4Year Warranty On Fabric And Manufacture And Manufacture Layout Boat Skin (Fig B) Laythe boat skin...

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Transcript of 4Year Warranty On Fabric And Manufacture And Manufacture Layout Boat Skin (Fig B) Laythe boat skin...

A WL270SS model was used throughout this guide. The Floor assembly section does notapply to Airdeck or Slatted Floor Models.

Check ContentsOpen box and layout contents (Fig A)Check that you have the following itemsa. Boat Skin xlb. FloorBoard Set x I (For Solid Floor Models)bl. Alternative Floors include Airdeck or Slatsc. Seat xld. Oars x2e. Locking Bars x2 (For Solid Floor Models)f. Foot Pump xlg. Bow Painter x Ih. Stowage Bag xl1. Engine Bracket (WL230RA model only)j. Boat Repair Kit

4 YearWarranty



Layout Boat Skin (Fig B)Lay the boat skin out flat and pull the transom upright as much as possible.

Construct Pump (Fig C)Remove the foot pump from its plastic bag. Unclip the pipe from the pump(the pump will expand once clip is removed; the larger part of the expandedpump is the back).lnsert black, smooth, end of the pipe into the hole on theright of the pump.

Partially Inflate SidesIMPORTANT: In the centre of any of the valves you willsee a small spring. Turn this spring anti-clockwise aquarter of one turn causing the spring to lock into place.This will 'PRIME' the valve and allow air to be pumpedin and then self seal when the pump nozzle is removed(Fig D).Insert the pipe from the pump into the front valve on the port side of theboat skin (NOT the valve in the floor-if applicable). Turn the pipesbayonet in the value until locked in position.(Fig E). Use the pump to blowair into the bow of the ship and stop pumping once the bow is half full.(Fig F).Now r-ep-e-a-t-a-ct~lO-n-s-t-opartially inflate the two sides of the boat skin. Theboats side chambers should now all be partially inflated. (Fig G).

Create Rigid Floor(This section does NOT relate to Airdeck or Slotted Floor Models)Unpack the floor sections. Lay the floor sections out next to the boat asthey are numbered (Fig G).Lift the port side of the boat skin at the bow end and insert the first floorsection right into the grooves between the floor and the partially inflatedside of the boat skin. Then repeat for the starboard side. (Fig H). Make surebow board is pushed right into the grooves and the floor valve is easilyaccessible though the hole in the floor section. Insert the next floor sectionas with the bow, assuring it "locks" in to the bow floor section. (Fig I).Insert the last board into the boat at the stem end first, and then lock it intothe centre section as before (Fig J). Push all the boards flat and into thegrooves between the floor and the sides of the boat skin, pull sides out toallow boards to slide in (Fig K & L).Unpack the locking bars. Place the first locking bar on the port side withthe inset side of the bar facing into the boat. Tip the bar under the floor sothe inset section "locks" board sections 2 and 3 together (Fig M). Repeatfor starboard locking bar.

Fit SeatUnpack the seat. Hook the seat into the fabric strips on each side of theboat.

Fully Inflate Boat SidesInsert pump pipe into the bow valve again and fully inflate the bow of theboat skin (Fig N). Repeat for both sides. (Inflate until hard to the touch, donot over inflate). Put caps back onto valves leaving valves in the closedposition.

Inflate Keel(Ths section is NOT applicable to Slotted Floor Models)Insert pump into the floor valve at the bow of the boat, remembering to'Prine' the valve first (see note 'Important' above). Inflate the keel with thepump until the keel feels solid. This will cause the bow to rise.

Assemble Oars & PainterClip oar haWs together. Unscrew oar mounts on boat. Insert oar intoRowlock and Screw the securing cap down (Fig 0). Secure the painter ropeonto the bow of the boat (Fig P).