4 Exploiting The Mobile Advertising Revolution Roberto Lazarov

Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of 4 Exploiting The Mobile Advertising Revolution Roberto Lazarov

Exploiting the Mobile Advertising Revolution  - How to turn all the 3rd Screen Hype

into a measurable ROI.

Guns Germs and Steel or how humans evolved in the last 13,000 Years according to Jared Diamond…

Outlining the basics of human behaviour Humans are curious beings Humans are incapable of being alone having an inherent fear of solitude.

Human necessity to interact and socialize has powered business throughout history. It is no surprise Orange and Vodafone are both in the top 5 largest Romanian

companies, that telecom companies are constantly the most powerful companies in every country.

Modern Habit: Free moments when alone are filled with a scan of the agenda, a call or an sms to any friend who will help fill the void of the moment.

The mobile is the ultimate communication tool, an ultimate necessity. We don’t leave the house without it, because we are inherently unable to live without it. We are vulnerable without feeling connected, and, most importantly are hungry to communicate more with it, and to have it communicate with us.

The most powerful tool ever invented.

Sometimes we get too caught up on the nature of a certain media, or, on the details of a technology we forget the human factor of what it really all means. What really defines traditional media? How can we better understand this and apply this to mobile?

TV Confined to the home environment. Very engaging audio-visual experience. Unilateral communication. Limited ability to measure ROI. Interactive actions suffer from media break

conversion loss. Attempted expanding to outdoor with the advent of plasma.

Failure was clear due to lack of audio-visual marriage and of basic human interest in socializing and analyzing.

Posters / Outdoor static advertising Out of home reach Lack of depth to the information / limited ability to transmit complicated

messages. Lack of interactivity Difficult to measure impact, even more difficult to measure ROI. Humans are incapable of being alone having an inherent fear of solitude. Also attempts to evolve the plasma for digital posters. Costs an issue.

Video killed the radio star...A bit about technology and media

Internet Highly interactive Allows for human to human constant communication Helps fill in the empty feeling of loneliness bringing distant friends and strangers

closer. - facebook, twitter, email,… On demand content. – youtube, itunes… Support dependent for spatial displacement. Natural enemy of the TV, slowly eating away at TV usage.

The Cell Phone Ultimate communication tool truly capable of responding to the human desire for

interaction wherever and whenever. Not threatened by the internet, to the contrary a marriage made in heaven. Internet gains reach and penetration. More users have cell phones with internet

capabilities than PCs. Internet gains persistency. The internet

Video killed the radio star...A bit about technology and media

The Cell Phone

Ultimate communication tool truly capable of responding to the human desire for interaction wherever and whenever.

Not threatened by the internet, to the contrary a marriage made in heaven.

Internet gains reach and penetration. More users have cell phones with internet capabilities than PCs.

Internet gains persistency. The internet becomes everything everywhere.

The mobile telephone multiplies its basic capabilities, adding depth to the original purpose of the phone.

Largest success story: Take some basic internet functions, like email and messenger, and create a

simple, easy to use and mobile adapted solution. Welcome to the Blackberry…

Blackberry is only a first step in fully developing the internet’s possibilities with consideration to the possibilities and limitations of the 3rd screen.

Love and Marriage.....

Most mobiles have the technology to access the internet.

Operators strongly investing in developing data traffic and generating internet users on handsets. Highways and cars. Buy the car, then build the highway? Build the highway and

then sell cars?

Lack of content and information on the mobile internet limiting interest to surf via the mobile handset.

Traditional internet pages not suited for mobile handsets Heavy and slow to load Flash, Ajax, and other incompatible elements for mobile browsing. Inability to find the information you are looking for without infinite scrolling and


Why Adapt? Why mobile internet?

When you prepare a mobile microsite you get:

Near 100% mobile compliance. You can make sure your page looks great on every handset, key elements of your design and layout never get destroyed granting full control on your environment, whatever it is…

Ability to tailor information specific to ongoing campaigns. Sites designed to aid a specific campaign as tools to improve the creation of leads and a measurable ROI.

Interactivity. The mobile phone allows for quick one click interactivity, click and automatically send and sms, connect to an info line, save a contact in your address book, locate a store or product, download a cupon, virally get friends involved…

The mobile grants a huge amount of depth and without a media break brings your client or accompanies your client generating that desired ROI along with branding and fantastic reach.

Why Adapt? Why mobile internet?

Mobile marketing has to be analyzed in context of an integrated and complimentary action to your marketing strategy.

Mobile internet microsites can add depth and longevity to your campaign and help you achieve a measurable return on your investment..

TV ads can stimulate to generate traffic to the mobile internet without abandoning and breaking the connection to the TV. Mobile surfing complimentary. User can go mobile, view more info, participate, vote and then take the brand along with him once the TV is off. Interactive sparks via SMS – Pull – Push (stimulated or not) ./ direct to URL.

