[5] Enrichment, Cultivation, and Detection of Reductively...

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[5] Enrichment, Cultivation, and Detection ofReductively Dechlorinating Bacteria



Strategies and procedures for enriching, isolating, and cultivatingreductively dechlorinating bacteria that use chloroorganic compounds asmetabolic electron acceptors from environmental samples are described.Further, nucleic acid‐based approaches used to detect and quantifydechlorinator (i.e., Dehalococcoides)‐specific genes are presented.


A diverse group of bacteria use (poly)chlorinated aromatic and aliphat-ic compounds as terminal electron acceptors in their energy metabolism(Loffler et al., 2003). This process, termed metabolic reductive dechlorina-tion, involves energy capture from reductive dechlorination reactions.Other terms, including chlororespiration, dehalorespiration, and chlorido-genesis, have also been applied to describe growth‐coupled reductive de-chlorination. Chlororespiration (Loffler et al., 1996) and dehalorespiration

METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY, VOL. 397 0076-6879/05 $35.00Copyright 2005, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(05)97005-5

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(Maymo‐Gatell et al., 1997) were introduced to indicate that energy cap-ture from reductive dechlorination reactions involves respiratory mechan-isms. Chloridogenesis (He et al., 2003b) is a more broadly defined term thatencompasses electron transport across a membrane, as well as substratelevel phosphorylation, as modes of energy capture. Metabolic reductivedechlorination properly describes these processes, and the abbreviationMRDBs (for metabolic reductively dechlorinating bacteria) is used here.

Metabolic reductive dechlorination as an energy‐yielding reaction isintriguing because the anthropogenic release of chlorinated chemicals intothe environment started less than a century ago. It remains a commonbelief that the capability to perform metabolic reductive dechlorinationarose within the last century in response to anthropogenic pollution. Al-though the origin and evolution of metabolic reductive dechlorination arecurrently unclear, it is obvious that biogeochemical chlorine cycles existedfor billions of years. A variety of chloroorganic compounds are producednaturally, suggesting metabolic reductive dechlorination represents anancient lifestyle (Haggblom and Bossert, 2003; Loffler et al., 2003).

Bacteria capable of metabolic reductive dechlorination include mem-bers of numerous genera, including Desulfomonile, Dehalobacter,Desulfuromonas, Geobacter, Sulfurospirillum (formerly Dehalospirillum),Clostridium, Desulfitobacterium, Desulfovibrio, Anaeromyxobacter, andDehalococcoides (Bouchard et al., 1996; Chang et al., 2000; DeWeerdet al., 1990; Holliger et al., 1998; Luijten et al., 2003; Sanford et al., 1996,2002; Scholz‐Muramatsu et al., 1995; Smidt and de Vos, 2004; Sun et al.,2000, 2001, 2002; Sung et al., 2003; Utkin et al., 1994). The discovery ofthese bacteria prompted great interest in the bioremediation community totreat sites contaminated with (poly)chlorinated compounds (Ellis et al.,2000; Lendvay et al., 2003; Major et al., 2002). The spectrum of chlorinatedcompounds used as growth‐supporting electron acceptors by MRDBs isstrain specific and spans an array of chloroorganic compounds, includingmany priority pollutants (Table I).

Some MRDBs exhibit physiological diversity and utilize a varietyof electron acceptors, whereas others have very restricted metaboliccapabilities. For instance, Anaeromyxobacter species exhibit great versa-tility and respire oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, oxidized metal species, fuma-rate, and halophenols (He and Sanford, 2002, 2003; Sanford et al., 2002).Dehalococcoides and Dehalobacter species, in contrast, require the pres-ence of very specific chloroorganic compounds for energy generation,and no alternative growth‐supporting electron acceptors have beenshown to suffice (Adrian et al., 2000; He et al., 2003b; Holliger et al.,1998; Maymo‐Gatell et al., 1997, 1999; Sun et al., 2002). Similar diversityis seen regarding electron donor requirements. Sulfurospirillum and





electron acceptors




donor(s)b Reference

Anaeromyxobacter 2‐ Chlorophenol Phenol H2 Ac Sanford et al . (2002)

2,6 ‐Dichlorophenol Phenol

Clostridium PCE, TCE cis‐DCE H2 ntc Chang et al. (2000)

Dehalobacter PCE, TCE cis‐DCE H2 — Holliger et al. (1998); Schumacher

et al. (1997); Sun et al. (2002)1,1,1‐Trichloroethane Chloroethane

Dehalococcoides Chloroethenes DCEs, VC, ethene H2 — Adrian et al . (2000); Bunge et al.

(2003); Fennell et al. (2004);

Griffin et al . (2004); He et al . (2003b, 2005);

Maymo‐Gatell et al. (1997); Ritalahti and

Lo ffler (2004); Wu et al . (2002)

Chloropropanes Propene

Chlorobenzenes Chlorobenzenes


Desulfitobacterium PCE, TCE TCE, cis‐DCE H2 — Bouchard et al . (1996);

De Wildeman et al . (2003);

Neumann et al . (1994, 2004);

Sanford et al . (1996);

Smidt et al . (2000); Utkin et al. (1994)

Chlorophenols Phenol, chlorophenols

1,2‐Dichloroethane Ethene

Desulfomonile 3‐Chlorobenzoate Benzoate H2 — DeWeerd et al. (1991);

Sun et al. (2001)2‐Chlorophenol Phenol

Desulfovibrio 2‐Chlorophenol Phenol — Ace Sun et al. (2000)

Desulfuromonas PCE, TCE cis‐DCE — Ac Krumholz (1997); Sung et al. (2003)

Geobacter PCE, TCE cis‐DCE H2f Ac De Wever et al. (2000);

Sung and Loffler (2004)Trichloroacetate Dichloroacetate

Sulfurospirillum PCE, TCE cis‐DCE H2 — Luijten et al. (2003);

Scholz‐Muramatsu et al. (1995)

aAlso indicated is the ability to derive reducing equivalents for reductive dechlorination from acetate and/or H2 oxidation.bNote that some populations are more versatile and use a variety of organic compounds as electron donors.cNot tested.dOnly a limited number of congeners have been tested, and growth‐linked dechlorination has not been always unequivocally established.eDesulfovibrio dechloracetivorans couples acetate oxidation to 2‐chlorophenol reductive dechlorination but not to sulfate reduction.f Geobacter (formerly Trichlorobacter) thiogenes does not use H2 as an electron donor.






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Anaeromyxobacter species, for instance, utilize a variety of organic electrondonors and H2 (Luijten et al., 2003; Sanford et al., 2002; Scholz‐Muramatsuet al., 1995), whereas Dehalococcoides populations are strictly hydrogeno-trophic (i.e., require H2 as an electron donor) (Adrian et al., 2000; He et al.,2003b; Maymo‐Gatell et al., 1997). Importantly, a shared characteristicamong known MRDBs is the ability to derive reducing equivalents fromH2, acetate, or both substrates to reduce the chlorinated electron acceptor(Table I). The physiological properties of reductively dechlorinating popu-lations have important implications for the design of efficient enrichmentand isolation strategies.

Sample Collection

The majority of reductively dechlorinating populations have beenisolated from anaerobic environments, including pristine and contaminatedsediments, soils, aquifer materials, and digester sludge. Collecting solid sam-ples from contaminated aquifers typically targets the saturated zone, whichoften involves direct push or hand auger techniques. No standard protocolsfor sample handling, transportation, and storage exist. Because many de-chlorinators are strict anaerobes, procedures should obviously limit exposureof the sample materials to air. It is common practice to ship samples on blueice, although the effects of shipping and storage conditions on the survival ofdechlorinating populations are currently unclear. In any event, microcosmsetup should commence as soon as possible. All laboratory proceduresshould be performed in the absence of air (i.e., O2) inside an anoxic chamberor under a stream of sterile, O2‐free gas (e.g., N2 or Ar). O2 is removed bypassing the gas stream through a heated (350–400�) glass column filled withcopper filings (Hungate, 1969). Sample materials are transferred to auto-claved, appropriately sized (e.g., 1 liter), wide‐mouth Mason jars that arefilled no more than half‐way to allow efficient homogenization. Mason jarsare also suitable for direct sampling if an auger is used or for collectingsamples from river sediments. The sterile sampling container is submergedbelow the water–sediment interface, opened, completely filled with sedi-ment, and closed before bringing it back to the surface. For collecting smallsamples or when traveling, 50‐ml Falcon plastic tubes work well.

