40 years of Spielberg's Jaws 

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Transcript of 40 years of Spielberg's Jaws 

40 years of Spielberg's Jaws 

Robert Shaw, Roy Scheider, Steven Spielberg and Richard DreyfussWhile the movie "Jaws" kept us on the edge of our seats with fear, behind-the-scenes things didn't look nearly as tense! The stars of the film, Robert Shaw, Roy Scheider, and Richard Dreyfuss share a laugh with Steven Spielberg as he directs them in a scene of a movie on the boat, "Orca."Photo: Universal Studios/Getty Images.

Steven SpielbergIf you still have nightmares about "Jaws," you're not alone -- but this silly shot might help alleviate them! Steven Spielberg put himself right in the belly of the beast so to speak as he goofed off on set. Spielberg is pictured lounging inside the mouth of the mechanical great white shark, nicknamed "Bruce" in the 1975 movie. AP Photo

Robert Shaw and Jaws"You're gonna need a bigger boat," indeed! Robert Shaw, who plays shark hunter Quint, is pictured standing above the massive mechanical shark while shooting a scene of the movie. The filmmakers had difficulty throughout production and went over budget because many of the mechanical sharks kept malfunctioning. Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

“Richie Helmer touches up the shark.”Boat operator Charlie Blair confirmed to author Matt Taylor that Bruce’s upkeep was basically a 24-hour job. Bruce’s technical snafus were one of the main reasons for the film’s drastic delays and overwhelming budget. Edith Blake/Courtesy of Moonrise Media

JawsAn underwater view shows the terrifying, albeit the mechanical, great white shark from "Jaws." Anonymous/AP Photo

Kathleen Carroll and Robert ShawNew York Daily News reporter Kathleen Carroll got an on-set interview with Robert Shaw during the filming of "Jaws." In her interview from June 21, 197 she wrote, "Spielberg had paced the film beautifully so that one is always on edge, tensed for those scary moments that turn out to be false alarms (a black fin, in the water, for instance, that is eventually exposed as a bathing cap), and left somehow totally unprepared for the real shocks." Louis Goldman/New York Daily News

Roy ScheiderRoy Scheider, who plays chief Martin Brody, stands on top of the boat, "Orca," while crew members get ready to film a scene of "Jaws."Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Steven Spielberg and his camera crewSteven Spielberg wasn't afraid to get his hand dirty -- or wet,rather -- when filming his 1975 blockbuster, "Jaws." He is pictured here with his camera crew braving the waters in Martha’s Vineyard to shoot a scene from his film. Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

“Panicking on State Beach.”Alves and Spielberg avoided using the color red throughout the film as much as possible, since they wanted the bloody attack scenes to stand out and be a bigger shock for audiences. It worked — especially during this scene, which was shot with blood still in the water. Lee Fierro played the mother of the boy on the raft who gets devoured. She told author Matt Taylor, “They filmed the attack shots the same day they filmed the parents running down to the edge of the water, so that there would actually be blood floating around as everybody gathered their children.” The Vineyard’s tourist season was set to kick off near the end of filming, so getting the crowd scenes shot in time was crucial. Jackie Baer/Courtesy of Moonrise Media

JawsA group of extras are filmed running out of the ocean in a panic during a shark attack scene in "Jaws." Archive Photos/Getty Images

Roy Scheider and Richard DreyfussRoy Scheider and Richard Dreyfuss are pictured next to a hanging shark carcass while shooting a scene of "Jaws." AP Photo

Richard DreyfussRichard Dryfuss is all smiles on the set of "Jaws" as he straps on scuba gear and stands in a cage in the water. Something tells us that his character, marine biologist Matt Hooper, would not have found the same scenario quite as amusing! Archive Photos/Getty Images

“Shark mauls Ted Grossman.”Ted Grossman was a professional stuntman who coordinated Jaws’ death-defying scenes. He’s credited as “estuary victim,” since he’s the guy whose leg was torn off and seen sinking in the lagoon. Grossman’s other glamorous duties included fetching a dead, 900-pound shark for filming. Edith Blake/Courtesy of Moonrise Media

This is a great shot of one of the platform sharks. Edith Blake/Courtesy of Moonrise Media

