4 ?~Lev MARCH~ · 2014. 7. 3. · 7H 'l'nF ~F\\·r:-.nTO'IT ,\ :"!. worldliness ancl A"enlle

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Transcript of 4 ?~Lev MARCH~ · 2014. 7. 3. · 7H 'l'nF ~F\\·r:-.nTO'IT ,\ :"!. worldliness ancl A"enlle

4 ?~Lev" v. MARCH~ 1s1a YVc.. ¥


•• ltle111or puerltae." Hor.

R1litor: .J. ,f. "A1'f.I -.;o.

J:11itorlal rounrif n. L. A!-4'1'0';, K 8. PRA'l'I' , w. R. FrSJIER, '"· s. St \1'1'0'\, I•'. \'. Com11 I"·

l'nfu·t.~. \\'. <:. I•'. llnow'\, "'· S. J:\"'1:wTo:>, .J . • J. "'\Tu:..o, A. (', [,\\\, H L. ,\'iTO'\', E. S. l'n.\TT, '"· E. 1•'1::,Jlf II .• T D. Pun, .r II. ,\nrmrr.

t'ri1'1.-1 t <'11µtni11.v. -ht Xl.. f'11pt11i11, \\". c:. F. Tlnow-.;: l'i1·1•-c11ptni11, .f. D. 1'11rn; :!1Hl .XI .. F.\'. Cn<:m 1x; :1nl XI .. H. (iRl'GG.

<:111111"~ <'01111111111·1. -\\·. c:. F. nnow'\', w. s. x1:\\' ro'\', .1. .T. \\'A11.J:\(J, ,J. n. l'un:.

('1iriH/i1111 I 11io11 l'r1·11i1fr11/ • • J •• J, \\'ITt 1-.;o; 1 iN·-l'rrsi<lcnt, W. c:. J<'. BRow"; H1·1·01·11i11v 81·cr1·t11r11, \\'. 8. '\'n1'TO'>: rorr1s-1w11rli11f/ 81'1'1'1 /111·11. K H. I '11 ITT; 'l'rrn.rn1·1 I'. \\'. E. F1;irrrn.

No. CXXXVl.l [MARCH , 1918.


\\'JTH the hegi1111111~ of a 1ww RC'hool Y!':Jr, w!' :1ppenl for a more 1•nriwst 111111 sell' ;\ll<'riflring spirit in r1·ery 1leparlmi>11t of our life; :JS llllll'h in the (•)llSS· 1'00111 :J'l in the playing- f.ir)<J. ft may be true that \Vaterloo wa~ ~ainccl on the playing- li!'l<I"' of ]•~ton. fiur1•e."s in aftC'r life ancl ubility to clo thin~ worth whih• are <·ertainly not. The athlt•ti1• ltC'l'CI of' 01ll''s iwhooldays g'C'llernll,\' li1•ks the stamps of thu hurdwork1•r, i11 ufl1•r Jill" At Xew111~to11, howe1·er, it is our pride that sf·lwlarly· a!'hi1•1·e1111•11t and athl1•ti1· prowe,;s go more ot'tt>n hancl in luwd than not. There are exeeptions, hut. like other t'X<'!'ptio11s, lht•y pro1·1• thr 1·11lr. Ronw, howp1·1•r, :1re llC'ither th!' ont:> nor fhC' other. Hi11<'C' littll' is (!i1·rn, little is !'XJ>!'<'!l'cl. Unfortunntelv we ha1·e to complain \'ery often that ewn that little is not gi1·en. It is 1•ertainly not for l:Jl'k of opportunity. 'l'lwre are a hundred :uul one things to hi' cl011r. i\lor!' Yigom· thrown into patriotic• 11·ol'k, lan:er <·l'Clwds nl 1·0111prlition matc·hrs. lo pi1·k out only two things in whil·h the ~·Mwol, as a whole, is clepluruhly slack, woulcl du irnmeasurabll' good. Tht• trouble with mnn~· of m. is in our


7H 'l'nF ~F\\·r:-.nTO'IT ,\ :"!.

worldliness ancl A"enlle <'yni('ism. w·e look ai life with half-<'losed eyeg, and !'eem to find exertion and enthusiasm a heastly hore. Jt is so mueh more pleasant to play tennis or ''sport with A tntuyllis in the shade" limn to turn out f'or <'ri1:ket and l'oolhall. Perhaps the a\·erag-e ho.'· will rep!,\· to this <·riti<'ism in the f'ollow-ing- words: "Oh. yes. It's all Yery well to ask us to make sa<'rifit•es. I ha\•e to gi,·e nnd get nothing- in retnm. You want me to do well in exams., so the 8<'hool gets a goocl nanw."

\Ye c·an only say this in reply, Yon will fii11l what the H<·hool hAs giwn yon in after Ii l'e when as a rnm1, prnmpt, qni1·k to de1•id<', ready to ad, tl1oughtl'ul and self-sa<'ritic·ing, you <'ompare yonrsell' with others wl10 laC'kecl your ad\'antages.

ReC'ondly, it must he remembere<l that thrse duties ancl sac•ri-fi<'es ( \·ery small al'ter all) are hut means to an end. By clerelop ing sc·hool ;;pirit, national spirit is cl<•,·elopecl. They are fitting us for "Life's stem stress and stri fe.'' But morP than that. They are to make us good ritizens of .Australia. \\' e are the men tu he. ln our hand:; lie to a large extent the destinies of Australia. \Ye shall rntE'r info n heritage handed on tons hy this :rn<l pn:;l g-1•ne1·a.-lionR. \Ye reap what they sowed with tears and sweat ancl hloocl ! As ea"y-going, sc:'llish, 1111r11fhnsinsti<' nwn, shall We:' hr wnl'fh.\' 01

this. If we are worthy, the future holds wondrous thing~ in store .

.Australia a. mighty nation, foremost in the world; inhahitecl b~·

a c-onquering raC'e. Foremost, hut not in war. Conquering-, but not in battle; leading the worlcl in arts and R<'ienres. 'rh!' hnnw; pE'rfert liberty; the:' lrtnd of ha.ppinesR.

Surely this viRion makes our little saC'rifices, our petty clnlies, seem as thingR of no acronnt. If in lhC' prC'senf we fai l, the glori-ous f'ntnre will nevE'r be ours.

Jn memortmn. "The;;;r laid thr world away: 110nn•d out the rrcl

8wel!t wi1H' of ~·011th: ;::nn• np lht• .vr:u·:; lo hr. Of work uud jo~· und that un~hnped i:.erene

That nwn mll age; and tho;;e who woulcl have hE'en 'l'lwir son;;;, thl'y gave, thei r immortnllty.

-Rupert B1·ook1•.


T,ionC'l Sanely <'ame to XPwin.e:ton In 1900. nncl b~for•' Jw JPfl mncle a rc:'<'Or<l for goo1l ~tendy work. Tl!' wns not 11 brilliant boy t•ither in 81'11001 or sport. hut although lw llP\'PI' uttainE'd lo proml-llt'llC'e, llE' alwnyq tried and did Ill~ bc:'st, whl<-h 11fter all, I~ the

Tnr. Nr.w1:o;r.TOXTAX. 745

main thing. II<' left NPwing-ton to entN· on n commercial c1nN•r. nnd !lad been n•ry RIH'C'l'HHful when war h1t<.'1Tenecl.

He enlisted at Vklorln nurrnc-ks on the 5th Ang-uRt, 19H. tlw n•ry clay on whi<-h 1h<' newi:; that Gn•nt Britain Juul !lec-lared wnr wuo.; fir"l known lwrc-. He w<>nt with till' \ustrnllan .\rlill(·r~ to Oallipoll, and wns 111 tlu• lu1uli11~ ut Cupe llPllc"'· des('rihed h~ .\fnsl'fiel<I as tlw hl0«>illPst of nil the• larnling". ,\ffl•r n long J>i'rio I In un E!!YJJtian hospltul , hC' was sent to Enirlnncl. where he rt>· t·m·ered, PXC'l'Jl[ for II Jt1nll'IH'SS in OnP font. Whi<-h pre\"f'lllC'<l his rt>joinlni,: th<' .\ rl illl'r.\·. H111uly tlwn nhl 11 I nP<I 111•rmission to Pllf Pr lll'nclon !•'lying Hl"!wol. urn! on till' <lay Ill' l'<'<"Pi n•<I his c·ommission, hi' rpc·pi\•e<l orders to 1n·oc'C'l'd to .\11,.;t1·11lla. lll'rt' he was for sonu• tluw in un aPro!lonw lll'llr ~lplhourn<'. In Odohc•r, 1916, lw \\"Pill hnc-k lo gng-lnn!l, nncl \\"lls sc•nt from thPll!"I' to France. Thi' l'lll::UA'Pnwnt in whic-11 lw uncl a c·om1i1111iou \\'Pn' kil!Pd \\'UR clesc·rllwfl hy a Hriti..;h oflfrpr uo.; tlw hra\·est thing hi' l'\"Pr saw. Whlh• 011 obo.;en·ntion work tlwy werl' n lta<·kcd hy si :\ < :c•rman a !hat rossl"~. Thi>lr ma«hint• was of u non·fii.:htin!! tn11•. am! not intended for hatth•. Hnt. t•xnltP<l prohnhly hy lust of haltlt• 1t1Hl that l'<'sf:u·y

'whl<-h ftyiui.: fills alrnwn with. ttwy tnrnt•<l 1111<! i.:a1·e hattlt•. 'l'bt• pngngl'mPnl \\'its short. Onl' c:erman 11!11111' was shot tlown. nncl thl' _\11struli1111 Sl'l'lllP<l to turn slow!.\· 11orth. llours 1msst•cl !UHL

11othi11g was lll'nr<l or lt. At lc•ng-th tlw 111ad1itH' wns fonntl intn<'l thirty milt"< hC'hhul thP British lint'"· Both H:111tl.\' nm! his ohscn·pr \\'t•1·p dencl.

.'io mw couhl hll\'C' tliP<l mor!' gnll:rntlr th1111 Lionl'l Snntly di<! In that fight 11gal11st m·c•n\'hl'lming otlds. Tiie• !khool extends thl' !lt't•ppst s~·mp11thy to .\fr. ancl ,\Jr..;. 8a111l.r in tlwir glorlon" hPrl'a vl'rnen t.

SPW:E('Tl DAY. This a<•c•ount wni:; writt!'n for tlu• \fl•tho<llst h~· nn 01<1 MaRtPr.

nncl w<> f<>l'l thnt wl' <'llnnot clo hetler than flllOfc' It: "It is question· 111.Jle If 1111y Spet>dl Du.v trns hcC'n markl'<l hy gr!'ntcr enth11sh1sm or 'lllt·<·eso.;. 'l'lw llP11tl111:1><tPr printtC'l~· pronoltlH"P<I it to ht' l1is lu•s t 8peed1 Day. In this forlnnatl' c·ombination of l'irc•umRtances we 11111:-;t first ph1<·e till' \H'lltllt'r. It was l<lt•al, thus makin!! tlH' aftt>r· noon ten 011 till' lnwn a Jllt•nsnrl' ancl a clt>lli.:ht. The School alc;;o hncl on its hest irarnwnl!-<. Tlw pninters and det·orators had ueen husy during till' y1•111-. 111Hl thl' g-reat hall ancl l'\'l'ry other part of tlw building was showing its hpst si<ll'. Tht• Hpadmaster htHl S<'<'lll"l'd the prl'sen<'l' of tlw lion. GMrge F11lll'r. to p1·eside uncl <li'l· tribute the rri:r.Ps. But ttwrl' \Ylls nn a!ldltlonal nttrnctlon on the> plntform in tlw Jl(•rson of Dr. Sm::llPn. tlw J\lm~tl'r of Queen's Col· lPgl', l\felbounw llnin•rslt~'. who wa<; conspkuom: by his ruclianl personality ancl his racllnnt robe>;;. i\lr. l•'ullPr was supported by tlw l'rP~ident;; of tlw <:1•11pru 1 C'onfl'rc1wt' mu! ~ .s."·· C'onfen•nl'l'. hy HI'\'. Srot t l<'lt•t<·hc•r (\I a «l!•r of 'V C''-;lt'Y Colll'!(e). He\·. II n rolcl l\:plynnC'k ( Prlndpnl of llurwoo<l Collt'l.(l'). Hl'L " '· E. Henm•tt ( l'rltwipal of Leli.:h Collt'l.(l'). ~lr. R. C'owllo.;huw (President of till' Oltl Boy~· Union). nil.(ht Hon. Joc;;l'ph Cook (~llnlstl'r for tlw Sary). the Collt'l!l' < omwil. the stu1r. '<C\·eral returnc·d

746 'T'nF NF.\\'TNOTO"\'TA~.

sol1li<'1·c:. nn1l mnny r<'prl'<:l'ntnti1·(• :.\frthocll><t>< from th<' c·ity. tlw s nhnrhs :11111 «onntn-. Thr Hl'lHhnns tc•r was nhll' tn !<a,1· that till' 8<'11001 wns i;;till !?Oinir stroni.:. '\Yp hn1·<• hr<'n full to 01·pr-ttowi11i.: without ho:rrflpr,.;. ancl in m:rrn wa1·s \\'I' l1111·p h:Hl 11 1·par of i.:rrat pros)l('l'ity.' Til'ferrin;:r to tiw S;·hool work. tlw ll<•111l m:rstl'I' s11i1l thnt tlw .!?<'nl'ral work in Latin wns h!'ttpr thn11 lw hucl .n•t known. 'lt i>< c•ar('full~· 11lnnnr1l. ><kilfnlly t1111!?ht. nncl tlw n•sults Ill'!' irrntif~1 in!?.' Th<' ><am<' appll<>cl to mnth(•mnti<'i<. •rr 11 ho.1 clot'>< not s11(·1·rr1l in tlwm it i>< his own fnnll. Jlp llH·ks Pith<'!' th1• 1lili!n•11<·l• 111· th<' e·apa«it.1·: This was a we•ll ~l<•sr1·1·pfl <'Olll]lll-111P11t to tlw i<'lll'hin!? staff. n.JH] thl.'lr YNll'S of fnlthful R('l'l'kl' . • \lajor H11<'1111n11n hnfi hP<'ll nt :"\pwln!?ton 11'<'11 01·pr :rn \'l'11rs. 111111 to him l fl <hH• In no small mC'asnrC' thp grput !;lH'<'l'"" (in tlH' i<ports gro11n1l. :.\fr'. ,Jarl'h'. onP of thC' nhl!'fit t!'1l<'lll'rs of 11111th<•m11ti«f; 111 the' Stilt<', will Roon complf't<' his twl'ntie•th y<•nr, whill' Mr. Curtis .Jorw" hnfl Jlllflfll'cl hi;; twl'nty-fi1·1<1 ~·l'1tr. :.\fr. MorlPy, so tlw llP11<1-n111,;trr nssnr<'<l us, lrn,; tnu~ht nrn:<i<' at \"l•11·lr11(ton 'from prp-lllstell'il' <lny,;.' Wl'll clon<'. ~fr. Morll':V· Arnl, lwst of nll. his holl' :<till 11hlcll's In strC'll!?th, uncl hl' looks as youni.: as whl'll tlw \\Tltt'I'

'<Ill\' him for tlw first timf' thirty-tlll'l'l' ~·Nu's n~o. Aidt>tl h~· 1<11•·h a ;;taff, tlw lll'ndmnster wns uhl<' to show fhu• n•,;11Jts. 'l'wput:v hoys 1u1sst•d tlw JntC'nnecliute Certifi<'nte .Kxnmlnutlon lu!lt ~·ear. ancl st•1·en pnplls pns,;l•d the L<>aYlng Certlfi<'ntl' for tlw sume ~·pn r. Tht'"l' '<l'Yt•n boys s<•1·111·pc] fonrtel'n '_\' puss!'!<, s<'l'l'n JT011m11· pa.is•.,~. ancl four Exhlhltiono;;. ,fo1111i1J~s spc:ured IJ011011rs In Latin 1111<1 c:r<'l'k. l'l<-kPrlng- Tlonours in Eni,:llsh aml Lntln, 1111<1 .\'s In <in•pk aucl FrPll!'h, whil<• a third Jlll!lil ohtaln<•<I llo11011r>< In 'latlwmntks. Th!''<r hoy". tlwrl'for·f', cJi<;tinirnishrd thl'msc-h·l's in llw most elitli-<·nlt suhj('ds. .\ ;;c·hool thnt can sN·un• Ilonours Jn Cirl't•k, Lntln. \111thl'n111tk!'!, nncl l·~n~lish wants 110 other )lroof of llw thor0111(h-11<•ss of it" m<'tho<lc; und thr 8('hola rship of its st a 11'. Till' pat riot ii' notl• wa<; well In C'Yi<ll'n<'e. During- th<> rc<•t•nt strike LIO~'" 1·01t111-(Pl'l'<'<l hy the dozl'n to h<'I\) the Uovcrnm(•nt, 111ul thpl1· aid wac; H<'<'l')Jt<'cl. ''l'h('y gl'('llRecl IU!l{'hfn!'ry, tlH'y SltO\'(•lll'tl ('Ottl. tlwy Rtnkl'cl <'llgirl('s, th<'Y dro1·e lorries. an<l, nbov<' nll, tlH',I' wnlt('rl nt tuhle nnd wuHhed 1111 clislw!l, nnd, In some <'ufles, Ill('~· Wl'I'<' 011 tht> nl~ht shift from 7 p.m. till 7 a .m.' 'l'lw n11111lwr of (•nllstment·i nmongst the Old Tioyfl was lnrge. Many bud rnntlr thC' Inst sari·l-fic'<', and In c•as<' nftcr rufle it Wltfl the <'holc·pst, the most hrlll111ut. urul th<' moRt promifling. ThPlr numr~. whi<'l1 Wl're 11ftrrw11rcl" r!'ud lJ:v \laJor Buc-lrnnan, would rnll up, so the llPudmnstpr snlll, hPuutlfnl nwmorlps and glowing llo1ws uml uow undying nnd <'nd-ll•ss herol«m. Th<' Old Boys' Union hnd pro1·l<led llw m<'anf! ' whl'f'l•h.Y C'l'l'l'Y :L'\ewlngtonian whosr tllldrci<s c·ould be trurC'cl wilt S('C'lll'<' a small parcel nt Christmas time to remind him f!111t hi!' };{'hool r<•mrmbC'rs him. Nearly el'rry pnr«<'l <·ontuln<'d. 11mon!?st othPr thing"· n pair of socks, for whic-h. of c·onrs<'. tlw,1· hn<l to thunk the lucly friends of the boys. J t I~ not gen<'l'!lll)· known out'<icl<' tlw ('o11<'!?C that tlw mol'in.i,: spirits in thrsl' kine! otTkc•s an• th!' \lissc•s Prl's<·ott, the lTP1Hlmnstpr's llanghtrrs. 'l'hp wol'k llwy 11111 e• clom• in thic: ellrl'<'f ion is simply !'JllP11<lld. On thr s11hjP<'l or Htntr rchwution tlw llPadma,;t('r 11oinfl'cl ont that notwith><t11nclln~ tltt• work clmw h,1· th<' Stnte. the En!?lish sdtool l<lruls hlll'I' ha<I tll" mn'<t 111ugnlfkP11t j11'<ti1i<'nlio11 p1·pr snppliP<I h.1· histor',v. In tlw «econ<lury schools there hall g rown up tlwsP l<lt•ttfl of futrness.


jui;ti1·1>, of <"!Pan and hu111111rahlt> ;;port. of i,:encrous rin1lr~·. of d1halro11s 1·01ul1wt. 111111 ,,·hnll'-hPartP<l lu~·alt~. 11111! that l'h•\·atin1; ;.p11ti111P11t \\ hi<'h hiucls t lu• E11;!1isl1111a11 tu his cl11t~·.

"_\lr. F11l1Pr m:tcl<' 11 1·haradl'risti<- SJtl'l'<·h. whid1 was lwnr!ily rP<"<'h'l'f l aHCI appn•l"iuh•d, PsJ>1•1·ially hy tlw hop•. Hpa1·1>, how<•n•t'. will not 11llow 11s to n•111·01llwl' it. Dr. 811i,:<lc11 tol1l tlu• hu~·s wit~· tlw.r \\TI'<' s<•nt to Xl'wini,:tcm. Th<'Y werl' sent thPl'I' t.o hi' mn<ll' ti r>'t sdtola ri', t h<•n ;!Put 1<•1111•11. a11<1 linnll.' Chrbtla ns. \I 11r tlw ho~·s n •1111•mhpr Dr. 8uJ.(<iP11's (•!<)(llll'llt wonls, for tlw~· <l<'sl'l'\"I' to 11!' \\Tlttl'll in IPttPrs of ;roll!. The Hl'\". l'. ,J. !::ltetthl•n, i11 appropri at1' IPrllls. thunlw<l .\lr. 1-"uller for hi;.; Jlr<'Sl' IH'I', am! this was sup· porll•<l h,1· ~lr. It. ( 'owlishnw and Colonel l'Jnne. ( 0!1111<•1 l'lnrn• statPll thut tlw olli<·<•r;; ut the front had borne t<•stlrnouy to thl' linl' spil rt or t h<' sohlh•rs "·ho had vns:<ed through ~cw l11gto11.

"\\ h1•11 \lnjor ll1whn111111 r<.>11<1 till' long list of thus!' who had fl\111'11 in this li;rhl of lilH'L'ly, tlwr!' WL•re 1111111y moist ('~ ('S. .\ so!p11111 hush f<•ll 011 thf' p:athcrini,:. to whi(')1 till' sou11cll11g of th<• 'Last l'ost' w11;; a littlni.: final<'. \\"e think of th<•st• lH'l\\"I' ho.\s

.to·llur, 1111<l w1· think of th(•m with d1nstP1w!l pri<I<'. for thl'.' \\l'l'l' worthy. L<•t !hos(• who an• in n position to clo so folio\\' tit<> 1•x1·t+ h•nt <'~11111plt• of thosl' who han• fo111uh•d s«holarships. '1'111' 111111u·s of \\'llliam Hdroti<•l<I, \\"igrnm .\lien, l:l'ori,:1• L11111• .• Jo,.q1h FIPldwr. ancl, Inst of all, ('lifTonl llolli<lay. who f<•ll at tht• frout, Ill'(' kl'pl in n•m1•111hrnll<'I' h,r sd111lnr,.hips bP1u·i11J.( thPir 1rnnu•s."

Tlw folio\\' in).( is tlH' prize-list: l'n11111·11/or11 i"dum/, J/ir. 1.--(:cn<•rnl l'rolil'i<•1w~·. Frost. l'n1111r11/11r11 ,>.;1·/uml. lJi1·. JIB.- Dnx, _\Joss; <:l'lll'ral l'rofi<'i-

1'11<'~' J ... \I ortou; (;l•trernl l'rofil'iem·y J J., fa-royd. /'n 1111rn/ory Nl'ltool, IJir. 11 .1. Dux, Hofe ii.; (;p1wr11 l J>rn-

tidPU<'Y J .. l:mn·n; (;l'lll'ral l'rotil'iell('~· 11., Lt•Yil I ; ( :l'lll'ra I l'n~· tidl'll<'Y JI J., 8mlth; Lani,:ua~e~. IloWl'll; E11gli:;h 811hJ<'<"I>', Hofl' ii.; ~luth<•111nti1·s, 8mith; .\lusil' (-\lh;;; .\Jartin) . l'owl<•t'.

