5 ways to reduce the energy bill of your carillon lakes home

Post on 02-Jun-2015

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http://petranorris.tumblr.com/post/98848622011/5-ways-to-reduce-the-energy-bill-of-your-carillon-lakes http://www.lakelandfl-homesforsale.com/ - Follow these simple tips that can give you huge savings on your Carillon Lakes home’s annual energy costs. Call me, Petra Norris, at (863) 619-6918 or send me an email at petra@petranorris.com if you’re looking for a Lakeland Florida real estate agent with superior local knowledge, experience, professionalism, integrity, and personal service to help you sell or buy Carillon Lakes homes for sale.

Transcript of 5 ways to reduce the energy bill of your carillon lakes home

5 Ways to Reduce the Energy Bill of Your Carillon Lakes Home

Does saving $660 a year on the energy bills of your Carillon Lakes home sound good? Of course it does, but is it possible?

Here are 5 ways you can reduce your energy bill and save around $660 a year on energy expenses (and help save the environment, too!). Savings estimates are from U.S. Department of Energy and EPA.

1. Seal and Caulk Air Leaks.

Buy a few can of caulk that matches the color of your exterior walls and make it a project over the weekend to seal any cracks and crevices in your home’s exterior walls.

Savings: up to $220/ year.

2. Replace light bulbs.

Replace your light bulbs with LED or CFL light bulbs. LEDs are better since they do not contain mercury. Although LEDs are more expensive, they save you a huge amount in terms of energy costs in the long run.

Savings: $75/ year for replacing 5 most frequently-used light bulbs.

3. Hire an HVAC professional.

An HVAC contractor will take a look at your ductwork to check for leaks and will give you a HVAC tune-up.

Savings: up to $330/ year for duct sealing and tune-up.

4. Program Your Thermostat

According to Shelton Group CEO Suzanne Shelton, up to 40% of homeowners do not program their thermostat to energy-saving settings.

Savings: $180/ year

5. Reduce Your Water Heater’s Temperature

Set your water heater’s temperature to 120 degrees instead of the 140 degrees that most heaters are set to. A drop of 20 degrees could save as much as 6% to 10% on your water heating costs every year, which makes up 14% to 18% of your Carillon Lake home’s utility bills. Wrapping your water heater and hot water pipes with insulating material can also save on heat loss.

Savings: $18-$39 per year.

Aside from these money and energy-saving tips, you could also do simple things to conserve energy like unplugging chargers when not in use, turning off and unplugging computers, TVs, and other devices instead of putting them on sleep mode, and reprogramming your thermostat to daylight savings time.

These simple tips, when added up, can give you huge savings on your Carillon Lakes home’s annual energy costs.

Call me, Petra Norris, at (863) 619-6918 or send me an email at petra@petranorris.com

if you’re looking for a Lakeland Florida real estate agent

with superior local knowledge, experience, professionalism, integrity, and personal service

to help you sell or buy Carillon Lakes homes for sale.
