3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 1

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Transcript of 3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 1

3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 1

Set 1 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

able /'A-b&l/ adjective much /'m&ch/ adjective

aim /'Am/ noun or verb near /'ni(&)r/ adverb

beef /'bEf/ noun nice /'nIs/ adjective

boil /'boi(&)l/ verb oil /'oi(&)l/ noun

boot /'büt/ noun once /'w&n(t)s/ adverb

both /'bOth/ pronoun only /'On-lE/ adjective

busy /'biz-E/ adjective paste /'pAst/ verb

chef /'shef/ noun pest /'pest/ noun

clay /'klA/ noun pick /'pik/ verb

coil /'koil/ verb pint /'pInt/ noun

coin /'koin/ noun pond /'pänd/ noun

copy /'käp-E/ verb pony /'pO-nE/ noun

cube /'kyüb/ noun price /'prIs/ noun

cure /'kyu(&)r/ noun or verb prize /'prIz/ noun

curl /'k&rl/ verb prom /'präm/ noun

damp /'damp/ adjective pure /'pyu(&r/ adjective

door /'dO(&)r/ noun quit /'kwit/ verb

drum /'dr&m/ noun rare /'ra(&)r/ adjective

easy /'E-zE/ adjective raw /'ro/ adjective

ever /'ev-&r/ adverb roar /'rO(&)r/ noun

fear /'fi(&)r/ noun save /'sAv/ verb

fray /'frA/ verb say /'sA/ verb

gift /'gift/ noun show /'shO/ verb

glue /'glü/ noun shut /'sh&t/ verb

gold /'gOld/ noun skit /'skit/ noun

hold /'hOld/ verb soak /'sOk/ verb

idea /I-'dE-&/ noun soap /'sOp/ noun

join /'join/ verb soil /'soi(&)l/ noun

jump /'j&mp/ verb sour /'sau(&)r/ adjective

kept /'kept/ verb stir /'st&r/ verb

knot /'nät/ noun such /(')s&ch/ adjective

lawn /'lon/ noun sway /'swA/ verb

left /'left/ noun or verb taxi /'tak-sE/ noun

load /'lOd/ verb thaw /'tho/ verb

lose /'lüz verb town /'taun/ noun

loss /'los/ noun trim /'trim/ verb

make /'mAk/ verb true /'tr&b-&l/ adjective

mitt /'mit/ noun twig /'twig/ noun

move /'müv/ verb whip /'hwip/ noun

Revised October 2012

3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 2

Set 1 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

why /(')hwI/ adverb with /(')wi[th]/ preposition

wild /'wI(&)ld/ adjective wren /'ren/ noun

Set 2 Words

agree /&-'grE/ verb claws /'kloz/ noun

alive /&-'lIk adjective clean /'klEn/ adjective

anger /'a[ng]-g&r/ noun clear /'kli(&)r/ adjective

army /'är-mE/ noun cloth /'kloth/ noun

artist /'ärt-&st/ noun cookie /'kuk-E/ noun

ashes /'ash-&z/ noun could /k&d/ /(')kud/ verb

aunt /'ant/, /'[a']nt/ noun count /'kaunt/ verb

awake /&-'wAk/ verb crisp /'krisp/ adjective

awhile /&-'hwI(&)l/ adverb dance /'dan(t)s/ verb

bait /'bAt/ noun deer /'di(&)r/ noun

began /bi-'gan/ verb elbow /'el-"bO/ noun

blaze /'blAz/ noun every /'ev-rE/ adjective

bless /'bles/ verb fable /'fA-b&l/ noun

blood /'bl&d/ noun fair /'fa(&)r/ adjective

board /'bO(&)rd/ noun or verb final /'fIn-&l/ adjective

boast /'bOst/ verb fresh /'fresh/ adjective

brass /'bras/ noun front /'fr&nt/ noun

bread /'bred/ noun frost /'frost/ noun

brush /'br&sh/ noun or verb frown /'fraun/ noun

buzz /'b&z/ verb glove /'gl&v/ noun

can't /'kant/ contraction goose /'güs/ noun

cent /'sent/ noun grain /'grAn/ noun

chain /'chAn/ noun greet /'grEt/ verb

chair /'che(&)r/ noun grill /'grAn/ noun

chalk /'chok/ noun hair /'ha(&)r/ noun

cheer /'chi(&)r/ noun or verb half /'haf/ /'h[a']f/ verb

chess /'ches/ noun hare /'ha(&)r/ noun

chest /'chest/ noun he’s /(")hEz/ adjective

chief /'chEf/ adjective hurry /'h&r-E/ verb

child /'chIld/ noun I’m /(")Im/ contraction

chili /'chil-E/ noun I’ve /(")Iv/ contraction

chirp /'ch&rp/ noun or verb isn't /'iz-&nt/ contraction

choose /'chüz/ verb its /(")its/ pronoun

churn /'ch&rn/ verb it's /(")its/ contraction

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3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 3

Set 2 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

knee /'nE/ noun skunk /'sk&[ng]k/ noun

knew /'n(y)ü/ verb sleet /'slEt/ noun

laid /'lAd/ verb sling /'sli[ng]/ noun or verb

lain /'lAn/ verb smash /'smash/ verb

lemon /'lem-&n/ noun smoke /'smOk/ noun

lucky /'l&k-E/ adjective snarl /'snär(-&)l/ verb

main /'mAn/ adjective sow /'sO/ verb

mane /'mAn/ noun spark /'spärk/ noun

many /'men-E/ adjective speak /'spEk/ verb

medal /'med-&l/ noun spent /'spent/ verb

meet /'mEt/ verb spoil /'spoi(&)l/ verb

mind /'mInd/ noun stage /'stAj/ noun

never /'nev-&r/ adverb stalk /'stok/ noun or verb

new /'n(y)ü/ adjective steer /'sti(&)r/ verb

order /'ord-&r/ noun story /'stOr-E/ noun

our /är/ pronoun stuck /'st&k/ verb

own /'On/ verb study /'st&d-E/ verb

pail /'pA(&)l/ noun sweet /'swEt/ adjective

pair /'pa(&)r/ noun tail /'tA(&)l/ noun

pear /'pa(&)r/ noun teeth /'tEth/ noun

prank /'pra[ng]k/ noun that’s /(')[th]ats/ contraction

quack /'kwak/ noun their /[th]&r/ pronoun

quart /'kwo(&)rt/ noun there /'[th]a(&)r/ adverb

queen /'kwEn/ noun thick /'thik/ adjective

quick /'kwik/ adjective tooth /'tüth noun

reader /'rEd-&r/ noun trace /'trAs/ verb

ready /'red-E/ adjective track /'trak/ noun

refill /(')rE-'fil/ verb trail /'trA(&)l/ noun

river /'riv-&r/ noun tried /'trId/ verb

sadly /'sad-lE/ adverb tulip /'t(y)ü-l&p/ noun

said /'sed/ verb twirl /'tw&r(-&)l/ verb

seam /'sEm/ noun type /'t&n-dr&/ noun or verb

seven /'sev-&n/ noun very /'ver-E/ adverb

sew /'sO/ verb visit /'viz-&t/ verb

share /'she(&)r/ verb we’re /(")wi(&)r/ contraction

she's /(")shEz/ contraction weak /'wEk/ adjective

shiny /'shI-nE/ adjective wear /'wa(&)r/ verb

shook /'shuk/ verb whale /'hwA(&)l/ noun

short /'sho(&)rt/ adjective wheel /'hwE(&)l/ noun

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3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 4

