3dcart Social Media Merchants Webinar

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of 3dcart Social Media Merchants Webinar

SOCIAL MEDIA FOR MERCHANTSBuilding A Strategy That Converts

General Social Tips

Promote everywhere!

General Social TipsPromote everywhere!

General Social TipsPromote everywhere!

General Social TipsSet goals

Depending on the business, goals might range from generating orders to attracting subscribers to building thought leadership.

General Social TipsOffer Incentives

Whatever your goal, you need an offer to match.

General Social Tips



The site claims more than 200 million active users

( that’s an audience twice the size of the Superbowl)

More than 50% of users log on at least once a day

More than 4 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day

Facebook: terms

REACHReach shows page views (how many unique people viewed your page), tab views (how many tabs those people clicked on) and external referrers (sites outside Facebook that are linking to your page).

Facebook: terms

IMPRESSIONS Impressions per-post is a single aggregate count of how many times a particular status update has been viewed.

Facebook: terms


• like a page• post on the page wall• like a post• comment on a post• share a post• answer a question• RSVP to a page’s event• mention the page in a post• tag the page in a photo• check in at a place• share a check-in deal• like a check-in deal• write a recommendation

Facebook: terms

EDGERANK Facebook uses the Edgerank formula to pick content for the “Top News” section of your news feed. Top News is the default view

Facebook: terms


Timing: Older news tends to be quickly pushed to the bottom of the news feed. More recent or “newer” news items are more valued by Facebook than older news.

Affinity: This metric takes into account how a message is being treated by the broader Facebook community – likes, comments, views, etc. More importantly it takes into account a user’s relationship with a particular person/page or their content. The longer and deeper the user’s relationship ( participation) on the page, the more likely they are to see its updates.

Weight: The overall weight of the type of object is also evaluated. For example, a video would carry more ‘weight’ and thus importance in Facebook’s eyes than a picture or even an audiofile.

Relevancy: This metric evaluates the level of relationship between you and your friends / fans / customers. For example, fresh content with deep interactions between fans and page owners increase the relevancy factor.

It’s a conversation.

Your fanpage is not an advertisement.

Remember you are asking fans to follow you. Give them a reason to say yes


Interact. Don’t Pitch


Interact. Don’t Pitch Remember Facebook’s Edgerank determines the strength of a user’s relationship with a page by how many times a user interacts with the posts. The stronger the relationship, the more likely Facebook is to show the user the page’s posts.

AKA If a fan has never commented or liked your messages, Facebook is not likely to show them future posts.

Interact now, so when you ARE promoting your products users will see your posts.


Interact. Don’t Pitch Conversations have at least two participants so don’t just broadcast, engage.

.Interact. Don’t Pitch


Studies show comments are about 4x more valuable in terms of Edgerank than Likes

.Leverage feedback

Use your fanbase as a focus group.

.Leverage feedback

Take suggestions from your fans

Be Your Customers Biggest Fans

The law of reciprocity applies.

Show your customers some love and they will return the favor.

Be Your Customers Biggest Fans

Leverage Other NetworksLike and comment on relevant blogs & publications’s pages to gain exposure to their fans.

Tag relevant brand pages in your posts to expose their networks to your brand.

Target & Test AdsFacebook offers a self-serve ad system, similar to Google (purchased on a CPC or CPM closed-bidding system)

Target & Test Ads

The biggest advantage Facebook advertising has is a high degree of targeting

• Location• Education• Age/Sex/Relationship status• Language• Interests (based on user’s personal profile data)• Occupation title • Place of work

Target & Test AdsTargeting by interest meanings you can target users who have previously ‘liked’ similar pages:• Competitors• Brand names • Popular blogs

If you have several groups of potential customers, create different campaigns. Run ad campaigns that are tailored to your different segments


Target: Woman 18-35 that have liked Vogue Weddings magazine.AD COPY: Send guests home with these memorable wedding favors featured in Vogue Wedding!

