5th prep Final Topics june 2015.docx

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5th prep Final Topics june 2015.docx

Transcript of 5th prep Final Topics june 2015.docx

Mathematics Final Exam Topics 5th Prep, Rosita Dilone

Chapter 4Divisibility and Mental Math 158Exponents 162Prime Numbers and Prime Factorization 166Greatest Common Factor 171Equivalent Fractions 176Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions 182 Least Common Multiple 188Compare and Order Fractions 192Fractions and Decimals 198 Chapter 5Estimating Sums and Differences 212Fractions with Like Denominators 217 Fractions with Unlike Denominators 222 Adding Mixed Numbers 228Subtracting Mixed Numbers 232

Chapter 6 Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers 261

Multiply Mixed Numbers 266Divide Whole Numbers by Fractions 272

Divide Mixed Numbers 276

Chapter 7 Understand and Express Ratios 306Unit Rates 312Understanding Proportion 316Solving Proportion 320Percent, Fractions, and Decimals 331Finding the Percent of a Number 336

Chapter 9

Perimeters and Areas of Rectangles 426 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 432 Circles and Circumference 438 Area of a Circle 444Surface Areas of Prisms 453Volume of Rectangular Prisms 458

* Remember to study from your book, notebook, and quizzes we have done.

English Language Arts Final Exam Topics 2015

5th Prep, Mrs. Jenny Kranwinkel

Elements of Reading - Literature

Students should be able to identify the following story elements:

Fiction Story Elements:

Characters: main characters & supporting characters Setting: when and where did the story take place Problem or Conflict: usually introduced early on; can be external or internal Plot: the rise and fall of action Solution or Resolution: how the problem or conflict is solved Point of View: 1st person (main character telling story; use of “I” and “me”) or

3rd person (narrator telling story; use of “he/she”, “him/her”) Theme: More than the topic of the story, the “message” the author is trying to

send through the use of the story

Students should be able to identify historical fiction elements from the novel Number the Stars by Lois Lowry


Parts of Speech - Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of

nouns: common or proper, singular or plural, possessives,

verbs: action or linking, regular or irregular, be/have, perfect tense

adverbs: that tell how, when, or where, frequency and intensity

pronouns: indefinite, possessive, and interrogative

adjectives: descriptive

contractions: verbs plus Not, pronouns plus Verbs

prepositions: place prepositional phrases in correct location within the sentence

Recognize Usage Errors - Recognize usage errors (double negatives, troublesome words:

{to/to/two, their/there/they're, its/it's, sit/set, lie/lay, affect/effect, sit/set, lie/lay,

may/can, leave/let, teach/learn.

Capitalize - Capitalize correctly sentence beginnings, proper nouns and adjectives, titles,

abbreviations, quotations, parts of friendly letters.

End of Sentence - Use correct end of sentence punctuation ( period, exclamation and

question mark)

Punctuation - Demonstrate knowledge of the meaning and function of certain marks of

punctuation, including

colons (between the hour and minutes)



quotation marks

commas used in these ways: direct address, items in a series, following

introductory words, in dates and addresses, quotations, parts of a letter, and

before coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences.

Quotation Marks - Demonstrate the correct use of quotation marks in conversation,

including their use with capitalization, end marks, and explanatory material.

Spell - Spell correctly high-frequency and commonly misspelled words appropriate to

grade level.

Apostrophes - Form and spell correctly contractions, plurals, and possessives.

Abbreviate - Abbreviate words correctly.

Agreement - Use appropriate language structure in oral and written communication (e.g.,

subject-verb agreement in simple and compound sentences).

Sentence Errors - Recognize and edit incomplete sentences and run-on sentences.


Students must be able to list and explain the steps of the writing process

Students should be able to write to narrate:

a friendly letter that conveys ideas, information, and closure.

a personal narrative.