Set 2 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

where /(')hwe(&)r/ adverb wood /'wud/ noun

whole /'hOl/ adjective wrap /'rap/ verb

who's /(')hüz/ contraction write /'rIt/ verb

whose /(')hüz/ pronoun wrote /'rOt// verb

Set 3 Words

about /&-'baut/ preposition built /'bilt/ verb

adult /&-'d&lt/, /'ad-"&lt/ noun bumpy /'b&m-pE/ adjective

afraid /&-'frAd/ adjective burnt /'b&rnt/ verb

after /'af-t&r/ preposition bury /'ber-E/ verb

again /&-'gen/, /-'gin/ preposition bushy /'bush-E/ adjective

ahead /&-'hed/ adjective cackle /'kak-&l/ verb

almost /'ol-"mOst/ adverb canal /k&-'nal/ noun

aloud /&-'laud/ adverb careful /'ke(&)r-f&l/ adverb

amaze /&-'mAz/ verb catch /'kach/ verb

among /&-'m&[ng/ preposition chance /'chan(t)s/ noun

angle /'a[ng]-g&l/ noun cheese /'chEz/ noun

angry /'a[ng]-grE/ adjective cloud /'klaud/ noun

annoy /&-'noi/ verb coach /'kOch/ noun or verb

aren't /(')ärnt/ contraction concert /'kän(t)-s&rt/ noun

arrest /&-'rest/ verb cracker /'krak-&r/ noun

arrow /'ar-O/ noun crazy /'krA-zE/ adjective

banana /b&-'nan-&/ noun crooked /'kruk-&d/ adjective

barber /'bär-b&r/ noun crowd /'kraud/ noun

basket /'bas-k&t/ noun dodge /'däj/ verb

beard /'bi(&)rd/ noun don't /(')don’t/ contraction

before /bi-'fO(&)r/ preposition dozen /'d&z-&n/ noun

behind /bi-'hInd/ preposition dragon /'drag-&n/ noun

being /'bE-i[ng]/ verb drawer /'dro(-&)r/ noun

belong /bi-'lo[ng]/ verb dream /'drEm/ noun

bench /'bench/ noun early /'&r-lE/ adverb

beware /bi-'wa(&)r/ verb earn /'&rn/ verb

branch /'branch/ noun earth /'&rth/ noun

breezy /'brE-zE/ adjective else /'els/ adverb

bringing /'bri[ng]-i[ng]/ verb erase /i-'rAs/ verb

brushes /'br&sh-iz/ noun or verb finish /'fin-ish/ verb

bucket /'b&k-&t/ noun fireman /'fI(&)r-m&n/ noun

build /'bild/ verb fixes /'fiks-&z/ verb

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Set 3 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

found /'faund/ verb milking /'milk-i[ng]/ verb

frying /'frI-i[ng]/ verb mixes /'miks-&z/ noun or verb

garden /'gärd-&n/ noun mother /'m&[th]-&r/ noun

ground /'graund/ verb mouse /'maus/ noun

grown /'grOn/ noun mouth /'mauth/ noun

gym /'jim/ noun movie /'mü-vE/ noun

hadn’t /'had-&nt/ contraction napkin /'nap-k&n/ noun

hardest /'härd-&st/ verb number /'n&m-b&r/ noun

haven’t /'hav-&nt/ noun nurse /'n&rs/ noun

heard /'h&rd/ verb patch /'pach/ verb

helpful /'help-f&l/ adjective player /'plA-&r/ noun

himself /(h)im-'self/ pronoun playful /'plA-f&l/ adjective

hobby /'häb-E/ contraction point /'point/ verb

hoped /'hOpt/ noun police /p&-'lEs/ noun

hour /'au(&)r/ noun poster /'pO-st&r/ noun

house /'haus/ noun pound /'paund/ noun

huge /'hyüj/ adjective prefix /'prE-"fiks/ noun

hunter /'h&nt-&r/ noun purple /'p&r-p&l/ noun

inches /'inch-iz/ noun pushes /'push-&z/ verb

invite /in-'vIt/ verb quiet /'kwI-&t/ adjective

itself /it-'self/ pronoun replace /ri-'plAs/ verb

jeans /'jEnz/ noun replay /(')rE-'plA/ verb

joyful /'joi-f&l/ adjective reread /')rE-'rEd/ verb

kidnap /'kid-"nap/ verb reuse /(')rE-'yüz/ verb

knife /'nIf/ noun reward /ri-'word/ noun or verb

knight /'nIt/ noun rewrite /(')rE-'rIt/ verb

knock /'näk/ verb royal /'roi(-&)l/ adjective

know /'nO/ verb rushes /'r&sh- &z/ verb

ladybug /lAd-E-"b&g/ noun sailor /'sA-l&r/ noun

large /'lärj/ adjective scald /'skold/ verb

laying /'lA-i[ng]/ verb scare /'ske(&)r/ verb

learn /'l&rn/ verb scared /'ske(&)rd/ verb

leave /'lEv/ verb scarf /'skärf/ noun

lives /'lIvz/ noun scene /'sEn/ noun

lives /livz/ verb scream /'skrEm/ verb

locker /'läk-&r/ noun screen /'skrEn/ noun

loose /'lüs/ adjective second /'sek-&nd/ adjective

match /'mach/ noun or verb secret /'sE-kr&t/ noun

might /(')mIt// verb shadow /'shad-O/ noun

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3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 6

Set 3 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

shaken /'shA-k&n/ verb thirst /'th&rst/ noun

since /(')sin(t)s/ adverb threw /'thrü/ verb

singer /'si[ng]-&r/ noun throne /'thrOn/ noun

slight /'slIt/ adjective thrown /'thrOn/ verb

slowly /slO-lE/ adverb tight /'tIt/ adjective

smiling /'smI(&)l-i[ng]/ verb toast /'tOst/ noun

sound /'saund/ noun touch /'t&ch/ verb

speaker /'spE-k&r/ noun trainer /'trAn-&r/ noun

splint /'splint/ noun travel /'trav-&l/ verb

spray /'sprA/ verb turkey /'t&r-kE/ noun

spring /'spri[ng]/ noun uncle /'&[ng]-k&l/ noun

stairs /'sta(&)rz/ noun unfair /"&n-'fa(&)r/ adjective

started /'stärt-&d/ verb unhurt /"&n-'h&rt/ adjective

storm /'sto(&)rm/ noun unpack /"&n-'pak/ verb

strain /'strAn/ verb unsafe /"&n-'sAf/ adjective

straw /'stro/ noun untie /"&n-'tI/ verb

stream /'strEm/ noun useful /'yüs-f&l/ adjective

street /'strEt/ noun voice /'vois/ noun

strike /'strIk/ verb waiter /'wAt-&r/ noun

string /'stri[ng]/ noun wasn't /'w&z-&nt/ contraction

strong /'stro[ng]/ adjective wasps /'wäsps/ noun

student /'st(y)üd-&nt/ noun weakly /'wEk-lE/ adverb

studies /'st&d-Ez/ verb weary /'wi(&)r-E/ adjective

sturdy /'st&rd-E/ adjective weekly /'wEk-lE/ adverb

subway /'s&b-"wA/ noun won't /(')wOnt/ contraction

sugar /'shug-&r/ noun world /'w&r(-&)ld/ noun

surely /'shu(&)r-lE/ adverb worst /'w&rst/ adjective

tackle /'tak-&l/ verb worth /'w&rth/ preposition

teacher /'tE-ch&r/ noun wring /'ri[ng]/ verb

tearful /'ti(&)r-f&l/ adjective wrong /'ro[ng]/ adjective

they're /[th]&r/ contraction zinc /'zi[ng]k/ noun

Set 4 Words

ability /&-'bil-&t-E/ noun already /ol-'red-E/ adverb

across /&-'kros/ preposition always /'ol-wEz/, /-"wAz/ adverb

actor /'ak-t&r noun amazed /&-'mAzd/ verb

airport /'a(&)r-"pOrt/ noun animal /'an-&-m&l/ noun

alley /'al-E/ noun argue /'är-gyü/ verb

allow /&-'lau/ verb armor /'är-m&r/ noun

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Set 4 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

