my left ear for 1 year.

• During prayer I felt peace.g p y p• Now I can hear again! Thank you, Jesus!

Ponce, Puerto Rico3

Maria Ponce Puerto RicoMaria, Ponce, Puerto Rico

• About 10 years ago my vision started becoming blurred and I wore glasses.

• During the crusade tears• During the crusade tears began to fill my eyes as I felt the presence of God on me and I began to see without my glasses.

• I am so happy!I am so happy!

Ponce, Puerto Rico4

Elbe, Ponce, Puerto Rico

• The vertebrae in my neck was damaged at work 15 years ago and I couldn’t move my head any direction unless I moved my entire bodymoved my entire body. • I heard about the crusade at my church. I expected God to bless me.•During the sermon & prayer I felt the presence of God.g p y p•I desired that God would be with me every day.•My daughter was with me and can verify my healing.

Ponce, Puerto Rico5

Pablo, Santas Isabel, Puerto Rico

• I am 74 years old.• For many years I’ve had problems with both of my earsmy ears.• Over 20 years I slowly lost my hearing. • I’ve bought hearing aids, but they didn’t work. It kept getting worse, so I came without hearing aids.• I threw them away because they did not help.•During the prayer we were asked us to cover our ears and I didears and I did.•Suddenly I just began to hear!•I couldn’t hear phone at home. But now I can hear my wife, daughter and grand-daughter!

Ponce, Puerto Rico6

Maria, Ponce, Puerto Rico• I had diabetes for two and a half years. I was paralyzed, then I could

walk with a cane and then with a brace. • I was sitting with my friend Olga during the teaching when I leaned

over to her and asked if I could loosen the brace and she said, “Yes, see if you can walk ” So I took off my brace and got up and walked tosee if you can walk. So I took off my brace and got up and walked to the stage and got up on stage on my own.

• I heard about this crusade from the Glenview Baptist Church. This is the first time that I had been to the crusade. I expected to get healed and I expected to learn more about God. I received more than that. I

t d t h t th d G d h h l d l t l G d hwanted to have strength and God has healed me completely. God has given me strength.

• I believe that He will continue helping me because I believe in Him. Ponce, Puerto Rico7

Wilfredo, Ponce,• I am 60 years old and I am from Ponce, PR. • I injured my left foot 8 months ago when a heavy object fell on it• I injured my left foot 8 months ago when a heavy object fell on it. • This injury causes swelling in my foot every time I put my foot down to walk. In fact

my doctor encouraged me to come to the crusade because there was nothing he could do for my foot.

• This is the second time I have come to the crusade I expected God to heal me• This is the second time I have come to the crusade. I expected God to heal me.• I know that I am healed because the pain left. My doctor can confirm my healing.

Ponce, Puerto Rico8

LuciaLucia, Puerto Rico

I am an eighty year old. I had back problems from work for two and half years.

I came to the crusade with my daughter for the first time tonight I learned about this crusade fromtime tonight. I learned about this crusade from the flyers that I saw in the streets. I hoped that I would get healed.

During teaching I had a vision of Jesus on the cross and now I have new strength.

G d dGod answered my prayer.While my daughter was taking me to the platform

to testify, she was instantly healed from her back and knee pain.

Ponce, Puerto Rico9

Rosa Maria,Rosa Maria, Ponce

I am 49 years old and I live in Ponce. I have had back and knee pain for six months, because of an operation.

I ith t i ht d II came with my mom tonight and I was willing and expecting. I was so relieved that my mom was healed!

And as I was taking my mom to the platform to testify, I was healed too. p y

There are many emotions coming to mind that I can’t express them all.

All I know is that God is amazing and His ways are not known to man.

Ponce, Puerto Rico10

Amarylis, Ponce, Puerto Rico.y , ,• I have had sight problems since I

was seven years old. Aft fi i h d i t d I• After we finished praying today I opened my eyes and realized that I could see.

• Joy overwhelmed me My family and• Joy overwhelmed me. My family and church could verify my condition.

• I have been listening to Dr. T. L. Osborn and Drs. Kevin and Leslie all week at the Conference. My faith grew.

• Thank you, Jesus! Ponce, Puerto Rico11

Ana, Ponce, Puerto Rico• I have had vision problems for 10 years and couldn’t see

up close and did not like wearing glasses. I did ’t t thi h I h d h t I• I didn’t expect anything when I came here, and what I received from God was faith not healing.

• I prayed with everybody on this field. At the end of the meeting I was given Dr Kevin’s book “You Can Do It!” and when I opened it, I suddenly realized I could see small lettersletters.

• God strengthened my eyes today.

Ponce, Puerto Rico12

Luz Puerto RicoLuz, Puerto RicoI am 44 year old. I live in

P lPenuelas. I have had arthritis in my right arm

to where I couldn’t raise my arm for five yearsarm for five years.

My family has always been helpful but have often felt bad because they could not stop y pthe pain.

When I prayed I felt a strong emotion and I knew that I was b i h l d I l f lt G dbeing healed, I also felt God right next to me. I have been blessed by God in many areas of my life.of my life.

Ponce, Puerto Rico13

Lucy, Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico

I am 44 years old. I have had a brain tumor and lung problems for three years. I have been in chemotherapy.

I h d b t th d th hI heard about the crusade through a brochure and a brother in the church giving out invitations. I came with friends in my neighborhood. I expected God to heal me.heal me.

Tonight during the preaching I felt the sickness drying inside me and I literally spit out what was in my lungs.

I am really happy that God has healed meI am really happy that God has healed me. My cousin is here with me to verify what happened.

This crusade has encouraged my faith.

Ponce, Puerto Rico14

Milagros,Juana Diaz, Puerto RicoPuerto Rico

• I am 24 years old. I came to Ponce from the town of Juana Diaz.

• I became paralyzed after I fell from a horse 4 years agofrom a horse 4 years ago.

• A friend brought me to the crusade tonight for the first time and I wanted to be t e a d a ted to behealed.

• After a prayer I was able to get out of my wheelchair and walk ll h h l fall the way to the platform.

• I am very happy that God has done this for me! Ponce, Puerto Rico15