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. Saturday Is Big Day With Election, Auction, Fish Fry



. "IN ""' PAth\ Of fMt PlAINS"

Items Needed Quick For White Elephant Auction

Everybody might as weU come to town early on Saturday and stay aU day. There will be a lot goina on.

Most important is the election of a mayor, eity council and school board representatives ·beginning at 7 AM at City Hall and coding at 7 PM. At 11 AM, a fish frY open to the public will begin at St. Isidore Catholic Church and last until 2 PM. Then the Chamber of Com· mcree's White Elephant Auction of interesting and perbaf$ valuable treasures will bepn near the army tents on Maio Street.

You tan do your civic duty, fill your tummy, and find won· derful bargains--all on the same day.

Pete Thompson, who has been mayor of Abernathy for 16 years, faces competition for the post from Bilf Shipley and Coleeo . Cecil. F"IVC people, including incumbent Tommy Overstreet, are competing for two positions on the city coun­cil. The other candidates are Cheryl "Skeet• Engle, Larry Bryant, Mike Nelson and Shane Cunningham. .The two people wi~ .the m?St votes ~ win th~ ·=~ .Jn . the --~ _ ~a.e •. ~ ' '/ ''·~~-.. ·--- ~ ·':1JnsiSN"l'nD'tA'RMY . ~, •. , -· ~~·

but die ,_,.. b:lltS will come ill mipty lwtcly b die ChlmbCr ol Commerce's White ElephaDl Auction tl;lmorrow (Salarday).''fhclc pys joiacd ap to Wp nile die tcDta oa a ft1Y wiDdy day. • '· .

School board tandi~tCI must I'W1 for speeifie places on the board of trustees. Laurin Pra­ther, incumbeo" and Steve Oswalt arc asking for election to Plaec I on the school board. Tommy Myatt, incumbent, faces George Patton fQr ~on to

Kids Ignore Danger On Abernathy Streets

Place 3. / By the time most people are

through voting, "Frotf Barboza of Crosbyton will be cooking delicious fish at St. Isidore Catholic Church. French fries, coleslaw and tea will also be available. The Men's Committee is spoosoriug the fish fry to raise money for keeping up the church grounds. Tickets are S6 each for adults and S2 for single servings for c:hildrco. Food will be served until 2 PM.

Abernathy kids in the elemen­tary through junior high age group are courting danger to a wornsomc ~gree lately. They're walking out in the streets after dark and drivers eao't sec them until it's almost too late to stop.

A coneeroed farmer said he came very near hitting kids fmll

f::c t=:e~ an~ P~~~ the Jdcls were Hispanic. Some were waiting and some were 011

bikes. AU wore dark c1ot11iJ18 and none bad reflectors on their bicydea.

"They either don't know or are purposely ignoriug every safety rule; said the shook up farmer, "and some child is going togetlillled."

In one instance, the child appeared to be handicapped. The olbcrs were just there, alone ar in small poups. .Jo another .~ .a Hispa·

me woman was driving very ~ in ooc lAne of the ser· vice rO.cl. The farmer ·started around blr car and to his barror, aaw-just ~in time­·her c:hild O!l a bJcydc with no refJecton, rldios in the other laDe.

"The woman may have thoullht she was protecting the chifd," be commented, 'but was causing even WQrse danger. Anyone would naturaUy pass a slow moving car on a two lane road and a fast driver would not have seen the child on the bike. Thc woman should have driven l!diiasl the child for protection."

Kids of that age seem to de· light in walking in the middle of the street in broad daylight, delyiog any cars · to _ usc the strct4. That method of stoppina tr.mc: appears to Pic them a woadcrful sense of power. They

seem lu think it's "cool". The same behavior at night is no­thing but stupid.


WALKERS & BIKE RIDERS "Be sure drivers eao see you. •wear something white or of

light color: a T-shirt, jacket, bfousc or pants. "Walk or ride well to the side

of the street. "Put reflectors on bicycles to

shine when car lights hit them. RULE FOR NIGHT DRIVERS "Be alert! Watch for kids

walking and riding bikes in the street. About then, auctioneer Paul

Zuber will be start1og his high spec!d selling of interesting and perhaps vafuable treasures at the Chamber of Commerce's

Driving·On Fabric Is New Way To Fix Streets White Elephant Auction on Maio Driving on Avenue · D this distriCt of th highwa · d part Street. Wonderful stuff will be week feels like we're driving on mcot. c y e • displayed iD the two army tcnta fabric, docao't it? We are. The After the whole street was set up on the Jot bctwccJl the crew from W"tlliams & Peters CCM:red ·with fabric, the crew old theater and ScUI WeJdios, Construction covered the street spriokled a thin layer of sand Pick ~- favorite items and with a thin coat ol asphah, all over' it to make driving keep bi4dins- You may take a then laid down huae rolls of casier 'ani:l keep the asphalt from treasure home. undersea) fabric-the stuff they seeping tbrouah- On Monday,

If you'd rather get rid or talk about on TV in Pbillipr. 66 Stockman's bunch · will start •former treasure~•, dOoatc them ads. Tbia is the first time the layias • 1 1/r mat ol bot mix to the audioa. Hoppy Toler at famous fabric has been used on over ·it all· That process will Struve's will have them picbcl Abernathy streets. takeHef~!'-~. will be. best if -up. PrOQCCds will finl.acllj the .· "Jt JlVCI longer lasting - it. ' "w 4th of July eelcbratioll and 11e1p ltreJiith, • uid crew foreman plan to clo most of QUI' driving fix up a little downlowo put Aubrey Stodaoan when they OG other stredl untiJ the job is area. 1i11i1W 'Mil'k 011 Wednesday. "It cloao. He C$J)CCially .US that

By the time the alldioa ia preYeDta ~ by keeping people DOt clrWc on-the hot mix ova' UtCI· ~ up, the c1cc- laoilture &om gomg all the way mat until aD the barricades arc tloa wiD be aeuly OYCI" aad ~· · taken away.' word will aprad u to who -. 1'hi fabric has been around "Sometimes people go around You aurcly ciQia't wUt to mila atiout 10 years but is jliSI now · the COGC markers and drive all any put or tbia Salurday. ltal'tlDa to come into use in this the way down a frcab hi;'d mat.

Show-To-Go Opens. Ice Cream Shop · An icc cream . parlor just She also io'vites Jdcls to come enjoyed 10 m~," she said. OI)CIICd '- Show-To-Go v.-o oa · in and "baoa out•. In fact. the "'these 'l!fll"'ll evcoinp,. even Main Street betV.aa PiDIIOil icle cream parlor is a response bcalth eoaadOua _PCOPl!! might PbarmKy and StnM DePutmeat . to the ,... padets' Jcttcrs in wa,ni to tab the& Walk (fast) Store. The parlor ~ 16 the aewspapcr wfdcb mentioned to .the ice c:ream parlor, rel'rcah ~ o1 ice iDciDclio& over aad over bow mud! the tllcalllcMa wid& 0110 Jitdo dip, du'ce flawn ol ~ ICII"YN IIIOCd " .-. to P. and be ~ aad hike blct !Mlme. Ma)ile they in cu~ or COIIOI, 0110 dip or thCif ~ oUllido ol acbool. ="w 'bnlat 0\"'=D' CIP weiatit·

!:te =-;:.: ::: J::ticia'"=• ~.!= ~ ~-:.. ~ e:: ~ cbalrl IIC! amlltpd -....;; oL- to ..... ~ .. ~ •L~ •• ' ' freCia c:rc..~ Dear the &oat window~ ol the . - ._ ....,.;-'baa...., .. are • The Sllow-To-Go · Ice Cream ~tare. :::--ItO& ~ c:uc::-=: Parlor Ia open s~ after·

"We ilrvltc~ to lit aad auc:b ad a 10ft drink madliDe 11100111, til8 PM~ and 9 ::,."'.::==· ................ ~ rc~T.:::::; Uld oaer Noaa ·'l"oler. ~ "We ~- to brias · back 1lleCit ·aD reQ'IIiremoala. . . ·.of the_ ciD pldllliilr-WIIIdiiillilii"" iiiiillliiilllilicoclf~a=~ Hile-~9caldr~ w1lili - ... dad cboOIO ~ co ., ..... ~ Jib the ..... .. ...., pic:lj in its vidcot to tab boaie.. Old lode . foulltaiDa MI')'ODO • ~

Tbeo we have to _JO back and fJX. it and it really Slows the work down," he c~lained.

