5152 MR MQC+product brochure ENG 96dpi...Model Samplesizes recommended Application MQC+23 Diameter...

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Transcript of 5152 MR MQC+product brochure ENG 96dpi...Model Samplesizes recommended Application MQC+23 Diameter...

Easier, faster, moreaccurate quality assuranceNextgeneration benchtop NMR, today.

Easier, faster, moreaccurate quality assurance

WHAT DOES THEMQC+ ANALYSER DO?TheMQC+ analysermeasuresoil, water, fluorine and solidfat in a variety of samplesand is typically used for qualityassuranceand quality control.MQC+ is available as threemodels:MQC+23, MQC+5 andMQC+F.MQC+23 is used forsmaller samplesand high sensitivity applications; for exampleit is used tomeasure smallamounts of oil applied to artificialfibres and fabrics to enhance their properties.MQC+5 is usedfor large samples, typically agricultural products; for example,it measuresthe oil, and moisture content in oilseeds. Thisisimportant because in some regionsthe higher the oil content,the more valuable the cropwhich affects the revenue receivedby farmers for their harvest.MQC+F is used to measurefluorine in toothpaste andminerals, for example.

TheMQC+ is a compact benchtop Nuclear MagneticResonance (NMR) analyser.With over 35years' experiencein the benchtop NMR business,we understand that themostimportant qualities of a lab analyser are ease of use, accuracy,reliability and serviceability. TheMQC+ has been designed tofully meet all these requirements.


TheMQC+NMR analyser replaceswet chemical analysis,which useshazardouschemicals. It allows youto measuremore samplesmuchfaster.Unlikewet chemicalmethods, theMQC+ doesn'tdestroy the sample beingmeasured. It can alsomeasurephysical propertiesincluding crystallinity anddensity of polymers.

Industry Applications

Food Oil in snack foods, total fat in chocolate,fat in foodstuffs and Solid Fat Content (SFC)

Agriculture Oil and moisture in oilseeds and their residues,oil in dried olive paste and oil in dried palmmesocarp

Textile Spin finish on fibre, also known asOil Pick-Up(OPU),Finishon Yarn (FoY), lubricant and avivage

Consumerproducts Lotion on fabric and fluorine in toothpaste

Petroleum Hydrogen content in fuel, oil content inwaxes andwax content in petroleumproducts

Polymers Xylene solubles in polypropylene, plasticiser in PVC, polymer density& crystallinity,oil in rubber and fluorine content

Other Fluorine in powders (e.g. fluorspar,alumina)and limestone filler in asphalt

ADVANTAGES OFBENCHTOPNMR ANALYSISTheMQC+benchtop NMR analyser offers several importantadvantages over other laboratory analytical techniques:

Rapid analysisAnalysis takes from a few minutes toa few seconds,which meansyou canprocess ahigh volume of samples inthe lab quickly and efficiently.

Minimal samplepreparationSimply transfer the sample into a tube,condition it then analyse it. Grinding orother formsof sample preparation arerarely needed.

Non-destructiveNMR measurementsdonot damagethe sample in any way, so samples canbe kept for repeat measurementsor tobe analysed using other techniques.

AccuracyNMR signalsare generated fromallparts of the sample not just the surface,even if they are opaque, guaranteeingmore accurate measurements.

No hazardous solventsor chemicals involvedTheNMR methoddoesn t̓ require solventsor other chemicals, removingthe need forfume cabinets, specially trained staff andexpensivedisposal procedures.

Cost-efficientLow maintenance and running costs,just requires mainspower.

Easy to useMQC+ is designed tomake the jobof techniciansworking inQA/QClabs easier. It simplifies the analysisprocessand removes the need forextensiveoperator training.

Easy to useThe singlebiggest benefit ofMQC+ is that it isso easy to use. Lab technicianswill be productivein no time asminimal training is required.

The software provides step by step operator guidancewith clear on-screenprompts; there are also status indicatorlights at the sample chamberentrance. Operator promptscanbe customised, anddisplayed in any language.

MQC+ can be fitted with a variety of robust sampleholders,commonly known as probes, to easily handle differentapplications and sample sizes. The sampleholders canbe changed easily in amatter of minutes.

MQC+ʼsspace saving internal PC usesWindows-basedsoftware, a flat screenmonitor and a standard PCkeyboard. USB ports are provided for easy softwareupgrades and to allow data to be saved externally.

EveryMQC+ systemis suppliedwith all software,hardware and sampling accessoriesfor the applicationit will be used for.

Reliable and easy to maintainMQC+ has been designed with theminimal number ofcomponent parts, making it easy to set up and maintain.Advanced electronics enables the spectrometer̓ sfirmwareto be upgraded so the instrument can be kept up to datewith the latest improvements. It also incorporates advancedself diagnostic routines so that any faults can be quicklylocalised to save time andmoney.

