3(36) 2010

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Transcript of 3(36) 2010


#362010September, October

a r q i t e q t u r a i n t e r i e r i d i z a i n i





saqarTvelos arqiteqtorTa kavSiri




ggaammoommcceemmeellii -- kompania aarrqqiitteeqqttoorrTTaa kklluubbii,, ssttiillii da dimitri mosuliSvili

ddiirreeqqttoorrii -- eka javaxiSvili

rreeddaaqqttoorrii -- nino laRiZe

iinnffoorrmmaacciiaa -- nino laRiZe

TTaarrggmmaannii -- nata kurtaniZe

kkoommppiiuutteerruullii ddiizzaaiinnii -- Tamaz CxaiZe

ddiizzaaiinnii - gia nozaZe

PUBLISHER - Company ARCHITECTURAL CLUB, STYLE & Dimitri Mosulishvili

DIRECTOR - Eka Javakhishvili

EDITOR - Nino Laghidze

INFORMATION - Nino Laghidze

TRANSLATION - Nata Kurtanidze

COMPUTER GRAPHIC - Tamaz Chkhaidze

DESIGN - Gia Nozadze

kompania "stili", kompania arqiteqtorTa klubi"

0160 Tbilisi, pekinis q. N33

tel/faqsi: 37-26-34.

mob: 877 44-86-00, 893 42-74-73

33 Pekini Str., 0160 Tbilisi, Georgia.

Tel/fax: (+995 32) 37-26-34

Mob: (+995 77) 44-86-00, (+995 93) 42-74-73


E-mail: inbox@archistyle.ge

sareklamo teqstis Sinaarsze

redaqcia pasuxs ar agebs


arqiteqtorTa kavSiri

aarrqqiitteeqqttoorreebbiissaa ddaa

ddiizzaaiinneerreebbiiss ssaayyuurraaddRReebboodd!!

arqiteqturul-dizaineruli Jurnali "stili" kvlavagrZelebs TqvenTan TanamSromlobas.

gTxovT, mogvawodoT Tqvens mier realizebuliarqiteqturul-dizaineruli proeqtebi. maT SorissaukeTesoebi ganTavsebuli iqneba Jurnali "stilis"momdevno nomrebSi, risTvisac winaswar gixdiT mad-lobas.

redaqcia itovebs uflebas gacnoboT masalismomzadebisa da publikaciisaTvis aucilebeli piro-ba - JurnalSi gamosaqveynebeli obieqti warmodge-nili iqnas misi amsaxveli foto-masalismaRalmxatvruli xarisxiT - avtorma uzrunvelyosobieqtis profesiuli fotogadaReba.


� gare reklamis damzadeba

da ganTavseba;

� video reklamis damzadeba

da ganTavseba;

� proeqtireba, mSenebloba,



sareklamo kompania







aarrqqiitteeqqttoorreebbiissaa ddaa ddiizzaaiinneerreebbiiss ssaayyuurraaddRReebboodd::

""aarrqqiitteeqqttuurruullii pprreemmiiaa 22001100""--iiss mmoossaappoovveebbllaadd ddaawwyyeebbuulliiaa nnaammuuSSeevvrreebbiiss mmiiRReebbaa

ddeeddllaaiinnii:: 22001100 wwlliiss 99 ooqqttoommbbrraammddee

To the attention of architects and designers:Submission of entries for Architectural Award 2010 has started

Deadline: October 9 2010

tel/fax: +995 32 37-26-34; mob.: +995 93 42-74-73







`arqiteqtorTa klubis~ da Jurnali

STYLE -s egidiT gamoica wigni -

"saqarTvelos arqiteqtura &

Tanamedrove qarTveli arqiteqtorebi".

gamocema gayidvaSia Tbilisis wignis


wignis - "saqarTvelos arqiteqtura &

Tanamedrove qarTveli arqiteqtorebi"

- gamocema, proeqtis pirveli etapia.

dawyebulia wignis II nawilze muSaoba.

dagegmili gvaqvs, igi, kvlav saintere-

sod ganvavrcod, miTumetes, rom intere-

si profesionalebis mxridan mzardia.

dagvikavSirdiT misamarTze:

pekinis q. 33

tel./faqsi: +995 32 37 26 34.

mob: +995 93 42 74 73

E-mail: nino@style-magazine.com.ge

www. style-magazine.com.ge

“Georgian Architecture & Contemporary

Georgian Architects” - Book

Project organizers: STYLE Magazine,

Architects’ Club

“Georgian Architecture & Contemporary

Georgian Architects” is only the beginning

of our project. We started work on the sec-

ond volume of the book, in which we hope

to further explore the past and present of

Georgian art, especially considering that

the professionals already start to show

increasing interest toward our activity.

please contact us at the following address:

33 Beijing Street, Tbilisi, Georgia;

Tel/fax: +99532-372624

Mobile: +99593-427473

E-mail: nino@style-magazine.com.ge














kompania SBA - brendi PARRA marTavs 5 fabrikas litvaSi da erTsac

(saxelwodebiT "novomebeli") ruseTSi, gaaCnia warmomadgenlobebi ruse-

Tsa da germaniaSi. kompania SBA - brendi PARRA-s avejis yidva SesaZle-

belia sxvadasxva cnobil savaWro qselebSi ("Fly" da "Alinea" safrangeTSi,

"Hofner", "Lutz", "Zegmuler", "Otto" da "Begros" germaniaSi da sxva).

baltiispireTis umsxvilesi avejis mwarmoebeli koncernis warmateba

mdidari gamocdilebiTaa ganpirobebuli: PARRA-s Semadgeneli zogi sa-

warmos istoria me-19 saukunidan iwyeba.

radikalurad gansxvavebuli moTxovnebis dakmayofilebis unars ara

marto produqciis xarisxi da ekologiurad sufTa masalebis SerCeva

udevs safuZvlad, aramed Tanamedrove dizainic. PARRA italiis, saf-

rangeTis, inglisis, SvedeTis da sxva qveynebis cnobil dizainerebTan er-

Toblivad qmnis axlebur avejs energiuli, gemovnebiani, cxovrebis wyu-

rviliT Sepyrobili adamianebisTvis. kompaniis warmatebaSi Tavisi wvli-

li aqvT Setanili germanel dizainerebs roman Snaiders (kompania

"S–designteam") da qristian blumenStains, italiur dizainerul kompa-

nias "Archirivolto Design"-s da mis dizainerebs marko poCis, klaudio do-

ndolis da qristian goris.

PARRA yovelwliurad monawileobs milanis, kiolnis, stokholmis, mo-

skovis, barnTrupis saerTaSoriso gamofenebSi. PARRA-s koleqciebSi mo-

ipoveba aveji rogorc Tanamedrove klasikis moyvarulTaTvis, ise maTT-

vis visac urCevnia minimalizmi an eTnostili.

PARRA-s aveji mzaddeba sxvadasxva jiSebis maRalxarisxovani xiT, ek-

ologiurad sufTa emaliTa da laqiT, formaldehidis nulovani Semcve-

lobis mqone masalebiT, progresuli, “sufTa” sawarmoo teqnologiebis


avejis warmoebaSi didi yuradReba eniWeba mis praqtikul mxares, Ta-

namedrove dizains da xarisxs.

axla ukve, kompania SBA - brendi PARRA-s produqcia SegiZliaT ixiloT

axali teqnologiebis centrSi ganTavsebul avejis salonSi.

mis: d. aRmaSeneblis xeivani, me-15 km. (Tbilisis SemosasvlelSi)

tel: +995 32 333-560; +995 32 333-650

naturaluri da ekologiurad sufTa, praqtikuli da gamZle – aseT moTxovnebs uyeneben maRalxarisxovan avejs msoflios nebismier qveyanaSi. ba-

ltiispireTis umsxviles avejis mwarmoebel kompania kompania SBA - brendi PARRA-s klientebis kmayofilebis donis gansazRvra SeuZlia ara mxol-

od gamoSvebuli produqciis odenobiT da gayidvebis moculobiT, aramed saerTaSoriso bazarze aRiarebiT, sadac momwodebels gacilebiT ufro

maRali standartebisa da mravalferovani gemovnebis dakmayofileba uwevs. kompania SBA - brendi PARRA awarmoebs rogorc korpusul, ise rbil av-

ejs; misi nawarmis 97% eqsportze gadis – metwilad safrangeTSi, germaniSi da skandinaviis qveynebSi.

kompania SBA - brendi PARRA







evropuli garemo Tqvens saxlSi

SBA Group (PARRA brand) specializes in cabinet as well as upholstered furniture; 97%

of its products are exported, mostly to France, Germany and Scandinavian countries.

SBA Group (PARRA brand) operates five plants in Lithuania and one ("Novomebel")

in Russia and has offices in Russia and Germany. SBA Group (PARRA brand) furni-

ture is represented in a number of popular sales networks (like "Fly" and "Alinea" in

France, "Hofner", "Lutz", "Zegmuler", "Otto" and "Begros" in Germany, etc).

Success of the largest Baltic furniture manufacturing corporation is based on rich

experience - some of the factories belonging to SBA Group count their history from

the 19th century.

The ability to satisfy radically different demands is conditioned not only by prod-

uct quality and choice of environment-friendly materials, but also by refined modern

design. PARRA cooperates with leading designers of Italy, France, UK, Sweden and

other countries to create innovative furniture for strong, energetic and tasteful people.

German designers Roman Schneider ("S-designteam") and Christian Blumenstein, Italian

design studio "Archirivolto Design" and its designers Marco Pocci, Claudio Dondolli

and Christin Gori have contributed to the success of SBA Group.

PARRA regularly participates in international exhibitions of Milan, Cologne,

Stockholm, Moscow, etc., offering to the public diverse furniture ranging from modern

classics to minimalism and ethno style.



TEL: +995 32 333-560; +995 32 333-650

SBA Group - PARRA Brand

Natural and environment-friendly, practical and durable - such are the demands

toward high-quality furniture anywhere in the world. SBA Group (holder of PARRA brand),

the largest Baltic furniture manufacturer, can measure the level of satisfaction of its

clients not only by demand or turnover, but also by recognition on international mar-

ket, where suppliers are obliged to comply with high standards and diverse tastes.


veneciis bienale

Venice Biennale16







sakoncerto darbazis


Reconstruction of

Art Concert Hall30

sivrcis orientiri


`solomoni~ siRnaRSi

"Solomon" in Sighnaghi38

axali sazogadoebrivi


New Public Space42

`qalaqi~ zRvasTan

"City" by the Sea46

`TeTri tba~

White Lake50


ucxouri arqiteqtura


bernal haitis rezidencia

Bernal Heights Residence

by SB Architects56

saqarTvelos pavilioni

SanxaiSi - Expo 2010

Expo 2010 Georgia

Pavilion - Shanghai60

sazogadoebrivi interieri


liberTi bankis

saTao ofisi


Bank Headquarters64

pirveli proeqti

warmatebiT Sedga

First Project

Successfully Realized66

pianos romantika

Piano Romance70

stilisturi mTlianoba

The unity of style74



Diverse Design76

dizeli TbilisSi

Diesel in Tbilisi78

brenduli kreatiuloba

Brand Creativity82

Sou rumi Guess

Showroom Guess84

dizaineruli kolaJi


Design Collage

of Interior86

sacxovrebeli interieri


ori binis istoria

History of two apartment88

komforti da simyudrove

Comfort and


komfortis esTetika


of aesthetics94

gayinuli momentebi:

arqiteqtura gvpasuxobs

Frozen Moments:

Architecture Speaks Back98

axali ambebi


arqiteqturis institutis

ivlisis qronika

Institute of

Architecture -

July Chronicle102

sarCevi Content













sarCevi Content







Pasquale Liguori108



upirvelesi safiqrali -

adamianis daniSnulebaa

The Most Important

Concern - Purpose of


vaxtang musxeliSvili

Vaho Muskheli 112

fokanis saxelosnoebis


History of

Fokan Workshops114

soso nadiraZe


umanko da wminda

formebi da simboloebi

Innocent and pure

forms and symbols120

kurortuli resursebis

gamoyenebis Tanamedrove


Modern Challenges,

Connected to Use

of Resort Area Resources104

kaWreTma xelovnebis

uikends umaspinZla

Artistic Weekend

in Kachreti106

stili #36. 2010


2010 wlis 29 agvistos veneciaSi oficialu-

rad gaixsna arqiteqturis meTormete bienale,

romelic gastans a/w 27 noembramde. ukve mesa-

med, saqarTvelos arqiteqtorTa kavSiris or-

ganizebiT, 28 agvistos moewyo saqarTvelos na-

cionaluri pavilionis inauguracia, koncepci-

iT – `arqiteqtura konfliqtebis gareSe~ (bu-

nebriv garemoSi ukonfliqto Carevebi). (vrclad

koncepciis Sesaxeb ix. Jurnal `stilis~ 2010

wlis 35-e nomeri).

Cveni qveynisTvis mniSvnelovania is faqti,

rom bienales istoriaSi qarTuli nacionalu-

ri pavilionis gamofenis koncepcia pirvelad

ganixileboda `oqros lomis~ erT-erT preten-

dentad - nominaciaSi - `saukeTeso nacionalu-

ri pavilioni~. Tematurma komisiebma 29 agvis-

tos oficialur ceremonialze gamoacxades sa-

boloo Sedegebi da moxda gamarjvebulTa da-


meTormete saerTaSoriso arqiteqturis ga-

mofenis Jiuri Sedgeboda: biatris kolomina (es-

paneTi) - Jiuris Tavmjdomare; franCesko dal-

ko (italia); Josef grima (italia); arata iso-

zaki (iaponia); moriz kungi (Sveicaria) da trin

T. min-hasi (vietnami).

jildoebi gadaecaT:

- `oqros lomi~, saukeTeso nacionaluri mo-

nawileobisTvis, bahreinis samefos. (Artiglierie


bahreinis urbanuli kvlevis jgufi (Tamad-

ler al fahali, muna iaTimi, fei al xalifa,

dena aSrafi, fatima al hamadi, muhamed al qa-

ri); `Lapa~ (hari gugeri, leopold banCini, si-

mon Ceseqsi, rasel loveriji, ning liu) da ka-

mila zaharia (fotografi da inJineri) da mu-

hamed bu ali (prodiuseri). komisiis wevri: ku-

lturisa da informaciis saministro, noura al

saiehi. kuratori: noura al saiehi; fuad al


- `oqros lomi~ saukeTeso proeqtisaTvis,

sagamofeno Temaze – arqiteqtura, rogorc Se-

xvedrebis adgili.

junia iSigami da kompanionebi (iaponia) `ar-

qiteqtura, rogorc haeri~: study for chateau la coste

- `vercxlis lomi~, axalgazrda monawilis

wasaxaliseblad, Temaze _ arqiteqtura, rog-

orc Sexvedrebis adgili.

kirsten jins devid van severenis ofisi da

bas prinseni (belgia da niderlandebi. jiral-

dino dele verjini, arsenali). `7 oTaxi 21 pe-


oficialur prizebTan erTad, saerTaSo-

riso Jiurim gadawyvita, daewesebina sami spe-

cialuri aRiareba: arqiteqturuli studia

Amateur (CineTi); `dangreuli gumbaTi~; mumbai

studio (indoeTi), `samuSao sivrce~; pit odo-

lfi (niderlandebi. Giardino delle Vergini), II

Giardino delle Vergini.

saerTaSoriso Jiuris motivacia:

`oqros lomi~ saukeTeso nacionaluri mo-


bahreinis samefos SemTxvevaSi, msjelobis,

mkafio TviT-analizis nacvlad imis Sesaxeb, Tu

ra damokidebuleba aqvs qveyanas maT swrafad

cvalebad sanapiro zolTan, Jiuri moixibla mo-

nawileebis arCevniT. maT proeqtSi, warmavali

arqiteqturuli formebi warmoadgens erTgv-

ar gegmas, Tu rogor unda gaxdes zRva kvlav

sazogadoebrivi sivrcis forma: gansakuTrebu-

lad mokrZalebuli da amasTanave mourigebeli

gamoZaxili gamofenis direqtoris, kacio seji-

veneciis bienale

arqiteqturis me-12 saerTaSoriso gamofena veneciaSi


stili #36. 2010

mas mier dadgenil Temaze – `arqiteqtura, ro-

gorc Sexvedrebis adgili~.

`oqros lomi~ Tematuri proeqtisaTvis – `ar-

qiteqtura, rogorc Sexvedrebis adgili~:

`arqiteqtura, rogorc haeri~ - `oqros lo-

miT~ dajildovebisas, Jiuri moixibla unikalu-

ri da ukompromiso avtoriseuli xedviT. ju-

nia iSigamis namuSevari xels kravs yovelgvar

materialur sazRvrebs, xilvadobas, struqtu-

rulobas da saboloo jamSi TviT arqiteqtu-

rasac ki.

