34,831 VICTIMS AND SURVIVORS - MADD | Mothers ... Shetty Brian Ursino - Treasurer Monica Vandehei...

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Transcript of 34,831 VICTIMS AND SURVIVORS - MADD | Mothers ... Shetty Brian Ursino - Treasurer Monica Vandehei...




HELPED IN 2014, 119,280 TOTAL






Dear Friends:

Every day across the country, Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) works tirelessly to end drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking. We do so by serving those impacted by these tragedies; supporting law enforcement; advocating for tougher legislation; pushing for advanced vehicle technology and safe ride options; and educating the next generation of drivers to make smart choices. We do what we do to save lives, prevent injuries, and serve people.

Thanks to the generous support of many — volunteers, donors, sponsors, community partners and staff — 2014 saw great momentum for MADD’s mission. Some of our biggest accomplishments to note:

• MADD Victim Services provided a supportive service every 4 minutes to a victim of drunk or drugged driving.

• Four more states—Alabama, Delaware, Mississippi and New Hampshire—passed all-off ender ignition interlock laws; bringing the total to 24 states that require all convicted drunk drivers to utilize these devices to ensure they don’t drive drunk.

• MADD’s Power of Parents® program reached a parent every 30 minutes with the resources and tools needed to talk with their children about alcohol; and the Power of You(th)® program empowered more than 100,000 teens to prevent underage drinking in their communities.

Thank you for everything you do to make MADD’s achievements possible. We couldn’t do this without your support.


William L. Windsor, Jr.Chairman of the Board

Debbie WeirChief Executive Offi cer

Jan WithersNational President


2014 NationalBoard of Directors

William Windsor, Jr.

Chairman of the Board

Steven Benvenisti

Barbara Brodt

Brad Bulla

Robert “Skip” Carter

Sally Ganem

Tara Kelley-Baker, Ph.D.

Mary Klotzbach - Vice Chair

Frank Magourlis

Ronald Medford

Kathryn Nelson

Courtney Popp - Secretary

Paul V. Romero

Colleen Sheehey-Church

Mahesh Shetty

Brian Ursino - Treasurer

Monica Vandehei

Nina Walker

Jan Withers - National President

2014 NationalBoard of Directors

William Windsor, Jr.

Chairman of the Board

Steven Benvenisti

Barbara Brodt

Brad Bulla

Robert “Skip” Carter

Sally Ganem

Tara Kelley-Baker, Ph.D.

Mary Klotzbach - Vice Chair

Frank Magourlis

Ronald Medford

Kathryn Nelson

Courtney Popp - Secretary

Paul V. Romero

Colleen Sheehey-Church

Mahesh Shetty

Brian Ursino - Treasurer

Monica Vandehei

Nina Walker

Jan Withers - National President

Walk Like MADD® is the signature fundraising event to

support MADD’s mission to end drunk driving. With more

than 80 events across the country each year, Walk Like MADD

is the only large-scale, community-based activity that allows

those impacted by drunk driving to take steps to stop drunk

driving in their communities and nationwide. It is a platform

for victims and survivors to turn their pain into purpose; and

quite often, a catalyst for them to become lifelong MADD

volunteers and advocates.

This year, Walk Like MADD was rebranded to create an

even more meaningful event experience and deliver a clear

message: Drunk Driving Ends Here. MADD’s Campaign to

Eliminate Drunk Driving® provides the answer and Walk Like

MADD provides the venue to rally support from every day

citizens to help put an end to this 100% preventable crime.

Walk Like MADD events bring together victims, survivors,

volunteers and community partners to remember those

killed, injured or emotionally devastated by drunk driving; to

inspire those who may feel helpless or lost; and to commit to

a future of No More VictimsTM.




CAMPAIGN TO ELIMINATE DRUNK DRIVINGMADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving®

took great strides forward in 2014. The Campaign

calls for more high visibility law enforcement

through sobriety checkpoints, all convicted drunk

drivers to use an ignition interlock device, and

the development of advanced vehicle technology

called Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety


Four states — Alabama, Delaware, Mississippi, and New Hampshire — passed laws requiring all convicted drunk drivers to use an ignition interlock device. This brought the total to 24 states that require convicted drunk drivers to use an ignition interlock device.

Connecticut and Kansas improved their existing

all-offender ignition interlock laws. In Connecticut,

interlocks were not required for first-time offenders

who received a reduced sentence; the new law

extended that requirement to all offenders. In

Kansas, the all-offender interlock law was set to

expire at the end of 2015; the new law made Kansas’

all-offender law permanent.

South Carolina and Rhode Island passed laws

requiring interlocks for all first-time offenders with a

blood alcohol concentration of .15 or greater.