Microcosm Setup

Microcosms are established inside an anoxic chamber or under a streamof O2‐free gas (Breznak and Costilow, 1994; Fennell and Gossett, 2003).An aseptic technique is applied to the extent possible (Fennell et al., 2001;He et al., 2002). Note that flame sterilization is not possible inside mostanoxic chambers. Glass vessels (20‐ to 160‐ml nominal capacity, 20‐mm

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opening such as VWR # 66064–348 and #16171–385) that can be closed withTeflon‐lined septa (West Pharmaceutical Services, Lionville, PA) or thickbutyl rubber stoppers are suited for microcosm setup. While thick butylrubber stoppers maintain a tight seal even when punctured many times,Teflon‐lined septa should be new and punctured with 25 or greater gaugeneedles only. The physical characteristics of the sample dictate the tech-nique used for introducing the material into the culture vessels. If appropri-ate, a homogeneous slurry is prepared with anoxic (ground)water collectedat the sampling location, with an anoxic phosphate buffer solution (1–10mM, pH 7–7.5) or quarter‐ to full‐strength saline (5 mM potassium phos-phate, 0.85% NaCl, pH 7.2) (Loffler et al., 1997a). The slurry is mixedconstantly on a magnetic stirrer and is transferred into the culture vesselswith a plastic pipette with the tip cut off or an inverted 10‐ or 25‐ml glasspipette. Coarse or heterogeneous sampling material is transferred usingsterile spatulas. The total amount of solids added ranges between 5 and 50weight percent of the final liquid volume in each vessel. Medium (see later)is added to yield liquid to headspace ratios of 1–1.6:1, and the vessels aresealed. The microcosms are removed from the anoxic chamber and purgedfor several minutes with a sterile stream ofO2‐free N2/CO2 (80/20, v/v) usinga bent cannula and are resealed. Alternatively, the vessels are purged withthe septum in place. The septum is punctured with two 25‐gauge needles,one of which supplies a sterile stream of O2‐free purge gas, while the otherneedle serves as a vent. The pH is typically circumneutral and is adjusted bychanging the CO2 mixing ratio in the purge gas between pH 6.8 and 8. Amedium‐containing bottle fitted with a thin pH electrode is used to adjustthe CO2mixing ratio to yield the desired pH in themicrocosms. Purgingmaybe omitted if the pH is in the desired range and if the presence of some H2

(typically present in mixing ratios of around 3% in the anoxic chamberatmosphere) in the vessels is acceptable. If the pH conditions desired fallout of the range of the bicarbonate buffer system (i.e., pH 6.8–8), Goodbuffer systems are an alternative (Good et al., 1966). In this case, however,one has to consider that the organic buffering substances themselves mayserve as metabolic substrates and that some dechlorinators grow betterin the presence of bicarbonate (Muller et al., 2004). Microcosms mayalso be established using groundwater collected from the same samplinglocations to confirm that native conditions are conducive for reductivedechlorination activity.

Electron Donors in Microcoms

All known MRDBs use acetate, H2, or both compounds as electrondonors (see later). Hence, media containing H2 and acetate will provide theelectron requirements for the majority of MRDBs. For microcosm setup,

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acetate is added directly to the medium before dispensing it to individualculture vessels or is added to individual microcosms from a sterile, 1 M,anoxic aqueous stock solution. Acetate is added in two‐ to fivefold excessof the theoretically needed amount to achieve complete reductive dechlo-rination. H2 (5–30% of the headspace volume of a vessel) is added bysyringe. Maintaining a positive pressure in the vessels avoids air introduc-tion during sampling events. Because hydrogenotrophic processes willlower the pressure in the culture vessels, additional gas (e.g., N2/CO2 orH2/CO2) should be added to maintain a pressure that equals or slightlyexceeds atmospheric pressure at all times. This is particularly importantwhen Teflon‐lined rubber septa are used. Black (Geo‐Microbial Technol-ogies, Inc. Ochelata, OK) or blue (Bellco Glass, Inc., Vineland, NJ) butylrubber stoppers provide a better seal and avoid air contamination, butmight not always be appropriate due to their tendency to absorb manychlorinated compounds. Another precaution against gas leaks through theseptum is to incubate vessels in the inverted position.

An alternate strategy to provide the key electron donors (i.e., acetateand H2) to the dechlorinating populations is the addition of 2–10 mMlactate as a substrate. The fermentation of lactate typically yieldsacetate and H2, the key electron donors for MRDBs (Fennell et al., 1997).Lactate is also used directly as an electron donor by certain MRDBs, suchasDesulfitobacterium and Sulfurospirillum species. Lactate can be added tothe medium and autoclaved before dispensing to individual culture vessels.

Addition of Chlorinated Compounds

The time when the chlorinated electron acceptor is added dependson the physical–chemical properties of the chloroorganic compound(s) ofinterest. Water‐soluble and nonvolatile chlorinated compounds such aschlorobenzoates are added directly to the bulk medium or are added bysyringe to sealed microcosms from anoxic, neutralized, sterile stock solu-tions. Volatile compounds, such as chlorinated solvents, are added undilutedwith a pipette immediately prior to sealing the microcosms or to sealedmicrocosms using gas‐tight syringes (e.g., 1800 series from Hamilton Com-pany, Reno, NV). For improved accuracy and reproducibility, the use of aChaney adapter is recommended (Hamilton Company). Hydrophobic,nonvolatile, chlorinated compounds are dissolved in an organic solventand added to sterile culture vessels. The solvent is evaporated under astream of sterile N2 prior to the addition of the sample material andmicrocosm setup (Bedard et al., 1996; Fennell et al., 2004). Becausemany chloroorganic compounds are toxic, the initial strategy is to add theminimum amount of chlorinated electron acceptor that can be quantified

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readily with the available analytical instrumentation. It is important, how-ever, to provide sufficient chlorinated substrate to support growth duringthe enrichment process, as the chloroorganic compounds serve as energy‐yielding electron acceptors for the target organisms. In the case of chlori-nated solvents, inhibitory effects can be avoided by adding the chlorinatedelectron acceptor dissolved in an inert, hydrophobic carrier such as hex-adecane (Krumholz et al., 1996; Sung et al., 2003). Alternatively, haloge-nated volatile compounds can be sorbed to a Tenax‐TA (a solid sorbent,Alltech, Deerfield, IL) bed and delivered to the cultures via the headspace(Brennan and Sanford, 2002). This method is more tedious, as the Tenax isphysically separated from the culture medium; however, any interferencebetween carrier material and microbial populations (i.e., the dechlorina-tors) is avoided. The enrichment and isolation procedures described laterfocus on the enrichment and isolation of MRDBs that capture energy fromchloroethene reductive dechlorination, but similar strategies are applicableto isolating organisms with other electron acceptor utilization patterns.

Analytical Procedures

Chloroorganic compounds are analyzed in the headspace, the aqueousphase, or following extraction of an aqueous sample or the entire micro-cosm/culture with an organic solvent, as is appropriate for the chloroor-ganic electron acceptor(s) added. Pressurized systems may interfere withthe sampling of volatile analytes (e.g., chlorinated solvents) from theheadspace, and appropriate precautions should be taken using gas‐tightHamilton syringes equipped with a valve (e.g., Hamilton SampleLocksyringes with a removable male Luer Lock adapter; part #35083). Acetateis measured by high‐performance liquid chromatography (Sanford et al.,1996) or gas chromatography (Stansbridge et al., 1993; Vera et al., 2001).H2 partial pressures are monitored by gas chromatography using a thermalconductivity detector for concentrations above 50 Pa and a reduction gas(AMETEK Process and Analytical Instruments [formerly Trace Analyti-cal], Newark, DE) detector for H2 concentrations below 50 Pa (Loffleret al., 1999). Chloride release is monitored using the mercury(II) thiocya-nate‐iron(III) method (Bergmann and Sanik, 1957; Sung et al., 2003) or byion chromatography (Dionex Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA). The detectionof changes in chloride concentration requires a low chloride backgroundand is often not possible in microcosms. Chloride measurements in enrich-ment cultures may require the preparation of medium with reduced chlo-ride content (Sung et al., 2003). Substrates are replenished when depleted,or the cultures are transferred to fresh medium before the chlorinatedelectron acceptor(s) has been completely consumed.

