4 Reasons this street wear brand can change lives

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of 4 Reasons this street wear brand can change lives

God save the GreenThe object of desire

4 major reasons this street wear brand could change lives.

Cotton is the dirtier industry

Uzbek girl forced to pick cotton in karakalpak-2010

Half of world's cotton production is harvested by the children of Uzbekistan who are forced to do so by the regime instead of being at school.

Your body absorbs pesticides

Aldicarp is a commonly used cotton pesticide. A single drop of aldicarp absorbed through the skin can kill an adult. Cotton pesticides so toxic that they were banned under the Soviet regime are still being used in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is the world’s second largest cotton exporter.

The effects of pesticides on children

Cotton pesticides can prevent individual nerve cells from communicating with one another. Effects also include impaired memory, severe depression, disruption of the immune system, paralysis and death. Yet these children are forced to pick the cotton without any protection and no drinking water for their long workday. Drinking the improper irrigation water.


To produce a teeshirt = +/- 500 gallons of water or 2600 liters. No wonder it's production has dried up the Aral sea.View the 7min video done by The environmental Justice Fundation on Uzbek's cotton. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n39T35Ia_4

My brand

The cotton I will use is picked by well paid adults in India. It is neither harming their health nor will it harm yours.

A carbon neutral factory

The production line is carbon neutral as it produces their own energy, recycles and clean 90% of their used water.

Watch supermodel/activist Lily Cole visit the factory and the cotton felds that produce the cotton I will use. Filmed by The Environmental Justice Foundation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bljDg7Vyons

Stop participating in modern slavery

Stay a victim or drop your chains by stopping victimize childrenand get

involved in the styling of your clothes.

Have your say by joining the tribe

Why continue letting yourself convinced about what to wear by the fashion industry as they make you spend your money and involves you in the destruction of the environment and slavery by making you feel that you never have enough.Join the tribe and have your say about what you want to wear.

About MLLAA few years ago, I got to know about the involvement of a skateboard brand into sustainability on facebook . I later tried still through facebook to contact the famed environmentalist to whom this brand belongs and ended up being commissioned to produce a few teeshirts designs for his eco-responsible brand. I wanted to join the green wagon so I created this brand as this is a truly noble way to earn my keep and give back something positive in the lives of children as well as for us

My vision This campaign on is my way to organize a tribe, send the signal towards risk averse banks and buyers. A signal to the leaders of the fashion world who are imposing on you new desires all the time. There was a time were objects and clothes were made to last, there were things that we longed for and clothes that followed us in many episodes of our life. Sustainability+emotions = Objects of desire. Less is more !Let's take the opportunity to decide ourselves what we want to wear !

How do yo get involved ?

Buy limited editions specially made for this campaign to launch a frst collection of printed teeshirts and sweatshirts. Share the news around you and involve your network and friends. If there is more money than my goal I would like to go to Uzbekistan to photography the situation there.http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/en/projects/god-save-the-green-the-object-of-desire

Want to know more ?

Through my research for an easy vegetal replacement to cotton I did not fnd yet anything really exciting but false good ideas...

What is left at the moment is recycled wool and real organic cotton from India. 

The second phase of my plan is to create sweaters trough a factory who produce recycled wool which is a revolutionary patented technique that will preserve our health as the dying and others pesticides  "outgased" already a lot of their chemicals in their previous life and it could save many lambs and sheep which means also so less pollution.

Wool : cruel business :http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-clothing/wool-industry.aspx

Some false good ideas

PET : (recycled plastic bottles to make polar yarn) :

causes disturbances to our endocrine system. (see article from US National Library of Medicine. : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2702426/) 


fbers are (far as my research have shown) only coming from china. So it has a bad carbon foot print unless they do reduce their polluting. Not quite there yet. Not reliable in term of transparency neither.

Soy :

is not in the question as with its mega plantation is harming indigenes in Brasil who were still living in the amazon forest. They fed to favelas and countless are dying. Soy kills and violates human rights. http://worldinfo.org/2012/01/food-for-thought-soybean-endangers-brazil-amazon-rainforest/


Not so green as the process involves a lot of chemicals.


Links : 


http://mlla-mariella.tumblr.com/ http://worldinfo.org/2012/01/food-for-thought-soybean-endangers-brazil-amazon-rainforest/

Source of inspiration: http://youtu.be/6eD2uvkEJJY?t=12m34s

Keith Haring and teeshirst as a vehicule for thoughts and ideas to a wider audience