5th Prep 2013-2014Science Final Exam Topics

Dear 5th graders, Below are the topics that will be covered on the final exam. You will notice that we have not covered all of these topics yet (but we will!) We will do a comprehensive review during review week that will cover the specific material that will be on the exam. If you have any questions, send me an email or come to study club. Second Semester

Plants Volume 1: pgs. 190-202o Gymnosperm, angiosperm, vascular, nonvascular, seeds, spores, pollination,

flower to fruit process Ecosystems Volume 1: pgs. 248- 255

o Environment, ecosystem, population, community, habitat, niche, narrow niche, broad niche, diversity

Species Volume 1: pgs. 270-275o Extinct species, invasive species

Natural Resources Volume 1: pgs. 330- 337, 343- 345o Renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, conservation, reduce, reuse,

recycle, pollution Solar System Volume 2: pgs. 539-549

o Planet, moon, dwarf planet, comet, asteroid, rotation, revolution, inner planets, outer planets, order of the planets

Matter Volume 2: pgs. 579-627o Solids, liquids gases, physical changes, chemical changes, mixtures,

solutions Light and Sound Volume 2: pgs 648- 653, 668-671, 678- 685

o Wave, vibrations, pitch, frequency, volume, wavelength, amplitude, light, electromagnetic spectrum, reflection, refraction, prism

Forces and Motion Volume 2: pgs. 700- 705o Motion, force, gravity, friction, balanced forces, unbalanced forces

Skills: Make and interpret charts and bar graphsUsing a ruler

Volume formula: V=l*w*h

Topics for Finals 20155th Prep

Social Studies: Ancient CivilizationsMs. Garrido

1. Mesopotamia1. Independent Sumerian City-States, Pp. 102-107

Vocabulary words: city-state, monarchy, authority, polytheism, caravan, architecture.Study:1. Chart ‘Independent Sumerian City-States’ on notebook.

2. Mesopotamian Achievements, Pp. 108-113Vocabulary words: innovation, almanac, ziggurat, cuneiform, scribe.Study:- Chart ‘Mesopotamian Achievements’ on notebook.

3. Daily Life in Sumer, Pp. 114-119Vocabulary word: deity.Study:- Summary chart ‘Daily Life in Sumer’ on notebook.- Chart ‘Sumerian Social Structure’ on notebook.

4. The First Empires, Pp. 120-124Vocabulary words: conquer, empire, emperor, standing army, tribute, Code of Hammurabi.

2. Egypt1. The Nile Valley, Pp. 134-139

Vocabulary words: delta, cataract, arid, predict, afterlife.2. The Old Kingdom, Pp. 142-147

Vocabulary words: diplomacy, nation-state, dynasty, vizier, hieroglyph, papyrus, pyramid, mummy.

3. The Middle Kingdom, Pp. 150-154Vocabulary words: civil war, famine, cost-benefit analysis.

4. The New Kingdom, Pp.158-163Vocabulary words: pharaoh, reign, rural

3. Greece1. Early Civilization in Greece, Pp. 278-284

Vocabulary words: peasant, cultural borrowing, bard, legend, epic, myth, mythology.

Tópicos de Lengua Española5to grado - Segundo Cuatrimestre- 2014-2015

5to gradoProfesora: Wilmys Vásquez


1. La argumentación y contra-argumentación:

- Hechos y opiniones:

- Concepto del vocabulario: hecho, opinión, juicio, declaración, evidencia, razón,


2. Causa y efecto:

- Definición del vocabulario:

- Organizador gráfico

3. Textos descriptivos:

- Concepto de describir y descripción

- Tipos de descripciones: Prosopografía, etopeya, retrato, caricatura, topografía,

cronografía, zoografía, crinografía.

- Recursos de la descripción: Adjetivación, comparación o símil y metáfora

- Lecturas de textos descriptivos según su tipo.

4. Textos poéticos:

- Características

- Versos y estrofas

- Mecanismos literarios: metáfora, símil y personificación

- Lenguaje figurado y significado literal

- Usos de organizadores gráficos

5. Lectura de los textos: El príncipe feliz y Dulce esperanza de la patria.

- Temática:

*Ficha bibliográfica y biografía del autor

*Análisis de contenido

*Análisis del vocabulario

*Aspectos históricos

*Personajes, ambiente, tiempo

*Estructura del cuento


1. El sustantivo II:

Género, número y clasificación.

Su función en la oración.

2. Los artículos:


Género y número

3. El adjetivo:



Derivación de: Colores, sustantivos, verbos, gentilicio

Grados del adjetivo: Grado positivo, grado comparativo de superioridad, igualdad,

inferioridad y grado superlativo.