Traffic will be rout~ ar9und tbc work and intersections will be dosed at times but die ercw will try to inCDAvcnienee drivers as tittle as PQSSible. The street will be open to traffic at nipt.

"Wc'U appreeiate it if people

also reduce their speed when driving on Avenue D," said Stockman, "because we'U have

:l~d~ ol7~:~c:,..;?rking in the

And remc;mber, the more we stay off the fresh laid surface, the sooner they'll be through and traffic tan get back to normal.

The Chamber of Commerce's White Elephant Auction t!lipped up on everybody!

rrs TOMORROW!II The auction will start at 2 PM

Saturday with Paul Zuber as auctioneer.

Quick! Check your garages and closets, get . out anything good or interes:lng that you no longer want and tall Hoppy Toler at Struve's Department Store. He'U arrange to have it picked up today or Saturday morning.

The auction will be in or near the two big army tents which went up Tuesday on Maio Street on ·'the lot between the old movie theater and S&H Welding. Postmaster Ruben Garcia, also a F'trst Sergeant of a U.S. Army Reserves unit, borrowed the tents. (Isn't it convenient to have a Chamber of Commerce president who has 'pull" with Uncle Sam!)

Staff Sergeant Stan Edgar hauled t.hc tents out in an army truck while F'trst Sergeant Garcia rounded up a crew to mao the ropes and pull the tents up. Hoppy Toler, Aroo Struve, John Kveton, Tommy and PeeWee Myatt, Clayton Enger, Judge Marvin Toler, Jim aod Danny Rbd.riauez, Qve'illo Rodri· gucz, Clyde Bcnn, Oliver Shad· den and Dan Wright lent a hand.

Several of these guys said they were old Navy men and didn't know the first thing about putting up army tents but they did a speedy job under direction of Ruben and Sgt. Edgar.

The proceeds from the auction will help ra up a little park and fmance the Fourth of July celebration and ex-students reunion this summer.

A white elephant auction .two years ago proved to be great fun for the community and raised a good sum for the Crime Stoppers reward fund. The night before that auction; Dr. John Hale showed up a bit late to help get the white elephants displayed for the sale next morning.

•ru give you S300 for this whole batch of stuff; he joked, looking it over.

"That just goes to show who knows good stuff and who doesn't," said Happy Toler, telling the story this week. "That stuff brought $2,600 at auction."

Gather up your 'good stufr immediately and donate it to the Chamber of Commerce White Elephant Auction. Call Hoppy Toler today and he'U have it picked up.

Notice The 4th of July Celebration

and Ex-Students Reunion in the 'MII'b for this aum.mcr was to feature a basketball game be· tweeD the gitls who went to state in the 'SO. and the girls wbo weut to state in the '801. AU pla)":rs were contacted some time ago to indicate their williogoe8a to play or all~nd the game.

Game plaoocrs Lori Oswalt and Mona Toler say they have not bad enouah response to coatioue the plans.

Any women wbo played bu­ketbalhhOIC two dccaclea should bow they are remembered b7 an avid bunch of lana who would like to aeo them clo their ltuff tpio-tbouafa in a mare mature IJ)'Io. A6crDathiana are ~forward to the •nt.

Pleafe contact Mona or Lori. If it'a too mueb trouble to write or tetura tho form )'OU _..

caD or the

AAA Body Works -Free Estimaf.eS..-

317 Main 298-4078 QuaUty Body & Paint Works


11-2 & 5-9

- P.tfisb -AU you can eat! $5.95

Wednesday night special: Sirloin for two - $8.95



USP$003-340 ~~~~ lsSf1 fM9S.Gl ..

Tbe "M.C: Group of Scoiora at Farat Bapcilt Chur~ met iD the home of Mr. and Mn. Mania Toler Oil Saturday eve.n· m,. April 29. Forty-sa gues~a

we;: s:n=; meal <X!IIIistiDg of

fioger food& brousht by the guest& was enjoyed by aD. Mania entertained by playing his kC)board piano.

Some ~ visited 1Yhilc ochera pia~ dominos and Skip­Bo. All CDJO)'Cd the fellowship.


thcir s0n Cody Lee It 12:18 PM oa April_ 20. The baby weighed

6il pounds 12 o~~J~CCa and was 19 1/4 incbea long.

Checked •

Dale liBel Dorothy Anhur are hia maternal andparcnts. His irccnlll ::Jpariota are Jlke and Millie Riga of Amarillo.

Mrs. Willie Robcm of Amaril­lo and Mr. and Mrs. Phipps of Colorado are grcat-pandpatenta.

your msurance-coverage lately? .-·

How lona has il been since you reviewed your insurance coveraacs? Whh lnOation and risina prices, you may nnd that your current insurance Ia woefully behind the times,

Lei us prepare a comprehensive insurance revieW rcw you. No oblip· lion, Of CO!IrK• Thil important review can pinpoint ror you arcu where you arc prOJ~~:rly covered -and where you're not.

11'1 just one of the important ~~er· vices we, as imuraDCC profes~ionals, wa orrcr you. ~-

Call us today .


·.921 Avenue D Abernathy 298-~529

Ride with the· Best

1Wre a rile 011 John Dee~e11101t JJOPUIIr riclq mower, lbe 1W5. A ruaecJ, quiet @-bonepower qile IIIII lhe indultry'a tiJ1*et (17-illl:h) fllrllinl radiul mike tbe RX7S an eaay cboice. 011 tbe 11101riaa deck, a wide IAI-~ lip il ftlled.l.llder to aate aUbaler lk'b fOr better lift, cut IIIII blllill. Ride ~ cioe o( the I{IOit ~ 1111111!1 in lbe bullinea Get' • Jalll DeeR: IIX75 rilac qloCMel' todljy.

NOdiiDC .... l.lle. Deere~ (S

·Joe TbolnVion Implement

Flo Greene Alexandel' services ~ semc:ca for - Flo W.H,and~TaJior,~

On:e-o ~. 68. were. at Petcnbtq rUidcDla. Sbet ·IMd lO AM Fridaf, April 28, ia FUU iD Bula and Mortoa ~ore IJapdst Church of ·l;'ctenburg. . mcMn& ro PctenburJ ia 1930. 1'1le 'Reverend RODDie Travis,- Slic '1111 1 lfliluate4 Peten-pastor, Off'tclated. 8urial was iD buq: High adlool and aarricd Petmbutl Cemetery. J.C. GreeDe lo 1940.. He ·died ill

Mrs. Alexander was lh.c mo. 1976. Sbc married Ocne AJeun. '*' of Judy LIJaj of Cleb~l dc:fii11981 ... who With licr husband Scott will She .,... .-bet of ritll 10011 !IMI the Abernathy Weekly Ba• a.ardl Of ~ Review. Mn. AlClWl.der wu also ud Hale CA:Dter Stnior CitizenL die mother of Claudia Rambo of Othct ~~ iDdudc bu .Ha!Q Center, who with her hw.baud; boo 1101111, Duane ltvablntl Toinmy owns the Hale Greene of Petersbws and Dmd Ceater American. Alelancb of Lubbocl; uothcr • 'Mn. Alcxandc:r 'died at 10'.30 daugbter1 1~ Porter of Peten-AM A_pril 26 iD Methodist Hoe- i>1115 a DrOUIU, Cec::il Taylor of pitUJIW aaud4C11 ill,aeu, P~nbuq; two . sister~, £.~

Slic was bol"'i ·Flo Taylor on Kur~ ol Petersburg and December 25, 19W iD Chillico- MarJie Sue ol Floydada; ud tbc, tbe daugh1er of the late eigbi paudddldrtn. •

Swann Pettit Services The funeral for Swann Pettit, the Hale Center Independent

81, or Hale Center, father of School Distria. Keith Pettit and brother of He was a member of Masonic Hugh ud Clay Pettit, was Lodge No. 832, KhiYa Shrine

~':~·:·~~eat~=r~aru: ~::i~:Je ~n:~Jon;~u~~~ ho · · married Freda Byrum in 1934 in ~ rt, muuster or Hale Center Abernathy. She died on February

Church of Christ, officiated at 14• the 10 AM service. Other survivors include two

Pettit died at 4:15 AM April daughters, Vema Ruth Judah of 29 in Hi-Plain$ Hospital after a Lubbock and Jana Matthews of

tlfdas To G~duate lArry.._._ wUtlle pJuadua frOIU wa)ilana aaj)t!St u~' Mqtltll witlla ..,_ io dleoloiY.

