6. evaluation sf 2017 2

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 6. evaluation sf 2017 2


Jack Morton


The strengths of my research were asking the right questions to find what my audience was interested in and what they weren't. This helped my product by making me understand the genres that my audience would like to see in my short film. However they were some negatives/weaknesses to giving the audience more freedom to work with when giving them the questionnaire, for example I had silly and stupid answers which didn't’t help me with my research at all. To improve my questionnaire I will add multiple chose questions where the audience wont be able to answer the questions with silly answers, Therefore by doing this I will have reliable information for my product and help me save valuable time. Another strength in my research is analysing my primary and secondary research where I found my target audience. When looking at my primary research I found that all people who took my survey were male. Therefore to target the male audience I will try to add in more action and dramatic scenes. I also realized that my audience like the genres comedy and horror, however I will not be targeting this type of audience as I think horror and comedy is over the top and down right unfunny. Instead I will be making a adventure, thriller type of short film. Another analysis I have found researching through primary and secondary research is that, they would enjoy a short film about bad luck, which I think is great as I wanted to do this idea. A weakness in my research is audience appropriate content because I think I've made my certificate not strict for my short film, therefore this might effect my product by having to lower my gore and violence down to make it suitable for my target audience. I will improve this by cutting out most of the gory and violence scenes of my short film to lower the certificate of my film.

The strengths of my planning was understanding my idea from the very start and involving the idea in to something that I could work with for my short film. This helped my product by giving me have guidelines to follow, which resulted in making the short film easier to make and to add in the story. A weakness in my planning is mind maps, this is because I struggled to find multiple stories for my mind map. I could improve this by spending more time devolving each idea with more detail to give me a range of ideas. Another strength in my planning is my mood board will influence my final product by showing me what area the short film will be shot and what angles are the best for the short film to be interesting and unique. Another way it will influence my final product is the colour, the colour of the surrounds will be similar to my product, create a sense of fresh air to the audience and viewer.

I did not manage my time will in certain areas of production as I got confused on where the scenes will be set in the location. Because of this my short film is light and cheerful at the start of the short film, However by the end of the film its dark and drowsy, which is not what I wanted for my short film. With additional time I could achieve better lighting, better acting and overall just looks smooth. I also did not manage my time well editing the short film together, as I ran out of time to add in sound effects and a background song. With additional time I could achieve a smoother transition between each scene making it more enjoyable to watch. In some parts I did manage my time well for example in booking the equipment I was one of the first to do so, which made me one of the few to finish early resulting in handing the short film product on time.



These two products are similar

because they both are using

establishing shots to reveal the location

of the film to let the audience know

where the film is going to be located.

A difference in the two products is colour,

because as you can see my short film on the

left is dark, gloomy and death. The reason

because of this to let the audience know that

there's something scary lurking in the shadows.

On the right you can see its bright, colourful

and happy. This is because the film is going

for a happy atmosphere to draw the

audience in. The setting is cheerful as well to

show the audience the film is about a

cheerful couple and a friend

The film on the right and the

short film on the left both use

the same type of camera

shots, for example close ups,

lone shots and extreme close

up shots

The short film on the left is

different, this is because my film

is only a minute long and only

has a sentence of dialogue.

Where the film on the right has

tones of dialogue and also has a

run time of 1H 44m.



The difference from the products are that

spider man homecoming has music in the

background, which creates a thrilling

experience when listening to it.

In my product I don’t have any music,

which doesn’t create a thrilling

experience. Therefore to improve it for

next time I will add in some royalty free

music to give the audience a better


In my short film the difference is the sound

effects, for example I don’t use any

sounds effects throughout my short film.

This makes it seem unfinished as you

aspect to hear something. The audience

will feel as its not smooth, which will make

it seem it wont fit together well.

The sound effects in spider man

are amazing because everything

fits together and makes it

enjoyable to watch. Therefore the

audience will find it more authentic,

which will result in the audience

wanting to hear more.

The similarities in

the short film and

spider man is that

the audio

throughout is

clear and is easy

to understand.

Therefore the

audience will

enjoy this

because it makes

sense and is easy

to understand.

