5 FACE YOGA POSES TO TRY RIGHT NOW!€¦ · Try these now and in less than five minutes you will...

Post on 20-Jun-2020

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Transcript of 5 FACE YOGA POSES TO TRY RIGHT NOW!€¦ · Try these now and in less than five minutes you will...






I have been teaching the Face Yoga Method for almost two decades and one of the most

common questions I am asked is: what are the top Face Yoga poses!

I have almost 70 Face Yoga Method poses and they are each great in their own ways,

but if I had to choose, these would be the top five poses I would recommend to get you

quick results with Face Yoga.

Try these now and in less than five minutes you will have an all-over glow!


Hi! I’m Fumiko Takatsu, best-selling author and internationally leading Face Yoga teacher.


In this 5 minute routine you will have:

• Delivered vital nutrients to your entire face, creating a youthful glow

• Undone damage and tightness from working at a desk or phone all day

• Relieve stress from the neck and shoulders

• Toned your entire face with Face Yoga!

• Bonus: You probably laughed at yourself too!

Repeat each pose for a count of three breaths. Face Yoga Method when

done properly cannot cause more wrinkles, this is a misconception from

those that have not tried it. For best results, we recommend you moisturize

with a light cream or oil before and after Face Yoga practice and to hydrate

internally with water as well.

Enjoy your five minutes of self-care!


Tips To Get You Started


The BIG “O” ™1This pose is fantastic for all over blood circulation and is perfect for warming up

the face for practice and giving a radiant glow! Plus, it’s great for the cheeks!

Open your mouth by dropping

your jaw and make an “O” shape

with your mouth by pressing

your upper lip area against

your teeth.

Feel the smoothening sensation

under your eye area.

Hold this for 10 seconds.

Repeat 2 more sets.

• Smoothes your nasolabial

fold lines.

• Increases blood circulation

throughout your entire face

and neck areas.

• Don’t tighten your jaw or chin

area. Instead, when you open

your mouth, drop your jaw.







Yummy Face™2I wish I had known this pose because it instantly makes you look happier. When you

look happier, people around you treat your accordingly. A real life changer.

Smile, making sure both

corners of your mouth are

at the same level.

Stick your tongue out as if

trying to touch the tip of

your nose.

Hold for 3 seconds.

Slowly move your tongue to

the right, pushing it out and up.

Hold for 3 seconds.

Slowly move your tongue to

the left, pushing it out and up.

Hold for 3 seconds.

Repeat 2 more sets.

• Lifts up the corners of your

mouth, which makes you look

young and happy.

• Make sure to hold your smile

throughout this exercise.












Swan Neck™3I love this pose because sometimes when I sit in front of a computer for a long time I

feel the tightness in my neck area. This pose helps open up your neck, reduce tension

and tighten a sagging neck and jawline.

• Tightens up your neck and jawline.

• Prevents a sagging neck and

double chin.

• After the pose, make sure to smile to

smooth out your mouth and lip areas.

• Move your gaze first and then let your body

follow your gaze. This prevents discomfort

or pain in your neck area.

• Keep your forehead relaxed.


Move your gaze to the

upper right about 45 degrees,

then turn your head in the

same direction.

Pucker your mouth and move

it to the right.

Feel the stretch on the left

front of your neck.

Hold for 5 seconds.

Move everything back to

the center.

Move your gaze to the upper left

about 45 degrees, then move

your head in the same direction.

Pucker your mouth and

move it to the left.

Hold for 5 seconds.

Move everything back

to the center.

Repeat 2 more sets.

Come out of the pose

and smile.













The Detox™ (Hands Free)4The perfect morning pose. I love to do this one in the morning when I want to wake

myself up or when I get a little bit stressed out. This pose releases all that tension

we build up inside of us. Powerful pose!

Breathe in through your nose,

stick your tongue out, and

breathe out vigorously through

your mouth saying “haaaaaa”.

Breathe out completely.

Repeat 2 more sets.

• Detoxifies your mind and body.

• Promotes a better complexion.

• Uplifts your mood.

• Relax your forehead.

• Breathe out completely.

• You don’t have to vocalize this

pose, but if you do, you will

receive greater benefits.






The Mini Face Lift™5This pose is fantastic for all over blood circulation and is perfect for warming up

the face for practice and giving a radiant glow! Plus, it’s great for the cheeks!

Put your right arm at a 45

degree angle from your side,

breathe in, and lift your left

hand up to the ceiling.

Sit tall, open your chest,

and relax your shoulders.

Breathe in and bend your left

hand down over your head,

placing your ring finger at

the corner of your right eye

and your middle finger on

your temple.

Open your chest and

breathe out.

Breathe in through your nose,

bend your head to the left,

and breathe out through

your nose.

With shoulders relaxed,

breathe in through your nose

and stick your tongue out

to the left toward the floor.

Breathe out completely

through your mouth

saying “haaaa”.

Come out of the pose and rest

for 3 seconds.

Repeat on the other side.

• Lifts up the sides of your face.

• Reduces and prevents nasolabial

folds and droopy eyelids.

• Keep your shoulders relaxed.

• Keep your arm at a 45 degree angle.










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How does your face feel after this quick routine? Ready to experience even more

benefits with Face Yoga? I have combined the perfect daily routines for you to do

each day to take years off your face!

Face yoga is a super product that educates us, discipline and inspires

us to seek the beauty that is within us. I’m happy to have it.

You build us up from the inside. So many times I read the

comment about glowing. And I think that glow is a light

from the inside and it comes out of you. Because if you

are not happy inside, you are not going to glow in the

same way.

I am so thankful for Fumiko for having a big heart to share her gift of face yoga. It gives

me hope and confidence that I can slow down the aging process. It has boosted my self

esteem even I am not done with the program knowing that I have a chance to correct

the disappointing and depressing signs of aging. It gives me encouragement to continue

finishing the program and repeating it again. I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT FACE YOGA.

It has become my lifestyle. Thank you Fumiko.





Get an Exclusive Discounton the best-sellingFace Yoga Method eBook!


Meet Fumiko Takatsu, Founder of the Face Yoga Method

I’ll never forget looking in the mirror and not recognizing the woman looking back at me…

When I was in my early thirties, at the height of discovering who I was and finding true love,

I had a fateful car accident which left my face and body completely misaligned.

I had always struggled with my skin, spending the majority of my youth hiding severe acne

with makeup. Even at age nine, my brothers pooled their allowance to buy me an anti-

blemish device because I was so embarrassed by my skin.

But this was different.

I no longer recognized the face in the mirror- a mouth that once smiled was completely

misaligned and I felt I had aged a decade in an instant. No amount of makeup could hide

my insecurities.

I knew I had to take action, and as I was recovering my body, it clicked. Our face has muscles

just like the rest of our body and we can tone and shape them to achieve a desired look.

I have dedicated nearly two decades to empowering women with the Face Yoga Method.

I never want another woman to feel stuck, unhappy, or insecure about her face or her age.

I want everyone to know that there is a 100% natural way to fix almost any facial concern:

*Asymmetry *Eye Bags

*Winkles *Acne

*Thin lips *Even paralysis reduction

With regular practice, this method can help them all. I give you simple, easy to follow poses,

tips, and decades of experience to give you a method that works for every face every time.

I’ve been where you are and I’ve seen millions of lives changed with the

Face Yoga Method.

You may think that plastic surgery is the only route,

but it isn’t.

Change Your Face.

Change Your Life.

Fumiko Takatsu