<IJll'll Nl'1111/11rxlti1M. 1:111'(]('11 i., Xl'\Yi11;.:to11 Colll';.:P l'n•parator~ 8<'11001; l•'or'<ll'•', \\·yd1llur~· l'repanttor.r 8<'11001; <:rig;.:, ,\(•w i111-:to11 ( 'oil<';.:<•; Jlodgf', \\"oollahra f'uhlk 8dtool; , \SJ>l'I'.\ . :\(•\\ i11t.:to11 (ol-l'h•gp f'rpp11rutm·~ 8dwol; .\udrew~. The .\r111iclale 8dwol.

/fr11111r1•. Dux. B11nk11 i.; Ce1wral l'rofi<'iPllC',\' I ., \\"11llP1111111 ii.; (;p1u•rul l'rofidpnc·y l f., Carter ii.: (;pncral l'roJic·ipnc·J· 111., Ha111rclc-nm11: ( :<'lll'l'lll l'rotidt•111·,\· I\., l:ohrsn1:11111; l·:11glislt 811h-,IP1·h, .\sJll'I'.'" ( 'arll'l' ii.; )lathemati<',.., Barden ii.; lll'st 8t•t of Books, Yot1UJ.!.

111 II. - Du:o.;. Fh•lcl; ( ;p111•rnl f'rofi<"ip111·~· f.. llah<•rp1·ht: (;p111•rnl f'rotid1•11<·y 11.. Hpt•arp; (;p11prul l'rotil'i<•1u·y 111., Litd1fipl<J: L1111-gu11;.:l's: (;oJh~· ; 1•:11;..:lish H11hj\><'1>'. Ficl<l; )lalh1•1111tli<'s. lh•:1111•; f:<·sl 8Pt of Xotc> Hooks, Uahon<>.

Ill 1. ll11:-. . ('1111lill'l'-·lo11es: (:l'IH'l'lll l'rnti<"if'll<'~· I., <.ri;.:g; (ot•n<'ral l'rnli<'i<'ll<',\" I I .. l\iug; C:<•npral f'rotid!'ll<'~· JI f .. Cfwnhall; La11;..:1111g1 ·s, C'1111llfff'·.lo11<•s: English 8uhjl'cts, 1\ing ; .\111th1'11111tks, Ch11p111a11; Jlpsl Sl'I o{ Book!", llun:her; Physkul (.;11ltt1r(' (_\lr. I 'l'!Prs<•n), <: rnnter.

/l 'B.- Dux. LawP>-: ii.; (;pneral Profi<-i<'n1·y I., a·q., )lunro, ~l11tf'!1; f,i111g1111gPs. l.1t\\"l'" ii.; Enp:lish Suhjc>ds. l'PCI; )lulhP-mntl<·s, ~lunro; \"iolin (-\lr. Fraser), Stl'war( ii.; Writing (~lr. llnu·c's J'l'izt•J, 8tcwurt ii.

ll 1.-Dux. Hunt: General Profic·irm·y T., S1•1ulnll; General Profident'~· ll .. ()a(l;;\YPli: General l'rofkil'n•-r J JI.. \\'ilson II.: Gl'neral l'rofi<'il'1w~· I\' .. \Yalkrr i.: nrawin:.: ( Sic:nor Dutillo Huhho). (janlilll'r: .\lush- (\lr. .\lorlpy's l'rizp), < ra:.:o: T,rpcwrit-inc: (.\fr. llnm·ot•k). l~clwanl>< ii.; Shortha111l (\I r. llnn•·cwk). \\'arcl i .. E<lwurds ii.: Lau:.:uac:e><, Bunt; l·~nc:lish Suhj1•!'1s, .\laC'imloe: \lathemutks, Sen<lnll.

I. DU'\, ('011k: (j('lll'l'lll l'rolkil'IH'.\ I.. DPnllPtt: (;('nPral Pro· ti<-il'll<'Y 11 .. l,.ors,Yl h; La 11;.!ttai.:l's. Cook: En;.!lish S11h,it•1·ts, lll'lllH'(t; En:.:ll1<h Suhjpc·ts ( Spl'<'ial). Hic·knnl; .\ln(hPlllat le·"· HIP\\ url i.

l /. an<l l /lfl•·r l'. ('lassie's, LHW<'s i.; t•1·1•1lt'h. a•q., ,\Hton, l.11\\l'R i.; E11g-Jlsh, \\'atlinir: .\l0tlern llistor.r. \\'utliu:.:; C:l'll!'l'lll l'rofi<'frnc·y I. (I\'. Ypar), l"if'ht'J'; (;P1H'ral Profil'l1•11<',r II. (I\. 'l'llr). :\pwton; Jlarol1l Hunt .\l!'tlal for l-kriptu1'(', Bowcll'n; C'h1•111istry. \stun: .Jospp]l lltH'll\'r Fll'tl'lll'r l'rizl'. \\11rd ii.; <:t'ori.:<· La111• Priz1'. \\"atl1t1:.:: Olrl Boys' Pl'iz<'. a•q., ('ripps, Lnw<•s i.; ll1•st Ll'a,·ini.: ('1•rtifit-atp Pass ( Han!~· .\lt>dul). t!llti. l>nrk<'; \\'igrnm \llc•n Sl'lwlarships. \stem. Lawpi-; i.. \\'atlinc:; llollidny 81'holar-

"hips. \\11tli11c:: llh.:hly c·ommp111le•ll .. \,.:ton: Sl'liofil'ltl l:kholan<hip, L:l\\p:-; i.; Dux of the Sc·hool. .\:;ton.

I 'd\EJ:Sl'l'\ <.\.\IP FOH (:l:E.\'I' 1•1· 1:1,J( SUIOOLS.

Thi' tPnlh a111111ul t·amp wa,.; lll•lcl thi:-; yPar at \arrnlwen, on thl' same ;;itl' Hi< has ht'Pll usecl tilt' last two 111· thr<•t• \'!'Ill',.., Thl' <amps nn• lttl'kr to ha,·e aequirecl "ttd1 1111 ic!Pal "pot, ,;hi1'11, \\hill' J•Nft•dl.'' 11rin1tc>. i,.; hautly to the town of i\urrnhPl'n aucl thl' trum. a,; w<'il ns to the lnc:oon ancl ~11rf. H<>v. How1• 1ll'tl'd as c·omman-dant this ~·par. \\hill' C. E. Darke• was adjutant ancl nwclknl ofli1·1't'. arnl II. II. Darke. who was IH't'<' with us onl~· a .n•nr ni::o. fillpd till' important a11d arcluotts positlo11 of qttart!'nuastl'r. C'ltnrlit'. tlll' Chaplin (<"haphtin). othc•rl\ isl' kilo\\ 11 as the Hl'Y. 0. ' .. \ hrn 111, also oc·1·u11iPd his ol<l 11h11·c'.

Th<• c·a111pp1·s asspmblecl 011 lh<' .\11111ly \\'barf on t111• 111or11in~ of Thu1·,.:tla.Y .. Ja11uar~· 17. where till' s111ih• of '1r. \\ hPaton (latpr l\llm\·n t''\c·ltti<in•J,\· as "l'1wle"). a short linll' a;.:o nm• of our Ul!ls-tt'rs. \\as 1·011spic·uous. Grammar, ShorP, lli:..:h Hl'ltool, 1111cl Trinit~ w1•rp tlwn• in full forn>. while St·ots. \t'win:.,:ton. and Fort Stn•pl 1111<1 ll11rlsto11p 111:.,:h Sdwob wen• a bo n•111·pspn(!•1I. .\ft1•r 11 \'l'l'Y qnil't trip o\'t•r. whi!'l1 inducll'd a wait of half an hour for a trum al .\lanly, \\'\' spt to work to put up th<> t<•nts. .\s lh<'re WPr<• sp\'('11 tc•nt<.., tlw ont• a.u• ancl one spacll' \\'\'I'!' 111 :.:n•at <l<'111a1111. \ftpr l1111d1 l'\'l'rrom• lllltclP for the surf 11\' lll''-I 111or11in" l'\°l'I'\ Oill' h111l :-Pt t IPtl clm~ 11 to t h<' lifo. Till' rla.~·s W


l'rt' ~)>!'Ill in i-;~·i111111i11~. surf­in:.:. hoathti.:. or pla~·inir rTil-kl't or foot hall. Erl'IT cla~. howp\·l'r, hntl its own spc>dal attrn!'tion. On Fridar tlwn• wns :.:rl'al 1·on «tPr11atlo11 \\hpn it was knowu that thl' r·ook was ill. hut \Jr. C'. II uul. a m11s1 l'r frenu TriuitJ". H'I',\. a hly lilll'll t ha I most rpspousihlt• position till a ll<'W r·ook arrirecl. Sntnrcla,\' was \isitors' Da,\·· tltr clay of the c·amp. Onl'e mor<' ('OU>'ins nnd sisters \\'l'rl' not as plen-tiful ai:; thl'y mii;:ht hill'e been.


Ou ~Iouduy afteruoon tbe anuual 11111>er-<:hase was held. fhe bare~ had thl' !orC'lhought to <·ro,::-; th<' J11goou in the boat, and for-gl't lo [ll1sb il ha<·k. Cousequentl~· the hounds had lo swiru tbe lugoon, and run a frw hundn•d ~·anls along thl' ht•at·b. and throug'h tlw :-tn•ets of :\urra!Jeeu. Tue~du~ was the day of the vknk uv tlw lagoou. .\s the lagoon wu:-; too low for the trip to !Je mn<lt• iu lionts, ouJ~· 011<' hoat was usl'd to takt• the 11ro\'l:-;ious. 1t \\as t'U\\ Pel hy hulf till' <:rew g<'tlmg- in front :u1d 1111lli11g and tlw otlwr hn If 1n1shing h<'hin<l. Tlw n•sl of tla• t·ampers walkt•d to tlw mait. 1·n•Pk, ll'bl'r<' w1• hacl Junl'h at a 1n·t•1ty lltlle :-;pot ht•ueath a \\llll' r-fall. 1'11e afl<•moou was :-;ppnt iu tlw water.

:\p:-.t 1110rning a foollmll matd1 1rn" held on the sand, lasliu;.: fiftet•n miu11IPs, all(l haviu;; <li;;astrnus n •sults 10 isun!Jm·nt :-houl-<!('rs. The m11ld1 resulted ia u drall', ul'ither sidt• s<·oriug. I 11 th<' afl('l"uoou tll1• ht'ad1 t·ar11in1l \\'as lu•ld. many of the <·ostum<•s h<•iug us usual n·r~· dt•n•r. S1>orts were aftl•rwanh; h<'ld on the suncl, taking thp form of an inter-tt•nt <·om11etitiou. (;reat t•x<"ill" m<•nt vren1ill•d, l':<fte<"ialJ.1· in till' running and :<ll'iwming r<•lu.1·

.ru<·es. 'l'hl' >'l'<·o11tl annual <·011<·ert ll'lls gil'eu tlrnt night nt .\arra-b<•l'n, anti ll'llS ont'e mon• n•rs st1<'t'l'S>'flll, t7 ;;:-; l.tt•iug rnis1•<1 and handed on•r to th1• \ "olu11t11rs \\'ork1•rs' Cafr .• \flt•r hn•nkfnst on TJ111rsclay \It' sl't out for llayYiew. 11h1•u1·e a motor 111und1 took us through till' h\•autiful S<"l'lll'l'Y of l'lttwall'r to J:arrenjoey, <"ailing 1•11 route at a lookout. \\' h<•1u·p a magnilic·ent 1·it•11· ll'a>-1 t•htuin\•!I. ,\fll'r luu,<'11 11 l' :-pt•nt an int<•n•sting hour looking througll the lighthouse. Bl'fore returning borne WI' had a sll'im on l'alm ll<'ud1. 11ft<'r whil'h w<• rl'turnl'<i hy the Jauud1 to lla~·1·ipw, ll'hem·t• two motm· huses took us homt'. Last night is usually looked 011 a;, a 111ost important part of t·a111p life, but oll'ipg to the <:ompluints of si•1·ernl ol<l 11·0111t•11 of :\arraheen about last y<•ar's (lemonstrntion tro ollil'inl riot "ns heh! this year, hut ;;en era I l<•un• was gh·pu t i II midnight. 1:~· twl'ire o'do<·k most of the ho~·,. ancl a fe\\' ollkl'rs hn<l <lriftl'd into the lll'fn•shment Hoom:-; at Xarrnheeu. 8('tting out from thpn• 1n• ap11roal'!w<l thl' t·11111p ::roc<'r, whom 1n• saluti·d with the <·amp ll'Hl' <·ry and a fell' toul'hing sougs, and \\ho rt'spon<il'd with a tin fnll of liis<·uits. . \ftN· ;;pn•nacling n frll' of our lady frh•uds \\ l' mn<h• for honll', aml sll'Jlt out in the OJ><'ll tlH' n•st of tlw night. :\ext tin~· ll'C hroke up 1·amp, and rPturnl'<I hom1'. singing 1·11111p songs all the wus to Sy!lm•y. ,\final lllC'C'tin;.: at Ill<' ·· mni.: J:o,1 s" I hat night ll'as tht• dimax of u mo~t enjo~ ahl<' \\ l'<'k.

'l'lt(• usual onl<'r of till' da;y wa~ ns follows: - He1·eill<' \I'll~ so111Hh•d on 11 hls<·uit tin h1 the 1·ook-housC> as :-;oon us the ndjutuut 1n1k<' up: aft Pr t1•11t 11ray<•rs. his<·uit parade \\'Us h!.'ld. aml tlw roll was 1·11lll'd. all!l tlwn tlw whole 1·amp mud(• for the surf h!.'fon' hrPn kfa:-t, ll'hl<-h \\'Us followC>d hr tPnt iuspedion. ThC>re wu~ alwuys pll'nt~· to do in tlw daytirn<'. .\ftl'l' ><1m:sl't suc·eessful f'iug-sougs 1n're Jwhl in tlw Jlllll'IJIH'. follow1•<1 usually hy a ><hort a11cln•:ss from one of I Ill' ollit·c•rs, and sU[>J><'l'. Dr. i\frLl'lland was klucl pnough to gin• us a Y<'rr inh•resting and instnwtil·e addn>ss om• night. and ".<' 11 lso h111l Captain ll!.'mJJtou, of lhl' lst Battalion. 'l'lw Camp "Hng," ll'hil'h Is issued <lally (Sunclny:s and puhlk holl-<h1ys excepted). this ypnr 111Hl('r th<' title of the "lndig<'"lihh• B\•1111" was a i.:n•at stH'l't'ss, under the ahle editorship of ~lr. lforn·

750 'l'Rt: XE\\11\G'l'ONIA.'<.

1!11111. a mast<•r from Shon•. .\11yo11P thinkini;: of 1·omln;:: lo lll'Xl .n•ar's 1-;1111p >'IH111ld 1111.r or l1111·n111 a 1·op,\ of tlu• 1:a;!. and tlw.' \\'ill hll\'t' no lwsitation. It is itpim: pri11tl•<l. and it I" hopC'd to distri-h11te it at a rPtmion i11 a frw ll't•l'ks' ti11H' .. \ disappoi11ti11;! frntur<' of tlw 1·1111111 this ~·(•11 r wa>< thl' aln<l'IJt·t• of wat\•r 111elo1ts. l'>'[>1.•<·iall.1 of their rind.

I t was mo1·<· tlrn11 llisappoi1ttin;:. ho111•1·pr, tl1at .\P11 in;!ton 11·n;; 111·a1·ti<'11lly Ulll'<'lll'PS<'lltl'd .. \><ton 1u1:.; pn•s1•11t for Ill<' wholl' linw, hut Orr. 11·!Jo has r<•i;:11l .. 1riy altP1111t•d tlw 1·a111ps for sp1prnl ~-C'ars uow. and E. I'. .\llPll. 1111 Ohl J:o.1. who h also an Plllh11si11stl!' 1·1unper, c·o11ld 0111.1· 1·0111(• 11p for llw ll'('(•k-l'JHl. \Jr. \\'hl'aton a11d Darke 1q•r(• also rPad,1· lo p11I i11 11 ll'orll for lh<' Hl'!wol tit<• lnlt<-'r t•n•n l'o11cle>wP1ulecl to 11·par a .:\1•win;!ton .lt•n«•s fo r 11 fell' hour>< while the fl'arf11l hllll' strip\•d ;!11r111t•1tt Ill' ll>'llall~· 11·or1• was h(•ill;! 11 aslwd. Hut surl'l,1· :\'rwi11;!lo11 should lip n•111·psr11t<•d at l<•nst ns ll'Pll a-; till' otlwr 1;. I'. :-i('hools i11 ,;11d1 :1 ll'Pll cstnhlbiH•<I unrl wi1kl~· ll('klll•WIPd;!Pd part of c •. l'.8. lif(• a>< tJw,;c 1·a111ps ban• now h1•1·01UI' ! E"i'<'"ia I l.1 11 lwu 1111 lt1'tt1•r holiday \'llll Id lw wished for a~ lhl' ('Hill)> ~OUA° ~O('S,,

"\\ h11 t mon• \'a 11 111a11 1uw t to ht• ha pp,1· Thun a lif<> i11 the s1111 a111l frp,..h air'.'"

Th t>re 11 a,; mon• tha11 cm<' hoanlPr lh<'n' who 11 Ii" i.:lad to i.;il·r up a llPl'k of' hb holida,1· fo1· s11d1 a11 opporl1111it.1. Tlw J'111't lh11t old 1·11mpl'1',; tr.1· :.;o !1ard to hi' tlu•n· a;!uin l'H'll if 0111~ for Olli' nii-:ht shoultl hl• witllt'"" l'llOU;!h of tlw worth of tlw 1·11mps. \\ <• takP this opporttmil~· of 11ri-:i11i-: l'lt•rr ho~·. thl' uldl•r w11•;; 11s 11·pl1 as the ~111111i-:<·r. to IJp JH'lN'lll nt tlu• next <'1111111. ancl ass111·c tht•lll that the~ will find it till' most t•njoyahlc IH'l'k uf the Jl'ar . ...

CHHISTJ \\ C~10\.

,\ LllPl'tin;! 1n1;.; Jwlcl as 1•11rl.Y as possihlc• for tilt' Pl!'dion of tlw l hristia11 l·11i1111 < 011111'11. . \II OH'I' f1111rlp1•11 111•rp i111 it Pd lo altl'IHI lllHl \lr. ll:iy (in thP lll•admasfpr';.; ahs1•11c·1') ki11dl.1 tool, till' 1'1111ir Tlw mc·1·tit1i-: w11." nttlH•r t11 m11lt11011 s, hut linall.1 11omi1111tlo11s 11·pn• dlll"('ll. ancl t lw 1·01 lni-: look plan'. I 'ot t" was Plt•<'tl'cl pn.,·dde11t. \\"atlini.: Yi1·p-pn•si<l1•11t. Hro1111 n•1·nr<li11;! :<!'<TC'lur.1·. \1'11 to11 f'Ol'l'l'S· po11cli1t!! >'t•1·rpt11r,r, 1111d l'ratt tn•11,;11n•1-. l'otls, holll'H'r, frll him :.;plf nm•qual to 1111• n•s11011siltiliti\•" of 1111• olli1·1•. a11cl l't's ii;:111•1I. ' I ho"l' \•l\•l'(p1J tlwn nu11·p1J up 0111'. a11cl Vi,.,lll'r was l'IP<'l<•cl tn•usnrpr Till' ( onn"il tlwn. i11 1·anwrn. t•lt•l'tt•cl tlw 1ario11s 1·0111mil.f<'\'s. ll 11·11,.; dp1·idP1! to clis111•n;.;e with all hut t11·0; 1111' .\l\•mh1•r,..hlp C'om-miltt'I'. whkh prm·1•1l so ,;m·1·p,..,-f11I l:1>'t .1·par. 1111<1 a .\li~slonary (ommiltl'l'. ( 111-(hh111. Pott,.., .\llhotl. \\alkPr. \\ arcl 111ul .\IP<1"all 11 <'rt' 1'11osl'n for thi' \le111ltPrsh,;lp C'o111111lltl'l'. au<I Law. .\~ton, J'ike. ('uok for thl' .\Jl,;,..ionar~ l ommitlt•l'.

Un thl' 12th of \larl'!t Wt' n'<·l'in'll 1111 l'Xfl'l' lll(•ly intpn•still;! 11dclrl'ss Crom .\Jr. l'hilli11s. 111• s11id that h \' was n•r.1· i;:l:11I to ht• pnN•11t at our first nwl'tini,: for tht• .H•ar. ThPn h<• 011tli11Pcl what thl' \.l:>.l . .\l. sto01l for. Tiii' war is for ( hrbtlnnity. all!I 1n• ,;hould all do our hit. Thi> hnttll' line' is not 0111~· in J•'rll ll('P, It Is In .\us trnliu. In tlw s1·hools. nntl 111 PH'l',I indil·idual's soul llH' 1·ou1lJ11t llctwet'n right and. wrong. In tile worlll there arc two kingllorn3-




or Pvll nn1l or .coofl. Hoth try to !.!1'1 "" mnny sonls or lift> for"'"' on tlll'lr :<hit> 11;1 posslhh•. just 11s En;.:1111111 trit•1l tn 1wt A111t>s. " '" ;.:o t•lthl'r to .corn! or to had, 11nfl WI' mnst strlk1• out llllll strni.:i,:h•, for llf1• Is u h11ttl1• to tilt' llnh•h. C'hrl-.t foni.:ht It out In tht• wll1h•rn1•ss. so must Wt• 11 II. Tht• soul or !111• ,f'ilfNI) slwultl ht• i,:ood. nnd for this to .-01111• 11hn11t w1• lllll'<l lrn•k f1H"t' in lh•• furt•. \ntnn• nhhnrs II \'llf'lllllll, so, so, If Wt' don't till our mhuls with .coocl 111111 Jlllrt' lhon;.:hts. othl'rwisl' tht• dp1·11 11'111 1111 It with Pl"ll 111111 lmpurl' thlni.:;1. Wt• must l'l'llll"'I' thut lift• I.; II fl:.:ht. 'l'h1• uhu or II.II' <'hrl'<tl11n l l11ln11 1 ... to 11111 lhl' q111•..;tln11 ht>furp Plt•r) IH•) wht>tllt'r his llft•·forn• ... 111111 ;:o to tl1t• :.:oocl or Pl"ll ... 111... t •nlon Is str1•11gth. rl'llglon I" :-otn·n~th. 1111tl II lllt'llll" JH•Wl'r, ( 'om1111n• rt•ll.clon to stutlc·" nnfl tl)'1111111ks . • \ stutl<' f111w1l1111 b to k1·1•p a l•O)' i.:ood 111111 :<llft• from p1·11: th1• tl)'lllllllk fllllf'tlnn Is thl' Ust• or thl ... ;.:oodnpss 11)!111!1,..1 P\"ll. Christ Is tl1t• ht•st .\111sll•1· p1·t•n tn 1!11• for. Ills 11rmh•-. hll\I' 1·1111q111•rP1l h11lf 1h1• world. Thi• C'hrlsti1111 l '11lo11 aim" ut tlw fll'll'hltllllt'llt of 1111111 tl'< II sort of trillll!.!h•- mh11l, hod)' lll!Cl "i>lrlt.

L11stly, 1h1• C'hrlstl1111 1·111011 Is not only llnk1•1l to .\1i...trullu. hut tn th1• 8t111lpnt ( hrl stl1111 Ft>tll'rutlon nf thl' \\'nrld. \\'(' wunt fo mukt• tht• < hrl tltm a lh'l11;.: n•allt)· 111 Xt>wl111::tn11 u111l nil otlwr Sdwoh:.