`vercxlis lomi~, axalgazrda monawilis wa-

saxaliseblad, Temaze _ `arqiteqtura, rogorc

Sexvedrebis adgili~:

arqiteqtorTa am jgufis da fotograf bas

prinsenis `vercxlis lomiT~ dajildovebiT, Ji-

urim aRniSna proeqtis ganxorcielebis Cinebu-

li potenciali. Jiuri aseve moixibla foto-

grafsa da arqiteqtorTa gunds Soris arse-

buli, kargad Serwymuli TanamSromlobiT, ma-

Ti unariT, Tanmimdevruli xedviT daekavSire-

binaT fotoanalizi da gegmarebiTi Careva,

romelic dawvrilebiT pasuxobda proeqtis


gansakuTrebuli aRniSvna:

gansakuTrebuli aRniSvnis pativi wilad

xvda van Sus, vito bertinisa da lu venius ar-

qiteqturul studias, namuSevrisTvis - `dang-

reuli gumbaTi~.

proeqtis mTavari damsaxurebaa misi stru-

qtura – ganaTeba, moZravi da unaklo sinamd-


gansakuTrebuli aRiareba daimsaxura, ase-

ve mumbais arqiteqtorTa studiam, romelmac wa-

rmoadgina instalaciaSi CaZiruli garemo – sa-

muSao sivrce, sadac araCveulebrivad Cans Te-

matikis mimarT maTi alRo da kreatiuloba.

gansakuTrebuli aRniSvnis Rirsi gaxda, as-

eve, landSaftis arqiteqtori pit odolfi, ro-

melmac sakuTar proeqtSi - II Giardino delle Vergini

warmoadgina StambeWdavi, daxvewili baRi.

arqiteqturaSi mniSvnelovani miRwevebisT-

vis - arqiteqturis ganviTarebaSi Setanili ga-

nsakuTrebuli wvlilisTvis, `arqiteqturuli

enis ganaxlebisTvis~, bienales prizi - `oqros

lomi~ mieniWa holandiel arqiteqtors rem


kacio sejimas iniciativiT, damatebiTi pre-

miiT aRiniSna kaZuo sinoharas (aw. gardacvli-

li) Rvawli Tanamedrove iaponur arqiteqtu-


dajildovebas xelmZRvanelobda paolo ba-


oficialur ceremonials ar Cauvlia inci-

ndentis gareSec _ gaurkveveli mosazrebebis

gamo, dacvis warmomadgenelma ceremonialis

darbazSi ar SeuSva cnobili arqiteqtori no-


stili #36. 2010


rman fosteri. miuxedavad daZabulobisa, pro-

cesi damswre arqiteqtorebisaTvis metad saxa-

lisod warimarTa.

me-12 bienale, rogorc yovelTvis, mTeli pe-

riodis ganmavlobaSi - 29 agvistodan 27 noem-

bramde - datvirTulia saintereso leqcia se-


saqarTvelos arqiteqtorTa kavSiri mniSv-

nelovnad miiCnevs amdagvarad RonisZiebebSi xe-

li Seuwyos qarTveli arqiteqtorebis CarTv-

as, radgan es aris erT-erTi kargi saSualeba

droulad moxdes, rogorc arqiteqturis axa-

li mimarTulebebis, aseve axali teqnologieb-

is gacnoba.

madlobis gamoxatvis mizniT arqiteqtor-

Ta jgufis wevrebs, besarion tatiSvilis, Ta-

maz beJaniSvilis, kaxaber fofxaZe, givi gogri-

Wianis, nikoloz abaSiZis, giorgi giorgaZis, gi-

orgi kviwinaSvilis, romlebmac gansakuTrebu-

li wvlili Seitanes qarTuli pavilionis mo-

wyobaSi, saSualeba miecaT ufasod, 30 agvisto-

dan 1 seqtembramde enaxad florenciis ulama-

zesi mxare da gacnobodnen wamyvani teqnolo-

giebis ramdenime sawarmos. amave dros maTi gva-

rebi da namuSevrebi daibeWda bienales ofici-

alur katalogSi.

daviT abulaZe

saqarTvelos arqiteqtorTa

kavSiris Tavmjdomare

veneciis arqiteqturuli bienales

me-12 saerTaSoriso gamofenis

qarTuli pavilionis komisari

veneciis bienale


stili #36. 2010

The 12th International Architecture Exhibition was

officially opened on August 29, 2010. Biennale will

take place between August 29 and November 27,


The inauguration of the Georgian national Pavilion

with conception – ‘’Architecture without Conflicts’’ (the

non-conflict interventions in natural environments) (for

details: #35, 2010 issue of Style Magazine), organized

by the Georgian Union of Architects, took place on

August 28, 2010.

The most important fact for Georgia is that the

National Pavilion Exhibition conception was consid-

ered among the Golden Lion pretenders, for the first

time in nomination – The Best National Pavilion.

The final results were announced on the official

ceremony and the winners were awarded with the

prizes on August 29, by the thematic jury.

The International Jury of the 12th International

Architecture Exhibition composed by Beatriz

Colomina (Spain) President of the Jury, Francesco

DalCo (Italy), Joseph Grima (Italy), Arata Isozaki

(Japan), Moritz Küng (Switzerland) and Trinh T.

Minh-ha (Vietnam) has decided to confer the official

awards of the Architecture Biennale 2010 as follows:

Golden Lion for the best National Participation

to the Kingdom of Bahrain

(Artiglierie dell’Arsenale)

Bahrain Urban Research Team (Tamadher Al

Fahal; Muna Yateem; Fay Al Khalifa; Deena Ashraf;

Fatema Al-Hammadi; Mohammed Al-Qari); LAPA

(Harry Gugger; Leopold Banchini; Simon Chessex;

Russell Loveridge; Ning Liu) and Camille Zakharia

(photographer and engineer) and Mohammed Bu Ali


Commissioner: Ministry of Culture & Information;

Noura Al-Sayeh.

Curators: Noura Al-Sayeh; Fuad Al-Ansari.

Golden Lion of the best project of the Exhibition

People meet in architecture

to junya.ishigami+associates (Japan. Corderie

dell’Arsenale). Architecture as air: Study for château la


Silver Lion for a promising young participant of

the Exhibition People meet in architecture

to OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen +

Bas Princen.(Belgium and The Netherlands. Giardino

delle Vergini, Arsenale),7 rooms 21 Perspectives.

In addition to the official prizes, the International

Jury has decided to assign three Special Mentionsto: Amateur Architecture Studio (China. Corderie,

Arsenale), Decay of a Dome;

Studio Mumbai (India. Corderie, Arsenale), Work


12th International Architecture Exhibition

stili #36. 2010


Place; Piet Oudolf (The Netherlands. Giardino delle

Vergini), Il Giardino delle Vergini.

The motivation of the International Jury:Given the range of vast urban developments that

Kingdom of Bahrain could have been tempted to

include in this Exhibition, the jury was impressed by

the choice, instead, of a lucid and forceful self-analy-

sis of the nation’s relationship with its rapidly changing

coastline. Here transient forms of architecture are pre-

sented as devices for reclaiming the sea as a form of

public space: an exceptionally humble yet compelling

response to People meet in architecture, the theme

proposed by Exhibition Director Kazuyo Sejima.

Golden Lion of the best project of the Exhibition

People meet in architecture

In awarding Architecture as air: study for château

la coste the Golden Lion, the jury would like to

acknowledge the unique and uncompromising vision

of its author, Junya Ishigami. The work pushes the lim-

its of materiality, visibility, tectonics, thinness, and ulti-

mately of architecture itself.

Silver Lion for a promising young participant of

the Exhibition People meet in architecture

The jury’s selection of architects OFFICE Kersten

Geers David Van Severen in collaboration with pho-

tographer Bas Princen as recipients of the Silver Lion

is a recognition of the remarkable potential of the prac-

tice and this ongoing collaboration. The jury was

struck by their ability to reconcile photographic analy-

sis and design intervention into a coherent vision, par-

ticularly given the project’s resonance with the theme

proposed by the Exhibition Director.

Special Mentions: A special mention is awarded

to Decay of a Dome by the team Wang Shu, Vito

Bertin, Lu WenYu of Amateur Architecture Studio. Of

great merit is the wisdom of the project whose struc-

ture - light, mobile and utterly simple - can be speedi-

ly constructed or returned to nothingness.

A special mention is awarded to Studio

Mumbai Architects for the immersive environment

presented in their installation – an exceptional insight

veneciis bienale


stili #36. 2010

into the creative context of the atelier in which their

work originates.

A special mention is awarded to landscape

architect Piet Oudolf for Il Giardino delle Vergini, his

subtle, impressionistic yet carefully orchestrated gar-

den. The jury read it as an effective transposition into

the landscape of la Biennale’s theme.

The Awards and Opening Ceremony of the 12th

International Architecture Exhibition took place on

August 28th 2010, at 4 p.m. at Giardini, also with the

conferral of the Golden Lions attributed by the Board

of la Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta

and on the proposal of the Director, Kazuyo Sejima:

Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement to Rem

Koolhaas; Golden Lion in memoriam to Kazuo

Shinohara. The honourable prize, Golden Lion of

2010, for Lifetime Achievement - to Rem Kolhaas.

The official ceremony didn’t take place without

incident – with the uncertain consideration the securi-

ty officer did not admit the famous architect Norman

Foster in to the ceremony hall. In spite of tension, the

official process was very diverting.

As usual the 12th Biennale for the hole period

(from 29 August, till the November 27) is loaded by the

interesting seminars.

The Georgian Union of Architects consider that it’s

very important to help Georgian architects to partici-

pate at such arrangements. It’s one of the best ways

to introduce the new architectural directions and tech-


To thank the architectural team members:

Besarion Tatishvili, Tamaz BeJanishvili, Kakhaber

Popkhadze, Givi Gogrichiani, Nikoloz abashidze,

Giorgi Giorgadze, Giorgi Kvitsinashvili, who did one’s

bit for the Georgian National pavilion, were admitted to

see Florence beautiful sites and several leading tech-

nology industrials, from August 30, till September 1,

without any charge. Also their names and works were

presented in Biennale catalogue.

David Abuladze

Chairman of the Union of Architects of Georgia

Commissioner of Georgia Pavilion

at the 12th International Architecture Exhibition,

La Biennale di Venezia


baTumi - uZveles warsulSi warmoqmnili qa-

laqi, qsenofontesa da apolon rodoselis mo-

nacemebiT, kargad iyo cnobili antikuri mso-

fliosTvis. Zvelad, axlandeli baTumis teri-

toria da masTan axlos mdebare raionebi le-

gendaruli kolxidis nawili iyo. pirvelad da-

saxeleba `baTumi~-s werilobiTi moxsenieba

gvxvdeba aristoteles naSromebSi, Cveni wel-

TaRricxviT IV saukuneSi. uZvelesi baTumi, ro-

gorc kolxidis dasaxleba, mdebareobda mdina-

re yoroliswylis SenakadTan da misi gadmona-

cvleba samxreTisken moxda XVIII-XIX saukuneeb-

Si, rac ZiriTadad ganpirobebuli iyo Taname-

drove baTumis saxarbielo mdebareobiT da

Rrmawyliani ubeTi, romelic iZleoda didto-

naJiani gemebis miRebis saSualebas.

antikuri miTosi argonavtebis Sesaxeb, Zve-

lberZnuli werilobiTi wyaroebi, aseve, gaTx-

rebisas mopovebuli mravali saiuveliro, Tix-

is da liTonis nawarmi mogviTxroben rkinis da

liTonis pirvelaRmomCen kolxur tomebze. qa-

laqi iyo kolxuri siZlieris bastioni. epoqeb-

is manZilze. am adgilze mcxovrebma mosaxleob-

am mravali gansacdeli gadaitana. ukanasknelad

Turqebma daipyres baTumi XVII saukuneSi.

1878 wlis 25 agvistos qalaqi baTumi aWa-

rasTan erTad daubrunda saqarTvelos. XIX sa-

ukunis bolos baTumSi warmatebiT viTardebo-

da vaWroba da warmoeba. 1883 wels baTumi rki-

nigziT daukavSirda Tbilissa da baqos. 1885

wels dasrulda baTumis navsadguris rekons-

truqcia. aSenda im droisTvis Zalian mniSvne-

lovani fabrikebi da qarxnebi.

xelsayrelma geografiulma mdebareobam da

bunebrivi Rrmawyliani ubis arsebobam XIX sa-

ukunis bolos ganapiroba baTumis navsadgur-

is gardaqmna msoflio mniSvnelobis navsadgu-

rad, saidanac xdeboda baqos navTobis eqspor-

tireba msoflios sxvadasxva qveynebSi. 1888

wels baTums mieniWa qalaqis statusi.

dResdReobiT baTumi aWaris - saqarTvelos

erT-erTi ulamazesi kuTxis dedaqalaqia, qalaq

baTumsa da baTumis navsadgurs saerTo istoria

aqvT. baTumis sazRvao navsadguris istoria Ta-

vis saTaveebs jer kidev romis imperiidan iRebs,

roca adrian III mmarTvelobis periodSi baTum-

is navsadguri romaelebis savaWro qselis erTe-

rTi mniSvnelovani punqti iyo. swored maSin wa-

rmoiqmna dedaqalaqis dasaxeleba sityva `baTu-

sisgan~, rac niSnavs `Rrma~-s. ase monaTles es qa-

laqi ZvelberZnebma da romaelma mezRvaurebma.

stili #36. 2010


q a l a q i


baTumiadrindel feodalur xanaSi, sxva zRvispira dasaxle-

bebisgan gansxvavebiT, baTumi dawinaurebuli iyo, rasac xels

uwyobda misi mdebareoba qveynis Sida raionebisken mimava-

li gzebis dasawyisSi. feodalur xanaSi baTumis cixis ga-

rSemo arsebobda soflis tipis dasaxleba, magram igi qa-

laqadac ixsenieba (amborjo kontarini). v. batoniSvilis mi-

xedviT, XIII saukuneSi baTumi mcire qalaqi iyo, romelsac

saucxoo citadeli hqonda.

baTumis urbanul ganviTarebas me-19 saukunis meore naxevarSi Ca-

eyara safuZveli da es procesi uSualod ukavSirdeboda navsayudel-

is baTumis koncxisken gadmonacvlebis process. 80-ian wlebSi qalaq-

is swrafi ganviTareba daiwyo.

am droisTvis, faqtobrivad, gansazRvruli iyo qalaqis dagegma-

reba da qalaqmSeneblobis ZiriTadi parametrebi. 1890-iani wlebis mo-

nacemebiT administraciulad baTumi oTx ubnad iyo dayofili. `azi-

zie~ (qalaqis Crdilo-aRmosavleT nawili), msxvili vaWrobis centrs

warmoadgenda. aq Tavmoyrili iyo administraciuli da sazogadoeb-

rivi dawesebulebebis umetesoba. `azizies~ aRmosavleTiT mdebareob-

da `axmedie~. am ubanSi mdebareobda savaWro dawesebulebebi, Turqu-

li bazari, sawvrilmano duqnebi, yavaxanebi da sxva. mosaxleobis Ra-

ribi fena qalaqis yvelaze did ubanSi, `mufTieSi~ cxovrobda, sadac

navTobis qarxnebi iyo ganlagebuli. `azizies~ samxreTiT mdebare, ax-

alaRmocenebuli ubani - `nurie~ ufro evropuli stilis dasaxleba

iyo. aq dasaxlebulebi ZiriTadad, qalaqis aristokratebi iyvnen. aq-

ve iyo vaJTa da qalTa gimnaziebi da marinis qalTa saswavlebeli.

Zveli baTumis istoriuli nawili, faqtobrivad, Camoyalibda sa-

zRvao navsadgursa da bulvars Soris arsebul erTian centrad. sa-

napiroze mdebare Senobebi, mTavari da morTuli fasadebiT, zRvisk-

en iyo orientirebuli.

sanapiro zolSi mdebareobda ekonomikuri TvalsazrisiT yvelaze

mniSvnelovani obieqti - porti. SemTxveviTi ar iyo, rom baTumSi yve-

la quCa zRvidan iwyeboda. aseTi ganaSenianeba xels uwyobda baTumis

mxatvruli iersaxis warmoCenas da mis aRqmas zRvis sivrcidan. quCe-

bis uwyveti, kvartaluri ganviTareba, qalaqis arqiteqturuli sivr-

cis mTavari niSan-Tvisebaa. aseve saxasiaTo Taviseburebaa fasadebis

orientireba quCebis mimarTulebiT.

mxatvrul-stilisturi TvalsazrisiT baTumis arqiteqtura saqa-

rTvelos sxva qalaqebis msgavsad stilTa mravalferovnebiT, sinTez-

iT xasiaTdeba. Senobebis fasadebze erTmaneTs enacvleba barokuli,

renesansuli Tu goTuri motivebi, rasac mogvianebiT cvlis romanti-

zmi, moderni da konstruqtivizmi. Zveli baTumis zogierT ubani (maT

Soris, umeteswilad `azizies~ istoriuli ubani - i. gogebaSvilisa da

n. baraTaSvilis quCebs Soris arsebuli monakveTi) me-19 me-20 sauku-

neebis mijnaze Camoyalibebuli arqiteqturuli saxiT - masStaburob-

iT, stilisturi mravalferovnebiT, metnaklebad, dRemde inarCunebs

Tavis ganumeoreblobas da TviTmyofadobas.

dRes, baTumis Zveli ubnis reabilitaciis proeqti ganxorcieleb-

is procesSia. yvela quCa da ubani kulturuli memkvidreobis dacvis

fondis mier ukve Seswavlili da daproeqtebulia. `Zveli baTumis~ re-


stili #36. 2010

abilitacia samwliani programaa. am xnis ganmavlobaSi qalaqis ubnebSi

mTlianad gamoicvleba komunikaciebi da wyalgayvanilobis sistema. pro-

eqti ramdenime etapad ganxorcieldeba da `Zveli baTumi~ qveynis iseTi-

ve istoriuli da arqiteqturulad gansxvavebuli qalaqi gaxdeba, ro-

goric siRnaRia. baTumis reabilitaciis proeqtis avtorebi arian: ku-

lturuli memkvidreobis dacvis fondis xelmZRvaneloba, arqiteqtore-

bi - v. orbelaZe, v. gogiSvili, m. buxaiZe, g. gegelia da maTTan erTad

momuSave kvalificiuri specialistTa jgufi.

moculobaTa dizaini qalaqis arqiteqturuli stilis gaTvaliswine-

biT Seiqmna. mkvlevarTa jgufi swavlobda `Zveli baTumis reabilitaci-

is~ farglebSi dagegmil qalaqis arqiteqturul cvlilebebs da akeTeb-

da Sesabamis daskvnebs ama Tu im Senoba-nagebobis gadakeTebis mizanSe-

wonilobis Sesaxeb.

