34 Positive Thoughts JUST FOR TODAY

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 34 Positive Thoughts JUST FOR TODAY

Just for today, forget your worries and

enjoy the moment right where you are!

Just for today, adjust yourself to what is, and

try not to adjust everything to your own desires.

Just for today, try not to complain about

your trials, because they are for

growing and learning.

Just for today, look for the good around

you and compliment rather than criticize.

Just for today, do a good

deed and keep it a secret.

If anyone finds out, it

won’t count.

Just for today, accept what is and face

reality….correct those things which can be

corrected and accept those that cannot.

Just for today, forgive your enemies

and feel a great burden lifted

from your heart.

Just for today, remember that life

is a gift and a blessing from God,

and that this new day is filled

with awesome potential.

Just for today, be unafraid to be happy

and enjoy what is beautiful and believe

that those you love, also love you.

Just for today, remember that you have

everything you need and many

blessings untold.

Just for today, try not to be too

conservative, and help someone

who has less.

Just for today, try to live through this day

only, and not tackle all your

problems at once.

Just for today, lend a helping hand

to someone who is broken.

Just for today, do not let self become

overwhelmed with inward pain.

Just for today, do somebody a good

turn, and not get found out.

Just for today, be at peace with

all humanity, and pray for

peace in our Nation.

Just for today, accept where

you are, and not adjust everything

to what you want.

Just for today, accept what life brings,

even though you may not understand.

Just for today, take what you are served

knowing someone out there is

being served much less.

Just for today, gather the courage

to do what is right, and take the

responsibility for your own actions.

Just for today, let your mind believe

the impossible, and embrace today

as if there is no tomorrow.

Just for today, have complete

harmony in your life, as

tomorrow will be today when

it arrives, if it comes.