X.C'. '" 8. IC'. 011 H11 l11 nlll,I'. ~:lrtl F!'h1·1111 r,1". 1n• pht,1"1'11 our first c·om111•t It 1011

1111tlc'h, nncl our first m11ld1 this ll'l'lll, \\ 'p Wl'l'I' to hun• IJIU.'l'•I s,1;,S, 1111 thl' pn~·t•1ll111t S11t11nll1)·, hut tlw 111111c·h hacl to be 11hnn-cl1111pli owl111t to ndY<'l''<I' w1•11lh1•r.

Dl'mpsl'y wo11 1111• toss, !lllfl 1•ll'dl'tl lo hnt 011 11 ~low wlt•kt•t. X. \lt•11J!llt'r 1111!1 \lorrlsst•y 0111•nln:,: up for S. I.('. Howevt>r, \lor-ri-N•) Wll" howlt•tl hy Wnt lhtt.t without st·orlni:-. I' \ll'oi::tll'r tht-11 johwtl hl~ hrotlll'l', and till' :-con• '">Its 1·11rrlt>d to 3i, wht>n X. "f'lll!hl'l' w11., out to u ;.:01111 1·11!"11 h,1· l'll,1• off \pwmnn. \Yllllt1111s \\'II~ lll'Xt. hut \I'll~ out firo;I hull. thl' 1·omh!1111tlo11 of l'lkt• tlllfl .\'1•w-llltlll UJ!l\111 lwh1 i,: loo ~ood . ()prupst•y Jnllll'fl ~ll'llKht•r. hut nfter. :-1·or!11.c 13 wu-.: 1·u11i::ht hy l ,uw off Brown. Tlw srol't' \\'U'-1 11ow four for 53- n•ry hofK'flll for us. lh'st wns 1wxt; lw wns dt>lt>r-111h11'll uni lo ln11d1 u11y of llrmn1's otl·llwory; h1m'l'\"l'r. 111• nllowt•d 11111' to puss that tunwtl from tlw off, 111111 wns IHm'lt'il without h111·lm: Ultl'llltJ[l'fl to dl'ft•Jltl his wil•kpl Of till' l'l'lllttinlnj:: huts llll'll, Ch.t•nhum wus tlw only mw to !-'how 1111~· sort or form. hl'lni:-huwh•d hv Brown uft!'r sl'orlnt.t ~. 8,1,(','s tot11t wa-< iG. "'\ \11'11~111'r


slww1•tl l>t>st form. s<'orint.t ::!H: I'. \fl'ol!h!'r wns 11111·011 CJlll'l'l'll 11t the• 1·lu~t• of thl' lnnl11u:s. h11,·111;.: 1·ompllt~I 11 \'Pr)' sollll 16. llrnw11 howl!'•! hl'"t for 11>1, st>f•uriu~ ""'- Wf('kl't" for 3 1.

,\:< llSlllll 111'11\\'11 11lltl l'llW O)l('IWd for 11'<, 11.!.!llillsl 1111' hnWllll!.! or 01•t11tN'Y 111111 (l:\1•nh11m. with hnlt 1111 hour ll'rt tor )11!1)' fk'fnrt• 1l1111wr. Both hnt"lll<'ll w1•11t for tlw hnwllnu:. nncl h!'fore 1!11111\'r 8.1.< • .. s1·on' 111111 11 lrP111t~· h1•1•n 1111><sP<I. tho11e:h Pikl' Yt'r)" 1wnrly \\'Pill On rP~11111l11~ 11ft1•r th1• l1111rht>on luterv111. both h11tsm1•n 1·011-1!11111'11 to si·orP, dolm: 11r11C'lic'111ly whnl thl'~· likt•tl with th1• howl· \11:.:. ,\I tlw hPJ!lllnlne: of tlw on•r Brown wn~ 91: tbt• first thn·I' hulls Wt'l"I' 1lt•s1111td11~l to till' hom1tlur). thus glvln~ Brown bis 1·1•11-


tury . . \t tills Rtage Pike. who hnd been hatting ''er~· 11irt>l~-. lifteil one from llt>gan, 1111d wns out for 11 well mnde 68. Xewmnn joint'!l nrown. nud the rate of :::<•oring didn't diminish. until Brown wus out to 11 <'llkh ofT Morrissey. after pln~· ing a brlllinnt Innings for 130. Prnlt was nc>xt. but di<l not remnin long ut th<' wic•kt>ls. being <'aught off Ox<-nlll\m. Xewton then joined Newmnn. hut afternoon !Pa tlDll' Interrupted piny.

~ewton nntl Newmnn rei:umed. nnd both ;a·orrcl fnlriy freely. until Newman wns caught by William:::. Newm1111 hnd hatted '"<'r~· sonndl.1•. nlthoulo{h tll<' bowling wns t·on>1ldernhly wenkc>uecl h.r tlw wuy H hnd hec>n dealt with in the> early pnrt of th<' afternoon. Hrown now <lr1·lured N.C:s innings 1•lo><ed. lltP Rc·ore standing nt four wkl,<•ts fo1· 337. Nt>wton hring Ilic not out mun, with !?t to his (Tf'dlt.

S.I.C. went in again. st·orlng 78 for ow loss of sM·en wiC'l,etfl. OxPnhnm wns Nt!'llly the lwst bat. sroring 43 out or tlw 78. Dro\l'n ngaln howll'<l well, sN·uring thrN' wi<'l<rfs for :.!O.

We• Ihm• won our first c·ompetition mntc·h b~ six wkkels nnll !!Gl runs.

Following nre the !'lC'Ore1< :-

S.T.C.- First J1111i11gR. X. Mengher. c• Pike, b Newman . . . . lllorrlssey, II Watling ......... . P. ~lengher. not out . . . . . . . . . . Williams, c Pikt>. h Newman ..... . Dempsey. r l,aw. b Brown ..... . BeRt, b Brown. . . . . . . . . . Bryant, b Newman ..... . Regan, b Brown. . . . . . . . Oxenlrnm, h Brown ..... . C'nmnhell. h Brown ..... . 1\l<'Rtn:v. b Brown . . . . . . . . . .

Sundries ......... .

Total ......... .

20 ()

1fl I)

l:l 1 0 J 8 5 0 3

76 /Jowlin11.- Brown. six wi<'kets for 31 runi:i; ·watll11;.:, 011(' fof

1 I ; Pll<e. n~ue for 1 o; Newman, three for 10. S.I.C.- Secona Innings.

X. Meagher. c and b Brown P. Meagher, c and b Brown G Oxenhnm. I> Brown.. . . . . ·13 Morrissey. l.J Walkt>r . . . . . . J nemp~ey, not out . . . . . . . . 9 Campbell. !) Walker.. . . o Bryant. c• and b Watling G Hegan, b Law.. . . . . . . 5

Sundries.. . . 7

Total for i::even wlc-keti:i 7'! Rnll'1i11g. Brown. thret- wickets for !!9; W11tll11;.:. 011p for 12:

r.nw. one for 12; Pike, none for 9: Newmon. nom' for :1: Ord111rtl. none for l; Walker. two for 6,

X.C'.-l·'ir.~t l1111i11g.~. Brown. c .. l> ;\fonl~ser . . . . . ... Pike. '" Li Ht>!!Ull .... ;\'ewum11. c·. l> Wlllinms .. l'rntt, 1·. b O:-.r11h11m Np11·tu11. 11ol out ....

SmHlrlps ..

Total for fo111· wkkets

130 .J.S sa

8 !H 27



llo1r/i11fl. •Dl'm)lslo'y. 110 wi1·kl'ts t'or 'i I r1111s: <hl'11huw. (Ill!" fm· 10: BPst. 110111• for :rn: .\k8t11r. 110111• for .i.i: .1Iurris-;1'.\'. olll' for .i..;: Bryu11t, none• for I:!: X. ~ll'n!!IH'r. 11011l' for I:!: He!!Hll. one for I, \\'ii lfll lll:<. Olli' fm· 4.

N.C'. 1·. 8.C. l~.<l.S.

011 Sutunlnr. !lth ;\larl'f1. 11·1.' pl11)·ec1 our sl'<·otHI c·owpl'tition mut"11. .Jucl1.:i11g hy our 1wrt'onua111·c• 1t!!11i11"'t l:il. Ji.:nntlm:. \\'!"ought 1'11sily to hu1·p 1·un11ulsh1'd Shore. hut our lmrtln:;: w11s 1·er)' poor. )he total hc•ln~ 8.J.

Brnwn won the toss, nud eleetP<I to hat on u ll'i(•kct not quill' <lr.r. Browu un<l Pikt> openlc'<I. uud holh sl'Pmed lo he pla,1·111~ well nutil lht• lotnl 1Y11s 18. whe11 Bro11·n :1tll'1U)ltecl to 1·111 11 wide ball from .\l111wbc•e. 11110 wus 1·nu~bl in slips. Pike cllcl not Ion~ ;.ur· 1·i1·e. lwlni.: howled hy ;\loses for 8. ;\'t•11·n111n und Xt'wton were now at Utt• wkket:<. 1111d wl'rP 1·011leuted to s<·ore :<Jowl). llowe1·er . .Xewu1t1n, 11ft1>1· s1•orln!! l:!, was out to 11 i.:ood 1·alC'h h~· ('ox :11 point. l'rnlt wns next, hut wns dismissC'(l without st·orlng-. Tlw rest of tile i111tl11gs wns a :<lJ('('ession to 1111!1 fl'olll the i1n1·ilion. Orchal'cl heh1i.: the oulr one to show a11.r form nt nil. his s(·on• hPillJ.! 16 1101 out. \\(• hn<I gll·eo a H'I',\' miserublP tll'<pluy of hutiini.:. whe11 tlH' 1·11 puhilit le•:< of the' teu m a l'l' 1·011,.ltlert>cl.

C'o:-. and i\lancbee OJH.'oed for SIHH'I' with nhont hulf 1111 hour·s piny lc•ft hlo'l'ore cliu11el'. Cox did 1101 remain long ut the wickets. Hrow11 dt•un liowling hlm whe11 8. ~l>lllf'bee und Cleghorn wer1' the only othel' bntsnwn who gn1·e mueh J rnuhle. ('leghorn keepin~ np his wi<'ket while ;\lnnt'hee scored the run,:. Howc1·e1'. Cleghom wus eau).(ht by Xewton off Law. aocl in llw next 01·er l\lanc•hee was out l.h.11-. to Law. Shore's lnniu~,:; did not Inst long after )ftl1whee'::; uismlssal, the total behl!! 99. thm; lcudlni.t us on th!" fir;;t innings by 15 runs. Law se<·urecl most wkkets for us, getting four at n <"o:-;t or 2 runs cuc>ll.

l:lrown nncl Pike onenecl again fo1· N.C. The i:;tnrt of the innings wns tlilut:<lt·ous. lll'own heing c·augbl In i\lose!''s se<·ond 01·er for non<•. 1t1HI l'lke Ju llnrdy"s :<ec·o1HI 01·l'1' for ~. :-ilo'wmun uml On·bard wadl' a l>it of u s!1111d. bul with tlw s<·on• stnnding at 2.;, :-iewmun wns out in :<lips to ;\Jo!'es. Luw joined Or1•l111nl. but was eaught off li11rcl~· without storing. Xewton uext joined Orchard. ancl thes<.' two tarried the s1·ore from 30 to 74, when Xewton was eaught 111 !llips off !\lose" for 11 :>oli<I 21. Watling l'llme next, but almost Immediately Ordiurd 11·n~ 0111 ro .. u well made 33. Pratt joined \\'utllng. nncl began to bit out. ITowe1·er. h!' did not la:<t long. l>elng dean bowll'd h.r ~ I Mes for J.'i. .Tuctrl <·ume next. but hefm·t> the tnll of any wore wickets. Brown <ledured \.v.'s lnniu~" 1·lo,..ed. \Yutllng bud mudt' a good H. whilt> .Tudcl "'""' 'i.

C'o:or nncl \1111wlwt• opt•11pcl n:.:nln for Shon•. to tlw howlln:.: of llrown nnd \\"ntllni:. Th1•,1• two hatsnw11 pl11~1·tl \t'l"Y sol11l 1•rkkl'1. 11111! It Wll'I only just nt six o'd11('k th11r Wt' s1w1·1~·•ll~I In hn•11kl11i: thl' 1u1rtn1•r-.hlp. Cox ht•h1i.: nm ont for 3'.I, Jlpr1111 Johwtl \1111wh1•1" 1111tl n1•.xt on•r th1• lll'H'""'11rr nms Wt'rl' oht11h11•tl, Shon• thu" wlnnln.i.: hr t runs 11111! ulm• wkk1•t".

Our fl1•hlh1:.: In Sh1>rl''s "~·111111 lnnlni:s wns 110! "" .i.:ornl II" It 111hrht hll\'I' l11•Pn. ""1·prul d1111w1•s hl'iui.: 1111"""'1. i\ltho1u.:h Shon• wn1• uut 11 n•1-y stron:.: 1·0111hln11tio11. thP.1· 1!Pfr11tP1l "" hn1lir. 111111 th1• f11111t l11r 111or1• with fht• t1•11m thnn \\Ith tht• "i,:lorlou- u111·1•1·-t11l11ty of 1·rh·k1•t."

S.C.R<:.8.-l'i1"-1/ /1111i1111~ Cox. h Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 \111111·!11•1', lhw. h Law.. . . . . . . :1;, Jlp1·1111, h \\'ntlln_i.: .. . . 7 \1111·L111'11lln. h il1.•1·nn :\llt-kllu. run out . . . . o :\los1•s. 1· l'lkl'. h Wntlln:,: 1 Cl1•:.:horn. 1· \'1•wto11. h Lnw 1r1 I lttrcl~·. I• f,u\v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Shnw. 1• Prntt. h Lnw . . . . . • • . . . u Lt•nh). Ii \\'11tlln:,:.. . . . . . • . • . . • . • • • • 10 l.u writ•. 1111r out . . . . . . . • • • . • • • . • I

S11n1lriP<; . . i

Totnl . • !l!l llorr/infl.- llrnwn. two wic·k1•t" for I'! rnns: \\'11tll11:.:. thrl't• for

:!:!: I'll>!'. 110111' fo1· I:!: .\'p\\·n11111. nonl' for~: l,11\\', (our fur°' · S.(' . F:.n J;,_ l'1f·r1111/ '"II; llf/·~.

( 'ox. run out \I 11 ndw1•. not 011 t . . . . B1•1·1111. not out .•..

H11111lrlP~ .•..

.. :t~

I:! I


Totnl for om• wh·lwt 100 lloll'lillf/. Brown. no wil-kt•ts for t !I r11n~: \Y 11 llini:-. tlllllt' t<1r

1 t: '.\p\\'nUlll, 11on1• for '!0: l'ik1•. IHllll' fur t'I: l.11\\', 110111' fur 5 :-Ord111rll. m1111• (or :l: \\'ulkPr. 1101w for ~.

\' .(' FirHI / 1111i1111.~. Brown. 1• llnr11). h \l111wlu•t>.. tti Plkt•. h .\(OSI"'-. .. . . • . . . . . • • • • " :\••\\lltllll, t• Cox. h \losl''<,. I :.! Xt•wton. h '>l<>'<I'" • . • • • . . . l I l'rutt. h.o.w .• h Must>s.. . . . . n llt'l'l•rhl_i.:1'. l' Jlurclr. h L11wrh• !'i On·hu nl, not out. • . . . . . . • • t Ii ,J ml11. h ~los1•s . . . . . . . • • . 11 \\'ulkl'r, <' llurdy, h .\los1•,; . • • • • . n \Ynt11ni.:. h Lu writ' . • • . • • . . • • . • n l.uw. h \fost•s . . .. . • • . • • • • I

H111ulrit>s . . !l

Toto! • . ~I /11111·/i1111.-\11t1H'ht•t', mw wldwt rnr :!I nms: \iu~1·s. H•n•u ror

Luwrh'. ·two tor :!l; .:\ltv·La1·blin. umw fur 15.


'i.( . 8f1·f111d I llllill[/R. I:ro11 II, (' l-iha II. It \I Ol'·(':•-. • • • l'ikl'. c· .\lauc·bt•l'. h Hanly ..... . \p11mn11. c· Jlnrcl.1, h .\losps ..... . Ordrn nl. <· .\I ic-klln. h La 11rie . . . • J.1111, c· ( ' Jp;.rhorn, h Jlanly ..... . \p111011, 1· .\l1111C·bee. lJ .\lo;.es ..... . \\ 11tli11;.r, 1101 out ..... . l'rall , 11 \loses ... . .Ju1hl , 1101 out ... .



:1 ()

33 II

:.! l I I n

7 0

Total for se1 e11 11·idi!'ls 111


/11111'/i1111 . \lost•;;, four wi<-kets for :l:! rnm•; llnrcl.\, lhn'<' for 20; ,\Jn11d1t•1>, 11011P for 7; .\lnc·La('blin, no1w for 18 ; Leuh.1, 11011e for !J; Lu 11 rit', oul' for 10.

:'...C. 1-. S.ll.S. Our llC'X( 111ald1 \\KS 11;.raiust s~·d11e.1· lil;!h Hd10ol. 1111 Satur-

du .1·. 16111 'lnrc·h . Thi' ll"ic·kp( \\'II" till' h1•st Ill' haq• had to clnte. aml Hrcm 11. wi1111i11;! 1111• to>'s a;.rai11. opPnPcl up with l'ik1• U;!ain"I till' ho111i11;.r of I\. \Id n•dil' HIHl \\"phh. \\'plJh's fi1·,..t OH'r was <Jisas-trous for 11s. llnm11 h1•i11;.r c·a11;.rh1 in slips off his first hall f01· I. \1•11 man joi111•tl l'ikP. hul aftt>r snH"in;.r t wa" howl1•cl in 1111

1111<•111111 to pull 11111• of I\ . .\l1·(r1•11ie's. :\t•wlo11 1·11m1• lll'XI . 1111cl "onu• sloll' c·ri<-kl't foli1111l'<I. lloll"Pl'l' I". Xell'to11 ll"ll" 1'11 u;.;ht at strui;.rht-h it i 11 :tt t <'lllPI i 11;.r a cl rh·t• off F. .\lt-Cn•11it•. Ordrn nl 11011' joim•c l l'ilw, a11cl 11 hl'll 1111· s<'on• ,..(oocl at :.~. Ordianr \\'!Is howl1•1l l1v \\'all for t 1. l'ratt wa ,.; 111•xt, hut 1·aru1• only to Sl'<' l'ik<• hm1·ll!;l h~· \\Phil for a 1pry solidl.1· 1·orupiletl :rn. \\"atli11;.r joined l'rntt, Inn 1111s howl1•d h,,. \\'1•hh without s1·ori11;.r. Jucltl joiltl'< l l'rntt , hut in llw 111•\.t 0\ 1·r I'm t t was howlt•!l h.1· I-" • .\Id n•dil' for 8. llpn•rl!l;.r1• no\\' l'lllllP 111, a11ol startl•d off ll'l•li hy s1·ori11:.: n hou1HlaQ· l"hot. ,\t th is "tu;.r<>. hu111•1p1·. ,J11d1J was 1·aui.:hl off I<' .• \J,.('n•11i1•. a11tl Lall". who 1'ollo111•1L w11s also 1·an;.rhl in tl11• "anu• O\"l'l". \\'ulkc•r, th1• lu -: t 1111111. Joi1u•cl llp1·1·ridi.:1• ut the 11·1<-kPls. all(! thl'sl' two plu,\'l'd t111• hri;.rhl1•sl 1·ri1·k!'t i11 our in11in:.:,;. 'l'hP ninth ll"i<'lwt l'l'll nt 81. 111111 th<' s<·on• had hp1•n rnisP1l to 124 hl'forl' H1·1·crid!'<' wn" 1·:111:.:ht •1rl I•' . .\I!'( n •tllc• for a \\'I'll 1·ompilcll :!:!.

Our l1111ln;!s dos1•1l for 12~. F .• \l<'Cn•di C' ha dill' ho1111•d ht•s t for H.11.8 .. "<'"urin:.: fin• wic-kl'b for 30 run,.. .

. \t 12.:!0. \\'phl1 a1Hl 11 .nlc• ope1ll'd for 8.11.8 .. hut just l1t•fo1t' tlw l111whpo11 ncljournm1•11t. Hycle was rnu:::ht h1•hintl off \r11tli111:

.\ftpr lu1wh1•011. \\ l'hh aml F . .\lc·C'rl'cli1• n•,.,tm!l'd 11;.rui11st l111· l1owlini.: of r:rown aiul \\alli11;.r. 80011. howp1·pr. \\'1•hh was n111 out for tn. I\ . .\ld"n•clil' joinl'll lib hrotlwr, and th<'"l' two hrotlwr,., 1·11rripcl the• s1·or1• from 27 to ;;:i. wlwn K •• \ld n•<lh• 1nts 1·11 u;.rht 011' l'il\1• fur :w. Jlp,-i<l1•s !-" . .\l<-Cre11ie, Harrison wns tlw 011!.1· othf'r hah11111n to show any form; h e was lJowl1•d h.1· :\1•11rua11 aftpr s1·111"1!1;.r JO. F .. \lc-('r1•clit• was C'a"ll~· 8.ll.8,',.. hpst hat. 11111ki11;.r :n hpfon• llrown l'lt•an howled him. Hight till tlw t>n<l of 8.11.S.'li l1111it1;.r" thl' n•,.,ult r1•111:ti11P<l in douht. hut. thanks to l'ik1>';; how!-in:.:. \\'!' ,.;nc·1·p1•cl!'tl in climis><ing S.11.S. for 1Hi, thus wi1111h1!' on the lir"l lnnlugs by 8 ruus.

756 J Hf.. NE\\ l:SGTO:SJA!I..

l'ikl• lllHI .\I'\\ loll Ojll'lll'(l .\.( .'s H~t'OIHI inn ill)!', hut with tlH• Sl'Ort' at t:l. l'ikl' was •·aught off I\. \ld'n•diP for 111. \pwma11 joi11ed .\t>\\ ton. tllHI hoth hat,.;men ('Onti1111!'d lo st·on· frt>!'IS. 11ntll the total hn!l r!'al'lw!l 87. when \ewman liftl•(l onp from \Id r t"dil'. lle hnd 1111Hlf' IH "·' ;.:oo<l tTic'kf't. Brnwn 111';1.I c·uml' ll• tlw wkkets. and ~worPcl frt"~·t.'· a11!1 qukkl.' ri~ht from tlw start of hi" innin.(!,.;. llowpn•r. wlwn tlw totnl had n•1wht>il I l-1. \t•wton dwppe<I m1e of lllc-Jrnr1r-. lt>g hreak,.; 011 to hi;; ,,·idil'I. llis l"harl' of the total wns -10. \\ atling and .JlHl<l \\'t•re lhl' 0111,,· ollwr hats-Jtlt'n to gpt into douhll' ti~nrrs .• J111ld plnyin;.: \'l'r~ solidi ,\ for I'.~ not out. In th1• mean ti nw. Brown had hit the howllng 11ho11t jn>'t as lw \\'l>'IW<I. l"( 001·in;..: sp\'l'l'HI tim• ><iXt•s. i\t fi o'd1wk i; t11111p>' Wl'rP rlrnwn. with thP >'('Ol"I' Nfall(lin;.: 111 ninl' wkkPIH for :l l :!. Bl'O\\n is to lw 1·on;.:n1tnlntf'd 011 hi>< tinP i11ning":< of 157 110( out. till of whic·h \\"PI'(' s(·or1•!1 aft1•r tlH' fall of tlw eig"hth wi<-kl'I .