2009-Si dasrulda baTumis istoriuli ubnebis reabilitaciis pro-

eqtis pirveli etapi, romelic moicavda evropis moednis garSemo sax-

lebis, rusTavelis quCis erTi nawilis, dumbaZis quCis, memed abaSiZis

gamzirze mdebare saxlebis reabilitacias.

Senobebis restavraciis garda, moewyo miwisqveSa infrastruqtura,

quCebi, trotuarebi, mTliand moikirwyla dumbaZis quCa. Catarda gamw-

vaneba-ganaTebis samuSaoebi.

amJamad mimdinareobs meore etapis samuSaoebi, romelic iTvaliwin-

ebs baTumis uZvelesi nawilis reabilitacias (mazniaSvili, farnavaz me-

fisa da gamsaxurdias quCebis gadakveTa). gakeTda moedani _ e.w. `piaca~

(aSenda 14-sarTuliani koSki, restavracia Cautardeba moednis mimdeba-

re Senobebs. proeqtis avtoria `kulturuli memkvidreobis fondi~). as-

eve dagegmilia istoriuli portis ageba, bulvaris centraluri Sesas-

vlelis gaswvriv zRvaSi Sesuli safexmavlo pirsis mowyoba, Zveli ba-

Tumis mTel teritoriaze quCebisa da Senobebis samSeneblo-sarekonst-

ruqcio da ganaTebis samuSaoebi. proeqti sam etapad aris dayofili. igi

2009 wels daiwyo da 2012 wels dasruldeba.

qalaqis Zveli arqiteqtura ganaxlebulia Tanamedrove nagebobebiT.

sacxovrebeli korpusebis mSenebloba qalaqis TiTqmis yvela ubanSi mim-

dinareobs. mxolod qalaqis masStabiT, sastumroebis garda, 60-mde sam-

Seneblo obieqtia, sadac 1000-ze meti adamiania dasaqmebuli. sacxovre-

bel korpusebSi binebis didi nawili ukve gayidulia.

`mravalfunqciuri kompleqsi” - ase ewodeba Tanamedrove kompleqss,

romelic baTumSi, qalaqis Zvel nawilSi, komaxiZis da mazniaSvilis qu-

Cebis gadakveTaze, Zveli abanos teritoriaze aSendeba. proeqtis part-

niorebi arian samSeneblo menejmentis kompania “arsi” da “bazisbanki”.

kompleqsi sacxovrebeli saxlis, satumrosa da savaWro centrisgan Sed-

geba, sadac komerciuli da savaWro obieqtebi, daxuruli avtosadgomi,

ofisebi, kafe da sxva gasarTobi centrebi ganTavsdeba. baTumSi Camosu-

li turisti Tu adgilobrivi macxovrebeli am kompleqsSi SeZlebs gae-

rTos da daisvenos.

ximSiaSvilis quCaze „centr–pointis“ 12-sarTuliani sastumro–sac-

xovrebeli kompleqsi „TeTri magnolia“ mimdinare sezonze damsvenebl-

ebs ver miiRebs. „centr point aWaras“ xelmZRvanelis irakli mindelis

gancxadebiT, mSenebloba dasrulebulia da am etapze kompleqsis kerZo

seqtorSi binis mesakuTreTa nawili remontebs akeTebs. aseve dasrule-

bulia kompleqsSi Semavali sastumros „rCeuli magnolias“ mSeneblob-

ac. Tumca Sida samuSaoebis dasruleba savaraudod mimdinare sezonis-

Tvis ver moeswreba.

baTumSi `hiltonis~ sastumro Savi zRvis sanapiroze, stambolis Se-

mdeg, erT-erTi yvelaze didi sastumro iqneba. male dasruldeba `baTu-

mi redisonis~ mSeneblobac. xuTvarskvlaviani sastumro `Seratoni~

2010 wlis gazafxulze gaixsna. `Seratoni~ Turquli investiciebiT

Sendeboda. mflobeli TurqeTSi mcxovrebi qarTvelia. saqarTvelos pre-

zidentma Senobas `baTumis TeTri saswauli~ uwoda.

- `am patara qalqSi iqneba yvela mTavari brendi sastumroebisa. aq

iqneba ufro meti msoflio donis sastumro, vidre nebismier sxva adgi-

lze mTels aRmosavleT da centralur evropaSi da mTels yofil sab-

WoTa kavSirSi,~- ganacxada mixeil saakaSvilma.

zRvispira parkSi, yofili sazafxulo Teatris adgilas, operis Se-

nobis mSenebloba iwyeba. axali Teatri momavali wlis zafxulSi gaixs-

neba da baTumSi msoflio donis saopero festivalebis Catareba gaxde-

ba SesaZlebeli. garda amisa baTumSi iwyeba ‘’haiatis’’ sastumros mSeneb-

lobac, romelic, regionSi yvelaze didi sastumro kompleqsi iqneba.

qalaqis SesasvlelSi, Tamar mefis dasaxlebaSi, e.w. benzes raionSi

mimdinareobs xelovnebis universitetis rekonstruqcia. proeqtis avto-

ri - lado xmalaZe. WavWavaZis quCaze mimdinareobs mravalfunqciuri ko-

mpleqsis `baTumi plaza~ mSenebloba. avtori zaqaria qurdiani (Architectural&

Design Group LLC). - bulvarTan Sendeba metad originaluri arqiteqtu-

ris mqone mravalfunqciuri sazogadoebrivi nageboba - `sokar petro-

liumis avtogasamarTi da makdonaldsi~ (Gas station+McDonalds). proeqt-

is avtori giorgi xmalaZe.

ximSiaSvilis quCaze, franguli Sadrevnis mimdibare teritoriaze ius-

ticiis saxlis mSenebloba mimdinareobas. italieli arqiteqtoris mier

daproeqtebuli Senobis mSenebloba erT weliwadSi dasruldeba.

baTumis zRvispira parki qalaqis turistuli infrastruqturis

RerZs warmoadgens. igi qalaqis plaJis umTavres monakveTs gasdevs da

damsvenebelTa ZiriTad nakads izidavs. parkis ganaxlebisa da gafarTo-

ebisTvis samuSaoebi 2005 wels daiwyo. mSenebeli: Sps „monoliTi 2005“;

espanuri saproeqto organizacia. parkis mTels teritoriaze Seiqmna ax-

ali sakomunikacio qseli. moewyo sami axali xeivani _ universitetidan

ximSiaSvilis quCis gaswvriv kobalaZis quCamde _ gamwvanebiT, dasasvene-

beli obieqtebiT.

ardaganis tba, romelic `bulvars~ esazRvreba da ramdenime wlis wi-

naT Waobi iyo, dasvenebis Tanamedrove centrad gadaiqca. Catarda mTe-

stili #36. 2010



stili #36. 2010

li rigi samuSaoebi tbis teritoriis gasafarToeblad, tbaze gakeTda ori

xelovnuri kunZuli, musikaluri Sadrevani, moewyo amfiTeatri.

2007 wels gagrZelda zRvispira zolis keTilmowyobis samuSaoebi. da-

srulda panoramuli borblis montaJi da igi sazeimod gaixsna. ardagan-

is tbis irgvliv moewyo axali restornebi.

2008 wels dasrulda zRvispira parkis centralur SesasvlelSi mde-

bare Sadrevnisa da mimdebare teritoriis rekonstruqcia aqve aSenda sa-

gamofeno darbazi. rekonstruqcia Cautarda, aseve ardaganis tbaze mde-

bare Sadrevans. dRes zRvispira parkis mTeli zoli ganaTebulia.

2009 wels zRvispira parkSi ganTavsda mcire arqiteqturuli formis

monumenti - `Tormeti simfonia~. gaSenda axali bulvari, riTac zRvispi-

ra parks 18 heqtari Seemata. axali bulvari gamoirCeva originaluri ga-

naTebis sistemiTa da atraqcionebiT, betonis beWduri safariTa da bili-

kebiT. dRes baTumis bulvari sigrZeSi ukve 8 kilometria. qalaqis mesve-

urebma miiRes gadawyvetileba, bulvari kvariaTamde gagrZeldes da igi

20 kilometriani gaxdeba.

baTumis `6 maisis~ parkis (yofili moswavle-axalgazrdobis parki) aR-

dgenasa da ganaxlebaze muSaoba 2005 wlidan daiwyo. parkis teritorias

miuerTda xelovnuri kunZuli, dairgo dekoratiuli xemcenareebi da nu-

rigelis tbaSi damontaJda mocekvave Sadrevani. zookuTxe lermontovis

quCidan turgenevis quCamde gafarTovda, romelic ramdenime ganyofile-

bisagan Sedgeba. parkis rekonstruqciis proeqtis farglebSi, 2009 wels

dasrulda zRvis binadarTa sareabilaticio centris - delfinariumis (mSe-

nebeli: asociacia „atu“, arqiteqtori malxaz jeiranaSvili) mSenebloba,

romelic Tanamedrove tipis danadgarebiT, filtrebiT da sxva saWiro in-

ventariT aRiWurva.

sul axlaxans bulvarSi Sedga arqiteqtor gela wulaZis qandakebis

`yiramala~ da frangi moqandakis - Jan diupis monumentis `sad~ gaxsna.

rogorc SevityveT, male, sanapiroze, `6 maisis~ saxelobis parkis me-

zoblad ulamazesi, uCveulo arqiteqturis mqone okeanariumi aigeba. pro-

eqtis avtori gaxlavT daniis arqiteqturuli biuro Henning Larsen

Architects. 2000 kv.m farTis mqone nagebobis araordinaluri forma naTl-

ad aRiqmeba, rogorc sanapiroze, aseve zRvidan.

okeanariumi moicavs oTx damoukidebel sagamofeno sivrces - `zRvis

uzarmazar qvebs~ da TiToeul maTganSi warmodgenili iqneba unikaluri

zRvis biotipi.

- `nageboba, zRvasTan urTierTobiT, gaxdeba landSaftis safirmo de-

tali. igi daicavs zRvis sulierebas, erTgvar xarks gadauxdis mas~ - ga-

nacxada arqiteqturuli biuros partniorma da dizainis ganyofilebis

direqtorma luis bekerma.

stili #36. 2010


Senoba moicavs kafeebsa da savaWro farTe-

bsac. misi moqnili gegmareba SesaZleblobas iZ-

leva, aq Catardes prezentaciebi da seminarebi.

baTumis istoriul ubnebSi mdebare yvela sa-

xli, quCa da kulturuli Zegli im formiT aR-

dgeba, rogoric baTumelebs mxolod fotoeb-

ze aqvT nanaxi - daigeba qvafenilebi, damonta-

Jdeba axali lampionebi, Zveli Senobebis garda,

qalaqis istoriuli nawili axali SenobebiT da

parkebiT lamazdeba. Zvel baTumSi yvela kvar-

tali erTmaneTisgan gansxvavebuli, Zveli baTu-

misTvis damaxasiaTebeli elementebiT moewyoba,

Tumca, imis gamo, rom teritoria unikaluria,

samSeneblo kompaniebs garkveuli SezRudvebi da-

uwesdaT. Zveli baTumis danarCen teritoriaze,

romelic obeliskidan iwyeba da WavWavaZis, en-

gelsisa da rusTavelis gavliT isev obeliskT-

an sruldeba, SezRudvebi aRar vrceldeba - es

teritoria investorebisTvis Riaa. dabal sar-

Tulian saxlebTan erTad, aq maRlivi korpuse-

bic Sendeba, Tumca, isic ramdenime pirobis ga-

TvaliswinebiT, romlebic generalur gegmaSia

Cadebuli. proeqtis `Zveli baTumi~ miznebia

dadgindes baTumis ganaSenianebis, gegmarebis da

ganviTarebis specifika; xeli Seewyos Zveli ba-

Tumis istoriuli, kulturuli, arqiteqturu-

li Rirebulebebis, iersaxis dacvas da ganviTa-

rebas; aseve uzrunvelyos Zveli baTumis reabi-

litaciis da ganviTarebis procesSi sazogado-

ebis monawileoba. axali proeqtis ganxorciele-

bisas mTavari principia ar dairRves qalaqis ar-

qiteqtura da stili. aq ar aris saubari Seno-

bebis sididesa da raodenobaze. baTums marTl-

ac Tavisi xibli aqvs da ase unda darCes.

nino laRiZe

In early Middle Ages Batumi was prominent among other

seaside townships due to its convenient position at the begin-

ning of trade routes, leading inland. In this period Batumi rep-

resented a fortress surrounded by village-type population set-

tlement, but was sometimes mentioned as a city (see the writ-

ings of Ambrogio Contarini). According to V. Batonishvili, in the

13th century Batumi was a small town with a strong citadel.

The city and port of Batumi share a common history. Batumi

as an international seaport started to exist when the Romans

included it in their trade routes during the reign of Adrian III.

It was then that the name of the city originated from the word

"bathus", meaning "deep", which ancient Greek and Roman

sailors used to describe this place.

According to Xenophon and Apollonius Rhodius, Batumi

was well known in the ancient world. Present-day Batumi area

and its neighborhood used to belong to the legendary Colchis.

First mention of a township called Batumi can be found in Aristotle's

works (4th century A.D.). Ancient Colchic settlement Batumi was

located at the estuary of Korolistskali River; the city was shift-

ed to the south in the 18th-19th centuries in search of more

efficient location and deeper bay capable of holding large ships.

Myth of Argonauts, ancient Greek written sources, as well

as jewelry, pottery and metal objects amply found during archae-

ological excavations indicate that present-day Batumi area was

once populated by Colchic tribes, discoverers of iron.

The city of Batumi endured numerous wars and invasions

during its history; it was last occupied by Ottomans in the 17th


On August 25 1878 Batumi, together with the whole Ajara

region, was reintegrated with Georgia. In the end of the 19th

century, this city became the site of successful trade and indus-

trial development. In 1883, railway connection was established

between Batumi, Tbilisi and Baku; in 1885, reconstruction of Batumi

port was finished, important factories and plants were built.

In the end of the 19th century, advantageous geograph-

ic location around a natural deep-water bay transformed

Batumi into a port of international importance, contributing to

distribution of Baku oil to different countries worldwide. In 1888

Batumi was officially recognized as a city; at the time being

Batumi is the administrative center of Ajara Region, one of the

most beautiful parts of Georgia.

Intensive urban development of Batumi started in the sec-

ond half of the 19th century, and this process was immedi-

ately connected with the moving of the city and the port toward

Batumi cape.

By the 1880'ies, the outline and main urban development

parameters of the city were already identified. According to the

data of the 1980'ies, Batumi contained four administrative units.

"Azaziye" (north-eastern part of the city) represented a large

trade center, containing most of administrative and public insti-

tutions. On the east, Azaziye District was bordered by

Akhmediye, abundant in narrow crooked lanes and side

streets. This district contained trade houses, Turkish bazaar,

junk shops, coffee houses, etc. The poor tended to populate

the largest district of the city - Muftiye, where the oil-process-

ing plants were located. To the south from Azaziye was locat-

ed a comparatively new, European-style Nuriye District, pop-

ulated by aristocracy and containing boys and girls grammar

schools and Marine Seminary for Young Ladies.

Historical districts of Batumi are in fact clustered around

the seaport and boulevard, with all the buildings turning their

main facades toward the sea.

Seaport was the most important economic establishment

of the city, and it is not by accident that every street in Batumi

starts from the seaside. Continuous, quarter-by-quarter devel-

opment of the streets is the main trait of architectural space

of Batumi. Another such characteristic trait is seaward orien-

tation of main facades.

From the stylistic point of view, architecture of Batumi is

as diverse as that of any other Georgian city. Facades of Batumi

houses boast an extravagant mixture of baroque, renaissance

and gothic motives, seasoned with romanticism, modernism

and constructivism. Certain districts of old Batumi (especially

the historical Azaziye area between Gogebashvili and Baratashvili

Streets) still preserve their unique turn-of-the-century style.

At the time being, the city of Batumi undergoes a large-

scale rehabilitation project. Every street and district of the city

have been studied by Cultural Heritage Foundation. Rehabilitation

of old Batumi is a three-year program, implying full renovation

of city communications and eventual revival of Batumi as a

place with unique historical and architectural identity, like

Sighnaghi. The authors of Batumi rehabilitation project are exec-

utive administrators of Cultural Heritage Foundation - architects

V. Orbeladze, V. Gogishvili, M. Bukhaidze, G. Gegelia, assist-

ed by a group of qualified specialists.


stili #36. 2010


stili #36. 2010


Design of construction volumes under the rehabilitation

project was developed considering the general architectural style

of the city. A special group of researchers studied architectur-

al changes, which happened to this or that building covered

by the project and decided on the expediency of its restora-


First stage of Batumi rehabilitation project, covering hous-

es around Europe Square, part of Rustaveli Street, Dumbadze

Street and Memed Abashidze Avenue, was finalized in 2009.