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A variety of similar medium recipes exist (Atlas, 2004), and a standardsynthetic basal salts medium used successfully for the isolation of reduc-tively dechlorinating microorganisms is described. Media are preparedusing the Hungate technique (Balch et al., 1979; Breznak and Costilow,1994; Hungate, 1969; Miller and Wolin, 1974; Sowers and Noll, 1995).

The following procedure is used to prepare 1 liter of medium.

1. Add 900 ml of distilled water to a 2‐liter Erlenmeyer flask and mixon a magnetic stir plate.

2. Add 10 ml of the 100‐fold concentrated salts stock solution.3. Add 1 ml of each trace element solution.4. Add 0.25 ml of a 0.1% (w/v) resazurin stock solution.5. Add acetate or the electron donor of choice (1–10 mM). Heat‐

labile electron donors are added from anoxic, filter‐sterilized stocksolutions after autoclaving.

6. Add distilled water to a total volume of 1 liter.7. Transfer the medium to a 2‐liter round flask (Pyrex).8. Bring medium to a boil and boil for 10 min. Use a reflux cooler to

avoid evaporative water loss.9. Transferflask toan icebath (careful, hot liquids!) andcool themedium

to room temperature under a streamofO2‐freeN2.Remove the refluxcooler when no more steam is formed to conserve cooling water.

10. Add 30 mM NaHCO3, 0.2 mM L‐cysteine, and 0.2 mMNa2S � 9H2O.

H2S is a diprotic acid and the following pH‐dependent equilibrium exists:

H2SðgÞ $ H2SðaqÞ $ HS�ðaqÞ þHþðaqÞ $ S2�ðaqÞ þHþ

ðaqÞTo avoid loss of H2S from the medium while the flask is flushed with purgegas, quick manipulation of the medium following H2S addition is recom-mended. In addition, sulfide ‘‘poisons’’ the glass pH electrode, and expo-sure to sulfide‐containing solutions should be limited. No toxic effects of<0.5 mM sulfide on reductively dechlorinating populations have beenobserved, although sulfide may become inhibitory at higher concentrations.Sulfide not only serves as a reductant. but also is a required sulfur sourcefor some dechlorinators (Sung et al., 2003).

11. Adjust the pH to 7–7.5 by varying the CO2 content of the purge gas.12. Dispense medium into appropriately sized vessels that have been

purged of air. Do not fill with more than 75% of the nominalcapacity of the vessel.

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13. Close the vessels without allowing air to enter and secure thestoppers with aluminum crimps.

14. Autoclave the vessels in inverted position after the pink mediumturns clear (i.e., the redox indicator resazurin is reduced).

15. Remove the vessels from the autoclave when the medium hasreached temperatures below 60�. Handling closed containers withhot liquids is dangerous and must be avoided.

16. Store the medium in the dark at room temperature or 4�. If 160‐mlserum bottles are used, this procedure yields 10 bottles with 100 mlof medium. 100‐fold concentrated salts stock solution contains perliter: NaCl, 100 g; MgCl2 � 6H2O, 50g; KH2PO4, 20g; NH4Cl, 30g;KCl, 30g; CaCl2 � 2H2O, 1.5g

Trace element solution A contains per liter: HCl (25% solution, w/w),10 ml; FeCl2 � 4H2O, 1.5 g; CoCl2 � 6H2O, 0.19 g; MnCl2 � 4H2O,0.1 g; ZnCl2, 70 mg; H3BO3, 6 mg; Na2MoO4 � 2H2O, 36 mg;NiCl2 � 6H2O, 24 mg; CuCl2 � 2H2O, 2 mg

Trace element solution B contains per liter: Na2SeO3 � 5H2O, 6 mg;Na2WO4 � 2H2O, 8 mg; NaOH, 0.5 g

The vitamin solution is prepared as a 1000‐fold stock solution andcontains per liter (Wolin et al., 1963): biotin, 20 mg; folic acid, 20mg; pyridoxine hydrochloride, 100 mg; riboflavin, 50 mg; thiamine,50 mg; nicotinic acid, 50 mg; pantothenic acid, 50 mg; vitamin B12,1 mg; p‐aminobenzoic acid, 50 mg; thioctic acid, 50 mg. The pH isadjusted to 7.5 with NaOH. The suspension is stirred rigorously, andaliquots are frozen and stored in the dark. A 200‐fold concentratedworking solution is prepared by diluting the 1000� stock 1:5 indistilled water. The solution is purged with N2 to remove O2, filtersterilized, and stored in the dark at 4�.

Some MRDBs have specific nutritional requirements. Desulfomoniletiedjei requires additional vitamin supplements (i.e., 1,4‐naphthoquinone,lipoic acid, and hemin) (DeWeerd et al., 1990), and growth of Dehalobacterrestrictus depends on the amino acids arginine, histidine, and threonine (Hol-liger et al., 1998). Undefined sources of vitamins and growth factors, such asclarified rumen fluid (Shelton and Tiedje, 1984) or fermented yeast extract(Fennell et al., 1997), can be supplemented to the anaerobic medium. Vita-mins are added to the autoclavedmedium from sterile, anoxic stock solutions.

Transfers and Enrichment Cultures

Transfers to fresh medium should occur during the active phase ofgrowth (i.e., dechlorination) and before all the chlorinated electron accep-tor has been consumed. A decline in cell numbers was reported in

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Dehalococcoides‐containing cultures once the metabolic electron acceptorhad been consumed (He et al., 2003b).

Sediment‐Free Cultures

The first goal is to establish sediment‐free cultures from microcosmsthat exhibit reductive dechlorination activity. Dechlorinating microcosmsare shaken vigorously, and the solids are allowed to settle. Transfers(1–2%, v/v) are made by syringe using 21‐gauge needles. Tilt the culturevessel at an angle to remove supernatant and avoid blocking the needlewith solid particles.

Selective Enrichment

Dechlorinating consortia at this stage of enrichment often containmultiple dechlorinating populations, and replicate cultures maintainedunder different conditions may yield different isolates with distinct physio-logical properties. The physiological properties of the dechlorinating pop-ulation(s) of interest determine subsequent enrichment strategies. Hence,a first step involves comparing dechlorination rates and end points inresponse to different treatment regimes (e.g., electron donors). For in-stance, if acetate alone supports the dechlorination process of interest, aproductive enrichment strategy would use basal salts medium with acetate(electron donor) and the chloroorganic compound (electron acceptor) asenergy yielding redox couple.

Nonmethanogenic Cultures

Typically, methanogenesis will occur in the microcosms and enrichmentcultures exhibiting reductive dechlorination activity. To eliminate metha-nogens from the enrichment cultures, the following strategies have beenemployed successfully. (i) Inhibition of methanogenic activity in the pres-ence of high concentrations of chlorinated solvents has been reported(DiStefano et al., 1992; He et al., 2003a). Hence, continued transfers tomedium with high concentrations of chlorinated electron acceptor(s) andregular transfers to fresh medium following the onset of reductive dechlo-rination activity may result in nonmethanogenic cultures. (ii) The thermo-dynamics of reductive dechlorination are considerably more favorable thanmethane formation (Dolfing, 1999, 2003; Dolfing and Beurskens, 1995;Loffler et al., 1999), and reductive dechlorination occurs at electron donor(i.e., H2, acetate) concentrations that limit or prohibit methanogenic activ-ity. Hence, maintenance and transfer of cultures in medium with lowelectron donor concentrations (H2 <100 nM, acetate <500 �M) (He and

[5] reductively dechlorinating bacteria 87

Sanford, 2004; Loffler et al., 1999; Yang and McCarty, 1998) can be asuccessful strategy to select against methanogens. (iii) A third strategy toinhibit methanogens is the addition of 2 mM 2‐bromoethanesulfonate(BES). BES, however, is not a selective inhibitor of methanogenic activityand may also affect some dechlorinators (Loffler et al., 1997b). Hence,prolonged enrichment in the presence of BES may eliminate someMRDBs. A limited number (<3) of transfers in the presence of BESwas used successfully to eliminate methanogens without losing the initialdechlorinating activity (Loffler et al., 1997b).

