4 pillars of education

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of 4 pillars of education

The Four Pillars of Education

The Four Pillars of Education

Four Pillars of Education

Learning to Know Learning to Do Learning to Live Together Learning to Be

Learning to Know

- Acquiring the instrument of understanding.

- By combining a sufficiently broad general knowledge with the opportunity to work in depth on a small number of subjects.

- This also means learning to learn, so as to benefit from the opportunities education provide throughout life.

Learning to Know implies learning how to learn by developing one’s concentration, memory

skills and ability to think.

Skills to be acquired in “Learning to Know”1. Observing2. Listening3. Data Gathering 4. Accessing, processing and selecting

information5. Asking questions6. Reading with comprehension7. Note Taking

Teacher’s Roles


Every Individual has hidden talents such as

1. Memory2. Reasoning3. Imagination4. Physical Ability5. Aesthetic Sense6. Aptitude to communicate

• The development of memory skills is an excellent tool for countering the overpowering stream of instant information put out by media.

• From infancy, young people must learn how to concentrate – on objects and on other people.

• Thinking is something children first from their teachers. The process should encompass both practical problem solving and abstract thought.

Different methods of Teaching

Inductive-DeductiveProblem SolvingLaboratory Work

Learning to Do - So as to be able to act creatively in one’s

environment. - In order to acquire not only an occupational

skill but also, more badly , the competence to deal with many situations and work in teams.

- It also means learning to do in the context of young peoples’ various social and work experiences which may be informal, as a result of the local or national context or formal, involving courses, alternating study and work.

A. Not only as putting knowledge and

learning into practice innovatively through skills development and practical know-how, but also as the development of competence, life skills, personal qualities, aptitude and attitude.

ARIZA family
a natural ability or talent

B. Education incorporating

general and vocational education should enable the learner to launch into a lifelong continuum of knowledge, values, attitudes, competencies and skills.

C. Learning to do represent the skillful,

creative and discerning application of knowledge because one must first learn how to learn effectively, how to think creatively, critically and holistically, and how to deeply understand the information that is presented, and its systematic implications for individuals and for society, in both the short and longer term

D. It is therefore essential, to cultivate human qualities that are not necessarily

E. Inculcated by traditional training… the ability to establish stable, effective relationships between individuals (requiring ) new types of skills, more behavioral than intellectual… intuition, flair, judgment and the ability to hold team together.

Personal Competence Includes Life Skills Like

1. Social Behavior2. Personal Initiative3. Willingness to take risk4. Communication skills5. Problem solving skills6. Adaptability7. Social responsibility8. Leadership skills

Learning to Live Together

- So as to participate in and cooperate with other people in all human activities

- By developing an understanding of other people and an appreciation of interdependence – carrying out joint projects and learning to manage conflicts – in spirit of respect for the values of pluralism, mutual understanding and peace.

A. This may induce people to implement common projects and to manage the inevitable conflicts in an intelligent and peaceful way.

B. The teacher should help the students to realize the value of being able to live together in their gradually enlarging world: home, school, community, town, city, province, country and the world as a global village.

C .Learning to live together in Peace

and Harmony is the most vital to building the genuine and lasting culture of peace throughout the world.

D. This can be achieved by developing and understanding of others and their history, traditions and spiritual values.

Values to be developed among students

1. Non violence2. Cooperation3. Selfless attitude4. Developing values5. Accepting human diversity6. Instill an awareness of the similarities and

interdependence of all people.

Learning to Be - So as to develop one’s personality and

to act with ever greater autonomy judgment and personal responsibility.

-The aim of development is the complete fulfillment of man and his development in a holistic way as an individual, member of a family and community and as a responsible citizen.

A. Refers to the role of education in developing all dimensions of the complete person: the physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical integration of the individual into a complete man.

B. Learning to be is the complete fulfillment of man, in all riches of his personality, the complexity of his forms of expression and his various commitments.

B. Faure’s report refers to individual as “unfinished”, divided” and “incomplete”. Education therefore must be directed towards the development of the “complete man”

According to Faure’s Universal Aims of Learning to be summarizes as follow:

Towards a scientific humanism Creativity Towards Social Commitment Towards complete man