Together with restoration of the buildings, this stage of the proj-

ect implied renovation of underground infrastructure, traffic ways

and pedestrian zones, installation of lighting systems and land-


Second stage of the project, implying rehabilitation of the

oldest part of Batumi (crossing of Mazniashvili, King Parnavaz

and Gamsakhurdia Streets) is currently underway. This cross-

ing was turned into a plaza, decorated by a 14-level tower

and restored historical constructions. It is also planned to reha-

bilitate the ancient Batumi port with pedestrian pier, restore all

the streets and constructions in historical districts of the city

and upgrade street lighting. Implementation of these activities

is planned in three stages; the works started in 2009 and should

be finished in 2012.

Historical architecture of Batumi is enlivened by modern

constructions, which are built in almost all the districts of the

city. Currently there are 60 active residential construction sites

in Batumi; larger part of apartments in the future houses is

already sold.

"Multifunctional complex" - this is how they call a mod-

ern complex currently under construction in the historical part

of Batumi, at the crossing of Komakhidze and Mazniashvili

Streets, in place of old bath house. Project is operated by con-

struction management company "Arci" and BasisBank. The com-

plex comprises a block of apartments, a hotel, a trade center

with shops, cafes, offices, parking lot and other facilities. The

complex will offer tourists as well as Batumi residents numer-

ous opportunities for leisure and recreation.

12-story hotel & residential complex "White Magnolia", built

by Centre Point in Khimshiashvili Street, is unable to host hol-

iday-makers this season. According to Irakli Mindeli, director

of Centre Point Ajara, actual construction process is finalized,

but at this stage most of the people owning apartments in the

complex are redesigning their property. The hotel component

of the complex is also finished, but inner design works will not

be finalized during this season.

Several high-class international hotel networks are estab-

lishing themselves in the city: Batumi Hilton is going to be the

second largest hotel on the Black Sea coast; construction of

Batumi Radisson will soon be finished; five-star Batumi

Scheraton got launched in spring 2010 (construction of this

hotel was funded by a Turk investor and is owned by a Georgian

national residing in Turkey); construction of a large Hyatt com-

plex is planned.

Reconstruction of the University of Art started in Benziye

district, at the entrance of the city (project author – Lado


In Chavchavadze Street construction of multi-functional com-

plex “Batumi Plaza” is underway (project author: Zakaria

Kurdiani, Architectural&Design Group LLC)

Multi-functional public construction with highly original

architecture, combining Socar gas station and McDonalds restau-

rant is being built by Batumi Boulevard (project author – Giorgi


In Khimshiashvili Street, Palace of Justice is built near the

French Fountain. The construction, designed by an Italian archi-

tect, will be finalized in a year.

Batumi Seaside Park is the axis of city tourist infrastruc-

ture. It runs along the central section of city beach and attracts

significant numbers of holiday-makers. Park renovation and expan-

sion works was launched by Spanish engineering design com-

pany Monolith 2005 Ltd. in 2005 – the area was equipped

with an up-to-date communication network; three new alleys

were arranged between Khimshiashvili to Kobaladze Streets.

Ardagani Lake, neighboring Batumi Boulevard, which was

a swamp several years ago, now turned into a modern recre-

ation center – the lake was expanded, two artificial islands, a

singing fountain and an amphitheater were arranged there.

Coastline development works continued in 2007. A Ferris

wheel was installed and a number of new restaurants were

built around Ardagani Lake.

Renovation of a fountain at the central entrance of Batumi

Seaside Park, construction of an exhibition hall and lighting of

the whole park was finished in 2008.

In 2009 a small architectural monument “Twelve

Symphonies” was installed in Batumi Park. New Boulevard was

launched, increasing the area of Seaside Park by 18 hectares.

The new Boulevard features an advanced lighting system and

attractions, decorative concrete alleys and pathways. At the

time being, total length of Batumi Boulevard reaches 8 kilo-

meters. For the future, it was decided to lengthen the Boulevard

to link up with Kvariati, so that its total length reaches 20 kilo-



stili #36. 2010

Rehabilitation of Batumi May 6 Park (former Park of Student

Youth) started in 2005. This area was expanded by an artifi-

cial island, decorated with exotic plants and a singing foun-

tain. The zoo section of the park was enlarged (now it bor-

ders Turgenev Street); in 2009, new dolphinarium with advanced

water filters and other up-to-date equipment was launched here

(contractor: ATU Association, architect: Malkhaz Jeiranashvili).

Batumi Boulevard grows more and more beautiful with

each passing day. This is one of the most popular holiday

spots in the region. Very recently, two new sculptures – Gela

Tsuladze’s “Topsy-Turvy” and Jean Dupont’s “Where” – were

launched in the Boulevard.

As we learned, beautiful aquarium, designed by architec-

tural studio Henning Larsen Architects, will be opened at the

shore, near May 6 Park. The 2000 sq. m. building of unusu-

al shape, resembling four gigantic sea stones, will be clearly

visible both from the shore and the sea.

The building will become a landmark and an organic ref-

erence to all elements of the sea”, explains Design Director

and Partner at Henning Larsen Architects, Louis Becker. “It

captures the special atmosphere by the sea and thus becomes

a tribute to the power of the sea!”

Batumi Aquarium will become a modern, cultural aquari-

um offering visitors an educational, entertaining and visually

stimulating journey through the different seas. The central, mul-

tipurpose space in connection with the aquarium features a

café and retail functions and its flexible layout makes it well-

suited for presentations and workshops.

All the houses, streets and cultural monuments located

in the historical core of Batumi will be restored to their initial

look, which the present-day residents of Batumi had only seen

on old photos - paved streets, turn-of-the-century houses, styl-

ized street decoration. The project, main goal of which is preser-

vation of historical, architectural and cultural image of the city,

will be implemented with active public involvement at all stages.


stili #36. 2010









pprrooeeqqttiiss aavvttoorrii:

arqiteqtori lado xmalaZe.

SSeemmooqqmmeeddeebbiiTTii jjgguuffii::

konstruqtori - demna WilaZe


giorgi xmalaZe, giorgi tatiaSvili

rreekkoonnssrruuqqcciiaammddee aarrsseebbuullii::

ganaSenianebis farTi - 3187 kv.m;

samSeneblo farTi - 10225 kvm;

moculoba - 39000 kub.m.

rreekkoonnssttrruuqqcciiiiss SSeemmddggoomm::

ganaSenianebis farTi - 3310 kv.m;

samSeneblo farTi -11200 kv.m;

moculoba - 40600 kub.m.


stili #36. 2010

q. baTumSi xelovnebis universiteti eqs-

pluataciaSi miRebulia 1953w. igi mdebare-

obs qalaqis SesasvlelSi, Tamar mefis dasa-

xlebaSi, e.w. benzes raionSi.

Senobis teritoria uSualod emijneba

zRvis piras mimaval mTavar magistrals. Se-

nobis win grZivad, Sadrevani iyo ganTavse-

buli, romelic Tavis mxriv garkveul epice-

nters warmoadgenda mTeli teritoriisas.

rac Seexeba TviT Senobas, arqiteqturuli

stilisturi TvalsazrisiT tipiuri socre-

alizmis stils warmoadgens - im periodis ku-

lturul-saganmanaTleblo yofis da samSene-

blo normebis erTgvari simbiozia. mkacrad

gawerili swavlebis specifikis mixedviT fu-

nqcionaluri dagegmareba, romelic ganxor-

cielebuli iyo im droisaTvis moqmedi sam-

Seneblo normebis dacviT, upirveles yovli-

sa Zalian uaryofiTad aisaxa fasadisa da ge-

gmarebiTi gadawyvetis urTierTdamokide-

bulebis araTanmimdevrobaSi. ZiriTadad, Se-

noba asakis miuxedavad konstruqciulad sa-

kmaod kargadaa Semonaxuli, rasac ver vit-

yviT cokolze da karnizebis zogierT mona-


rac Seexeba, damkveTis mier warmodgen-

il saproeqto davalebis moTxovnis Sesaba-

misad, Senobis rekonstruqcias - xelovnebis

universitetis funqciis Secvlas klasikuri

musikis centrad, imTaviTve unda aRiniSnos,

rom didi pativia egzom saintereso obieq-

tTan Sexeba. es rasakvirvelia, avtorisTvis

did pasuxismgeblobas niSnavs. amocana met-

ad rTuli iyo, rogorc zemoT aRvniSneT, Se-

noba kulturis kera iyo, magram is dagegma-

rebuli iyo, rogorc kompleqsuri funqcie-

bis erToblioba. arqiteqtoris amocana ki

mdgomareobda SemdegSi: arsebuli Senoba

gardaeqmna monofunqciis matarebel organi-

zmad, kerZod, klasikuri musikis centrad, 703

adgilian samayureblo darbazis 1200 adgi-

lianamde gazrdiT. am metad revoluciur Ca-

revas bunebrivia mohyveboda da mohyva kid-

ec Sesabamisi samSeneblo da funqcionalu-

ri normebidan gamomdinare, TiTqmis sruli

gadagegmareba, saqmes isic arTulebda, rom

miznisTvis misaRwevad, SenobisTvis yovelg-

vari miSenebis gareSe SenarCunebuliyo yve-

la is im epoqisTvis damaxasiaTebeli arqite-

qturuli, mxatvrul-esTeTikuri Rirebule-

bani, rac ase Warbad gaaCnda aRniSnul Seno-

bas. es gamokveTili Rirebulebani mdgomare-

obda SemdegSi: Senobis, socrealizmis sti-

lisTvis damaxasiaTebeli nawilobriv arqi-

teqturul-sivrciTi, nawilobriv fasadebis

detalurobisa da ornamentebis gadawyveta;

samayureblo darbazis Weris da kedlebis, as-

eve am stilisTvis damaxasiaTebeli gadawy-

veta; SesaniSnavi gamanawilebeli vestibiu-

li Tavisi kesonebiT da kolonadebiT, aseve

imave stilSi; vestibiulSi da fligelebSi

arsebul kolonebsa da pilastrebze arsebu-

li karnizebis da kapitelebis xasiaTi.

avtori ar gahyolia stilisturi reani-

maciis gzas. Segnebulad daisaxa miznad, rom

rekonstruqciaSi dabalansebuliyo retro-

sa da avangardis elementebi da amiT mieR-

wia interieris Tu eqsterieris stilistur

mTlianobisTvis. am metad rTul amocanas is-

ic amZimebda, rom avtors da mTel Semoqme-

debiT jgufs muSaoba uwevdaT am masStabi-

sTvis drois metad mokle monakveTSi.

stili #36. 2010


mTlianad Senobis gadagegmarebiTi stru-

qtura, mniSvnelovnad gadawyvita darbazis

gadagegmarebam, rac Seexeba Senobis ZiriT-

ad Semosasvlels, es is zonaa, romlis gada-

gegmarebam sabolood gansazRvra kidec Se-

nobis interiersa da eqsteriers Soris di-

alogi da Camoayaliba, rogorc arqiteqtu-

ruli sivrciTi xasiaTis, damoukidebeli,

srulad gansxvavebuli arqiteqtura.

swored, holisa da gamanawilebeli vesti-

biulis zonidan xdeba mTeli organizmis sru-

lfasovani SefasebiT-aRqmiTi aqti. aq, am we-

rtilSi ikveTeba yvela xilvadi Tu uxilavi,

SemecnebiTi Tu Seumecnebeli, esTetiur-mxat-

vruli daskvnebis verdiqtuli xazebi. swor-

ed aq xvdebi sad, risTvis da ratom moxvdi.

avtori Seecada maqsimalurad SeenarCu-

nebina am Senobis arqiteqturul- socreali-

sturi xasiaTi, rac naTlad vlindeba yvela

cvlilebaSetanil gadawyvetaSi. rac Seexe-

ba namuSevris wminda profesionaluri kuT-

xiT kritikulad Sefasebas, arqiteqtori Se-

gnebulad wavida ekleqtikur gadawyvetaze.

mTliani arqiteqturul–mxatvruli ga-

dawyvetis umTavresma detalma - eqvsnairi pa-

rametris da zomis erTsaxovanma monikelebu-

lma Spilebma grandiozuli pompezuroba Se-

sZina moculobas. Spilebi sxvadasxva simaR-

leze da riTmiTaa ganTavsebuli, magram vi-

zualurad isini mkacrad organizebulad ik-

iTxeba. avtoris azriT, nawilobriv miRweu-

lia misi mizani, - Senobis xilvisas mocart-

is, beThovenis, vivaldis da sxvaTa da sxvaTa

nawarmoebebis hangebi Cagvesmodes. am yoveli-

ves mxatvrul-esteTikur rakursiT aRqmas

amZafrebs Spilebis, Senobis wina platfor-

maze, Sadrevnis mimdebare teritoriis gasw-

vriv ritmulad ganTavsebac. am, ase vTqvaT,

dekoratiuli elementis Semotanam, ganapiro-

ba fasadis Ramis ganaTebis mowyobac.

Senobis mimdebare teritoria moikirwy-

leba. win arsebuli gamwvanebebi patara oaz-

isebis saxes miiRebs. iqneba skverebi parte-

ruli ganaTebebiT, raTa siluetSi xeli ar

SeuSalos ganaTebuli liTonis Spilebs. Se-

nobis wina RerZze, grZivi Sadrevani perime-

traluri Sida ganaTebebiTaa aRWurvili.

auzis ukana kedeli minisaa, rac saSualebas

iZleva garderobidan vixiloT ganaTebuli

da mCqefare Sadrevani. teritorias ar gaa-

Cnda avtosadgomi. proeqtirebis miwuruls,

am mizniT gamoiyo samxreT aRmosavleTiT mi-

mdebare gauqmebuli gzis farTi.


stili #36. 2010

Reconstruction of

Batumi University

of Art Concert HallProject author:

architect Lado Khmaladze

Creative group:

construction engineer - Demna Chiladze,

architects: Giorgi Khmaladze, Giorgi Tatiashvili

Site details before reconstruction:

footprint area - 3187 sq. m.;

construction area - 10225 sq. m.;

volume: 39000 m3

After reconstruction:

footprint area - 3310 sq. m.;

construction area - 11200 sq. m.;

volume: 40600 m3

Batumi University of Art, located at the entrance of the city, in

the so-called Benziye district, was built in 1953.

Premises of the University border on the seaside highway. The

construction represented a typical sample of Socialist realism, a sym-

biosis of cultural-educational demands and construction standards

of the 1950'ies. Functional and strictly conventional planning, com-

plying with the rigid academic curriculum, reflected in a very nega-

tive way on the inconsistent interrelation of facade and planning solu-

tion. In spite of its age, the construction did not suffer any signifi-

cant constructional deterioration, though certain sections of its base-

ment and cornices are considerably damaged.

Reconstruction of the University building was, in the first place,

a great honor and an interesting challenge, imposing significant respon-

sibility on the authors. The task was very difficult, because as a

result of reconstruction this building, primarily an educational estab-

lishment, was to retain only one of its past functions - that of a clas-

sical music center and the capacity of existing concert hall had to

be increased from 703 to 1200 seats. Naturally, considering rele-

vant construction and functional standards, such a radical interven-

tion would require full redesign, but the architect was obliged to pre-

serve historically important architectural value of the building (archi-

tectural solution and facade decoration, design of concert hall ceil-

ing and walls, magnificent central lobby with its decorative panels

and colonnades, cornices and heads of columns and wall piers in

the lobby and wings, characteristic of Socialist realism) without extend-

ing it.

The author tried to maximally preserve the Socialist realism style

of the building. However, instead of trying stylistic reanimation, he

consciously followed the course of balancing vintage and innovative

elements to achieve stylistic integrity of interior and exterior design.

New planning structure and architectural character of the whole

building was by large determined by overhaul of the concert hall

and main entrance zone.

Interpretation of the redesigned building starts with its main entrance

and lobby. This is the spot where all visible and invisible, conscious

and subconscious aesthetic and creative perception lines cross, where

you understand what the building is and why you came here.

Key detail of architectural solution - a series of artificially illu-

minated nickel-plated spires of different shapes and sizes - adds

surprising pompousness to the building. Though positioned at dif-

ferent heights at varying distances, the spires form a clear-cut visu-

al structure. The author believes that his goal - visual association

of the building with the music of Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi and

other great composers - has been achieved at least in part.

The area around the building is paved, with islands of green

herbs and trees decorating the space in front of the main entrance.

The fountain stretched along the frontal axis of the construction is

also equipped with internal illumination; back wall of the fountain is

glazed so that in the evenings one can see scintillating water jets

from the cloakroom.