On Capitol Hill, MADD continued to support DADSS

and grow support for research and development of

a passive, in-vehicle alcohol detection technology to

stop drunk drivers from operating a vehicle

MADD also continued to work with local law

enforcement officials to conduct and promote

sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols

in communities across the nation. These DUI

countermeasures help prevent drunk driving by

sending a clear message: Drive Sober or Get Pulled


MADD believes that by following the strategic

blueprint laid out by the Campaign, we will realize

our ambitious—but achievable—goal to eliminate

drunk driving.

Legislative ChampionsMADD recognized 81 lawmakers as 2014 Legislative

Champions for their tireless work and commitment

After observing a Walk Like MADD® event in South Florida, it was no surprise when MADD volunteer and public

relations professional Heather Geronemus was asked to chair Fort Lauderdale’s Walk the next year. With a

successful track record in organizing fundraisers for other charities in the area, Heather had some innovative ideas.

“We needed to change it up,” Heather says. That meant including a 5k run called the MADD Dash. And getting

corporate sponsors involved. “Our Walk event has something for everyone: runners, walkers, kids, awards for the

fastest runs and more,” Heather says. “MADD is here for everyone!” When her father, Dr. Robert Geronemus, was

struck and killed by a hit-and-run drunk driver in 2009, Heather wanted to do something to honor him. Organizing

a MADD fundraiser in their hometown was the perfect fit.


Pictured: MADD National President Jan Withers, Representative Kim Thatcher, and Colleen Sheehey-Church

to saving lives and advancing MADD’s mission.

Among those awarded for their efforts were

legislators who played crucial roles in accomplishing

MADD’s highest state legislative priority – the

passage of all-offender ignition interlock laws:

• Alabama State Representative Allen Farley and

State Senator Bill Holtzclaw, who authored HB

381 and SB 319, making Alabama the 21st state

to pass an all-offender ignition interlock law.

• Mississippi Speaker Philip Gunn, Senator Hopson

and Representatives Andy Gipson and Kevin

Horan, who were instrumental in the passage of

HB 412 that made Mississippi the 22nd state to

enact an all-offender ignition interlock law.

• New Hampshire Representative Stephen

Shurtleff authored HB 496, which made New

Hampshire the 23rd state to pass an all-offender

ignition interlock law.

• Delaware Senate Majority Leader David

McBride, Representative Helene Keeley and

Representative Stephen Smyk, who authored HB

212 that made Delaware the 24th state to enact

an all-offender ignition interlock law.

PROGRAM UPDATESCourt MonitoringWith the help of funding provided by the National

Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),

MADD used the Court Monitoring Training Guide

to create online program training for staff and

volunteers in 2014. MADD also began working on

a national court monitoring database that will help

MADD identify trends and track inconsistencies

within the adjudication process at the local

state and national level in effort to create an

environment of accountability.

No-Refusal WorkshopsThrough a cooperative agreement program,

NHTSA awarded MADD funding to develop and

execute three training workshops featuring the

highly successful No-Refusal criminal justice


The foundation of the No-Refusal concept is a

streamlined search warrant application process

for arrested impaired drivers who refuse chemical

testing. Law enforcement officials work with

prosecutors, judges and nurses or other trained

medical personnel who agree to be readily

available during No-Refusal activities. The results

of these practices are fewer trials and more

convictions, particularly for repeat offenders

and offenders with high blood alcohol or drug


MADD held three No-Refusal Workshops during

2014 in Seattle, Denver, and Baltimore; reaching

280 judges, prosecutors, law enforcement,

and traffic safety officials from 41 states. These

workshops were tremendously popular and highly

rated by participants. Several No-Refusal programs

were created in the wake of the workshops,

particularly by prosecutors seeking tools to

combat repeat offenders and high refusal rates in

their jurisdictions.Heather pictured center.


VICTIM SERVICESVictims ServedIn 2014, MADD passionately served a victim

of drunk driving, drugged driving or underage

drinking consequences every 15 minutes and

compassionately provided a service to a victim

or survivor every 4 minutes.

MADD provides all services free of charge and in

a variety of ways. Some of our services include

providing victims with emotional support, criminal

and civil justice advocacy, information and

knowledge regarding the criminal justice system

and their grief. Materials focused on dealing with

the after effects of drunk and drugged driving

and underage drinking and referrals to community

resources are also available. Additionally, we have a

24-Hour Victim Help Line – 877-MADD HELP – that

is staffed 24/7 to help victims and survivors cope

with the violent – and completely preventable –

crimes of drunk and drugged driving.