Ulrry Ia • U84 ~ of AliS and ac,n:d *$ ~ of JOiUth · li Abcntatl!1s NOrclllk» ~ Cllllrcla~for 'l4/2 )UraJic!Oft -..... putor (0 Camry BapCisa Church In Jlloyda4a. .

lMry Ia alatrlod to tk fOrmer SIWmiD T. •nd Is the - of Delbert and Ma)Wl Perkins. .

SbQda ,Neve Wbts.Achievement Award · Shan4a Nove. dalllhter of iamea and Brenda NC'Ie o1 St~ baa beea IIIIMCI a (1 .... States Natiolu!l Award wlml.er 111 tUlJtio. matica by die United Statea Adlievemcnt Ac:adcilly. She - IICllllia­atcd for tl!o .-cl by, MarilyQ Aler, math teacher at Abcmlihy Juaior HlgiL

Shucla attcnodi Stc:pbenWlc Junior High but she and her parents. li'Yed In Aberaallty roccntly. Her grandnothcrs are Marie Neve and DcAtva Dlily.

The Aeademy sdecta U~ wiml.ers UpoD the. Olldusiw recoal· m"cndatlon r:J tcAdlen, COichca; counselors or other 5ChOol sponsora and upoa lhe Stuldarda of Selection set forth by the Academy. The' criteria for ~ are a Sludent's academic perfonnucc, intercat and aptitude, leadcnhip qualities, responsibiliry, eatbusiasm, motiva· lion to lcam and impnm:, citizenship, attitude, cooperative spirit and dependability.

Sbanda will 1ppear 'In the USAA official yearbook, published nationaDy.

Phillips Accepte'd Into Phi Kappa Phi Laura LeAnn Phillips, i music education/music performance major

at Texas Tecb. was reeently aca:pted into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa . W'bi, ,one of the highest academic honors awarded at the

long illness. Burial was iD Hale Midwest City, Oklahoma; another Center Cemetery. ' brother, Vernon of Paris; three


um~mii'. Phi membership is limited to senior, law and graduate students ~ rank iD ibe lop 10% of their graduating classes and juniors who rank iD thc top two percent of their class.

Laura and other new members were honored at an initiation banquet April 18 In the University Center. The featured speaker was W. Frank Newton, dean of the Texas Tech School of Law.

He was born iD Gustine and sisters, Ella Mac Horton of moved to Hale County in 1915. NewhaJ~ California, Juanita He moved to Hale Center in Pratt of Ralls and Tiny William-1947, where he was a farmer son of Graham; eighl grandcbil· and rancher and a former 'mem- dren; and three great-grandchil·

It waso't picDie weather Wcdnesclay but Energas &howt:d oiJ ias gas griDs anyway, u part of a spring sales campaign. W .D. Saodcra (left) loolcd forward to a taste of sausage and Enerpa'a .Jody Magness Q)uld hardly wait for a hoi dog. Clarcna: Johnson loOked on as Energas' Rusty Day (of Raila) tended the grill.

Laura is t.hc daupter of Gary and Diana Phillips and a graduate of AHS. She is aCtive iD the Texas Tech Symphon•c Band, Marching Band, Per~n Ensemble and University Syritphony Orchestra, ZIT Drum Une, Percussive Arts Society, Lubbock Symphony Orcllestra, RoswcU Symphooy Orchestra, Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority, Alpha Lambda Delta National Honorary Fralernily, Golden Key National Honor Society, is on the National Dean's Ust and in Outstanding College Students of America.

ber of the board of trustees of dren.

Services For Gene Settle The funeral for Gene Seide,

60, of Richardson, brother of W.T. Settle, was Thursday, May 4. The Reverend Sonny Conatser officiated at the 2 PM ceremony iD Re5tland Memorial Chapel in Dallas. Burial was iD Resdand Memorial Park.

Mr. Settle was born in Aber· nathy on May .5, 1928. He was on thc faculty of the University of Texas al Dallas and had also taught at El Centro College. He

News Briefs The Golden Spread Chapter of

the AmericaD Business Womens Association .held an enrollment tea J the Qiluchusetts Mutual building in Lubbock on Sunday evening. AttcndiDg &om Aber· Dalhy were Evaughan Hackler

Iva.~ a member of the Gideon Society and of the Church on the Rock North.

Other survivors include his wife Betty; a daughter, Karon Tedford of Spring; two sons1 Larry of Richardson and John ot Burleson; three other brothers, Edwin of Lubbocli:, Doyle of Dallas and Hubert of Seagraves; two sisters, Dorothy Adams of Arlington and !willa Adams of Lubbock; and three grandchil­dren.

and MaJVin an~ !f:zel Toler.

Minnie ~· ..di.sllie$ aputy preside~ o ' ·· · ~&.ikaH Assembl)', made er ol'llair visit to Plainview Rebekah Lodge 309 last week. Wava Barrick accom­panied her.

For A Change ...

Depot Dispatch

Fifty-live members were present for Wednesday's meet· mg. along . with guests Billie Jean Harrison and Sibyle Mit­chell ftom Albuquerque, New Mexico. There were also two c:arryout trays. ·

Hal Howard won the free lunch drawing. F.W. Rogers led the invocation. Merle Enger and Jewel R~ers played the piano for us, With F.W. and Clayton leading singing. Duets were sung by F.W. and Jewe~ with others singing quartets.

Last Tuesday 39 friends met to visit and play games.

Our sympathy to lhe friends and families of Ruth Ruffin on lhe loss of a brother-in-law, W.T. Seule 011 tbe IQiiS· of his· · brother, and Joe Reines on the los., of his mother. Helen Tolly WIIS reported home from the ' hospital and improving.



Pol. .MY. - Paid for by Shipley For Mayor, BID Shipley, 811 W. lSIIa Street, Abel1lalby, 1'X 79lll


~~· ~~JUL.. ~ :· ~~,~~ I LOVE YOU ·:~

1 MAY 8-14th ,.

~.. £' )_l Rememb~r Mom on her day.... ·:': ,. • ' 1 (lt'a jU5t bet 111011t importanl clay ollhe year.) ·

t . - ~ . ·. . . Flowers, Plants, Corsages, Gifts .~ ~' ' ' ) RePrer for • $25.00 gift ecrti&cale fill' mom. ··~

FLOWIRS.IY·WIRE 914AYC. D 2!18-2818 ~ Barrick Associntes & Flornl i.

~ JlaiiLOUA"JJJ(II~A'fiOS,H~IILOUAJJ'flll•J.'fiOS,Jl~IILOUJ.JJtlfl ·:·

Four years of open~minded, fair, honest service on the ' board. A balanced vi~w of school problems. <;hildren in high school, junior high & elemen-tary. A good feel for what's needed by kids in each level. the

. wtiole community. . Support your ·· · Re.;Eiect school TOMMY MYA

-and city. ·



The group thanks Don Glover and Vicki Buckaloo from Pro Nurses for taking blood pres· sure.• on Wedne.wy.

The group was glad to have the H.B. Coggins' back atPin; they are such an inspiration to us.

Monday nighl is game night and pot luck supper. Everyone is welcome.

Next week's Mother's Day menu is turkey with dressing, gravy, potatoes, green beans, fruit salad, rolls, lea and coffee.

Don't forget the Chamber of Commerce Auction on Saturday. Proceeds j!O to tbe Fourth of July activities. -'R!anks to the members wbo

helpc:jl wijh lunch, and to Dan Wnght for lhe beautiful Iris Rowers.

