50th timeline 4 - Amazon S3...July 2004 Fourth annual Ralph Chapin Memorial Work Retreat. 2004 Amala...

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Transcript of 50th timeline 4 - Amazon S3...July 2004 Fourth annual Ralph Chapin Memorial Work Retreat. 2004 Amala...

2003Auckland Zen Centre established in New Zealand by Amala Wrightson and Richard von Sturmer, both disciples of BK. 2005

In his nineteenth year of teaching, BK accepts title of “Roshi.”

May 6, 2004Roshi Philip Kapleau dies (age 91) peacefully

in the garden of the Zen Center, surrounded by some of his closest disciples and friends.

2006Founder’s Garden is installed, with basalt memorial slab created by sculptor Todd McGrain (at right).

2011Chapin Mill Dedication Ceremony with major donors Andris Chapin and Catherine Carlson among the speakers.

2016Live-streaming of teishos and daily sittings begins.

July 2004Fourth annual Ralph Chapin Memorial Work Retreat.

2004Amala Wrightson authorized to teach by BK, and with her Dharma Transmission in 2011 the AZC becomes autonomous.

2007 First sesshin in the Chapin Mill zendo.2006

Beginning of Phase Two of the Retreat Center, with the zendo at its center.

2008Phase Two of Chapin Mill Retreat Center completed (zendo, Kannon Room, east and west wing bedrooms).

2010Beginning of Phase Three of Chapin Mill Retreat Center (dokusan room, teacher’s quarters, and additional bedrooms), funded by a single, earmarked donation from Dr. Andrew Stern.

2012First SanghaPalooza, at Chapin Mill—zazen, seminars, food, and fun.

September 2014Earth Vigil sitting at the People’s Climate March, in NYC (estimated 350,000 marchers).

2015Chapin Mill garden: $400 overhead, yielding 1,100 pounds of produce at approximately $2,500 supermarket value.

2014Most recent of the five American Zen Teachers Association (AZTA) meetings hosted by the RZC.

September 21, 2013First Earth Vigil “sit-in,” in the rain at Rochester’s Gannett Building, to encourage action to reduce climate change.

2006Auckland Zen Centre’s first 7-day sesshin.

2011 Dedication of Cleveland Zazen Group.

2010RZC symposium on “Turning Toward the Earth: A Conversation with Leading Environmentalists and Buddhists” featuring Joanna Macy, Stephanie Kaza, David Loy, and Michael Soule.

2006200520042003 20102007 2008 2009 20162011 2012 2013 2014 2015

2009Accessibility improvements are made to Arnold Park, beginning with a wheelchair lift from the link to the zendo level and followed by installation of a barrier-free front walkway.

May 9, 2004Burial ceremony for Roshi Philip Kapleau at Chapin Mill, followed later by a memorial service attended by 400 people.

2008Symposium on “Buddhism: Mind and Matter,” with speakers B. Alan Wallace, Ursula Goodenough, James Austin, Adam Frank, and BK.

2014American-style takuhatsu is expanded to a stretch of expressway between Arnold Park and Chapin Mill “adopted” by the Center.

2004First meeting of the Three Jewels Order, a membership in the Cloud-Water Sangha of priests and non-ordained members who commit to a heightened level of engagement within and outside the Sangha.

2015   40th anniversary of the Madison Zen Center, which over the years has stocked the Center’s residential training program with more people than any other group.

2009Beginning of modest Prison Dharma program; Sangha members introduce inmates to zazen and meet with them regularly.

201230th anniversary of Zenbuddhistiska Samfundet, since 1999 an autonomous sister center based in Sweden.

200640th Anniversary symposium: “Healing & Buddhism.”

2007Robert Goldman authorized to teach by BK. The Berlin Zen group, established in 1975 as a ZC affiliate center, becomes autonomous.