Child Endangerment andConcerned CitizensA growing amount of citizens are reaching out

to MADD to help protect their communities from

drunk and drugged drivers. Concerned citizens call

when they suspect someone in their community

or someone they know is driving illegally while

under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They are

not calling because they are a victim of a crash, but

often because they hope to prevent a crash from

occurring to begin with.

Often people call because they know of a child

being forced to ride with an adult who is under

the influence of drugs or alcohol. When a minor

is placed in jeopardy of physical, moral or mental

wellbeing, that’s child endangerment; and is

responsible for over half of all child deaths from

drunk driving. MADD believes that every child

deserves a designated driver. In 2014 alone,

approximately 15 percent of all calls to MADD’s

24-Hour Victim Help Line came from concerned


A Voice for Victims:MADD Victim Services ReportIn connection with National Crime Victims’ Rights

Week and the 30th anniversary of the national

Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), MADD released

its first-ever victim services report. Funded by

the generous support of the General Motors

Foundation, the report raises awareness of the

issues facing victims of drunk and drugged driving

and underage drinking. The report – A Voice for

Victims: MADD Victim Services Report – provides

an inside look at the current state of crime victims’

rights across the country; highlights some of the

challenges both bereaved and injured victims face;

shows how MADD is serving those victims; and

urges concerned citizens to take action.

Trained Victim AdvocatesMADD Victim Services continues to grow each year.

We are not only hiring new staff victim advocates,

but also continuing to recruit volunteer victim

advocates. Volunteer victim advocates help MADD

fulfill its mission of serving victims and survivors of

drunk and drugged driving crashes. In 2014, MADD

A Voice for Victims:MADD

Victim Services Report

In 1997, after their daughter Robin was killed by a repeat drunk driver, it took some time before Bob and Kaye would consider volunteering for MADD. Seven years later, they decided that they were ready and began speaking at MADD Victim Impact Panels, sharing their story with offenders to help them make better choices. “Talking about Robin really helped,” Kaye says about her daughter. “If we changed one mind about drinking and driving, then it was worth our time.” By 2010, this dynamic duo had shared their compelling message to thousands of Navy military personnel, high school and college students, and citizens of Virginia Beach. They’d spent countless hours answering the calls of victims. Over the years, Bob and Kaye have dedicated themselves to MADD on many levels – from organizing annual Walk Like MADD events to conducting law enforcement recognition banquets and so much more. “We’ve built wonderful relationships with everyone in our community,” Kaye explains. In 2014, Bob and Kaye celebrated ten years as MADD volunteers, and their motivation remains unchanged: “We do it all for Robin—to keep her memory alive.”


trained over 60 volunteer victim advocates to serve

victims and survivors in their communities.

MADD also continues to enhance victim services for

injured victims and survivors of substance-impaired

driving. With a grant from the Office for Victims

of Crime, MADD brought together experts in the

field of working with injured survivors and hosted

two Advanced Victim Assistance Training Institute,

held in June and August. Over 110 victim advocates

comprised of volunteers, staff and community

partners from across the U.S. gathered in Grapevine,

Texas to attend a three-day training focused on the

unique needs of injured victims and survivors.

The three day training opened with a Victim Impact

Panel where three crash survivors – Jonathan

Swiatocha, Terry Woods and Cherry Chalker

– shared their inspirational stories about their

crashes and the impact they have had on their

lives. Training also included presentations by

experts in their fields on topics such as working

with Americans with disabilities, crash survivor

civil rights and remedies, and understanding

the emotional and social challenges victims and

survivors face after a substance-impaired crash.

Attendees were also trained on understanding

traumatic brain injuries and how to better serve

those who suffer from a traumatic brain injury as a

result of a substance-impaired crash. The training

concluded with participants developing their

own community plans that focused on improving

MADD’s victim assistance to injured victims and


Pictured: Bob and Kaye Walsh ®


UNDERAGE DRINKING PREVENTION Power of Parents®In 2014, MADD reached a parent every 30 minutes

with the research-based Power of Parents program

for parents of high school students, developed in

collaboration with Pennsylvania State University’s

Robert Turrisi, Ph.D. Parents were equipped with

the resources and tools they needed to talk with

their teens about alcohol through the use of trained

program facilitators, 25-minute parent workshops

and Power of Parents handbook distribution and


In April, MADD kicked off its fourth annual

PowerTalk 21® Day – April 21st, the national day

for parents to talk with their children about

alcohol – with “21 Days in Support of 21” to create

a sustained and prolonged national conversation

about underage drinking prevention. The campaign

kicked-off with a press event in Washington, D.C. on

April 1st. Nationwide Vice President of Consumer

Safety (and MADD Board Chair) Bill Windsor and

MADD National President Jan Withers announced

the results of a MADD and Nationwide survey,

revealing that teens whose parents deliver a clear

“no alcohol before 21” message were 80 percent

less likely to drink than peers who don’t receive a

clear message.