Before reconstruction, the site did not have a parking lot; a

section of road was allocated for this purpose on the south-eastern

border of the site.

stili #36. 2010



orientiriTbilisis erT-erT prestiJul ubanSi, amaRlebis quCa-

ze(yofili daviTaSvilis q. #12), saintereso obieqti - mra-

valfunqciuri, mravalsarTuliani Senoba aRimarTa. pro-

eqtis Rirseba – misi, garemosTan urTierTkavSirSi mdgo-

mareobs. nageboba kompaqturia – arqiteqtonikis ZiriTa-

di jgufebi erTmaneTTan moxerxebuladaa dakavSirebuli.

misi arqiteqtura originaluri kompoziciiT gamoirCeva

da erT mTlianobaSi aRiqmeba. sxvadasxva geometriuli, mo-

biluri formebis SerwymiT, Senobis moculoba dinamiku-

ria. igi Tavidanve ipyrobs yuradRebas vizualuri simsu-

buqiTa da siluetis grafikuli sizustiT. SemoqmedebiT-

ad gaazrebul moculobaSi arqiteqturuli detalebis

koloriti yovel vertikalur Tu horizontalur Wril-

Sia gadaTamaSebuli da mikrosamyaros simbolur vels

qmnis. Senoba, arqiteqtorebis, mamuka CxaiZis da arCil ra-

zmaZis mier SemuSavebuli proeqtiT ganxorcielda.


stili #36. 2010

Senobis Ria Tu daxuruli sibrtyee-

bis didi masebis konstruqciul simsubu-

qes, mcire elementebic imeoreben. yura-

dRebas ipyrobs arqiteqturuli fragme-

ntebis liTonis dekoratiuli kompozi-

ciebi, forma da dinamika. calke aRniSv-

nis Rirsia naWedi moajirebisa da naWe-

di karebis dizaini, romlis avtori gi-

orgi jinoriZe gaxlavT. mTlianobaSi,

yovelives Tavisi adgili aqvs miCenili da

skulpturuli xasiaTis matarebelia. ga-

moyenebul masalaTa faqturebis zedapi-

rebze sinaTlis aTinaTi, ferTan Serwym-

iT (fasadis Rebva: zaza WikaZe) moculo-

bisTvis damaxasiaTebel grafikul ideas,

ufro metad aqcentirebs. xazebi da para-

lelebi, dinamikuri simrudeebi maorie-

ntebel monaxazebsa da siluetebs qmnian.

arqiteqtonikuli melodia, misi riTmis

cvliTa da Sesabamisi notebis registr-

is gaZlierebiTaa agebuli.

nino laRiZe

LandmarkA new, highly interesting multi-

purpose highrise was recently built

in 12 Amagleba (former Davitashvili)

Street, in one of the fashionable dis-

tricts of Tbilisi. Key attraction of the

project is its efficient and close link

with the environment. The con-

struction is very compact, with

major architectonic groups ingenious-

ly combined with each other.

Architecture of the building is high-

ly original and integral. Combination

of various geometric and mobile

forms ensures the flexibility of con-

struction volumes. It catches the eye

by visual lightness and graphic

precision of the silhouette. The

construction has been jointly

designed by architects Mamuka

Chkhaidze and Archil Razmadze.

Constructional lightness of large

masses is repeated by smaller ele-

ments of the building. We would like

to specially note decorative metal

compositions, dynamic forms,

wrought-iron railings and doors,

designed by Giorgi Jinoridze. Every

component is carefully positioned in

an appropriate place to stand out

with sculptural efficiency. The main

design theme is further accentuat-

ed by the glints of sunlight and

exquisitely matched colors on facade

surfaces (facade painting by Zaza

Chikadze). Lines, parallels and

dynamic curves merge into spec-

ulative patterns and silhouettes.

The architectonic melody with its

changeable rhythm is based on the

highlighting of particular notes.


stili #36. 2010



stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010



siRnaRSiqalaq siRnaRSi, axali sastumro `solomoni~ (didi qarTveli ganmanaTleb-

lis solomon dodaSvilis saxelobis) aSenda. (proeqtis avtorebi - arqiteq-

torebi: v. orbelaZe, g. abulaZe,z. orbelaZe, T. SaSiaSvili, l. SaSiaSvili).

proeqtis Rirseba - misi, gare sivrcesTan urTierTkavSirSi mdgomareobs. mi-

si eqsterieri sasiamovno disonans qmnis arsebulTan. nageboba kompaqturia.

arqiteqtura originaluri gamomxatvelobiT gamoirCeva. igi Tavidanve ipyr-

obs yuradRebas vizualuri simsubuqiT.

TanamedroveobaSi gacocxlebul SenobaSi ganTavsebuli restorani, daxve-

wili interieriT aRiWurva, romelic arqiteqtor dimitri TofuriZis idee-

bis da proeqtis xorcSesxmas warmoadgens. sivrce `dodaSviliseuli~ epoqis

suliTaa gaJRenTili. Tanamedrove da tradiciuli arqiteqturis dekoris yo-

veli fragmenti mniSvnelovan datvirTvas iRebs. dizaini individualuria da

absoluturad gansazRvruli funqcia gaaCnia. gamoyenebul dekorze ar bato-

nobs wuTieri moda. eleganturoba natif niuansebSia gansxeulebuli.


stili #36. 2010

profesionalizmi yovel fragmentSi SeigrZnoba - sivrcis

sworad organizacia, ferisa da masalis harmonia, ostatur-

ad mofiqrebuli da gadanawilebuli ganaTebis dizaini, moce-

mul saTavsoTa saerTo stilistur gadawyvetasTan Sesabamisi

furnitura, gemovnebiT SerCeuli aqsesuarebi.... uzado diza-

ini - saerTo ideiTa da TemiT gamTlianebul, harmoniul inte-

rierul saxes qmnis. masSi detaluradaa gaTvlili yoveli ni-

uansi, warsulis `individualuroba~ (dizainis erT-erT mniS-

vnelovan komponents, warmoadgens skulpturuli dekori, ro-

mlis avtoria, mxatvari gena eqizaSvili), yovelive ki, sivrc-

is daniSnulebis Sesabamis komforts, sasiamovno da saintere-

so garemos ganapirobebs.

dimitri TofuriZis dizainiT Seiqmna `solomonis~ logo

- emblema, romelic Tavisi mxatvruli lakonizmiT zustad ga-

moxatavs saqarTveloSi “evropeizmis” fuZemdebelis „aqtigo-


dimitri TofuriZis proeqtiTaa ganxorcielebuli sastu-

mros marani, Rvinis sadegustacio momcro darbaziT. mniSvne-

lovania is, rom, am SemoqmedebiTad gaazrebul sivrceSi, yov-

el WrilSi gadaTamaSebuli detalebis koloriti mikrosam-

yaros simbolur vels qmnis.

nino laRiZe

stili #36. 2010



in Sighnaghi


stili #36. 2010

New hotel "Solomon" (named after prominent Georgian social

educator Solomon Dodashvili) was built in Sighnaghi. Project authors

are architects V. Orbeladze, G. Abuladze, Z. Orbeladze, T. Shashiashvili

and L. Shashiashvili. The main attraction of the project is its close

connection with the environment. The exterior of the construction soft-

ly contravenes the existing architectural background and catches the

eye with visual lightness and graphical precision of its silhouette.

The contemporary hotel building boasts a restaurant with ele-

gant interior, designed by architect Dimitri Topuridze. Each fragment

of modern and traditional architectural decoration bears special sig-

nificance. The design is highly individual and specifically functional,

distanced from up-to-the-minute trendy fashion whims, but elegant in

a quiet and refined manner. Professional approach shows everywhere

- in efficiently organized space, skillfully matched colors and textures,

carefully planned lighting, stylistic solution of interior spaces, relevant

furniture, tasteful choice of accessories, sculptural decor, created by

artist Gena Ekizashvili... Flawless design, integrated by a general theme,

forms an original interior space, offering comfort and pleasure.

"Solomon" logo - an emblem precisely expressing aspirations of

the founder of "Europeanism" in Georgia, is based on the idea gen-

erated by Dimitri Topuridze.

Dimitri Topuridze also designed the marani and small wine-tast-

ing hall, located in the hotel. It is noteworthy how the highlights, cre-

atively distributed over the interior space, contribute to forming a mean-

ingful thematic environment.


stili #36. 2010


axali sazogadoebrivi sivrce

VTB bankis saTao ofisis centralurma filialma

TbilisSi, Wanturias da aTonelis quCebis kuTxeSi,

ekonomikis saministros gverdiT mdebare rekonstu-

irebul SenobaSi daido navsayudeli. proeqtis avto-

rebi arian S.p.s `kubik studios~ arqiteqtorebi - qe-

Tevan samsonaZe da Tamar valiSvili. mTels obieqt-

ze Sesrulebuli samuSaoebi ki (yoveli detalis ga-

TvaliswinebiT - Savi karkasidan dawyebuli, interi-

eris dagegmarebiT, eqsterieris rekonstruqciiT da-

srulebuli), ganxorcielda S.p.s `kubik studios~ mi-

er. maTTan erTad moritorings uZRveboda VTB bank-

is arqiteqtori. obieqtze muSaoba daiwyo 2008 wlis

gazafxuls da dasrulda 2010 wlis gazafxuls. aR-

saniSnavia, is, rom bankis sxva filialebic S.p.s `kub-

ik studios~ proeqtebis Sesabamisadaa gadawyvetili.

ganaxlebuli Senobis daxvewili akomodacia, adgi-

lmdebareoba, sasurvel garemos qmnis, rogorc bizne-

smenebisTvis, aseve moqalaqeebisTvis. sazogadoebriv

sivrceSi warmoqmnil moulodnel arqiteqturul da

dizainerul Strixebs, masSi simsubuqe Seaqvs da mo-

saxerxebel gegmarebas ganapirobebs. stilistur mTli-

anobaSi, gare Tu Sida sivrcis TiToeuli monakveTis

individualuroba, funqciuroba Taviseburad ikveTe-

ba. konstruqciuli Tu dekoratiuli detalebis er-

Toblioba interiers vizualurad zrdis, xazs usvams

formas, gansazRvravs masSi feris siRrmes da inten-

siobas. yovelive ki, axladwarmoqmnili sazogadoeb-

rivi sivrcis simyudrovis, komfortis, maRali imij-

is garantia.

nino laRiZe


stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010


New Public



stili #36. 2010

New headquarters of VTB Bank are located at the crossing of Chanturia and Atoneli Streets, in a reconstruct-

ed building neighboring the Ministry of Economic Development.

The project, realized for VTB by architects Ketevan Samsonadze and Tamar Valishvili of Cubic Studio (who

also designed interiors of other VTB Bank branches), implied full range of works starting from empty hull and includ-

ing interior planning and exterior reconstruction. Construction started in spring 2008 and ended in spring 2010.

Advantageous location of the reconstructed building is an added benefit both for the employees and clients

of the bank. Unexpected architectural and design features, which one encounters every new and then in VTB

Bank headquarters, lighten up the atmosphere of this public space and make it more comfortable. In the stylistic

integrity, individuality of every section of interior or exterior stands out with surprising clarity. Unity of construction-

al and decorative details visually enlarges the space, accentuates its shape, highlights the depth and intensity of

colors, making the new bank headquarters a comfortable and impressive place.


stili #36. 2010


`qalaqi~ zRvasTan

mimdinare wlidan, Tbilisis zRvis terito-

riis (mis, e.w. marjvena nawilSi gadatanili zo-

oparkis zemoT) rekreaciul zonaSi, Sereuli

funqciis mqone kompleqsis - `natali siTis~ (pro-

eqts, Tbilisis zRvis ganviTarebis gegmis mi-

xedviT, pirobiTad miniWebuli aqvs saxeli -

`sport siTi~ # 21) mSeneblobisTvis mosamza-

debeli samuSaoebia dawyebuli. proeqtis dam-

kveTia qarTveli bizmesmeni, qalbatoni natalia

kvantaliani, xolo proeqts koordinacias uw-

evs developeruli kompania WDG - white devel-

opment group. proeqtis avtoria arqiteqtori

daviT cucqiriZe. Tavdapirvelad, teritori-

is dagegmarebis ramdenime varianti iqna Semu-

Savebuli, Tumca sabolood, aq warmodgenil

proeqts xvda upiratesoba.

axali kompleqsi ramdenime sxvadasxva dani-

Snulebis moculobas moicavs da Sesabamisad zo-

nebadaa danawilebuli.

kompleqsis kompoziciis dominantia, 280 me-

tris simaRlis caTambjeni - `vaiT Taueri~, ro-

melic yvelaze maRali Senoba iqneba saqarTve-

loSi (Tbilisis satelevizio anZas ramdenime me-

triT aRemateba) da qalaqis yoveli wertilid-

an gamoCndeba. Senoba, proeqtis mixedviT, 70 sa-

rTuls moicavs. 20 sarTuli daeTmoba biznes-

centrebs, 20 sarTuli - sastumros apartament-

ebs, 20 sarTuli - penthauzis tipis sacxovreb-

lebs. danarCen sarTulebs ki sazogadoebrivi da-

niSnulebis sxvadasxva sivrce daikavebs.

`vaiT Taueridan~, qvemoT, zooparkis mimde-

bare teritoriamde gadis sabagiro gza (#1 sa-



stili #36. 2010

`vaiT Taueri~-is erT mxares ganTavsdeba e.w. `VIP~ zo-

na. aq aSendeba 32 feSenebeluri individualuri sacxo-

vrebeli saxli (150- 400kv.m), sakuTari sakarmidamo nak-

veTiT (daxloebiT 800 kv.m). aucilebelia, aRiniSnos pro-

eqtis mTavari idea - igi absoluturad eko-proeqtia -

yvela Senoba-nageboba aRWurvilia helio da qaris ene-


`vaiT Taueri~-is meore mxares dagegmilia rekrea-

ciuli zona - kinoTeatriT, pavilioniT, vrceli auziT

da sazogadoebrivi, Sereuli daniSnulebis sxvadasxva


kompleqsis erT-erT mniSvnelovan zonas warmoadg-

ens - `premium~ zona. aq ganTavsdeba `Taun hauzi~ - sas-

tumros tipis Tormeti orsarTuliani sacxovrebeli sa-

xli, xediT zRvaze. TiToeuli, ramdenime ojaxisTvis ar-

is gankuTvnili. saxlebis saxuravze sacurao auzebia mo-

wyobili da yovel maTgans sakuTari Sida ezo gaaCnia.

sacxovrebel zonas sportuli zonisgan hyofs `pa-

saJi~ - Seminuli msubuqi konstruqciiT gadaxuruli Ria

sivrce. mis qveS, mniSvnelovan farTobze moqceulia pa-

rkingi, darCenili adgili ki sxvadasxva daniSnulebis

maRaziebisTvisaa gankuTvnili.

kompleqsis teritoriis mniSvnelovan nawils Sead-

gens sportul-sarekreacio zona - xuTi golfis moedn-

iT, sacurao auzebiT. aq ganTavsdeba golf klubi - spa-

centri, fitnes-centri, saloni dasasvenebeli saTavso-

ebiT. teritoriaze dagegmilia sabavSvo moednebi, skvre-

bi, damoukidebeli parkingi da sxva.

teritoriis e.w. `sazRvris~ gaswvriv daidgmeba qa-

ris turbinebi. golf- klubTan moewyoba vertmfrenis

dasafreni moedani. aseTive moednebia gaTvaliswinebu-

li golfis moednebTan da `vaiT Taueri~-s saxuravze.

garda amisa, sportul zonaSi Sendeba daxuruli spo-

rtuli kompleqsi - `maneJi~, romelic olimpiuri stan-

dartebis Sesabamisad iqneba aRWurvili; aseve moewyo-

ba safexburTo moedani (Tbilisis `lokomotivis~ sta-

dionis tevadobis) - profesiuli matCebis Casatarebl-


sportul zonasa da `premium~ zonas Soris dageg-

milia sabagiro gzis #2 sadguri. igi uSualod zoop-

arks daukavSirdeba.

proeqtis mixedviT, teritoria aRWurvilia opti-

maluri satrasporto -sagzao qseliT, romelic komple-

qsis sxvadasxva zonebs moxerxebulad daakavSirebs cen-

tralur trasasTan.

`natali siTis~ did nawils bunebrivi mwvane safar-

veli moicavs, Sesabamisad, mowesrigebul ladSaftur ge-

gmarebaSi, araCveulebrivad aRiqmeba sruliad TeTri ko-

mpleqsi - sam-oTx weliwadSi, am vrcel teritoriaze igi,

erT arqiteqturul mTlianobad warmoCindeba.

`natali siTi~ saintereso TemebiTaa savse da mis or-

ganizebaSi swored es gaxda mTavari mxatvruli princi-

pi. Tanamedrove komunikaciebiT da teqnikiT aRWurvi-

li ekologiuri da komfortuli `sazogadoebrivi si-

vrce~ Tbilisis erT-erTi `saeqspozicio~ monapovari ga-

xdeba. yovelives, ki mniSvnelovanwilad qarTveli biz-

mesmeni qalbtonis natalia kvantalianis mizandasaxulo-

ba ganpirobebs.

stili #36. 2010


"City" by the Sea


stili #36. 2010

This year, pre-construction works of multi-

functional complex was launched in Tbilisi Sea

recreation zone (official title of the project is

"Natalie City", though in Tbilisi Sea Development

Plan this it is conventionally denominated

"Sport City no. 21"). The project is funded by

Georgian businesswoman Natalie Kvantaliani

and coordinated by development company White

Development Group. Project author is archi-

tect David Tsutskiridze.

The new complex is going to include con-

structions of different purposes and is divided

into relevant zones.