The editing of the video on the left was successful as I found new ways to

edit the short film. For example I did this by using the razor tool to

carefully remove the unwanted mistakes in the short film. The film on the

right is also edited in way that everything seems bigger and more

atmospheric. However there are differences for example my film on the

left has rough transitions, therefore making the short film seem

unfinished. On the right of the video the transitions are smooth and flow

with the video as your watching it. Another similarity is the style if the

editing, this is because both of the films feel like there raw and feel

snappy when watching them.



I think my work does look amazing as the style of the video is very appealing to me. I also

like the setting of the video as you feel like your with the character in the short film. I also

like the grimy and gloomy way the short film is shot, as this builds character and a setting.

I do like the establishing shot, which shows the audience where the short film is going to

be set. I then like the camera shots as they focus more on the watch, which lets the

audience know that something bad is about to happen. I would improve the length of the

short film to 1 minute, however I didn't manage to find enough footage to reach this goal.

For next time I will spend more time developing more idea and add in more interesting

scenes to extend more short film. I would also improve the transitions of the short film, as

they feel unnatural and ruin the flow of the film. To solve this issue I will add in effects to

make each scene smooth and understandable. A strength of my film would be the style of

the way its shot, for example I like the grimy texture that it gives off. A weakness of my

film would be the editing side of things, for example the transitions are sloppy and adding

sound effects would greatly improve my film.

I have appealed to the majority of my audience for example I made the

short film a thriller and by looking at the questionnaire my target audience

would like to see that type of genre. By looking at the questionnaire my

audience will be interested in a short film about bad luck. I appealed to this

by basing the story around a watch and when the character wears strange

things start to happen. I have appealed to my target audience by adding in

more action scenes to appeal to the male demographic. My audience

would like the short film to be set in a forest or a field. I have appealed to

the audience by setting the short film in a field. My audience wanted a

weak character, however I wasn’t able to appeal to the audience as I

wanted the character to be strong and wise.


What did you like about the product?

I liked the story of the film, and how at the end it happens all over again. I think the camera angles and the exposure of the shots are great because I can see and understand everything that’s going on.

What improvements could have been made to the product?

I think it could have done with some music accompanying the film, because then the audience could get an idea of the tone of the movie.

What did you like about the product?

I liked the overall feeling of the camera shots and the style of the short film, as its easy to understand when watching.

What improvements could have been made to the product?

I would improve the transitions between each scene as they don’t seem to fit well. I would also improve the font to a different colour so that it stands out more.

What did you like about the product?

I enjoyed the story as It was something new and never been done before ad it was also an interesting concept

What improvements could have been made to the product?

You should add in sound effects as this would improve the feel and the atmosphere of the short film. This will also fill in the blank audio.

You should also go more in depth into the comedy aspect of the short film as this would make the short film more interesting.

What do you agree with from your peer feedback?

I agree that the story is interesting and unique throughout. I also agree with that the camera angles and the exposure of the shots are great because you can understand everything what's going on.

I agree that I could have done with some music accompanying the film, because then the audience could get an idea of the tone of the movie.

I disagree that the overall feeling of the camera shots and the style of the short film, as its easy to understand when watching.

I agree that I need to improve the transitions between each scene as they don’t seem to fit well. I would also improve the font to a different colour so that it stands out more.

I agree that the story as It was something new and never been done before as it was also an interesting concept

I agree that I should add in sound effects as this would improve the feel and the atmosphere of the short film. This will also fill in the blank audio.

What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?

I disagree that the overall feeling of the camera shots and the style of the short film, as its easy to understand when watching.

I disagree that I should also go more in depth into the comedy aspect of the short film as this would make the short film more interesting.

I could have done with some music accompanying the film, because then the audience

could get an idea of the tone of the movie. I would improve the transitions between each

scene as they don’t seem to fit well. Therefore the short film will run well, resulting the

short film being more enjoyable to watch. I would also improve the font to a different

colour so that it stands out more. Therefore its easier to read and you can see it far

away. I would improve my short film by adding in sound effects as this would improve the

feel and the atmosphere of the short film. This will also fill in the blank audio.