5 Easy Steps to Social Media Metrics, Measurements and Scalability

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Transcript of 5 Easy Steps to Social Media Metrics, Measurements and Scalability

  • 1.

2. 3. Social Media Exposure
Examples of Social Media Exposure Metrics

  • Unique Visitors

4. Page Views 5. Search Engine Rankings 6. Sentiment 7. Message Inclusion 8. Share of Online Discussion 9. Net Positive Comments 10. ROI down to Tweet level 11. Try out Social Reporting solution from Social2B. Its a measurement tool that allows you to easily track and report on all of your social networking accounts, blogs, websites, and short links on one dashboard.TIP
12. Social Media Engagement
Examples of Social Media Engagement Metrics

  • Click-thrus

13. Repeat Visits 14. Comments on Posts 15. Time on Visit 16. Subscribes to Feeds 17. Retweet / @replies 18. Message recallGreat ways to boost engagement:

  • *Web Page floaters

19. Custom apps and widgets 20. Twitter engagement through lists, hash tags #, tweet ups, and genuine conversation 21. RSS feeds Facebook community building 22. Landing Pages Social Media Integration 23. Social2B Social Media Engagement IndexTIP
24. Social Media Influence
Examples of Social Media Influence Metrics

  • Change in Awareness

25. Change in Attitude 26. Purchase Consideration 27. Association with Brand 28. Likelihood they will recommend to a friend 29. Advocacy 30. Reputation Management ToolsetUtilize monitoring tools
Follow up on comments
Check out:

  • Klout, PeerIndex, SocialReport, Google Insight KnowEm reputation management service

31. PitchEngline PR social pitch platform 32. Social2B Social Media Influence IndexTIP
33. Social Media Action
Examples of Social Media Action Metrics

  • Visit the store

34. Attend an event 35. Tell a friend 36. Contact the company 37. Purchase the product 38. Donate 39. Volunteer 40. AdvocateWhen it comes to conversion and customer satisfaction check out various eCommerce Tools

  • Utilize a Customer Satisfaction Dashboard

41. Create product ambassadors on Twitter 42. Take advantage of an integrated CRM system 43. Integrate email campaigns with Social Media 44. Integrate SEO with Social MediaTIP
45. Social Media ROI
Examples of Social Media ROI Metrics

  • Return on Investment

46. Return on Ignoring 47. Return on Influence 48. Social capital 49. Brand Equity 50. Market Share or 51. Influence over large numbers 52. Convert fans to customers by engaging with them directly on various social media platforms. Relationship management is key when it comes to brand loyalty. 53. Measure your SM Campaign down to Tweet and Like level - can be done with proper tools. 54. Align and map your Social Media Metrics with traditional marketing and business metrics if you dont have any, create them.TIP