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Transcript of 43665144-Fraud-in-Insurance

  • 8/7/2019 43665144-Fraud-in-Insurance






    Introduction To Frauds

    Insurance Fraud And Abuse

    Schemes, Scams, Scammed

    Real Eyes...Realize...Real Lies

    Itching To Know Who Can Help?

    Division Of Insurance Fraud

    Deceptive Life Insurance Sales Practices Continue

    Viatical Settlements Investment Fraud

    Case Study

    Be Aware, Dont Be A VictimInternational Association Of Insurance Fraud Agencies(Iaifa)

    Dealing With Fraud On The Net

    Precaution Is Better Than Cure



















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    Introduction to frauds

    What Are Frauds?

    In a broad strokes definition, fraud is a deliberate misrepresentation which

    causes another person to suffer damages, usually monetary losses. Most

    people consider the act of lying to be fraud, but in a legal sense lying is

    only one small element of actual fraud.

    A salesman may lie about his name, eye color, place of birth and family,

    but as long as he remains truthful about the product he sells, he will not

    be found guilty of fraud. There must be a deliberate misrepresentation of

    the product's condition and actual monetary damages must occur.

    Many fraud cases involve complicated financial transactions conducted by

    'white collar criminals', business professionals with specialized knowledge

    and criminal intent. An unscrupulous investment broker may present

    clients with an opportunity to purchase shares in precious metal


    For example, His status as a professional investor gives him credibility,

    which can lead to a justified believability among potential clients. Those

    who believe the opportunity to be legitimate contribute substantialamounts of cash and receive authentic-looking bonds in return. If the

    investment broker knew that no such repositories existed and still

    received payments for worthless bonds, then victims may sue him for


    Fraud is not easily proven in a court of law. Laws concerning fraud may

    vary from state to state, but in general several different conditions must

    be met.


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    One of the most important things to prove is a deliberate

    misrepresentation of the facts. Did the seller know beforehand that the

    product was defective or the investment was worthless? Some employees

    of a large company may sell a product or offer a service without personal

    knowledge of a deception.

    The account representative who sold a fraudulent insurance policy on

    behalf of an unscrupulous employer may not have known the policy was

    bogus at the time of the sale. In order to prove fraud, the accuser must

    demonstrate that the accused had prior knowledge and voluntarily

    misrepresented the facts.

    Another important element to prove in a fraud case is justifiable or actual

    reliance on the expertise of the accused. If a stranger approached you

    and asked for ten thousand dollars to invest in a vending machine

    business, you would most likely walk away. But if a well-dressed man

    held an investment seminar and mentioned his success in the vending

    machine world, you might rely on his expertise and perceived success todecide to invest in his proposal. After a few months have elapsed without

    further contact or delivery of the vending machines, you might reasonably

    assume fraud has occurred. In court, you would have to testify that your

    investment decision was partially based on a reliance on his expertise

    and experience.

    The element of fraud which tends to stymie successful prosecution is the

    obligation to investigate. It falls on potential investors or customers to fully

    investigate a proposal before any money exchanges hands.

    Failure to take appropriate measures at the time of the proposal can

    seriously weaken a fraud case in court later. The accused can claim that

    the alleged victim had every opportunity to discover the potential for fraudand failed to investigate the matter thoroughly.


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    Once a party enters into a legally binding contract, remorse over the

    terms of the deal is not the same as fraud.

    The dictionary defines fraud as the intentional perversion of truth to

    induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal

    right. Insurance fraud can be hard or soft. Hard fraud occurs when

    someone deliberately fabricates claims or fakes an accident. Criminals

    are using increasingly sophisticated electronic schemes to defraud

    insurance companies.

    Soft insurance fraud, also known as opportunistic fraud, occurs when

    normally honest people pad legitimate claims or intentionally understate

    the number of miles they drive each year or, in the case of business

    owners, list fewer employees or misrepresent the work they do to get a

    lower premium.

    Those who commit insurance fraud range from organized criminals who

    steal large sums through fraudulent business activities and insurance

    claim mills to professionals and technicians who inflate the cost of

    services or charge for services not rendered, to ordinary people who want

    to cover their deductible or view filing a claim as an opportunity to make a

    little money.

    Some lines of insurance are more vulnerable to fraud than others. Health

    care, workers compensation and auto insurance are believed to be thesectors most affected.


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    Insurance Fraud and Abuse:

    A Very Serious Problem

    Fraud and abuse are widespread and very costly to any countrys health-care system. Fraud involves intentional deception or misrepresentation

    intended to result in an unauthorized benefit. An example would be billing

    for services that are not rendered.

    Abuse involves charging for services that are not medically necessary, do

    not conform to professionally recognized standards, or are unfairly priced.

    An example would be performing a laboratory test on large numbers of

    patients when only a few should have it. Abuse may be similar to fraud

    except that it is not possible to establish that the abusive acts were done

    with an intention to deceive the insurer.

    Type of Fraud and Abuse

    False claim schemes are the most common type of health insurance

    fraud. The goal in these schemes is to obtain undeserved payment for a

    claim or series of claims. Such schemes include any of the following when

    done deliberately for financial gain:

    Billing for services, procedures, and/or supplies that were not


    Misrepresentation of what was provided; when it was provided; the

    condition or diagnosis; the charges involved; and/or the identity of

    the provider recipient.

    Providing unnecessary services or ordering unnecessary tests.

    Many insurance policies cover a percentage of the physician's "usual" fee.

    Some physicians charge insured patients more than uninsured ones but

    represent to the insurance companies that the higher fee is the usual one.


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    This practice is illegal. It is also illegal to routinely excuse patients from

    co-payments and deductibles. (A co-payment is a fixed amount paid

    whenever an insured person receives specified health-care services. A

    deductible is the amount that must be paid before the insurance company

    starts paying. ) It is legal to waive a fee for people with a genuine financial

    hardship, but it is not legal to provide completely free care or discounts to

    all patients or to collect only from those who have insurance.

    Studies have shown that if patients are required to pay for even a small

    portion of their care they will be better consumers and select items or

    services because they are medically needed rather than because they are

    free. Routine waivers thus raise overall health costs. They are considered

    fraudulent because averaging them with the doctor's full fees would make

    the "usual" fees lower than the amounts actually billed for.

    Other illegal procedures include:

    Charging for a service that was not performed.

    Unbundling of claims: Billing separately for procedures that normally

    are covered by a single fee. An example would be a podiatrist who

    operates on three toes and submits claims for three separate


    Double billing: Charging more than once for the same service.

    Up coding: Charging for a more complex service than was

    performed. This usually involves billing for longer or more complex

    office visits (for example, charging for a comprehensive visit when

    the patient was seen only briefly), but it also can involve charging

    for a more complex procedure than was performed or for more

    expensive equipment than was delivered. Medicare documentation

    guidelines describe what the various levels of service should



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    Miscoding: Using a code number that does not apply to the


    Kickbacks: Receiving payment or other benefit for making a referral.

    Indirect kickbacks can involve overpayment for something of value.

    For example, a supplier whose business depends on physician

    referrals may pay excessive rent to physicians who own the premises

    and refer patients. Another example would be a mobile testing service

    that performs diagnostic tests in a doctor's office. Kickbacks can distort

    medical decision-making, cause over utilization, increase costs, and

    result in unfair competition by freezing out competitors who are

    unwilling to pay kickbacks.

    Criminals sometimes obtain Medicare numbers for fraudulent billing by

    conducting a health survey, offering a free "health screening" test, paying

    beneficiaries for their number, obtaining beneficiary lists from nursing

    homes or boarding facilities, or offering "free" services, food, or supplies

    to beneficiaries.

    Excessive or Inappropriate Testing

    Many standard tests can be useful in some situations but not in others.