Dunn Named All-American Phoebe Dunn, of Wayland Baptist University's Flying Queens

basketball lcam, rea:ived her first All-American recognition last wult when the American Women's Sports Federation released it$ post-season honor roU. Also sbariDg Waylands's All-American honors ~rc.Sharla Harrison-George and coach Floyd Evans.

, Dunn captured A WSF fourth-team honors in only 23 games after becoming e~blc iD January. She transferred to Wayland last S{lring from Louisiana Tech.

The .5-() 10phomorc guard led the team in assists with (.5.2) and steals (3.0) and was second in scoring (10.5). She WIIS also second iD blocked shots (1.1) and tbird in rebounding (4.22).

Phoebe is from Abernathy and played with the Lady 'Lopes during her high school career.

Hughes Gets Degree, Outstanding Award Gayla Hughes will graduate from South Plaw College on May 12

wilh an associatc-degree ·ia ·dlild development.' A-~~ b~!'_~~t. f!>r her; gn~duattng- -class ~centlr.:-"&he was bonQJ~(f"" as llic ou1S anQiiijj student 41 the clilld developmcul field.

Gayla i5 director of the Charlie Brown Learning Center here. Jan

• Four ddldren ill rdlool • Local basiacumu • Conccrllcd for &he aJIDJDuaily

Larry Bryant

for City


Brown. owner of Charlie Brown's reported the honor and said Gayla docs a "super and wonde· rful job as director. I can't leU

b~~." a~lh:hha~~cn1h!~l!$st:;~: Charlie Brown's for three years.



Pol Adv.- Paid for by Dua ~ 1107 Aw:nue J, AhauiJry, 1'X 79311


r~ Adv.-Paid fur 1,y Su;t"(X''en ol S&noc ar.u. M"tlu: Urabcrt, Ttc:r.~urcr. S11u R~e., ltak Ccllttt TX7'~



School Board Place l

· On Saturday, May 6, take th~ opportunity .to vote for experience, leadership, (~,tirness and integrity. Vote for a person wbo· ... s proven IIi$ •billties through conilnunity involvement as an Abernathy area resident for 18 years.

All Abemalhy &ludc:nta ia SWICiiDg broadjump, burclles, sndea oac tbrovaJa 6Ye will test jump rope and I'1IJUiiDg. •L-:.., _,u-:- .L!11. •• •L- Tbc public is iaw.cd to ~ .._ .. .......,.. ......,. .. ..... pareots and friends in watc:IJios Juaior Oiympia today at AD- and cbeeri"" the llids OIL The tclope Stadium. Beginnill8 Ill --12:4S, •L- L!-'- will ,_ their annual C'ICIIl is very popular

...., """' u 1 with a big part · of the COlD· luck ar cbinlliJI& aoftball throw, mllllily.



d>inning-lth prls oundinsW-Sihgirls 400 yd. da&h-3t~ -5th boys Z20 )'II. ruo·l61·2nd boys


=~~t'" ::,~~11\r?.'.;!~~r,~,ls

2:21) 15 ~· d..JI. lot, 5th boys

2:25 jump rope-hi ~rls dlianing-2nd 8Jrls ~":i~r?.'.:~.~i~ls

2:40 o40yd.thulllcrdayt

3:00 400)'11. n:lllys

3:35 OVI!R

Awards will be presented after permitted in the softball throw each cvcnt. Two tries wiD be ud &landing broad jllDip.




AS MAYOR • We Mftl bailt a aew &rc dcpal1mcnl baikfi11c. Tbc cily

a-.:1 ..t ¥Oiaacccr lircmca laawi wortcd lllgl:tba- to baild a pat&c~

• Ant dau ~ ICIYicc is provided for the aJID­=-tbrouP CllCI(IC:nlinn wilh the LDbboc:k Ccanty HlllpiW

• Tile old tnlll damp poaDda, which - out of -­....., 1lilll the Stale Departmcut of Health SWidards, Mn1 CUiaCd ..t n:placcd wilb lllatc>~ laodfiJl& DOW ia npcndoa.

• C 'f IIIJic lln:d -m. laaa been CDIIIpkted by the city .. property--'ltbli pcriocl.

• Tile city - ha fiw: times as much cwc:rllcad water lltanF and _. twice the -OIIIIt of water RSC~YCS as was IYIIiWJic 16 ,ara ..,_ Tile city was si- a SSOO,OOO oubigbt plllt by the F.-ncr~ Home .AdmiJiistratio to impi'IM: its Willer- and llllfiF-

• Tile .,....,. llpiiiOWid a lleutiful commllllily CCDICI whicb .. ..-to be. pat ... to aD of as.

• Tile old &c ..... was laiMted aad made iato a &nt ct..~.

• Tile cily .. Clltadcd - ~ wida $172,000 in ::.w, C"" - the - 16,.., aad this projcd ia

• To pnJtoct _. ..._._..., die - - ha ~ dodrical ud .-...cu~ca. _, -~-~~·~laawibccadia-

·~of---· · a· mt•toprutoctboda ..-...afllbn,....,~ <"' ' '.

•A,St ........ ....- ....... ._....,.... ... .,.._ .. ......, ... ~,..old--lilt '- _.... -' 111111D - Wenl ~ 'l1il ................ ..,.,.....,... ..... . • A cily ....,. ~ ..... .._ the cily to .... r-IICDIIII'IIIIedby .......


.:,.~,;:, =:.-.:i;1~~ ~ -s:'; ~ ... .,......_.._ ............ ...

• wo .CIIIiiiiii.D 1111t 111a c:i1J ._a 30 10 • ,_ .....

•mf~llldlarn-llllleof...,,._...,.. ................ ~,._ ..... ............ ~ ....... -­,... .. ,.... ............. ~


&:!!?.~~~ announces the association of ..... _

DAVID SANDERSON, ChFC Chartered Financial Consultant

to bead their life insurance department in addition to bis personal writing of

auto, home. life and health insurance .

Ollice fl16~ · Home fi16/298-41CJ Salclll "- 460166dl Suire B Lubboct, Taas 7!1414



• ·Strength gm/tcx: 25-30 CERTIFIED SEED $17~00


• Staple Length: 33-37 • Exc:cllcnt Storm Resistance • Early Maturity

• Ulllllltllori:alpopptba ~u.s. prutcctcd -a, .


Coker-PaYIIJ&stl1r-LankBd-Tamcot -Stoneville-DP&L



(A Divisloo of SEEDCO) .

Summer Baseball Final Registration

Wednesday, M~y 101h is the final date for all age groups to register for baseball. Birth ccrtilicates and the $20 regis-

tration fee l!!llil be in at this


The Regional UIL Tennis Meet wu held at Abilene Christian University on April '1:7 and 28. AHS senior Jodi Morrison and junior Ashley Kester advanced to the quarter-fmals in Girls' Doubles competition. Isabel Oniz

lime in order for your child k participate;.

If you have uy questions, c:onlad Lezlic Thompson at 298-2246, DiAnn Stone at 328-5386 or Howard Halford at 757-rJJi3.

competed in Girls' Si.IWes. Kestcr/MorrisOn dc1cated Car­

rasc:o/Grosa of Marfa 6-1, 6-2; then los! to Butts/fownsend of Spearman 4-6, 7-6, 2-6. Ortiz was defeated by Schneider of Spearman ~ 6-0.