• \ 111w11<11•<l a rl' till' ,;(·ore>< :

.:\.('. l •'ir11t I 1111i11y.~.

llrow11. 1· I\ .• \h'Crerlie. Ii \\'ehh .. Pike. h \\'1>hh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :io Xt>wman. h K .• \kCredie . . . . . . . . I 'iewto11, (' ('ori~b. h F. ~kl rt>dit>.. S

01"1·bnrd. b Webh . . . . 11 Pratt. b F .• \[(o('redie . . . . . . . . . . 8 \\'ntlln;r. h \Yehh . . . . . . . . o .huld. 1· \Yphb. h I" .. \ld 're<li<' . . . . . . 7 Bt>H•ri(l).:t'. (' ll.nl1>. h J'. )Id r!'<lh• . . :!:! Law. 1· l'or<I. h F. ~lc{'re!li<' . . . . . . \\"nllH•r. not out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :.!:!

Su11<1ries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Holf'lillf/. I\. \II'( rl'dil'. one "il'k!'t for l.i r1111,.;; \\.phlt. four fo1· ;, I; I•' .• \Id 'n•cliP. tin• for :10; llkkanl, 110111• for 1.:~.

S.11.S.-l"irxt I 11ni11y.~.

\\ elth. nm on t • • • • • • . • • • • • Jl yd!'. (' ."\(.'wton. h \\'atling .. I·'. ))('( rt>1lll'. h Brown . . . ... I\. ~ld 1:edie. « J 11!1<1. I.I l'ikt• .. 8mith. <: .'iewm1111. h Pike .... Ilk ken r<l. h l'ik1> . . . . . . . . . . . . Harrison. I.I .'i1>wm1111 \rilll11m,.:. not out ....... . < oril'h. thrown oul. h~· Law .. Fore!. h l'ikt-. . . . . . Bt•\·eridi.;1>. h Pikl' ..

Sunclrit-s ..

Total ..•.....

lfi ij

:11 :!ll

1 :1

10 ,; ()


l:! . )·


Roirli11u. Brnwn. one wi<'ket for :l7; \\ntlhtg". one for 10; :'\ ewman, one for 26; Law, none for l:J ; Pike, fhe fo1· 18.

'l'IlE NEWJl'\liTO::-ilAN.

-' ,( ,-,'l('('()llll l 1111i11g11.

l'ikt•. t· \\'p\lh. h K. \k(redie.. . . . . :\ewto11. h.o.\\' .. h IU•·keard.. . ... :\<•wmun. ,. Aen~ridg<'. b F. M<{'redie Brow11. uot out.. . . Or<·hnrd, h RkkE'nrd . . . . Prutt, h Rkkenr<l . . . . . . He,·eridg<>, hit "kkl't, h l:id;eanl .. \\.alker, t· ('oriHh, b H.kkearcl .... \\ alllng, H Smith, h \Yel.Jl.J .. Luw, s Smith. h \\'ehl.J .. Judd, not out.. . .. .

Sundrle,; ... .

Total for niue wil-k<•t ~

lU to 19

l .;7 0 6 :.I u

10 s

12 17 --· :H:.!


Bowling. V. \l1·('redi<'. one wi!-ket for .;s rnns: \\'t•hh. two for !Ji; K. )ll'('n•tli<'. one for .32; Hkkeard, fi1e for 62: ll.nll'. nout• for 26. "'

l'rnwr [~LEVEN .:\'ox-co~PE'flTIH: ~l.\T< 111:s. :\.('. '" 1'11rram11tta Hospital. at l'arramatta. Lost.

(llrown 57). 1'11rrnmatt11, fin' for 1.38 (l'ikt'. thrt'<' for ling. two for ·11 ) .

:\.( .. !12 42; Wat-

::\.('. \'. l 'niq>rsit~·. at 8tanmore. \\'on. l'nilcrsit~'. Jll (La11, Ii''<' for 28). '\C .. 168 (Brown 18, Xewman ll retir<•<I. X<•wton 16 • retired, Ordrnrcl 21, \\'utlin!l; retired 28) .

.:\'.('. , .. l'nil·pn!lt~. at Slanmore. \\'on. l'nfr<•r,,itr. 112. ::\.l' .. 138 (Brown 52. Orl'hnrd 17).

SECOND Eu;n;N. :\.('. L 8.1.C. (Comp.), pla~·ed at R!l·en·ipw, \\'011. :\.('., JirHt

i1111i11;.:,.;. !1:.l ( Ho;.:Pr" a.i. J\laC'G regor 12) ; sec·o1HI i1111i11;.:H. Ii n• wk­kt-t s for 1:! ( ~luir 18). s.u· .. fin;[ i11ni11;.:s. ,jfl ( ~luir. thr(•(' for:!:;: ~\hH"C:n•:.:0 1'. "l'H'll for 2!J); se<·oucl innln;.:~. 67 (('a rtl't'. 1wo for 2:1; .)ln<·Un•;.:01". "<'1·pn for 10).

\.C. '" S.C'.KCLR (Comp.). pht)'t•cl at Xorth S,nllw.1.-Lost. \.(' .. fir"l i1111in;.:,., 72 Plair 11): se<·ornl innin;.:s .. rn (.J<>nkln. !!!). S.('.l·:.<..S .. first lnnln:.:i;. 210 (~la<·G re~or, ~ix for 81: 8tl'wnrt. thr<•c for :?:l).

X.('. 1·. 8.11.S .. pluyed at Xewi11;.:ton. \\'011. X.( .. IO!l Pl11ir 27, ('nrt('r 2R. Hn;.:t•rs It). S.11.S .. 43 (Muir. three for 111; .)lu<·-Gr<>gor. four for 1!J; Stewart, two for 9) .


It 1". ( ltll'l's. - t llllll' .J1111<.>. l!JH: [pft l><•t·(•ml•<'J'. l!lli: l'rpfpd, J!ll5-1H-li: Hpnior l'n•ft>C't. lfl17: .Jos<•ph llonwr Flt>ll'lwr l'ri:w (a>q.). l!llll: lntl'rlll<'<llnll' <·<•rtifi<'at<.>. lfll~: Lpa1·in:.: ('l'rlifi<'at<'. lfl17; _\fhl<'tks. lfl11-l:i-Hi; Datl's. 1911 15-16-17: ('oll<'J..:l' ('1111. lflll-J;)-16-17. lsl XI.. 19l:i•16-17: \'i<-l'-rnptni11. 1!ll7. hi X 1 .. Dall',., rn1.;-1u 17; ('ombim•<l Sl'hools 2nd Xl., l!ll6; lst X\., 191li-

758 lBE XE\\ INGTO:\lA!'i.

17; I>atP"'. 1917: Honour Cap. 1!117: < aptai11. Wli: Comhirw!I Sd100J... hi X\ .. l:lli; ltiliP T1•a111. l~llli: 't'riplt' t:11d;:1•, 1!117: <.arm!li ( 0111111itl1•1·. l !II.;-16-17: t::ditorial < 0111wil, l!llfi-17 : Old l:o~s· l'rizl• (a'tJ.). 1!117; t'lllistt•t! for .\t"li\"t' :::lt>nkt•. l!lli.

C. II.\\'. L.\111;s. ('anw Ft>hruaQ". 1!1118; h•ft l)p,·p111l11•r. l!Jli: l'rpfrd . ltlli : \\ i:.:ram .\llt>n 1-i<-holarship. 1!117; H<'ltofil'ld. 1!117: l11lt'l'lll!'tli11tt' C!'rtifi<'al t•. 1!}11: Lt'>l\·in;..: l't'rlifi•·alt•, 1!117 : l ' 11ht•r "it.' l·::-.hihilio11 i11 '11•tlki11t·. 1!11 i; h i X I .. l!Jl!i•I i: l>alt•:-, 1!11 i; \kt·-1·a11lui11. l!lli: hi-' ' ·· J!lli: lntlt' Tt'a111. l!Jlti·li: J>a(t •s. 1\117: c:amp,.. ( '0111111illt•t•. ltll 7: Etli1orial C 011111·il, l !Jl i; Old lloys' l'ril.t' (H'lJ.), ltJJ i.

H. I'. \\ AUi>. ('a Ill(' l'l'h. , l!J J I ; Ip.ft ))('('t'Jllht•J', I !I J 7; I 'rc•fpf't, IH17: l11lt'l'J11!'tlial!' ("prlifit-att'. ltll.i: l,PaYin;..: C'P rtifir·all', 1!}17; lsl \::!.. l!Jl7; !:lilt• Tt'tlUI, 1!!16-17; :!ml X\0

• • l!lli; .JtJM')>h llol"llt'I' Fll'ldH'r l 'ril.l'. 1017.

II. ll. J:1.'0 .\l.l'I". ( 111111' l•'phrnar,\. 1!11.;; Jpft llt'l't'Jlll1t•r. 1!117: JU', l!Jli; l11tPr111ptli11t1•. J!)l,;; l'liarm111·p11li1·al l•::-.111ui11atlo11 . 1!117: \thlPtlt·l". 1!11.;-rn-1;: Datt"•. l!Jt.;-rn11;: l,;t 'I.. IU17; :!ntl X\ .. Dntt's. 1!116; lst X\·., 1917.

E. .J. <:11.". Camp Ft>hruar~-. l!llli: Jpft f)p1·1•111llt'r, 1!117: Lpa1-i11;..: < p1·tlfi1·11tl'. ltl17: lst XI.. l!Jli: hi X\' .. 1!117.

H. ~. Jim\ 111 ,\ . ('a1111• l'Phrna r~·. l!lli: lt•ft J)(•q•111h1•1', 1!117; l.P11\·i11;..: C t•rtifkalc. l!Jli: :!ml X\ .. l!Jli; .\thlPl k ,;, 1!117: l>atl's. l!Jl7.

t:. Jc'. STL\\ ,\1n.-<11111p FPhruar~. t!Jlli; lt'ft llt•1·p111hPI', 1()17; 1:.1' .. 1!117; .\thletil's, l!Jlli-17; lst X\., l!J17; '.! tl!I XL. 1U17; (atll't 'fraw. 1!>17.

Ol"H lLLnrrn \TJO.\S.

H. F. Cllll'l's. "J•islwr's"' n•1·01·1l is M> wpJI k11tl\\'ll that ii Is almost lllllH'l'Cs-

sal'.\ lo print ii. lloll!'l'P r. it 1dll hi' a rt•t·ord for f11tur!' ;..:P1wr11 -' li<ms to rh·al. Jlp tirst c·nml' to '\p\\i11;..:loll 111 ,fullt'. l!ll I. hrhq.d11;..: with hi111 a11 athlPti<· n•putalion \\hi<'l1 ht• 11111r1• !hall j11slilit'd. 111 llu• sa11u• .n•ar hP ,,·oil th1• C'olle;..:<• ( llJI. a11<l tlltl Ml tl11ri11;..: thP IJ<'\l lhn•t• ,Y!'Hl's. 11111"' cl!'fPalill;..: all lll'('do11s l'!'<"t>l'd s. ill l!JI t -1.-1-lli (ht• was 1111fort11rn1tt'l,\0 j11,.;t O\"t'I' a.;..:1• in l!Jli). Ill' l'!'J>l'PS<'ll lt'tl .\!'win;.: 1011 i11 lht• C 11111hi11Pti SC'lwols . \thll'!i1 · .\ll'Ptin;..:s, 1111tl t'tl\"l'J'l'd lhP Sd1011I anti himsl'lf with ;..:l11ry. Ill' \\ a s abo awanlt•d .\thlt'li1· I>al!•s for th11s1• four ~·t•ar,... .\mo11i.: olh!'I' lhi11;..:s. ht• ;..:a,·1· us a Ill'\\ lom::·.illlnp n•t·onl.

111 c·rii·kt>l ht• had llHll'P tha11 an•ra ;..:P ahilit ~· . a11d pla.\Pci with lh<' First 1-:lt•\!'ll. l!ll.-.-lli- 17. ;..:aiuin;..: his tlatps in nil tlll't'<' .\l'ars. pla,du;..: a )so \\ii h t ht• ( 11mhim•d Hd1001" '.!1111 X I. 111 I !J 16. I lis fit•llJ -in:.: \\as a spl'l'iHI fralurt• of his Jilas. a111l "J·'islu•r" al r·mpr \\II'< alwuy,; 11ppn•1·iatt>tl. Thon;..:h not a hrillla111 foolhull pla~t·r. he wns \"PI',\' ,.;oJl<l anti fast. atHl play1'1l first \\Ith t ht• J !JI Ii !1•11111. ln 1!117 lw had hnpnl\·!'ti ;..:reatl,,·. anti <"apt11i111•1l lht• !Pam. ,,·11111!11g hi.., llonour Cu11 am! a viace iu .\ll :::ldwols 1:.;t XV. lit• ul>.o shot

Supp/1·1111·11/ In 7'11c Yr1rin{Jto11ia11. llurl'/1. 1918.


MARCH, 1918.

811pp/r·11w11I lo TJ,c i\T<',,.ill!Jfr111io11 . . lford1. 1918. :{


Major F. Campbell, 2nd Battalion. Major Moffat Reid, 1st A.L.H.

Captain Dunbar, Chaplain. Captain D. S. Freeman, I 5th Battalion. Captain I). I). 11 unter. Chaplain. Captain A. L. ] Jewish, 3nl Battalion Captain A. C. i\. Jekyll, R.A.M.C. Captain I I. K. Meek, King's Royal Rifle~.

Lieutenant H. P. Barton. Lieutenant IT. \\'. Brough, I r7th Howitzer Battery .

.. Lieutenant H. Dingle, D.C.M., A.i\I.C. Lieutenant D. Glasson, Royal Flying Corps. Lieutenant G. Howes, Rajput Light Infantry. Lieutenant ,\. S. 11 unt, r7th Battaiion. Lieutenant , \. R. Muir, l\I.C., -tSth Battalion. Lieutenant J. L. Sandy, 1\.F.C. Lieutenant V. T. S. \\'arry, 25th Battalion. Lieutenant A. E. \\'atson. Lieuten;u1t 0. C. \\'hite, 2nd Battalion.

Company Sergeant-Major E. Huxtable. Company Sergeant-Major D. N. McGregor, 3rd Battalion.

Sergeant C. R. Buchan, 13th Battalion. Sergeant L. F. R. Colwell, 45th Battalion. Sergeant C. J. Kaeppel, qth Battalion. Sergeant G. R. Lovett, 19th Battalion. Sergeant D. M. l\Iurray, rst Battalion. Sergeant J. L. Saunders.

Corporal C. D. Holliday, S-tth Battalion. Corporal R. Lewin. Corporal N. Roberts. Corporal T. \ \'. \\'hitton. rst Battalion.

Lance-Corporal K. H. Jackson.

Driver .\. Macdonald.

Trooper F. Guille. Trooper N. S. Jeffrey. Trooper L. R. Pountney, 5th Regt., A.L.H.

4 "111p11/11111'1/f 111 '1'111 Xc1ri11{1frmi11u, l/11n·I!, 1!118.

Trooper \\T. Tink, Ist Regt., A.L.H.

Sapper V. T. Marshall.

(;unncr J. Johnson. 1 cth Brigade, F.A. ( ;unner J. L. Norman, 2nd DiYision. Cunner R. J. Percy, 7th F.A.

Private L. R. Arndell. Private C. ] . Bleazard. Private J. Bryant, 53rcl Battalion. Private A. Burling, 56th Battalion. Private J. Coutts, Private K. Daniels, A.M.C. Private F. N. Dash, 1st Battalion. Private G. B. F. Ilunt, 17th Battalion. Pri\atC' E. \\. Korff. r7th Battalion. Private \ \ ' . L. Laing. 53rd Battalion. PriYate E. 1I. Lane. Prirnte 0. Lucas, 53rd Battalion. Private 11. L. Macdonald. Private R. S. 1Ieek. PriYatc C. 1finer. PriYate \\T. 11. Nicholson. Private P. J. Stewart, 18th Battalion. Private C. \\' eisner, 2oth Battalion. Private W. Il. R. \Voods.


Private 1T. Bemhrick, 9th Machine Gun Company.


Lieutenant N. J. Hill. Sergeant C. R. Crowther, I 5th Battalion, Uin<len, G'many


Lieut.-Coloncl J. \Y. S. Lucas, F.A.

Major R E. 1IcClelland. ]. Morton. G. Short. V.D.

....:11p11lf'l11<11/ lo 'l'h1· .\' 1ri11y/011ia11. l/ardr, HJIS. .5

Captain E. Beayer, 34th Battalion. E. i\1. Boyer, Chaplain .

. , C. A. Brough, 2nd D.A.C.

Lieutenant F. Cork.


.\. K. l\Iancy-Lake, 7th. \.L.l l.(2nd occasion) J. G. McKern, Tunnelling Corps. II. F. Murray. K. N. Pattrick, 13th Battalion. K. F. Potts. 18th Battalion. J. Tarn, 55th Battalion. R. P. \Valker.

\\arrant-Oniccr A R. Ayres.

Company Scrgt.-1\lajor \\'. E. Huntley.

" 0. Patison.

Sergeant E. Burnham. . , ., ., "



S. R. Logan. 10th F.A.B . A. C. W. l\IcKern, 4th Battalion . L. f.ldllanis, qth Battalion . A. S. N. Pattrick, 1st Batt

0. l\J. Barker, 12th .\.L.lI. S. Broome, 12th A.L.H. S. Hudson, 6th A.L.H. R. Lobban (re-enlisted).


Driver B. W. Marina, 3rd Batt., 1st Field Artillery. ,. K. B. Wiseman.

Gunner E. N. Leahy. R. \\. Peel.

Trooper I I. ,\. Brown. 2n<l A.L.H.


J. S. Campbell. R.H. K. Clarke (discharged). IJ. W. Crane, 3rd Rfcts., 12th A.L.H J. Simpson (re-enlisted).

Pri\'atc R. J. F. Boyer, 26th Batt.


A. T. R. Brown. E. C. Bush (discharged). L. C. D. Cooper, A.M.C. \\'. \i\Tarlow Davies Forsyth-Chcffins, 2oth Battalion

' Ii 8111111lcmf'l1i If/ 'I'll,. 1fr1ri11r1/1J11i1111. l/11rd1. IHI~.

Pri\'atc .\. \\'. E. <_;ardiner. II. V. Geddes.

" A. L. Lane, 3rd Battalion (discharged).

., \V. G. l\IcCourt, 17th Batt. (r~-en!isted, lfabaul). I. Newsome. 211d Battalion . °E. Paul. \'. 1\1. Roper, 3rcl Battalion. vV. G. Tasker, 13th Battalion (re-enlisted).

,. C. E. Weakley, ist M.G. Coy.


Captain N. S. Bate. Sergt. A. N. Northcott (re-enlisted).


Lieut.-Colonel 1. G. Mackay, D.S.O. (with bar). Major A. E. Colvin. I\I.C.


E. S. James. C.\\'. C. Marr, 1\1.C. J. J l. l\lcDonald, l\I.C. T. G. Millner, M.C. .\. J. Petersen, D.S.O. (with bar).

.. T. L. \\'ills-Allen, D.S.O. Captain F. Dawson, l\J.C.

.\. L. l lewish. . , F. Meares .

T. E. Parker . ., L. Rickard, M.C. ., . \. F. Sutton. O.B.E.

Lieutenant F. J\l. \\-_ Crooke. D.C.:\J .. 18th Battalion. Jl. L Dill, l\f.C. F. \\'.Jackson. l\I.C. H. l\Ioffatt. l\I.C. A. R. l\I uir, l\I.C. F. \Vinn. ' C. R. Wise. l\I.C. 0. H. \\'oo<lward, l\1.C. C. S. Crowley, D.C.l\1.

,. I .. \. Sorrell, l\J.l\L Sergeant R." J. \\'. Lee. l\I.M. Corporal W. C. Francis, D.C.M.

" C. 0. Harrison.


81111111<1111·11/ lo '/'/11 .\nd11f!l1111i1111. J/11rd1. l!llH. 7

Sapper 11. de V. Alexander, Serbian Gold Medal. Gunner L. Thompson, l\I.M.


Private H. Dingle, D.C.M . . , B. LI. Howard, M.M . . , R Jamieson, M.l\I. ,, A. H. Pawley, M.M.


Lieut.Colonel 1. c;. Mackay. D.S.O., 4th Battalion. Lieut.-Coloncl F. Marshall, Dental H. Quarters, A.M.C.,

Tidworth. l\lajor D. Buchanan. 1st Anzac l\founted Di\.

,, A. E. Colvin, M.C. ,, \V. M. A. Fletcher, M.0., 14th Battalion.

R. Cowing, D.A.D.O.S . ., E. S. James, O.C. . .+th l\Iobile Vet. Section.

]. Mailer Kendall, R.A.M.C. " \V. S. Lawry, rst Regiment, A.L.H.

J. l l. l\.IcDonald. l\I.C., 2oth Battalion. ,, C. \\'. C. l\[arr. l\.l.C.. Aust. \\' ireless Squadron ,, T. G. l\Iillner, M.C., A.Q.M.G .. 1st Aust. Div.

C. l I. Parker, 6th Battery, 2nd F.A.B. ,, A J. Petersen, D.S.O., O.C., B Battery, 86th Brig.,

R.F.A., B.E.F. C l l. Wesley, 14th Field Ambulance.

,. T. L. Wills-Allen, D.S.O. Chaplain-M ajar A. ll. Meek, 3rd Sth. Midland Flcl. Amb. Captain C. K. ,\!Jen. r3th Middlesex Regt., B.E.F.


" ,.


" " "

I~. \\'. Atkinson. 19th Battalion. 11. L. Beale. A.M.C. I I. 0. Busby. A.M.C. .. 17th Battalion. B. l\l. Carruthers. R.A.M.C., India. J. W. Cook, 9,th York. & Lanes. Regt.. B.E.F. P. H. U. Crane, Adjutant. F. Dawson, M.C., 58th Battalion. F. E. Dawson. A.M .C. H. Dolman. Aust. Camel Ambulance. \\' . l\T. Edwards. 12th B., E. Surrey. B.E.F. F. C. E. Geyer. B.V.O .. Headquarters. rst A.LT I. G. M. Hay, A.M.C. F. l\leares. 15th Battery, 5th F.A.B. W. L. Miliett, A.M.C. I[. H. l\Ioffatt, M.C., 1st Battalion.

8 S11111iln11c11/ lu '/'he Sctri11ylo11i1111, .llurr·h. l!Jl~.

Captain I>. .\. 1\lorris, . .\.1\1.C .. qth Aust. llusp .. Cairo. S. C. Murphy, Union Forces, South Africa.

., ., " "

A. R. S. Orr, .:\.M.C. H. J. Orr. M.C., General Rfcts., A.M.C. T. E. Parker L. Rickard, M.C. A. F. Sutton. O.B.E., Den Corps, 11 th F. 1\mb.,

A.1\1.C. V. W . Thompson, Chaplain to Fleet, ll.M.A.S.

Encounter. W. H. Waddell, 34th Battalion. R. J. Whiteman, A.M.C. 0. 11. \ \' oodward, 1\I.C .. 1 st Tunnelling Coy.

Surg. 11. J. \V. Brennand, H.1\I.A.S. Melbourne, RA.N.

Lieutenant G. D. Allen, Flying Corps.

. ,



" "

H. S. Beale. J. Bowry, Tunnelling Corps . R. J. F. Boyer, 1st Battalion . A. T. Brine. F. \Varren Crooke, D.C.l\l., 18th Battalion. C. S. Crowley, D.C . .l\l., 33rd Battalion. M. Davies. H. L. Dill, 1\I.C., 3rd Battalion. S. N. Doust. B.E.F. 11. J. Englert, Queensland Officers' Draft. K. Flockhart, F.A. K. I. Gill, rst Battalion. E. G. Glasson, R.F.C. A A. Goodall, Dental Corps. C. Greenwell, 14th Rfcts., rst Pioneer Batt. W. Gregg, RF.A. F. G. Griffiths, 19th Battalion. F. R. 1-Jalliday, \\Tireless Signal Squadron. R. A. Holloway, ist Pioneer Battalion. S. llolmes, 2oth Battalion. Spencer Hordern, 12th A.L.H. F. \\'. Jackson, 1\I.C., 3nl Battalion. E. F. l\IcDonald, 13th Battalion. F. 1\Iarshall, No. 3 Aust. Gen. Ilosp., Den. C. K l\Iorrell, 6th Regiment, A.L.Il. A. Newman, Dental Corps. C. Nixon, Trench Mortar Batt., Engineers.

