5 Essential Strategies Women Use To Stay Thin

Post on 12-May-2015

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Want To Know The 5 Essential Strategies Women Use To Stay Thin?

Transcript of 5 Essential Strategies Women Use To Stay Thin

Essential StrategiesWomen Use To Stay Thin5

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Eat To Satisfy...Not To Stuff❶

At the half way point when you’re eating your next meal, put your fork down and ask yourself how satisfied do you feel.

Just because there’s still food on your plate doesn’t mean you have to eat it all.

They ControlTheir Hunger

On one of your busy days intentionally postpone lunch by 30 minutes to an hour. Or if that’s a little too challenging try skipping an afternoon snack one day.

You'll see that even though your hungry you can still function just fine.

Have Other Outlets For Their Emotions

Emotional eating can really take a toll on your waistline. A good strategy to use is to think of the word “Halt”.

Other than using it to stop yourself from eating the whole bag of chips, it’s actually an acronym that stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired.

If you're truly hungry, choose a healthy snack, such as a handful of trail mix. If you're angry, lonely, or tired, find different calorie-free solutions to fit your emotional needs.

They Have AnEating Routine

Having a variety of foods is great, however, having too much variety may cause you to overindulge. Try and find your “food groove” which is basically being consistent with your major meals.

It's okay to add grilled chicken to your salad one day and tuna the next, but by sticking to a predictable meal schedule, you limit the risk to overindulge.

They Don’t Sit Still

Slim people are active an extra 2 1/2 hours per day.

Studies have shown that women often overestimate how active they really are. Most of them spend 16 to 20 hours a day just sitting!

Strap on a pedometer on an average day, and see how close you get to the recommended 10,000 steps.

You should combine 30 minutes of exercise with a variety of healthy habits.

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