Electron Donors for Enriching and Isolating MRDBs

Known MRDBs use acetate and/or H2 as electron donors. Populationssuch as Dehalococcoides and Dehalobacter are strictly hydrogenotrophic,Desulfuromonas species use acetate but not H2 as electron donor, whereasothers exhibit versatility and couple reductive dechlorination to the oxida-tion of a variety of substrates, including acetate and H2. Most hydrogeno-trophic MRDBs grow best when acetate is supplemented as a carbonsource (Adrian et al., 2000; He et al., 2003b; Maymo‐Gatell et al., 1997).The electron donor requirements of the dechlorinating population(s) ofinterest should be evaluated, as this information will assist in designingefficient enrichment strategies. For instance, comparing dechlorinationrates and end points in response to the electron donor(s) (i.e., acetate orH2) added to the microcosms will determine whether the process of interestrequires H2 or acetate, or is supported by both electron donors. Note thatthe preparation of H2‐free medium is not trivial because commerciallyavailable gases contain some H2. This must be taken into account whenreductive dechlorination activity is evaluated in vessels purged with ‘‘H2‐free’’ gases. If residual H2 concentrations are high enough to permit signif-icant dehalogenation, H2 can be removed from all gas streams using acatalytic H2 converter available from AMETEK Process & AnalyticalInstruments (formerly Trace Analytical)(Newark, DE). Electron donorsare supplied in at least twofold excess to achieve complete reductivedechlorination of the amount of chlorinated electron acceptor provided.Each reductive dechlorination reaction consumes two reducing equiva-lents, 2Hþ þ 2e�, which can also be expressed as 2[H]. One 2[H] isavailable from H2 oxidation (H2 ! 2Hþ þ 2e�). The oxidation of acetate(acetate� þ 4H2O ! 2HCO3

� þ 4 H2 þ Hþ) formally yields four 2[H]or eight reducing equivalents. Because most enrichment cultures containH2/CO2 acetogens, acetate formation will occur in microcosms and en-richment cultures amended with H2, and acetogenesis will compete withhydrogenotrophic reductive dechlorination for H2 as the electron donor.

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Most microcos ms and enrich ment cultures will readily ox idize form ate toH2, and much higher H2 mass loading s can be achieved to sup port hy dro-genotroph ic reduct ive dechlor ination ( Sanford, 1996 ). Some MRDB s, in-cludin g Desu lfitobact erium an d Sulfur ospir illum, use form ate directl y as asource of redu cing equival ents for reductive dechlor ination.

Selectin g agains t H2/CO2 Acetoge ns

Elimina ting H2/CO2 acetog ens from H 2‐ fed, de chlorinat ing en richmentcultures is a major obs tacle and is often not ach ieved in liquid cult ures.Replaci ng the co mmonly used bicarb onate buf fer with an alternat ive buff-er syst em [e.g., morphol inepropa nesulfo nic acid (MO PS)] ( Good et al .,1966 ) to achie ve a con stant medi um pH is one possi ble approach to selectagains t H2/CO2 acetog ens. Reduc tively de chlorinat ing populat ions ex hibitsignificant ly lower H2 consum ption thresh old concent rations than H 2/CO 2acetog ens (Lo ffler et al ., 1999 ). Hence , a pro mising app roach to counter -select H2‐ utili zing populat ions not involved in dechlor ination is transfer-ring repeat edly unde r condit ions of controll ed H2 flux. The H2

concent ration sho uld be kept below the thresh old con centratio n supportin ggrow th of H2/CO2 acetog ens (i.e., <100 nM ). Ideal ly, this is achieved usinga fatty acid ‐ oxidi zing partner populat ion that forms a syn trophic relati on-ship with the hyd rogenotr ophic dechlor inat ing populat ion(s) of inte rest. Insuch syst ems, the thermo dynamics of fatty acid oxidat ion control themaximum H2 concent ration in the syste m, and H 2/CO2 acetog ens can bediluted out follo wing repeat ed trans fers. Such a syntro phic associ ationbetwe en an acetate ‐ oxidi zing populat ion and a hyd rogenotr ophic, vinylchloride‐respiring population was a critical step in the isolation ofDehalococcoides sp. strain BAV1 (He et al., 2002, 2003a,b). Not all enrich-ment cultures contain fatty acid‐oxidizing populations; however, propionateand butyrat e ox idizers are avail able in type culture co llections (e.g., www .atcc.o rg/; www .dsmz.d e). A draw back of exp loiting syntr ophic process es asan enrichment step, in particular those involving acetate oxidation, is thevery long incubation periods lasting many weeks to months. Nevertheless,this approach can be productive in eliminating H2/CO2 acetogens fromdechlorinating cultures.


Some dechlorinators are spore formers, and dechlorination activityresumes following pasteurization. For instance, pasteurization was a pro-ductive approach for isolating Desulfitobacterium chlororespirans Co23(Sanford et al., 1996), as nonspore‐forming vegetative cells are killedat 80�. Once spore‐like structures have been observed microscopically

[5] reductively dechlorinating bacteria 89

(typically in stationary phase cultures), their ability to resist heat treatmentcan be tested. Culture vessels containing fresh anaerobic medium amendedwith the electron donor(s) and the chloroorganic electron acceptor(s) areequilibrated to 80� in a water bath. A 1.0% (v/v) inoculum from an activelydechlorinating culture and a stationary phase culture (i.e., all chlorinatedelectron acceptor reduced) are added to duplicate bottles, respectively.The culture vessels are immediately placed back in an 80� water bath for10 min. The water bath temperature should be monitored carefully toverify that the temperature does not exceed 80�. The culture vessels arethen shaken gently in an ice‐water bath and cooled to room temperature,and dechlorination activity is monitored in the pasteurized cultures.

Resistance to Antibiotics

Known Dehalococcoides isolates are resistant to penicillin‐type anti-biotics such as ampicillin, and at least some strains grow in the presence ofthe glycopeptide antibiotic vancomycin. Antibiotics interfering with cellwall biosynthesis inhibit cell division and growth but do not kill non‐dividing cells. To ensure that sensitive populations are eliminated, antibio-tics should be added to at least three consecutive 1–2% (v/v) transfers atconcentrations of 50 to 100 �g/ml. Ampicillin is added from aqueous,anoxic, filter‐sterilized stock solutions (50 mg/ml).


Metabolic reductive dechlorination is a strictly anaerobic process,although some MRDBs are facultative aerobes or tolerate oxygen expo-sure. Most MRDBs, however, are strict anaerobes and are very sensitive tooxygen exposure. Hence, successful enrichment and isolation proceduresinvolve strict anaerobic techniques (Balch et al., 1979; Hungate, 1969;Miller and Wolin, 1974). Most dechlorinating populations are relativelyeasy to propagate in mixed culture but may require extreme careduring the isolation process and when maintained in pure culture.Dehalococcoides populations are very sensitive to air (i.e., oxygen) expo-sure and require reduced medium conditions. Dehalococcoides organismswill not grow in medium with resazurin in its oxidized (i.e., pink) form.Transfers are conveniently performed with sterile plastic syringes andhypodermic needles that have been flushed with O2‐free nitrogen gas. Toremove any residual oxygen contained in the plastic material, the syringesare filled with a freshly prepared, filter‐sterilized, 1 mM Na2S � 9H2Osolution prepared in the culture medium. This solution is kept in thesyringe barrel for 5–10 min before the solution is discarded, and the syringeis used for inoculum transfer.

90 cultivation [5]

Once stable climax consortia are obtained, and no further enrichmentcan be achieved under the medium and incubation conditions applied,isolating the dechlorinating organisms can be accomplished in liquid medi-um and/or soft agar cultures. Both strategies apply the dilution‐to‐extinc-tion principle. Although most MRDBs do not grow on solid surfaces andcannot be propagated using agar slants, many dechlorinating populationsdo form colonies in semisolid medium prepared with 0.5–0.7% low‐meltingagarose (Adrian et al., 2000; He et al., 2003b; Krumholz et al., 1996; Sunget al., 2003).

The following procedure is used for dilution‐to‐extinction in soft agartubes.

