5 Principles To Having a Biz That LOVES YOU BACK

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 5 Principles To Having a Biz That LOVES YOU BACK

5 Principles To Having a Biz


Don’t just grow your business, LET YOUR BUSINESS GROW YOU!

ling wong | www.business-soulwork.com

  A Note From Ling

I am a Misfit Rebel Maverick… always have been, always will be. I have cut off my limbs to fit into “other

people’s boxes” and now I say “NO MORE!” for all of us.

What tripped me off and caused me to go through years of cutting off my limbs and fitting in a box was not

knowing what was possible for me, and how I could express myself – fully and unapologetically – without

ending up on the street… Now I want to show you, that it’s POSSIBLE!

A New Paradigm of Business Artistry

Staying within the confines of a prescribed way of doing things was oppressive. I decided to take the leap and put all of me in my business. I decided to stop chasing my tail on the hamster wheel – even though the fears of not knowing enough or missing out creeps up from time to time. I decided that there would be no compromise. I decided to jump off the cliff while still looking for the “how to make a parachute” manual. I decided to walk away from what has been working and create something new and different. Something GUTSY. Something wild.

I am by no means “got-it-all-figured-out” and sitting pretty somewhere on a pedestal. I am knee deep in this whole process that will keep evolving. I am ready to face plant and be proud of it.

During this process, I learned that mustering up the guts to jump off the cliff and letting go of the “what is supposed to be” is where the rubber meets the road. The taking action and marketing bit happens after there is inner alignment and clarity.

The more inner work I do, the more I marry personal growth with business, the faster both grow. This experience has been life-changing for me, and I have coined “Business Soulwork” for the work/magic/transformative journey that is now my schtick.

To awesomeness together, xoxo, ling

p.s. you can read more about me at http://business-soulwork.com/about-2/

  Before We Start…

Keep this in mind:

Bad news: there is no magic potion when it comes to building a fulfilling business.

Good news: you will get there if you are determined to put in the time and the work. If you are ready to ask the tough questions, face your fears and embrace your Truth.

Get these in your system before you dig in:

  Commitment §  Commit to your vision

§  Commit to yourself

§  Commit to making it happen

  Decision §  Decide to become the person you want to be – act from that place

§  Decide to step up and be awesome, no matter what

  Trust §  Trust that the universe has your back

§  Trust that if you have the desire, you will figure out the “how”

§  Trust that you have it in you, and YOU CAN DO IT

Everything is a CHOICE – a conscious DECISION. What do YOU really WANT?

We cool? Let’s go…

  #1 Make Art Have Fun

What is the point if you are not having FUN? (Get a J.O.B., at least you get health insurance…)

Get Messy, See What Happens – CREATE POSSIBILITIES

Embrace Chance Encounters, Be Pleasantly Surprised

Follow Your BLISS, Trust Your Gut

Indulge | Laugh | Fly


Choose YOU

What if you build your business

like you are making art…

as a form of SELF EXPRESSION?

  #2 Tap Into Your Brilliance

Tap into the FLOW – do what makes you say HELL YEAH!

Take a Stand, Express Your Value, SHINE


BELIEVE In Your Truth

Dare To be Loud | Dare To Be Seen | Dare To Be Big

Claim your genius, share your gift, do something GUTSY

LIVE Your Purpose, Own Your Superpower

Achieve FULFILLMENT Through Business

  #3 Make Sales, Seriously

Truth: if you have no product or service to OFFER, if you don’t make any sales conversation, you have no REVENUE and you don’t have a business.

Ouch. But true.

Calling a spade a spade here… if you are in “business”, you are in the business of marketing and making sales.

Be proud of your contribution to the world.

Money is just a green “thank you”. Respect the energy of equal exchange.

REVENUE is a reflection of your IMPACT

  #4 Get Over Your “Money Hang-Ups”

How you do money is how you do everything.

Stop letting money (or lack of) lead your choices.

Money is just a number in your bank account if it’s not growing YOU

Bust Your Beliefs, GET OVER YOURSELF

Invest In Your TRUTH

Know Your Boundaries

Empower Your Voice

Respect Your Value

  #5 Be YOU, Be YOUnique

(5a) Stop Me-Too Business and Marketing

Stop Overwhelm :: Work Smart, Not Hard

Know Your “Big Why”, Ask the Tough Questions

Get Clarity; Prioritize; Do only what brings you closer to YOUR VISION


Dare to be “That” breath of fresh air everyone is waiting for

Question the Rules

Explore a Different Perspective

  #5 Be YOU, Be YOUnique

(5b) Step Out Of the Comparison Trap

Have Your Own Definition of Success

Know Your Truth, Trust Your Instinct

Only YOU can write your own success story

Focus on your own path… you are going to bump your head or end up in the wrong place if you are watching others,

instead of where YOU are going.


Diggin’ This? Don’t Hoard the Good Stuff!

Send your peeps over to www.business-soulwork.com/biz-love so they can grab their very own copy!

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