STEVE OSWALT Place 1 School Board




Shane Cunningha~

Pol Adv.-Paid for by ShanC ()nminsh•m, Ui04 A1ICDIIC J, Abcnuidly, TX 19311


Abem.athy Schools Announce Fifth Sb Weeks Honor RoDs ,.._._ "'~R...t..:- Hclea Qzl}u, Joluuay r-•, Qltica. Rya lGal. aD~ J;;'un;;:"""Vi -!f5V Catu, Rclbat hlac:icM. Alita ·Nret, - . Cody F~ = Evua, Jeaic.Ruit,. Dubie~ Ttad SVI'I!IlltONOIUlOI.L

~==-Mlltia,. Rabat N= = =~S~w"~ ~~~ lCri.tjnc ~~ ~ Riley, AlllyYuez · • V'~ Vilauilcft. Jolui 1kMf. Rdlea:a sh...'W~ ~· fiBGJW>B w., Jcuifcr s--. N'ddas

- ~ .. • , ·- · - . JO!IIIba OllMt, s-a £ftlls, Hamilton,~~~ . . . ..._......,.._..,_, CaiCIIicc F10ja; u.y- Fodlea, - .snfU~.n&n. -Ai)'lon Aldridge, Rkardo Ar· BeD l.ope7.. ~mid J'l~ ~ Bllfc, Joe Cabellcro, reCiondo, Ia Dale Cannon, Leslie Rnc,11R, MillY. 8(ndliDa. . RaChel o.mtreel, La • ~CriMi GaiJoway, S\llaiiA Garza. II.GRADB . ~ Woodul, Chad Cui;. ~ amst,e Marez. Mlllldl Mouser, Mlrilya Askiu, David Canou, JolmM., Tulia BoOac, Iemay Jody Myatt, T'df1111y Pope, Juscio ~:to, DcAadl. J.C. (.1arda. Rou- ea.ey, l..iDcly EdMrdl, . 'fray Prather, Christy Ramirez-, Alinita linda Gonza1a. ftbttJiew Guer- Hardaoo, R51Adilnc, Danny Rodriguez, Charles R-0, Chad rant, Joel Huriloa, Chris Lam- Rodri&ucz. 1 Wanca ~n. V.W Shuey, Alcxi bert, Jeremy Maasanalca, Brian SO'PEil R llOU. . Woodul. Tommy Y~ Martin, Stcp1aanic Mcllcc, Tad Jody Schaap, Laura Nca,

JUNIORS' 0\\lntrcct, T'dfuy Rcclwinc, J(rista Bryant. Zeb Patta. OwU Ater, Abel Barrera, Todd Leslie Settle, MIU"CCC6 Vdleps. <Jaalc, Gabriel Garcia, Dallu II'H'GRADB ~ Steve Haney, David All&io Alcr, Eddy Own · Hubbard, Ashley Kester, Lori Tony Davis, Dennis Haney, C MOralel:, lll5lin Ridetts, Marci Hubbard, &tcban Lopez; M&rc:o~~ Ryan, V.aor Salazar, Gabriel LQpc7. l..aShae Martin, Dcc11a Trevino, Debra Wesley, Matt Morab. TOII)'II Myatt, Zaclt W'dllamson Patton, · ~ Ponce, Elise

·SENIORS Prather, Billy Ridetrs, Mike AJ!Bcla Aldridge, Roy Camac:bo', Schaap, Matt Thompson, Rac:bcl Pepper Dodson. Jesse Garcia, Waits Lisa Goodman, Paul Andy Hag- 4111 GRAJ)E strom, James Jenkins, Amanda Calbcrine Chism, Rickey CastiJ.. Kellc:y, Chris Kitc:bens, Josephine leja, J06bua Collom, Heath Luera, Daniel Miller, Armando Halford, Lacy Nelsoa, Candice

. Minor, Pete Olivas, Danny Ortiz, Riley, MidJacl Rosu, Rafael


School Menu IIDN.DAY

oal~n:Ufut: Or1ooF juia>, ~ "*'· Luadl: Sloppy joel. ,,..... rnc.. .,.,._

...... Ilk nJESDAY

Bteakllll: Pillcopt>lo juice, cn:om CJl . wlocol,lllilk

Luadl: T-. wilh dlccoo. Jell-. lomllo, pinto~""m:s""it:~ bn:MI, milk

Bn:atlut: Fruit juice, waroc., •yrup, milk

Lundl: Spoaltctl; wilh meat uua:, tOOM:d salad, <Orn, fn:oth brud, X'YZ ukc, milk 1llURSDAY

Brc:.ikfaat: Apple juice, fru.il loopo, tout, milk

Lunch: Barbu\lcd c:hick<:n, poloiO salad, pinto beans, a u ll-brcad, brownica, milk

FRIDAY Brukt'w: Hl$ll bt- '*"""~"• bif­

cuil,milt Lund>: H•mborccn. frenCh frico, wolt­


BIG TIME WINNERS Tile Abenltlay Silllt Gtidc Bud.- Swl:cpll.ua trop11ies and lots of DMsian I nuda ~ lOins IIlii CIISCDibb at tflc Pc:tc:nbura Band Fc:a6Yallast week. or

Sixth Grade Band Wins Sweepstakes Abernathy's Sixth Grade Band

· was awarded a superior rating in bolb concert and sightrcading at the Petersbu'l! Band Festival last Saturday (April 29). It was the young musicians' flfst time to rompete.

' Member& of the band also performed ensembles and did

:~~~~~k~~ ~:f:.Orted band For c:oncert competition, the

band played "Two Bridges Over-

ture" by Andrew Balent and 'Safari" by James D. Ployhar. *Processional Grand March" was the sigbtreadill8 number.

Cona:rt judges were Phil Anthony of Coronado High &boot in Lubbock and Eldon

Reynolds of Mackenzie Junior High in Lubbock. Sightreading judge was Tana Marks.

Band members who performed were Jarin Brummett, Solcnia

Delgado, Susan Evans, Kudacc Floyd, Wendy Knox, Melissa Lopez, Denise Pendergraft, Eli1.abetb Ramirez, Kevin Rll5-sell, Zac Wall, Justin Barton. Jonathan Chism, Micbcal Downs, Cory Forbes, Janet Gardner, Stephen Hubbard, ~ Lopez, Mike Mehagan. David Navarro, Leslie Riley, Amber Spain. Misty Spradling. Amanda Slnlve and Brian Turner.

to the future of his kids and yours, and the community.


Ensembles receiving . superior ratingJ were Jonathan Chism and Michael Downs for a comet duet; Zac Wall, Jarin Brummett and Kevin R usseU for a su trio; Selenia Delgado and Melissa Lopez for a flute duel; Elizabeth Ramirez and Denise Pendergraft for a clarinet duet; Amber Spain, Susan Evans, Kandace f1oyd, Janet Gardner and Wendy Knox for a wind ensemble;


Place 3 Abernathy School Board

For City Council I am an honest, straight-forward Christian. If

elected I will not say what I think, but what yoo

think. I am for all the people, not just a select

few.l am an experienced City Councilwoman, bav· ing served as city secretary, an EMT and am

knowledgeable on city government and laws.

Vote Saturday, May

an~efi:~~ ~r!Prr~ percussion/clarinet ensemble; Misty Spradling. Leslie Riley, Amanda Struve, Mike Mabagan and Cory Forbes for a percus­sion ensemble; and Stephen Hubbard for a t11ba solo.

:::::::::::~~~=~;~~:~::::Pol Adv.-Paid forbyCIICiyl 'Skeet' Engle, UOl Aveauc H, Abemat.by, TX 79111

"Congratulations to these fmc young people on a very success­ful day," c:ommc:nted Bufe. "They received a sweepstakes award, won special r ltSl division medals and were selected the Outstan­ding' Beginning Band of their class. ~~al is great!"

Ruby l'rrmium llie5<l .. w g;,. ,...., famuns opor11i<JJ lhr winui113 rdt!e. Furmula(td wllh llw! unlqllt 1\trmland 6UOO addlliYe. Ruby .._, deiOiopfd sp«ific2lly kl malnlain ias quality when r...d with llw! aoogh. dusay, heary·load coac!'~klns oollw!lana.

