4 ways to feed the content creation beast

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 4 ways to feed the content creation beast

4 ways to feed the content

creation beast

Everybody is talking about

content marketing

It’s the best way to drive traffic to your site

Which is why most marketers are doing it

But here’s what they’re not telling you…

Content marketing is a relentless beast

requiring constant feeding

And the pressure is not going away

Marketers need to create all types of content

Blog posts Images

Videos Podcasts



But quality trumps quantity

Churning out content crushes the creative spirit

And the final product suffers

New tools and innovative thinking can flip the script

1. Make your workflow as innovative as your ideas

Digital agency Drake Cooper adopted Hightail’s collaboration features and got

faster approvals from clients

2. Open more direct channels of communication

Social Envi brought clients and creators together into a more transparent feedback process

3. Get one digital workspace for the entire team

Marketers at MiTek now collaborate on creative projects in Hightail, increasing group visibility


4. Repurpose content to make your ideas go further

Take one blog post and turn it into:

Slideshow video – Great for Facebook

Infographic– 3x more likely to be shared

Visual with quote – Popular on LinkedIn

Take one blog post and turn it into:

eBook– Great for lead generation

Social posts – Unleash the power of a Tweetstorm

Webinar – Use Google Hangouts to present to an audience

Take one blog post and turn it into:

Repost – Tweak content for Medium

Presentation– SlideShare has 70m unique visitors every month

Social posts – Can your content go viral?

Creative collaboration tools ensure each iteration stays true to your brand


Use Hightail to share all types of assets…

Get precise feedback from multiple teams…

And clear approvals with one simple click

Feed your content marketing beast faster at www.hightail.com