Online engagement increased drastically during

the campaign, thanks to the implementation of

online parent workshops, an infographic and other

online resources that helped reach parents with

critical tools to facilitate conversations with their

teens about underage drinking prevention. Based

on research indicating the importance of parents

having early, ongoing conversations with their

children about alcohol, MADD and Nationwide

began the development of a Power of Parents

middle school handbook in 2014, to be launched in


Power of You(th)®MADD significantly expanded the Power of You(th)®

program in 2014, empowering nearly 110,000 teens

to positively impact underage drinking prevention

efforts among friends and in their communities.

Distribution of MADD’s research-based Power of

You(th) teen booklet, school presentations during

Red Ribbon Week® and throughout the year, plus

online toolkits for educators, community members,

and student leaders, allowed MADD to reach teens

with underage drinking prevention programming.

Utilizing the assistance of MADD’s National Teen

Influencer Group, the Power of You(th) interactive

school presentation was designed to effectively

engage teens in the important discussion about

underage drinking and resulting consequences.

MADD’s state-led Teen Influencer Groups have

expanded to Connecticut, Minnesota, Georgia,

Colorado, and New Mexico, where they implement

strategies to empower students and work together

in their schools and communities to reduce social

and retail access to alcohol.

Power of Community®In order for underage drinking prevention to be

fully effective, it must be a community-wide priority.

That’s why MADD began development of the Power

of Community program in 2014. The program is

UNDERAGE DRINKING PREVENTION about reshaping community attitudes; discouraging

adults from providing alcohol to underage youth;

and encouraging enforcement of the minimum

drinking age.

These efforts, which include supporting law enforcement, media awareness, legislative advocacy, and reducing social and retail access to alcohol, are designed to change the environment in which

underage drinking could occur.

Power of Community engages the entire

community—businesses, community partners,

public officials, and youth—to utilize evidence-

based strategies that evolve community standards

for the prevention of underage drinking. When

Power of Community is ready for implementation,

it will work in tandem with Power of Parents and

Power of You(th) to comprehensively address

MADD’s underage drinking prevention mission


VICTIM TO VOLUNTEERIn my life, I have been greatly affected by other people’s decisions regarding alcohol. When I was 13 years old, I was run over by a drunk boater. I lost my leg and broke a lot of the bones in my body, including my neck, and also sustained a severe brain injury. My life was changed forever, to no fault of my own, but still I am thankful. Since then, I have received massive amounts of support from my friends, family, and MADD. I was introduced to an incredible group of friends through my public speaking after the crash, and they have been my greatest source of influence and support. After watching what I have been through and what I struggle with daily as a result of a drunk boater, my friends greatly support my decision not to drink. Not only do they support my refusal to drink underage, but they also don’t drink in honor of me and all of the other victims, but also in honor of themselves and their future. -Alex Otte, a member of MADD’s 2014-2015 National Teen Influencer Group

Pictured (left to right): 2014-2015 National Teen Influencers, Ashley Persson, Cady Snell, Alex Otte, and Kenya James


DONORS & CORPORATE SPONSORS$500,000+NationwideState Farm

$100,000-$499,999AnonymousClear ChannelGeneral Motors FoundationUber

$50,000-$99,999GoogleGuideOne Insurance

$25,000-$49,999Bachus & SchankerBP ArcoBuckfire & Buckfire, PCGEICOLyftNational Alcohol Beverage Control

AssociationTime Warner CableWalmart

$10,000-$24,999Adelman Hirsch & ConnorsAmerican Family Mutual Insurance

CompanyAssociation of Los Angeles

Deputy SheriffsBarona CasinoAM BlankAnne BrimbergJames H Brown, TTEECuster County District AttorneysDenver Broncos Football ClubDream GiveawayFJC FoundationFried Rogers Goldberg, LLCGADA Services Inc.Great Plains MediaMaribel HernandezSusan Herrington-Wilmington

TrustHoffmanJBI FoundationKamico Instructional Media IncKey Bank National Association

Trust DivisionKoskoff Koskoff & Bieder PCLifestyleLiveNationJavier LunaLorinda C Magirl EstateMADD CanadaThe National Road Safety

FoundationPhillips Nizer-Larie KaydenCheryl and Johnny Peterka

Giselle ReidThe Resource Training CenterMary A Richter EstateRosendin Electric IncNathaniel De Rothschild SetonToyota Motor Sales USAUltimate SoftwareBeau T WoodwardWS Young