Compositional dominant of the complex

is 280-meter "White Tower", which is going to

be the tallest construction in Georgia (it is sev-

eral meters taller than Mtatsminda TV tower),

visible from anywhere in Tbilisi. According to

the project, the construction will comprise 70

levels. 20 of these will house business-cen-

ters, 20 - hotel structures and 20 - penthouse-

type apartments; remaining 10 levels will be

earmarked for different public facilities.

"White Tower" will be connected with zoo

area below by cable-way (Line 1).

To one side from "White Tower" there will

be a so-called VIP zone with 32 luxury sin-

gle-family houses. We would like to specially

stress the key idea of the project: it is absolute-

ly environment-friendly - all the constructions

are going to be equipped with solar and wind

power systems.

On the other side, "White Tower" will be

bordered by a recreation zone - cinema, pavil-

ion, swimming pool and several other public


One of the most important zones of the

complex is the "premium" zone - this area will

include 12 townhouses - two-level hotel-type

residential houses with inner courtyards, sea-

side views and rooftop swimming pools.

Residential zone is separated from the

sports zone by a passage - open space with

light glazed roofing. Considerably big area under

the passage will be earmarked for a car park-

ing lot and shops.

Significant part of complex territory will be

occupied by the sports-recreation zone with

five golf courses and swimming pools, a golf

club, a spa, fitness center, wellness salon, play-

grounds, squares, a dedicated parking lot and

other facilities.

"Sport City" area will be bordered by wind

turbines. A helicopter launch pad will be set

up at the golf club and "White Tower" rooftop.

Besides, the Sport City is going to include

an indoor sports complex, conforming to

Olympic standards and a soccer pitch with

25000-seat stands.

Cable-way (Line 2) will connect sports and

"Premium" zone with the zoo.

According to the project, the area under

development will be provided with an efficient

transport and road connection network, con-

veniently linking different zones of the com-

plex with the central thoroughfare.

Large part of "Natalie City" area will be

set in green, efficiently setting off the white con-

structions, which will grow into an impressive

and integral architectural entity in some three-

four years.

"Natalie City" comprises numerous inter-

esting themes - diversity is the main structur-

al principle of this project. This comfortable and

environment-friendly public space, equipped with

advanced communications and technologies,

is going to become one of the landmarks of



stili #36. 2010


momavali sezonisTvis, Tbilisis e.w. `glda-

nis didi tba~ da misi mimdebare teritoria Ta-

namedrove standartebiT aRiWurveba. proeqt-

is damkveTia qarTveli bizmesmeni qalbatoni -

natalia kvantaliani. proeqts koordinacias uw-

evs developeruli kompania WDG - white devel-

opment group. rogorc winamdebare, iseve, war-

modgenili proeqtic avtoric arqiteqtori

daviT cucqiriZe gaxlavT.

am proeqtis ganxorcielebiT, Tbiliss Se-

emateba kidev erTi, absoluturad axali ti-

pis daculi, keTilmowyobili teritoria. igi,

uaxloes warsulSi mivardnil nagavsayrels wa-

rmoadgenda, arada tba, romelsac proeqtis av-

toris gadawyvetilebiT, amieridan `TeTri

tba~ ewodeba, sididiT samjer aRemateba kus

tbas, uxvTevziania, araCveulebrivi mdebare-

obiT da landSaftiT gamoirCeva da misi mo-

wesrigebiT ulamazes saCuqars miiReben Tbi-


`TeTri tbis~ infrastruqturis proeqtis

gansaxorcieleblad ukve sami welia, uSualod,

qalbaton natalia kvantalianis ZalisxmeviT da

xelmZRvanelobiT mimdinareobs Sesabamisi samu-

Saoebi - gaiwminda tba, misavleli gzebi, keT-

deba avtosadgomebi. tba, axlos aris gldanis

centralur margistralTan. mis paralelurad

gadis samxedro, e.w. `abreSumis~ gza.

proeqtis farglebSi tba da misi mimdeba-

re teritoria iyofa ramdenime zonad: pirve-

li - Ria sarekreacio dasasvenebeli zona moi-

cavs komfortul plaJs, Ria kafeebs, bungalo-

ebs. amave zonaSia dagegmili bavSvTa gasarTo-

bi centri - 4D sistemis, mini-kinoTeatriT 30

mayurebelze. plaJis gaswvriv, Ria kafeebis da

saCrdiloblebis mcire arqiteqturuli for-

mebi araordinaluri TeTri feris forma-di-

zainiT gamoirCeva (saerTod mTels teritori-

aze yoveli moculoba TeTri feris metalis ko-

nstruqciebiT, minis amreklavi zedapirebiT

Tu masaliT iqneba arWurvili da mopirkeTebu-

li. TeTri feris samosSi iqneba gamowyobili

momsaxure personalic). bavSvebisTvis keTdeba

gasarTobi moednebi. teritoriaze saseirno

bilikebisa da sapiknike adgilebis mowyobacaa


`TeTri tbis~ meore - sazoadoebriv zona-

Si unda aSendes feSenebeluri dasasvenebel-ga-

sarTobi kompleqsi, `White Event Hall~, romelic

masStaburi wveulebebis (prezentaciebi, Cvene-

bebi da sxva) gamarTvis SemTxvevaSi 800 stuma-

`TeTri tba~


stili #36. 2010

rzea gaTvlili. kompleqsi moicavs samayureb-

lo darbazs Tavisi sceniT, restorans, barebs,

sagamofeno sivrceebs da sxva Sesabamis ZiriT-

ad Tu damxmare saTavsoebs. kompleqsis mimde-

bared gaTvaliswinebulia gamwvanebuli teri-

toriebis mowyoba, Ria cis qveS Casatarebeli

RonisZiebebisTvis. tbaze mravladaa e.w. doke-

bi. aq SesaZlebeli iqneba fregatebiT da iax-

tebiT seirnoba. `White Event Hall~-s mimdebared

iaxtklubi daidebs navsayudels.

tbis zedapirze aigeba msubuqi konstruq-

ciis, Seminuli sadResaswaulo - saprezentacio

darbazi, romelic gansakuTrebuli SemTxeveb-

is garda, imuSavebs, rogorc restorani tba-

ze. darbazis Seminuli iataki - uzarmazari aq-

variumi - gaamravalferovnebs interiers. gar-

da amisa, tbaSi SeWril RerZze damontaJdeba

uzarmazari ekrani, romlis meSveobiTac dams-

veneblebi naxaven da moismenen saintereso ga-

dacemebs an `White Event Hall~-Si mimdinare iven-

Tebs. dagegmilia tbis SuagulSic moewyos e.w.

`wylis ekrani~, romelic msgavsi sanaxaobebis-

Tvis iqneba gankuTvnili da vizualuradac ga-

amdidrebs garemos.

tbis sanapiros gaswvriv, ZiriTadi komple-

qsisgan moSorebiT, gaTvaliswinebulia moewy-

os meTevzeTa sadgomebi, radgan, rogorc ukve

aRvniSneT tba uxvTevziania.

proeqtis Tanaxmad, `TeTri tbis~ meore

mxares - sazogadoebrivi zonis mopirdapired

(adgili esazRvreba aq arsebul saagarake nak-

veTebs), sacxovrebeli zona gaSendeba. Torme-

ti individualuri, maRali klasis vilebiT Se-

qmnili ganaSenianeba gamorCeuli iqneba, imiT,

rom yvela saxli, Tavisi nakveTiT ixsneba tba-

ze. saxlis Sesyidvis SemTxvevaSi, mis mflob-

els proeqtis mesveurebisgan saCuqrad gadae-

cema kateri.

arqiteqturul-moculobiTi da funqcio-

naluri TvalsazrisiT sainteresodaa gadawy-

vetili kompleqsis teritoriaze mTavari Se-

sasvleli. igi Seqmnilia ori, dinamiuri, wag-

rZelebuli Senobisgan. erTSi ganTavsebulia oc-

daaTnomriani (3-4 varskvlaviani) sastumro, me-

oreSi ki saTamaSo-gasarTobi centri.

imedia, male, Tbilisis unikaluri dasasve-

nebeli kompleqsi sanukvari adgili gaxdeba, ro-

gorc TbiliselebisTvis, aseve dedaqalaqis


nino laRiZe

White LakeBy the next season, so-called Gldani Lake area will become

publicly available with updated infrastructure. The project is fund-

ed by Georgian businesswoman Natalie Kvantaliani and coor-

dinated by development company White Development Group.

Project author is architect David Tsutskiridze.

When this project is realized, Tbilisi will have one more

protected recreation area of absolutely new type. This place,

which served as one of city dumps the recent years, boasts

a lake three times as big as the Turtle Lake (1000x300 m),

abundant in fish and set in a breathtaking landscape. White

Lake development project is a really generous gift for Tbilisi


White Lake area development started three years ago;

the lake was cleaned, access roads were upgraded, parking

lots are being arranged. The lake is located near to central

highway of Gldani District, parallel to Georgian Military Road.

Under the project, While Lake area is divided into sever-

al zones. One of them - public recreation zone - includes a

beach, a number of open cafes and bungalows, youth enter-

tainment centre and a miniature 4D cinema. Open cafes and

awnings lined along the beach boast original design and preva-

lence of white colour (every construction in the public area will

be faced with white, transparent or mirror materials and local

personnel will wear white uniforms). Several playgrounds will

be arranged for children; the area will be provided with pedes-

trian pathways and picnic spots.

Another zone of White Lake Area is reserved for fashion-

able recreational complex "White Event Hall", dedicated to large

events (presentations, shows, etc.) with up to 800 participants.

The complex will include a spectator hall with a stage, a restau-

rant, several bars, exhibition spaces, open terraces for outdoor

events and other relevant facilities. As the lake is large enough

for yachting, the second zone will also include a yacht club.

A presentation hall will be built with light glazed construc-

tions on the lake surface - this facility will function as a restau-

rant and host especially festive events. A large screen will be

mounted on a mast above the lake for broadcasting of events

going on in the White Event Hall and other interesting footage.

To make the most of the main attraction of the area -

as we said above, the lake is abundant in fish - fishing spots

stili #36. 2010


will be arranged at a distance from the main architectural


According to the project, the shoreline across from the

public zone will be allocated for housing development.

Residential complex will include 12 villas with homestead plots

opening on the lake. Buyers of each villa will receive a motor

boat as a gift from project representatives.

Main entrance to White Lake area is framed by two elon-

gated dynamic buildings, of which one is going to house a

30-bedroom hotel (3-4 stars), and the other - an entertainment


We are sure that White Lake area will soon become a

popular recreation spot for Tbilisi residents.



stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010


u c x o u r i a r q i t e q t u r a



stili #36. 2010

Villa-Kaarrqqiitteeqqttoorrii:: mucue haiakusa,

"Cell Space Architects".

aaddggiillmmddeebbaarreeoobbaa:: karuiZava,

nagano, iaponia.

pprrooeeqqttzzee mmuuSSaaoobbiiss ppeerriiooddii::

2008 wlis agvistodan 2009 wlis maisamde.

mmSSeenneebblloobbaa:: 2009 w. ivnisidan 2010 w. maisamde.

ffoottooeebbii:: masao niSikava.

daibada 1963 wels tokioSi. 1986 wels daamTavra

tokios universiteti (sainJinro fakultetis arqiteqtu-

ris departamenti). 1988-1991 wlebSi - muSaobda korpo-

racia "nihon sekei"-Si. 1991 - wels daaarsa studia "Cell

Space Architects". dajildovda pirvel priziT nasunoga-

haras filarmoniis darbazis dizainisTvis; kiTxulobs

leqciebs tokios universitetSi, tokios mecnierebaTa

universitetSi da iaponiis universitetSi.

iaponuri arqiteqturuli studia "Cell Space

Architects"-is damfuZnebelis, micue haiakusas proe-

qtiT aSenebuli "Villa-K" warmoadgens dedaboZis ga-

rSemo ganlagebuli oTxi segmentisgan Semdgar Ta-

namedrove nagebobas. Senoba mdebareobs karuiZa-

vaSi, feSenebelur saagarake nakveTze. "Villa-K"-s sxva-

dasxva doneze ganlagebul oTxive sarTulze ga-

Wrilia didi fanjrebi, saidanac ulamazesi xe-

debi iSleba. agarakis oTx nawilad gayofil Si-

da sivrces erTad kravs Senobis RerZs ayolili

xveuli kibe. sarTulebi erTmaneTs sxvadasxva ku-

Txis ebmis. asimetriulad ganlagebul saxuravSi

gaWrili fanjrebic, Tavis mxriv, usvams xazs Si-

da sivrcis danawevrebas.

VILLA-K in Nagano Japan by Cell Space ArchitectsArchitects: Mutsue Hayakusa Cell Space ArchitectsLocation: Karuizawa, Nagano, JapanDesign Period: August 2008 – May 2009Construction Period: June 2009 – May 2010Photographs: Masao Nishikawa

1963 Born in Tokyo, Japan. 1986 Graduated from Tokyo UniversityFaculty of Engineering, Architectural Department. 1988-1991 Worked withNihon Sekkei inc. 1991 Established Cell Space Architects. First prize incompetition of Nasunogahara-Harmony hall. Visiting lecturer at Tokyo University,Science University of Tokyo, Nihon University.

Mutsue Hayakusa from Japan’s architecture office Cell SpaceArchitects finished a contemporary Villa-K, consists of four partsof floors and four parts of roofs around a central pillar. This villasited on a hilltop in one of the eminent Karuizawa villa areas. Thefour floors placed on different levels are connected to the sur-rounding out space through windows in order to give diverse viewsfor the residents. The inner spaces are divided into four parts and,on the other hand, are connected in a spiral around the centralpillar.The four roofs are connected with different angles one anoth-er. Sunlight coming through the slits between the roofs highlightsthe division of the inner spaces.

stili #36. 2010



stili #36. 2010

"es-bi arqiteqts" - SB Architects50-wliani profesiuli gamocdilebis fonze, "es-bi arqiteqt-

sma" moipova saukeTeso reputacia sastumroebis, msxvilmasStabi-

ani rekreaciuli da saagarako kompleqsebis, mravalbiniani sax-

lebisa da Sereuli funqciis mqone nagebobebis dizainSi. "es-bi

arqiteqtsis" mTavari Rirsebaa uaRresad saTuTi damokidebule-

ba TiToeuli proeqtis mimarT; wlebis ganmavlobaSi am kompani-

as 200 jildo aqvs mogebuli SesaniSnavi dizainisTvis.

kompaniis san-franciskos da maiamis ofisebi dakompleqtebu-

lia saukeTeso ganaTlebis mqone, uniWieresi profesionalebiT; ma-

Rali teqnikuri SesaZleblobebi, mdidari gamocdileba da ener-

giuli midgoma saSualebas aZlevs "es-bi arqiteqtss" Tavidan bo-

lomde ganaxorcielos nebismieri sididis proeqti msoflios ne-

bismier wertilSi, Tumca gulis siRrmeSi kompaniis mesveurebi

mainc individualistebad rCebian, radganac yvela maTi nawarmo-

ebi maTvis erTnairad Zvirfasia. "es-bi arqiteqtsis" gamorCeuli

Tvisebebia Tanmimdevruli dizaini, mWidro urTierToba klien-

tebTan da gawonasworebuli korporaciuli kultura.

radikalurad gansxvavebuli xasiaTiT, geografiuli ganlage-

biT, samSeneblo teqnikiT Tu arqiteqturuli stiliT gamorCe-

ul proeqtebze muSaobis mdidari gamocdileba gansazRvravs "es-

bi arqiteqtsis" maRal profesionalizms, xolo Ria TanamSrom-

lobis meTodiT muSaoba da individualuri midgoma saSualebas

aZlevs kompanias moqnili da mgrZnobiare iyos ama Tu im proeqt-

is Taviseburebebisadmi.