armpit /ˈärm-ˌpit/ noun caught /'kot/ verb

article /'ärt-i-k&l/ noun cavern /'kav-&rn/ noun

asked /'[a']skt/ verb cavity /'kav-&t-E/ noun

attack /&-'tak/ verb celery /'sel-(&-)rE/ noun

backfire /ˈbakˌfī(ə)r/ noun cereal /'sir-E-&l/ noun

badge /'baj/ noun certain /'s&rt-&n/ adjective

bagpipe /ˈbag-ˌpīp/ noun cherries /'cher-Ez/ noun

barnyard /ˈbärnˌyärd/ noun circus /'s&r-k&s/ noun

baseball /'bAs-"bol/ noun clothes /'klO([th])z/ noun

batter /'bat-&r/ noun clumsy /'kl&m-zE/ adjective

believe /b&-'lEv/ verb cobweb /'käb-"web noun

bellow /'bel-O/ verb collar /'käl-&r/ noun

berry /'ber-E/ noun copying /'käp-E-i[ng]/ verb

birthday /'b&rth-"dA/ noun couldn't /'kud-&nt/ contraction

bobtail /ˈbäb-ˌtāl/ noun cousin /'k&z-&n/ noun

borrow /'bär-O/ verb crayon /'krA-"än/ noun

bought /'bot/ verb cried /'krId/ verb

bounce /'baun(t)s/ verb crumb /'kr&m/ noun

breath /'breth/ noun daisy /'dA-zE/ noun

breathe /'brE[th]/ verb daytime /'dA-"tIm/ noun

bridge /'brij/ noun delight /di-'lIt/ noun

bridle /'brId-&l/ noun dentist /'dent-&st/ noun

bronze /'bränz/ noun dinner /'din-&r/ noun

bumblebee /'b&m-b&l-"bE/ noun doesn't /'d&z-&nt/ contraction

burro /'b&r-O/ noun dollar /'däl-&r/ noun

butterfly /'b&t-&r-"flI/ noun dropped /'dräpd/ verb

button /'b&t-&n/ noun dryer /'drI(-&)r/ noun

cadet /k&-'det/ noun dwell /'dwel/ verb

calcium /'kal-sE-&m/ noun easel /'E-z&l/ noun

calmly /'kälm-lE/ adverb effort /'ef-&rt/ noun

camera /'kam-(&-)r&/ noun eggnog /'eg-"näg/ noun

canary /k&-'ne(&)r-E/ noun elephant /'el-&-f&nt/ noun

cancel /'kan(t)-s&l/ verb employ /im-'ploi/ verb

candid /'kan-d&d/ adjective empty /'em(p)-tE/ adjective

candle /'kan-d&l/ noun enjoy /in-'joi/ verb

cannot /'kan-(")ät/ verb escape /is-'kAp/ verb

canyon /'kan-y&n/ noun expect /ik-'spekt/ verb

carry /'kar-E/ verb feather /'fe[th]-&r/ noun

castle /'kas-&l/ noun finalist /'fIn-&l-&st/ noun

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Set 4 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

flavor /'flA-v&r/ noun myself /mI-'self/ pronoun

flies /'flIz/ noun nibble /'nib-&l/ verb

fried /'frId/ verb nickel /'nik-&l/ noun

friend /'frend/ noun noise /'noiz/ noun

fulfill /ful-'fil/ verb nothing /'n&th-i[ng]/ pronoun

gallon /'gal-&n/ noun notice /'nOt-&s/ verb

getting /(')get-i[ng]/ verb orange /'är-inj/ noun

gibbon /'gib-&n/ noun otter /'ät-&r/ noun

giraffe /'j&-'raf/ noun ought /'ot/ verb

gnaw /'no/ verb outside /(')aut-'sId/ preposition

grabbed /'grabd/ verb owning /'On-i[ng]/ verb

guess /'ges/ verb painter /'pAnt-&r/ noun

hammer /'ham-&r/ noun parties /'pärt-Ez/ noun

happen /'hap-&n/ noun partner /'pärt-n&r/ noun

hobbies /'häb-Ez/ noun pencil /'pen(t)-s&l/ noun

holiday /'häl-&-"dA/ noun pennies /'pen-Ez/ noun

hopping /'häp-i[ng]/ verb penny /'pen-E/ noun

insect /'in-"sekt/ noun people /'pE-p&l/ noun

jacket /'jak-&t/ noun perfect /'p&r-fikt/ adjective

jellyfish /'j&rn-&l/ noun picnic /'pik-(")nik/ noun

judge /'j&j/ noun picture /'pik-ch&r/ noun

juggler /'j&g-&l/ noun pinch /'pich/ verb

kayak /'kI-"ak/ noun please /'plEz/ verb

knotting /'nät-i[ng]/ verb plunge /'pl&nj/ verb

ladder /'lad-&r/ noun pretend /pri-'tend/ verb

ladies /'lAd-Ez/ noun program /'prO-"gram/ noun

laugh /'laf/ verb puddle /'p&d-&l/ noun

lemmings /'lem-i[ng]z/ noun quickly /'kwik-lE/ adverb

lesson /'les-&n/ noun ranger /'rAn-j&r/ noun

library /'lI-"brer-E/ noun really /'rE-(&-)lE/ adverb

lilac /'lI-l&k/ noun recess /'rE-"ses/ noun

listen /'lis-&n/ verb repaint /(')rE-'pAnt/ verb

lunar /'lü-n&r/ adjective retell /rE-'tel/ verb

market /'mär-k&t/ noun review /ri-'vyü/ verb

middle /'mid-&l/ adjective ruffle /'r&f-&l/ noun

million /'mil-y&n/ noun sauce /'sos/ noun

moist /'moist/ adjective scanner /'skan-&r/ noun

munch /'m&nch/ verb shallow /'shal-O/ adjective

music /'myü-zik/ noun should / (')shud/ verb

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Set 4 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

