5 Ways To Help You Stay Positive As You Wait For Your Hair To Grow Back

Post on 20-Sep-2014

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Transcript of 5 Ways To Help You Stay Positive As You Wait For Your Hair To Grow Back

Remember I shared how helpless and desperate I felt when my hair was snipped too short and then falling off

like 30-40 strands almost every day? And it was agonizing waiting yet not knowing if whatever expensive hair

products or specialist hair treatments I was using would surely give me fabulous hair. Many times I had imagined

myself turning bald and imagined how ugly I could become.

It was a very emotional journey for me, and I believe it would be the same for those of us who are going through

the same dilemma. Indeed, it was painful to cope with.

Still, it was not a dead-end. After some time I thought, since I have to go through this journey, why not make the

best of it, the best I can, the best I know how.

Once you choose to take charge of your situation and make it more positive than negative, you will eventually

see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So I decided to figure out ways I may be able to cope while waiting for my hair to grow and I hope what I share here

can help you in some way or another.

#1 Get expert advice

How can I get my hair back at the fastest speed possible? The last time it took me ages to grow even until shoulder

length, and now it's gone again! And why is my hair falling off?

At this point I feel it is best to get expert advice from a reliable and trusted specialist if need be and yes, this is

usually costly and may take more than one visit. But it is necessary to know what is happening and what to do next.

And a hair test can be done too.

You can also find out what products or treatments you can choose, generally it is either natural or chemically induced. Well, I have tried expensive products and treatments but to keep doing this burned a huge hole in my wallet. Then I went all natural (homemade). This also took commitment,

discipline, loving care and patience.

#2 Focus on other parts of your face or body.

While waiting for my hair to grow, I read books and searched online on how I can improve my overall looks. This will be the perfect time to pick up and use all the

tricks from your make up kit and other cosmetics to make your overall appearance look great.

If you like, you may even go for a crash beauty course to learn the proper use of eye liners, eye shadows, lipsticks

and what-have-you to flatter your facial features and make you look great.

Then skin care products like lotions and sunscreens can help protect your skin to give your skin a healthy glow and

radiance. And remember to let your inner self and personality shine too!

#3 Doing what makes you happy

What do you love doing? Do you have any favorite hobbies? Doing the stuff you like keeps you feeling upbeat, cheerful and positive. Doing what you love like meditation,

exercise, cooking, baking, getting a spa, a manicure or what about something really thrilling like bungee jumping,

sky diving, or take up a course to boost self-confidence?

How about simple things like a stroll on the beach, catching sunsets, picnics or cycling with friends? Keeping yourself upbeat and positive with great or even simple

activities, is definitely a lot better than burying your mind in anxiety and worry. Worrying gets nothing done like a

rocking chair, it just rocks you back and forth. Get off that rocking chair!

#4 Watch your diet

Eat the right stuff! I don't mean you go on a crash diet. Eat in moderation but more importantly, nourish yourself with

food that contains protein and iron along with essential vitamins and minerals.

Everyone loves food but if you are the one where everything goes be it healthy or not, this could be a

serious step in your lifestyle that you need to change or make some sacrifices.

#5 Talk to someone

Talk or confide in someone you trust. For me, confiding in a close friend, letting her know how I felt did help me to

cope better. Some may join a group of people with similar problems. Maybe that will help you too, that you are not

alone, that you are not the only one experiencing hair loss. Sometimes, these are the people who will lift you up

because they know exactly what you are going through. Some may also feel better after writing down about their

feelings. Who knows, this might work for you too.

I feel most importantly, is not forgetting who you are inside. Who is this awesome personality inside? Let it


It is natural and alright to break down. Then pick yourself up again and do the stuff that keeps you cheerful and

positive. There must be some blessings in your life to be grateful for. Smile a lot more. Laugh a lot more too and I

am sure you have heard that laughter is the best medicine!
