5 Deadly Print Advertising Mistakes Made by Marketing Agencies

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 5 Deadly Print Advertising Mistakes Made by Marketing Agencies

  2. 2. are yeti lbblcingfnr a specialized ca mpany buffering Print ilidvertisirggin NT?Then,an must chbbsetb artner a specialize service previ er after rneticulcius yevaluating.Did ycni llcncnvthat ever since the first print ad started appearing in the Inn century,print advertising has been a signicant marketing rnecliii m fbr marketers?They have essentially becerne t e best tcicil fdr engagement ambng all the channels by performing mitstandin ly in prn mciting sales cb nversiciin df business services and prd ucts.
  3. 3. Basically,print advertising is quite different frci m the digital marlceting as it has tn cnnsider everything such as paper quality,cbler,the message tb cciinvey,types at graphics ti:itsuse,etc. . The listgcies an and there can be varinus difficulty in creating impressive print ccirnmunique it let in publicist and design ers fail ta malce malzing up-tb-the-marlc print ads that can malie business rnarlceting campaigns successful.
  4. 4. 5 ccimmon print advertising errcirs made by marketers
  5. 5. .-7-EI-I--II -Hi."u.! :I! __. .-- .y I l ml. .. J 9,!II ' Ig i '1. ccill tci i.. -,iinforrncitien cictien Ii. if 9-.1 E E ii __,'v~. _ __ 3'' | '_: .-- 5 F _ _ .r . = Vi H= "'1'. . - _ _ _ _ _. -"I 1 . . I I I -.II V;ray x. -' i --s ' H _ I I___.H 1- _. _. ' . J I . v 5..,-Prescilc ~. Imperfect' -It heecllines : design Y"-. . J;as V?.._ i__,-"T by Hi Jr #7! ' J!J. -t - " -F - J I. -.-,l''_ - sir : '.''. i-
  6. 6. This is ene ef the huge edvertising errers,which see effect the number ef seles.tter presenting ell the mege benefits,whet yeu must prebe yeur eustemer is whether they went te de business with yeu_ The mcijerity eteustemers ele net heve en idee et eentecting the business unless prempteci Se,yeu sheuld net terget te put e CTIE.er cell te ectien in yeur print eeivertisement.
  7. 7. EXCESSIVE INFORMATIONFer business ewner their business is just es their bebies end just es perents went te sey everything ebeut eur kid te everyene,e business persen wishes te de the seme fer their business.Net everyene C-EIFEE ebeut ee-: :h end everylittle deteil.Knew whet is impertent te stete end where,besed en thet serve yeur rnessege.
  8. 8. IMPERFECT DESIGNIf design speel
  9. 9. PROSAIC HEADLINESThe heedline ef yeur print edvertisement sheuld be very interesting te ettrect the ettentien ef reeders end melce them helt end reed yeur messege.If it's uninteresting end just fency then yeu will net be eble te sell yeur preduct erservices.
  10. 10. NOT ADVERTITSING IN THE RIGHT PLACEThis is ene ef bee rnest cleeclly blunders business preprieters mate which cests them e greet deal.Circuletirg yeur marketing celleterels in the wreng pleas will net cnly waste yciur meney,but will else temish yeur brancl identity.Due te this reescn ycurrust be femiliar with ycur terget euclience well befere cletermining te reech beam.The astute step is be create a prels that will support yeu te match the campaigns and your cL. rstemers preciilsctiens ff yeu pursue this marlcebng strategy cest ef premeting wfi net be an expense,but rather an investment
  11. 11. mistakes de happen,but certain geef ups areirreparable.Therefere,while yeti cheese a rm effering print adve rt. lng in Mr,de net ferget teevaluate recent prejects,client testlmenials,reviewand eicpertlse befere hiring.
  12. 12. CONTACT WHITE STAR MEDIA1 Bridge Street Suite 130 Irvington.NY 10533Main Phone 914.693.8700 Main Fax 914.693.8740www. whitestarmediainc. comuieieiiisiiiis