The spectrometer continuously logs all diagnosticparameters in a databasewhich means that it ispossibletomonitor the history and health of theinstrument indefinitely. Diagnostics data can beaccessedeither over the internet or saved to a fileand emailed to a service engineer.

Low maintenanceMQC+ is easy to look after: the PC fan filter is easilyaccessible for cleaning. The robust sample holders arealso easy to remove and all MQC+23holders have openended bottoms for easy cleaning.MQC+ has an automaticmagnetic field optimisation routine, which ensuresthe bestresultswhilst also reducing costs and increasing uptime asit means a service visit is not required.

Easy to calibrateMQC+ measurements are generally insensitive to colour,particle sizeandother physical properties of the sample.Calibrations are always linear so you only need a handfulof samples.Once established, the calibrations are robustand rarely need to be repeated.

Saves spaceDespite its smallmagnet size,MQC+23has a large samplespace andhigh field strength, so it can beused to measurelarger samplesaswell as offering high sensitivity.

Fast and efficientMQC+can makeover 100measurements a day,which isup to 250 times faster than usingwet chemical analysis.Switching toMQC+ will save you time andmoney thanksto its speed and efficiency.

A platform for the futureTheMQC+ analyser builds on the successof itspredecessorby retaining manyof its features,including reliable easy-to-usequality control software.HoweverMQC+ has been designedwith the potentialfor enhanced capability. It belongs to a new generationof magnetic resonance instruments incorporating a highperformance spectrometer. Thismeans it will benefit fromfuture enhancements to the platform for years to come.


Model Sample sizesrecommended Application


Diameter Volume

Optimumconfiguration formany applications.Highoperating frequency gives best sensitivity,

whilst large sample sizegivesgood reproducibility.


0.2 ml1ml8ml14ml



Largest sample capacity for inhomogeneoussamples, for example in agri-food industry.

MQC+F 26ml 14ml Fluorine sensitive version fortoothpaste andminerals.

OXFORD INSTRUMENTSSUPPORT& SERVICEMQC+ usersare often working in demanding, high pressureindustrieswhere every minute counts. Tomake sureour usersget effective supportwhen they need it, we have establishedaworldwide network of subsidiarycompanies and traineddistributorswho are there to help you.Aswell as this network of local support, we alsomaintain a central emailand telephone support functionwhich can often provide immediateanswersto common questions. Using the advanced diagnostic and control features oftheMQC+, our engineers can log in directly to yourMQC+ and even operateit remotely to assistwith set-upquestions or to diagnose faults.

Choose the model

* liquid variable temperature option available

Weʼre here to help you!OiService aimsto keep yourMQC+

working as hard as youdo. Our globalnetwork of service hubsprovidesa fullrange of technical support:

Extended warrantiesAvoid unplanned costs.

Online diagnosticsIn-depthsupport over the internet.

Telephone help-desksFor a fast response to your problem.

RepairsFast and efficient turnaround.

Maintenance contractsEnsures your analyser producesthe right result every time.

TrainingUnderstand your analyserand its features.

Consumables and accessoriesRange of sample tubes and otheraccessories available.


MORE INFORMATIONE-Mail: info@rototec-spintec.comWebsite: www.rototec-spintec.com

Thispublication is the copyright of Oxford Instruments plc andprovides outline information only, which (unlessagreed by the

company in writing) may not be used,applied or reproduced forany purposeor form part of any order or contract or regarded asthe representation relating to the products or servicesconcerned.

Oxford Instrumentsʼpolicy isone of continued improvement.The company reservesthe right to alter, without notice,the specification, design or conditions of supplyof any

product or service. Oxford Instrumentsacknowledges alltrademarks and registrations.

© Oxford Instruments plc, 2017.All rights reserved.

Part No:MQC+ Product Brochure MR/196/0617

Weʼre very proudof MQC+ and believe it delivers the ease of use,accuracy, reliability and serviceability that you are looking for.TheMQC+worksmuch faster than wet chemical analysismethods, enables you to measurea larger numberof samples and is non-destructive.The analyser iseasy to set up and maintain, simpleto calibrate andwon t̓ take upmuch roomin the lab.We believe it will prove to be an exceptional asset for any laboratory requiring easy,fast, accurate measurementof fat, oil, water and fluorine in awide range of samples.



Want to put MQC+ to the test?Contact one of our experts in analysisand request a demo.

Pulsar: high resolutionbenchtop NMRspectrometer

Rototec-SpintecGmbHLangwiesenweg5375323BadWildbadTelefon: +0049 (0) 70813803851Fax: +0049 (0) 70813803853

E-Mail: info@rototec-spintec.comWebsite: www.rototec-spintec.com