Poster ads can transmit to users access to a portal where they can access images, videos, games, contests, POS magnets pushing clients towards transactions, and generating a greater user awareness with the brand. Attract the users to a rich media environment on the go, become a friend then when he most is vulnerable and willing to find a “communicative buddy”Interactive sparks via SMS – Pull-push / QR codes / direct to URL

Mobile the Great – the ally of any media campaign

Internet actions and campaign can capitalize on the users desire to extrapolate the benefits of surfing and communicating with their internet world also from the mobile. Not in vain we call internet usage “surfing” users ride and search.Interactive sparks via SMS – Pull-push / QR codes / direct to URL

Print ads like poster ads can incentivize for users to dig deeper and pass in an easy way from static to video. From one picture to a full downloadable gallery of images. Registration for promotions or contests can be done on the spot avoiding location and media breaks. Interactive sparks via SMS – Pull-push / QR codes / direct to URL.

The mobile telephone is itself a medium and perhaps the best medium for a marketing campaign.

Target users with maximum efficiency and segmentation unparalleled in any other media.

Users already surfing Vodafone live! Or other internet sites a demonstrated hungry customer desperate to find more content and entertainment on their mobile.

Brands are able to fulfill this need at its origin. CTR rates incredibly higher than traditional banners between 2 and 4% Generation of leads and conversion rates incredibly high. (50 - 70%) - RODILLA

Minimizing costs and maximizing results.

Across all media you can benefit from

One time measurable results. – Your campaign can be a highly targeted promotion. Exploit the benefits of clearly defined objectives and clear feedback channels.

Increased repetition – tailor your site to retain interest beyond a one night stand. Create a mini-portal feeling with games or information of interest for repeated visits.

Constant communication with punctual newsletter reminders via wap/push or SMS along with and an updated link to the microsite, can prove a reliable way to keep in touch with your customer in a rich media environment.

Portable commercial actions; transforming the cell phone into a redeemable voucher or cupon, an offer of the week newsletter, or post purchase cross selling or upselling tool.

The ultimate viral hotspot. Campaigns can be cleverly geared to maximize the viral factor, generating a viral propagation of your message and brand.

Minimizing costs and maximizing results.

Which road leads to Rome?

The desire for interaction and hungry curiosity to search for more on the mobile permeates at all ages.

Attract users to the microsite. Create anchors in various media, and stimulate the user. Additional costs are worthwhile to generate traffic and significant results.

Measure. The mobile internet gives you an unprecedented chance to measure in real time like never before the effect and results of certain campaigns. The mobile internet will evolve into a CRM manager’s dream. Likewise you have a great opportunity to measure the bang you get for your buck. Measure your ROI. Create campaigns based on generating leads, calls, registered users or databases.

Listen.. Don’t be afraid to learn from what is done elsewhere and follow in their footsteps. Einstein always said he felt like no genius, he was just a man standing on the shoulder’s of giants.

Experiment. Don’t be afraid to experiment and invent either. Flexibility is a blessing of such contained sites you can quickly adapt and modify your message and strategy.

Interact. Allow users to upload, download, comment, play, participate, talk, search. The more interactive elements your site places, the longer the user will explore your site, improving retention and conversion. Users can upload photo albums, comments, create MMS, SMS, recipes, anything you can imagine, which he can share with other users in similar interest circles.

Key elements in any campaign.

Sample Statistics page

Mobile Internet – The last great revolutionMobile Internet – The last great revolution

Unicredit Bank

ING Bank

Brd Group Societe Generale

Wap.tesco-mobile.com and NatWest (UK Bank)

Credit Europe Bank

Bank of America

Línea Directa en el móvil


Elmundo.es and Mercedes B Series


Unicef Romania


Mobile.uk.msn.com y Sony VAIO

DHL Romania


Ralph Lauren

Time.mobi y HP


Vodafone Discovery Program Final Microsite Example

Toyota Corolla 2009

Estee Lauder mobile advertising campaign

Vodafone Discovery Program Final Microsite Example

Vodafone Discovery Program Final Microsite Example

QR Codes – SonyEricsson Australia

QR Codes – Nokia y DM en cartelería

Yahoo mobile Malasya - GUINESS

Vodafone Discovery Program

Mobile.uk.msn.com y Joop!

Mobile.uk.msn.com and FIAT QUBO

Vodafone Discovery Program Nestle Microsite Example.

Vodafone Discovery Program Nestle Microsite Example


Vodafone Discovery Program Nestle Microsite Example


Vodafone Discovery Program Nestle Microsite Example


Citroen C5 (Mobile Ads UK, MSN & Reuters Mobile)

VW Pasat C, GermaniaServicii Mobile



VW Pasat C, GermaniaServicii Mobile



QR Codes – Gillette y Datamatrix

QR Codes – Celio y Datamatrix FR

Peugeot Sport 1