In this classic, three determined men fight to destroy a killer shark that's prowling the waters off Amity Island.Globe Staff

Co-producers Richard Zanuck and David Brown on the water during fiming.Globe archives

The film used a barely functional shark in Cow Bay during the filming on Martha's Vineyard.Moonies Media

A swimmer, played by Ted Grossman, is attacked by a killer shark within view of children as a companion tries to save him.Universal Pictures

Richard D. Zanuck produced the record-setting film with David Brown.Universal Studios

Esteben Spielberg behind the scenes during the making of Jaws.Globe archives

What is left of the "Orka," the boat featured in the filming of Jaws, lies rotting on the shore of Menemsha Creek. Owned by Lynn Murphy, the boat has been picked apart by souvineer scavengers over the years. Several "Orkas" were used in the filming of the movie, but only one remains on the island. This one was used in the sinking scene where Quint was eaten by the shark.Greene, Bill Globe Staff

Characters Mike Brody and Kathryn Morgan gasp for air while searching underwater for the killer shark.Globe archives

Cindy Grover is knocked overboard when a great white attacks and frantically tries to swin to shore.Globe archives

Spielberg (centre), producer Richard Zanuck (red shorts) and actor Roy Scheider (at rear) soak up the sun and ride the waves in between takes.Photograph: Ronal Grant Archive

Crew filming the famous dolly zoom scene with Roy Scheider (sitting on the right of picture).Photograph: LFI

The system of hydraulics are revealed under the mechanical shark as it is hoisted from the water.Photograph: Allstar

Filming in the shallows: A camera crew film a bathing scene. © 1974 Jackie Baer /Courtesy of Moonrise Media From the book JAWS: Memories From Martha's Vineyard

Spielberg takes a call during filming.Photograph: Allstar

Spielberg and Scheider discuss a scene on set as extras look on.Photograph: Rex Features

Star maker: Spielberg talks with actor Roy Schneider (Chief Brody) and Lorraine Gary (Ellen Brody) on set. © 1974 Jackie Baer /Courtesy of Moonrise Media From the book JAWS: Memories From Martha's Vineyard

Characters Quint, Chief of Police Brody, and Matt Hooper try to wrangle the shark.Globe archives

“Clay model sculpted by Joe Alves.”These clay models of Bruce were the template for Mattey’s mechanical construction. Alves explained to Taylor:“We had to decide how big the shark was going to be, so I started by drawing a 20-foot shark, then a 30-foot shark. The 30-foot shark seemed too  big, and the 20-foot shark seemed too small. I had originally wanted to make the proportions of a twelve-and-a-half footer, then double the size. That’s how I wound up with 25 feet, which was credible.” Joe Alves/Courtesy of Moonrise Media

“Inside Bob Mattey’s machine shop.”Several sharks’ jaws were loaned to the crew by San Francisco’s Steinhart Aquarium. They were essential in creating realistic and terrifying details. oe Alves/Courtesy of Moonrise Media

Jaws Beast from the deep: A new Jaws platform shark created for the underwater cage sequence is prepared for action in MGM’s studio tank. © 1974 Cal Acord /Courtesy of Moonrise Media From the book JAWS: Memories From Martha's

Constructing a shark at Bob Mattey’s machine ship in Sundland, California. © 1974 Joe Alves /Courtesy of Media From the book JAWS: Memories From Martha's VineyardMoonrise

Going for the kill: A camerman follows Jaws as the shark heads towards Orca II. © 1974 Cal Acord /Courtesy of Moonrise Media From the book JAWS: Memories From Martha's Vineyard

The attack: The platform shark leaps aboard Orca II The attack: Jaws leaps aboard Orca II. © 1974 Cal Acord /Courtesy of Moonrise Media From the book JAWS: Memories From Martha's Vineyard

Fearsome: Jaws leaps aboard Orca II. © 1974 Cal Acord /Courtesy of Moonrise Media From the book JAWS: Memories From Martha's Vineyard


cast 40 years of Spielberg's Jaws 

images and text credit   www. filmconnoisseur.blogspot.com. www.nydailynews.com www.theguardian.com    Music Jaws Music, John Williams     created olga.e.

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