4. El verbo

-Los pronombres

- Persona, número y tiempo del verbo

- Formas no personales del verbo

5. Las preposiciones: a, ante, bajo, sin, de, con, en, contra, hacia, hasta, para, por, según,

sobre, tras, entre.


1. Diptongo, triptongo e hiato:

- División de las vocales. La acentuación:

2. Reglas de acentuación:

- Clasificación de las palabras según su silaba tónica

- Sílabas tónicas y sílabas átonas

- La tilde y el acento: diferencias

- Acento ortográfico y acento prosódico.

- Acentuación para palabras con hiatos.

3. Usos de los fonemas: B, V, H, G, J, C, S, Z. Cuaderno de práctica Villa Cuento.

Tópicos de Ciencias Sociales2do Semestre

5th Prep.(2014– 2015)

Profesora Sonia MartínezUnidad 5: El descubrimiento de América

1- El desarrollo europeo en el siglo XV.2- España en el siglo XV.3- África en los siglos XV y XVI.4- Los portugueses en América.5- Luchas europeas en América.

Unidad 6: La llegada de Cristóbal Colón

1- Cultura aborigen.2- Llegada de los españoles a América.3- Dominación económica y política.4- Resistencia y exterminio aborigen.5- La defensa de los indígenas.

Unidad 7: Colonización en América

1- El proceso de colonización.2- Conquista de México y Centroamérica.3- La conquista en América del Sur.4- La administración colonial.5- Rebeliones indígenas en América.

Unidad 8: Economía y esclavitud

1- Desarrollo de la industria azucarera.2- La trata de esclavos africanos.3- Los esclavos y la economía.4- Modo de vida y condición social del negro.

Deberes y Derechos de los niños en la Constitución Dominicana.

Topiques français 2do. Quadrimestre 5to gradoDeyanira Ramirez 2015

Jeu et jouets Aliments et fruits AnimauxPoupéeRobotRollersVélomotoBallonVidéo-jeuBillesSaxophoneGuitareFluteTélescopeAppareil photo




Etre = To be = tener exemplesje suis je suis petittu es tu es belle

il est il est brunAvoir= to have= tener exemple

j' ai j’ai une jupeTu as tu as un crayon noirIl a Il a un pantalon noir Les verbes du premier groupe ; adorer, aimer, jouer, sauter, détester, voler, marcher, nager, chanter, danser et autres.Jouer=jugar aimer = to loveJe joue j’aimeTu joues tu aimesIl/elle joue il/elle aime

Faire = to do Vouloir =to wantJe fais Je veuxTu fais Tu veuxIl/elle fait Il/elle veut

Je fais du cheval je veux un robotJe fais de la moto Tu veux une poupée.Je fais du judo Il veut un vidéo jeuTu fais du vélo

Les adjectifs possessifs Un possesseurPronoms sujet Masculin

singulierFéminin singulier

Masculin et Féminin pluriel.

Je (1er personne)

Mon, père Ma, mère Mes parents

Tu (2e personne)

Ton, frère Ta, sœur Tes enfants

Il/elle (3e personne)

Son, fils Sa, fille Ses amis

Exemples: •Mon frère a un poisson rouge. (Mi hermano tiene un pez rojo)• Ma mère s’appelle Daysi. ( mi mama se llama Daysi)

Jouer et faire + instruments, sports et jeuxJouer + instruments

Jouer sports +jeu et autres

Faire + sports et activités

Je joue du piano Je joue au football Je fais du chevalTu joues de la guitare

Tu joues à la poupée Tu fais des rollers

Il joue du saxophone

Il joue aux billes Il fait de la moto

Elle joue de la flûte

Elle joue au tennis Elle fait de la natation

Je joue de l’accordéon

Je joue au ballon Je fais du vélo.

Aimer + le vocabulaire des fruitsJ’aime la pomme.Tu aimes la pizza.Il/elle le chocolat

Détester + vocabulaire des alimentsJe déteste le poisson.

EtudierUnité 5-11 du cahier d’activités (réviser et refaire tous les exercices). Utilise ton CD pour pratiquerVoir aussi pages 75-77