50 Years of Excellence Scott Cochrane

Post on 30-Sep-2015

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A tribute to the 1st 50 years of Scott's life

Transcript of 50 Years of Excellence Scott Cochrane

  • 50 Years of Excellence

    A Tribute to Scott Cochrane

    April 12, 1965

    .Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year?

    In daylights, in sunsets In midnights, in cups of coffee In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, a year in the life?

    From the Broadway Musical RENT/ Seasons of Love

    Over the last 50 years, you made an impact on many peoples lives. The following is

    a tribute to those things that cannot be measured. There are essays, quotes, pictures

    and more.

  • Barbara Cochrane

    How does a mother sum up the first 50 years of her son's life? One word. AWESOME! You are. From your first step at 8 1/2 months you have never stopped being awesome. You have always been your own person: As a kid doing sleepovers at the Y, you didn't know anybody but you wanted to go, so you did and you had a ball In Boy Scouts most of your friends were in a different troop, yours was much smaller but you didn't want to change, and you didn't, and you had a great time in scouts Junior Achievement was another thing you did on your own, not with friends from your school. You met a lot of new people went to a lot of conventions and again had a ball doing what you wanted Then there was swimming. Summer's at Eden Manor and winters at the Y then in college, you did very well and really enjoyed it

  • You were the first one in our family to graduate from college. Growing up, first jobs, always learning, always looking forward. I do remember you told me you were not going to marry and you were not going to have children, but that was before Jena, love changes things That awesome word really shows itself now that you are a husband and father I am so proud of all your accomplishments. You and Jena are raising wonderful children and you are so involved with everything they do. I love seeing that. I don't know if you remember or if you were even there, dad was in the hospital, you had stopped to visit him on your way back from New Jersey. You were talking about the kids, and Boy Scout camp you may have already left, dad commented that "You were doing it right", and you are. The word for you is AWESOME. Love, Mom

  • Erin Santella What to say about Scott....that is difficult to put in a paragraph,,,but I will do my best to get it out of my head and put on paper. Reflecting on 50 years Obviously I have the most memories from growing up together in Lancaster. As dysfunctional as we were, I wasnt aware of it until I moved out. As much as we were different and distant, I looked up to you as my big brother and constant companion for all manner of family get togethers. Some things that stand out and truly make me smile: driving to Caldwell; riding Grandaddys tractor; swim meets (Go Roach!); summertime in Eden Manor - nothing compares to that; playing Coc-Raub; christmas tree tinsel; opening our stockings upstairs; the brown chairs in the living room; yellow Le Car; The McAuleys and The Eastmans coming over for dinner; D&D; Tara, Samantha and Sebastian (the hole in the wall by the staircase); Star Trek, All In The Family, and MASH on TV; YMCA swim meets and the sandwich table before the bus ride home; the crab apple tree; your leather fringed boots; Letti Large (did I spell that right?); Burger King take out; Atari; the Asteroids machine at Pizza Hut.

  • So many memories in the first 25, and so few for the last 25. I hope that changes for the next 25. I wish you a very happy 50th birthday. You have accomplished so much and achieved what truly matters, and that is happiness. I love you, big brother. Xo Erin

    Rebecca Mayr

    One of my memories is sitting at Nana & Granddaddy's house in New Jersey. There

    was a bowl of Christmas ornaments on the table, and Erin and I kept asking Scott &

    Steve what color they were, Of course, they're both colorblind, so we took great

    delight in telling them they were wrong! What mean sisters & cousins we were.

    Scott read my fantasy novel almost before anyone else. It was so great to

    feedback, and he really encouraged me to keep writing.

    This quote always makes me think of Scott:

    Steve Gold

    Happy Birthday to my "Twin Brother from Another Mother"! Remember our

    adventures in Morristown, and as a tribute to Granddaddy on your 50th, arise at

  • 4:30AM so you don't "waste half the day" All the best to you Cuz, and Happy



    Yoda says, Do. Or do not. There is no try.