"es-bi arqiteqtss" Tavis umTavres amocanad miaCnia yoveli ko-

nkretuli obieqtis dizainis meSveobiT warmoaCinos arsebuli ga-

remos Rirseba, da daicvas TviTkmari dizainisa da ekologiur-

ad sufTa mSeneblobis principebi.

san-franciskos mWidro dasaxlebaSi mdebare es nak-

veTi axali, gancalkevebiT mdgomi saxlis aSenebis saSu-

alebas iZleoda. Tavdapirvelad, am adgilze idga erT-

sarTuliani, erTsaZinebliani saxli ormanqaniani garaJ-

iT da sul 550 kv. futi sasargeblo farTobiT. vinaid-

an es nageboba aSenebuli iyo 2000 kv. futi farTobis mqo-

ne kuTxuri nakveTis ukana mxares, xolo nakveTis zoni-

reba masze ori nagebobis ganTavsebis saSualebas iZle-

oda, gadawyda aq kidev erTi, ufro xelsayreli ganla-

gebis mqone saxlis aSeneba.

dizainis koncefcias safuZvlad daedo adgilis Ta-

viseburebebi da Crdilo kaliforniis Tanamedrove ar-

qiteqturuli stilis elementebi. saxlis gare moxazu-

loba gansazRvra mis garSemo mdebare Senobebis gegma-

rebam, romelic saSualebas iZleoda mowyobiliyo gamo-

weuli fanjrebi, kedlebSi SeWrili gazonebi da Sesas-

vlelebi, ramac xazi gausva saxlis dinamiur iers da sa-

siamovnod daCrdila misi mimdebare quCis monakveTi. ar-

sebuli arqiteqturuli garemos stilTan mWidro aso-

ciaciis miuxedavad, saxlis ultraTanamedrove dizaini

savsebiT mkafiod aRiqmeba.

nakveTis daxrilobis gaTvaliswinebiT, arqiteqtore-

bma gadawyvites saxlis centralur elementad eqciaT xve-

uli kibe da mis Tavze WerSi gaWrili fanjara, romel-

ic sinaTliT avsebs mTel saxls da vizualurad akavSi-

rebs erTmaneTTan zeda sarTulze mdebare misaReb zon-

as da qveda sarTulze ganlagebul saZineblebs. garda am-

isa, kibis dominanturi funqcia saintereso gavlenas ax-

dens sacxovrebeli sivrcis gegmarebaze, romelic sakma-

od Sorsaa horizontaluri ganawilebis stereotipisg-

an. quCebis gadakveTaze mdebareobam da Sida sivrcis or-

ganizebis Taviseburebi am eqsterieris dizainSic moix-

sna horizontaluri SezRudvebi da Camoyalibda hori-

zontaluri da vertikaluri xazebis harmoniuli naza-

vi Zlieri, dakiduli saxuravis qveS.

zeda sarTulze ganlagebuli misaRebi zonis fanj-

rebidan san-franciskos ulamazesi xedebi iSleba; dRis-

iT es sivrce yovelTvis uxvadaa ganaTebuli, rac eleq-

troenergiis moxmarebis saWiroebas mniSvnelovnad amci-

rebs. uxvi bunebrivi ganaTebis, Tavisufali gegmarebis

da maRalxarisxovani mopirkeTebis wyalobiT dizainer-

Ta jgufma am 1750 kv. futis farTobis mqone es Senoba

prestiJul kurorts daamsgavsa. braziliuri Txilis

mopirkeTeba gare fasads wvimisgan icavs, xolo wablis

iataki da aveji da kedaris Weri saxls siTbos matebs.

foto: brius damonti

bernal haitis rezidencia


AIA, LEED APbrius raiti; amerikis

arqiteqtorTa institutis

wevri, "LEED"-is

profesiuli akreditaciis



AIA PRESIDENT EMERITUSjon f. eleri; amerikis

arqiteqtorTa institutis

sapatio prezidenti


AIA, LEED APjozef a. andriola;

amerikis arqiteqtorTa

institutis wevri, "LEED"-is

profesiuli akreditaciis



AIA, LEED APkevin p. dani; amerikis

arqiteqtorTa institutis

wevri, "LEED"-is

profesiuli akreditaciis




mark sopi; "LEED"-is

profesiuli akreditaciis



AIA, LEED APskot a. li; amerikis

arqiteqtorTa institutis

wevri, "LEED"-is

profesiuli akreditaciis


("LEED" - nagebobaTa garemosdacviTi da energiis moxmarebis maxasiaTeblebiT akreditaciis prestiJuli sistema)

stili #36. 2010




Residence by

SB ArchitectsThis urban infill site in San Francisco presented a unique

opportunity to create a new, free-standing home, while main-

taining the site’s existing structure as a separate residential unit.

The site originally housed a single structure – a one-story, one-

bedroom home over a two-car garage, constructed in 1931

and totaling only 550 square feet of living space. Since the

original structure was built at the rear of the 2,000-square-foot

corner lot, and zoning allowed for two units on the site, a new

home could be built at the front of the lot, capitalizing upon

views and a more prominent street address.

The goal for this project was to seize the unique zoning

opportunity to build a new home on this desirable, but never-

developed, corner site in a dense San Francisco neighborhood.

The design concept was driven by the micro-features of the

site and the desire to create a contemporary design expres-

sion that was rooted in Northern California architectural and

sustainable ideals. The basic envelope was shaped in large

part by the neighborhood planning code, which dictated ele-

ments such as bay windows, notched side yards and inset

entries to create movement and shadow along the streetscape.

While the design is rooted in the local vernacular and code

within this traditional San Francisco neighborhood, the inter-

pretation is distinctly clean and modern.

The naturally sloping site inspired the idea of a focal stair

core wrapped by private areas and topped by a dramatic sky-

light, bathing the interiors in natural light and forming a direct

link between through the private spaces on the entry level and

the upper-level public spaces. The central stair core also cre-

ates a strong vertical wall on the exterior, resulting in a com-

position quite different than the typical horizontal layering of liv-

ing spaces. The corner location and internal organization of

space created an exterior expression that broke free of hori-

zontal restraints to create a blend of horizontal and vertical

lines, punctuated by a strong cantilevered roof.

Locating the main living spaces on the top floor afforded

dramatic views of the San Francisco skyline and garnered abun-

dant natural light, significantly decreasing electricity use.

Windows on all aspects of the building, unusual in this urban

setting, provide an abundance of natural light in the interior

spaces. Making use of extensive experience in hospitality design,

the design team created a resort-based living experience with-

in this 1,750-square-foot custom home, with open, flowing spaces,

clean, high-end finishes and rich woods. A rainscreen system

supports Ipe banding on the exterior façade, while walnut floor-

ing and cabinets combine with cedar cladding on interior ceil-

ings and exterior soffits to bring warmth to the interiors.

Designed with a careful eye toward sustainability, this home

is Tier Two Energy Star certified, making it over 35% more

efficient than California Title 24 requirements. A 95% efficient

gas boiler supplies domestic hot water and hydronic heating,

and a 2.5-kilowatt photovotaic system with net metering pro-

vides solar energy, while energy star appliances and water effi-

cient plumbing fixtures throughout ensure an efficient use of



stili #36. 2010

SB Architects

In five decades of practice, SB Architects has estab-

lished a world-wide reputation for excellence in the

planning and design of large-scale hotel, resort, vaca-

tion ownership, multi-family residential and mixed-use

projects. Widely recognized for our highly individual

approach to design, this firm has received over 200

awards for design excellence.

With a staff of highly trained, immensely talented

and deeply passionate individuals in its San Francisco

and Miami offices, SB Architects successfully merges

fifty years of experience with the energy, drive and

dedication of a second generation of partners. With

the technical capabilities and the understanding to take

even the largest projects from initial concept through

construction anywhere in the world, the company

remains a hands-on, design-oriented practice at heart.

Integrity in design, connection to the client and bal-

ance in our corporate culture are integral to its iden-


Vast experience of SB Architects with a wide array

of project types, geographic locations, construction tech-

niques and architectural styles gives it a high level of

expertise, while its collaborative process and individ-

ual approach to each project allow it to be flexible

and responsive. Site-sensitive design has been a hall-

mark of its practice.

SB Architects strives to honor the site with design

solutions inspired by the regional vernacular, local mate-

rials and the sense of place inherent within each site,

and is dedicated to advocating sustainable design and

construction methods on all of our projects. All five of

SB Architects' principals, and over 30% of its staff,

are LEED Accredited Professionals, with a firm-wide

goal of 100% accreditation.

stili #36. 2010


2010 wlis 1 maiss CineTSi, qalaq SanxaiSi sa-

zeimod gaixsna msoflioSi yvelaze masStaburi

gamofena EXPO. yovelwliuri gamofena, qveynis po-

pularizacias, misi kulturis warmoCenas isaxavs

miznad, raTa ufro meti turisti moizidon. am-

jerad igi teqnologiebis namdvil Sejibrad iq-

ca.aRniSnuli gamofena yovel 5 weliwadSi imar-

Teba da 6 Tvis ganmavlobaSi grZeldeba.

wlevandeli eqspo-2010-is koncepciaa `ukeTe-

si qalaqi, ukeTesi cxovreba~. gamofenaSi 200-mde

qveyana da 50-mde saerTaSoriso organizacia mo-

nawileobs. yoveldRiurad EXPO-s asiaTasobiT da-

mTvalierebeli stumrobs.

CineTSi warmodgenil qveynebs Soris saqarT-

veloc iyo, romlis gamofena evropis gaerTiane-

bul pavilionSi ganTavsda. am SemTxvevaSi Zali-

an dagvexmara CineTis respublika, romelmac ga-

nviTarebadi qveynebisTvis biujetis samoci pro-

centi sakuTar Tavze aiRo. Cveni stendi sakmaod

saintereso gamovida da Zalian bevri damTvali-

erebeli hyavda.

saqarTvelo aRniSnul gamofenaze 324 kv. me-

tris stendze aris warmodgenili. qveynis EXPO-

Si monawileobis organizatori aris ekonomiku-

ri ganviTarebis saministros turizmisa da ku-

rortebis departamenti.

saqarTvelos stendis koncepciaze ramdenime

Tvis ganmavlobaSi mimdinareobda muSaoba. pro-

eqtis avtori gaxlavT arqiteqtori giorgi xma-

laZe. stendis dizaini maqsimalurad warmoaCens

qveynis turistul potencials, istoriul-kul-

turul memkvidreobas, bunebis mravalferovneb-

as. kompoziciis dominants warmoadgens uzarma-

zari vazi, rogorc Cveni simbolo, ZirSi qarTu-

li anbaniT. pavilionis oTxi kuTxe dayofilia we-

liwadis droebis mixedviT, sloganiT – xedi Ce-

mi fanjridan. zamTarSi gudauri da Cveni samTo-

saTxilamuro kurortebia warmodgenili; zafxu-

lSi – zRvis sanapiro; erT kuTxeSi Tbilisia, ke-

rZod ki, Sardenis quCa.

aq warmodgenili aris saqarTvelos mdida-

ri memkvidreobis amsaxveli eqsponatebi, frag-

mentebi unikaluri qarTuli

Zeglebidan. saqarTvelos ste-

ndi ganTavsebulia evropis

sagamofeno pavilionSi, sad-

ac aseve warmodgenilia aze-

rbaijani, bulgareTi, somxe-

Ti, makedonia, montenegro,

albaneTi da evrokavSiris

organizacia. gamofenis far-

glebSi, 28 oqtombers gaimarTeba saqarTvelos

erovnuli dRe.

aqve gvsurs gauwyoT, rom giorgi xmalaZe, wels

gaxda harvardis universitetis studenti. Zal-

zed sasixaruloa is faqti, rom male saqarTve-

los, msoflio mniSvnelobis umaRlesi saswavle-

blis kursdamTavrebuli pirveli qarTveli ar-

qiteqtori eyoleba.

Jurnali `stilis~ saxeliT, vulocavT gior-

gi xmalaZes am warmatebas, vusurvebT did Semo-

qmedebiT miRwevebs da keTildReobas axladSeq-

mnil ojaxSi.

saqarTvelos pavilioni SanxaiSi - Expo 2010

s a z o g a d o e b r i v i i n t e r i e r i



stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010


Expo 2010

Georgia Pavilion

- ShanghaiEXPO 2010 was officially opened on 1 May, in Shanghai,

China. The exhibition is one of the largest events in the

world. It is held in different countries every five years and

lasts for 6 months. Theme of the EXPO 2010 is “Better

City, Better Life” and signifies Shanghai's new status in the

21st Century as the "next great world city". It is a world

expo in the tradition of international fairs and expositions.

More than 190 countries and more than 50 internation-

al organizations have registered to participate in the Shanghai

World Expo, the largest ever.

Moreover, every Expo also attracts hundreds of thou-

sands of visitors to its abundant performances and special-

ly-designed buildings in addition to the exhibitions.

Georgia was presented among the nations participat-


stili #36. 2010

ing in the Expo 2010. Georgian exhibition was held in

European merged pavilion. In this case, China republic has

greatly helped us with 60% budget funding for the devel-

oping countries. As a result, Georgian stand was very inter-

esting and attracted a lot of visitors.

Georgia is represented on 324 sq. metre stand.

Organizer of country’s participation in EXPO 2010 is the

Department of Tourism and Resorts of Georgia, Ministry of

Economic Development. Works on Georgian stand design

lasted several months. It represents country’s tourism poten-

tial, historical-cultural heritage, diversity of nature. The proj-

ect author is an architect Giorgi Khmaladze.

The dominant element in the composition is the huge

grape-vine, as the symbol of Georgia, accompanied with

Georgian alphabet. Pavilion’s four corners are divided

according to four seasons, with the slogan – ‘’VIEW FROM

MY WINDOW ‘’. In this section Gudauri and our winter resorts

represent season winter. Summer is represented by help

of our seaside sites.

We can also see capital city Tbilisi in one of the cor-

ners, more exactly the Shardeni Street.

Georgian stand is located in European pavilion. Azerbaijan,

Bulgaria, Armenia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and

European Union are also presented in the same pavilion.

Within the expo bounds, the Georgian national pavilion

day is considered to be October 28.

liberTi bankis saTao ofisi

21 ivniss liberTi bankma Tavisi klientebi-

saTvis ganaxlebuli saTao ofisi da centralu-

ri filiali gaxsna, romlis rekonstruqcia

ramdenime Tvis manZilze mimdinareobda.

arqiteqturuli proeqti ekuTvniT ,,de-

mark studios“ warmomamdgenlebs, -

(www.dmark.ge). proeqti Seasrula kompania

,,qarTulma stilma“.

interieris Tanamedrove garemo ar aris mxo-

lod komfortuli. igi, gansakuTrebuli, mxo-

lod misTvis damaxasiaTebeli gamomxatvelob-

iT gamoirCeva da transformirdeba realoba-

Si. misi moqnili gegmareba, daxvewili, dinami-

uri formebi, furnituriTa da lamazi sagneb-

iT Seqmnili calkeuli monakveTi Taviseburad

STambeWdavia, radgan mxolod esTetikuris aR-

qmiT ar Semoifargleba.

dizainSi, detalebi araordinaluri niua-

nsebiT gamoirCeva da mTlianobis gamomxatve-

lobiTi xasiaTis ganmsazRvreli xdeba. `msub-

uq~ erTianobaSi saerTo feriTi gama dekora-

tiuli aqsesuarebis tonebiTaa aqcentirebuli.

interieris dizainSi mniSvneolovani roli

iTamaSa korianisa da montelis produqtciam.

am masalisgan bankis pirveli da meore sarTu-

lebisTvis damzadda salaros daxlebi, samuSao

magidebi da misaRebi. gamoyenebuli iqna wiTe-

li da TeTri feris masala.

stili #36. 2010


On June 21 Liberty Bank publicly opened its headquarters, reconstruction of

which continued for several months.

Architectural project was designed by architectural studio Dmark (www.dmark.ge)

and realized by company "Georgian Style".

Modern interior of new Liberty Bank headquarters is not just comfortable - it

charms with a special, uniquely expressive atmosphere. Flexible planning, dynam-

ic shapes, refined furniture and accessories segmenting the place into different

zones, make the whole interior even more impressive and meaningful.

The design features original highlights, defining individual character of the inte-

rior. Unobtrusive harmony of red-and-white background color palette is animated

by bright details.

Important role in interior design was attributed to Coriani and Montelli prod-

ucts. These materials were liberally used to decorate cash offices, working desks

and the lobby on ground and first floors.

Liberty BankHeadquarters


stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010





Sedgasul axlaxans, Tbilisis teqnikuri universitetis administ-

raciul korpusSi, universitetis reqtoris, baton arCil fran-

giSvilis apartamentebis (misaRebi, kabineti, sakonferencio da-

rbazi) interieri ganaxlda. proeqtis avtorebi, sruliad axal-

gazrda dizainerebi eka balavaZe da natalia manjgalaZe arian.

mocemul sivrceSi, misi daniSnulebis, prezentabelurobis ma-

Rali xarisxis warmoCenad, Sesabamisi `dadebiTi ganwyobis~ Seqm-

na iyo saWiro. axali sivrceebis warmosaxvas, safuZvlad mwiri

sawyisi gaaCnda - unda aRdgeniliyo aveji, kerZod, mxolod samu-

Sao - saweri magida, romelic umaRlesi saswavlebis daarsebid-

an, reqtoris apartamentebis ganuyofeli Semadgenelia. dizaine-

rebma originalur gadawyvetas miagnes da male, arsebuli deta-

lebis SenarCunebiT, mkafio arqiteqturuli grafikiT, furnitu-

ris forma-moculobebis originaluri monacvleobiT da feriTi

kontrastebiT, Tavisufali stilis, Tanamedrove interierebi

warmoiqmna - realoba proeqtis identuria.

sazogadoebriv sivrceebSi moulodnel dizainerul Strixe-

bs, simsubuqe SeaqvT da mosaxerxebel gegmarebas qmnian. stilis-

tur mTlianobaSi, TiToeuli monakveTis individualuroba da fu-

nqciuroba Taviseburad ikveTeba, maTi kontrastuloba interie-

rSi uwonadobis SegrZnebas badebs. Tavisufali atmosferos Se-

qmnis ideas, sivrcis yoveli elementi eqvemdebareba. konstruq-

ciuli Tu dekoratiuli detalebis erToblioba interiers vi-

zualurad zrdis da mniSvnelovnad gansazRvravs masSi mudmiv-

ad cvalebadi rakursebis araordinalurobas, ferTa siRrmes Tu

intensiobas. interierTa dizaini daxvewili gemovnebis da apar-

tamentebis Sesabamisi inteleqtualuri mdgomareobis bunebrivi


metad sasiamovnoa is faqti, rom axalgazrda avtorTa pirve-

live, metad sapasuxismgeblo proeqti warmatebiT Sedga.

nino laRiZe


stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010


First Project


Realized Office of Archil Prangishvili, rector of Tbilisi Technical

University, was recently renovated by young designers Eka

Balavadze and Natalie Manjgaladze.