    The key question in judging whether a diagnostic test is necessary is

    whether the results will influence the management of the patient. Billing

    for inappropriate testsboth standard and nonstandardappears to bemuch more common among chiropractors and joint chiropractic/medical

    practices than among other health-care providers. The commonly abused

    tests include:

    Computerized inclinometers : Inclinometers is a procedure that

    measures joint flexibility. Inclinometer testing may be useful if

    precise range-of-motion measurements are needed for a disability


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    evaluation, but routine or repeated measurements "to gauge a

    patient's progress" are not appropriate.

    Nerve conduction studies : These tests can provide valuable

    information about the status of nerve function in various

    degenerative diseases and in some cases of injury. However,

    "personal injury mills" often use them inappropriately "to "follow the

    progress" of their patients.

    Thermographs : Thermo-graphic devices portray small temperature

    differences between sides of the body as images. Chiropractors

    who use thermographs typically claim that it can detect nerve

    impingements or "nerve irritation" and is useful for monitoring theeffect of chiropractic adjustments on subluxations. These uses are

    not appropriate.

    Unnecessary x-rays : X-rays examinations can be important to look

    for conditions that require medical referral. However, it is not

    appropriate for chiropractors to routinely x-ray every patient to look

    for "subluxations" or to "measure the progress" of patients whoundergo spinal manipulation.

    Many insurance administrators are concerned about chiropractic claims

    for "maintenance care" (periodic examination and "spinal adjustment" of

    symptom-free patients), which is not a covered service. To detect such

    care, many companies automatically review claims for more than 12


    Personal Injury Mills

    Many instances have been discovered in which corrupt attorneys and

    health-care providers combine to bill insurance companies for nonexistent

    or minor injuries. The typical scam includes "cappers" or "runners" who

    are paid to recruit legitimate or fake auto accident victims or worker's

    compensation claimants. Victims are commonly told they need multiple


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    visits. The providers fabricate diagnoses and reports and commonly

    provide expensive but unnecessary services.

    The lawyers then initiate negotiations on settlements based upon these

    fraudulent or exaggerated medical claims. The claimants may be

    unwitting victims or knowing participants who receive payment for their

    involvement. Mill activity can be suspected when claims are submitted for

    many unrelated individuals who receive similar treatment from a small

    number of providers.

    Quackery-Related Miscoding

    In processing claims, insurance companies rely mainly on diagnostic and

    procedural codes recorded on the claim forms. Their computers are

    programmed to detect services that are not covered. Most insurance

    policies exclude nonstandard or experimental methods. To help boost

    their income, many nonstandard practitioners misrepresent what they do.

    They may also misrepresent their diagnosis. For example:

    Brief or intermediate-length visits may be coded as lengthy or

    comprehensive visits.

    Patients receiving chelating therapy may be falsely diagnosed as

    suffering from lead poisoning; and the chelating may be billed as

    "infusion therapy" or simply an office visit.

    The administration of quack cancer remedies may be billed as"chemotherapy."

    Nonstandard allergy tests may be represented as standard ones.

    Viatical Fraud

    In viatical settlement transactions, people with terminal illnesses assign

    their life insurance policies to viatical settlement companies in exchangefor a percentage of the policy's face value. The company, in turn, may sell


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    the policy to a third-party investor. The company or the investor then

    becomes the beneficiary to the policy, pays the premiums, and collects

    the face value of the policy after the original policyholder dies.

    Fraud occurs when agents recruit terminally ill people to apply for multiple

    policies. They misrepresent the truth and answer "no" to all of the medical

    questions. Healthy impostors then undergo the medical evaluation. In

    many cases, the insurance agent who issues the policy is a party to the

    scheme. The agent or one applicant may even submit the same

    application to many insurance companies.

    Viatical settlement companies then purchase the policies and sell them to

    unsuspecting third-party investors. The insurance industry is the biggest

    victim of this fraud and could incur huge losses within the next few years.

    Some investors receive nothing in return for their "guaranteed"


    Bogus Health Insurance Companies

    There have been two reports issued concerning the sale of health

    insurance plans that lack legal authorization. These plans place the buyer

    at risk for financial disaster if serious illness strikes. One report focuses

    on consumer vulnerability. The other notes that from 2000 to 2002, 144

    unauthorized entities enrolled at least 15,000 employers and more than

    200,000 policyholders who got stuck for over $200 million in unpaidclaims.

    The investigators found that many of the entitles bore names similar to

    those of legitimate companies. In response to the report, the Health

    Insurance Institute of America is again urging the National Association of

    Insurance Commissioners to create an online database of licensed health

    insurance companies so that anyone can easily check the legitimacy of


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    companies offering health insurance products. Meanwhile, the Coalition

    against Insurance Fraud offers a few warning signs of a possible swindle:

    The plan readily accepts people with serious illnesses and other

    medical conditions that other plans normally reject.

    The insurance has few or no underwriting guidelinesthe agent or

    rep appears almost too eager to sign you up.

    You're approached by an insurance agent, phone or direct mail.

    Honest group plans normally are sponsored by your employerand

    aren't sold directly to individuals.

    The plan isn't licensed in your state, and the agent (falsely) assures

    you the federal ERISA law exempts the plan from state licensing.

    The plan seems like insurance, but the agent or rep avoids calling

    "insurance," and instead uses evasive terms such as "benefits."

    The agent or rep doesn't have clear answers to your questions,

    seems ill-informed, or avoids sharing information.

    You've never heard of that health insurance companyand nobody

    else has, either.

    Your hospital keeps calling you to complain that your health plan

    isn't paying your medical bills. Often the plan's reps keep making

    flimsy excuses, or stop returning phone calls altogether.


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    Schemes, scams, scammed

    Property/casualty insurance fraud cost insurers about $30 billion in 2004.

    Fraud may be committed at different points in the insurance transaction

    by different parties: applicants for insurance, policyholders, third-partyclaimants and professionals who provide services to claimants.

    Common frauds include "padding," or inflating actual claims;

    misrepresenting facts on an insurance application; submitting claims for

    injuries or damage that never occurred; and "staging" accidents.

    Prompted by the incidence of insurance fraud, about 40 states have set

    up fraud bureaus. These agencies are reporting a record number of new

    investigations, significant increases in referrals tip about suspected

    fraud and cases brought to prosecution.


    The hurricanes of 2005, especially Hurricane Katrina, are likely toresult in a surge in insurance fraud. In addition to the usual

    schemes, where homeowners or renters make claims for stereos,

    televisions or other expensive items they never purchased, and

    inflate claims for items actually destroyed, home arsons are on the

    rise. Since many homeowners in the Gulf areas did not have flood

    insurance, they may not be covered for some or all of the damagecaused by the hurricanes. Dozens of fires have broken out in many

    affected communities, some of which may be the result of arson.


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    The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) says that by

    November 2005, there were 160,000 vehicles in its flooded motor

    vehicle and boat database, which was set up by catastrophes teams

    to combat title fraud in the hurricane-affected states. The NICB

    warns that flooded vehicles may be cleaned up, moved and sold in

    other areas of the country by unscrupulous operators. Although the

    vehicles were totaled by insurance companies and identified as

    salvage on their titles, which means they are not fit for any use

    except for scrap or parts, they could end up on the market in states

    where it is relatively easy to apply for a regular title. A database was

    created in which vehicle identification numbers (VINs) and boat hullidentification numbers (HINs) from flooded vehicles and boats could

    be stored and made available to law enforcers, state fraud bureaus,

    insurers and state departments of motor vehicles.

    One in 10 paid bodily injury liability (BI) auto claims in California had

    the appearance of fraud or misrepresented the facts of the claim,

    according to the Insurance Research Councils Fraud. More

    common is the appearance of buildup, or the padding of claims,

    which was found in one in five claims. The study, released in

    January 2006, examined about 73,000 claims closed with payment

    in 2002. It found that between $319 and $432 million in BI payments

    were attributable to fraud and buildup.