    Scott Kensey Turning 50 - and watching you do the same - brings back a lot of memories from the past. Bobbi stopping the bus and collapsing on the wheel as we strode up the hill in full Blues Bros regalia. Leaping out the back of the van in Roachkin Liberation Organization camo and demanding treats on Halloween. Construction of the Roachkin Room and the liberation of brownies for it. "The shortest distance between two points... Is the road." Walking the neighborhood at night and listening enthralled to your tales of the 5-to-50 Warsword. Swim meets, adventures in the woods, adventures on Gordy's front porch, "Good Day, I'm Bob McKenzie and this is my brother, Doug. How's it goin, eh?", Roachkin Industries (a paragon of excellence), the Duel at Dawn... So many good times, so many memories, and you were there for them all, Roach. Hope your 50th is a Great One! Scott

  • Lee Popkin I could have written a book. I didnt ! A long time ago in a place far, far away.

    It was a cold January day in 1984 on the sleepy campus of York College [of

    Pennsylvania]. The last day of winter break in the evening and most everyone had

    returned to our lovely institute of higher learning. Well, almost everyone. I had

    met most everyone on the second floor of Laurel mini dorms, my assigned living

    quarters for the next several months, except, I was informed that someone named

    Roach had not yet returned from the land of his awakening. Kevin Macelvyn was

    happy to point out that the white guy he roomed with was not yet present and

    accounted for and that I would for sure want to meet said Roach. Kevin was a

    likeable enough guy, a big Philly brother who always had advice for you from

    shaving tips to women ...at least until the mother ship came to take him away.

    Kevin was Scotts (roachs) roommate, a unique pairing to say the least.

    To this day I am still not certain why they called him Roach. Yes, to those who are

    familiar with his last name it would seem intuitive to go from Cochrane to

    Cochroache. And yet, the nickname Roach was still somewhat odd to me. Was he

  • Roach because to some he resembled some sort of species of bug that could

    withstand a nuclear calamity? While the later may be true to some extent I dont

    believe it was the driving factor.

    I was just in from the University of Miami. Yes, the Hurricanes (Canes). Now you

    may not think this is important but going from the hot and sultry beaches of Miami

    to a cold and grey college campus in central Pennsylvania is no ordinary feet. Only

    I could have managed this and it was heralded as one of the top ten

    accomplishments mistakes of a lifetime. I bring this up because it would become a

    constant a major topic of conversation throughout my time at York. I believe Mr.

    Cochrane would help to perpetuate the Miami transfer, scratch your head and

    wonder in amazement, questions that seemed to follow me all through my days at


    So finally that cold and dreary evening in York Pennsylvania Roach would arrive and

    I would get to meet this person for the first time. I believe the first words out of

    his mouth were, Miami? Why? Whats wrong with this guy? Someone else had

    already filled him in on the newest arrival at Laurel Hall.

    You might ask yourself what the hell does any of this have to do with Scott

    Cochrane as a person? Well, actually it has much to do. Through the two plus

    years I knew Scott at York each day would become an adventure, similar to the first

    day, but never really straying too much from the oddities and consequential

    situational events he would tend to get himself into. Scott would tend to appear at

    times when you least expected. It is recommended that you remove your

    motorcycle helmet prior to knocking on a strangers dorm room door. Scott was

    there when you needed him, for anything.

    My first eight months at York was riddled with bad and impervious, or so I thought,

    decisions. When the bottom would fall out Scott was always there. I may need to

    search him out but he was always willing to listen to the dumb ass mistake(s) I had

    made. Maybe because we werent all that much different, I just generally was able

    to stay under the radar as much as possible limiting casualties.

  • As the years went on I saw Scott grow into someone much different than the

    person I knew in college. Getting married and having a family was the best thing

    for Scott. He is one of the most dedicated husband and father I know. One of

    Scotts best qualities is that there is no pretending to be someone else. What you

    get with Scott is what you get, if you dont like it then move on. The ability to

    accept who we are with our faults and best qualities and to be honest with

    ourselves is rare in a person. The first step in being the best we can be is an

    acceptance of what makes us unique, good or bad. Scott always had the qualities

    which make him such a great person today; it was his family that would really bring

    out those qualities in him.

    Friendships can be difficult to maintain over the years. People change and grow

    hopefully for the better. Our priorities change, lifes daily grind can put us on a

    perpetual merry go round that never seems to slow down or stop. I am glad to

    have this opportunity to express my gratitude for having Scott as a friend for more

    than 31 years.