1. To prepare soft agar cultures, weigh 0.6% (weight by volume) of lowmelting agarose (gelling temperature <30�) into 20‐ml glass autosamplerheadspace vials (e.g., VWR) or 24‐ml Balch tubes (Bellco).

2. Prepare anaerobic medium amended with acetate (1–10 mM).3. Purge vials with a sterile stream of N2/CO2 (80/20, v/v), being careful

not to disturb the agarose powder with the N2 stream.4. Dispense 9 ml of medium into 20‐ml glass vials, close the vials with

Teflon‐lined rubber stoppers, and apply aluminum crimps. Alternatively,dispense the medium inside an anaerobic chamber. Cover the vials withaluminum foil to prevent the agarose powder from escaping duringtransfer to the chamber. Note that most anaerobic chambers contain N2

and H2, and quick handling of open medium vessels is needed to minimizeloss of CO2 from the bicarbonate‐buffered medium and to maintain thedesired pH.

5. Prepare an equal number of vials (dilution tubes) containing 9 ml ofmedium without low‐melting agarose.

6. After autoclaving, cool the medium to around 50� and shake thevials gently to distribute the molten agarose (avoid forming gas bubbles).Transfer the vials to a 35� water bath.

7. Make additions (e.g., vitamins) as needed. Return the vials to a 35�

water bath immediately to prevent premature gelling of the agarose.8. Label all vials and inoculate the 10�1 to 10�10 liquid dilution vials

(the same syringe can be used for the entire dilution series) (Fig. 1). Shakethe inoculated vial with the syringe in place, and rinse the needle and thesyringe barrel once before withdrawing another milliliter for eachsubsequent transfer.

9. Remove the agarose‐containing vials from the water bath. Inoculatethe vials with 1 ml from the liquid dilution‐to‐extinction series vials. Thesame syringe can be used if the series is started with the most dilutedculture (i.e., 10�10) (Fig. 1).

FIG. 1. Preparation of dilution‐to‐extinction series in liquid and semisolid medium for

obtaining isolates.

[5] reductively dechlorinating bacteria 91

10. Mix gently immediately after inoculation (avoid forming gasbubbles) and place the vials in upright position in an ice bath until theagarose is solidified (<5 min).

11. If needed, add H2 (1–5 ml) by syringe to support hydrogenotrophicdechlorinators.

12. Add the chloroorganic electron acceptor directly to the bulkmedium, or to individual vials before or after autoclaving, as appropriate.Volatile compounds may be supplied via the gas phase after the agarosesolidifies.

13. Incubate the vials in inverted position. Note that some water willform during the gelling process, which will collect on top of the septum. Donot invert the vials, as the liquid may contain organisms and contaminatethe surface of the agarose plug.

14. Monitor colony formation biweekly. It will take several weeks tomonths before small, typically whitish to opaque colonies form. Use amagnifying glass and proper lighting to identify colonies. Not allDehalococcoides populations form visible colonies; if colonies do form,they are tiny and successful observation and transfer require practice anddiligence.

92 cultivation [5]

Colony Transfer

The vial of the highest dilution with clearly separated colonies is usedfor transfers to fresh liquid medium to test for dechlorinating activity.Isolating a pure culture often requires repeated dilution‐to‐extinction se-ries, and it is recommended that a subsequent dilution series is initiatedimmediately with a single colony picked from an agar shake culture. Thecolony material is transferred to a vial containing 1.5 ml of anaerobicmedium and a small stir bar. The cells are suspended carefully, and 1 mlis used to start another dilution‐to‐extinction series in liquid and semisolidmedium as depicted in Fig. 1.

The following procedure is used for transferring colonies from soft agartubes.

1. Agar shake cultures are always kept in an inverted position. Mount avial with visible, clearly separated colonies on a stand with a clamp. Installproper lighting and use a second stand to mount and position a magnifyingglass.

2. Open the vial. Note that because vials may be under positivepressure, take appropriate precautions (i.e., safety goggles). A cannula toprovide a sterile stream of nitrogen to the vial and thus limit air intrusionmay be installed, although this may not be necessary if the procedure isperformed quickly and the vial is discarded.

3. Use a 1‐ml plastic syringe with a 5‐ to 7‐cm‐long needle that hasbeen flushed with O2‐free N2 and rinsed with a 1 mM Na2S solution. Fillthe needle and syringe with anaerobic medium (0.1–0.2 ml).

4. Target a well‐isolated colony without touching another colony in theagarose plug. Transfer the colony material into the syringe by pulling theplunger very carefully. Visually inspect that colony material has beentransferred into the syringe barrel.

5. Transfer the colony material to a new vial to test for dechlorinatingactivity and/or initiate another dilution‐to‐extinction series. If the colonymaterial has been visibly transferred to the syringe barrel, a small gaugeneedle may be mounted before puncturing the septum.

Should no colonies form, or if the procedure is not productive, repeateddilution‐to‐extinction series in liquid medium initiated with the highestdilution that exhibits dechlorinating activity may result in further enrich-ment and isolation of pure cultures. Dechlorinating activity in liquid cul-tures is determined with the routine analysis designed for the compound ofinterest. Note, however, that measurements in agar shake cultures may notalways indicate activity, even though colonies of the dechlorinating organ-ism of interest developed. Also consider that alternate substrates may be



Primerb Sequence (50‐30) Target




length (bp) Reference

Deb 179F

Deb 1007R



Dehalobacter 53 828 Schlotelburg et al. (2002)





Dehalococcoides 58 620 Bunge et al. (2003); He

et al. (2003a); Loffler

et al. (2000)





Dehalococcoides 55 1377 Hendrickson et al. (2002)

Dsb 174F

Dsb 1373R



Desulfitobacterium 55* 1199 El Fantroussi et al. (1997)

Dsb 460F

Dsb 1084R



Desulfitobacterium 55* 624 El Fantroussi et al. (1997)

Dsm 59F

Dsm 1054R



Desulfomonile 55* 995 El Fantroussi et al. (1997)

Dsm 205F

Dsm 628R



Desulfomonile 55* 423 El Fantroussi et al. (1997)

Dsf 205F

Dsf p671R



Desulfuromonas 58 466 Loffler et al. (2000);

Ritalahti and Loffler


Geo 63F

Geo 418R



Geobacteriaceae 62 1443 Dennis et al. (2003)



Bacteria 55 1533d Zhou et al. (1997)

aAlso indicated are amplicon lengths and annealing temperatures.bF, forward primer; R, reverse primer.cDenaturing, annealing, and elongations times are 45 s at the respective temperatures (60 s when noted with an asterisk).dThe lengths of 16S rRNA genes from different organisms may vary slightly.






94 cultivation [5]

productive in isolating dechlorinating populations. For instance,Desulfuromonas, Anaeromyxobacter, and Geobacter species use severalelectron acceptors, and agar shake cultures with fumarate (5–20 mM) asthe electron acceptor and acetate (5 mM) as the electron donor producemuch larger, reddish colonies after shorter incubation periods than whenchlorinated substrates are used. Isolated colonies are then tested fordechlorinating activity in liquid medium.

Nucleic Acid‐Based Approaches

Culture‐independent, nucleic acid‐based approaches are useful to de-tect, monitor, and quantify dechlorinator‐specific genes in environmentalsamples, laboratory microcosms, and enrichment cultures. A commontarget is the 16S rRNA gene, and primers specifically targeting individualgroups of MRDBs have been designed (Table II). Direct and nestedpolymerase chain reaction (PCR) approaches have been used successfullyto assess the presence of specific dechlorinators in environmental samples(Fennell et al., 2001; Hendrickson et al., 2002; Loffler et al., 2000) anddechlorinating bioreactors (Schlotelburg et al., 2000, 2002). Nested PCRoffers unsurpassed sensitivity and, hence, has the least probability of yield-ing false‐negative results (El Fantroussi et al., 1997; Loffler et al., 2000).Quantitative Real‐Time (qRTm) PCR has become a standard assessmentand monitoring tool, as this technique offers high sensitivity and has theadded advantage of providing quantitative information. Quantitative ap-proaches were instrumental in advancing molecular diagnostics in a clinicalsetting and are now routinely employed in many fields, including environ-mental microbiology (Mackay, 2004; Sharkey et al., 2004; Walker, 2002).For instance, qRTm PCR has been used to demonstrate growth‐linkedreductive dechlorination (He et al., 2003a,b; Smits et al., 2004), to establishcause‐and‐effect relationships in bioremediation applications (Lendvayet al., 2003), to monitor nitrification in wastewater treatment plants (Harmset al., 2003), to examine anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation based on acatabolic gene (Beller et al., 2002), and numerous other environmentalapplications. The following section describes PCR‐based procedures forthe qualitative and quantitative assessment of selected MRDBs.