$5,000-$9,999Adams OutdoorAdler Giersch PSADT, LLCAJ Novick Group IncDaniel AshmoreAtlantic HyundaiAT&TAuto Club SouthBell & PollockBerenson Injury LawBlueCross BlueShieldBright House NetworksWilliam CampbellRay CarterCentral Florida Auto DealersChesdel AssociationCity of OrlandoThe Columbus FoundationCommunity Shares IncCounty of WestchesterDance IncorporatedChris DavisMischelle DavisRobert DebryKristina DelpreteVirginia DormanDriscell FoundationJohn B DriscollEstee Lauder Inc.General Motors LLCGoehl Attorneys at LawGrove Street Financial LLCGwendolyn Stearns FoundationHarding Educational and

Charitable FoundationHoffman Auto GroupAmber HoweLori JamesJohn Hopkins Medical CenterKatie DeCubellis Memorial

FoundationKEJSKLAQ, KSII, & KRODKNR Legal GroupLaw Offices of Michael A. DemaLitster Frost Injury LawyersLongview NewsMacy’s/BloomingdalesMargaret E Hull TrustMobis Alabama LLCNassau County Police Benevolent

AssociationNational Christian FoundationEloise, Enoch and Margery NortonOctopus Car WashThe Patrol StrollPatrolmen’s Benevolent

Association of New York CityPelcoR2 Restaurants Inc.Schick Shadel HospitalSempra Employee Giving NetworkSempra Energy FoundationFred & Shirley StephensSuffolk County PSA Inc.Sycuan CasinoTakataThanksgiving Dance SponsorsTreasurer of State of MissouriTruistUnion Pacific FoundationUnited Tires & Service, LLCUnited WayValero Energy FoundationThomas L WaltonFrederick R WeismanKalina Wong

$2,500-$4,999AAA ArizonaAmber’s HopeTori Lynn Andreozzi FoundationAmerican Industries Corp. of New

YorkAmerican Textile RecyclingAuto TraderAzrael, Franz, Schwab, & LipowitzB & L Service Inc. Yellow CabJennifer BackusStan BellisSteven & Dawn BenvenistiFreya & Richard Block Family

FoundationBubba the Love Sponsor

FoundationGlenda Gohlke CallaghanCardinals CharitiesCentene Charitable FoundationCenturion Foundation Inc.Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LPCircle KCity National BNKCleveland Browns Football Co.CMRK IncCobb County Sheriff’s OfficeStewart ColtonCommunity FoundationCommunity Health CharitiesCompass HealthcareDelek Fund for Hope FoundationEagle Radio of HaysEastern Illinois UniversityEmerson Charitable TrustEOI

DONORS & CORPORATE SPONSORSEscamilla Law FirmEWMKaley FabreFlorida Community BankFoundation for Southeast TexasFrenkel & FrenkelPhyllis FriedmanGaedeke Group, LLCGeorgia PowerGerson FamilyGrossman Iron & Steel Char

FoundationHi-Tek RacingHoward P Colhoun Family

FoundationJewish Community FoundationJohn Muir HealthJohnson Attorney GroupMilton KayKohl’sKrogerKVIALakewood Board of EducationLapham Law Firm, PCBrenda LavellJohn LetcherLiberty Custom ContractorsLinkedInRebecca McDonnellRonald MedfordJay MiersBarry MooreMoors & CabotNashville Predators FoundationNetwork For GoodNew Home Spot IncNew Mexico Educator FCUNubilt Restoration & ConstructionOrange County CommissionersParnall Law FirmPerkin Elmer FoundationDavid S PetriePima County Attorney’s OfficePinellas County Sheriff’s OfficePolice Athletic League of BarrPrecision TuneR2 RestaurantsRagland and JonesRichmond Ford LincolnRidgewood Savings BankDaniel RotheSanford Brown InstituteRyan ShovarThe Simon Law FirmSol Chon FoundationSoutheastern Virginia ASAP/DIPSouthworth AssociatesStewart’s Shops CorpJarret StreinerSuperior Officers Association

PoliceTau Kappa Epsilon FraternityTelemundo RichmondThe Queens’s Medical Center

Tison Law GroupTom C. White Foundation UATown Fair TireTravelersTreadwell Electric ContractorsLaz TromlerUnite the UnitedWalgreensWaterway Gas & Wash CompanyWestchester County Department

of FinanceWestern RefiningWillbros United States HoldingsWilson TrophyLinda WindsorJan M Withers and Joe K Sikes