shouldn't /'shud-&nt/ contraction unclear /"&n-'kli(&)r/ adjective

silly /'sil-E/ adjective video /'vid-E-"O/ noun

slipper /'slip-&r/ noun violet /'vI-&-l&t/ noun

spread /'spred/ verb visitor /'viz-&t-&r/ noun

sprout /'spraut/ verb walrus /'wol-r&s/ noun

square /'skwa(&)r/ noun watched /'wächt/ verb

squeak /'skwEk/ noun weigh /'wA/ verb

squirt /'skw&rt/ verb weird /'wi(&)rd/ adjective

stepped /'stept/ verb weren't /(')w&rnt/ contraction

stereo /'ster-E-"O/ noun window /'win-dO/ noun

style /'stI(&)l/ noun worry /'w&r-E/ verb

sudden /'s&d-&n/ adjective wouldn't /'wud-&nt/ contraction

swimming /'swim-i[ng]/ verb x-ray /'eks-"rA/ noun

ticket /'tik-&t/ noun yeast /'yEst/ noun

tipped /'tipt/ verb you’ll /(")yü(&)l/ contraction

tundra /'t&n-dr&/ noun young /'y&[ng]/ adjective

Set 5 Words

abrupt /&-'br&pt/ adjective aunt’s /'ants/ possessive noun

accent /'ak-"sent/ noun aunts’ /'ants/ possessive noun

ache /'Ak/ verb author /'o-th&r/ noun

achieve /&-'chEv/ verb babies’ /'bA-bEs/ possessive noun

admire /&d-'mI(&)r/ verb baby’s /'bA-bEs/ possessive noun

afternoon /"af-t&r-'nün/ noun balance /'bal-&n(t)s/ noun

against /&-'gen(t)st/ preposition banquet /'ba[ng]-kw&t/ noun

ailment /'Al-m&nt/ noun barrel /'bar-&l/ noun

altitude /'al-t&-"t(y)üd/ noun basset /'bas-&t noun

amount /&-'maunt/ noun batik /'b&-'tEk/ noun

anchor /'a[ng]-k&r/ noun batteries /'bat-&-rEz/ noun

annual /'an-y(&-w)&l/ adjective beacon bE-k&n/ noun

another /&-'n&[th]-&r/ adjective beauty /'byüt-i/ noun

answer /'an(t)-s&r/ verb beggar /'beg-&r/ noun

apiece /&-'pEs/ adverb between /'bet-&rwEn/ preposition

April /'A-pr&l/ noun beyond /bE-'änd/ preposition

arguing /'är-gyü-i[ng]/ verb bleachers /'blE-ch&rz/ noun

assign /&-'sIn/ verb blizzard /'bliz-&rd/ noun

athletic /ath-'let-ik/ adjective booklet /'buk-l&t/ noun

attitude /'at-&-"t(y)üd/ noun booster /'bü-st&r/ noun

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Set 5 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

brighten /'brIt-en/ verb costume /'käs-"t(y)üm/ noun

brightly /'brIt-lE/ adverb cottage /'kät-ij/ noun

brilliant /'bril-y&nt/ adjective couple /'k&p-&l/ noun

broccoli /'bräk-(&-)lE/ noun criminal /'krim-&n-&l/ noun

brought /'brot/ verb crutches /'kr&ch-iz/ noun

bruise /'brüz/ noun damage /'dam-ij/ noun

buffalo /'b&f-&-"lO/ noun descent /di-'sent/ noun

bulletin /'bul-&t-&n/ noun destroy /di-'stroi/ verb

bureau /'byu(&)r-O/ noun dodging /'däj-i[ng]/ verb

burglar /'b&r-gl&r/ noun dolphin /'däl-f&n/ noun

business /'biz-n&s/ noun dragging /'drag-i[ng]/ verb

cabbage /'kab-ij/ noun duckling /'d&k-li[ng]/ noun

cactus /'kak-t&s/ noun Earth /'&rth/ noun

campsite /'kamp-"sIt/ noun eight /'At/ noun

Canada /'kan-&-d&/ noun enchant /in-'chant/ verb

canteen /kan-'tEn/ noun entrance /'en-tr&n(t)s/ noun

capsule /'kap-s&l/ noun essay /e-'sA/ noun

captain /'kap-t&n/ noun explode /ik-'splOd/ verb

caption /'kap-sh&n/ noun fault /'folt/ noun

capture /'kap-ch&r/ verb Friday /'frId-A/ noun

carpenter /'kär-p&n-t&r/ noun friendly /'fren-dlE/ adjective

carriage /'kar-ij/ noun goggles /'gäg-&lz/ noun

category /'kat-&-"gOr-E/ noun graceful /'grAs-f&l/ adjective

central /'sen-tr&l/ adjective gravity /'grav-&t-E/ noun

century /'sench-(&-)rE/ noun guild /'gild/ noun

champion /'cham-pE-&n/ noun guilt /'gilt/ noun

charcoal /'chär-"kOl/ noun halfway /'h[a']f-'wA/ noun

chicken /'chik-&n/ noun hangar /'ha[ng]-&r/ noun

chimney /'chim-nE/ noun happily /'hap-&-lE/ adverb

clinic /'klin-ik/ noun haunted /'hont-ed/ verb

cocoon /k&-'kün/ noun hazard /'haz-&rd/ noun

collage /k&-'läzh/ noun heavier /'hev-E-&r/ adjective

cologne /k&-'lOn/ noun homework /'hOm-"w&rk/ noun

commute /k&-'myüt/ verb hungry /'h&[ng]-grE/ adjective

compare /k&m-'pa(&)r/ verb ignored /ig-'nO(&)rd/ verb

compass /'k&m-p&s/ noun inhale /in-ˈhāl/ verb

complain /k&m-'plAn/ verb instead /in-'sted/ adverb

complete /k&m-'plEt/ verb inventor /in-'vent-&r/ noun

corral /k&-'ral/ noun jealous /'jel-&s/ adjective

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Set 5 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

June /'jün/ noun sickness /'sik-n&s/ noun

knuckle /'n&k-&l/ noun skillet /'skil-&t/ noun

lagoon / l&-'gün/ noun slumber /'sl&m-b&r/ verb

laundry /'lon-drE/ noun soften /'so-f&n/ verb

libraries /'lI-"brer-Ez/ noun southern /'s&[th]-&rn/ adjective

Maine /'mAn/ noun spaniel /'span-y&l/ noun

makeup /'mA-"k&p/ noun speckled /'spek-&ld/ adjective

markup /ˈmärk-ˌəp/ noun spigot /'spig-&t/ noun

meddle /'med-&l/ verb spongy /'sp&n-jE/ adjective

mistake /m&-'stAk/ noun squeeze /'skwEz/ verb

Monday /'m&n-dE/ noun squirm /'skw&rm/ verb

monster /'män(t)-st&r/ noun stealth /'stelth/ noun

movement /'müv-m&nt/ noun stitches /'stich-iz/ noun

oatmeal /'Ot-"mEl/ noun straight /'strAt/ adjective

o'clock /&-'kläk/ adverb stretcher /'strech-&r/ noun

Ohio /O-'hI-O/ noun struggle /'str&g-&l/ verb

pitch /'pich/ verb suitcase /'süt-"kAs/ noun

placement /'plA-sm&nt/ noun Sunday /'s&n-dE/ noun

plaque /'plak/ noun superb / su-'p&rb/ adjective

plural /'plur-&l/ adjective surprise /s&(r)-'prIz/ noun

portrait /'pOr-tr&t/ noun thankful /'tha[ng]k-f&l/ adjective

presents /'prez-&nts/ noun though /(')[th]O/ adverb

pueblo /pü-'eb-lO/ noun threaten /'thret-&n/ verb

pumpkin /'p&m(p)-k&n/ noun through /(')thrü/ preposition

quickest /'kwik- &st/ adjective tongue /'t&[ng]/ noun

quiver /'kwiv-&r/ verb tornado /tor-'nAd-O/ noun

rascal /'ras-k&l/ noun torpedo /tor-'pEd-O/ noun

recesses /'rE-"ses-&z/ noun tough /'t&f/ adjective

recycle / (')rE-'sI-k&l/ verb tourist /'tur-&st/ noun

referee /"ref-&-'rE/ noun tremble /'trem-b&l/ verb

rescue /'res-kyü/ verb trophy /'trip/ noun

sadness /'sad-n&s/ noun trouble /'trO-fE/ noun

salmon /'sam-&n/ noun unhappy /"&n-'hap-E/ adjective

Saturday /'sat-&rd-E/ noun unlucky /"&n-'l&k-E/ adjective

scratch /'skrach/ verb unusual /"&n-'yüzh-(&-)w&l/ adjective

scrawny /'skro-nE/ adjective unwrap /"&n-'rap/ verb

search /'s&rch/ verb venture /'ven-ch&r/ noun

seldom /'sel-d&m/ adverb weakness /'wEk--n&s/ noun

shutter /'sh&t-&r/ noun wisdom /'wiz-d&m/ noun

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Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