Extracting PCR‐Amplifiable DNA

A variety of DNA extraction protocols and commercially available kitsexist and have been used to obtain quality DNA. Not all procedures,however, work equally well with all sample materials. Environmental

[5] reductively dechlorinating bacteria 95

samples may contain compounds that interfere with subsequent PCR am-plification, such as humic acids, and DNA isolation from soils and sedi-ments with high clay or organic content may require method optimization(Hurt et al., 2001; Yeates et al., 1998). Preference should be given toenvironmentally friendly procedures that avoid hazardous phenol/chloro-form waste. The initial goal of all procedures is to collect as many bacterialcells as possible from the sample material and to subsequently obtain theirDNA. Optimization aims at enhancing cell recovery and cell lysis, as wellas purifying high‐quality DNA. The following section describes proceduresthat were employed successfully to extract PCR‐amplifiable DNA from avariety of sample materials.

DNA Isolation from Bacterial Cultures

Extracting DNA from cell suspensions typically involves centrifugation,washing and suspending the pellet in buffer, cell lysis, and DNA separation.If column‐based kits are used, the binding capacity of the column materialdetermines how much DNA can be applied and, hence, determines the op-timal quantity of cells desired for DNA extraction. The following procedureis designed for use of column‐based extraction using the QIAamp DNAmini kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) or similar, commercially available kits.


1. Collect 107–108 cells by centrifugation (4�, 30 min, 7500g). Note thatsome cells are difficult to spin down and that other centrifugationconditions (i.e., longer time and greater g force) may be required. Lightmicroscopic examination of the supernatant following centrifugation isrecommended to ensure that no cells remain in suspension.

2. Freezing the cell pellet is recommended to improve subsequentcell lysis.

3. If the Qiagen tissue kit is used, DNA is extracted following themanufacturer’s protocol for bacterial cell pellets with the followingmodifications.

a. For improved cell lysis, 20 �l of lysozyme (100 mg/ml) (Sigma, St.Louis, MO) and 10 �l of achromopeptidase (25 mg/ml) (Sigma)are added, and the mixture is incubated at 37� for 1 h.

b. Then, 45 �l of proteinase K (20 mg/ml) (Invitrogen) is added, andthe mixture is incubated at 55� for at least 1 h.

c. Following the lysis steps, and before removing any precipitates, a5‐�l aliquot is analyzed microscopically to verify complete cell lysis.

96 cultivation [5]

4. The remainder of the procedure is performed according to thekit manufacturer’s protocol. The DNA is eluted in 50–200 �l of 10 mMTris‐HCl buffer (pH 8.5) or nuclease‐free water and is quantified.

DNA Isolation from Solids

For small sediment, aquifer, and soil sample sizes (1 g), the MoBio soilextraction kit (MoBio Laboratories Inc., Carlsbad, CA) or similar productshave been used successfully. Use of the inhibitor removal solution providedwith the MoBio soil extraction kit and the protocol for ‘‘maximum yields’’is recommended. Depending on the material type and the associatedamount of biomass, it may be necessary to perform replicate extractions.Kits that accommodate larger sample masses (10 g) (e.g., MoBio Ultra-Clean Mega Soil DNA kit) or alternative extraction procedures (Hurtet al., 2001; Yeates et al., 1998) are available. A new PowerSoil DNA kitby MoBio may be useful if soils contain high amounts of humic acids. Ineach of these extraction procedures, the DNA is eluted in final volumes of50–100 �l of 10 mM Tris‐HCl buffer (pH 8.5) and is quantified.

DNA Isolation from Groundwater

The following describes the MoBioWater DNA kit for extracting DNAfrom water samples. One to 2 liters of groundwater is filtered through thepolyether sulfone membrane filters (0.2 �m pore size) supplied with the kit.The volume filtered depends largely on the amount of biomass and partic-ulate matter in the groundwater sample. Use of a vacuum manifold allowsfiltering multiple samples simultaneously. Membrane filters containing thesolids (including bacterial cells) are removed from the filter unit withflame‐sterilized forceps, transferred aseptically to a sterile petri dish, andfrozen at �20�. After freezing, each filter is quickly cut into strips with aflame‐sterilized razor blade and is transferred aseptically to the bead tubessupplied with the kit. The MoBio Water DNA protocol is followed asrecommended by the manufacturer, and the DNA is eluted from thecolumn in 3 ml of 10 mM Tris‐HCl buffer (pH 8.5). The DNA is concen-trated further by adding 0.3 ml of sterile 5MNaCl solution and two startingvolumes (6 ml) of ice‐cold, absolute, molecular biology‐grade ethanol.Collecting the final DNA is easier if the contents are first transferred fromthe 50‐ml tube to a sterile 15‐ml conical plastic centrifuge tube. The tube isrefrigerated (4�) for 1 h, and then the DNA is collected by centrifugation(45 min at 7500g, 4�). The pellet is washed with 2 ml of ice‐cold, 70%ethanol, collected by centrifugation, and the liquid is decanted. The pelletis air dried and suspended in 50 to 100 �l of 10 mM Tris‐HCl buffer

[5] reductively dechlorinating bacteria 97

(pH 8.5) and is quantified. If the groundwater contains high amounts ofparticulate matter, the membrane filter with the sediment/bacterial bio-mass can be processed using a soil DNA kit, as described earlier.

DNA Quantification

DNA is quantified with a UV‐VIS spectrophotometer at a wavelengthof 260 nm. Readings should fall between 0.05 and 0.5 absorption units, ordilution with distilled water is necessary. For reference, 25 �g/ml of dsDNAwill give an A260 reading of 0.5 when quartz cuvettes with a 1‐cm light pathare used. The concentration of DNA is calculated according to the formulang of DNA/�l ¼OD260 nm � 50� dilution factor (Ausubel et al., 1997). Forquantifying dilute DNA solutions, a fluorometer is recommended. A fluo-rescent dye, such as PicoGreen, binds to double‐stranded DNA, and thefluorometer allows the detection of as little as 25 pg/ml concentrations(Sambrook and Russell, 2001).

PCR for the Detection and Quantification of Dechlorinating Populations

PCR is a very sensitive technique, and all PCR procedures shouldinclude appropriate positive and negative controls to ensure that amplifi-cation of template DNA was specific. It is also advisable to perform adilution series with the control DNA to directly observe the detection limitfor the procedure as it is performed. Note that typically much less pureculture DNA is needed to obtain a positive signal than environmentalsample DNA. All PCR ingredients and PCR tubes are kept on ice untiltransfer to the heating/cooling block of the thermocycler.