Ruby Pmnlum Dlcsd wilh lht <IICiusiiO farmland 6000 lddkl\0 C<lllllins sp«ial d<let'3ft'U I<>

deslt"!' dlt1 and ponlculsnas 1ha1 can <los )001' engint\ lu<l syRom. II~ ahe clran-up, kftp-clnn ingedlrnl th:ll pi'OIII04<S nwlmum ..-and lllialtlum lu<l c"""'mptkNI

Farmland6000_allow>....,aodenwlsily MIU..UJ and drop lD lht tlllk but ... lor dtsin· • · lbb prt'tt!IIS Wiler !rom corn>dlll8 villi....,. puu.P1111,1lw!lu<lbwnsdHn forlm ....... fufi «UUIIOO)'wilhlcoo<mokcandlncreal<d.,...,. Alll!l<ldedprote<lion, corrosloolnhlblaors~l


Ruby PremiUm tJiosd I< bad<td by ahe 1\trmland 1blaJ Mlllnt<n...,.S)'SI<'III Mnrt6.IJOO.Hwr, or -!-loari4.0IJO.Hwrwamnayprowamfo<ntW tr1Cl0f'$orcomblrws

fornwlmwn.,...r.lnmwd lu<letflcicftcy. ..weed ma1n:enanco, and deere"""' downtime, lhtn!isoolyooorcalluby.Arlllabkonlyti)OUr DoiWe Clrdt Co-<p or AMPRIIIIl~

Register to win a Chevy"' IWI-Size Sllmwdo Pldtup or one qf may

seiiSIIIIotuJl prizes!

awy"' lill--llw.b. ' ··1011. bl Uatrlll<!dm.!lnc.114 Pickup Truck> tqulpp<d wiah adiHd hid 111n.<kr aank and 10011101. h\ .... n ... ail·""' ruu.s~ .. pkkup inaroduccd In !his de<adt.

~- . .,..,, Second Prizes EIPI ~JH,tlhatjf.4Jrf-.for •l-'~7fl/faw. 1:-hdasslirfllt.,OOanyohcreBnnlllllJos inlhtcunllncncaiUS.

1bird Prizes ...,,_,_,_,,/tltllm. OlltjacktlwinnttlromtldlpattldpalmK DoubloChdoCo-<JpandAMPRIDf•

•mtt. "JIM tt.IINIIlNy ~-,,..,,.,..,,.,


New Entertainment Spot :"• =~ J· ~··,··: ~)·'·~: . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. ·~· ;z· . . ..... . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .l

I •

~ To-Go ~ ice Cream Parlor

16 Flavors Four tables & seating

320 !\lain Street Abernathy T•l•phune 29~·1531

Come cool off, relax, visit and look over the newest video releases.

Having attended Abernathy schools for 12 years, and with children in school for the next 14 years, I will strive to serve the best interests of all child­ren in this community. I am proud of our school and will try to help maintain the quality schools

PaST PLACE+H WINNERS a.d:: PcciOI Shafer, )mid~. Joluuly 1'IUworth; &om: Matt Riley, Alidua ~ l..cpll Neve.

4-H'ers All Win Firsts In District Contest At the 4-H District Contest at

Ttxas Tech April 29th, an elllrlcs from Abernathy won lirst place bonou.

Pcc:os SWer won lirst for his method demonstration on horse g1oomiog. David CaM:r won a fant for public speaking. The team or 'ohnny Titsworth and A1isba Morrison won f~rst place for their method demonstration on batte.ry cables. Ali$ba Is from Petersburg. l.ogall Neve and Ma!t Riley won a lir&t for their

Commodities Distribution

Caprock Community Action will distribute commodities at the Catholic Hall in Abernathy on Tuesday, May 9, from 11 AM to 1 PM. B11ng your white commodity card.

New applicatiOIIS will not be ata:(!led after U:30 PM. Every­one IS asked to bring their own box.

demonstration on 50da can lamps.

District competition is as far as this 38e g1oup can go. Senior 4-H'ers (14 years and older) get to go on to state competition at A&.M.

"These kids worked very . hard on their skills; commented their proud sponsors Betty Neve and

Rbetta Riley. "We are so pleased that the work of each one paid off with the highest award they can get.

'And we want to thank the Uons Club and Senior Citizens for having the kids demonstrate their skills before a g10up. We appreciate an the support the people of Abernathy are always so willing to give/

It Wasn't All That Long Ago,

Was It?

We heard this prom queen knew bpw to pick 'em, and the

$10 prom dreM she wore didn't burt a bit, either. I guess be saw her thaJ night

In a different light •· not rhc

usual sunlight he was used to seeing her in when she herded cows by horseback.

You bow how starry-eyed high school love is.

Come visit with them at the Ex-Students Reunion on July 3!

Riley Seed Company

PAYMASTER 145-HS 126 ·~ ~ • "'"" t ot •• '/' ,J.fl



• 1212 Avenue D • Abernathy •

The Country Depot (formerly Fanner's Depot)

31iter PEPSIS1.9!J

Bed Pro DOG FOOD SO# bagfi.S..SO


WHEAT BRAN 100# bag S13.2S

WHEAT BRAN 40# bag f1.00

We also haw: BABY OfiCICSI




OF ABERNATHY I.S.D. A vote for the Lubbock-South Plains Vocational

Technical Center Is a vote for the students of our · district and the future of this area.

OW local VOC8IIonal progrwns are excellent and our teachers do ... 8II08IIenl jab; however, SIBle and federal requirements being placed on our tc:l1oQI wl requht !IJ*"Bher.l PfOCII1W1'IJ for many cJ our students. 111e cost d~ these programs lcx:aly wl be b8111811dous. The Junber c:IIIUdents 88Mid wl 'not be age but progrario.s must be de­veloped. 'TN creation d the Lubbock Soillh Atn \localfon8l Technical ~ wl meet ttis need el'licienlly and wl broaden opportunities for

· our 8IUdeniB. Your COIISideration qnd support Is 8PPI eclaled ·

... Wira ........ Now~·~'*'~

padebudwoaS'weeplt.Uea Salurday ll the PeceniMq JUIIior Hicll Bad F~ ~: .c. ttdlaa ill -

111 tho IIIIo ~tina dMsioo medd M:re· aW.dod to . JCIII Looacy, Jcaaifcr Glllcp, Jamca B~, Pllrieia Perw.. Brim W'IDD (abth g1ide), SlaUci Attebury, ~ McDoaald, Juoa Newtoll, Jaoa Looacy, Holly Andel uid EliW FOrd.

JteccMDa D BliDp ~ Briall Wiml (flAb pde) llld Oaristina ~ue:- '

Fiftlt~Wocb "-Roll Shldc:IQ

Eighth padc: Stacy Plllcnon, Matt William&; •

Seventh grade: Jamifcr Gal­legos;

Sixth !Vade: Liadsey McGuire, Kristi RickcD, Am Suo Cutil­h a. Stacy F1illll, j,o11y Griffis, l>b&WIIA Hcrnandc7., Jaime Scott, TJ'CIII'I)Ion;

f'd'th grade: Karin Huffmau, Jason Newton, Douglaa Bynum, Stade Nelson, Jclllli1er WUI.iam· soo;

Fourth !Vade: Jcasica J~ Denny Meter, Nk.cl Mittan. J~di Pierce, Jennifer Flinn, Brent Gowens, Lee Madrid;

Third ade: Christy Bigham, Patrick C, Amanda Lemon, Derrick M~oush. Edward Mendez, Alex SaeDZ, Addie Walkup, Heather Carr, Misty Flinn, Spencer Freeman, Edward Hernandez, .Kristi Reed, Stepha­nie Groat, Jenny Lord;

Second pde: Greg Brisco, Terri Coss, Rbianna Hodges, Marla Nelson, Dustin Bynum, Kim Kuper, Justin Looney, Von Montgomery, Gara Travis, Eric:a Delgado, Veronic:a Mendez, Francisco Olivaru, JeliDifcr Patterson, Stephanie Ramirez;

Pint !Vade: Tw Freeman, Natalie Arce, Cari Bigham, Rachel GODZalez, Staci Lemon, Jaime Longoria, Noah Rich, Heather Arnolc, Jimmy Cannon,

ScaUR..:Il R-aScloded

ScoU Ruadl, eJemeutary acicDoe teacher al New Deal, bu bceo ICicdcd • . • PIJ· liciput iD tho Academic SUIIIDlcr ~ for Elcmcntary TCM:hcn (~ Program to be held at ~~~ Baptist UI!Mristy in Plainview.