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    Real eyes...Realize...Real lies

    Short History of Antifraud Efforts

    Fraud in insurance has undoubtedly existed since the industry'sbeginnings in the seventeenth century, but it received little attention until

    the 1980s because law enforcement agencies had other priorities and

    were reluctant to provide the training needed to investigate and prosecute

    cases of insurance fraud. And, given the fine line between investigating

    suspicious claims and harassing legitimate claimants, some insurers were

    afraid that a concerted effort to eradicate fraud might be perceived as an

    anti-consumer move. In addition, the need to comply with the time

    requirements for paying claims imposed by fair claim practice regulations

    in many states made it difficult to adequately investigate suspicious


    But by the mid-1980s the rising price of insurance, particularly auto and

    health insurance, together with the growth in fraud committed by

    organized criminals, prompted many insurers to reexamine the issue.

    Gradually, insurers began to see the benefit of strengthening antifraud

    laws and more stringent enforcement as a means of controlling escalating

    costs a pro-consumer move and they found ready allies among

    those who been adversely affected by fraud. These included consumers,

    who were paying for fraud through their insurance premiums; the people

    used by organized fraud groups to file false claims, often the poor, who

    sometimes found themselves on the wrong side of the law; and

    chiropractors and other medical professionals who were concerned that

    their reputation as a group was being tarnished by organized fraud

    ringleaders who had recruited their members to make fraudulent claims

    for treatment.


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    In their fight against fraud, insurers have also been hampered by public

    attitudes. Ongoing studies by the Insurance Research Council show that

    significant numbers of Americans think it is all right to inflate their

    insurance claims to make up for all the insurance premiums they have

    paid in previous years when they have had no claims, or to pad a claim to

    make up for the deductible they would have to pay.

    Antifraud activity on the part of state fraud bureaus and SIUs (special

    investigative units within insurance companies) increased in the 1990s.

    Heightened antifraud activity along with growth in funding for fraud-

    fighting personnel resulted in increased prosecutions. Successfulprosecution not only blocks future fraudulent activities by individuals who

    are repeat offenders, but news of prosecutions also acts as a deterrent to

    others who may be contemplating committing fraudulent acts.

    While the focus initially was on auto insurance fraud, antifraud efforts also

    encompass workers compensation fraud, where investigations are

    directed toward employers who, to obtain a lower premium, misrepresent

    their payroll or the type of work carried out by their employees. These two

    factors impact premiums. Payroll is important because workers

    compensation insurance provides for lost wages and insurers need to

    know the maximum they would have to pay if all employees were injured

    in the same accident; the type of work carried out by the firm affects the

    likelihood of injuries. Workers that use cutting tools, for example, are

    more likely to get injured on the job than office workers. Some employers

    also apply for coverage under different names to foil attempts to recover

    monies owed on previous policies or to avoid detection of their poor claim

    record, which would put them in a higher rating category.

    Fraud and abuse take place at many points in the health care system.

    Doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, diagnostic facilities and attorneys have


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    been cited in scams to defraud the system. One huge area of fraud is the

    Medicare and Medicaid systems. Health care is especially susceptible to

    electronic data interchange (EDI) fraud. EDI is direct filing of claims

    computer to computer and is widely used for Medicare claims.

    In 1999, the Government Accounting Office released a study of the

    Medicare, Medicaid and private health insurance sectors that confirmed

    that organized crime is heavily involved in health care fraud. The

    investigation found that in seven cases of health care fraud studied, about

    160 health related groups medical clinics, physician groups, labs or

    medical suppliers had submitted fraudulent claims. The criminals

    identified in the report were not health care workers but criminals alreadyprosecuted for securities fraud, forgery and auto theft. Apparently, these

    criminals had moved to health care because fraud was relatively easy to


    Anti-Fraud Programs

    Several large insurance companies have joined forces through the

    National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association to develop sophisticated

    computer systems to detect suspicious billing patterns. The Federal

    Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Office of the Inspector General

    (OIG) each have assigned hundreds of special agents to health-fraud

    projects. The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, a public advocacy and

    educational organization founded in 1993, includes consumers as well asgovernment agencies and insurers.

    The Omnibus Consolidated Appropriation Act of 1997 authorized a Health

    Care Anti-Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Community Volunteer Demonstration

    Program to further reduce fraud and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid

    programs. The program enrolled thousands of retired accountants, health

    professionals, investigators, teachers, and other community volunteers to


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    help Medicare beneficiaries and others to detect and report fraud, waste,

    and abuse.

    The Inspector General's office has recovered over a billion dollars through

    fines and settlements. Its Operation Restore Trust, which began in 1995,

    was a joint federal-state program aimed at fraud, waste, and abuse in

    three high-growth areas of Medicare and Medicaid: home health

    agencies, nursing homes, and durable medical equipment suppliers. The

    questionable activities included:

    Billing for advanced life support services when basic life support

    was provided. Documentation may be falsified to indicate a patient

    needed oxygenwhich is a key indicator in establishing medical

    necessity for advanced life support.

    Billing for larger amounts of drugs than are dispensed; or billing for

    brand-name drugs when less expensive generic versions are


    Billing for more miles than traveled for transportation. Falsification of documentation to substantiate the need for a

    transport from a hospital back to the patient's home. Medicare will

    only cover transport from hospital to home if the patient could not go

    by any other means.

    Insurers Antifraud Measures

    Insurance companies are not law enforcement agencies. They can only

    identify suspicious claims, withhold payment where fraud is suspected

    and to justify their actions by collecting the necessary evidence to use in a

    court. The success of the battle against insurance fraud therefore

    depends on two elements: the resources devoted by the insurance

    industry itself to detecting fraud and the level of priority assigned by

    legislators, regulators, law enforcement agencies and society as a whole

    to eradicating it.


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    Many insurance companies have established special investigation units

    (SIUs) to help identify and investigate suspicious claims; some insurance

    companies outsource their units to other insurers.

    These units range from a small team, whose primary role is to train claimrepresentatives to deal with the more routine kinds of fraud cases, to

    teams of trained investigators, including former law enforcement officers,

    attorneys, accountants and claim experts to thoroughly investigate

    fraudulent activities. More complex cases, involving large scale criminal

    operations or individuals that repeatedly stage accidents, may be turned

    over to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). This insuranceindustry-sponsored organization has special expertise in preparing fraud

    cases for trial and serves as a liaison between the insurance industry and

    law enforcement agencies. In addition, it publicizes the arrest and

    conviction of the perpetrators of insurance fraud to help deter future

    criminal activities. Insurance company surveys confirm that SIUs

    dramatically impact the bottom line of many insurance companies.

    In the mid-1990s insurers said that for every dollar they invested in

    antifraud efforts, including SIUs, they got up to $27 back, but these

    returns have become harder to achieve as the more apparent fraud

    schemes have been uncovered and more effort is necessary to ferret out

    the sophisticated fraud that remains. A 2000 study by Conning Research

    & Consulting suggests that results vary widely. Using the ratio of claims

    exposure reduction to the expense of running SIUs, the study found

    ratios ranging from a low of 3 to 1 to a high of 27 to 1, depending on the

    year and line of insurance. Although some insurers are cutting back on

    fraud investigation by outsourcing investigations and dissolving their fraud

    units, advances in software technology, especially programs that sift

    though the millions of claims that large health insurers process annually,

    are proving effective in fighting fraud. These data mining programs can


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    Itching To Know Who Can Help?