Ads: Likes, then conversionsYou CAN drive ads to your site, but it’s hard. You will have much more success driving ads to your fanpage ( gaining Likes ) than you will trying to push conversions.

Remember WHY users are on Facebook - TO SOCIALIZE!

Driving users to your fanpage will allow you to engage & build a relationship that converts users into traffic & transactions.


Twitter is on track to hit 500 Million users this week..

Every week a billion tweets are sent.

On average, 460,000 new accounts are registered every day.

Twitter TermsFollower



On Twitter, you “follow” another user to see his or her updates on your Twitter home page, and they follow you to see yours. This is the basic social relationship of Twitter. If you have more followers, your updates reach and potentially influence more people.

Each message you send out to your followers through Twitter is called a “tweet.” It works as a verb, as well; you tweet a message. Each tweet must be 140 characters or less or else it won’t be published.

When you see a tweet that you think your followers would be interested in, you can click the “retweet” button to make that tweet appear in your followers’ home pages. They’ll know you were the one who shared it.

Some people retweet manually by typing “RT @username” before typing out or pasting the tweet’s contents, where “username” is the original author’s Twitter username. This allows you to provide your own context as well.

Twitter Terms@mention



You direct public messages to other Twitter users by inserting an “@” sign immediately followed by their username.

A tweet that begins with “@username” will only appear on the home pages of followers who also follow the person you’re referencing, but if you place the @Mention later in your update, it will to anyone who’s following you.

“DM” is short for “Direct Message,” a tweet-like message sent in private between two Twitter users. Unlike the public @Mentions, DMs are private and do not appear to anyone besides their specified recipients, but you can only send a DM to someone who’s following you.

People on Twitter insert Hashtags or #s into their tweets to provide context, and to make them easily searchable for people looking for updates on a specific topic. Think of them like blog tags. A hashtag is simply a keyword preceded by the hash symbol, like #marketing. Include it in your tweet and anyone who searches for that hashtag will see your updates.


Listen. Find relevant conversations by utilizing twitter search.



3rd party Twitter apps offer a more flexible dashboard for listening:

• save multiple searches • ability to schedule tweets • manage multiple accounts • integrated analytics


Be relevant. What should I tweet? = What would your customers find interesting?

GOOD:Unique contentExclusive access: photos or dealsConversational messages ( this IS a two-way platform)Interesting, witty, & worth your followers time


Be relevant. What should I tweet? = What would your customers find interesting?

BAD:Boring corporate voice void of personalityStale contentBoring contentAll self-serving

Reciprocity. Follow & you shall be followed.


Build a valuable following.

Follow the followers of your competition, relevant brands, and users that tweet relevant keywords.


Build a valuable following.

Thank new followers.Answer users’ questions.Ask for feedback.Connect with influencers


Google+Google+ has more than 26 million users.

Google has put Google+ at the center of its entire approach to business.

Google+ not only affects your social marketing, it can greatly affect your SEO

Google+ termsHangouts are group video chats that enable brands to connect with consumers in a more personal manner

Circles create the ability to take a large group and split it into smaller groups.

On Google+, content is posted into “the Stream,” and users cannot post at that level. Instead, users post their commentary beneath each individual brand post into the Stream.

.Adoption high, but activity low.

So why bother?Social search

Optimize your business page

Link Your Site To Google+Go to


Google+ Limitations

It is against Google’s terms of services to run contests on G+Pages have the same limitation of 5000 people/brands in a circle that personal accounts have No notifications via email, text, or in google bar Two pages can have identical names No custom URLS available Pages cannot share to ‘extended circles’ Pages cannot create custom pages or tabs

Leverage your personal profile

Why?A person must circle your brand before you can circle them (but brands can circle other brands). Use your personal profile to circle new users, and share your brand page’s content.

Optimize your personal profile

Promote your personal profile



Easily add people to Circles