-""flJl/<'111<'11/ /ri Tlw "Xc1ri11yl1mi1rn. il11rd1. IHI~. !I

Liculcnant J l. \\". Korman. Royal Flying Corps. E. de B. Norman . . ,




:\. N. Northcott. 1st Battalion. A. T. Paull, 26th Battalion. E. St. J. Pearce, 6Ist Battalion. R. \V. Pettit. 17th Battalion. C. ( ;. Prescott, 3rd Battalion. 11. C. Price, 38th Battery, IOth Brig .. F.A. R. (~. Price, 36th Battalion. L. A. Redgra,·e, 18th Battalion. 0. T. Ro.bertscn, 211d Aust. Aux. Mech .

Transport Coy., A.S.C. I). S. Rowlands. 11. F. Sandy. 12th Battalion. \V. D. Scott, 45th Battalion. \\ ' .].Sinclair, 9th Batt .. N'folk Regt., B.E F. A. Snelling. J. A. Sorrell, 1I.11 .. 13th Battalion. ]. Terras, 6Ist Battalion. S. R. Traill, Ist Battalion. Virgo. R. 1I. K. Wilson. 56th Battalion I'. C. Winn. Machine Gun Coy., 8th Brig. C. R. Wise. M.C.. 3rd Border Regt., B.E.F.

Flight ~uh-Lt. (;. E Johnson, R.N. Flying Corps, Eng.

Navigating Lieut. S. R. Fletcher.

1st Class War.-Officer 0. E. Gemell, Ord. Corps, A.S.C.

\\'arrant-Officer II.\\'. Powell, Ord. Staff, No. 1 A.G.H. \\ 'arrant-Officer R. K. Pountney. Ord'ncc . ..j.th Aust. Div.

Q.l\I .S. P. J. Larke, Aust. Aux. l\lotor Trans.

Staff-Sergeant Jlolden, A.M.C.. India. E. R. Jamieson. A.1-1.C.

Sergeant ( ;. 1\hbott. 12th Regt .. c\.L.H. ,\nncrsley. 0. C. Beale. March Rfcts., Field Artillery. R. G. Brown, Machine Gun Section. ,\. R. Campling, 5th F. Amb., 5th Brigade. 11. R. Crammond, F.A. Officers' Sch., L'pool. K. V. Coates, 55th Battalion.

Ill N111111/r 1111·11/ /ri '1'111 \ r·1ri11y/rmi1111 .. llnrd1, l!llH.

Sergeant D. Eager ,, ,, ,, ., .,



" ,, .,



L. Gall. ll. E. Gissing, qth F .• \mb., ,\.~l.C. Higgins, 7th l{egt., A.L.H. \\'. Hooper, D Coy .. r8th Battalion . L. Huskins, F.A . G. Howard, 1st Battalion. S. W. Huntley. S. B. J urcL -t.th Aust. Camel Corps. L. A Kclynack, 6th Mach. Cun Coy .. r3th Rfcb S. R. Lawson, 3oth Batt., roth Brig., F.A. R. J. \\'. Lee, l\I.l\l.. 3rcl Pioneer Battalion . . \.C. K. l\IcKenzie, 2nd Aust. c;en. llospitai. Miller. l\l. K. Nolan. 24th Rfcts., 13th Battalion ... \Y. E. Sharpe, F. Art. Officers' Sch., LiverpOL•l. ll. C. Smith, 1st Brigade, Headquarters. E. H. Steel. H.Q. Coy., zoth A.S.C., 2nd Div. T. E. R. Taylor, 13th Rfcts .. rst ,\nzac l\Itd. Div. G. G. Virtue. K. R. \\'inn, H.Q., tst F.A.B.

Corporal K \\'. Allen, D Coy., 55th Battalion. D. Arguimbau, A.L.ll.

. , ,. ., ,,


" " .,

. , "

S. F. Bryant, ist Machine Cun Coy . P. Cuthbertson, 15th Battalion. T. l\I. Doyle, 25th Rfcts., 2nd Battalion . \\'. C. Francis, D.C.M., i3th Battalion. C. 0. Harrison, ..j.th Coy., Field Engineers. R. S. J lawkins, roth Rfcts., 55th Battalion. \'. V. Hulbert. 21st Rfcts., J 7th Battalion. F. Ilutton, IIth Coy., Field Engineers. A. E. l\Iiller, 13th Battalion. I!. l\forrison, l\lachine Gun Coy . B. E. C. l\fussmann, .\.l\I.C.. 8th Field ,\mb. J. 1':icoll. 56th Battalion. V. A. Nosworthy, 12th A.L.H. l-1. J. Peisley. 2nd Battalion . L. Penman, A.M.C., Rabaul. H. G. Pickering, 9th F. Amb., A.M.C. C. Rixon, Trench Mortar Battery. \N. Rutherford. A Sect., 7th F. Amb., ,\.M.C.

llom hclr. J. J-1 agcn. 105th Howitzer Battery. F. B. l lull, 3rd B.,\.C.. F.A.

,'\11111iln111'11/ !rJ T/11· )fr1ri11f!/011ir111. J/11rd1, 1n1s. 11

Bombdr. L. K. Neale. qth Howitzer Battery. F.A.


F. II. Samson, 27tl\ Battery. F.A. G. E. Sutton, 15th Battery, F.A. \\ . c;. Tasker, F.A. Tidswell, B Coy .. -tth Sports Battalion. T. l\I. Walcott ist Sec .. 211d D .• \.C., 2ncl DiL

F.A. ,, R. S. Whiteman, roth Royal Fusiliers, B.E.F.

L.-Corporal R. E. Campling, 5th Field Amb., 5th Brig.


A. A. Crozier, 5th A.L.H. B. Findlay, 9th Battalion. A. Fynmore, B Coy., znd Battalion. ]. F. Harrison, 4th Sec., 7th Fld. Coy., Engrs. E. II. Leonard, Naval Rfcts., Field Engrs. 0. O'Reilly, A Coy., 36th Batt., 9th F.A.B. E. Rosehy. t\o. 2 Sect .. 1st DiL Signal Coy.

.. R. l\I. Steel, H.Q. Coy .. 2oth A.S.C., znd Div. T. DriYer U .\lsopp. -tth D.A.C.. !Oth F.A .. Brig., -tth Di\-.

,, . \. Brunskill, No. 5 Aust. Div. Supply Col., 1\1.T.

" . , . ,


D. F. Boxall, rst D.A.C., znd Sect., F.A. L. l\l. Bull, .\ust. ,\ux. :\lotor Transport. L. ,\. Crowther, .\ux. l\Iech. Trans. Coy., A.S.C. E. .\. Cull. 6th Rfcts .. rst Anzac l\lountcd Di\'. ~.Cull. 12th Rfcts .. Ist .\nzac nlountccl Di\". J. Dart on, l\l olor Transpmt, l\I esopotamia . . \. Fairfax, K Supply Cuhunn, Motor Supply Ser-

vice, A.S.C. J. \\/. Galagher, 38th Battery. 1oth Brig., F.A A. I~. ( ~regg. uth Battery. 4th Brig., F.A . \\' . (;. Law. 3rd Di\·. Supply Column . R. Lobban, April Quota, F.A. A. lVl cLaughlin, March Quota, F.A. N. S. Magee, B.A.C., 5th Brig., F.A. R. S. :l\Ioore. \\'ireless Troop. J. I~. ~loulton, 2ncl draft. D Coy. Engineers. R. C. 11. Roberts, 10th Batt .. -~th F .. \. K. B. Roseby. 9th Rfcts., 22nd Battery, F.A F. 0. Sccomb. ( ". Seri yen. Ist Field Engineers. J. Shearston, 26th Battery, 7th Brigade, F.A. Shirley. A.S.C. R. \\'hiting, 26th Battery. 17th Brigade, F./\. I I. F. Williams, 14th Battery, 5th F.A.

,. A. Winter. l\1otor-Drvr. A. C. Rofe, 9th Field Amb., A.M.C.

I~ S.1111p/emrnl lo 'l'lw S11ri1111t1mi1111, l111rd1, l!Jl~.

2nd Air .Mechanic J. P. Bush, 67th Aust. Squadron, l:. Flight, R.F.C.

., ., ., V. J. \\ alker. 6<.Jth Squadron, • \.F.C. Trooper S .. .:\lexander, A.L.H.

J. 1\.1. Anning, 23rd H.fcts., .. rnd Regt., .\.L.lJ . (;. Atkinson, I rth A.L.H.

. ,

" "

" " ,,



" " " I'



E. G. Bracken, Camel Corps. G. Cambage, 1st A.L.H. F. R. Galbraith, B Squadron, Gth H.egt., A.L.ll. -S. Gall, 2nd A.L.H. J. G. llicks, qth A.L.11. S. R. Hindmarsh, A Squad., 6th Regt., A.L.J:l. T. B. Y. Hunt, 7th Regt., A.L.ll. \ \'. ] etiries. F. Jeffries, 12th A.L.11. J. i\l. i\lcKeague, 3-1-th Rfcts., Gth A.L.ll. J. K. McLachlan, 5th Regt., A.L.ll. T. C. Morrow, ist A.L.H. E. T. Prentice, Aust. Camel Field Amb., A.M.C. Price, 2nd A.L.H. B. C. A. Reddall, 28th Rfcts., 1st A.L.11. K. C. Riley, 6th A.L.H. F. G. Steele, 6th L.11. L. B. Steady. C. F. Thorpe, C Squadron, 12th L.11. A. J. Trollope, l\.Iach. Gun. Sq., 2n<l Bg., A.L.IJ. C. Wells, i2th A.L.H.

,, I l. W. Whyte, 12th A.L.H. fjrena<lier \V. J. Colborne, rst Light Trench l\.lortar Batt. Cunncr F. [I. Albery. -1-th D.A.C., F.A.

., R. B. Allen, February Rfcts., F.A. ,. J. A. Carlisle, 4th F.A . . , L. Clarke, 2nd Brigade. F.A.




R. F. Cripps. 36th Rfcts .. F .. \. P. S. Dawson . . \. Dinning. 31st Rfcts .. F.A. C. ;\. Douzans, -1-th Aust .• \mm. Sub-Pack, F.A. Elli.;. \\'. S. Findlay, 117th Howitzer Battery. \\" Grey. 6th A.L.11. \'. C. l lay, 7th Brigade, F.A . Hall, R.F.A. F. Halliday, 5th F.A. T .. ;\. JI osking, 16th Battery. F.A. A. B. Killick, October Rfcts., F.A.

N1111p/n11n1/ lo '1'111· Xf'1ri11gto11ir111 • .l/11rl'11, l!l1S. J:l

( ;unncr r.I. Lawson, 5th Rfcts., I Ith F .. \. ?lloir, 1st N.S.\\'. Training Battalion.


C. ?II oycs, I 3th Rkts .. 5th Brigade. F.A. \\'. C. O'Reillv. C. B. T. Paln{er. R. A. Percy, Sth Rfcts., rst F.A. S. Pring. V. J. Ramsay. 29th Rfcts., F.A. C. I ~. Re<ldall, 1st Sect., 1st D.A.C. S. 11. de Q. Robin, 38th Battery, ioth Brig., F.A. Ross. Rowe. 11. S. Simpson, 2nd Anzac Heavy Art. Brig., 2nd

B.E.F. < ;, Smith, .+th D.A.C. \. Small, 26th Battalion. 7th F.A.B.

J. Sw~~t. . ..,_ J. !If. laylor, 101st Batt.. rst Bngade. F. \\'. Thompson. L. I l. Thompson. !II.?II., 5th Rfcts .. 1st Field Art. \V. H. Wilson. 9th Rfcts., 22nd Battery, F.A. \'. S. \\'ilson. 37th Battery. rnth F.A.B. C. J. \\'ippell. 32nd Rfcts .. F.A J. Zuill.

Sapper 11. clc V. Alexander, Serbian Order, 4th Fld. Coy .. C. Chandler, Engineers, 3rcl A.L.11. A. 0. Englert. March Rfcts .. Field Engrs. S. McKern, rst Field Coy. Engineers. R. R. Lnmsclaine. rst Div. Signal Coy. L B. Spedding, 211d Div., Sig. Sec. I). 1\. Stuart. 6th Rfcts., Ist Pioneer Battalion.

Private A. Alexander. \V. Andrews.

" "

L. :\. Bayley. Motor Transport Coy. S. Bowman. \\'. Bromwich. 53rcl Battalion. H. L. Campbell. qth Field Ambulance, A.M.C. P. Carruthers. B. Coy., 2nd Battalion. C. Ciark. C. C. Clark. R. Coates. R. de Coque.

J.I. N11p1ilu111'11t to 'I'lw Xew111r1/011ia11. ll11rl'l1. l!lJS.

Pri\'ate S. Co\\·led, A.M.C.


" ,. ..



" "

" "

" "

1\. Cuthbertson. 7th Rfcts .. q.th Mach. (;un \\' . T. H. Da\'ies. R. Draper. J. Dugan. 61st Battalion. C. J. \\' . East, i9th Battalion. IT. Evans . R. Forbes. S. Freeman. R Gale, A.M.C. T. W. B. Gale, A.M.C. Gaurse, 35th Battalion . \\'. A. (;rant. 33rcl Battalion. H. Grimes. J. A. P. Hamilton, 53rd Battalion. R. .\.Hawke.


C. P. Heath, 5th Rfcts., est Pioneer Battalion Tl. A. Hordern, roth Rfcts .. 53rd Battalion. F. Tloward. B. W. Howard. M.M .. 8th Fielcl Amb ... \.!\I.C, J\. \\'.James, 2nd Battalion. F. G. Jamieson, Dental Corps. R. Jamieson, l\I.M .. A.i\l.C. J. Keam. \'. J. Lowe . ..j.th Battalion. Lucas. 25th Rfcts., 9th Battalion. G. March. A. Martin. E G. Mayhew. II. McCausland. \\T. R. McCourt. 17th Battalion. T. Miller. R. D. Millett, 45th Battalion. N. S. G. Moffat. S. L. Moore, C. Coy., t8th Battalion. A. Murray. R. E. Murray. 17th Battalion. Nelson. P. P. Olden. W. S. Orr.


S111111l1'111n1/ /IJ 'I'll<' Yl'iri11[!fo11ir111, J/11rd1. 1918. 15

P rivate B. M. C. Palmer, R.A.l\I.C.. 7th Stat. Ilos .. Franc•.' .\. Il. Pawley, 1\1.l\I.


" .,





J\. Peel, .\.M.C .. 4th A.G.H., Randwick. (;. M. Perrett. :\. Pickering, rnth Rfcts., 45th Battalion. A. E. Ramsay, 36th Battalion. A. A. Ray, r8th Battalion. 0. A. Richards, A.M.C. S. N. Hickarct, 3rd Div. Train, A.S.C. H.oberts . Robson , 6rst Battalion. J. C. Ross. H. C. Ross, 29th Rfcts., Technical Battalion. R. C. Srott. R Coy .. 45th Battalion. K J. Simpson. 9th l\Iachine Gun Coy. .\. \\.Small, King's Royal Fiji Rifles. Smith. \\. Smith. 1\. C. Stevenson. 56th Battalion. TI. P. Talbot, A.S.C. 0. Tedd. C. \. Trollope, E Sec., 9th F. Amb., 3rd Div.,

A.M.C. L. C. Wall ace. A. f l. C. Way. A. E. Weakley, A Coy., rnth Rfcts., S..J.th Batt. \\' . \Veak)ey. 9th 1\fachine Cun Coy. G. Webb, A.M.C. F. \Verner, 38th Battalion. West. 0. \Y. \Vhite. 35th Battalion. G. Winn. :.I. J. \\Tinn. Mach. Gun Coy .. 'J<>lh Battalion.

Bugler l I. Barker, Canadian Regiment. Trumpeter L. F. Thorpe. C. Squadron. 12th L.H.

MUNITION WORKERS. E. F. Campbell. 0. Le M. Knight. L. V. Palmer.

S. F. Palmer. P. H. Russell. K. ff. Swanwick.

16 Pittp11ln11r11/ to 'f'11r· 'vc1ci11{1fonir111. lfrwcll. 1918.


Chaplain-Co!. C. J. Prescott, Acting Senior Chaplain. Colonel A E. Perkins, D.S.O., P.M.O., 2nd District. Lt.-Colonel Sir Herbert Maitland.

·Lieut.-Colonel Warden, Engineers.

Major G. H. Abbott.


C. A. Buchanan. J.C. Ilalliday, No. 4 A.G.H., Ran<lwick. C. H. E. Lawes, P.M.O., Military Camps. Muhs. Parker.

Captain ll. S. Cocks, Chaplain. L. A. Dey, A.A.1\1.C. Resen·e. C. H. Northcott, A.A.1\I.C. Rcser\'e. L A. Rogers. \\'. G. Shellshear, A.A.M.C. Reserve. A. S. Vallack, A.A.M.C. Reserve.

JI. E. Buclden, \\'ar Chest Commissioner, C.B.E.

S. Leadley, Special \Var Service, c/o British Consul. Genoa.

Rev. C. Bavin, Y.M.C.A.

The Editor will be pleased to receive any corrections and additions.

Arrangements are heing made to send copies of "The Newingtonian" to all Old Boys at the front whose addresses can be obtained. It is requested that these, when safely received, should, as far as possible, be acknow-ledged.

THE NE.\\ l:\C,;TO:\l.\X. 759

with the l!)lli !Wit' TPa111. lla\·in;.: 111111 llis Datc>s Ill FootlJull, ( ri•·kPt. a111l Hlwoli11i.: h1• was a11ard<'d llw l'ripll' llatl;.:l' for 1017.

llt• 11a:-; 11111 brllli1111t 111 i<dtool. hut 1111s a hanl \\ol'hl'I'. Tlw l11ll'rtllt'11int1• wns JIH>'st'cl in l!Jll. and lht• l.t•a,·i11i.: Cp1·tifi<'all' 111 1!117 .. \ladt• a l'rl'frd i11 l!llti. lw ntl'ril'cl out his dutil"' 1110-.t 1·011-s('it•11tio11sly. 111111 wrn1 tlu• likini.: null n•sp1•1·1 of all. HI' wa" Seulor in l!tli. lit• i<harPcl lh<' .Jo,..1•ph llon11·r l" lt>ldlt'I' l'ri;-.1• for lhP ltl'st hoanll'I' in l!llli. 111ul in 1!117 "'"" ltnwli<'l<•tl l'tJUal for lb<' Ohl t:o~"· l'ri1.l'; a fill ill).! <'OIWl11si11n to a lint> >;t·hool l'lll'l'('I'.

Ill' has h•ft us for till' (amp. a11cl till' 11 holt• :-:it·bool \\islws him tlw l•l'st of l11t'k. \\'I' fr1•l sun• that hi' 11 ill tlo as well iu thr .\ rm.'· a;; be ha~ t1011t• heno.

H. J'. \VARI).

"Ludo" t•antt' to \p11ini.:lo11 i11 l•'pltn111r.'" 1!111, a:< a H'IT littl" l'lrnp. hut his sll'nd.\ 1'11ar:wlt-r and appli<'alion i<oon nuHIE' itsE'lf fl'lt. Thoui.:h h1• was 1101 t•.\l't'J1tio11ally hrilianl eitlwr in sport or 11rn·k. h1• alwa.'" tl'l1•1l lo du his tlutr i11 lh«'st• n•stll'd", aq,( li.1· J11s

•l':tl'lll'!'t 1•111lPan111rs 1•11rn1•cl th1• liki11i.; of mai<lt'rs 111111 ho~., .. \ft1•r soUJl' nppn•ntil'l'ships in lhl' lollt'I' lt•ams. h1• h<'<"a llll' .1

llll'lllht'r of till' 1s1 X I. In 1!117. ancl playl'tl \"l'I'~ sulitll.\'." lit• w:1..; a sari' tiPhl ancl l•at . 11 ho alwa.Y~ m:uh• a i.:oocl (·011tl'ih11tio11 to 11w st·on'. In tlw >'111111' .rt•ar lw wa>< in tlJt• :!utl X \ . a1ul playpcJ a 1'1111 ral't t•rist it·11 I I,\ pi lll'k,1· 1-(HllH'. This ·'I'll I' hc• was also awn rdrrl the• .Jo><l'Ph llorn1•r Fll'11'ill'I' l'ri;-.1• for the lll'sl hoanll'I' of the yt•ar. 111• ulso :<hot 111 lhl' <:.l'.8. 111att'hC>< of l!Jl6-17. Tho11;.:h not. as we 1111,·1• saicl. a hrllliunt sdtolar. hi' 1u1ss1•tl 11'1'.'" l'l'Ptlitaht,1· th<' lntrr· llll'<lintt• in rn1.; 111111 th(• L1•aYi11i.: ('crtifil'utl• in l!l17. llis :.;tC'rlin;.: qunlitirs Pill'IH~l llwir l't'\\'anl. 111111WU"11u11ll' a l'rl'fl't'f in tlw sanw ~!'Ill'. l'arr.dni.: out his elutit•:.; most l'llll"'dl'11liously anti justl~. lit• has ll'ft us 110\\ tu take up ai.:rkult111·c'. anti 11 \' wish him thP 1.>P"t of lt1t·k.

..... OLD BOY8' LET'l'l·:W·l.

' l"lw follo11h1i.: lt'fll'r tlatPtl l.i/1 l/li """ 11 rittl'n "·' ".To<•" ( Cook from I tu ly:

"\\'r elo 11a11clt•r round 1111' world wlw11 \\t' slart: \\"\' h;np just arrin·cl h1•n• aftl'r a 1011;: trni11 jourtlt'.' throu;.:h l·'n11u·t> awl thl' Hil it•rn. \\ \' hn l'I' 1111ss1•<1 thro11i.:h some• ahsolut\'ly ma.:::11i fi1·1•11I s<·1•111•r,,·. a11tl I a111 \"l'l',\" ;.:l:itl lo ha1·1· had 1111• opporlu11ity of s1•1"i11;.: it - thnt'i< what l'on1ps of hc•loni.:i11i.: tv n <'l'll<'k tlidsion. \\ t' <lidu'I think hefon• thul t111•n• 111•n• man,\· adn111ta;.:!'s 11lw11 lhc•n· 11as fi;.:hting to he• tlrnll', 11111. of 1·011l'sl'. that's 11 hy \\'I' an• h1•rc•. \\I'

had a 1-(l'l'HI l'l'('l'pfio11 011 our arrhal; our <'lll'l'ill).!l's \\'t'l'P full of fiillll'l's, ttui.:s. 1111tl ollwr sOU\'Pllirs. anti at l'\"l'I',\" station lhl' 11 hol1• pop11lntio11 tUl'lll'tl 0111 to s('c• u .... as Ill' 111·c· lb!' first Britisll troops 10 arri11•. aml. of t·our:-;1'. !I's a hit of a 11011'1!,1·: hut ~-ou wo11l1i thl11k thnt c>ithl'r war or t'lsl' p<'>ll't' hatl just he1•11 tlc•"1ar1•1l. \\'\' an• in \"<'I',\' JH'l'tt~· c·om1try. 1111<1 1111 , ·r a go0<l hillt-t a11<1 l'\"l'I',\. 1·omforl. \\'lu•n Wt' ht•~i11 to s•Ta)I, I t'XIK't·t w1• shall ;..:c•I amon;..:st the .\lps, hnt ht'l'l' it is 11uitc warm, autl a n1st ella11;;t• Crum Hel;..;ium. We hu 1 t•


l.Jeen llltt rt'hing to differPnt plac·es en•rr night. l a tn getting quite an adt•pt at the ltaliun language. for 1 stutter along, and you pkk up word!' ,·er~· 11ukkly after l<'n•1wh. I hun•n.•t :seen au Engll;;:h paper for 11 forb1iglit. so don't know mut'h about thing~. l.Jut when things get going here wt> will fare hetter. Of course, I am Yt>t'Y bu:<y, what with ruoriug e\'C'ry du_y, but it's all in the game it l>-1 a game. i!<n't it'! I wns told the other day that 1 hail been 1mt up for 1·a11t11in, so don't get too :<ho«ked if you hear th1tt l han• to go by the ~;xplorer'R st~·le in future.'·

( aptuin Eric Atkinson write:< from hillet~. :?5/11/17: ",Ja<'k i\l<-Douald ii< quite near ml'. 111HI is now 11 mnjor and

.tll.C.; he looks quite well, and we both hue! a good ynru to-day. lfs getting Yery cold again. trying Its hardest to snow, and ,-ery uearJ~- "ll<'<"eediug. I 1·n11not get pu><t ru.r pre:<eut rank. but han:> been holding the t>Xn lte<l position O! Se('Ollcl ill c·ommuud Of tlW battalion. and J um at present f'enlor <·ompauy «ommander. We ha,·e been haYiug a 111·ettr rough time of it lateb'. but are nO\\ ha,·ing a spell out of it, and l am quite fit.''