    .His friendship over the many years is one of the things I value most in life. I

    know if I need Scott hed be there without question regardless of where we are in

    the world or in life. I would do the same for him. I know that he knows

    that. Thats what a true friendship is.

    Happy birthday greetings and salutations my friend!


    PS-- I left out the adult content. Maybe when he turns 100.

  • Christine Dole

    It is hard for me to believe you are turning 50 years old. Where have the years

    gone!! You are a husband, father, and a hard worker, volunteer and family

    visionary. I wish I could say I had a lot to do with all these credentials, but I am still

    just as proud of the person you have become as your parents. I remember fondly

    when you called me to say you wanted to learn how to sail. It was spring and in

    the Northeast the busiest time in a boaters life. I suggested it might be a good

    time to find out what owning a boat was all about! You hopped in your car and

    spent the whole weekend sanding and waxing both sides of Pinnacle 100 of

    work. Your enthusiasm (even on the second day) was exciting to behold and all

    that work did not diminish your desire to be a sailor! Whenever boating seems like

    a lot more work than fun I remember that weekend. After that weekend I knew

    we could always call on you and when we have you have always been there for us.

    We love you for the thoughtful and kind man that you have become.

    Michael Katz

  • I first met Scott "Don't call me Scotty" at CompUSA in 1993 I believe it was. Once we discovered we shared a birth date, April 12th, "happy birthday" replaced hello as our standard greeting from then on. Twenty plus years later we continue that tradition. After parting ways from CompUSA we reunited at AT&T Wireless, where Scott's recommendation was a, if not 'the', contributing factor to me being hired. Scott could always be counted on for a good laugh, I can't remember him ever being in a bad mood and he was always there to cheer other people up when they were. Proud to be your bud, Scott. The couple quotes I posted on the event page were just things I remembered while thinking about the old days. Scott will know what they mean and will surely get a chuckle. I cant quite remember the origin of 'have a coaster' but I believe we were at Chili's when that came about. "Happy birthday, have a coaster!" Mike

  • Vincent Cortorillo How have you been? Im afraid its been way to long and all I can do is offer

    apology for this and let you know that all is well here and Theresa and the boys are

    healthy. Scott has always been the pillar I knew I could always depend on, when

    we drove out here some twenty years ago together, it was the adventure of a

    lifetime and one that I will never forget. We were driving down 78 on our way out

    here and I think we were in Oaklahoma and we began to see all these cows on the

    side of the road and at one point we were so bored that we started to yell

    Mooooooo out the window at the cows, as we past one set of cows in particular,

    Scott yelled Mooo out the window and a group of them stopped and turned and

    look at us. To make a long story short I caught it on tape and still have it to this

    very day will me yelling in the background saying they looked and both of us

    began to crack up laughing, what great memories. If it wasnt for Scott I would

    have to make that five day journey by myself and that trip alone would not have

    been fun at all. We kept each other going for those five days, sometimes driving

    fourteen hours per day and I owe our existence on the west coast to that

    wonderful man, so, from the bottom of my heart please tell that Big Toe of mine

    that I Love Him, I Miss Him and Happy Birthday from the other Big Toe and the not

    so little anymore toes.

    Love To You All,


  • Prophet by Gilbran

    Then Almitra spoke again and said, And what of Marriage, Master?

    But let their be spaces in your togetherness,

    And let the wind of heaven dance between you.

    Love one another, but make not a bond of Love

    Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

  • Dan Fogelberg

    Longer than ther've been fishes in the ocean

    Higher than any bird ever flew

    Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens

    I've been in love with you

    Stronger than any mountain cathedral

    Truer than any tree ever grew

    Deeper than any forest primeval

    I am in love with you

  • I'll bring fire in the winters'

    You'll send showers in the springs

    We'll fly through the falls and summers with love on our wings

    Through the years as the fire starts to mellow

    Burning lines in the book of our lives

    Though the binding cracks

    And the pages start to yellow

    I'll be in love with you

    Lyrics to Longer by Dad Fogelberg

    Derek Brown

    Two of the best memories I have of working with Scott are: 1. No matter what type of day we were having at 4:30pm on 4th floor it was Barq's time. That was our de-stress time. "Yo D its Barq's time!" 2. We had a couple of tickets to work on in MAC3 corporate care. We got off the elevator and walked it telling racial jokes and the whole floor got real quite. We

  • looked around and Scott put his hands in the air and said, calm down everyone--It's not like that, we are really friends. No need for HR!!! (I wish I had pictures.) Tell the old man to have a Happy and Blessed Birthday!! D

    Kristina Elias ..Sometime down the road, we heard this Scott Somebody name.