wizard /'wiz-&rd/ noun wreath /'rEth/ noun

woman /'wum-&n/ noun wrench /'rench/ noun

Set 6 Words

academy /&-'kad-&-mE/ noun disaster /diz-'as-t&r/ noun

acrobat /'ak-r&-"bat/ noun disease /diz-'Ez/ noun

activity /ak-'tiv-&t-E/ noun drought /'draut/ noun

alphabet /'al-f&-"bet/, -b&t noun enormous /i-'nor-m&s/ adjective

analogy /&-'nal-&-jE/ noun enough /i-'n&f/ adjective

aquatic /&-'kwät-ik/ adjective faucet /'fo-s&t/ noun

arithmetic /&-'rith-m&-"tik/ noun favorite /'fAv-(&-)r&t/ adjective/noun

arthritis /är-'thrIt-&s/ noun festival /'fes-t&-v&l/ noun

astronaut / 'as-tr&-"not/ noun fifth /'fith/, /'fif(t)th/ adjective

August / o-'g&st/ noun foreign /'for-&n/ adjective

autumn /'ot-&m/ noun fossil /'fäs-&l/ noun

bandage /'ban-dij/ noun fragrance /'frA-gr&n(t)s/ noun

barbecue /'bär-bi-"kyü/ verb friendlier /'fren-dlE-&r/ adjective

barnacle /'bär-ni-k&l/ noun frontier /"fr&n-'ti(&)r/ noun

because /bi-'koz/ conjunction genuine /'jen-y&-w&n/ adjective

beginning /bi-'gin-i[ng]/ verb glacier /'glA-sh&r/ noun

belongings /bi-'lo[ng]-i[ng]z/ noun governor /'g&v(-&)-n&r/ noun

biweekly /(')bI-'wE-klE/ adverb gratuity /gr&-'t(y)ü-&t-E/ noun

bookmobile /ˈbuk-mō-ˌbēl/ noun highboy /ˈhīˌboi/ noun

breakfast /'brek-f&st/ noun highway \ˈhī-ˌwā\ noun

catfish /kat-fish/ noun humanity /hyü-'man-&t-E/ noun

cheeseburger /'chEz-"b&r-g&r/ noun hustle /'h&s-&l/ verb

chocolate /'chäk-(&-)l&t/ adjective/noun hydrant /'hI-dr&nt/ noun

companies /'k&mp-(&-)nEz/ noun invasion /in-'vA-zh&n noun

continent /'känt-&n-&nt/ noun January /'jan-y&-"wer-E/ noun

courage /'k&r-ij/ noun journal /'j&rn-&l/ noun

crocodile /'kräk-&-"dIl/ noun journey /'j&r-nE/ noun

cruelty /'krü-&l-tE/ noun joust /'jaust/ verb

daughter /'dan(t)s/ noun joyous /'joi-&s/ adjective

decimal /'des-(&-)m&l/ noun jubilant /'jü-b&-l&nt/ adjective

diesel /'dE-z&l/ noun kindness /'kIn(d)-n&s/ adjective

dinosaur /'dI-n&-"sor/ noun lasagna /l&-'zän-y&/ noun

direction /d&-'rek-sh&n/ noun laughter /'laf-t&r/ noun

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Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

