5 mins – finish off spidergram from Monday’s lesson on US Military Tactics during the Vietnam...

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 5 mins – finish off spidergram from Monday’s lesson on US Military Tactics during the Vietnam...

5 mins – finish off spidergram from Monday’s lesson on US Military Tactics during the

Vietnam War… use pages 358-359 Walsh

US tactics in Vietnam 1965-1972


l weapons

Search &




The Strategic Hamlet Program


Why do you think the US helped the S.

Vietnamese Gov move many S.

Vietnamese peasants into

fortified “hamlets” like this one? How would people

have felt about this?End123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960

• The 1961-63 “Strategic Hamlet Program” was a HUGE failure…

• S. Viet. peasants were very angry at being moved off their land and homes into fortified villages..

• It has been estimated that membership of the Viet Cong in S. Vietnam GREW by 300% following the initiative!

• After 1963 the program was stopped…

Vietnam War tactics (US)



The plan for today….

review US tactics in the Vietnam war

look at our Homework Task for next week – due Mon 12 May

design a Vietcong poster/leaflet to lower the morale of US soldiers

describe and analyse the guerrilla tactics of the Viet Cong

Retreat when the enemy attacks; raid when the enemy camps; attack when the enemy tires;

pursue when the enemy retreats

The “rules” of guerrilla warfare

• Why did the N. Vietnamese use guerrilla tactics?

• What was the aim of these tactics?• Do you know of any other wars

where these tactics have been used?


Vietnam War tactics (Vietnam)

5 mins – read Walsh page 356 and write down 5-6 bullets on key additional bits of information about the Viet Cong & their

tactics5 MINS


The plan for today….

review US tactics in the Vietnam war

look at our Homework Task for next week – due Mon 12 May

design a Vietcong poster/leaflet to lower the morale of US soldiers

describe and analyse the guerrilla tactics of the Viet Cong

5 mins – design a

poster or a leaflet to scare US soldiers

and make them want

to leave Vietnam…



The plan for today….

review US tactics in the Vietnam war

look at our Homework Task for next week – due Mon 12 May

design a Vietcong poster/leaflet to lower the morale of US soldiers

describe and analyse the guerrilla tactics of the Viet Cong

Review: imagine that

you were a US solider in Vietnam?

What would have most

worried you about Viet

Cong tactics? How would you have tried to stay alive?