    Keeping our fingers crossed, we hoped this Scott would be the knight in shining


    He was undeniably that knight that shone. Scott & Jena got married

    outdoors on a hot day (actually on my birthday) in stunning attire. We resided out

    of state, so we saw the happy couple only from time to time. Scott became part

    of the Maryland contingency to the Easter Event in New Jersey. Their children

    enriched their family, causing us smiles. On Athenas birth, I was thrilled to be

  • called early in the morning to watch the other children while Scott and Jena

    drove to the hospital. He was such a gentleman! You would have thought he

    coined the phrase, Keep Calm and Carry On. Those same chivalrous qualities

    prevailed when we had the good fortune to have Christmas dinner at their home.

    Several times - Years later, that knight was still shining for the Renewing of their

    Vows Celebration on their front lawn, too.

    But, I would ask this gentleman to smile for the camera. Maybe thats part of

    the character of a gentleman. That grin should be exposed-

    Our daughter, Nicky caught Scott being ungentlemanly, though. Her

    memory of Scott with Sadie, the Labrador, was not one of a man that regards his

    social position. Rather than pet the dog from above, Scott crawled on the floor,

    wrestled and played with Sadie like a child! Nice to know, this courteous man

    also had a sense of humor. Hes a gentleman with a heart of gold.

    So, wear that armor in humor and wisdom, Scott; a treasured family

    member that we wish you a Happy 50th! And may we be a part of your life

    another half century

    Larry, Kristina and Nicky Elias

  • Mike & Larry Elias

    Beneath his calm demeanor and business-like exterior is a true Gentleman and

    Scholar. In knowing Scott for several decades, we have seen firsthand, his ability

    to study and analyze a situation before expressing his opinion. His defense of a

    position based on fact is challenging to argue against. When confronted with an

    onslaught of aggressive, almost anonymous differing opinion, i.e. at the M.W.,

    (Mens Weekend) Scott not only maintains his steady defense but strives to drive

    home his point, always doing so in a professional manner, void of personal attack.

    Scotts attributes of fairness and understanding, plus his ability to rationally

    consider differing opinions are to be commended. It is with enthusiasm and

    privilege that we proudly exclaim Happy 50th, Sir Scott!

    Larry & Mike Elias

  • Glenn Ray

    Scott Happy 50th Birthday! When ask to write a little something I wasnt sure what to write about. After a little thinking I remembered our trip to London staying at my brother place in Queens Gate. It was a wonderful trip and I have found these pictures. I consider myself

  • lucky to have found a kindred spirt in you and I hope your next 50 years will be filled with just as many grand adventures as the one we had in the UK. Glenn

    John Kollar

    A couple of thoughts without giving up much.

    -- Scott is one of two outlaws welcomed into the MW circle... ...both of which were golf challenged.

    -- In fact, MW introduced Scott to the game of golf 12+ years ago which he embraced... ... and after 12 years now has a respectable three-sleeve handicap.

    -- Interestingly, he accomplished this feat as a 'righty'. Something he's not really comfortable with.

    John Kollar

    Brian Sjoberg

    Happy 50th Birthday!!

