5 th Grade ROCKS!. This is my 18 th year teaching! I’m married and have a brown toy poodle named...

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 5 th Grade ROCKS!. This is my 18 th year teaching! I’m married and have a brown toy poodle named...

Welcome Poor’s Pirates!

5th Grade ROCKS!

Get to Know Mrs. Poor

This is my 18th year teaching!

I’m married and have a brown toy poodle named Bella.

I’m a U.K. fan.

Bella helps me with school work.

Okay, really she just sits in my lap.


I’m one of your

math teachers.


I’m one of the Girls

on the Run coaches!


Mr. Bessler is your

other math teacher!

He’s multi-talented!

LITERACY Mrs. Day will be your

reading/writing teacher.

She and Bella are friends.

Mrs. Greely

You’ll see Mrs. Greely all the time!

She’s a great teacher!

Mrs. Neltner You’ll see Mrs. Neltner all the time!

She’s our neighbor!

8:35-9:35 Math

9:35-10:35 Math Lab with Mr.


10:35-10:45 Brain Break

10:45-12:45 Reading with Mrs.


12:45-1:10 Lunch

1:10-1:20 Recess

1:20-2:20 Social Studies

2:20-3:10 Specials

3:10-3:20 Planners/Rewards

Our Schedule:

5th Grade Homework The homework packet comes home

every Friday with the newsletter.

The packet will include a Reading Log; your homework is to meet your AR goal.

Sometimes you will have additional homework, as needed.

5th Grade Homework

• You must read 30 minutes a night, 5 nights a week.

• Your Reading Log is due on Thursdays and must be signed by a parent/guardian.

• Show your planner to your parents nightly and get it signed.

FIVE 5th Grade Rules

• Rule 1: Follow directions QUICKLY.

FIVE 5th Grade Rules

• Rule 2: Raise your hand (or hook) for permission to speak.

FIVE 5th Grade Rules• Rule 3: Raise your hand for

permission to leave your seat.

FIVE 5th Grade Rules

• Rule 4: Make SMART


FIVE 5th Grade Rules

• Rule 5: Keep your dear TEACHERS happy!

COYOTES Behavior System

C – + O – Y – + O – T – 2 laps + note home E – 4 laps + note home S – All laps + note home

Class Behavior REWARDS!

Full marble jar = class

reward (like a movie)

Behavior REWARDS!

Earn TICKETS for being AWESOME!

helping others



good grades


TICKETS are drawn for the prize box!

Behavior REWARDS!

Earn STICKERS for your sticker chart by being on C or O at the end of the day!

A full sticker chart gets you coupons!

No homework!

Use a pen!Wear a hat! Test bonus


Please Volunteer!

Complete the background check form in the office to volunteer at school and on field trips.

These expire after 5 years.

Please let Mrs. Poor know if you can come in to do copies!

I hope you are looking forward to a fun year of learning and friendship!

and a fresh st

art!Welcome to a

new year

I’m glad you’re in my class!