    Insurance Agent Fraud on the Rise

    Two years ago, at the age of 90, Thomas Pickering was doing the twist.At

    the behest of his trusted insurance agent, Pickering was buying and

    selling one annuity after another in a deceitful industry practice called

    "twisting." That's when dishonest agents persuade clients to cash in one

    investment for anotheragainst their clients' best interests and for the

    agents' own financial gain.

    In Pickering's case, he followed his agent's advice, sold investments

    before they matured and lost 11,000/- in forfeited interest and penalties.

    He was about to lose another 35,000/- cashing in one annuity to buy

    another,netting his agent 20,000/- in commissions. When the company

    holding the annuity intervened. It suspected Pickering was getting ripped

    off and called the authorities.An investigation led Florida's Department of

    Financial Services (DFS) to revoke agent Peter Waldon's license for


    Barry Lanier of Florida's DFS says he's fielding more complaints about

    greedy agents earning whopping commissions upfront by pitching

    unsuitable investments like annuities to older people. But Lanier and other

    experts say some annuities are not considered to be wise investments formost olders because they're based on life expectancy.Growing concern

    over the sale of annuities to older people prompted the National

    Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) to adopt regulations that

    assure that the annuities are suitable to the buyer's needs.


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    Division of Insurance Fraud

    The Division of Insurance Fraud was originally formed in 1976 to

    investigate only fraudulent automobile tort claims. In the early years,

    investigators had arrest powers but could not carry firearms. Today, the

    division investigates all types of insurance fraud crimes.

    Investigators are assigned to work general fraud cases, workers

    compensation fraud, medical and health-care fraud, and agent and

    company fraud. Areas of assignment may include:

    Insolvency - Fraud committed by insurance companies that fail

    financially due to internal fraud by owners and corporate officers.

    Unauthorized Entities - fraud, both criminal and civil, committed

    by insurance companies operating illegally in the state.

    Health Care Fraud - focuses on organized medical and health

    care scams.

    Workers Compensation - investigates employers for workers

    compensation premium fraud.

    Public Employee Fraud - investigates state and local government

    employees for workers compensation claimant fraud.


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    Deceptive Life Insurance Sales Practices


    The life insurance industry has been hit with billion dollar verdicts andmulti-million dollar fines for deceptive sales practices.

    The two largest companies, MetLife and Prudential, have each been hit

    with billion-dollar-plus verdict.

    Most major companies have also been sued for deceptive sales practices.The list goes on and on, as successful lawsuits finally caught up with an

    industry that has long bilked the public, misrepresented its product, and

    ignored the urgent need for basic reforms to stop abuses.

    With billion dollar judgments (and that is "billion" with a "b"), you'd think

    the industry would learn its lesson. That's what you'd think but you'd be


    The life insurance industry did establish the Insurance Marketplace

    Standards Association (IMSA). Of course, there are now ads announcing

    that the life insurance industry is committed to the fair treatment of

    policyholders. But early returns on the industry's efforts suggest it is just a

    sham and a shell game designed to prevent real reform by legislation and


    Now a study by Professor Joseph Belth, publisher of the Insurance

    Reform, a respected newsletter on the life insurance industry, finds the

    reforms are a sham. I'd have to say as usual the life insurance industry

    wants to improve its public relations, not its policy relations.


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    The Insurance Forum study correctly notes that much of the life insurance

    deception comes about because the industry does not make full

    disclosure on rates of return and prices necessary to sound decision

    making by insurance buyers. By failing to disclose needed information,

    consumers are easily duped by deceptive methods.

    The Insurance Forum put the industry to a test by asking the chief

    executive officers of 40 companies (31 of which are members of IMSA)

    for the kind of information that should be freely and automatically

    available to prospective policyholders.

    Of the 41 companies surveyed, 27 did not participate. Only 13 companies

    (10 of which are members of IMSA) participated in the study.

    And some of the 13 participants provided deceptive information. Some

    provided incomplete information. Some provided the kind of information

    that would not be helpful to the typical consumer.

    The Insurance Forum study concludes that IMSA will not bring about the

    needed changes in the life insurance industry, but will simply delay their

    enactment. Most industries prefer "voluntary" action, so the foxes can

    continue to guard (and eat) the chickens, also known as policyholders.

    What's more, after the great life insurance scandals of the 1980s and

    1990s, the industry is determined to perpetuate a system in which life

    insurance rip-offs by major and minor companies alike will continue to be

    standard operating procedures.

    The bottom line is that the life insurance industry has practices that are

    precisely the opposite of its proclaimed ethical principles.


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    Here are some examples:

    IMSA has an ethical principle that says its company members will

    "provide competent and customer-focused sales and services." The

    Insurance Forum survey suggests that most companies will engage in

    business as usual, giving the consumer no information, inadequate

    information or deceptive information.

    IMSA has another ethical principle that says it will "engage in active and

    fair competition." But by not providing information or by providing

    deceptive information, it is clear that major segments of the industry will

    continue to engage in competition by confusion.

    As Bob Hunter of the Consumer Federation put it, "The proof of the

    pudding is in the eating. It's hard to trust the life insurance industry, given

    its recent history. They're going to have to reprove themselves as


    Unfortunately, the life insurance industry is proving itself untrustworthy.

    And as for the proof of its good intention being in the pudding, my advice

    is don't eat its pudding. It's the same old stuff plus a phony sermon on

    ethical principles.


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    Many insurance agents and brokers assist and often encourage aviators

    in committing the fraud because it not only provides more policies than

    would be available though legitimate means, but it also provides a much

    higher rate of return due to the fact they can be bought from aviators so


    In a legitimate transaction, the ill person usually receives 50%-70% of the

    face value of the policy. However, a "clean sheeted" policy viaticated

    during the contestable period may offer as little as 10% of the face value

    because it carries the high risk of rescission, or cancellation by the

    insurance company, due to fraud.

    Wet Ink Policies

    After the policy is issued, the insured person will sell his policy or multiple

    policies from different insurance companies, sometimes within weeks, to

    a settlement provider using a broker. This is referred to as a "wet ink

    policy" because the ink on the contract is still "wet" when the policy is


    The odds against an individual finding out that he is terminally ill within

    weeks of buying a policy are exceedingly high. To see that happen

    repeatedly within a short period of time with the same broker or provider

    is strong evidence that they are both well aware that the policies have

    been "clean sheeted".

    To hide the fact that the policy has been viaticated shortly after issuance,

    con artists will obscure viatication by simply changing the beneficiary to

    someone at the settlement provider firm. A second way is to employ a

    "collateral assignment" which is similar to where the insured seeks a loan

    from a third party and secures the loan by pledging the death benefits of


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    the policy. In fraudulent transactions they pledge the death benefits but do

    not receive a loan.

    Contestability Period

    Finally, some settlement providers merely delay reporting that the policy

    has been viaticated until the contestability period is over; falsely believing

    that it is not a crime then. An indication of culpability is that virtually all

    parties attempt to hide the viatication of fraudulently obtained policies

    from the insurance company for as long as possible.

    The contestability clause for life insurance lasts for two years after

    issuance, during which time it may be rescinded by the insurer for fraud in

    the application. After this period ends, the insurer is obligated to pay the

    death benefit, regardless of any fraud in the application. Because policies

    viaticated during the contestability period may be rescinded, they bring,

    as mentioned, a much lower price in the market.


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    A Case Study

    As an investor, you are offered the opportunity to purchase an interest in

    a life insurance policy in which the insured is terminally ill (i.e., viatical


    You are told:

    that your investment will produce a 100% rate of return because you are

    assigned a policy with a face value of twice your investment which you can

    claim upon their death;

    that you will have the option of reselling your policy once it becomes

    incontestable (two years after the date the policy is issued) for 70% of the

    face value;

    and that if the policy is contested or canceled by the insurer, the

    promoters will provide a replacement policy through a "replacement policy

    trust" managed by them.

