38.sweet orange varities in the world By Allah Dad Khan

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 38.sweet orange varities in the world By Allah Dad Khan

Sweet Orange Varities in The

World By

Allah Dad Khan

The Valencia orange is a late-season fruit, and therefore a popular variety when navel oranges are out of season. This is why an anthropomorphic orange was chosen as themascot for the 1982 FIFA World Cupheld in Spain. The mascot was named Naranjito ("little orange") and wore the colors of the Spanish national football team.


The Hamlin variety originated as a chance seedling in an orchard near Glenwood, Florida, which was planted in 1879, and was named for the owner, A. G. Hamlin, at the time its value was recognized some years later.  It came into prominence following the great Florida freeze of 1894-95 as a rival of Parson, the only other variety of similar early maturity, and has gradually replaced it.


Blood orange used to be much of an acquired taste and compared with better-known orange varieties they had less appeal to the wider public. The traditional growing areas have long been Sicily, Spain and Morocco. Today however, with the increasing demand blood oranges are grown in places as wide apart as Hongkong, Pakistan, Egypt, India, New Zealand,China and Iran. The challenge of growing deeply pigmented oranges appeals to home growers as well as professional producers. Even with the unpredictable amount of colouration from year to year many growers and consumers cherish the inimitable flavour of blood oranges.

Moro Blood Oranges

Sanguinello (Sanguinello Comune) has long been one of the most important blood oranges of Sicily. Fruit are medium-sized, seeds few or none. Orange-coloured at maturity, washed with red. Rind medium-thick, moderately tough and adherent, and moderately to strongly pebbled. Flesh rather deeply red pigmented at maturity (more so and earlier than rind), juicy, pleasantly flavoured. Tree of medium vigour and size, productive.


Taroccohas all the variants: the skin can be without any "blood" while the flesh is strongly coloured and all combinations in between. Sanguinelli can develop the most intense skin colour of all blood oranges, but often it is not as dark inside as Moro or Tarroco is at their best. Moro, in its turn, can have the most intense deep dark, almost purple-black flesh and juice of all blood oranges while it may not have even the slightest speck of pigmentation on the skin. Some say the colour of fully ripe Moro juice resembles the colour of the best wines from Burgundy.The skins of ripe full blood oranges can have as much anthocyanin as the skins of ripe dark grapes. 


Navel oranges Navel oranges are characterized by

the growth of a second fruit at theapex, which protrudes slightly and resembles a human navel. They are primarily grown for human consumption for various reasons: their thicker skin makes them easy to peel, they are less juicy and their bitterness – a result of the high concentrations of limonin and otherlimonoids – renders them less suitable for juice.[18] Their widespread distribution and long growing season have made navel oranges very popular. In the United States, they are available from November to April, with peak supplies in January, February, and March

Navel Oranges

The less intensely pigmented varieties comprise the light blood group (sanguigno of Italy, demi-sanguine in French) and are numerous and highly variable in behaviour. The colouration in this group is less dependable and usually varies a lot from one year to the next and even between different plantations in the same area.

Ruby Red