Max Lawson writing from 1!,runtc 26th November, 1017 :-"Blighty leare wa!'I granted to me on 29th 0<"tober. Gregg

was to ha1·e gone with me, but wa;;: wounded on th<.> 26th. l was ,·er~· dll'appoiuted. a;;: we had all our plani;; fixed for a grand time. Joe \Ynkott went on lea,·e n ('OUple of da.''" before 1 did, so J met him in London. Len l"eale, now in O.T.C' .. St. John';;, 1•arue in to io;e<.> me. 1111<1 th<' thrN• of us had a <"ouple of good days together. R<'turuln,1: to Frnm·e did not ap1Jenl to me. and I found had news awaiting me. as Ja('k Norman was killed the ,·ery day l went 011 leaYe. It was a ,·er~· bl,1: blow. E1·er since we enlisted, Ja<"k <~regg and myself had been together pretty well all the time, and " ·ere just the !'arne ns brother!'. IIe Wil l> always so full of life and langhter. al way!< ma king little of the hard>lhips a!< they earne along. and looking for tlw f'ih'er lining In the dark <"louds. Oregg i:s in tlw [).,\,(' .. hut hopes to be ha<'k In the batter~· soon. .\mon:; otlwr Old Boys l ba,·e seen 1·e('e11tly are Sid Moore, Twit TaskN, Ro;;ehy. and KaC!lI'lel just before he was wounded. I w1111 unfor tnnate to mi,.:,; sepin,1: poor old Roxy Muir: ~'at and I went down to >'ee him, but he was on lea,·e. Ile was killed a <"011ple of days after his return. He h111I gone forward from support!< to take c·omma111l after tlw O.C'. had hPen wounded. I i:;11oke to i<Olll(' of the boys in bis b11ttulio11 nhout him. He wu!< ,·er~· popular with them all. As one :;;aid, "lle'd do us," which mean;; a great deal more than it looks."

,\Jen~-11 Fletcher. writing from l"rnm'e, 28/11/17 :-"l think it i>< up to Lill' to ><<•1111 alonf! some Jin<'>< to let you

know I am. like .Johnni<' Walker. '><till going strong.' I i<aw J1wk MeDonalcl. M.C. (;;in<"e proruoted to major), nt the mll of Septl'm-her 1111 Ypres wn.v. just after hi' <·11me out of the first stunt tht• Auf'trallun~ were in llJl then•. ,Ju<·k was O.K. then. SinC'e then I saw 1>l10to,... of "ix ~LC.':< in a Sy1lm•.1· paper. two being O.N.'s .fn<·k .\l<-Donuld and "Kell~"· Wi,..c:>. I think J told you I got a ,;light hit in the nrm with :shrapnel October lRt; it ls all healed

Tin. ~LWDiGTONIAN. 761

O.K. 11f1\\. Tith- \\t'l•k I was snrpris!'<l to l'Pl'Pin• a 1·011:.:ratnlatory n1 nl from ,\I aj11r-C.1•1wra I K <:. 8inda ir :'\fa1·La;.rn11. ('.B.. D.S.O .. l'OlllllH1t1di11:.: It It \ 11sl rn lia11 Di\ is ion. [or c·o11rn:.:l' a11d dP1otio11 to duty 111111 t1•11tli11:.: to tlw \\'C1111ul!'d umler lw:n.' ><lw!Hin• at Hill!' \\aanh• lli<l;w 011 '.!!Ith 8eptt>mh('r. J9li."

( '11pt1ii11 I'. .\. Morris, i11 Palt>stirll'. \\Titin:.: to till' ll1•111lmastt>r. l~/ t / 17:

" l 'h•u:<1• allo\\ 1111• to sa~· how :.:rateful l aUJ to .ro11 and ;\('\\' i11:.:to11 for tlw pa n·pJ whidt <·ame to ha11<1 a f(•\\ da.1:< u;.:o. I I i..; only whPll 0111• has hp1•11 awa.r from tlH' 1·0111forts of hollll' lif<• that ntll' r1•11lisps ho\\' i,.:rratl~· appre<·iatP<I stu·h itift:< arr. I was mon• thun tll'lll!htl'd to srP a 1·opy of tlw X!'wi11:.:toui1111. ancl to reu<I ahont tlH' dp111· old 8<"11001. Thr pu:<t t\\'o unrl a-half months ban• hpe11 full of P~pl'ril'IH"I' for ml'. 111111 I "hall al\\'u~·s rc•memhl'r them. Our ho.'·"· I thi11k. IHI\"(' done remarkably \\'!'II. and tlw majority an• !'11joyi11;.: 11 wpll-1•111·1wtl l'l'"t 110\\'. l 11fort11n11tpJ~ for me, tlw hril!IHh• to whi<-h l um nttad11'il i;.: <·OutJlOsNl of mt>n from Statps otlwr thuu NI'\\' 8outh \\"ah•;.:. 1·011>-eq1w11tl~· l lta1e not us let met an~· other Old :-l!'win:.:touiaus."

Tiii·: l:OOK <W J<~XODI( l 8.

(This l'Xtn•111p)y a1wi1•11t a11d nthmhlc purl'l111w11t \\llS Ull-1'11rt111•<1 d 11ri11:.: r1•<·1•11t rP)Jll i r.-. It is 1•\· i<IPll tl.1· t Ill' n•<·ord of 11 n atwh•nt 1"11<"1' fornwrl)' i11hahiti11:.: tlw 111'i:.:lthourho01l. of whil'h. 11p till no\\. 11othi11i-: \\'Its lmo\\'11. \\ ith tlwsl' [\'\\ \\·onls o( 1•xpla11a-tio11, wt• ).:i\'I' i l to 011 r rl'1Hl1•r,.; \\'ithout fu rt lwr 1·umm1•ut.)

(' llAPTr,;H I. I. Tiii' ({p1·111·1l,; of l•: xodi('lt;.:. the :<1·1·ihl' i11 thl' dt.Y of .\c\\', in

/111· lalHl of Dinn. ~. Of 1111• \\Tolll-:>- thal " '<•n•. a11d art'. and shall h<•: 1·0111·cr11-

i11:.: fool,; 111ul wi,;1• 1111'11 and /ltf' llii11y .~ that lhl'.I all <lid <lo. :1. :\o\\' tlu•n• """ a q11id11ess a11d a slolhf11htl'ss in 1/11• la111l

uf 8t1111 , anti lo f .'ii'\\' W>ls lht' ouly hri:.:ht !<pot willli11 ii. I. \ n<I it so hn pp1•11pd t h11 t in llH• h111d of ::>tan t h1•n• \\ t'l'l'

111a11~· trih1•,;; u11c1 thN<P dill all ;.:tri,·l' for su1n·r11111c·~· at~''"·

:;. ,\1111 it ('111111' to JI""" that the olti.<-e of 111:.:h l'rl1•st did fall op1•n. and all 1111• lrlht•s did strh·e for to hun• tlwir o\\'11 1111·11 Ple<·ted 111110 tlw oltkt'.

ti . . \lid of !hos(' lh>tt did ;.;ta111J for //J1 • Ollil'l' of lli:.:h l'ri(•st thl't'I' was mu• l'ott. 11 l'hilistine of tlw l'hilislines. nnd this Hllllll' l'ott dill <·01111>1•1 m1111.1 of th1• le.-st•r triht•s to n1tc for him fJJI thr

pro111isi11;.: of 1111111)· >'ltl'kl'ls. i . \lon•o\'l'I' 111 th1• a1111oi11h•<I tinw thP trih1•s did llll't't lo-

;.(l'tlll'I' II I \' l'W t 0 1·/1110~1 (/ IH'\\' 11 i:.:h l'riesl. A . . \1111 t!Wrl' \\'!I;.: 111111·h 11ois.Y shoutiu:.: hoth h.\' thost• that <lid

1111(1111 to Imo\\' hl'tlt•r, 1111<1 thosl' \\'ho 1r1re i:.:11orn111. H. Th1•11Wl'l'l'1·1•rt11i11 11f thl' l'i11:.:·s c;uanl appointPll. wiio 1ru·c

the 0111~· l'lirhteous men of the \\'hole aH~erulllJ.


10 . .\ow then• was a niuntiug uf rolls, anti they that did 1·m111t !litl lind that though there wert• hut 8li in the room there \\!'I"(' 97 n>tN;.

11. Yl't <li1l tht·~· nut take tlw nitl' ag11i11, for tll!'y 111•rp 1111:1.i· ous to dt>purt ;.;owt• lo their leapi11g an<I running, othcn; tu their hoUH"•, for tht•y had hut nt•wl~· walTied ( tht•m) 11 ht•s.

1:! .. \u1l wht•11 llu·~ dicl a;.;;.;i;m the nitrs. till" l'ott did lunl' tht• rno>'t, anti till' rm1ri11;.; am! "hiekiug of thosl' 11 ho had hl'll't'd hiw 11·1•rt• likp unto lbt• roaring of the hulls or llai<hurn.

l:l. \'l't pt•1·ad1·e11t111·p roaring wa;: en•11 gn•utt•r irh1 n llt1 II 1/11l dii<t·o1·1·r that this gra,.;piug l't•lt wuuh.J 11ot pa) out tht• talents whkh he lmd promised.

JI. Wh1•n•1111011 lh1•y o( lhc 1{111;.;'s t:uanl dill ht•lakt• lht'IU· sl'l1·1•,.; unto Duhlr, rnlcr of ;\cw, a11d did eo11ft•r ,.;1•1·rell~· with him.

t.i .. \nd Duhir. 11'/rn 11·a11 a wi,.;1• rnu11, did dt•c-lclt• that thl,.; l'otl 111 i11y 11 l'hili,.;tirl!'. c·1111ld 11ot ht• lli;.;h l'rit'>;l. .\!Ill .l'ult did al>dl· l'alt', and :;u aml IJuast how uohle he was.

l'UAl"l't:R lJ. ::. .\1111 th1•rr wus 0111• .\il'1l<-ow of tlw trlht• of lhl' ,JplJu;.;ltes.

:11111 ht> 11·11., a 1111111 grl'at of ;.;taturP. hut of litth• worth. I. \nd 11111111 1·1•rtaiu day,.; those in .\1•w di<l lit•t11kt• tht•nJi<l'h 1•s

to lhl' plaius of Ha111lt•ad to 11rndke ardwry . . i. \rul /J11·11 ,,., ,.,. 11111ler the t·hargc of oue J:11kh, a < 111m1111il<'.

allll tlw~· clicl takt• it in t11ru to draw thl'ir bow" al a uwrk. ti. Then• Wl'rc \'ertaiu of thew who wen• t•:..111.•rl:;, ancl lhl'L'l'

were' oth1•r,.; who ll'l'fl' 1tot, uud of lhl'>'C .\l1•1kow wn:; 1m1-. 7. ,\ucl in c·o1111li11;.; how rnauy poi11b t•111:h had 11011 iu ardwQ·

lh1•y liifl fi11cl that i\lellt·o11· 1rn11 suvreme. S. ,\11!1 Bukh, the Cauuauite, 11id n•ruark 1111to tho"C' that 11C'rl'

:;t1111di11;.; h~ that it 1rnl$ hut au ael'i<ll'lll. \I. ;\pn•rtllt'lt•,.:,.: lhi" .\ll•tit·ow iro.~ :;o lillt'cl wilh 1111•r,111•p11i11g

priclC' ///at Ill' look Ho 1111lh-l' of the word,.; of llukh. 10 .• \1111 tilt' 111•xt clar wht•u tlw.1· wt•n • aho11t to sprul him uuto

lht• 111t•t'tl11;..: ho11s1', 111 ! hi,.: st•rn111t did lrn11• to 111ak1• llM' oC .\n·hi· 111pd1.,; lel'!•r with wlticlt tu vut 011 his hat for him.

I 1. \11cl 111' clicl hl'takt• Llim>-t'l( lo sdwol. aucl clicl sit altllll'; ~1·a. he 11011lcl tulk 1111to 110 ma11. for It<' wa11 11h111c llw 1·owwou herd.

l!!. \1111 l'l'l'r~·olll' wa.~ >-on• wrath with him, yl't lw c·an•<I not. t::. \o\\, i11 thl' fuluess of tiuw. llw~· dicl ;.;u out 11;;ai11 lu try

tlwir .~I.ill at 1uThery. I I. \\ lwn'll)loll tlrb ;.amc )ledrnw die\ :;I rich• lo his position in

most uohlc fm;hion. I.'\. \rul lit' did airu most 1·aff/1'.•xl11. a11cl clicl firC': 1111!1, lo! h<'

had mis,..l'tl thC' mark: ~\·a. 1·1•ri1.1·: Ill' hatl 11ot ;.:11111• 1rithi1t a t'Uhit':; lenp;th of it.

Hi. ,\11(\ so h<' di<i 1·011ti11uc 1•ad1 time, growing more inc·ensed. but, ala~ ! he t:ould 110t hit the mark.

'l'RF. ~FWT~OTONTAN. 763

17 . . \nil wlwn thr~· <·nmr to c·ount u11 lhr mnrk!'< lhi!'< Mt>11<'0"· wns lo\\'t•st of 1111.

18. \rnl thP 111':<.t cl11~-. whrn tlwy clicl """''lllhlt' nt tht• nwt'tln:.: pl11<·1'. il(>hold his hut wo11lcl not ·•fop 1111. hut clitl h1111i:: dnw11 oH•r hi-. 1•y1•s 111111 <'Ill'!': 1111d he>"'"·' d1:1stt>111•d In s11!rit.

EX\ \I I \".\TIOX llERTll:l'R.

L1·:.1Vl,,.(1 CER'l'fl'J('ATl·: l~XA l\1 1 :-i:ATIO'I, 1917.

'". \ <>'l'O'I. IL L. t•:11j.(li>1h .\. l.11tin II. \lnth>1. I .. ,\. ~lathR. 11 .. /\, \11'<·l111ni1·;; ,\. \loch•rn 111,:tory II. C'lwmistr.v 11 : En;.:im•<>rin:.: l'npt•r, ! 111 -<s.

llow1n:~. E. I\. En:.:lish II. Fr(•111·h ll. \laths. 11 . n. \lodt•rn lllstory n.

(11<.1110'I. F. \'. T<:ni;:lish n. \lnths. 11.. ll. \lollt'rn TTi'llory II. ( hPmist ry n.

( llll'Ps. ll. F. E11:.:lish t:. Fr('Jlf'h L, Muth;;. l. A, \lath;;. l I. H. \lt><·h1111il->' I:. \lotlNll lli stor.1· 11: Eni.ti1u•1•rl11;,: l'Hpl't'. l'lt si<.

C:R.IY, . \ . F .• ). J.:11:.:lbh II. Latin L. ~!nth,:. I. ll. :\fo<ll'l'll lli s-tor,1· ll.

lit Yr. I'. H. E11:.:1tsh TT. l.ntin L . Fr<•1wh H. Mnths. I. ll. \lath>'. 11 .. ll . . \lodl'rll llis1or.1· .\ .

' l.rnTs. (. If. \\'. E11:.:li"lh ll. Latin \, FrPlH'h II. :\lath-.. I. .\, \laths. 11 .. \. \l1•1·!11111i1·s \. \nl'lent llistor~· ll. (;J·ppk IL

\\\HU. ll. I'. E11dlsh ll. Fn•n1·h ll . • \lulh:-. I. B. \laths. TI. J:, \I <Kll'l'll TI l<>ton· 11.

llmlf111r.~ i11 lfaflH·nwtirH.


/:11f1/i.~11 ( 'Ins" 11 .. I'. R lhmt. 1.ati11 ( ' l11;;s 11 .. It L .. \Hton. 1!11t111·11111/i1·11 ('h1-.,: I .. ll. L. Aston: ( ' ]II!'<!'< 11.. ('.TT."'· LUW('<: l/()(/l'rn lli.~/01·11 C'las" I.. 1:. I.. \ ;;ton : C'l11<.;s ll.. TI. I'. " 'ard . f'hn11i.~tr11 ('lu!<~ I., 1:. I,. A<:ton.

CTNll' J:RRTTY Exn llllTIO'IS.

I/ ('(/i(' i111'. P. R. llnnt. C. n. w. La WP~.

/ ;'11gi1H'('l'ill.Q. R L. ARton. f'nirl'l'RilJJ /111r.~1ir11. H. L . ARton . . Tami'.~ t i11i'1·11 NdH1l11r1111ip for <:1·111·rnl . f>roflrir11r11.-n. T ..

A~ton (:l'<J.) . . Jolin 11'1·11/ lfrdal and Oralwmr Pri~1 · lfftla1 for r:rnera1 Pro­

/icc11r11.-R. L. ARIOJl (ll'q.) .


f '1'J'f'.llM F:OlA'l'f C't:R1'1 FIC"ATt;; l•;XAM I "\A'l'IO:\', 1917 .

. \mm'l'T, (;. S. En!!ll"'h H. lliHtory B. \luth,... I. B, 1\lnlh 8. 11. .\. L1ctin H. Chemist•·~· B,

. \NOER80/\ .• \. l•:n;.(li>'h B. Ilii<tory B, J\lalh-<. I. n. 1\ln ths. 11. • . \. Clwmistr.Y TI. llm~itH>sH l'rindp](>,.. B. Shorth11111l ll.

DAllS\\'f.l.L. II. K l'.:ngli!<h ,\. llistory ll. \lath-<. I . \. \ loth-<. 11 . \. Latin .\. Fn•11d1 R. Cheml!'tr;v .\.

EllW\Rlls. H. s. lli!'tory B. neori.:n1ph,r ll. \(nth;;. J. .\. \1111hs. 11. B. Bu,..ill('S" Pri11<·ipll'!< .\. Sborth1111<l II.

<:nt:t:x. C. \\'. t•:n)!lish B. lliHtor.Y ll. \lnths. 11. B. Latin I\, ( 'IH'llliRtry Il.

JI AN<'OCK, S. Englil'lh H. TI istor.r ll. C1•ogrn ph~· B, Bn,..inP,..8 l'riJwipleH B. \lt>d11111knl Drnwing H.

ll t;;\l'IH ll. 'I'. I'. 111 ... tor~· B. CleOJ';.(l"ll(lh.1· n. 1\lnth,.., I. ll. \laths. 11. ll. Shorthnnd B.

HEYWOOD. H . Engll!<h B. HistOl'.Y B. Cl1•0;.(raph,1· B. \lnth" I. n. ::'llathi<. 11 .. \. Chemistr~· R. Rnsitlt's-< l'rindph•-. H.

Hi::>T. H. K. (•;ni.:ll>'h ,\. Hli>tory \,\laths. I. .\. 1\lnths. 11. \, Llltin .\. FrE>nc·h A, (1reek .-\ .

• Jt:N KIX. L. H. English B. "l\ latll!<, I. n. \laths. l r. .\. l.11tin 1:. l•'rPllC'h B.

KrnnY, (1. 1\1. l•:nglii<h H. TTi!<tor,1· H. (1po1·i,:rnphy H. Muth!'. 11. n. Jo'ren<"l1 H. (;pogrn phy B.

\IAcrnooE, .'1. M.- l~ngli>ih A. lli!'tory \, 'lnths. I. ll. \111th-<. 11 .. \.Latin ll. l<'rl'Tl<'h B. C"hemi:'<try .\.

MA'1N, F. S. En)!llsh R. 1\11\thi<. I. H. 'lnths. TI. TI. l.11ti11 \. l ~r!'neh B.

)[{':\'RO. \. E. - Histor~· n. Cleography n. \laths. T. H. \111ths. 11. H. Rnsin!'s-< l'rhwiples H. Shorthand ll.

::'llllTl"ll. TI. \'. (1pography P.. MathK. I. H. ~lnlh!<. 11. H. 1111 ... i-lll'~" P1·i111·iples B. Shorthnnd n.

S1·:NOAt.r .. TT. R. l•~ngl!Rh .\. HiRtory H, MnthK. l. .\, \laths. 11. .\. Latin A. FrC'tH'h .\, Chemi;;try B.

'l'IIORPF.. A. ('. Rngli>ih B. lflRtor;v R. l\fnth>:. l. B. \laths. II. TI. Latin R. C'hemlf1try B . Cleology B.

'l'Rt:S('OTT. B. ~~ngll!<h H, Hl>1tory H. GE'ogruphy R. \11lths. I. B, ::-.rathR. IT. A. Latin B.

WALKl'R, n .. J. English A. TTJ.<tor~· n. MathR. l. n. \[nths. 11. A. T.atin .\. Fr!'tll'h R. Chemistry A. L:ltill A. F'l'C'IH'h B. ('bemi><lry A.

WARD, H. N.-J~ngliRh H. Hh;tory R. \lath,., II. H. lln~itws!<

l'rindples H. Shorthnod B. WIT.RON. R W. Rngllsh A, TliKtory R. Mnths. l. P.. \Tuth". 11.

B. Lntin A. Frenl'll H. ('hemiRtry A.

QUAT.ll'Yl NO CERTffJ('ATF °RXAM!N .\TJO'I, 1917. K. \\" . ..\!<Jtl'!'~'. K Bnrden. J. l\f. Rn;vl<'~'. "'1. RurnE't. F'. V. C'or-

t!'r. '\. R. D'Arietto. W. H. Quin. F . • l. Palmer. \. II. I'. Huft>. '"· .l . \ . SlroeRen. Tl. H. WE'h!<ter. F.. \. Winn. C. B Wllllam>1




l~Acur.TY or AR1's.

Lati1i I. N. S. Pi<'kering. 01·11•k I. '\. S. Plc·kerln:?. B11f1li.,1t I. N. S. Pil'kering.


l'l1ilo11011l111 I. (f,ogif' a11d P.,!lf'hO/OflJI). ~. R. Pil-kl'l'in:..:. DF.PARTMF.NT OF Eco:-;oi.i J(•f; ('cn1 ~I FR('F,

l·:1·0110111iN II. and Ill. "\Y. n. Cnclo:..:an. I l'('Ot111fa11f'7/ 111.- W. IT. Cadogan.