    They say these are better investments than stocks, mutual funds,

    annuities, and CD's because viatical investments have the following


    "Full liquidity at maturity from rock solid 'A' rated insurance


    "Tax advantaged & hassle free! 100% fixed rate of return which is

    fully secured."


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    "Zero risk to principal, a totally safe investment with no load & no


    "Short holding periods with early buyout options available as


    "No speculation, no interest rate risk, no market risk, no economic


    In addition they say you will be making a "humanitarian investment"

    because the terminally ill person will be able to use the funds to receive

    improved health care; pay off debts; take a vacation, reduce family stress,

    and enhance their quality of life. In exchange for your money you receive

    a Membership Certificate certifying that you are a member of Viatical

    Funding LLC.

    After deducting the fees paid to sales agents, viator agents, and other

    intermediaries from your funds, you find that the ill person will actually be

    left with very little. In this case only $5,400, which is only 12% of your

    investment of $45,000, or 6% of the policy's face value of $90,000.

    They fail to disclose to you that the insured was terminally ill prior to being

    insured, that they concealed this fact on the application, and thus

    subjected the policy to cancellation by the insurer.

    Instead of being designated as the sole beneficiary you may find you

    share it with creditors and family members, and that the option to resell

    the ownership interests is not a guaranteed option, but rather an

    "assurance" that they will "make an effort" to facilitate a resale.

    In any event, you will not likely receive a promised 70% of the face value

    but only the amount another investor would be willing to pay, less

    commissions, which could be much less.


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    They also fail to mention:

    the risk of the insured living much longer than the estimated life

    expectancy, thereby greatly reducing the annual yield;

    the risk of their becoming insolvent and unable to replace a contested

    or canceled policy;

    the risk of the life insurance policy lapsing, or that you will often have to

    pay the policy premiums for the duration of the policyholder's life;

    the 15% commission the sales agent receives from your investment;

    who is responsible for monitoring the health status and location of the

    insured, obtaining a death certificate, and making a claim to the insurance


    Life Expectancy of the Insured

    To determine their rate of return investors rely on a report which projects

    the life expectancy of the insured, but there are no minimum requirements

    as to who may generate these reports or projections. One company used

    a nurse and a plastic surgeon but could have used the janitor.

    Viatical investing is highly speculative and risky. Even when the

    policyholder exists and is terminally ill, there is a high degree of

    uncertainty in predicting when they will die. New AIDS drugs and cancer

    treatments have compounded the risk for investors because they help

    policyholders live longer.


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    Viatical settlements are illegal under Canadian insurance legislation so

    Canadian investors should not be involved in these schemes at all.

    Not Enough Sick People

    Financial Federated Title & Trust, and Asset Security Corporation pled

    guilty after being charged with conspiring to recruit insurance agents to

    defraud more than 3,000 investors while purchasing viaticated insurance

    policy investments over a three year period.

    Investors were told that their money would be used to purchase a

    beneficial interest in viaticated insurance policies, and that medical

    overviews were being performed on the insured persons whose policies

    were being bought.

    Although at least $115 million in investor monies was taken in, the

    promoters used only $6 million of these funds to buy insurance policies

    whose total face value was just over $7 million. They used the balance of

    the money for purposes totally unrelated to the purchase of viaticated

    insurance policies.

    Industry Terminology

    Cleansheeting: Refers to a fraudulent criminal act committed by a

    proposed life insurance applicant, and by life insurance agents who

    knowingly assist or conspire with the insurance applicants, by failing to

    disclose a pre-existing medical condition in response to a question on a

    life insurance application which would affect issuance of the policy.

    Viator: A person who has a life threatening or terminal illness who sells or

    assigns their life insurance policy.


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    Viatical Settlement: The life insurance policy of a terminally ill person

    sold or offered for sale, generally at less than face value, through a

    viatical settlement company.

    Contestability: Policies are generally contestable for two years from the

    date of issue and are subject to being rescinded by the insurer for cause,

    such as application fraud and suicide.

    Viatical Settlement Provider: A person who enters into a viatical

    settlement contract with a viator. Often referred to as a settlement

    company or funder.

    Viatical Settlement Broker: A person who, for profit, offers or attempts

    to negotiate a settlement contract between a viator and one or more

    viatical settlement providers.

    Viatical Settlement Sales Agent: A person other than a licensed viatical

    settlement provider who arranges for the purchase of a viatical settlement

    or an interest in a viatical settlement from a viatical settlement provider.

    Mortality Profile Report: A report based on a review of a viator's medical

    history, which gives a prognosis of a viators life expectancy. Usually done

    by a health-care professional and generally at the behest of the viatical

    settlement provider to calculate the value of a viatical contract.

    Viatical Investment Broker: Defines a person or entity other than a

    licensed viatical settlement provider who solicits investors to purchase a

    viatical settlement interest from a viatical settlement provider.


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    We Chose to Keep Your Money

    Personal Choice Opportunities mislead investors when they sold

    viatical securities in the form of loan transactions. Investors lent money to

    PCO in order for them to purchase the benefits of life insurance policies

    from terminally ill individuals on the promise that they would receive a

    return on their investment of 21-25% per annum.

    The funds, however, were not used to purchase life insurance policies but

    kept instead. Over 1100 investors nationwide are believed to have

    invested $80-100 million in these transactions in just ten months. No

    evidence of any valid life insurance policies being purchased has been


    Repercussions for the Industry

    Life insurance premiums are based on actuarial tables which are

    worthless in fraudulent applications. Insurance companies cannot afford

    to pay out large death benefits after collecting small premiums for only a

    few years. Even if they don't go bankrupt the added costs are eventually

    passed on to other policyholders.

    The viatical industry as a whole must take steps to better police itself. If it

    does not, it risks ceasing to exist as an industry either by being legislated

    out of existence or by being pushed out of the market after destroying

    investor confidence in its product. If this fraud is to be stopped, it will

    require the total commitment of the insurance industry. The first step is for

    the industry to wake up to the existence and scope of the problem.


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    Currently a person charged with viaticating a fraudulently procured

    insurance policy worth $100,000 face value, who stands to gain tens of

    thousands of dollars, faces the same penalty as a shoplifter who takes a

    pack of cigarettes. A mere sixty days in jail is an encouragement, not a

    deterrent which may be why the industry watchdog has never received a

    single referral from the industry itself reporting such fraud.

    Life Settlements

    Once thriving on those dying from a terminal illness, medical advances,

    which are helping patients live longer, has caused the business to start

    targeting new clients - usually seniors with high payoffs - who may be

    willing to sell their life insurance policy to investors at a discount.

    Life settlements, or the sale of a life insurance policy to a third party, are

    sometimes referred to as "senior settlements" because most of the life

    insurance policies purchased insure the life of a senior citizen.

    The owner of the policy gets cash and the buyer becomes the new owner

    and/or beneficiary of the life insurance policy, pays all future premiums

    and collects the entire death benefit when the insured dies.

    People decide to sell their life insurance policies for many reasons. Some

    common ones are the changed needs of dependents, a desire to reduce

    or eliminate premiums, and a need for additional cash to meet expenses.

    State regulation of insurance generally does not extend to life

    settlements. Certain aspects of these transactions may fall under the

    various Securities Acts so there can be financial risks involved when

    entering into such arrangements.


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    You should consider contacting a professional tax advisor to find out the

    tax implications as life settlement proceeds are generally not tax free.

    Also know, if you are the seller that you will be required to provide certain

    medical and personal information to third parties who will be paid the

    proceeds from your policy upon your death. These third parties may sell

    your policy and pass along your medical and personal information to other


    Typically, life settlements are offered to buyers, for resale to investors, at

    a discount from the death benefit. The discount is for the entire life of the

    policy, not an annual rate of return. An annual rate of return cannot be

    guaranteed. Your rate of return depends on when the insured dies, and

    no one can predict a person's life expectancy. Keep in mind that a life

    settlement is not a liquid investment because the return on such an

    investment does not occur until the insured dies.