  • It has been great getting to know and work with Scott Cochrane over the last 5 years. Mostly this has been through scouting but I know he has been very active in other parts of the community. He has been a great role model to his 3 kids and to many other kids in the community. He is a person that can be trusted and will follow through with flying colors. Scott has actively served the Cub Scout Program as a Den Leader in Pack 115. As a Den Leader he guided the largest Den in the pack from Tigers through 1st Year Webelos. He served as a mentor for both his youth and his fellow Den Leaders of Pack 115. Dedicated to ensuring his Cubs received the full value of the program, he served as the Camp Pack Leader for two fall and three winter camps, fully coordinating the activities and budgets of the events. Scott did not confine his support to the Pack level. For six years he served as Archery Range Master at Camp Tomahawk, ensuring the safety and fun of over 500 Cubs. Under his tutelage over 150,000 arrows safely went down range and over 1100 Bulls Eye awards were presented. He served as Archery Range Master at several Webelos Woods events and has devoted his time to help train and inspire new range leaders. In addition to his Cub activities, Scott has been an active supporter of Troop 731; helping Scouts attain the Eagle rank as a frequent member of Boards of Review. He coordinates Troop 731s annual summer camp outing to Camp Ottari and actively supports the transition from Cubs to Boy Scouts. Outside of Scouting, Scott is active in the community. He has served as a Team Manager and Coach for Destination Imagination teams at the elementary level. In this capacity he has encouraged and mentored young people in an appreciation of the STEM related fields. It has been an honor working with Scott within the Pack level and other community activities. He is a good friend. We are going to miss him at the pack level. Happy 50th Birthday!! Sincerely, Brian Sjoberg

  • Tim Gregory I've known Scott for several years. At times it seems like forever. It will be difficult to summarize Scott in a few sentences. I've worked with him on many projects and events. I know him by several different names: Scott, Range Master, Den Leader, DI team manager, DI coordinator, Merit Badge Counselor. (I'm sure I've called him some less favorable names!!) All of those aliases indicate the work he does for the young people of our community. He is always ready to help the kids. But not just the kids, he always goes out of his way to lend a hand when anyone needs help. I can count on him to be there when I need help moving furniture late at night or draining some beer bottles. He seems like part of our family... Tim "This does not suck."

    Scott Cochrane Quote submitted by Tim Greggory

    Jody Fletcher

    I met Scott the first day I started work for Verizon Wireless, immediately he

    became someone I knew I'd get along with. Not only with his friendly demeanor,

    but his skill at work give me a guide on how to be successful. Since I have no wife

    or children of my own, I haven't had to bring those challenges to him but if I did,

  • his words of wisdom would be well-heeded because he has a great family that are

    his life's focus.

    Jody Fletcher

    Paulette Wood

    When my brother died I didnt celebrate April 12th any more. You gave me a

    reason to celebrate it again. We have always thought of you as family


    Kris Morrissey

    You can tell the character of a man by what kids (or dogs) think of him. Well, our

    boys think Mr. Scott is the epitome of a good person, a great leader, and an adult

    who can be relied upon no matter what. William & Finn think Mr. Scott is the bees

    knees and so do we! Happy 50 - we wish for him 50 more good years -

    A story: One summer, Scott knew Will wanted to help at Camp Tomahawk's

    archery range, but wasn't allowed to because of the age limit (the boy had to be 14

    and Will was only 12 that summer). So, Will participated as a group leader during

    the hottest week of the summer (one of the worst on record) and would take his

    group to the archery range, but couldn't really help there because of the

    rules. Mr. Scott gave Will an arrow head for helping that week and that meant

    more to him than the big awards he got for his work in scouts. He still has that

    arrow head (on his walking stick) and still thinks Mr. Scott is super cool because of



  • John Barzal

    What a pleasure to write as we wish you a happy 50th Birthday! Knowing the

    wonderful approach to and enthusiasm you have for life, youre going to love what

    lies ahead. Welcome to the fifties!

    I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all you do and have done for the

    children of Crofton Woods. Your selfless and humble approach to serving the

    students and families of Crofton Woods is priceless!

    As many people quickly discover, trying to serve a large population of students and

    parents in a volunteer capacity can get complicated very quickly. It takes a special

    kind of person to recognize the challenges and pitfalls involved; one who can keep

    their composure and stay focused on the goal of serving children while helping

    everyone join the cause.

    Your work with our students and families with Destination Imagination and Boy

    Scouts has been priceless! Along with all the other volunteers you have embraced

    to get the job done, youve made a real difference in the lives of our students! Im

    so appreciative of all you have done for our community and the dignity and respect

    you bring to every encounter! Its because of people like you and the selfless

    service you provide that wonderful things happen.