<'01111111'/'l'iol 1rnd lndu,,triaZ Law. '"· H. ('11clo1mn.

l•'irllt nf'{ll'l'I'. 7'11frd 1>1·11n·1·. l"o11rth l>t'fll'<'f'.

I r. 1\1. Tnylor.

FACUf,TY 01•' )f~:IJICIN~;.

C:. C'. J\f. Colton. ,J, A. l\fcoC<>or:..:<'. Ii'. R Cumming. ''"· P. Wlpp<>ll Pntholoir~" et<'.: \Y. H. D111·ton. C'. J:. l~lll'llC'l',

1-'ourth /)1'{/l'f'l'.-Materia ME'cli<·a an<l 'l'b<>1·111>+>11tiC'R: \\'. TI. Durton.

l'iffh n,.r11·rr. \r<>1lirnl Jurisprn!lenc·e arnl Pnhllc· TTC'nlth : W . h. n11rton.

FAc·ur.TY OF SCIENC'F.. nr11art111f'11t of R11{1i11rf'ri11{1.

!:11{1illf'rri11{1 1. H. B. Darke. l>rpat·tme11t of "lgrif'111f111'((l ,'ff'iP11r1"

/lo/any I. T. Clunies-Rosg, f'ltn11istr11 1.- 1. ('lnnie!'l-RosK Y.oolllt111 I. I. C'lnnie~o'.Ros!'l.

HONOUR LIST. PacuZty of M edif'inr.

Rotrm11 I. DIRtln<"tion : .f. A. M<"GeorgC'.

/l'rir11lt11 of Sr·ienrr-nevm·t11u'11t of FJ11r1i111•e1·i11{1. Ph11si<"l1 I. C'recltt: ll. B. Durke. ('hnni11try 1. Dh1tinction: H. B. Dark!'. lfath1•11wti1·11 /.- ( ' reclil: H. B. Durke.

l\f /\'l'RTCUL.\TJON EXAMJN.\'l'TO'\", 1!118. K I\. llowch•n. \. R. ('olwell. D. C1. Brit'rll'~·.

F..\STlrn SPORTS M EE'rrnc.

'!'he R('('oml Easter Sports Meeting waR held on Monday, Tue,.;-!lny, nnd WeclnPRcla~·. the lSth. 19t.h. and 20th of '1arC'h. ThC' wPather wns l'xc·<•llpnt on all three clnyR, and somp \'l'l'Y good times w!'re reglRll't'Pd. Th<> prognlmme openerl on ~1oudn,,· with tlw hrnt~ of the llundr<>d YnrclR. Open nucl l lntler Ag<>. Or<·hnnl,

766 fnr: Nr:wl'WlTO"HA~.

Da\'t'~'. ll1•1'1'1'i!l;!<'. i.::m ... on. nml Tnul:.:c•on Wl'l'P "IH'l'PssC11l In thps.•. 11·hih• \Yalk!'l'. l'otts. 111111 .\ld:r('!!Or won tlwir Jwuts 111 tlw l111 rtll!'<. Tiu• 81•11ior l:roucl .Jump was not qnitP np to st111Hl11 nl. Luw <'h•ar in!! 17ft. 10~111 .. with l'otts a11cl l'h!'lps i11 the• sP1·01Hl 1111!) thil'll pla1·1"" Tlw lli!!h .J11mp(11111l1•r JG) w11s wou hs .Jutltl 111111 <:rn11t1•1'. hoth f11ili11:.: nt Ht. 10i11 .. :tlltl <:m·ptt. \\'nlkl'r I.. and \lo11lto11 tl<•cl t'or third pl:tC'I'. Tlw last (•\'Pllt of tlw afl1•rnoo11 was tlw 1111 Yurcls, 111111 in thi." Or1'!1anl was 1•asily Hrst. \hhotl ii. nn111i11:,.: wt>ll for sp1·0111I pla1·p, with DHl'I',\ thircl; thl' 111111' .. i:-1 '!-.ist•t·s .. was .1 sh:1tll' f11st1•r lhan last ,1·par .

• 'l'hP fin~! p1·1•11t on '1'111':<1111~· was tlH• hl'nts of lht' :!'W Yurtls.

Law 11n1l On·hurcl wo11 tlwir· 1·p;;p1•1·tin• lwnt,; 111 th1• Hl'nlor dh·lslo11. \\'hilt• llt'\'('l'itl;!!' 1111t1 l•: lli:<on \l'l'r(' sn(•(•pssf'ul ill 1111' .11111ior ,;(•1·11011 . • Judd was 11:,.:11111 11 ll'i111wr in lhl' .J1111ior llroncl .J11111p. \\'ilh lhl' 1·n•1llt11hl1• dist11111·1• of llif't. 1o':ir1 .. c:rn11t1•r 1111cl llotl:,.::<011 filllr1:.: tlw st•1·011cl 1111<1 third phu·ps, In lhl' S1•11ior Hii.:h .Jnn1p 11 :.:0011 p1•1·-f01·11111111·p wu,; put up h.1· l!oss 1111cl \ld:r1•i.:or', holh of 11·hor11 faill'd at .'ifl. :1111 .. l'otts hpi11;..: thin!. TIH• <'hil'f Pl'!'llls of flip 11ftt>r11oon \\'l'l'l' tit<' 8P11ior 1111<1 .J1111ior llulf \lih•s, tlw first of whil'!r Or1'1111nl \\'Oil 11ftpr 11 hrilll11111 l'll<'P ill 2mi11. 11"<'<'.. from l'otts 1111tl \\ulli11~. who fou~ht to thl' tHJ>l' for SP('OIHI pliH'('. 111 Ill!' .J1111ior l'l'l'lll Ellison rnn \\'I'll. :11111 \\'011 in ·!min. 2:?s1•1· .. \Yllson nnd (d·11nt1•r ltt>lni.: :<1'<'111111 :1111i third l'l'S)IP<'tiH•l.1', \Yl'dnl''<dll,\' \\'llS, of ('Olll'S('. 1111' i:n•n t tiny. 11 s mo'<I of tlu• fi n11 Is \\'Pn• r1111 1 h1•11. :r nd 11I1 hon:.:n tlw 11·1•:1thl'1' "'"" l"\1·1•ll1>11t. •11111 thl' On1l lookt'll hl'lt1•r )K'rhll)I>< 1h1111 l'\'l'l' hl'fOl'l'. \\'t' \\'l'l'I' sony to sPt• that tlll'I'<' 11·pn• \ ' PI',\ ft•\\' 1·hitors. llo\\'l'\'l'l'. '<<llllt' ho.1·s tlicl nohly in this n•s1ic1·t. \ st:tl't \I'll'< 11111cll' with th1• ti1111l of tlH> lluntll'l•tl. nn<I this ('\'PHI wns tlll' 1·lospst ol' tilt> wholp llll'l'ti11~. On·hanl wa..; first. with (),11p,1· a dost' sl't'OIHI. 111Hl thl'I'<' was h11ni1,1· 1111ythi11;..: to d10us1• hl't\\'t'<'ll \hhotl Ii.. l'olh nncl Law: th1• ti1111• was l bP<'. 'l'hl' 11la1·ps in thl' .Junior 1·1·pnt 11·1•rp filll'd h~· B1•1·prlcll-(P. l·;llison. 1111<1 Kini.:. thl' tlisl:tlH'<' twin..: 1·on•rl'd i11 th1• fast ti11w of HJ i-.i;;p1·s. Trwti:1•011. \ll'l'hPrso11 ii. HlH I \lltil'I'\\':< \\'l'l'l' Slll'('l'ssful ill tllP 111Hll'I' 11 Sl'dlon. 'l'ht• :.?:.?O Ynr1ls wa-: tlH•ll dl'dtl!'ti. Or<'hnnl 11:,.:ain hPln:.: fir;it. with La\\' and Dnn>~· followinl-(. 'l'lw pln<·l''< in tlH' .T1111lor t'l'1•11ts \\'PI'<' llw snnw us In thl' llmu1J·p1l. l\ld'hPrson ii. 11·011 tlw lliHil' I' t t llli.:h .l11111p. from \spr1•,1 nml ll11r1h•n. fnlli111: ut -lft. lin. In tlw l'rl'p:11·ato1',\' S1'110ol 'l'11i.:-o'-\\'11r. thl' l>a~- lloy,.: \\'l'rl', of eours<'. sll<'l'l's:<ful. (T111• ll'ritl'r of this 11111st la' u D11~· noy. snrl'ly ! l~n.). Thi' 11w1>tin!! l'Jo><l'cl with thl' \Iii<'. This l'\'l'nt Or1·h;11'1l ran 11wu~· with In i.:r1'11I s tyli•. 1·m·1•rl11i.: th1• <li«h1m·p in .imin. 12«P<'., whlll' \\'11tllni.: 1'1111 l'll'<ll,1· into sp1·01ul pin<'<' with Pott« thir<l. Or<'hnnl thns P"lahllslws tlw splp1111id l'l'<·ortl of win11i11~ tlw 100 Ynrtls. :.?:.?O Y1mls. 1111 Yunls. <;~o Yards. 111111 :\lill'. a fpllt whkh will tllkl' 1·011'<itl1•rt1hll' hP11ti111:; 111ul. thanks to him. aml nl,;o to \\'nJl;pr, who run first in tlw llunll1•s. 111111 Law, who won tlw BrmHl .Jump, Hlxth Form 11111l11t11i11 th1•ir poss('sslo11 of thl' Sl'nior Shll'ltl by f;l'<'llrlui: .;'I poiut-.:, mninlr throni:h thl' l'fforts of Potts. 111Hl Fifth Form 1n•n• points out of u possihle 6-l. Form IY. H c·11m1• i"l'<'0111l. with :10 thlrtl . In tlw .Junior Dlrlsion. IY. B wt>re first. with :10 points. :1 \ s('c·owl. 111Hl Yth Form third. .\lto~ethPr till' rpsults of tlw nwl'tlni?: nrl' 1·pr~· 1•1wourni.:h1i.:. u1Hl show that till' S!'lwol hus soml' 1er~ ~00<! uthlPtit• muleriul to work on.

'l'HE NEWINGTO:'i'IAN. 707

Thi' followi11;.: is n <·ompll'IP list of Ill\' plan•s ;.:ahll'<l hy l'll<'h For111. llll' IH1l11h h<'i11;.: ~ .. ;. ::. :! a11d J. 110 l'orm l>l'lll!! ahlt• to t11k1• t \\ 11 pla•·<•s 111 t h1• sa 1111• <'H'lll :

100 lord.~. ()/11'11. Ordianl (\"!.). 1: Dan•.'·(\.).:.!: .\hlH1tt ii.(\.), :1: l'olt (l\'.IL). I: Law ( \"I. ). j. Ti1111•. lls1•1·s.

100 l11n/x. 11111/1r lli.-ll1'\"1•rid;.:1• (I.\). I: l~ll iso11 (\.). "!: l\i11i: (t.\). :t: \\11lk<'r (1·.). l: (,ra11tpr( l\'. I:) .. ;. Tl1111• JO t-.js(•1·s.

1110 >11n/x. 1111111'1" l I. Trud;.:Poll ( ::.\). l: ~ld'hl'rs1111 ii. ( t: .). :.! : \11dn•ws (:l.\). :: ; .\s11n:y (I.\), I; \\'alkl'r b·. ( I\) , .;. Ti1111'. J:.? :,?I.') :->('('~.

:.!:.!O )'ardx, 0/11'11. Ord111nl (\'I.). l: Law. (\I.).:.!: llt1 1t'.\" ( \ .). :J: .\hhotl II. ( \ .), I: l'otl>< (J\'.ll), .;. Tlt111•, :.!,j :J-.j ,;1•1·s.

:.!:.!O l'11rli11, 1111</cr l!i. Bt•H•rid;.:c (I.\). l: 1rn\'so11 (\".). :.!; 1\111;.: (1.\), :1: (lru11ll'r (Hl), 4: lla1tt·ut·k (1.\), .;, Til111•. :.!.; :J-5

:.!:.!O l 11r<lx, 1111dtr l 1. Tru1l;.:1•011 (::.\ ). I: ~l<-l'lll'rso11 Ii. (I:.). :.!: \111ln•ws (:!.\), :1; \sprcy (4A), \\'alkcr i,. (1.\). 1. 'l'ltlll'. "!H

I to l arrlx. IJ/11'11. Ordtard (\I.). J: .\hhott ii. ( \'.). :.! : l>a11•.r (\.). :J: \\att111i: (I\.). I: Potts (l\.H) .• ;. Timi•.;,~ :!-.i sp(·"·

sso \art/.~. <>11111. Ordrnrtl ( \ "J.). 1: l'utts ( l\ .ll), :.!: \\"atl i11:.: (\I.). :J: \hlH1tt ii. {\'.), 4: \!;11111 (\ .. ) .. ;. Ti1t11•. :.! 111i11s. l I s1•1-, •.

sso l11n/x, 11111/1'1" IU. fl•:1Jisu11(\'.).1: Wllso11 (\'.). :.!; (.ra11t1·1· (Ill), :l: ,Jpffn'.'' (II:), I: llu11t ( \'.). :;. Tinw. :.! mitts.:.!:! s1'<·s

l/i/1', ()fllll. Ordtanl (\ I.). l: \\atli11;.: (\I.).:.!; 1'11tfs (Ill), :; : ::it1•wnrt (\I.). I; Want ( \ '.), :;. Timi•. ,; mills. J:! s1•1·s.

l/11nl/f 'X, 01w11. \\alk1•r (\'!.), 1; .\lt-C: rl';.:or (Ill),:.!; l'oth (Ill). :i: \la1111 (\".). 4; D11,·1•y (\'.). :;. 'J'inw. t'-1 J-.i s1•\·s.

l/11nl/1"~· uwlcr Hi. Gruukr (Ill). 1; ~\'\llllllll (:Ill), :.!; (a1111·ro11 (Ill},::: ,Jud<I (Ill). I. Tiuw. 11 t · IO :<1•1·s.

;,; l artlx. l'l'<'JJ(ll't1/0l'JI HU('£'. )lt·Pla·r~oH ii., 1; J\t 111t ish. 2; .\I al t ht•\\'S, a. 'l'i Ill(', !I :.! ::; Sl'("S.

7.; ) ard.~. 11111/<'I' 11. Lawp,; ii.. J: Jom•,.:, :!. llrrmd ./1111111. fJ/H 'lt . Law(\' !.). 1: l 'olts (Ill). :!; l'lll'lps

(Ill). :; : Da,·1·y ( \ '.), l; Ord1anl (\"I.). :;. l>ista111·10, lift. 10'.in. Jlm111/ ./11111J!. 11111/fr J(j. ,Judd (II:). t: <o1·a11t1•r (Ill). :! ;

l111di:;;1111 (:l.\). :;; ::itcwart (3.\). l: l 'arQ· (\.), :;. Dbta11•·10, J(j(t. !0 '1 111.

lli11h .fl/lllJI, Uflllt. t:o;;s (41:). J :) \l('(.n•;!or (II:).:!; l'olts (41:). :i; Law (\'I.), \\' alkt•r ( \'l.). 1. ll<>ight, Gft. :!in.

lli11/t ./(llllfl. 11111/rr 16 .• Jml1l (~ l l). c:ra11fpr (~I:). 1: c:o11'lt (:lll). \\ulkN· (\.), .\luultou (4.\), 3. Height, lft. 11Ji11.

lli!llt ·llllllfl. 11111/f"r 11. .\ld'hl'rso11 ii. (It.). 1: .\spn',\' (:;,\), ·• · t:anh•11 (:l \), Hllthlc (l'.), :~. Height, Ht. Jiu.

/'n /W rn lflr// Nl"/uJ1JI 7' uy-u'- ll'ar. Da~· !lo~"·

l'11i11/x ill •'-'111i1Jr Nllitld. \ " I. Form. 1. .;~points: I\ .I: Fon11. :!. :rn polttls: \. Form. ::. :!O 11<1i11ts. )laximum. U! 110!11ts.

/'oi11f 11 in ./ 1111 ifn· IShil'lcl. I \'.D. Form l. 30 ll<lillh; a.\ Form. :!, :! l pointi:;; \'. Form, 3, 21 t1<1ints.



"" eo11;.:raulah• .\sto11. La111•s, Cripps, \\ant. Jluut, Bmnleu. l o;.:hla11. aml <:ray 1111 1111ssi11;.: the Lt•a1·i11;; .

• \lso .\,.;ton . La111•s, Hllll l11111 t uu ohtuiui11;.: E.\.hlhitiu11s.

\\ e heartil,1· c·1111;.:rnl11lall' ll1111t. i:ll't1dall, l>11d,mPll .• \ladudoc'. \\ alkc•t', .\lain. \\'arcl. Eclwnnl,.;. \\°ilsu11. lll'~ woucl , 1:n•eu, \hhutt ii .. J l'll k~· 11. Trmwoll i., .\ llllerson, l la11c·cx·k, llc•wi,..11, l{lrhJ, ~I uuro, .\lukh. anti 'l'horpt' 011 pa,..si11;.: till' lulc'rUietliot1'.

H11(•dal 1·ur1;;rntulatiurn; arc cllll' to ,\,..tun for bi:; fitll' l.1•a1·i11g 1'11""· 1111tl ll1111t (who ;.:ot tile hl',.;t IJuJ·s' iiass). Datl,.;well , i:l1'11tlall, and ~ludutlot• iu the lutenuedlall' .

. \11 l'xtrnC'l ha,.; lit•t•u fo1111Ll i11 I h e lluuk of .\ rtl'IJlll" ( d11111. 1'., 1. :.!:.!). whic-b is sin;.:11l11rly a1111ruvri11te tu the sdtool 111•st:

.I 111/ .~01111 lm11111tt thr 111 11111~i<'al i11.~lrum111/11; trlt<rl'fon 11nat 11·a.~ llir · <·011111/ai1ti11y u11w1111 .~ I lltrMt ' llwl lirf'<l n11111d a/ioul /111· tlw 11oi~( I/ml lit!'// !Li</ 111a/;(· H'<111 a11 lit< h<11·11w11y of lltr · li<w11L<'CI;

\\ hilst 011 the ,.:a111c ,.;11h.lt•l-t \\'(~ rcm1•1uhcr ht•urin;.: of 0111' pan•11t 11 ho huu;.:bt his offsprln;..: 1111 l'XJ1t•11sin• p:-:ulter, 011 t·u1ulltiuu thul lit• left it ut :;t:bool. 'e ;.;ods aml kcttlt..'!lnnu,; !

\\' c t·uu;.:rat 11 lalt' .\. I\. UeH•ritl;;e uu passiu;; llis .\ rl it'll'tl l lt•rks' Examination .

• \l1•1111Jer o( .\11·. ,J ie',; 1"re11d1 ('las,.;, lrn11slati111-: "I ls uid111it•11t auluur dl• la t·url'.": "'l'hl'.I' 1Uatl1• tlll'ir 111•,;ts ro11111l till' t'lll'lllt'."

i:ll L:\L: \ .<'.O.'x ;•\c·hoo/. The n•adl'r mu;.t iUia;.:int• lht• s11m11l i11 fo111·s .. \ :-;t y: "Tu form tll'o det'L' sou t11h1• a Jiii!'\' tu 1111' 1\'ft with t lit• left foot o( :w i11d11·"· uncl a 1m1·e to lltt• rii.:hl 11 it h t IH' ri;.:ht fool :!i indtt•s. This will hriu;; ~ ou hac·h tu J our old [Josi-tiou." liow true!

\\'1• <·ondoll• with a11cl <·011clt•11111 lhost' tadt'h who fl'll out 11s 111·ospl'di1·e .\.C'.O.'s. 111111 lll'l'I' rt•ll'anh•d h~· hl'iu;; kppl had•. .\u d!'lubt lhi:-; oll'l'·t'arl~· ntll of tluty is tile l'Xpla1111lit111 of llw Jt1'l'>'t'11l pau<:ity of the da:-s.

\\ 1• ll'elc·11111t• ht'111·t ii v 11 llt'll'<·o1111·r 11 hu can do l h1• I I 1111cl n•d i 11 !l :!-J "t•c·owls ( '!). 111 l~e \II ::ldt0<1l,.; l:H<'I' at lb1• Polin• :uul Fin• 111P1i°s (aruilal wt• \'\.(ll'('lt•cl to st•1• i.:n•11t thi11;.:s, hut 11hc•11 thl'Y 11t•re n•ucly to ,.;tart the lit'.\.[ hl'nl al11s ! he 1n1,, still lnul;.:!11' on, tnul;.:i11' 011. (.\t•1•clll'":; to sa~· the ex11l1111atiou of this i:o; that h1• strul'I' au air pocket.)

\\'t' arc ;.:lad to s<'l' old .\1•11i11;.:t1111 lllllllt'" <'1'oppi11;.: up in llw list of .\t•w Uo~·s. s\l<'h as llatt'. Bakt•r. En;.:lt•rt. ::51t•1111rt. .\la~· il be c1·er :-;o !

)fr. J-il•: "You cl<m't mill(! hreaki11;.: l•rt•m·h rtlll'-.:, hut if J·o11 0111~· frll tlown 11 bolt• a t·ouple of t iUies, und llruke ~·uu1· ued•s um·e or twice, yuu'tl IJc careful tlie ue.\.t tiUic.' '

'l llE XEll'l;'\GTO:'\L\:'>. 769


.\11 p11tb11,..ia"t k 1UP1'li11:.: of th1• Ohl .\1•11 iu.:.:touiaus' i ·uhm took plan• ut till' < ollt•t-:t' 011 Frida~. ls( :\lan·b. It l1t•in:.: lht• anmrnl :.:l'lll'l'll I nH•t•t i 11:.:. tlw 1•lt•<·1 ion>< look 111:11·1•. 1\i t h 1 IH' follo11 i 11:.: n• · suits: l'n•sidl'lll, l'. ll. Colt1uhoun, .\l.L .. \.; 1·if'c-pn•sitll'1Jts, H. ( 0111ish1111, .\lilto11, 8. Lo1·1'. 8. \\' .. \Joun•.\\. E.\. Hohsoll, ~J.J, \ .. \. ,J. l'hillips, J: .. \. \\ardl'll; t·ou11try 1·i<-1•·pn•sitl1•11ts. II. (' .. \lt•t•k ( l:ta,\llP)). D. ll. !laird {Dnhho), ll. ('1111ui11:,.:ha111 (ll11rn•11 ,J111w· tlon). II. Hpl'IH'\' ('l'au11rnrth). F.\\'. llutto11 { l:ul'ldrnm11to11), I·:. ll. ()uodlln:.: ((ooma); <·otmdi, J. 8 .. \IJholt. F. Lawe>", \\'. L. :\loon', .J. H. 'l'ho111>"011, ( '. IL \\'ilcy, \\'. ('. \\ ilso11; 11011. lr1'l1sun•r, I·:. ::;. i\!'l)lla<'k, l•;11uilalJll' Huihlin;.:>', <:cor;;I' 8t 1·cl'l, tit~·; joilll 11011. sl'<'l'l'lu l'il's. 0. ~. l'a rkcr autl \\ .. \. I 'l'l'Sl'ut t.

