6. METHODS OF...Yahweh Rophe The Lord my Healer Yahweh Tsebaoth The Lord of Hosts Adonai Lord and...

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Transcript of 6. METHODS OF...Yahweh Rophe The Lord my Healer Yahweh Tsebaoth The Lord of Hosts Adonai Lord and...

SA Unite in Christ: 6. Methods of Advancement – The Names of God SA Unite in Christ: 6. Methods of Advancement – The Names of God


The Names of God


God’s personality is so complex that one name cannot adequately describe Him. We may not even be aware of the meaning of our own names but the name of a person usually reveals the essential nature and character of the person. This is particularly true when it comes to the names and titles of God used in Scripture. Through learning the meaning and application of God’s names, we will get to know Him more intimately. Throughout the Word of God, He reveals Himself through various names and each name/title reveals an aspect of God’s character that can meet our deepest needs. Therefore, we should proclaim the appropriate names of God over applicable situations and circumstances in South Africa -‐ there is infinite power in the names of God.

Could the Names of God be applied as a method of advancement?

Absolutely! Consider the name of God Yahweh which means “our unchangeable intimate God, LORD, I AM, to be/being, to live, the revealing One”. Yahweh reveals God as our intimate, personal God. He walks with us, He will never leave us or forsake us. See

SA Unite in Christ: 6. Methods of Advancement – The Names of God SA Unite in Christ: 6. Methods of Advancement – The Names of God

Hebrews 13:5. So we may boldly say: “Yahweh is my helper; I will not fear, what can man do to me?”

Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for Yahweh your Elohim is with you wherever you go.”. Consider the name Elohim which means our sovereign, mighty Creator. El is the root word of Elohim, and it describes God’s greatness and glory; it displays His power and sovereignty. Elohim brings forth a new dimension to the power of the mighty God whom we serve. Elohim is found in the very first verse in the Word of God, Genesis 1:1, and repeatedly throughout Scripture -‐ more than 2000 times. Consider the name Immanuel which means ‘God with us’. God gave Isaiah a prophesy in Isaiah 7:14, of Jesus who would be born of Mary and His name would be Immanuel – God with us. Throughout the Bible we see God’s persistent desire to dwell with us here on earth and it is depicted in the name Immanuel whom He sent to this world to rescue, redeem and restore our relationship with Him. In biblical times, it was thought that to call on God’s various names was to enjoy privileged access to Him, to gain a kind of spiritual power. His people knew His names and claimed His help and protection when they called out to Him. Why would it have changed? We changed and we have allowed influences of the world to change our perspective of God the Father. Let us familiarise ourselves with some of the names of God and proclaim it in our prayers and declarations over our nation and our country -‐ it will release favour upon our nation and cause the godly intervention that we as God’s children have been petitioning for.

Names of God that can bring God’s glory, favour and power to South Africa…

The above mentioned names are only three of the names of God that reveals Him as our almighty, powerful God who is our helper, who wants to rescue and redeem us and who wants a more intimate relationship with us. We can also apply:

SA Unite in Christ: 6. Methods of Advancement – The Names of God SA Unite in Christ: 6. Methods of Advancement – The Names of God

Some of the Names of God:


El Shaddai The All-‐Sufficient One

Yahweh Nissi The Lord my Banner of Victory

El Elyon God Most High

Yahweh Yireh The Lord my Provider

Yahweh Roi The Lord my Shepherd

Yahweh Rophe The Lord my Healer

Yahweh Tsebaoth The Lord of Hosts

Adonai Lord and Master

Yahweh Miqweh The Lord my Hope

Yahweh Shammah God is There

Yahweh Shalom My Peace and Wholeness

Yahweh Metsuda My Fortress

Yahweh M’Kaddesh The Lord my Sanctifier

Yahweh Tsidqenu My Righteousness

Yahweh Makkeh The Lord who Moulds me

Yahweh Machseh The Lord my Refuge

Yahweh Maon The Lord my Dwelling Place

Yahweh Tsur The Lord my Rock

There are more than 300 various names of God that we can study and apply to our personal needs, but also when we pray about the issues in our country.

SA Unite in Christ: 6. Methods of Advancement – The Names of God SA Unite in Christ: 6. Methods of Advancement – The Names of God

Practical Suggestions:

o Resource, study and familiarise yourself with the names of God and then

proclaim the appropriate names in every prayer for every need, problem and situation you are bringing before God.

o Register on SA Unite for Christ and make a commitment to proclaim God’s

names through which His glory, His power, His mercy, His favour, His victory will be released over South Africa.

o Download the video that is made available in this section and declare it over our

nation and our country.


Gain a new experience through using God’s names when calling on Him in prayer and tap into His infinite supply of power and grace to bring about unity and peace and healing in South Africa.