4th Grade Indian Project Chloe

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Mojave Indians

Transcript of 4th Grade Indian Project Chloe

  • 1. *
  • 2. * The Mojave Indians lived east of the Cahuilla Indians , in desert lands near the Colorado River . Not many plants grow there and animals are scare because of the hot, dry weather.
  • 3. * The Mojaves climate is very hot and dry. The climate is hot and dry because they lived in the desert.
  • 4. * They lived in the desert region so they had to build houses that will survive in the hot and dry weather. In summer, they made flat topped shelters so the wind could cool them. In the winter, they made walls of logs and arroweeds.
  • 5. * *They ate seeds, cactus fruits, and mesquite beans. The Mojave also ate small animals.
  • 6. * The Mojave had different kinds of nuts, berries and small animals. They did not have a lot of trees or water.
  • 7. * *http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:/ /www.geog.ucsb.edu/~joel/g148_f09/lecture_ notes/mojave/080328_mojave_035.jpg&imgref url=http://www.geog.ucsb.edu/~joel/g148_f09 /lecture_notes/mojave/mojave2.html&h=700& w=1050&sz=419&tbnid=- ibA4jShPD4zWM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=134&zoom=1 &usg=__6TglCq5Vow4liGckZTM_X15_BGo=&doci d=BvXLfuwNuyaboM&sa=X&ei=VMVBUp3CHciKiA KIg4CIAw&ved=0CDAQ9QEwAQ&dur=621
  • 8. * *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojave_Desert 2012 paqoo. All rights reserved. Designed by HD Wallpapers 2012 paqoo. All rights reserved. Designed by HD Wallpapers