M a participant, Russell will auelld lhrcc ses&iolla of tho program throughout the summer. His Ceca, tuition, and ftdd trip expeDSC$ arc paid by the Coor· dit1ating Board of the Texas Collcae and University System, and dormitory room stipend is provided by Wayland Baptist tJDMnity. . ... . Teadlas~

Retirement plaques were presented to Mary Staracs and Marvin Sanders during New Deal's annual Tcacbcr Apprccia· tioo Banquet. Both teachers are ending 36-ycar careers in the teaching profession, although not aU at New Deal.

Service pins were presented to Blanche Atkinson, 2S years; Mary Hale, Mary Starnes ud Sammy Farmer, 20 years; Manha Mayo and Carolyn Hill, 1.5 yean; Lana Young and Sandra Shro.P" shire, 10 years; Mike Martin, Burt Montgomery, Kyle Bean, Larua Harkey, Marvin Sanders and Norma Tagle, S years.

ASSETS . .~ 1. Ca~ a'ncf baJvkes flom cktpOSitOty V'flltut.ions

a . Noninttrost- blannq balances and currency and c;oen .

b. tntetnt - bearing balances ·

2. Sec:utllies

... Paid Jaaea HOIIIIRIII

New Deal 4-H Leader Patti Jones rea:ived a Merit of &· ccllcocc Award during the District 2 Roundup held last -=kelld at Texas Tech.

She was one of two leaders dloscn from 20 counties in the district, and will be recognized at the State Roundup iD June at Texas A&M University.

T.,oall~ Middle School cheerleader

tryouts, scheduled for Tuesday, Mar. 8, bayc bccll postponed until Tuesday, May 1.5 due to a scheduling conflict. . . .

CUb Scout Noka New Deal Pack 498 will meet

for their final pack meeting of the year on Monday at 7 PM in the Seoul Hut. T'tger CUb gradu­ation will be held during this meeting.

Members of the New Deal pack will m1111 a booth at the Scout Show on Saturday from 1 PM to 6 PM at Lubbock's Civic Center. The public is invited.

3 . fedeiAI lundS IOid and tpcur11iu purdlaMd undet •groornentt IO fOM!I1n domHiic olltcH of 1M badt

and ol Itt Edge end Agl"men& aublidiariH, and In 18Fa:

• · Feoerallundlsokt .

b. SewntiOt ~ U:., IQI'Mft"'lllll to resell

• Loano and loaM II"""""' •-1¥-: • · LOaM and .Jeues, net or un.~arned in:;:ome . b. LESS: IIIIo.,..,.. Ior loan ...0--. c. LESS: AIIOtaled 1fanaltlr riP r•MfW . d. LOans and ....... net of untamed lncomt,

.uowance, and rtii1'W' (Utm • ·• ml'""' ..-.b and 4.c) 5. Auell t'IOid In lredtnt KCOIMII!i

6. Pftmlses and h•ed IIHII (lncludlnt t;apitaNz:ed .. auc) . .

-: Other r•al •stele owned 8 . .,.,_ltmtma In Llf'lt'OfliOH<IIed aubltdiarift and ueodlled com~iel 9. Cuatomtrl' llabil1ly IO thll blnk on ~lnctl outa.a~ng .

10. lnllngibll IIUII

II . Qlt,., llltla .

12. a. TCKalanett ttum of .lltmt 1 through 11)

b . Loana Cle!tftod """"'"'"' 12 u.s.c. 1823 (j). . '

. ' ... ' .

c. Tour a- and ..U.. de- po<..ianc 10 12 u.s.c. 1123(j) (...., o1 ltmt 12.a and 12.b)

LIABiliTIES 13. Oeposilt

f 1) NontnltJnling- bearing

(2) lnlo- - bearing b. lin fOfeign OfUcn. Ecle- .00 Aart•menl aublicll:r'-'• and tUFa .

(1) N,..ni.,HI - bearing .

(2) tnlere~~ ... belting

14. FedtroiJ fundi purchued and MCUIIII .. IOkS undtr agreement 10 repurehale In

blnltandoliiiEdgoand~~-.andln IBfa: o. F-II!undl...,.,_

1~ ~.'~:ro~l.:;""'" . · 16. 0C,.,bol•-monoy 11. Mon-lndoi>C- and~v-""'*"jnd-1 re. Bll*'ollobi!ity on IOCOIIIIIICH ,....,."'and O<flllanding 1~. NoiH and-"'" .-dlnaold oo 11op0'"' . 20. OCiwr _, .. , . ,

21 . Tolll -lot( .... ol Utmt13 !lwfi<IQII 20) ,

22. Uml11d- lit P'alorred­EOUITV CIIPITAL

23. p., ....... """""'-(No ... - ... llllldlnill NONE I,' 2A Common 11oc11 (No. Ill - .. a. A<Aho<iPd · · · 3.000 .

b. ~a!Aindlng •.. r.... ~"'-'~ll:.:::lll!.::.-_._. 1!5. surplul ..•........•..• ' .. ' • . ' .••. ' • .. . ' •.• ••• ..• .

~~.~--QGi!OI--- .. ' .... ....... ·-· .. -~ ... ' ... . , . .r;: ... Uifit ... ~-lr- ....... -'.' .'.- .. ' ' .. .. ' .... . aa.TOIIIequ!lr ...... ~ol ...... a:tl!!oooll'l171 .. • · · • • · • · · • · • · · · · b.'---~1t1IU.8.C. 1123(1 .... . . . , ..•...• · • · ·

.c.Tf!!II.~,_..,._.~~.!!'.!.!!:~.P:.!~e-~._aa.a.,.at.l1t J!I.Tollll ....... -,.. ............ ....,_ .... _ _,..._ ..


Weekly Review Classitieds · ·

INBOARD, O'l1I'BOARD 1m Newman Baa Mate, 17 1/1. &q,) boat . & trailer. 298-4097.

. 3 PROM DRESSES tor sale. Eadl worn just one tlmc. Oitc is pink, one yellow, one black & white. Floor length, sizes J.S. Call 298-2109.(1tp)

c~: R=ental~s )

<1BANRUGS UKE NEW So easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampoocr for $1. Sb:uvc Oeputment Storc.(rts)

SEERINSENVAC the incredible new portable steam-type carpet cleanmg sys· t~m. It docs 1he job of profcs­stonal carpel cleaners at a frac­tion of the COSI. Rent one DOW

at SlnM:'s Department Stoa-e, 318 Maio, phone 298-2531.(rts)

SYiaiL I!NOJNB REPAIR UWII mOII'WS, r,:l(o-tillen, dlnill sa-, riding .~ Ako have .engines & mowers for sale. 1210 4Ch Street, 29$-2101. AU work guaranteed. Pidc up & deliver. (18-2tp-19)

RODNEY POPE ROOFING AU types of roo&n, & repair work. Hot mopping & rubber roofing. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. AU guaranteed. Rodney Pope, 7S7-2319 (local). (17-'llp-20)


All types of lawn work or laWD care. can for free estimate. 298-2216.(17-4tp-20)

EXPERIENCED PAINI'ER needs work. Low rates, free estimates. 89S-4472.(18-4tp-21)

We make CONCRETE tho old-l'aiiJicacd way, W"llh Pure CEMENr- CaD For 1 Yard Or 100 Yards

Fmisbu AVailable Hale Ccatr.r WEST BUILDERS SUPPLY 8')1).2.1.02

Ooly Tal:c& 10 Mimatc:a e.99'l 'Oil Chll/1, Moet BlaDds Of Oil

r:,'C\ AND . 'tit/ "COME BY ANDSEEMEI"

STIIJ..WEU.. PARTS & SUPPLY Harold 6225 Wcstl91h Stn:et, LubOOc:k

House Painting Interior-Exterior Quality Work


Solon & Wanda Wilkins 291-2339

.................................... CASAGRANDE

OPEN 11-2 .1: S-9 FRI & SAT OPENm..L 10





NO JOB 100 SMALL Mark Beck 298-4235

For all your concrete needs!