'l'lu• n•tll'l11;.: pn•sid1•11t. ~\lr. iL l'owlh<ha11. 111atl1• a sp1•t•l'h, iu 11 hkh h1• r1'f1•1Tt•d mainly tu the i11uontlio11 a1loptpti i11 his pt'riotl of otlil-1', dz .. t IH' sl°IH'JUI' of >'t•rnli11;.: a box uf 1·01uforh to 1·:td1 01•1 t:o.1 at Ill<' frn11t. \1·k11owled;.:ruc11h had alt·1•ady ht•t•u rt·•·t•il 1'11 from >'l'leral r1•<'i(lil'11ls, aml :-urue of the it•lt1•r" 111•rt• n·atl. all agn•t'i11;.: 111 tht•ir u1111rt•<·iatiou of the um•xpt'1·tcd :,:ifl><. \ full li-.t of lhos1• who IHI\'\' so far a1·k11u11 kd;.:cd their pan·l'is is :t>< fol1011": < aptuin I•'. T. I> .• \lt•are,.,, \lajur T. <: .• \lillncr. Lit•ul. <:. S. Jtolmt•><, (aplnin I' .. \. \lorrb, Dril·cr E. l:. Taylor, l'rirnlt• 8. F. Hr.rnnl. c.unner J. \I. T11,1·lor. (;unucr (. 8. Logan. Troo11t•r J\. (. l:ih·~·.

:::ill]llK'l' It 8. :\luorl', Dril·cr E .. \. Cull, Truu(J<.'l' T. < • \lurru11, Troo11cr 8. Hruomt•.

Jn an u11<11•rt11ki11;.: of thb kind. risk,; an• uaturally 1111111·oitl· allh•. 111111 thou;.:h till' majority of tlll' pan·t•ls "l'l'lll Lo lit• 1<1tfrl~ l'\'lll'hin;.: tlwll· dl'slina t ion, 0111• lia t\'11. 1h•><t111 tl'!wcl on :.!:.!tul \ m .. hacl th1• llacl luek to mt•Pt with a c:t•rman sul11H11ri111• m·ar th1• l'IHI of tlH• journ1·~" \\I' hl'l'l'll'ith append n list of thosl' to whom thl'sl' pan·l'ls 111'1'1' tll'spal<·lll'<I, Jc,.;t lhl'y !war of othl'rs arrilln:.:, and 11011tl1•r if t hi',\' an• forgotlen: \\·arrant Oflii·t•r 11. \\. 1'1111 ell, I lomilu rd i1•r I". JI. Ha na i-<011, l'ri nt tl' .\. ('uthlil'l'l,.:011. ( 'oa·pora I l'. < ut hh1•rtso11. <:1111111•r \\'. 8. Findlay. l>rh·c1· L. ('la rkt•, C'orporn I II. c:. l'io-k1•rlng. <:u1111t•1· ('. K llt•cltlall. <:1111111•1· c: .. \. llinning, lll'IT. L .. \. ('rnwthl'r. ( aptain 0. II. \\'ootlwanl. l'rila t1• I:. ('. L1was, l'rilalt• .\ .. \. lla,1·, <:uum•r (. (•; . • \lo~·t·><. Lic11l. ,J. llowr,1. Lil•ut. .J. \\. Hi1wlair. Li1•11l. 0. T. t:oll1•rl>'11H. l.it•ul. i". <:riflilh><, l"li;.:ht i:'i11h-l.ie11l. c:. I•: .• J11h11><011. l'rin1te .\. (. :::>t1•1t•11so11. llri1t•r .\. \\. l·'airfux. Hl'l'gl'Hll( S. I:. Traill, C:111111er .\. l'. Lu111•. l.it•ut. I: . . \I. l:l't1:.:rn11'. Ha11p1•r II. tit• \'. .\lcxa11<ler .• \lajor I". \larshnll. l'rirntl' \. \ \ '. .Ja na1•s. Tru mp1•l\•r I". L. Thol'( >t'. l'ri n1I1• . \. I 'i1·k1•1·iug. I 'ri-

1 al\• t:. E. :>l11rra,1. l'rirnlt• 0 .. \. l:idianl><. l.h-11!. 1" ,);lt'kso11. Lil'ul.T. H. Tt•rrns. l'rin1te H. 8. "hitcwan. (;uuut•r I'. 8. Da11sou , Lit•u t. \\ . ( n1t1k1•.

011f'I' mOI'\' \\'I' offl'I' ('1111,L:l'al.ulations to tile l'l'l'i(lil'llh of ntl'i· <His cil'<'ol'lltions: \lajor T. \\' ills-.\llt•11. for th1• D.8.0.: Li1•11l. 1". \\". ,Jaf·k><oll. for thl' \Jllitar~· Cro:-<><; anti Hl't'.:.;t•1111h 1:11><'-l'll .Ja1111"· 1<011 111111 t:. \\. ,J. Lt•t• for thl' :.lilitaQ· .:.it•1lal.

It is i<Ollll' f·on:-<olation lo llw rPlatil1•s of ('aptai11 \. I.. Hewish to kno11 that IH' wa,; 11w11tio1wcl in tll'spatdws for gallantr~· in the l'll,L:ai..;1•1111•11t in whkb h<' lost his lift'. 1t1HI 1111• following tril.mtc lu u letter from one of his fcllow-otlit·t•r:; say;; little uutl


lllPans m11l'l1: ''You \\ill llO doullt hn n• heard erl' this that Les. lh'wbh \\Us kilh•d in 11diu11 on J/10/17 in the Battl1• of Broo1l-"l'i1Ull' Huad. nl•ar Ypn•s. 1 t was till' das aftl'r tl11• altad•; his 1·ornpall~ h11cl just 111•!'11 n•lip\'l'cl, a111l hl' wus 1·u111ini.; out \\ ht•n a st rny :-;hl•ll hur><t. and a ph•1·l• hit him in till' lwart. lkath \\a" i11><ta11talll'oUH. \\'p i.;ot hlm iuto till' dl'l'Hsi11i.; station 11t Olll'l', hut it \\Hs loo late; l dui.; hi>< uran• at rn11·1., awl l1111·Jpd hi111, a.~:-;i,.,((•d

lir my pulH. Ll's. UHl'd to hl• our H(•1·tioll <·omllrnllcll'l' \lhl'll ln thl• 1Ht \[.( '· ( '01111u1ny last ~ l'a r. a111I we 11 I\\ up; lookl'cl 111111ll him 11s one of tlu• hest. lll' \\as huri(•d al till' Yillai.;c of .\loh•n1111,.,l'hlhol'li, aiul a 111·0111·r <·ross painll'd Hllll rnarkt•tl is ou the old dtup's i.;run•."

'l'hl' distiudio11 \\hl«h has just 111'\'ll l'Ollfern•tl 1111011 Mr. 11. E. Buthll'll b, Wl' fepl. a most merited 0111', a11tl Oltl l\(•11l11i.;loniarn; a<Tortl hi111 heart.~· t·oni.;rnlulatio11s Oil ltl'ing a1111oi11ll•tl 11 l'ow-rnauclt•r of till' Orde1· of the Jlritisb Eu1plrn. The work that h e tlld as Fi l'>'l ( 'oillmi:-;,.,Jo11l'l' of tllc .\ u:stralian Coillforh Fuud ncclls uo rept'I it io11.

Lit•ut. .\. F. ::iutto11 has l!eeu honoun•cl, too, oil li1'i11i.; appoillll'cl Ufli<'l'r of tltl' Onh•r of till' British E111pirl', Ulltl prowotl'tl to a <·uplui11t·,\. M> lly thi" douhll• tliHti1wliu11 lll' :;ccm~ to be wol'thily u11hohli 11i.; St•\1·iu;.;tou':-: l)(':-;L tradilio11s.

I L ls with re;.;rl'l that we t·hru11kl1• the clt'u t h of l•li;.;ht Lh·ul<'lllllll .I. L. Saiul,\" from inj11ri1•,.; n•<·eh·l'tl Oil ad iYt• :-;enio't' with the .\.F.l., autl l'rirnte C. ~lim•r, who was kilh•tl i11 adiou "l'\"l•rnl JUollths a;;o. Sl'ri.;t•ant E. \\' . l\ortr autl Corpornl 'L \\'hit-toll, \\ hu \\·ert• ><OIUC t l111c ai.;o t"l'l>Ol'll'tl rnb;.;iu;.;, 1111 n• holh uuw hl'l'll n•rno\'etl to lit\' ll;;t of lho"l' kllll'cl in al'llo11. \\c ;.;n•atly l'l'i-(l'\'t tl.H· loss of Lhl'SC \:Oilll'UUCS, uml l'ClUCillUCl' their rclalh CS Ju lhl'il' HUl"l'O\\'.

I 'ronwt ions amu11:.::;t Ohl J\l'Will;.;tcuilau;.;. tl1011;.;h \\\' ha nil~· likt.' to <·0111pan• tlw111 with t be pron•rhiu I 111-\H'l'lis. lll'\·1•rt hell'"'" ,..e1•111 tu :.:row upan•, allcl \\(' ha\c u ;.:ootl lrnn·ps( Oil<'\' 111on•. Cap-tain I>. 1:11<"1111111111. Captain T. c:. ~lil111\'r. 1uul ('aptulll c:. II. l'arker Ila\\' all uhtainetl thl'ir 1l11ijurities, \I hill• Lil•ut><. l'. h .. \ll\'11 alld \\ . . \I. l•:cl\\'arclH. Lioth of th\' ll.KF., hll\'l' put ll[l th1• third s llll' of a <·aptal11. 8l'l'>;t•aut S. H. ' l'ruill. \I ho:-t• adll·t• scnln• run:-: i11to somt' ,\pars. has ht•<•ll 111·u111otl'<i to a s\'<'lHlcl lil'lllt•111u11·~, 111111 J:um-bardi1•r h. J:. \\ in11 lit>\\ tll:<pla~· ,., thre1• sl rit>l'"'·

\\.I' an• rl'tll"l'S\'lltt•cl ut lll1• Uan1wks ill Yarious <'H[nlt'itil's h~·

LiPut". C. \. llruu;.;h, \. I\ . • \lnnl'~·-Lakt'. alld .\ . S . .:--1111ll l'altrlc-l,, al I of whom ha Ye n•t tll'llt•tl frurn u1·I ile >'<'n·h-1•. Lil'Ul. J. C. • . \kKPrn h11s h1'l'll pla<"l'tl 011 the Hcsene of Ollicer:s iu the .\ustru-liau 111 ll ita rr l•'orees.

('11ptaiu ll. Dolma11 hatl a 1rnrro11 "l111n• in 11111<•,.tilll'. h\'iu;.; :.:ra;-.1•11 h,\ an al'roplan\' h11ml1. whidt 11111,\ sli;.;htlr wo1111ch•cl hirn. t apt11ill E.\\ .. \tkiu:--ou has ht'l.'ll :.:a,.:-;1•111111 his n•turll to the fro11t. 111111t '11[1lai1111. L. J:it·lmnl, ~I.( .. arnl c;u1111er H. H .. \lll'll ha\l' lioth hacl a "i111ilar expt•ri1•1wt•. Lall<'t•-l'orporal .\. J. l'H\\'ll'~· has l11u•11 wot111tl1•tl fm· the tllil'll tlml', this time scn•rcls, hut we hun• hacl HI>

llt'\1·:-; <·011c·t•r11i11g the 11rugn•1"<s of an.r of thc><c l\l'\\ lni.:tonia11s. ::iupper S. 11. Ci. ~\it'Kl•n1. \\'llOill Wl' re11ort1•u wo1111cl!'cl ill our lust issue. ha,; uow, we regrl.'l lo :-u~·. hl'l'll J>0steli mlsslllg ul,.o. We :sim·crcly hope l!is vareut:s will rccehe :-uti:sfu<:tory llew:; l>cforc loug.

'l'm~ N~wTNnTONTAN. 771

flnnJH'l' TI. W. Pr<>l lrn<: mn1l<> his l'!'-npJ'l('nrnnrr in An<:trnlin. nml OIH'<' mor<> flonne<l "dn·it»•." Prin1t<> "'· n. ~f<"C'ourt hno;;; h<>en inYaliflE>il honw from Rnhnul with mnlnrln. nncl Prlvut<> ('. B. "·r:1R'I<>~· hns nlso rrhtrnr!l wo11rnlr1l from Prnn<·e. Thrl'<' morl'. J.ieut<: .• J. •rnrn and H. I•'. Potlfl. nncl C:unn<>r C'. S. Lognn nre l'Xpf•<·t<•1l h11<·k <:hnrtly: Lif'nt. ' l'nrn wn<: womHlNl ngnln hnmP!li-nt<>l:v on rPfnrnlng to clnt~·.

Ll<>11t. H. J,, Dill. who only rN·<>ntly 1·nm<> horn!'. hno;;; <:o far r1•ro1·1•rNl from hi<: wo11n1l no;;; to hi' fit to rl'tnrn to nf'fil'<' <:<>r1·i1·r. lllHl WI' h<'llr h<> llll!'l nlr<'n<l~· 1Pft .\n!'ltrnlla.

Ltrnt. TT .• J. Ena;ll'rt, nftN' n lona: <:fl<'ll in c·amp. Im<:: now 1Pft with tlw QnP<'n<:lnn<l 0111<'<'1'<:' Draft. 'l'roop<'r .T. :\f1·1'<'na;11e hni'< gonr to join th<' Oth L.lT .. trnv<'lllna; with lh<' ~ ltn l:ff'IS, nnll Dril·pr K ~loulton ha« ju<:t s!lil(•fl with nn Ena:i11PPI''' 11!'if. Trooywr Jo'. <1. Stc>elr !;i nlso nttuf'lH'fl to the 6th f,.lf., nml f'XJl(•l·f-. lo ll'flV(' illllll('flillll'ly UlllPSs 1111 OJ)(•ninir in tlll' .\. l~.r. Jll'(" spnts itsC'lf. Dril·pr "'- 8hirlC'~', with tilt' \.8.C'. nt Ill!' ll:1rr11<·k,., nlso nwnit-< Ol'fl<'r" to Jll'IK'<'<'<l. mul (:1111111•1·-. H. F. ('ri)IJI"' (th<' n•1louhlnhlP Flslwr). :11111 .l. Znill IP111·p nt any tinw now with tl1P .\rti1Jp1-y. Tr tlw 11for1•-1111•ntl01w1l Fl;;h1•1· «Hll:<Ps 1111~· 111111 to rnn fnstPr than l1im;;plf, thnl lltm will <1Ps1•1·1·1• 11 1·ow of Iron f'ross!'s nllfl n wholP skin.

nr~·un 1'11lml'l' C'n!l'l'('fl 1·nmp with thl' hntf'h or r<'f·1·111t<: thnt Wl'r<• 1lnhh1•<1 "Thr Bina: J:oys," whilP otlwr:< who <'lllistt•fl in a It's-< th!'atri1·11l mnmw1· illf'hlflP \Y. <:rpy (skiPIM'I' of th!' l!lOI '\\'.). ,J. l!m1•1>, \\'. llnlll'.I'. Tl. lbt\\'kl'. \. T:. Htlfl \\'. S1·ott Ort'. lllHl till' Clllrk!' twins. 0. C. alHl (l. C. Som<> nrl' <JUitP old l1atHI:< h~· now. nnd scnnr hnl'<' not ~·pt pussNl the ;;Ina:<> or "mnr111nl:t1lc'-lti..,." IP.t wh<>tlwr Hin~ Hoy:< or J\lnrmnln<les. llw~· nrl' nil Ohl "it>wlna;ton-lan<:. nn<l ;;o WI' w!<:ll tlwm 1•1·C'r~· sur!·ps;:,

S<>ra:l'nnt \f1·'fair. for mnn~· yrnrs thl' •l<><tJ)nit· of <11•lh11111<>nt!< <'rl'e11ing lnf P to !':C·hool <:fill fiirnr<><; on tltl' ('ollra:<> a:ronmls. 01<1 Hoy" rw·ogn is<' his pn triotis111 in s<'tHl in~ fi l'I' i<Ons to t111• front. 11 n<l s~·mpllthis1• with him In tlw los>i of om'. Ser;::1•1111t \. n. ~11-Xnir. who wns rpportP<l missln;:i nffpr Bnll<'f'flllrl lllst ,,_!11.1-. nml not l1pin~ hPnr·cl of sin<«'. Is now r<'IMH'te1l killl'cl in nf'fion :it thnt h111tll'. "'p nn• ;?hill. how('1·1•r. thnt nnothC'r son. Snppcr r:. :\£1•1'\ni r , hn>< .111st r<'t11r1w1l aftPr thrJ'<' ~·pars of :<<'l'l'it-1' in <1nllipoli nncl Ft'llllf'I'. :rnd hOJI<' thnt thl' ofhpr;: nl"o mny lw i::pnrPtl to 1·omr honw.

A i<lll')ll'IS(' vi;:it \\'lls pnl<l to thr Sf'11001 h,\' Dril'l'I' ,\, ' I'. (']O!'!i'<. Pn routr fo r th<' front with a .\fr«ltnnl1·n I Tr:tns11ort Sl'rt ion. ,\;: n mPmhrr of tlw stntT ln!'!t ,l'<'ll t'. nncl lir11trnnnt in thl' Sl'nior Cmlt•ts. hi' took n 1n·omi11Pnt part In thP hn,1·s' drill 1111111·u1h'I adil'i-tiPI". \\'1• wi;;h him hon 1·0,vngl' nml a ;;aft> rPt11rn houu'.

On going to Jll'f'S<.: 11'1' l11•11r lhat Lil'llt. I•'. T. ]), ~ll'Un'"' ha-< h('('ll promoll'd to thP n1nk of «11ptnl11. and 11wntio11c>cl 111 di>sp:1t1·llC'>l. lip WllR ll'CltllHl Pd , Im! l'C'llll'IH'd to <luty, :lllfl ro1· awhilP Ill' 111·t1'<l >Ii'< O.C. for thr 10!\th Hal ll'ry whlll' :\ln,ior (l. If. PnrkPr wus nh"rnt on lN1Yr.

n1tl'l1 1111' WU!' i" O\'l'I', Hild Wt' nil tnkl' trip<.: O\'l'I' to EnrOJlC' to "ee tlw rumous huttll•licl<ls. let no otW I.le sur)lrisPd to come


111·ros" a ;;pado11s '<C't of lln:.:-onts hrarin:.: nt ii'< Pnlr:1tll"l' n plnc·nrcl hrancl!'cl ""'\1•wi11;.:ton Dn;.:-011!."' \\"lwn it is 1•\pl11in1•cl thnt It is .-,n l°Pl't cll'l'Jl. hullt on 1·01wrPll'. with 1•ll'c-t1·i1- li:.:ht nncl tl'lt'ph0111•s 1·0111-JllC't1•. 0111• will i111111PclialPI.\· ;.:ntlwr that it is lht' work of srn111• ll1111s \\"ho must lrnv1• l•l'l'n \"l'l"I" :<Ol'I"\" to ha1·1• to 1•1·:11·111111' it. 111111 lntilcl tlll'ir ho11s1• :tlll'\\". Two


l'lltl'r1;ri,ing Olcl \;p\\·l11:.:tonl11n otli 1·t"rs 1·:11111' :11·ross it. 111111 1·11tl<"Pil"l"ll this hrilli1111t iclt'll of P<'l")lt't11 -111i11:.: lht'ir 8c·ho111"s 11:11111• on lhl' roll of famP.

8onll' post -1·11rcl 1·ipw,: of tht• last Rporls c·:111s!'cl quit!' a llnttc•r in 11 cln;.:-ont ill Fn111•·1•. whPrl'. lll't'<ll1•ss to sa.r. 11 \t'll'i11;.:to11 l11hahi-l1111I clwPlt. :111cl ,:01111• olcl ,.whoo! fril' IH!s c·nJill' to 1111.1· him 11 visit. \"11rions iclt'lltili!'s Wl'l"I' p01111<·pcl on with Pag1•r 1·rlc•s: ""l'hPrc'" fltwk."' 1111cl "Th1•1·p's lll'n." nml so i11!Pt"l'sh'cl w1•rp lht'.1· thnt 11 II ogl'! h!'r it WM< 11 :.:oocl Joh tlwrl' 1n'rl' no t'lll'lll.I" t r.rln:.: 11 s11 1·prl«I' st1111t oH that p11rtic·11lnr i<pot. or lhl'y wonlcl hHYP hncl :111 pas.r Joh.

Thi' C"nrlton 11"11'< l'P<·l'ntl.r !hi' s1·1•m' of an intl'rPslin:.: f111wtio11. whc•n nil thl' Old llo.1·s of tlw (:.l'.R. at pn•sC'HI In \IC'n1111;::ll' C"11111p hncl 11 cli11111•r in town to c·elehratt' tlwir frnll•rnity. 'lc•wi11;::to11 l'l'pl 0<'~t'nt11ti1·1•s Wt'rt•: Chaplain-Captain II. 8. ( cwks. Tr11111~·r F. (, 811't'lt'. ancl Li1•11t. natl': Troop1•r \\" . c;rc·.r \\":IS 11111'01·t111111ll'ly Olli nf 1·:1111p nt th1• timt•. Thi' part~· 1111111h1•rl'fl :!s. 1111cl l11d111lt•cl Ohl 1:0.\·s from \1•wi11:.:ton. T.1\.8 .. R.( .E.C:.8 .. 8 .C:.H .. 81. l.:.:nati11s. a11cl 81. .Josl'ph"s.

\\-c· 1"1'>111 with pl!':tsllrt' that to \fr. \Y. II. \\'ill i:1111s. n ru1·1111'1' llP:lfllllllSfl'l" or \l'll"ill!!fOll ill 1'!'!0. h:IS h!'l'll c•11trt1s!l'cl thC' t11sl> or c•cliti11:.: ··1111mlpf" in lh<• .\11stn11i1111 Sl'l'il's of 8h:tkl'S1'!'lll'l' 0


pla.\·s. 1111<1 wc> ha1·p no 1lo11ht lw will clo It full j11stic·1•. The• work of \I r. 11 n r<ly \\'i J:.;011 11ispl11yt'cl hy t hi' Rodt't ~· of

.\rtists last l)p1·p11Jhl'l0 attr:l!"tl'll attl'ntion h.1· Its cll'li<·ill1• 1·olo11rill!!. Ills p1•n<'ll ;:kptl")ws 111·p w1•ll-known. nncl will lll11str11!1• 11 hook still In tlw mu kin:.: 1·011c·prning <:eor;.:i:lll 11rc·hitPc·t11n• i11 \'.8.\\". \\ e wish hi Ill l'I l'I',\" Sll("("('SS.

Thi' E<litor Ill':.:" to nr-knowll'<l.:.:<' with thnnk<: thl' followln:.: l''(<·hnrn:::c"': Thi' 8wnn. Toowoomha C:r:1mm11r 81"11001 1\t11.:.:11r.hw. Thi' Tor<-11-nc>a rl'r. Towns\·l 111' (; n11111n11r 81"11001 M 11.:.:11r.irw. The• \rmicl:1li:111. '\".KCl.R .. l'l':.:as11s. \\' c>s!Py C'olll':.:1• Chronl<-11'. 8<"0!1"11

< ·ot1c•:.:i11n. t .• TosPph's ("oil<'.:.:<' )fagnr.itw. 0111· \Ima 'l11tc>1·. Rych1c>h111. E\<·Plslor. \111·or11 .\nstralis. 1'i11~·,. !khool )fn:.:mdrw. l'rltw1• \lfl'erl l hronid!'. ( h:1rirnri. \Y:tn!!a11ni Collp_:.:i11n. 8011thportorian.


Tltr Vrwingtnnian i'l i>:"ued quarterly. A <'OPY of l'O<"lt num-her during thl' yt>ur wlll ht> forwarded to :ill who n •mlt 2/6 to the Eclltor of '/'lie \ c1ri11gto11irm, Xewington C'ollt>ge, Rtanmon>. This will lnl"lude J>O!;tage.

II' . ..t. Ptpperda11 &: Co., Pri11ter1, Pitt Street, S11dne11.

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