    Spreading the Risk

    The Alabama Securities Commission issued a Cease and Desist Order

    against Viatical & Elderly Settlement Providers, LLC (VESPERS)

    Washington, D.C., to stop conducting business in a few states after they

    received information that they were engaged in the illegal offer and sale of

    investment contracts involving fractionalized viatical settlement contracts


    VESPERS, though not licensed to sell this type of security in the state,

    have solicited independent insurance agents to sell interests in viaticals

    issued by them with promises of low risk and high returns of 28-70

    percent on two to five year investments for a 10% commission.


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    Be Aware, Dont Be a Victim

    The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud (CAIF) is a national advocacy

    organization of consumer groups, public interest organizations,

    government agencies and insurers. Its website notes insurance fraud is

    hard to measure because so much goes undetected, and complete

    research has yet to be done. Still, we have enough evidence to know that

    fraud is widespread and expensive.14

    National studies conducted by the Insurance Research Council (IRC)

    show that auto insurance, workers compensation and health insurance

    are the lines that are most vulnerable to fraud. The IRC estimates that

    one-third of all bodily injury claims from auto accidents contain some

    amount of fraud, usually in terms of padding or exaggerating a claim, but

    only 3% are totally fraudulent such as staged accidents. Another form of

    fraud, lying on applications in order to reduce premium, costs auto

    insurers $13.7 billion annually (Insurance Information Institute, or III).

    As to workers compensation fraud, one of the most common forms of

    workers compensation fraud in Maine is a faked or exaggerated injury, an

    area within the jurisdiction of the Maine Workers Compensation Boards

    Fraud and Abuse Unit to investigate. There are, however, other forms of

    workers compensation fraud are employers who misrepresent payroll or

    the type of business in order to reduce their insurance premiums and real

    or bogus entities that purport to provide real or bogus workers

    compensation coverage or alternatives to coverage to employers.

    In late 1999 the Governmental Accounting Office found that organized

    crime is heavily involved in health insurance fraud and that the criminals

    identified were not health care workers, per say, but individuals alreadyprosecuted for securities fraud, forgery and auto theft. With the enactment


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    of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)

    detection and prosecution of health insurance fraud received a boost. The

    Department of Justice calls health care fraud and abuse its number two

    law enforcement priority, after violent crimes. In 1996, according to the

    FBI, Congress provided an added $54 million over seven years for health

    care fraud enforcement.

    Property insurance, based upon the Bureaus 2004 data, had the third

    highest fraud and abuse count by line of business at 165 reported cases.

    According to the National Fire Protection Association, arson or suspected

    arson account for nearly 500,000 fires each year, or one in four fires in

    the United States. Arson and suspected arson are the largest causes of

    property damage in the U.S.

    Despite what may appear to be a bleak picture, a number of tools exist for

    combating fraud. In addition to those Maine Insurance and Criminal Code

    provisions, previously discussed, several federal laws are used to

    address fraud. These include: The Federal Mail Fraud Statute, theRacketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) and the Health

    Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Also, the Violent

    Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 makes insurance fraud a

    federal crime when it affects interstate commerce.

    Certain state agencies work with insurers to address fraud, as well. The

    Workers Compensation Boards Fraud and Abuse Unit tackles issues

    such as fakes or exaggerated injuries, the Fire Marshals Office

    investigates possible arson, and the Department of Human Services

    takes on Medicare and Medicaid fraud. Recently, one DHS employee

    received the Office of the Inspector General Integrity Award for her

    investigative and logistical support in a Medicare and Medicaid fraud case

    in Bangor Federal Court.


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    Fraud has also gotten the attention of the National Association of

    Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), which encourages the insurance

    industry to take a proactive role in controlling fraud. The NAIC offers

    states support through their Antifraud Task Force.

    The mission of the Antifraud Task Force is to serve the public interest by

    assisting state insurance supervisory officials, individually and collectively,

    in the following fundamental antifraud activities:

    Promotion of the public interest through the detection, monitoring

    and appropriate referral for investigation of insurance crime, both by

    and against consumers.

    Provision of assistance to the insurance regulatory community

    through the maintenance and improvement of electronic databases

    regarding fraudulent insurance activities.

    Disseminate the results of research and analysis of insurance fraud

    trends as well as case-specific analysis to the insurance regulatory

    community and state and federal law enforcement agencies.

    Provision of the liaison function between insurance regulators, law

    enforcement and other specific antifraud organizations.

    Highlights of the 2004 charges of the Antifraud Task Force include:

    compile and maintain detailed information on antifraud databases

    maintained by antifraud organizations, financial regulators, and law

    enforcement; consider developing further guidelines for use by theindustry in determining when suspicious claims should be reported;

    review industry compliance with antifraud initiatives; develop methods to

    enhance the investigation and prosecution of financial services fraud; and

    establish guidelines on the investigation and prosecution of insider

    insurance industry fraud.16

    Additionally, in 2005 the NAIC created a Fraud Web line, an online

    insurance fraud reporting system located on the Web site of the National


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    Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). The system allows

    consumers to provide information anonymously.

    The new fraud reporting system was developed as part of the response

    by insurance regulators to the national allegations about misconduct

    involving compensation agreements between some insurance companies

    and brokers. The allegations of improper activity spurred regulators to

    improve their abilities to collect information from consumers, producers

    and insurance company employees. Many places participates in the

    online fraud reporting system, in conjunction with the NAIC.

    The online fraud reporting system lets consumers anonymously supply

    detailed information regarding suspected fraudulent activities to the NAIC

    where the information is then forwarded to the appropriate state. Although

    consumers may identify themselves, no personal identifying information is

    required to report an allegation of suspected fraud. Consumers are

    required to designate the state where the suspected fraud occurred and

    the name and address of the business or individual. A text box is includedfor the consumer to provide the details of the suspected fraud. Other

    optional fields on the form include phone number, date of birth, date of

    suspected fraud, and amount of loss.

    Despite the anti-fraud activities of state and federal agencies discussed

    above, the Bureau notes that an enforcement and prosecutorial gap

    exists in current Maine government operations insofar as no entity exists

    that is focused on investigation and prosecution of fraudulent insurance

    acts and the crimes of insurance deception and deceptive insurance acts.

    The American Insurance Association and the Property Casualty Insurers

    Association and several of the individual fraud investigators who

    commented as interested persons all noted the frustration when hard

    work has been expended to develop a case and local prosecutors have

    refused to prosecute or believe that it is not a serious crime meriting their


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    attention. The interested persons believe that a strong and effective

    insurance fraud unit would be effective not only in punishing those

    convicted of insurance fraud, but in deterring others.

    Forty other states currently have insurance fraud units. The Director of the

    Fraud Division of the New Hampshire Insurance Department shared his

    concern with the Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial

    Services during his testimony on L.D. 1561 that organized insurance

    fraud rings are gravitating toward those jurisdictions with the least

    regulation, for the conduct of affairs. That concern has been echoed by

    other interested persons as well.


    The mission of the NAIC is to assist state insurance regulators,

    individually and collectively, in serving the public interest and achieving

    the following fundamental insurance regulatory goals in a responsive,

    efficient and cost effective manner, consistent with the wishes of its


    Protect the public interest;

    Promote competitive markets;

    Facilitate the fair and equitable treatment of insurance consumers;

    Promote the reliability, solvency and financial solidity of

    insurance institutions;

    andSupport and improve state regulation of insurance.


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    International association of insurance fraud


    HOW do they operate?

