5 Queens Problem on 8x8 Chessboard With Easy Solutions

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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The simplest mechanism to find a solution for placing 5 queens on an 8x8 chess board is to randomly select two columns and swap them. You no need to trick for any code or go behind a fuzzy algorithm. Simply swap queens over the board to find solutions.

Transcript of 5 Queens Problem on 8x8 Chessboard With Easy Solutions


It's a little classic puzzle with 5 queens on an 8x8 chess board. The objective is to place the all the five queens on to

the board without attacking each other.

● The Five queens puzzle has 65 distinct solutions.

● There can be many possible ways to sought out the solutions.

● One such easy method would be the following, where one can easily drag the queens over the board and find the solution.

● For those not familiar with chess pieces, the queen is able to attack any square on the same row, any square on the same column, and also any square on either of the diagonals

Take a 8x8 chess board, place the first queen on the first row, first column, first cell.

Now, take the second queen (Q2) place it on the second row, first column, first cell. Verify, the queens attack each other.

Now, move one step forward. Place it on the second cell and verify.

Not Matched!

Again move one step forward and verify. Perfectly positioned.

Now, lets place the 3rd queen. As we did earlier, place the queen on the third row, first column and keep dragging until you find the position where, the Q3 is not attacked by Q1 and Q2.

Similarly, let us find the positions of Q4 and Q5.

We obtain the first solution as simple as that. Perfectly positioned all five queens on board without attacking each other.

Continue the process moving the Q1 to the second column in the first row, and try placing the other queens dragging them on the respective cells on the board.

By doing so, I had sort out 15 more solutions on the 8x8 board with 5 queens.

Want some more challenge?

Play 5 Queens Puzzle Now!

This is some what tricky as you are about to find a solution to cover all squares placing all 5 queens on board.

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