    Thank you!

  • Sincerely,

    John Barzal

    Principal / Crofton Woods Elementary School


    You got a higher score than me on the test. You are the Range Master. ---Larry Peterka

    I really do have any clever Scott-isms to add but he was always a man of his word and a stand-up guy. So Happy 50th Birthday Scott!!!Marc Vaccero

    Happy Birthday Scott!!!! Wow the BIG 5 0!!Pat Woodruff

    Happy b-day ScottDixie Eastman

    Enjoy all the cherry tommatosTeri Gregory

    The first rule of DIIt is whatever color I say it is. Scott Cochrane

    Thanks for letting me sleep on your coach.Mike Burk

    Thanks for the job at Dream Life. John Burk

  • Zefram

    Dad I love you a lot! There are a lot of things you do for me. You take me to baseball games; the mall and the Lego Store; you were my Cub Scout Leader; DI Coach; You are always there for me. Im happy to have you as my Dad.


  • Athena Cochrane

    Dear Most Loving DadI love you so much. Your worth more to me than goldEven diamondsEven Minecract! Speaking of Minecraft thank you for letting me play on your computer. Minecraft is worth a lot but you are worth more to me than anything.

    Love your daughter,


    PSI love you more emeralds (which are very hard to find). I love you sooooooooooooooo much!!!!! I love you more.

  • Alex Cochrane

    My Dad accomplished an achievement that not everyone gets to do--He lived 50

    years. This has been an extraordinary 50 years! I have only been around for about

    14 of those years. This is the time my Dad devoted to raising a family. I have seen

    him give so much to his children and others in that time.

    Having a family sometimes complicates things. My Dad has a good job but he has

    to support 4 other people besides himself. The biggest accomplishment my Dad is

    known for is giving to others. He gives at his job, he gives to his family, and he

    gives to the community. Despite all the time he give, my Dad always seems to

    have time for everybody in his life.

    My Dad has been able to show us how much he cares by supporting all his 3

    children through money and the time he gives. For me, its Cello, Boy Scouts, and

    DI (Destination Imagination). He financed my career in cello playing since I was in

    3rd grade. In addition, he encouraged me through the ranks of Boy Scouts, and

    finally he has been my coach for DI for last 7 years.

    But my Dad doesnt just give to me he gives to my brother and sister too.

    My Dad has supported Zeframs Clarinet career, Cub Scouts and his DI team. My

    Dad started coaching Zeframs DI team a while back in addition to coordinating all

    the DI Teams at Crofton Woods.

  • Finally, my Dad has paid for all my sisters activities. Athena has been able to do

    gymnastics, dance, and Girl Scouts.

    With all of these obligations, my Dad still has money for our entertainment, camps

    and even to become a chaperone for my Canada French Trip.

    But my Dad is good to everyone.

    My Dad has been the go to guy for DI in Crofton. Sometimes he doesnt know

    some of the people that recognize him or ask him for information. But he is

    famous in the Crofton DI Communityand he is famous in Cub Scouts.

    My Dad has sacrificed a lot for his great reputation. He has given his time to help

    out with the community. Even though he has left Cub Scouts he is still

    volunteering for a week at the Archery Range at Camp Tomahawk.

    My Dad has pampered the family a lot. We never want for anything. He has paid

    for our activities, and much more. My Dad has spent about 14 years of the last 50

    years raising a family. I dont know how he does it all including giving back to the

    community. He is a good mad. Life has been very interesting with Dad around. I

    am very lucky.

  • Jena Cochrane

    I guess I get to finally have the last word.

    I never thought I would merry Scott until I was sitting in the tall grass on the side of

    the mountain in Greenwood Lake, NY during our hike. I was getting too close to

    this rugged Marlboros Man with blond hair, blue eyes and chiseled features. He

    was so different. I loved his confidence and the fact he was older than me. I sat

    looking at Scott as the sunlight danced through his hair. That is when I blurted out

    we should only be friends. Better to end this relationship now then to get hurt.