Patios, Sidewalks, Driveways, and CeDars

Ed Johnson 839-2952

-Free Estimates-

CHURCH DIRECfORY FIRST UNlJ1!D MmliODJST 71HAvenueD 298-2240 Sundll)' Sdlool10:00 AM WonhipU:OOAM

~':.i~~ldice 7:30PM RC\'Crcllll Prank OglcJby

CITY OP ABERNA'ftiY ""pting apptkations for street maintenauce. Pidt up appb tioas ll City Hall.(16-3tp-l8)

. OFJIICB BUILDING for lease: SlSO/month. Ncar bank & City Hall. AC. Nystel, 298-2326. Box '100, Abernathy. (17-llp-18) .

LANDSC\PE HELP WANTED Must be bard working and de­pendable, have own ttanspor· tation. Call 298-2818 or go by 914 Avenue D.(1tc)

( Thanks ) We would like to express our sincere thanks to those in­dividuals who comforted us in our moment of grief. Thank you for your . prayers, flowers, cards and food. A special thank& to the Guadalupanas who so kindly prepared the meals for us. May God bless an of you •

Sincerely, Domingo Mlli7JiDalcs & Family Betty Cutu & F.mly Fnua:a Valluuc:Ya & Family Janie RcMIIa & Family

This wed's El:.students: Noel Jolutsoo IDII W"dma Toler Jolm­soa. Join them July 31

CUSTOM 18SO SO. PI'. 3 bedrooms, 2 car gar• dining area, fircplaoc, 1 3/4 baths, newly dceorat~ and storage. 422 North Drive. Call 298-2635.(rts)

HOUSE FOP, SAlB 3 bedrooms, 1 1/4 bath, 298-2639, 1201 Avenue G, $31,000. (16-Stp-24)

HOUSE FOR REN1' 3 bedrooms, 2 bath brick home, 1103 1st Street, 298-Zm. (17-ltc-18)

HOUSE FOR RENT OR sALE 2 bedroom, 1 bath brick home, ceiling fans & new refrigerated air conditioners, built-in appli­mces. 298-2763.(17-2tp-18)

Weather byDecrina

DATE ID LO RAIN 4-28 83 42 4-29 &S 433 4-30 (fJ 43 S-1 74 41 S-2 66 41 S-3 92 so S-4 74 S7 1'nlclc

RAIN FOR APRD.. 4-10-Trac:c 4-13....J..iclttmilt 4-23._ TIIIDldor "weak" Total....Dry li:uslntioo Total raiD Cor 1989---2.01

For insurance call J~MURRAY

2321 50th Street Lubbock, Texas






Farm Bureau Insurance


296-6351 293-2304

1ST OIUROI OF NAZARENll SIIAvenucE 298-2831 Sunday Sunday Scllool 9:45AM AM Wonbip 10:4.5 Y0t1th Choir 5:00PM PM Wonl1ip6:00 Wcdnc&day

~:g·;~~~ibk Ulc YOIIth Ministry 7:00 PM

~~\\,~;~PM Revctend Allen Sc:hlesct

Like a flOOd neighbor. Smte Farm is iliere.

State Farm Insurance Compames

Home OH.ces Bloomtngton Hhno$


Monday • 12-5 Tuesday • 9-12 w~•to..s


a;~==-IGLilSIA 01!1. NAZA1U!N0 MenueA&~h ~ Sundoy Sc:hooliO:OO AM Wonllip 11:00 AM Eoening6:00 Wednesday Service 7:00 PM LesterAndersott

FIRST IJAPTISTOWRCH 4117tb 298-2587 Sunday School9-.30 AM Worship 10:40 AM Bible Study 5:00 PM EvcniJ>& Worship 6:00 W~yevcflina7:30 Or01l1cr Dennis Tcctcrt

FIRSTBAI'TISTNI!W DEAL Sllllday Sdaooll&.OO AM Worshipll:OOAM

~=~~~M r .. Wlu,Putor

NOR'J1ISIDB BAPTIST arutlat Ql 16111 Street 298-2497 Suaday Sdlool9:4.5 AM Worsbip 11:00 AM EveflinaTrailliacS:OO Eveolna Worahip 6:00



Brightbill HeatiDg & A/C . 66 Butane & Fertil~r

Joe Thompson Implement St~"Qve Implement Abernathy Medical CUnic ~rnathy W~.dilte~

.,-,.~- ---;-- ~-..,. ·~~~...:,.~

'l;uesdavs- 4 PM 298-2033



WILLJEJ!JJNN AGENCY·.--· RL2, Box 159, Abernathy m-Zffn ..

"fd Hke ~o take care of Your crop insurance needs.·

Struve Department Store

II Nothing runs like a Deere

JOE THOMPSON IMPLEMENT Abernathy lOS Ave. D Lubbock 298-2541 Abernathy, Texas 76-2-1031i

C & G Builders We Specialize In Home Repair ·

Patios, Paneling, Garage Cooverslo-s . I'! Acoustic Ceilings, Painting Storm Windows & Doors R

. ~r • ~

Free 2 ..,.....,:;; Estimates 98-2086 · ,..

~ IflJBBARD ~ Real Estate

921A'o'CJJUC D 298-2536

Ertcclleal business opportunity, ScrYicc Stllioa r:= to sell

3-1-0 with~ $27,000

3-2-1 brick, ~cnt. S3S,900

Beautif'ul -tc:n~ brick home. Only 157,900

ST.lSJDORE CHURCH SouthAwenue 0 298-8892 Sunday 9:00AM Thursday 7:00 PM Friday 8:30 AM Saturday 7:00 PM


~~ou•r Suaday Schooi9:4S AM w ... hip 10:45 AM Evenina6:00 Wednesday Eve ala&' 7:00 Rev . .t Mn. Cliolon Elliott

Senior Citizens Center Opal

Tucsclay • Tllunday 8AM-4PM

Coft'ee & Gamca

Meals Wcclocsday, 11 AM

EVERYONE INVITEDI Gamc:a N'dc:a 2ad & 4th M-styaipts, .5:30-9-.30

PRlMTJRA MISSION' DAl111S'I'A I I t2 Jerome Sr. 29fi.261J Sunday Sc:hooi9:4S AM Wonhip 11:00 AM Evening Trainina 6:00 E .. ning Worship 7:00 Wcdneoday semce 7:30 PM Reverend 0.0. Plom

Mll'l110DISTatUROI New Deal Sunday Sc:mces 9 AM Sunday Scllool10 AM Reverend Ptlllk OS)elby

OUR LADY OUI!I!NOPTHB AI'OS'IU!S CA'IHOLIC aRJRat Ncwo.:.J Sunday Mus, 12:00 r10011

:'l:l,,l:!f::'u::i': . tor

~-=:~~7PN atudy daol Woolacadll)' ~ &:lOPM,....-.HaD · Fat11crWcha ·

Abernathy Farme~s Co-Op Gin Co-O~t Grain Company Pay·N·Save


BI·Dri .--ROU.

. 59° • 8MU41 MED/12 LOE



Sunbeam 79

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SPINACH .. .... .. ... ,:· ··· '~r.- '£~~9m . ~~.~ DEL MONTE A(u" ·t·· a oz. ., 08 ...... -• ~~U COCKTAil .......... .. .. .. . CAN . AliCE A. COOl MAIY YAUIIAIIO I'IAII HALVU. HLVIIU veil CHEI •1 08 ABSINATMY TEXAS • JA1 NEW MVCI((t · WAFFlES ~~AJITAS . N:~ggc ~ = - *1·111

ou *15~. . . ':.1': ' ,. • .. ;. .... a joRANGEJUICE .... ...... ""~ 1

!!. EIJ!NTE FRUIT ... .. ~ I : . I PINIAPPLE 41 oz •1 08 QUAKER . QUAKER

~UIJ!n ....................... CAN. ' MASA $199 .... MASA PRUNE JUICE ......... .... ~=· 99° --· HARINA ~ TRIGO


BOfiDEN'I tH •111 buck oast

49 LB.

LOW FAT IIILK........... ~ BORDEN8 A880RTEO • t 18 SQUEEZE-UPS..... .. ...... ~CJ: . IHUIIRNE rfto WHIPPING CREAM, .... ~:. :HI IHUIIANI 970 BUTTERMILK .... ... .. .... "J:.' · ·