$1,000-$2,499A-1 Auto ServiceBeverly AcevesActive NetworkRichard AdlerAJ Gambardella AssociatesAllen, Allen, Allen & AllenMatthew AllenAlliance BankAllstateRichard B AlpertThe Alvin & Fern Davis FoundationAmerican Grandparents

AssociationAmerican Insurance CompanyCathy L AndreozziGustavo AnguianoAnonymousArizona State Department of

CorrectionsJody & John ArnholdAlyson AronArthur Murray Dance StudioConrad V AschenbachNancy AtheySports AuthorityTodd BaileyBakersfield Police Officer

AssociationDavid BandBank of EdwardsvilleBank of New HampshireBarbara B. Savagilo Attorney at

LawBarker Specialty CompanyRoderick BatyBeach Windows IncThe Benevity Commuity Impact

FundRobin BergenKristina BerrioThe Beyer Family BeyerRichard Biagioni Family TrustBig Y Foods Inc.Robert BlakelyBlessed Sacrament Church

Kathryn BommerBoeingMark BorbaSharon BottomleyJohnella BoyntonRoxanne BrandtJane Politz BrandtMark BrennanBrennan’s Smoke ShopBroward County Chiefs of PoliceDionne Brown GuardianshipEleanor BrownShawn G. BrownRobert BuckholzBrad BullaJean T BurgdorffBurgdorff FoundationDouglas BurnettiBurnetti, PAStephen Wint BurresCafaro Revocable TrustRobert CahillCanton Police DepartmentSam L. CanzoneriCarlyle Fraser EmployeesCarole Cohen-Cohen Family TrusCarrano’s Railings & WeldingElizabeth CarterThe Cash Linq GroupCGINathaniel & Ingrid ChafeeCharity Golf International LLCDaniel ChunSusan CianoCity of CharlestonCity of ClearwaterCity of DouglasvilleCity of FresnoCity of Lake MaryCity of OcomeeCity of Winter GardenToni ClarkClark Pest ControlJudith & Steven CliffordBonnie ColhourKelly CollinsColony GrillCommunity Foundation of New

JerseyCommunity Services Fund of New

EnglandJonni ConantConnecticut Orthopaedic

SpecialistsMatthew CooperAnn CopelandAlfredo CordobaStephen CorradoElizabeth CorreaRoland Francis CraneTina L CrosbyCrossroads Fellowship FoundationHeather CulbrethAl & Roslyn Cutler


DONORS & CORPORATE SPONSORSCVS Charitable TrustDaniel Schmitt & Co Classic CarsDavid L Kaltman MemorialMatthew DavisGib & Becky DawsonDudley De BosierDelaware County BoardDelta Products Corp.Demas Law GroupRanae DesantisMarisol DiazJeanie DickeyLani DishingtonDobbs & Tittle PCEric DonaldsonAlexander DownsJames T DraceDayna DurrLois W DykTim W EasterEd & Mary Heath FoundationEd Morse Automotive GroupRuth EdwardsElectric Battery Company LLCElectric Insurance CompanyElizabeth Friedman O’Connor

FoundationAl EllisElmer & Kaya Berg FoundationEmersonEncephalitis FoundationEnterprise FoundationEnterprise HoldingsErie IndemnityJames EvansKevin P EvoyFairmount Mortuary & CemeteryFastMedRoger FeinthelKathleen FishFlorida Health Sciences CenterFlorida Panthers Hockey Club Ltd.Ford Motor CompanyFormica CorporationBruce FrankelFraser & Souweidane PCJohn T FredericksonJennifer FreeburgFresno Regional FoundationJoel FriedmanFulton BankMichael GalvinSally GanemGaspsch’s Carstar Collision CenterGE Foundation Matching GiftTroy GeiserLewis GhizGertrude M GoffRachel GoldeenGloria GonzalezGrant GoodmanPatrice GordonGraberMichael Gracie

Jody GrebencKyle GreenEvert GreerlingsTimothy Mae GuionMa Paz Escalada de GuzmanBener GuzmanEdward HaddenWilliam HagendornHaley GMCHannah Leigh Robb FoundationBen HavenCharles HeatonJanet HeckenJoseph HennesseyVictoria HenryMartin HernandezMark HeymannPatricia & David HinkleHiway Federal Credit UnionMindy HixonDan HodgesJohn HodginsHoughton Law Firm LLCRobertas HouseKhurram HussainHyVeeJohnathan JacksonNicole JacksonJAG Insurance Group & Jones Lott

Insurance ServiceThe Jerold & Marjorie Principal

FoundationJib Jab IncJoe & Kay Calvanese FoundationJoe Strauss Foundation IncJohn & Janet Kornreich Charitable