    The IAIFA and its members are continually working to improve the quality

    of data available to members and break down the jurisdictional barriers by

    working with regulators, companies and other law enforcement

    agencies.Those who break the law are adept at using these jurisdictional

    boundaries as a protective shield. IAIFA is trying to cut red tape involvedin the various (often necessary) jurisdictions' "privacy" laws in an attempt

    to track down crime and encourage other enforcement agencies to share

    information to the mutual benefit of all who are involved in assuring a high

    level of integrity throughout the insurance industry.

    WHAT are their Goals:

    IAIFA's goal is "to co-ordinate the efforts, training and education of law

    enforcement agencies, government bodies, and the insurance industry to

    move more efficiently prevent and combat insurance fraud worldwide."

    IAIFA has kept its focus on insurance fraud, which its members view as a

    crime against all segments of society - not a victimless felony, as some

    would define it.

    WHEN do they meet?

    IAIFA meets annually. The annual conference hosts eminent speakers

    whose presentations update the members on critical developments. It

    also enhances personal contacts and exchange of information between

    members throughout the year.


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    IAIFA cooperates in regional seminars which focuses on such topics as

    how to effectively use the laws to prosecute and recover assets gained by

    fraudulent means. Added to this, these meetings have widened the

    network of contacts for members from Europe, Asia, Australia, the

    Caribbean, Africa, and North America.

    Between meetings, our newsletter keeps members informed of the

    various projects undertaken by the Association and its members, as well

    as presenting new trends in the field of insurance fraud, both from a

    criminal and law enforcement perspective.

    WHERE are they found?

    International is the first word in IAIFA's name. That means what it says.

    While IAIFA began in North America, the founders were not so insular to

    believe that they had a unique place in insurance fraud. More than ever,

    sharing intelligence and finding ways to successfully prevent and combat

    crimes is essential for the members to do their job effectively.

    This is why the IAIFA wants even more countries to join in this worldwide

    effort. It is a classic case of the sum of the whole being greater than the

    sum of its parts. The interchange of information is invaluable, and should

    be available to everyone in their fight against sophisticated global fraud

    WHO are the members?

    It could be you and your organization. IAIFA's members include

    government insurance departments and fraud bureaus, law enforcement

    agencies, respected insurance companies, and related firms with a strong

    interest in combating insurance frauds.

    You may obtain the application by logging on the site or by contacting us

    for a mailing of the application. Upon receipt, your application will be

    considered by IAIFA's executive committee. If you are accepted, you and


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    your organization will have made a major step forward in beating

    insurance crime. This will be true not only for you in your own jurisdiction,

    but for your colleagues elsewhere, who will welcome hearing how you

    cope with escalating problems of insurance fraud.

    WHY were they formed?

    Insurance fraud is recognized internationally as a multi-billion dollar

    problem. IAIFA was created after a group consisting of the Directors of

    Insurance Fraud Agencies from the U.S.A. and Canada met to confront

    this burgeoning problem which is not restricted by jurisdictionalboundaries.

    It soon became apparent that if the agencies could share information they

    would increase their degree of effectiveness. Rapid communication is of

    the essence in catching fraud artists who know how to move money

    literally at the speed of light. From those early beginnings in 1986, with

    only a handful of members in North America, IAIFA now encompasses

    the Globe.


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    Dealing with fraud on the Net

    As time goes on, the number of attacks will only increase and network

    forensics will become a part of our lives, who could put you on the track

    by helping record and analyse previous security threats.

    In a perfect world, network security wouldnt be required. Unfortunately

    this isnt a perfect world, and even if there are many who will throw up a

    firewall and other such security measures as solutions, this doesnt stop

    the problem. No firewall is impenetrable and theres no such thing as a

    perfect security measure. Theres always a way to get around them, and

    the number of people trying to do that keeps increasing.

    According to the US General Accounting Office, approximately 250,000

    break-ins were attempted into Federal computer systems alone in 1995

    and this number gets bigger every year. Only one to four per cent of these

    attacks ever get detected.

    Network forensics is the capture, recording, and analysis of network

    events in order to discover the source of security attacks or other problem

    incidents. It attempts to prevent hackers from attacking a system, and

    searches for evidence after an attack has occurred.

    There are three parts to network forensics: intrusion detection; logging(the best way to track down a hacker is to keep vast records of activity on

    a network with the help of an intrusion detection system); correlating

    intrusion detection and logging.

    The ultimate goal of network forensics is to provide sufficient evidence to

    allow the criminal perpetrator to be successfully prosecuted. The practicalapplications could be in areas such as hacking, fraud, insurance


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    companies, data theftindustrial espionage, defamation, narcotics

    trafficking, credit card cloning, software piracy, electoral law, obscene

    publication, perjury, murder, sexual harassment, and discrimination.

    Technical Challenges

    IT managers, network consultants, auditors, software developers, and

    analysts would all like to understand the data that is sent over their

    corporate networks. Network monitoring is an essential tool for network

    optimization and security. How much data was sent? When? What was

    sent? Current tools only answer the first two questions, and have troublewith the third. The tools base their analysis primarily on IP and TCP

    headers, which can be misleading or intentionally falsified.

    This leaves security consultants and network managers to manually sift

    through raw network packet dumps, piece together data streams and

    undo transfer encoding, and seek to understand the significance of asingle connection. This is tremendously time-consuming and since

    networks deal with one packet at a time, this isnt very useful or complete

    to someone trying to get a big picture view of an employees suspected

    network abuse, or a deep-level view of an intrusion attempt.

    And yet the internet is critical, and we havent a choice but to connect

    internal networks to the rest of the world to link with customers,

    suppliers, partners, and their own employees. Even if that connection

    brings in threats of malicious hackers, criminals, and industrial spies.

    These network predators regularly steal corporate assets and intellectual

    property, cause service breaks and system failures, sully corporate

    brands, and frighten customers. Unless companies can successfully

    navigate around them, they will not be able to unlock the full business

    potential of the internet.


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    Even enterprises with exceptional security have their front doors open to

    employees sending and receiving data. Is there a user abusing the

    system for personal reasons, or accidentally or maliciously releasing

    confidential information? Unfortunately, the variety of data formats and

    sheer volume of traffic make detailed network monitoring a major

    technical challenge. Traffic monitors focus on bandwidth. Although some

    go so far as to keep basic statistics such as web page hits and average

    visit length, theyre mostly useful for capacity planning and simple web

    marketing. Port scans allow network security specialists to find some


    Intrusion detection systems scan traffic for known attack signatures.

    However, because these tools base their analysis primarily on the IP and

    TCP headers, which can be intentionally falsified or misleading, they are

    subject to incorrect analysis and spoofing. Current tools cant provide the

    information that IT managers, network consultants, auditors, software

    developers, and analysts need to know:

    Who is running an unauthorized web server on a non-standard port?

    How long is it taking our e-commerce system to process a customer

    order from start to finish?

    What generated that huge spike of traffic between 5:35am and 5:40am

    this morning?

    Exactly what happened during and before last nights attempted


    The fleeting nature of any kind of electronic data is such that its

    preservation, is required especially for legal proceedings the

    methodology can be broken down into two key elements: acquiring

    evidence and analyzing evidence.


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    This information is required for dealing with a law enforcement

    investigation. It involves capturing and storing every packet passing

    through wires and then regenerating the sequence flow for analysis. If we

    are able to regenerate the attack it can now be treated as evidence.

    Full-content network monitoring is no longer the province of spooks and

    spies its increasingly a practice that is an integral part of a

    multilayered defense system that serves a variety of goals for both

    computer security and overall network policy.

