5 Best Ab Workouts For Men

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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It is extremely desirable to have a good looking physique. So Here are the top 5 Best Ab Workouts for Men.

Transcript of 5 Best Ab Workouts For Men

Best Ab Workouts for Men Require the Following diet:

Intake only good carbs while completely avoiding white carbs.

Good carbs are found in foods like brown rice, oats and whole-wheat products.

Eat fresh vegetables because they carry lots of nutrients and vitamins.

Lean meats are a rich source of proteins, which is critical for muscle development.

Drink lots of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated.

Choose your fats wisely. For example fats from avocado, fish oils and olive oil are healthy fats you can eat.

Last but not the least – pace your eating schedule so that there is intake every few hours.

5 Best Ab Workouts for Men on the Road to build Six Pack

1. Plank – Normal Plank and Side Plank

Normal Plank Side Plank

Kneeling Plank

Spider Man Plank

Star Plank

2. Crunches – Normal, Bicycle and Reverse Crunches

Normal Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

Reverse Crunches

3. Ab Wheel Roll Out

4. Leg raises and V-Ups

5. Mountain Climbers

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