FoundationChris E JohnsonRobert JohnsonJill and Paul JonesJP Taravella High SchoolJustGiveLois KaggenMelvin KaminsKansas Press Association -The Kantor Foundation Inc.Kappa DeltaKEJS Power 106Kirk M KendrickTyler KernKern Co Prosecutors AssociationRobert KilianMadeline KingService KingKatherine KirkseyWilliam KissamAdam KleppnerKLM FoundationKohlsRobert KoscielnyRobert KrippendorfGeorge KrummeKubota Tractor CorpKurtz Farms

Amnon LandanFrancis LanzerJoe LaphamKurt LarsonAudrey J LassonLaw Offices of Albert V CaroccLaw Offices of Gary GreenLaw Offices of Howard KitayLaw Offices of Shane SmithLaw Offices of Balzano & TropianoKathryn LeeperMelvyn L LefkowitzCarol LeisterLeon County Sheriff’s OfficeArthur LeritzEmily Bard LevineStephen LewisKaren LiLuke LingleLinton Keefe Law FirmDixie M LintzFernandez and Hernandez, LLCLong Island NeograftLong Beach Police Officers

AssociationRichard D LopezAnthonnette LopezLoRicco Trotta & LoRiccoLucco Brown Threlkeld & Dawson

LLPJose LucenaEdward MafoudPaul and Jessica MaichE Pierce MarshallGreenspoon MarterCharles MartindaleSusan Lee MascaroMoises MatosMax & Anna Levinson FoundationTustin MazdaKathleen McCarthyJames McDonnellJoe McdonnellVictor & Ashley MeenaGiering MetalMetLife Auto & HomeDonald & Yvonne MeziereMiami Dade CountyHeather Miller MemorialMillennium Physicians Group LLCAmeren MissouraiVan MitchellDeborah MitchellMobeck-Guandalini InsuranceMaria MontenegroMontgomery Bell AcademyMontgomery CountyKeith & Suzanne MooreJames MoriartyMitchell Richard MorrisseyMeredith MuradJoseph T MurphyTimothy MurphyRobert Mzik

DONORS & CORPORATE SPONSORSNK Towing & Roadside ServicesJohn NormanNorth American Traffic SeminarNorth Columbia Elementary

SchoolVictoria NourafchanNROTC Carrie Shoemaker FundOakland Athletics Baseball TeamOK GeneratorsOmaha Community FoundationJermaine O’NealOrange County SheriffOsceola Sheriff OfficeHilvie OstrowPacific Auto CenterPaene LLCSusan ParkerPatino Law FirmPatriot TalonKimball T PeeleDenise PendletonPepin DistributingDoris Mae PerraultRenee PesinaPfizer IncPH Financial Service LLCPhoenix Suns Charities IncPhoto Card ChefPiney Woods Regional Advisory

CouncilAdam PockPolk County Sheriff’s Office

CharitiesPort Madison EnterprisesJoy PoteetEva PricePrice Chopper’s Golub FoundationReynlands Properties IncPeter PurcellRC Bigelow IncRL Jordan Oil CompanyRaleysRamsey Hill LLPRavenna United FundRD Scinto Inc.Rebecca Houlihan PhotographyChristine ReseighThe Resource Training CenterRhode Island Chapter Society of

CPCURichard ChevroletDeborah RichardsDianne E RichardsonJohn RichardsonJane N RigbyJanet RileyGloria V RiosTara RiouxKelly Ann RiveriaLisa RobertsonRod L & Christine M ForsytheTara RoesenerPamela RomanowJoyce Rorex

Morton RosenRosen & Goldberg, PADavid RosenbergTia RosengartenEric RossiRotary Club of WoonsocketMartha RowlettSarah RuckerPatricia RussellRusso Battista Law GroupBob, Donna, Colleen, JG RyanEarl SandsSanford Thompson PLLCSanta Rose Sheriff’s OfficeHugh SchillingSchillinger Foundation IncJules SchneiderGary SchroederKaren SchrothScituate High School Amy ScopacClint SearcySecuritas Security Services USSeminole Co CommissionersPeter SenderSeneca Law GroupShaw’s Supermarkets Charitable

FoundationMatthew SheddAlex SheenSteve M SherwoodShirley Sayre Memorial FundRiley ShortJohn ShuttSing for Safety FoundationJoesph & Amalia SinglerMarlise SkinnerCindy SlevenskiJohn SmithRonald SmithOliver SmithiesMalcolm SneedSandra SnyderSole-LutionsSouth Florida Council of