launch /'lonch/ verb seacoast /'sE-"kOst/ noun

lightning /'lIt-ni[ng]/ noun shampoo /sham-'pü/ noun

listener /'lis-&n-&r/ noun sheriff /'sher-&f/ noun

longitude /'län-j&-"t(y)üd/ noun sought /'sot/ verb

magazine /'mag-&-"zEn/ noun special /'spesh-&l/ adjective

marvelous /'märv-(&-)l&s// adjective squeaked /'skwEkt/ verb

medicine /'med-&-s&n/ noun squeaky /'skwE-kE/ adjective

misfortune /(')mis-'for-ch&n/ noun squirrel /'skw&r(-&)l/ noun

mosquito /m&-'skEt-O/ noun stampede /stam-'pEd/ noun

mustard /'m&s-t&rd/ noun stickiest /stik-E-&r/ adjective

neighbor /'nA-b&r/ noun stirrup /'st&r-&p/ noun

ninety-nine /'nInt-E/-/'nIn/ noun stomach /'st&m-&k/ noun

October /äk-'tO-b&r/ noun strawberries /'stro-"ber-Ez/ noun

octopus /'äk-t&-p&s/ noun strength /'stre[ng](k)th/ noun

oilskin /ˈoi(-ə)l-ˌskin/ noun strengthen /'stre[ng](k)-th&n/ verb

omnibus /'äm-ni-(")b&s/ noun struggling /'str&g-&l-(&-)li[ng]/ verb

ongoing /ˈon-ˌgō-iŋ/ adjective stubborn /'st&b-&rn/ adjective

ourselves /är-'selvz/ pronoun submerge /s&b-'m&rj/ verb

outbreak /ˈaut-ˌbrāk/ noun syllable /'sil-&-b&l/ noun

outcast /ˈaut-ˌkast/ noun synonym /'sin-&-"nim/ noun

overcast /ˈō-vər-ˌkast/ adjective taught /'tot/ verb

overflow /ˌō-vər-ˈflō/ verb terminal /'t&rm-n&l/ noun

pajamas /p&-'jäm-&z/ noun thought /'thot/ verb

pheasant /'fez-&nt/ noun Thursday /'th&rz-dE/ noun

pinkeye /ˈpiŋk-ˌī/ noun together /t&-'ge[th]-&r/ adverb

pioneer /"pI-&-'ni(&)r/ noun valuable /'val-y&(-w&)-b&l/ adjective

porcupine /'por-ky&-"pIn/ noun vanilla /v&-'nil-&/ noun

practical /'prak-ti-k&l/ adjective vegetables /'vej-t&-b&lz/ noun

prettiest /'prit-E-&st/ adjective volleyball /'väl-E-"bol/ noun

purpose /'p&r-p&s/ noun voyage /'voi-ij/ noun

pursuit /p&r-'süt/ noun weirdest /'wi(&)rd-&st/ adjective

rearrange /"rE-&-'rAnj/ verb whether /'hwe[th]-&r/ conjunction

recognize /'rek-ig-"nIz/ verb whistle /'hwis-&l/ noun

rehearsal /ri-'h&r-s&l/ noun wonderful /'w&n-d&r-f&l/ adjective

remnant /'rem-n&nt noun wrestle /'res-&l/ verb

repairing / ri-'pa(&)r-i[ng]/ verb yourself / y&r-'self/ pronoun

sandwich /'san-(")(d)wich/ noun

satellite /'sat-&l-"It/ noun

scientist /'sI-&nt-&st/ noun

Revised October 2012

3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 14

Set 7 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

accident /'ak-s&d-&nt/ noun driftwood /ˈdrift-ˌwud/ noun

account /&-'kaunt/ verb dungeon /'d&n-j&n/ noun

aircraft /'a(&)r-"kraft/ noun earmuff /ˈir-ˌməf/ noun

alligator /'al-&-"gAt-&r/ noun eastward /ˈēst-wərd/ adverb or adjective

ambition /am-'bish-&n/ noun enjoyable /in-'joi-&-b&l/ adjective

America /&-'mer-&-k&/ noun enjoyment /in-'joi-m&nt/ noun

angriest /'a[ng]-grE-&st/ adjective envious /'en-vE-&s/ adjective

anybody /'en-E-"bäd-E/ pronoun everybody /'ev-ri-"bäd-E/ pronoun

anyplace /'en-E-"plAs/ adverb everyone /'ev-rE-(")w&n/ pronoun

anything /'en-E-"thi[ng]/ pronoun everything /ev-rE-"thi[ng] pronoun

apartment /&-'pärt-m&nt/ noun expecting /ik-'spekt-i[ng/ verb

approach /&-'prOch/ verb fantastic /fan-'tas-tik/ adjective

attention /&-'ten-ch&n/ noun fireproof /ˈfīrˌproof/ adjective

Australia /o-'strAl-y&/ noun glowworm /ˈglō-ˌwərm/ noun

aviation / "A-vE-'A-sh&n/ noun Hawaii /h&-'wä-(y)E/ noun

awareness /&-'wa(&)r-n&s/ noun homograph /'häm-&-"graf/ noun

backpack /'bak-'pak/ noun humorous /'hyüm-(&-)r&s/ adjective

bathrobe /'bath-"rOb/ noun inexpensive /"in-ik-'spen(t)-siv/ adjective

beautiful /'byüt-i-f&l/ adjective inflexible / (')in-'flek-s&-b&l/ adjective

bedroom /'bed-"rüm/ noun interview /'int-&r-"vyü/ noun

bedtime /'bed-"tIm/ noun likewise /ˈlīk-ˌwīz/ adverb

briefcase /ˈbrēf-ˌkās/ noun lockjaw /ˈläk-ˌjo/ noun

brightness /'brIt-n&s/ adjective magician /m&-'jish-&n/ noun

bulldozer /ˈboolˌdōzər/ noun mailbox /'mA(&)l-"bäks/ noun

challenge /'chal-&nj/ noun marriage /'mar-ij/ noun

chipmunk /'chip-"m&[ng]k/ noun mechanic /mi-'kan-ik/ noun

Christmas /'kris-m&s/ noun medallion /m&-'dal-y&n/ noun

clockwise /ˈkläk-ˌwīz/ adverb mention /'men-ch&n/ verb

Columbia /k&-'l&m-bE-&/ noun midnight /'mid-"nIt noun

composition /"käm-p&-'zish-&n/ noun misplace /(')mis-'plAs/ verb

contraction / k&n-'trak-sh&n/ noun naughty /'not-E/ adjective

correction /k&-'rek-sh&n/ noun Nebraska /n&-'bras-k&/ noun

courtroom /'kO(&)rt-"rüm/ noun nevermore /ˌne-vər-ˈmor/ adverb

courtship /ˈkôrtˌShip/ noun New Jersey /'n(y)ü/ /'j&r-zE/ noun

cowpox /ˈkau-ˌpäks/ noun newsboy /ˈn(y)oozˌboi/ noun

December /di-'sem-b&r/ noun November /nO-'vem-b&r/ noun

definition /"def-&-'nish-&n/ noun numerator /'n(y)ü-m&-"rAt-&r/ noun

different /'dif-&rnt/ adjective ointment /'oint-m&nt/ noun

dimwit /ˈdim-ˌwit/ noun Olympia /&-'lim-pE-&/ noun

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3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 15

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Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

opossum /(&-)'päs-&m/ noun sideways /'sId-"wAz/ adverb

overhaul /ˌō-vər-ˈhol/ verb silverware /'sil-v&r-"wa(&)r/ noun

overnight /ˌō-vər-ˈnīt/ adverb skyscraper /'skI-"skrA-p&r/ noun

oversleep /"O-v&r-'slEp/ verb sleepwear /'slEp-'wa(&)r/ noun

parachute /'par-&-"shüt/ noun snowmobile /'snO-mO-"bEl/ noun

peculiar /pi-'kyül-y&r/ adjective soapsuds /'sOp-"s&dz/ noun

penicillin /"pen-&-'sil-&n/ noun something /'s&m(p)-thi[ng]/ pronoun

pepperoni /"pep-&-'rO-nE/ noun sometimes /'s&m-"tImz/ adverb

perfection /p&r-'fek-sh&n/ noun stagecoach /'stAj-"kOch/ noun

photograph /'fOt-&-"graf/ noun stickiness /'stik-E-n&s/ noun

pleasure /'plezh-&r/ noun strawberry /'stro-"ber-E/ noun

pocketbook /'päk-&t-"buk/ noun submarine /'s&b-m&-"rEn/ noun

position /p&-'zish-&n/ noun suggestion /s&(g)-'jes-ch&n/ noun

postscript /'pO(s)-"skript/ noun supposition /"s&p-&-'zish-&n/ noun

prairie /'pre(&)r-E/ noun tedious /'tEd-E-&s/ adjective

prescription /pri-'skrip-sh&n/ noun teeter-totter /'tEt-&r-"tät-&r/ noun

quarrel /'kwor(-&)l/ verb temptation /tem(p)-'tA-sh&n/ noun

quicksand /'kwik-"sand/ noun toboggan /t&-'bäg-&n/ noun

rainstorm /'rAn-"sto(&)rm/ noun toothpaste /'tüth-"pAst/ noun

rattlesnake /'rat-&l-"snAk/ noun touchdown /'t&ch-"daun/ noun

recognition /"rek-ig-'nish-&n/ noun Tuesday /'t(y)üz-dE/ noun

redecorate /(')rE-'dek-&-"rAt/ verb underdog /'&n-d&r-"dog/ noun

refreshment /ri-'fresh-m&nt/ noun understand /"&n-d&r-'stand/ verb

reindeer /'rAn-"di(&)r/ noun unfamiliar /"&n-f&-'mil-y&r/ adjective

resourceful /ri-'sOrs-f&l/ adjective unfortunately /"&n-'forch-(&-)n&t-lE/ adverb

retroactive /"re-trO-'ak-tiv/ adjective unimportant /"&n-im-'port-&nt/ adjective

routine /rü-'tEn/ noun vegetable /'vej-t&-b&l/ noun

Sacramento /"sak-r&-'ment-O/ noun victorious /vik-'tOr-E-&s/ adjective

sagebrush /'sAj-"br&sh/ noun violinist /"vI-&-'lin-&st/ noun

Saint Bernard /"sAnt-b&r-'närd/ noun volunteer /"väl-&n-'ti(&)r/ noun

scarecrow /'ske(&)r-"krO/ noun warrior /'wor-y&r/ noun

schooner /'skü-n&r/ noun waterproof /'wot-&r-"prüf/ adjective

scissors /'siz-&rz/ noun Wednesday /'wenz-dE/ noun

scoreboard /'skO(&)r-"bO(&)rd/ noun whatever /hwät-'ev-&r/ pronoun

screwdriver /'skrü-"drI-v&r/ noun whenever /hwe-'nev-&r/ adverb

scuba diver /'sk(y)ü-b&/ /'dIv-&r/ noun whirlpool /'hw&r(-&)l-"pül/ noun

separation /"sep-&-'rA-sh&n/ noun withdraw /wi[th]-'dro/ verb

September /sep-'tem-b&r/ noun yesterday /'yes-t&rd-E/ noun

shipwreck /'ship-"rek/ noun zigzaggedly /'zig-"zag-&d-lE/ adverb

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3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 16

