5L Andree Civilization

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of 5L Andree Civilization

What Makes Our Country A


Stable food supply

Agriculture makes for a stable food supply

Agriculture Agriculture began in the Neolithic age in 8000 B.C.E . also known as the new stone age when they went from hunters and gatherers to farmers.

Agriculture is the business of farming growing crops and domesticating animals.

Domesticating animals is to train a wild animal to be useful to humans

Growing crops is when you plant seeds and harvest them when they are near to being ripe.

We can purchase the foods that the farmers grow at local farmers markets, and grocery stores


Democracy We have a democracy in The United

States of America. In a democracy the citizens vote and

make decisions about the country.

Part of our democracy is having liberty and freedom.

We Also Have …

War and Peace



United States of America

We are one nation made up of fifty states , Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

We also have different levels of government throughout the country.

Our President, Barack Obama is the head of government. He is our 44th president and our first African American president.


We have a written language

• Most of our country’s writes and speaks English. However, many people in the United States speak and write multiple languages.

• People in the United States write everything from the amount of money they made of a purse to some of the United States most important and traumatizing events.

Modern communication in-between people

We communicate with cell phonesAnd many internet based programs like

face book



• We have many different technologies.• Many are for pleasure and many are very

useful • There are all sorts touch technologies

iphone 4s

• One of the most new technologies was provided by apple it was the iPhone 4s.

• It has a special feature called Seri so you will ask it a question and it will respond with a accurate answer.


Money and trade

• Often you will got to the grocery store to trade your money with the grocery store for food in return.

• Even kids have learned the value of trade like when you may trade your snicker bar with your friend for a Twix.

We have different classes

• We have different classes in the United States the rich who usually have big house and go on many vacations

• We also have the middleclass people that earn enough to afford a decent standard of living and occasional luxuries.

• There is also poor people that struggle to earn enough money to cover the cost of basic necessities like food, housing and proper medical care.

Highly developed way of life


We have many beautiful art museums that are filled

with beautiful art

Also architecture is also another form of art, it is the building of houses tours buildings skyscrapers.

America has a sense of style

Having a sense of style is like being an artist . You know what will go with what so fashion is another form of art.


• We learn about different subjects :• Math• Science• Foreign languages • Social Studies• Language Arts

We also have many different musical instruments including singing

Religious System

There are 2 major religions

•Christian •Judaism

Christian is the overall name for many types of similar religions.

Christians believe in god

That’s what make our country a civilization.

By: Andree Aloise