FirefightersHarold J SpaethSt Peters Reformed Church PastSt ValentineSt. Francis Catholic ChurchBrian StadtmillerGerard StantonState of IdahoPeter StathakisSusan StearnsBruce StephensChain Cohn StilesTisa StiltzDavid StokesRoss D StokesGeorge & Ruri SugimotoSuntrust FoundationSwartz Taliaferro Swartz &


SwiftSycuan Band of Kumeyaay NationTampa Firefighters CharitiesReynald R TapiaValentin TapiaTaxi Taxi LLCNancy E TaylorTD Bank, N.A.TelemundoTexas Comptroller Public

AssociationFelicia ThompsonTim Crawford Insurance AgencyTix 4 Cause, LLCElsie TrappTrinity Health-Saint AlphonsusWolf TrustCallee TylerFairfield UniversityUniversity of CincinnatiUrgent Cares of America HoldingsUSS Tennessee Woodmen

Fraternal AssociationTara ValenteThomas Van ThielDebra Van HoozerMary & Mark VankooysAaron VenableVentura County Deputy Sheriffs

AssociationVictory Layne ChevroletAnne Von RosenstielEd VoylesMilton & Miriam Waldbaum FamilySteven P WaldmanMikiko WalkerMichael WallaceJeanne WareWayne Wright LLPWD-40Jeffrey L WeinsteinDebbie WeirTheodore WenderWescom Credit UnionJackie WestMartha WhiteMindy WhiteAndrew WhiteKara WhitfieldCathy WhitneyWhitney Young Children’s

FoundationMarianne WilliamsBickley WilsonWilliam L. Windsor, Jr.Wolf Creek Charitable FoundationWorld Bank CommunityJanine YassMichael J YraceburnZaxby’s Franchising Inc.Cesare ZepinJoseph Zitolo


Year ended December 31, 2014

AssetsCash and cash equivalentsInvestments, at market valueReceivables, netContributions receivable, netPrepaid expenses and otherLiterature and suppliesProperty and equipment, net

Total Assets

Liabilities and net assetsAccounts payableAccrued liabilitiesDeferred revenue & rent

Total Liabilities

Net AssetsNet Assets at end of year

2014($ in millions)

$ 5,790

12,700 1,957 2,099

760 92

684 $ 24,082

$ 8

2,576 812


20,686 $ 24,082

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTSOn October 10, 2013, 23-year-old Eric Fischer and his girlfriend, 20-year-old Andrea Herrera, left the restaurant where they were watching a Tigers game to take care of their newly adopted puppy, Otis. On their way to Eric’s house, a drunk and drugged driver ran a red light and hit Eric and Andrea’s car, pushing them into the path of a semi-truck. Both Eric and Andrea were killed.

After the crash, the prosecutor connected Eric and Andrea’s families with MADD Michigan. MADD Victim Advocate Stephanie Hurst helped prepare the families for the court process, accompanied them to the trial and offered a shoulder to lean on during the incredibly difficult time. The drunk driver, who had a history of alcohol-related offenses, was sentenced to between 12-and-a-half and 30 years in prison.

With the trial behind them, Eric’s and Andrea’s families remain dedicated to making sure that this doesn’t happen to other families. They participated in the Grand Rapids, Michigan Walk Like MADD event on September 13, 2014, and raised $5,315 to help bring an end to the devastating and 100% preventable crime of drunk driving.


Pictured: Andrea Herrera and Eric Fischer

Year ended December 31, 2014

RevenuesIndividual contributions and net special eventsCorporate and foundationsGovernmentIn-kindVictim impact panel feesLicenses, promotions and other

Net assets released from restrictionsTotal Revenues

ExpensesCampaign to Eliminate Drunk DrivingVictim ServicesUnderage Drinking PreventionManagemet and generalFundraising

Total expenses

Provisions for Income Taxes

Charge in net assetsNet assets at beginning of yearNet assets at end of year


$ 11,722




13,66210,4663,557 4,1016,856




$ 18,019

Temporarily Restricted

$ -

2,440 ----

2,440 -748





$ 2,657


$ -

-----0 -0



0 10

$ 10

2014 Total($ in the millions)

$ 11,722

6,031 8,5462,6746,2452,373

37,591 0


13,66210,4663,557 4,1016,856




$ 20,686

Services ProvidedCampaign to Eliminate Drunk DrivingVictim ServicesUnderage Drinking PreventionManagement and GeneralFundraising





Public Support RevenueIndividual contributions and net special eventsVictim impact panel fees, licenses & otherGovernment grants, corporations, fundraising & in-kind







MADD National Office511 E. John Carpenter FreewaySuite 700Irving, TX 75062

877.ASK.MADD877.MADD.HELP 24-Hour Victim Help Linemadd.org