Set 8 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

absorbent /&b-'sor-b&nt/ adjective discontinue "dis-k&n-'tin-yü/ verb

abstraction /ab-'strak-sh&n/ noun discouraged /dis-'k&r-ijd/ verb

allowance /&-'lau-&n(t)s/ noun dishwasher /'dish-"wosh-&r/ noun

announcement /&-'naun(t)s-m&nt/ noun disobedience /"dis-&-'bEd-E-&n(t)s/ noun

antennas /an-'ten-&z/ noun dogcatcher /ˈdôgˌkaCHər/ noun

antonym /'ant-&-"nim/ noun doorknob /'dO(&)r-"näb/ noun

appointment /&-'point-m&nt/ noun drainpipe /ˈdrān-ˌpīp/ noun

armadillo /"är-m&-'dil-O/ noun dressmaker /ˈdres-ˌmā-kər/ noun

attendance /&-'ten-d&n(t)s/ noun earthquake /ˈərth-ˌkwāk/ noun

autograph /'ot-&-"graf/ noun eccentric /ik-'sen-trik/ adjective

automobile /'ot-&-mO-"bEl/ noun elbowroom /ˈel-ˌbō-ˌrüm/ noun

avenue /'av-&-"n(y)ü/ noun electrician / i-"lek-'trish-&n/ noun

background /'bak-'graund/ noun elsewhere /'els-"(h)we(&)r/ adverb

barracuda /"bar-&-'küd-&/ noun embarrassed /im-'bar-&st/ adjective

breathlessly /'breth-l&s-lE/ adverb endmost /ˈen(d)-ˌmōst/ adjective

bullheaded /ˈboolˌhed/ noun examination /ig-"zam-&-'nA-sh&n/ noun

buttermilk /ˈbə-tər-ˌmilk/ noun explosion /ik-'splO-zh&n/ noun

caribou /'kar-&-"bü/ noun eyelashes /'I-"lash-&z/ noun

caterpillar /'kat-&(r)-"pil-&r/ noun eyepiece /ˈī-ˌpē/ noun

cattail /ˈkat-ˌtāl/ noun eyewitness /ˈī-ˈwit-nəs/ noun

character /'kar-ik-t&r/ noun falsehood /ˈfols-ˌhud/ noun

cheapskate /ˈchēp-ˌskāt/ noun fancywork /ˈfan(t)-sē-ˌwərk/ noun

chestnut /ˈches(t)-(ˌ)nət/ noun financial /f&-'nan-ch&l/ adjective

cleanliness /'klen-lE-n&s/ noun flashlight /ˈflash-ˌlīt/ noun

coastline /'kOst-"lIn/ noun flycatcher /ˈflī-ˌka-chər/ noun

coat of arms /'kOt/ / &v/ /'ärmz/ noun footbridge /ˈfut-ˌbrij/ noun

commercial /k&-'m&r-sh&l/ noun foreigners /'for-&-n&rz/ noun

communication /k&-"myü-n&-'kA-sh&n/ noun forerunner /ˈfor-ˌrə-nər/ noun

conversation /"kän-v&r-'sA-sh&n/ noun freethinker /ˈfrēˈTHiNGkər/ noun

copyright /ˈkäpēˌrīt/ noun gangplank /ˈgaŋ-ˌplaŋk/ noun

coughing /'kof -i[ng]/ verb gearshift /ˈgir-ˌshift/ noun

cupboard /'k&b-&rd/ noun globetrotter /ˈglōbˌträtər/ noun

daredevil /ˈder-ˌde-vəl/ adjective grandfather /'gran(d)-"fä[th]-&r/ noun

decoration /"dek-&-'rA-sh&n/ noun grandmother /'gran(d)-"m&[th]-&r/ noun

description /di-'skrip-sh&n/ noun greediness /'grEd-E-n&s/ noun

determination /di-"t&r-m&-'nA-sh&n/ noun griddle cake /ˈgri-dəl/ /ˈkāk/ noun

dictionary /'dik-sh&-"ner-E/ noun guarantee /"gar-&n-'tE/ noun or verb

disagreeable /"dis-&-'grE-&-b&l/ adjective guesswork /ˈges-ˌwərk/ noun

disappointed /"dis-&-'point-ed/ adjective Halloween /"hal-&-'wEn/ noun

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3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 17