    Later on when Scott moved into my apartment in Lyndhurst NJ, I would find the

    bouquet of dead flowers underneath his bed he intended to give me that very day.

    Seventeen years later we are still together with fifteen years of marriage, three

    kids, and a hefty mortgage. So what makes it work? If you ask Scott he will say it is

    our ability to be brutally honest or he might say, Shes the only one who will put

    up with me. As they say, its never one thing. I believe we get along because

    when we were dating we werent entirely smitten with just the outside package.

    Yes, Scott looked hot in a pair of jeans and made me laugh but there was so much

    more. I loved his brain plus he did laundry! Need I say more ladies? Actually,

    Scott never shied away from domestic chores. (I have his mom to thank for that)

    he cooks, cleans and takes care of the kids. Plus, it didnt matter whether I had

    dyslexia or not. My opinion always counted as much as his. He makes me feel

    smart and I love him for that.

    I met Scott at work, and he tried to get me to go out with him for over a year.

    Despite my hesitation to date someone I worked with I instantly was captivated by

    his work ethic and John Wayne approach to life.

    When we were dating there was a story Scott nonchalantly told me that sealed the

    deal for me. His father was in China for 2 years with Bulova helping the Chinese

    make timing devices for bombs. While he was there, the Tiananmen Square

    massacre of 1989 broke out. Beijing was under lock down with no calls in or out.

    No one knew if Scotts father was going to make it out of China aliveleast of all

    his mom. It was a scary time. Many of us who lived through that period will never

    forget the lone student standing in front of the military tank. At the time, Scott

    was working in Alexandria Virginia and requested time off to go to Lancaster PA to

    be with his mom. His boss said he couldnt guarantee Scott would have a job when

  • he got back. Scott told him without a second thought that he would have to take

    that chance. With that, he jumped on his VMax motorcycle and drove 3 hours

    nonstop to be with his mom. That is the kind of guy Scott is. He is the kind that

    does the right thing because its right and family and relationships always come

    first. Needless to say I was sold.

    Marriage is not always easy but the good memories out way the bad. We both

    work really hard to make it work. At the end of the day, I quite honestly cant

    imagine my life without Scott. When he had his car accident several years ago I

    had to think about that and quite frankly the idea of it makes me shiver.

    So I am here on his 50th birthday to say thank you for all the memories.

    Savage Garden; Mohank Mountain House; AT&T Wireless Services; 80 revival

    concert; Verizon Wireless; 17 years of being my personal tech guy; The French

    Manor; St. Michaels; Walking the halls of Anne Arundel Hospital when I was in

    labor; Monticello, Antietam, DuPont CircleI wasnt asking you; taking care of

    me after surgery; my torn ACL; Alexander; Zefram; Athena, Paris, boating,

    scrambling, not being jealous, bonfires, bike riding; Panama; Richmond; and so

    much more.

    {Scott--Sometimes, I want to have adventures and you keep reminding me the

    biggest adventure of my life is with you. I truly madly deeply love you more each

    dayand I love you more than the day I met you. I hope we make it 50 years and we

    celebrate your 100th together. I love you sarcasm and all.}

    Quiet Cool

    Quiet Cool is a place deep inside you. Quiet from the stress of our world, Cool from the heat of the negative. Tao, Ka, The Force, Chi, they all flow from here. It is a sunny clearing in a forest. Tall ferns, bright flowers and cool green grass on the ground, sun shinning through the trees. A brook runs close at hand. There is no noise here, no stress, and no concern. Here peace resides, calm reigns. You can lie in the sun for hours, contemplating nothing. Time has no power over this place. If you listen closely, you can hear the sighs of the leaves as they are caressed by the lightly flowing breeze. In the near distance, you can discern the sounds of chirping birds, crickets in the grass, the brook flowing over some stones into the pool by your feet. You are totally at peace here. You are one with the world. No negative

  • forces can affect you here. Total peace, total health, total serenity, no chaos, everything centered.

    We are all born into Quiet Cool. As we grow in this world, we are forced from Quiet Cool, knocked off-center by the

    experiences that define our lives.

    Leave Quiet Cool, and your world rules you

    Enter Quiet Cool, and you are immortal, invincible, and truly master over your own destiny