16S rRNA Gene‐Based Qualitative Detection

Direct PCR utilizes isolated DNA directly as a template with MRDB‐targeted primers (Table II). This requires a fairly high number of targets inthe extracted DNA (>500 copies/�l of DNA). Hence, false‐negative resultscan occur if organisms present in low population sizes are being sought, anddata must be interpreted accordingly. To increase sensitivity and to detectjust a few target copies per microliters of original DNA sample, a nestedPCR approach is used. Fewer than 10 16S rRNA gene target copies permicroliter of DNA can be detected; however, two separate rounds ofamplification are required. An initial amplification of the communities’16S rRNA genes is performed using universal bacterial primers 8F and1541R (Table II) and 20–100 ng of community DNA as template asdescribed (Zhou et al., 1997) prior to amplification with MRDB‐specificprimer pairs. All PCR protocols are performed similarly and vary with

98 cultivation [5]

regard to primers used and annealing temperatures. A master mix thatcontains all ingredients, except template DNA, is prepared according toTable III. To calculate the amount of each reagent to add to the mastermix, multiply the number of microliters needed for one reaction by thenumber of samples to be analyzed plus one extra mixture per 10 reactionsto account for pipetting losses (e.g., for 10 PCR tubes, prepare enoughmixture for 11 tubes). The reaction mixture is blended by vortexing brieflyand is collected at the bottom of the tube by centrifugation. If the volumeof any reagent is increased or decreased, the amount of water must beadjusted accordingly to maintain the same total volume. In a 100‐�l reac-tion volume, the master mix (95 �l) is placed into each PCR tube, and 5 �lof template DNA is added and mixed by pipetting or tapping the tubegently. Cycle conditions generally consist of an initial denaturation at 94�

for 2 min 10 s, followed by 30 cycles of amplification (94�, 30s; 55�, 45s; 72�,2min 10s) and a final elongation at 72� for 6 min. Following amplification, 3�l of PCR product is analyzed on a 1% agarose gel run in 1� TAE buffer at120 V for 30 min. DNA fragments are visualized by ethidium bromidestaining (10 �l of a 10‐mg/ml stock solution per 100 ml of distilled water)for 30 min, destaining in distilled water for 10 min, and viewing under UVlight. Amplified community 16S rRNA genes of approximately 1500 bp insize are expected with the universal bacterial primers. Smaller reactionvolumes (e.g., 25 or 50 �l) may be used to conserve reagents, although thereaction volume is driven by the type of analyses to be performed with theamplicons. For nested PCR, 1:10 and 1:50 dilutions of the 16S rRNA geneamplicons obtained with the universal primers are used as templates forPCR with dechlorinator‐targeted primer pairs (Table II). The PCR reac-tion mix composition is essentially the same as for the universal primer



Component Final concentration Volume (�l)

Sterile, DNA‐free water (add to 100 �l) 61.3

10� PCR buffer 1� 10

MgCl2 (25 mM) 2.5 mM 10

Bovine serum albumin (20 mg/ml) 0.13 mg/ml 0.7

dNTP mix (1:1:1:1, 2.5 mM each) 0.25 mM each 10

Primer 1 (8F, 5 �M) 0.05 �M 1

Primer 2 (1541R, 5 �M) 0.05 �M 1

Taq DNA polymerase 4 U/�l 1

Template DNA 20 pg–100 ng 5

[5] reductively dechlorinating bacteria 99

pair, except that the reaction volume is reduced to 25 �l. Again, a mastermix is prepared, and 23.75 �l is dispensed into individual PCR tubes.Template DNA (1.25 �l of diluted 16S rRNA gene amplicons generatedwith the universal primers) is added to each tube and mixed. PCR thermo-cycler conditions are as described earlier, except that the annealing tem-peratures for any individual primer pair may vary. Annealing temperaturesand expected amplicon sizes for some MRDB‐specific PCR primers areshown in Table II, and any exceptions to the PCR procedure for anindividual primer pair are also noted. The nested PCR approach requiresonly 1–10 16S rRNA gene copies in the initial round of community 16SrRNA gene amplification to produce a visible band on an ethidium bro-mide‐stained agarose gel after the MRDB‐targeted PCR. However, as allanalytical assays, PCR has an inherent detection limit, and false‐negativeresults remain possible.

16S rRNA Gene‐Based Detection and Enumeration ofDehalococcoides sp.

Dehalococcoides species represent a relevant group of MRDBs (Adrianet al., 1998; Cupples et al., 2003; He et al., 2003b; Hendrickson et al., 2002;Maymo‐Gatell et al., 1997) and received considerable attention for biore-mediation applications (Bunge et al., 2003; Ellis et al., 2000; Fennell et al.,2004; Lendvay et al., 2003; Major et al., 2002). The following describes a 16SrRNA gene‐targeted qRTm PCR approach to detect and quantify mem-bers of theDehalococcoides group. A number of chemistries exist to detectthe amplicons formed during each amplification cycle (Mackay, 2004).Described here is a procedure that uses a TaqMan probe (i.e., a linearhybridization probe with a 50 fluorescent reporter and a 30 quencher mole-cule) (Heid et al., 1996) to detect Dehalococcoides 16S rRNA genes (Heet al., 2003a,b). While not discussed here in detail, SYBR Green, a DNAdouble strand‐specific fluorescent dye, has also been applied successfully inqRTm PCR approaches to quantify Dehalococcoides, Desulfitobacterium,and Dehalobacter populations (Smits et al., 2004). TaqMan PCR reactionscontain a forward primer, a reverse primer, the TaqMan probe that utilizes6‐carboxy‐fluorescein (FAM) as a reporter fluorochrome on the 50 end, andN,N,N0,N0‐tetramethyl‐6‐carboxy‐rhodamine (TAMRA) as quencher onthe 30 end (Table IV). The TaqMan probe binds specifically to the targetsequence located between both primer‐binding sites. Fluorescent lightemission is blocked by the quencher attached to the molecule as long asthe probe remains intact. During amplification, the probe is cleaved by the50 exonuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase as it extends the sequencefrom the upstream primer. Thus, a probe is cleaved each time a primer is



Primer Sequence Target Reference

RTmDhcF CTG GAG CTA ATC CCC AAA GCT Dehalococcoides spp. He et al. (2003a,b)

RTmDhcR CAA CTT CAT GCA GGC GGG Dehalococcoides spp. He et al. (2003a,b)



Dehalococcoides spp. He et al. (2003a,b)



bvcA gene Krajmalnik‐Brown et al. (2004);

Aiello (2003)

Bvc1017R CCA AAA GCA CCA CCA GGT C bvcA gene Krajmalnik‐Brown et al. (2004);

Aiello (2003)



bvcA gene Krajmalnik‐Brown et al. (2004);

Aiello (2003)



tceA gene Krajmalnik‐Brown et al. (2004);

Aiello (2003)



tceA gene Krajmalnik‐Brown et al. (2004);

Aiello (2003)



tceA gene Krajmalnik‐Brown et al. (2004);

Aiello (2003)





[5] reductively dechlorinating bacteria 101

extended, and the fluoresce nt signa l incr eases in proportio n to the numberof PCR ‐ generat ed amplic ons. The spect rofluori metric thermal cycler (e.g.,the AB I Pris m 7 700 Sequence Det ection System , Applied Biosyst ems)records the emi tted FAM fluoresce nce intensit ies of each react ion atregular interval s. A two fold concen trated qRTm PCR master mix is avail -able from ABI and includ es Taq DNA polym erase, de oxynucl eoside tri-phosphates , and MgCl2. After prepari ng a master mix with all thecomponent s other than templat e DNA ( Table V ), 27 ‐�l aliquots are trans-ferred to each AB I opt ical tub e (ABI) in an ice block. Follo wing theaddition of 3 � l templat e DNA, e ach tube is gen tly mi xed by tappi ng witha gloved fingertip an d is spu n in a microce ntrifuge to collect the content atthe bottom of the tube and to elimin ate an y trapped air bubbles. Groups ofeight tubes are sealed with an optic al cap strip (ABI) . PCR cycle pa ra-meters are as follow s: 2 min at 50 � , 10 min a t 95 � followed by 40 cycl es of15 s at 95 � , and 1 mi n at 60 � .

qRTm PCR Calibr ation Curves

qRTm PCR calibration curves are requ ired to esti mate the numb er oftarget gene copies in a given sample. To translate 16S rRNA gene copynumbers to estima tes of cell num bers, know ledge of the 16S rRNA genecopy number of the targe t organi sm is requir ed ( Crosb y and Cridd le,2003; Kla ppenbach et al ., 2001 ). In formation on the 16S rRNA gene copy




Stock solution


Final concentration

(n M)

�l per 30 �l

reaction mixture

Watera — — 10.11

Master mixb 2� 1� 15

Probe c 100 300 0.09

fwd primer c 10 300 0.9

rev primer c 10 300 0.9

DNA (25–250 ng/rxn) 3

Total volume 30

aNuclease‐free, molecular biology grade water (www.idtdna.com).b Master mix purchased from ABI.cPr obe and prim ers ava ila ble from c ommer cia l so urces su ch as Int egr ated DNA

Technologies (www.idtdna.com).