Set 8 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

hamburger /'ham-"b&r-g&r/ noun knowledge /'näl-ij/ noun

handkerchief /'ha[ng]-k&r-ch&f/ noun lamppost /'lam(p)-"pOst/ noun

Hanukkah /'hän-än-&-k&/ noun landlocked /ˈlan(d)ˌläkt/ adjective

happiness /'hap-i-n&s/ noun latticework /'lat-&s-'w&rk/ noun

headgear /ˈhedˌgi(ə)r/ noun laughable /'laf-&-b&l/ adjective

imaginary /im-'aj-&-"ner-E/ adjective laughingly /'laf-i[ng]-lE/ verb

inconvenient /"in-k&n-'vE-ny&nt/ adjective laundromat /'lon-dr&-"mat/ noun

industrial /in-'d&s-trE-&l/ adjective leftovers /ˈleft-ˌō-vər/ noun

infusion /in-ˈfyü-zhən/ noun lifeguard /ˈlīfˌgärd/ noun

intelligent /in-'tel-&-j&nt/ adjective mailboxes /'mA(&)l-"bäks-&z/ noun

jigsaw /ˈjigˌsô/ noun mastermind /ˈmas-tər-ˌmīnd/ noun

jitterbug /ˈji-tər-ˌbəg/ noun meanwhile /'mEn-"hwIl/ adverb

journalist /'j&rn-&l-&st/ noun nationwide /"nA-sh&n-'wId/ adjective

keyboard /ˈkē-ˌbord/ noun newsprint /ˈn(y)oozˌprint/ noun

knapsack /ˈnap-ˌsak/ noun wristwatch /'ris-"twäch/ noun

knockout /ˈnäk-ˌaut/ adjective or noun

Set 9 Words

aardvark /'ärd-"värk/ noun downhearted /ˈdounˈhärtid/ adjective

abhorrent /&b-'hor-&nt/ adjective downtrodden /ˈdounˌträdn/ adjective

accomplish /&-'käm-plish/ verb dumbwaiter /ˈdəm-ˌwā-tər,/ noun

accountant /&-'kaunt-&nt/ noun earache /ˈi(ə)rˌāk/ noun

addendum /&-'den-d&m/ noun eavesdrop /ˈēvzˌdräp/ verb

admiration /"ad-m&-'rA-sh&n/ noun electricity /i-"lek-'tris-&t-E/ noun

adventurous /&d-'vench-(&-)r&s/ adjective embroidery /im-'broid-(&-)rE/ noun

aluminum /&-'lü-m&-n&m/ noun feasibility /"fE-z&-'bil-&t-E/ noun

amphibian /am-'fib-E-&n/ noun fingernail /ˈfiŋ-gər-ˌnāl/ noun

apologize /&-'päl-&-"jIz/ verb forethought /ˈfor-ˌthot/ noun

burdensome /'b&rd-&n-s&m/ adjective fretwork /ˈfretˌwərk/ noun

butterfingers /ˈbətərˌfiNGgərz/ noun graveyard /ˈgrāvˌyärd/ noun

cerebellum /"ser-&-'bel-&m/ noun guardhouse /ˈgärd-ˌhaus/ noun

chalkboard /'chok-"bO(&)rd/ noun guidepost /ˈgīd-ˌpōst/ noun

cheesecloth /ˈCHēzˌklôTH/ noun gymnasium /jim-'nA-zE-&m/ noun

cobblestone /'käb-&l-"stOn/ noun halfhearted /ˈhaf-ˈhär-təd/ adjective

counterpoint /ˈkountərˌpoint/ noun handwriting /ˈhand-ˌrī-tiŋ/ noun

democratic /"dem-&-'krat-ik/ adjective harebrained /ˈhe(ə)rˌbrānd/ adjective

denominator /di-'näm-&-"nAt-&r/ noun heartbroken /'härt-"brO-k&n/ adjective

doughboy /ˈdōˌboi/ noun hemisphere /'hem-&-"sfi(&)r/ noun

Revised October 2012

3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 18

Set 9 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

hydroelectric /"hI-drO-i-'lek-trik/ adjective pharmacist /'fär-m&-s&st/ noun

hydroponics /"hI-dr&-'pän-iks/ noun portfolio /port-ˈfō-lē-ˌō/ noun

impeachment /im-'pEch-m&nt/ noun punctuation /"p&[ng](k)-ch&-'wA-sh&n/ noun

interference /"int-&(r)-'fir-&n(t)s/ noun quarantine /'kwor-&n-"tEn/ noun

kindergarten /'kin-d&(r)-"gärt-&n/ noun radioactive /"rAd-E-O-'ak-tiv/ adjective

mathematician /"math-(&-)m&-'tish-&n/ noun rectangular /rek-'ta[ng]-gy&-l&r/ adjective

mimeograph /'mim-E-&-"graf/ verb restaurant /'res-t(&-)r&nt/ noun

mischievous /'mis-ch&-v&s/ adjective ridiculous /r&-'dik-y&-l&s/ adjective

mockingbird /ˈmä-kiŋ-ˌbərd/ noun scrawniness /'skro-nE-n&s/ noun

mouthpiece /ˈmouTHˌpēs/ noun somersault /'s&m-&r-"solt/ noun

multiplication /"m&l-t&-pl&-'kA-sh&n/ noun suspenseful /s&-'spen(t)s-f&l/ adjective

noncommittal /"nän-k&-'mit-&l/ adjective thermometer /th&(r)-'mäm-&t-&r/ noun

noteworthy /ˈnōtˌwərTHē/ adjective tortoise /'tort-&s/ noun

outpatient /ˈaut-ˌpā-shənt/ noun tournament /'tur-n&-m&nt/ noun

paperweight /ˈpāpərˌwāt/ noun unconscious /"&n-'kän-ch&s/ adjective

periodical /"pir-E-'äd-i-k&l/ noun uncooperative /"&n-kO-'äp-(&-)r&t-iv/ adjective

personality /"p&rs-&n-'al-&t-E/ noun

Set 10 Words

acetaminophen /&-"sEt-&-'min-&-f&n/ noun heirloom /ˈe(ə)rˌloom/ noun

acknowledged /ik-'näl-ijd/ verb henceforth /ˈhensˌfôrTH/ adverb

acoustical /&-'kü-sti-k&l/ adjective herringbone /ˈheriNGˌbōn/ noun

advantageous /"ad-"van-'tA-j&s/ adjective horsemanship /ˈhôrsmənˌSHip/ noun

aerodynamics /"ar-O-dI-'nam-iks/ noun horseradish /ˈhors-ˌra-dish/ noun

anthropology /"an(t)-thr&-'päl-&-jE/ noun huckleberry /ˈhəkəlˌberē/ noun

authoritative /&-'thär-&-"tAt-iv/ adjective hummingbird /ˈhəmiNGˌbərd/ noun

bloodcurdling /'bl&d-"k&rd-li[ng]/ adjective kleptomania /"klep-t&-'mA-nE-&/ noun

championship /ˈCHampēənˌSHip/ noun laughingstock /ˈlafiNGˌstäk/ noun

charismatic /"ker-&z-'ma-tik/ adjective linguistics /li[ng]-'gwis-tiks/ noun

consciousness /'kän-ch&s-n&s/ noun mesmerized /'mez-m&-"rIzd/ noun

counterintelligence /ˌkountər-inˈteləjəns/ noun meteorologist /"mEt-E-&-'räl-&-j&st/ noun

counterweight /ˈkaun-tərˌwāt/ noun nonchalantly /"nän-sh&-'länt-lE/ adverb

effervescent /"ef-&r-'ves-&nt/ adjective nourishment /'n&r-ish-m&nt/ noun

egotistical /"E-g&--'tis-ti-k&l/ adjective observatory /&b-'z&r-v&-"tOr-E/ noun

featherweight /ˈfe-thər-ˌwāt/ noun or adjective ophthalmologist /"äf-th&(l)-'mäl-&-j&st/ noun

fibrillation /"fi-br&-'lA-sh&n/ noun oscillation /"äs-&-'lA-sh&n/ noun

harmoniously /här-'mO-nE-&s-lE/ adverb overemphasize /ˌōvərˈemfəˌsīz/ verb

headmistress /ˈhedˌmistris/ noun overindulge /ˌōvərənˈdəlj/ verb

Revised October 2012

3rd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Page 19

Set 10 Words

Word Pronounciation Function Word Pronounciation Function

peculiarities /pi-"kyül-'yar-&t-Ez/ noun sentimentality /"sent-&-"men-'tal-&t-E/ noun

pericardium /"per-&-'kärd-E-&m/ noun simultaneously /"sI-m&l-'tA-nE-&s-lE/ adverb

phytoplankton /'pla[ng](k)-t&n/ noun sufficiently /s&-'fish-&nt-lE/ adverb

pneumonia /n(y)u-'mO-ny&/ noun synthetically /sin-'thet-i-k(&-)lE/ adverb

precautionary /pri-'ko-sh&n"er-E/ adjective thoroughbred /'th&r-&-"bred/ noun

procrastination /p(r)&-'kras-t&'nA-sh&n/ noun topography /t&-'päg-r&-fE/ noun

pumpernickel /'p&m-p&r-"nik-&l/ noun tourniquet /'tur-ni-k&t/ noun

quesadilla /"kA-s&-'dE-&/ noun tuberculosis /t(y)u-"b&r-ky&-'lO-s&s/ noun

recuperation /ri-'k(y)ü-p&-'rA-sh&n/ noun unpredictable /"&n-pri-'dik-t&-b&l/ adjective

repugnance /ri-'p&g-n&n(t)s/ noun veterinarian /"vet-&-r&n-'er-E-&n/ noun

saccharine /'sak-(&-)r&n/ adjective wholeheartedly /'hOl-'härt-&d-lE/ adverb

satisfactorily /"sat-&s-'fak-t(&-)rE/ adverb xylophone /'zI-l&-"fOn/ noun

Revised October 2012