    The solution is to follow a multi-layered security approach and a system

    that can perform the following tasks: integrated network IDS/ anomalydetection /forensic analysis; capture data at high speeds; run invisibly and

    capture packets from the monitored network; assemble the collected

    packets into connection streams; read the actual data in packets and

    categorizes it by type, rather than make assumptions based on packet

    headers and port numbers; automatically determine key connection

    attributes; operates at the level of complete, assembled data streams,rather than arbitrarily mixed-together packets; search capability through

    network traffic by keyword; protocol recognition capability and correlation


    As time goes on, the number of attacks will only increase and network

    forensics will become a part of our lives. It has an ability to strengthen our

    securities, check compliance against policies, and punish those that

    attempt to disrupt our IT infrastructure. The future of information security

    lies in an organisation ability

    to not only prevent malicious activity, but also investigate and prosecute

    the perpetrators whether internal or external.


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    Precaution is better than cure

    Insurance fraud is not typically a violent crime, just a lucrative one. As

    consumers, there are several common-sense steps you can take to help

    reduce fraud and minimize its impact.

    Be an Informed Consumer.

    Insurance premiums are a significant expense for most of us. The

    premiums you pay are based on your individual claims history and thedegree of risk involved. Generally speaking, the greater the risk, the

    higher the premium. For example, the theft premium for a Honda Accord

    will be far higher than that of a Yugo quite simply because more Honda

    Accords are stolen. Similarly, a tightrope walker will pay more for life

    insurance than a librarian, all else being equal.

    Comparison Shop.

    Premiums can vary significantly frominsurer to insurer so it pays to shop

    around. To make comparison shopping a little easier, the Insurance

    Department publishes consumer guides for auto, homeowners, long-term

    care and HMO/health insurance that provide sample premiums for

    insurers that offer these coverage. In addition, the Insurance

    Department's Web site is also the home of an Interactive Guide to HMOs,

    which allows consumers to find information about HMOs operating within

    their home county.


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    Know Your Agent or Broker.

    Consumers can often be victimized by unscrupulous agents or brokers

    and discover only after they file a claim that they are without coverage for

    their home or their car. If an uninsured home is damaged by fire, the

    owner is solely responsible for restoring it and paying back any mortgage

    holders. If a driver is involved in an accident while driving an uninsured

    vehicle, any personal assets are subject to forfeiture if that driver is sued

    for damages. Deal only with licensed agents and brokers. Agents and

    brokers must carry proof of licensure.

    Where's the Proof?

    Never pay for a premium in cash. Pay by check or a money order made

    out to the insurance company directly or to the agencynot to the

    individual agent or broker. In addition, always request a receipt.

    Where's the Policy?

    You should receive a copy of any type of insurance policy complete with

    endorsements and declarations specifically outlining your coverage and

    its limitations within a reasonable period after your purchase. If you do not

    receive it, question your agent or broker. If there is no satisfactory

    explanation for the delay, contact the New York Insurance Department

    immediately. You may not have the insurance coverage you paid for.


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    Are You Being Billed for Services You Have Not Received?

    If you have received medical or dental treatment that is covered by an

    HMO or an insurance company, you will receive an "Explanation of

    Benefits" statement listing the services for which benefits have been paid.

    Review it carefully to ensure that your health care provider has not

    "bumped up" your claim (i.e., overstated services provided in order to

    receive a higher payment), or charged for services you did not receive.

    Contact your insurer immediately if you feel there are discrepancies.

    Fraudulent claims payments translate into higher insurance premiums for

    all of us.

    What If Youre Involved in an Automobile Accident?

    Call the police to the scene and make sure that the details of the accident

    are documented and the identities of the occupants of the other vehicle

    are verified. Be suspicious if the driver of the other vehicle insists there is

    no need to call the police. That drivers insurance card may be fraudulent

    and his car uninsured.

    Auto Insurance Fraud is a multi-billion-dollar problem nationwide. Watch

    out for these common scams:

    The staged accident A vehicle filled with people will stop suddenly in

    front of you, setting you up as the cause of a rear-end collision. The

    "victims" will then file costly multiple medical and damage claims using

    doctors and lawyers who are part of the scam.

    Steerers These individuals will solicit the injured or allegedly injured

    parties and direct them, for a "referral fee," to lawyers, doctors and/or


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    medical facilities that are part of the scheme. Be on the lookout for

    steerers at accident scenes and dont become their victim.

    Inflated claims If you are in an automobile accident, be sure you know

    the extent of the damages to your own car and the other vehicle and

    carefully review claims. Vehicle owners and body shops frequently inflate

    estimates for damages and then either perform other repairs not related

    to the accident or simply keep the extra money.


    Think twice before replacing an existing life insurance policy with a new

    one. The new policy may have exclusions or waiting periods for pre-

    existing conditions that are covered by your current policy. And premiums

    are likely to be higher because you are older. The Insurance Department

    protects consumers by requiring agents to provide prospective

    purchasers with pertinent facts when that purchase will cause the buyer to

    surrender, lapse, or in any way change the status of an existing lifeinsurance policy. Department Regulation 60 requires this full disclosure

    so that prospective life insurance purchasers can make decisions in their

    own best interest.

    Dont allow high-pressure salesmanship to persuade you to sign up for a

    type of policy or certain coverage that you are not sure you need. Take

    time to decide whats right for you.

    Read your policy carefully before you sign. If you have questions, ask

    your agent or broker, or your insurer. An additional source of information

    and help is the Insurance Departments Consumer Services Bureau.


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    Insurance, a very well known concept today and many people could relate

    to in more than one ways. This is the influence of the changing times that

    have changed the concept of insurance in the minds of the young and the

    old. People have changed their attitude towards insurance and accepted

    its new look from being an entry of luxury to an investment and a

    necessity. The number of people taking insurance has increased

    considerably in the past few decades due to the entry of private players in

    the market.

    One knows that every coin has two sides. Similarly, insurance also has

    two faces. One of which is investments and getting regular returns from

    financial institutions for oneself and for loved ones. The other, awfully, is

    of which people deceive insurance companies for their undue advantage

    and cause intimidation to many others.

    Though, there have been many laws and agencies all over the world to

    impede such criminal activity, it is not a full proof solution to all insurance


    In a world today where every person seeks their right to information and

    demands the same, it is very difficult to scam them. One must know all

    the loop-holes of their business to scheme some one. This could be theact of some one who is carrying on criminal bustle on the vigor of his

    acute knowledge about their business. Lack of knowledge and not

    knowing ones basic rights on behalf of the prey could land them in

    scrambled scam bisque.

    There have been many institutions and agencies formed all over the world

    to detect fraud and penalize the one conscientious for such mishaps.

    There is Division of Insurance Fraud, International Association Of


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    Insurance Fraud Agencies (Iaifa), etc. through the enduring and

    conscious endeavor of these institutions insurance fraud tempo has

    declined by an enormous amount. Several have studied preceding and

    enduring market conditions to identify with the diverse frauds that take

    place and the reasons behind committing these frauds.

    One cannot diminish frauds, schemes, swindles, scams but can positively

    be alert of them so as not to be a victim of it themselves. Tumbling

    fraudulent situations is a unremitting and collective effort of countless.

    One must be sensitive and offer their helping as much as they can.

    One can either grumble about how things are all going wide of the mark

    and swallow the consequences. Or put their foot down and make an

    attempt to change the immoral to the right. The wrong will change and

    everyone will see the bright light of truth and right with the revolution of

    knowledge, awareness, an attitude for change amongst the humanity.


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    BlueCross & BlueShield United of Wisconsin: What is health care


    Stern RA, Montana R.: Identify patterns of medical provider fraud

    through data base graphic pattern. FDN Fraud Report

    Barrett S.: Chelation therapy and insurance fraud

    Private health insurance: Employers and individuals are vulnerable

    to unauthorized or bogus entities selling coverage

    Scam alert.: Coalition Against Insurance Fraud Web site