102 cultivation [5]

number is availabl e for sequ enced genomes (www .tigr.org, ww w.jgi.do e.gov) or can be de termine d experiment ally ( He et al ., 20 03a,b; Klappenb achet al ., 2001 ). Dehalococ coide s etheno genes stra in 195, Dehalococ coide s sp.strain FL2, and Dehal ococcoides sp. stra in BA V1 possess a single 16SrRNA gene copy (He et al ., 20 03b ). Calcul ations to estima te the num berof Dehalococ coide s ‐de rived 16S rRNA gen e cop ies in a sample assum e anaverage molecul ar weigh t of 660 for a base pair in dsDN A, one 16S rRNAgene operon per Dehalococcoides genome, and a genome size of 1.5 Mbp(www .tigr.org) . The follow ing eq uation is used to calcu late the number ofDehalococcoides‐derived 16S rRNA gene copies per PCR reaction mix(He et al., 2003a).

16S rRNA gene copies in Dehalococcoides

chromosomal DNA per reaction mix ¼ ðDNA ng=mlÞ� ð3 ml=rxnÞ� ð6:02� 1023Þð1:5� 106Þ� ð660Þ� ð109Þ

Multiplying the 16S rRNA copy number per PCR tube by the volumeof DNA obtained from the sample and dividing the resulting value by thetotal volume or weight of starting sample material yield an estimate of thetotal number of Dehalococcoides 16S rRNA genes per volume unit orweight unit of the sample material. A calibration curve (log DNA concen-tration versus the cycle number at which fluorescence exceeds the cyclethreshold value, CT) is obtained using serial dilutions of Dehalococcoidespure culture genomic DNA or plasmid DNA carrying a clonedDehalococcoides 16S rRNA gene (He et al., 2003a). Equation (1) is alsoused to calculate the 16S rRNA gene copies/ml of plasmid DNA using avalue of 5.5 � 103 (He et al., 2003a) instead of 1.5 � 106 to reflect the size ofthe plasmid, rather than the Dehalococcoides chromosome. The standardcurve is prepared by plotting the CT values obtained for each standarddilution ( y axis) against the log of the number of 16S rRNA gene copiesintroduced as template (x axis) (Fig. 2).

The equation of the regression line is used to determine the log numberof Dehalococcoides 16S rRNA gene copies in the unknown sample basedon its CT value. Analyses should be performed in triplicate, using at leasttwo replicate, independent DNA extractions from the same sample mate-rial. The qRTm PCR assay is more sensitive than direct PCR, but not assensitive as the nested PCR approach. Therefore, it is possible that samplestest positive with the nested PCR approach but do not contain enoughDehalococcoides cells to yield quantitative data with the qRTm PCRapproach. In such samples, Dehalococcoides cells are detectable but notquantifiable.

FIG. 2. Standard curve used to estimate the gene copy number in an unknown sample.

A standard curve based on 2 � 101 to 2 � 108 16S rRNA gene copies was prepared using

Dehalococcoides‐targeted TaqMan probe and primers. The x axis displays the log

Dehalococcoides 16S rRNA gene copy number, and the y axis shows the cycle number

where fluorescence surpasses the cycle threshold value. In the example shown, R2 is 0.9922

(n ¼ 6, error bars are not shown when within the symbols). The number of Dehalococcoides‐derived 16S rRNA gene copies in environmental samples and enrichment cultures can be

calculated from their CT values. qRTm PCR has a detection limit of 5–10 16S rRNA gene

copies/reaction. With a detection limit of 5 copies/�l of template DNA and a total template

DNA volume of 100 �l, this calculates to about 500 (100 �l � 5 copies/�l DNA) gene copies of

interest present in the original sample. The known Dehalococcoides spp. possess a single 16S

rRNA gene copy, and if the original sample volume was 1000 ml of groundwater, this

calculates to less than one Dehalococcoides cell per ml (500 copies/1000 ml ¼ 0.5 copies/ml


[5] reductively dechlorinating bacteria 103

qRTm PCR Quantification of Reductive Dehalogenase (RDase) Genes

While the 16S rRNA gene provides information on the phylogeneticaffiliations of reductively dechlorinating populations, it does not alwaysprovide information on the dechlorinating activity and the range of chloro-organic compounds used as electron acceptors. Several RDase gene se-quences have been retrieved from several MRDBs (summarized in Smidtand de Vos, 2004). Alignment of RDase genes identified conserved regionssuitable for primer and amplification of putative RDase gene fragmentsfrom pure cultures, consortia, and environmental samples (Regeard et al.,2004; Rhee et al., 2003; von Wintzingerode et al., 2001).

Applying an RDase‐specific approach for assigning function (i.e., de-chlorinating activity) is of particular interest to distinguishDehalococcoides16S rRNA gene sequences (He et al., 2003b; Ritalahti and Loffler, 2004).Using the combined knowledge of RDase gene sequences from otherMRDBs and genome information of Dehalococcoides ethenogenes strain

104 cultivation [5]

195 (http: //tigrblast. tigr.org/ ufmg/; Villem ur et al ., 2002 ), de generat e pri-mers sets specifically targeting Dehalococcoides RDase genes have beendesigned (Krajmalnik‐Brown et al., 2004). This approach has been appliedsuccessfully to retrieve putative RDase genes from Dehalococcoides purecultures (Holscher et al., 2004; Krajmalnik‐Brown et al., 2004) and dechlor-inating consortia, although function has been assigned to only few suchindicator genes thus far (Krajmalnik‐Brown et al., 2004; Magnuson et al.,2000; Muller et al., 2004). Primers specifically targeting the tceA geneencoding a TCE reductive dehalogenase identified inD. ethenogenes strain195 and the vcrA and bcvA genes encoding VC reductive dehalogenases instrain VS and Dehalococcoides sp. strain BAV1, respectively, are listed inTable IV. Included in Table IV are TaqMan probes designed for thedetection and quantification of bvcA and tceA. qRTm PCR targeting theseindicator genes involves the same protocol as shown in Table V for thequantification of 16S rRNA genes.

The combined application of 16S rRNA gene‐ and RDase gene‐targeted qRTm PCR provides information on the presence and abundance

FIG. 3. Molecular tools suggest an untapped diversity of Dehalococcoides populations.

qRTm PCR analysis of Dehalococcoides‐containing enrichment cultures that completely

detoxify chloroethenes to ethene showed that different Dehalococcoides populations

contributed to each community. Cultures MVA PCE‐VC and H10 TCE‐VC were enriched

with PCE or TCE (>15 transfers), then VC (>5 transfers), and culture H10 VC was enriched

only with VC (>15 transfers). The y axis has a logarithmic scale and shows the number of

Dehalococcoides 16S rRNA gene copies per milliliter of culture fluid, as compared with the

number of bvcA and tceA gene copies. These findings suggest that the majority of

Dehalococcoides RDase genes involved in chloroethene reductive dechlorination await

discovery and that only a fraction of the Dehalococcoides community has been described.

[5] reductively dechlorinating bacteria 105

of Dehalococcoides species as well as process‐specific genes. Such infor-mation is critical for site assessment and process monitoring at contami-nated sites where efficient dechlorination and ethene formation is critical(Lendvay et al., 2003). Both tceA and bvcA are single copy genes in strain195 and strain BAV1, respectively (Krajmalnik‐Brown et al., 2004), andhence, the combined approach provides an internal control for quanti-tative assessment. In addition, this two‐pronged approach may revealfurther information on the dechlorinating Dehalococcoides community.

Figure 3 gives quantitative information on three respective chloro-ethene dechlorinating enrichment cultures enriched with TCE or VC. Allof the cultures possessed roughly the same total Dehalococcoides cellnumbers (2–5 �107 16S rRNA gene copies/ml of culture liquid). However,the most striking information gleaned from this assay is that our currentperception of the dechlorinating Dehalococcoides is extremely limited.Only one of the VC‐dechlorinating cultures contained predominantly thebvcA gene, the tceA gene is present in only a minor fraction of the totalcommunity, and the majority of the Dehalococcoides populations seem toharbor as yet unidentified RDase genes. Hence, the current tools are notcomprehensive, and we have only begun to tap into the untold diversity ofthis largely unexplored bacterial group.


We thank all current and previous members of the Loffler lab for valuable contributions

and NSF, SERDP, DOE, and EPA for financial support. FEL is indebted to the Alexander

von Humboldt Foundation for a Feodor‐Lynen fellowship that was critical for initiating this

research on MRDBs.


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