Considering its purpose, interior of the office, comprising a

lobby, a study and a conference hall, had to be highly present-

able though featuring a positive atmosphere. One of the com-

plex tasks the young designers had to solve was renovation of

writing desk, which had stood in the rector's office since found-

ing of the University. The designers found an original solution:

by combining existing architectural details with clear-cut design

stokes, original furniture and color contrasts, they created free-

flowing modern interior space.

Unexpected design touches add lightness and comfort to

this public space. The unity of constructional and decorative details

visually increases the interior and by large determines unusual

nature of changeable perspectives, depth and intensity of col-

ors. Design of this interior is the natural manifestation of refined

taste and intellectual potential.



stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010



stili #36. 2010


romantikarestorani `piano~, cota xnis

win gaixsna tabiZis quCaze, magram

ukve sakmaod popularuli da pre-

stiJulia TbilisSi. misi interi-

eri dizaineruli jgufis DESIGN-

BUREAU-s (dizainerebi: nia mgalo-

bliSvili, sofio SevardnaZe, ia

liparteliani) proeqtiT Seiqmna.

avtorebis mier guldasmiT iqna Se-

rCeuli sivrcis feriTi gama, ke-

dlebis `literaturuli~ deko-

ri. originaluri, efeqturi fur-

nitura ufro metad `amZafrebs~ si-

vrcis simyudroves, ...da rac yve-

laze niSvnelovania - sxvadasxva

zomis, forma- moyvanilobis abaJu-

rebi da eleqtro lamparebi - is-

ini, ara marto silamaziTaa gamo-

rCeuli, aramed garkveul monakve-

Tebze funqcionaluricaa. swored

maTi saSualebiTaa zonirebuli

sivrce. dizaineruli Tvalsazri-

siT, gansakuTrebul yuradRebas ip-

yrobs `mravalfexeba~ baris diza-

ini. romantikuli `piano~ Tbili-

selebisTvis, gasarTobad da dasa-

sveneblad, erT-erTi sasurveli


stili #36. 2010



RomanceRestaurant "Piano", recently opened

in Tabidze Street, quickly became a pop-

ular and fashionable spot. Its interior is

designed by Designbureau Group

(designers Nia Mgaloblishvili, Sophie

Shevardnadze and Ia Liparteliani). The

authors focused their efforts on com-

bining interior colors, creating "literary"

decor of the walls and matching effi-

cient furniture in order to create an espe-

cially comfortable space. Most interest-

ing are original and highly practical light

fixtures, serving both as decorations and

zone markers. Still another design high-

light is a multi-legged bar stand.

Restaurant "Piano", with its roman-

tic atmosphere, is the best place for

leisure and entertainment.


stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010


stilisturi mTlianobadedaqalaqSi, uznaZis quCaze mdebare res-

tornis, `mirzaanis~ interieri dizainer naTia

kariaulisa da arqiteqtor giorgi xizaniSvi-

lis proeqtiT Sesrulda. sazogadoebrivi si-

vrcis interieris moculobiTi gadawyveta, ga-

moyenebuli gamomxatvelobiTi saSualebebiT, Se-

kruli, plastiuri da masStaburia. mas abso-

luturad gansazRvuli funqcia akisria. ori-

ginaluri detalebisa da lakonuri feriTi Ca-

narTebis gamoyeneba, avtorTa daxvewil gemov-

nebaze miuTiTebs.

sisadave da monumenturoba, tradiciuli fo-

rmebi da mkacri dekori, Tavisufleba da para-

duloba, rogorc Cans avtorTa konceptualu-

ri kredoa. maTi ZalisxmeviT wina planzea wa-

moweuli `gamomxatvelobiTi arqiteqturuli fi-

guris~ koncepcia.

interierSi tradiciebi Tanamedrove menta-

litetiTaa adaptirebuli da mis esTetikas pa-

suxobs. sivrcis dasrulebuli saxiT Camoyali-

bebisas TiToeul detalsa da niuanss didi mni-

Svneloba mieniWa. yoveli monakveTi erTianad

warmomadgenlobiTia. SemoqmedebiTma Tavisuf-

lebam SesaZlebeli gaxada miRweuliyo sivrc-

is stilisturi mTlianoba da sruli Sesabami-

soba `cxovrebis~ wesTan.

nino laRiZe


stili #36. 2010

The unity of styleThe authors of Mirzaani Restaurant's interior (in Uznadze

street, in Tbilisi) are designer Natia Kariauli and architect Giorgi

khizanishvili. Spatial solution of this public interior is integral,

flexible and massive; use of original architectural details and

restrained color accents manifests the refined taste of the authors

and highlights the specific function of the establishment.

The authors’ conceptual credo is revealed in simple and

imposing forms, austere décor, combination of freedom with

formality. Their efforts have brought to the fore the concept of

expressive architectural form.

In this case, aesthetics is so well subjected to pragma-

tism that one would have difficulty attributing primary impor-

tance to any of them.

The authors have adapted traditions to modern mentali-

ty, at the same time following the aesthetic cannons of clas-

sical style and making the design relevant to the system. Each

detail has been carefully considered in development of this


Special feature of this project is that the space is divid-

ed into several functional groups without disrupting the integri-

ty of décor, so that every part of interior looks equally impos-

ing. Creative freedom made it possible to retain the unity of

style, fully corresponding to the “lifestyle” of the building.


stili #36. 2010



mravalferovnebawarmogidgenT arqiteqtor marika qurTiSvilis dizainiT, ganxorcie-

lebul namuSevars - restoran `babilos~ interiers. aq, funqciurad orga-

nizebuli, ulamazesi dizainis mravalferovneba, srulyofili formebis um-

aRlesi xarisxi, gasazRvrul da damajerebel organizmSi erTmaneTTanaa

Serwymuli. ganaTeba, feri, aqsesuarebi, proporciebi, moZravi grafika -

maTi erTobliobiT warmoqmnili araordinaluri sivrceebi, yovel mocem-

ul SemTxvevaSi teqnologiuri siaxleebis saSualebebiT gamogonil stru-

qturaze gacilebiT mniSvnelovania.

interieris, praqtikulad, mSvid da respeqtabelur garemoSi, sadac de-

talebis siWarbiT qaosi ar iqmneba, yoveli elementi gansakuTrebiT mniS-

vnelovania. sivrce erT mTlianobad aRiqmeba da ara mxolod imitom, rom

aq Tanamedrove klasikuri formebi da daxvewili feriTi gama dominirebs.

zustad SerCeuli mosapirkeTebeli masala, lamazi teqstura da Tbili to-

naloba, furnitura sivrcis warmomadgenlobiTobas arbilebs. mTavaria ki

is aris, rom aq, TiTqmis yovelTvis rTuli dialogi axladSeqmnilsa da

arsebuls Soris warmatebiT Sedga.

nino laRiZe


stili #36. 2010


This article refers to “Babilo” restaurant, recently created by architect Marika Kurtishvili.

In this space, diversity of functionally organized, highly refined and diverse design and

utmost efficiency of forms are merged into a credibly integral space. Lighting, coloring,

choice of accessories, proportions, flexible graphics – unordinary composition, formed by

combination of these elements, is much more meaningful than an artificial high-tech struc-

ture would be in its place.

Quiet and respectable look of the interior, where there are no distracting details, allo-

cates a special function to every detail. The space is perceived as an entity – not just

because of classical forms and refined color solution. Carefully chosen finishing materials,

textures and warm tonalities of the furniture accentuate the imposing character of the atmos-

phere. And the main point is that the complex dialogue between newly-created and exist-

ing elements in this interior has been quite successful.


stili #36. 2010



`dizeli~ Sourumis interieri TbilisSi, vaJa-fSavelas gam-

zirze, dizainerebis - nia mgalobliSvilis, sofio SevardnaZis

da ia lipartelianis (jgufi Designbureau) proeqtiT Sesrulda.

mocemul interierSi warmodgenili aqtualuri `eqspozi-

ciis~ warmosaCenad, pirvel rigSi, Seiqmna brendis Sesabamisi

anturaJi - xasiaTi, romlis zegavleniT sivrce Tavisi kanone-

biT iwyebs cxovrebas. dizaini, aq, fonia `dizelis~ produqci-

iTvis. dizainerebis CanafiqriT, `beletaJiani~ kedlebi, momc-

ro `rodonebi~, neitraluri muqi lurji - jinsis feri, sada

konstruqciuli gadawyvetebis da funqciurobis Serwyma, uf-

ro metad warmoaCens `dizelis~ modur koleqcias. Tanamedro-

ve salonis ergonomika martivad, efeqturi dizaineruli xe-

rxebiT ki ar aris gadawyvetili, aramed igi, TiTqos erTgu-

li momxmareblis gamocdilebebiTaa gajerebuli. aq yovelive

dawyebuli ganaTebis dizainiTa da damTavrebuli, gamijnuli

zonebiT - `profesionalisTvisaa~ gankuTvnili, romlsac, Ta-

vad sivrce aZlevs mSvidi da komfortuli arCevanis SesaZle-


nino laRiZe

foto: irakli bluiSvili


stili #36. 2010

DIESELin Tbilisi

The interior of "Diesel" showroom, located in Vaja-

Pshavela Avenue, Tbilisi, is designed by Nia Mgaloblishvili,

Sophie Shevardnadze and Ia Liparteliani (Designbureau


Showroom interior design matches the character of

the brand and turns the place into an island of alterna-

tive reality. The design is a background to "Diesel" prod-

ucts. Two-tier walls, prevailing blue color, simple construc-

tion solutions and stressed functionality flatter the fash-

ionable collection of denim, displayed in the showroom.

Ergonomic conception of a modern salon is not so much

developed by application of efficient design tools, but rather

based on the experiences of happy consumers. Every

detail in this interior design, starting with light fixtures and

ending with fitting-rooms, is intended for connoisseurs, under-

standing the value of leisurely and comfortable choice.



stili #36. 2010



stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010



kreatiulobasabavSvo tansacmlis butiki Vingino TbilisSi (yazbegis gamzirze), axlaxans ga-

ixsna. proeqtis avtorebi, axalgazrda dizainerebi - nia mgalobliSvili, sofio

SevardnaZe da ia liparteliani arian (jgufi Designbureau).

Vingino wminda brenduli kreatiulobiTaa Sesrulebuli. interieri xis RobiT

SemosazRvrul patara sabavSvo moedans waagavs, sadac saTamaSo konstruqciebSi -

xis marTkuTxa `TaRebSi~, did, xis kvadrebze ulamazesi samosia gadanawilebuli.

natifi dekori da furnitura saavtoro dizains warmoadgens. haeriT gajerebul,

naTel sivrces, kidev ufro zrdis kvadratebiT Semoraguli sarkis ekrani. tra-

diciuli sakidebis nacvlad kedlebTan didi da msubuqi CarCoebia. maTSi moqce-

ul `naxatebSi~ ki metad mosaxerxebelia tansacmlis daTvaliereba da arCeva, bav-

SvebsTvisac da ufrosebisTvisac.

nino laRiZe

foto: irakli bluiSvili


stili #36. 2010


Kids' clothes boutique "Vingino" was recently

opened in Kazbegi Avenue, Tbilisi.

Interior of the shop was created by young

designers Nia Mgaloblishvili, Sophie Shevardnadze

and Ia Liparteliani (Designbureau Group).

"Vignino" interior is a result of professionally

creative approach. The shop rather reminds of a

playground, protected by a wooden fence and con-

taining cubical stands, featuring especially interest-

ing goods. Interior space, filled with light and air,

is visually expanded by a huge mirror screen and

decorated with exquisite furniture. Unconventional

display of goods inside large frames, attached to

the walls, turns every article of clothing into a fun

drawing, turning the process of shopping into a

very easy and pleasurable pastime.



stili #36. 2010


Sou rumi

GuessTbilisSi, WavWavaZis gamzirze,

Guess-is cnobili brendis Sou ru-

mi gaixsna.

warmodgenili obieqtis inte-

rieruli garemos Tavisufali siv-

rce individualuria da gansazRvu-

li funqcia gaaCnia. wina planze wa-

moweuli gamomxatvelobiTi arqi-

teqturuli figuris koncepcia es-

Tetikur iluziebTan erTad ufro

Rrma, damoukidebel azrs da mniS-

vnelobas moicavs.

interieris mikrogaremo sxvada-

sxva emociuri datvirTviT aRiqme-

ba, konkretul mizans eqvemdebareba,

magram amave dros sivrcis saerTo

wyobasTanaa SeTavsebuli. esTetiku-

ri, natifi formis mniSvneloba mis

realurobaSia ganxorcielebuli.

daxvewilma stilma da gemovnebam

sruliad gansazRvra interieris

stilisturi mTlianoba da Guess-is

cxovrebis wesTan Sesabamisoba.

nino laRiZe


stili #36. 2010



Recently, presentation of showroom Guess took

place in Chavchavadze ave., Tbilisi.

The showroom interior is a free-flowing space with

distinct individuality and a precisely defined function.

Simplicity, uninhibited planning and dynamism. The con-

ception of expressive architectural image, forming the

foreground of the design, is strengthened by aesthet-

ic associations and deep connotations.

The interior consists of independent volumes bear-

ing different emotional charges depending on their func-

tional specifics but efficiently merging into the general

structure of the space. The importance of aesthetical-

ly valuable, refined forms is accentuated by the qual-

ity of their implementation. Highly professional and taste-

ful design style gave successful finishing touches to

the interior of Guess and integrated it into the sur-

rounding life.NINO LAGHIDZE



interierSiTanamedrove sacxovrebeli interieri, mi-

si dizaini da arqiteqtoris mier masSi wa-

rmoqmnili, Tematuri scenariT Seqmnili at-

mosfero, rTuli, Sromatevadi, Semoqmedebi-

Ti gzis Sedegia.

arqiteqtor merab gujabiZis proeqtiT Se-

qmnili, sacxovrebeli dupleqsis yofiTi ga-

remo, misi Semadgeneli mobiluri elemente-

bis urTierTharmoniulobiT, erTi mTliani,

cocxali organizmia. gaxsnili sivrce erTi-

anad aRiqmeba, Tumca masSi yoveli calkeuli

elementi erTgvarad mniSvnelovani da dasa-

maxsovrebelia. maTi lavireba SeuCneveli ni-

uansebiT warmoebs. interieris ToToeuli ho-

rizontaluri Tu vertikaluri sibrtye Ta-

mami, araordinaluri dekoraciaa, dizaineru-

li kolaJia. maTi kompoziciuri wyoba, to-

naloba, furniturasTan, aqsesuarebTan sinq-

roni, srulyofilebis SegrZnebas badebs.

nino laRiZe

stili #36. 2010


s a c x o v r e b e l i i n t e r i e r i


Design Collage

of InteriorCreation of Residential interior design with a themat-

ic atmosphere and distinctive individuality is a complex, metic-

ulous task, requiring a great deal of professionalism.

Residetial space of duplex-apartment designed by archi-

tect Merab Gujabidze, represents an integral, live organism,

consisting of harmoniously matched mobile units. The open

space is perceived as a unity, nonetheless consisting of self-

important and original elements, integrated by a carefully

considered and unobtrusive structure of minor details. Each

horizontal or vertical surface of the interior is an unordinary

decoration, a part of design collage. Their compositional struc-

ture, tonality, matching with furniture and accessories evoke

the feeling of perfection.



stili #36. 2010

warmodgenili sacxovrebeli interierebi (TbilisSi, diRmis masivSi da rCeuliSvilis quCaze arsebuli mravalsarTuliani tipiuri sa-

cxovrebeli saxlebis binebi), male, arqiteqtor-dizaineris, ilia zaqaraias (arqiteqturul-dizaineruli jgufi `kubi~) proeqtiT garda-

iqmneba da sruliad gansxvavebul, maTi mflobelebisTvis sasurvel saxes miiRebs. mogexsenebaT interierze muSaobisas, ideis ganxorciele-

bis procesSi, Sedegi, xSir SemTxvevaSi, gansxvavdeba sawyisi Canafiqrisagan, magram mocemul SemTxvevebSi, Sedga Seqmnili renderuli va-

riantebis identuri sacxovrebelebis realizacia da maqsimalurad gamovlinda avtoris gemovneba.

TiToeul, erTmaneTisgan sruliad gansxvavebul sivrceebSi, funqciurad organizebuli, srulyofili formebis umaRlesi xarisxi gasa-

zRvrul da damajerebel organizmSi erTmaneTTanaa Serwymuli. ganaTeba, feri, aqsesuarebi, proporciebi, moZravi grafika - maTi erTob-

liobiT warmoqmnili araordinalurobani, yovel mocemul SemTxvevaSi, moulodnel rakursebs qmnian.

interierTa mSvid da respeqtabelur garemoSi yoveli elementi gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania. xiluli Tu uxilavi barierebiT Seqmn-

ili msubuqi sivrceebi, orive sacxovrebelSi, sruliad sxvadasxvagvarad, Tumca, erT mTlianobad aRiqmeba da ara mxolod imitom, rom aq

Tanamedrove formebi da daxvewili feriTi gama dominirebs. zustad SerCeuli mosapirkeTebeli masala, lamazi teqstura da Tbili tona-

loba, furnitura sivrcis warmomadgenlobiTobas arbilebs da dekoris TvalSisacemi esTetizmi naTlad warmoaCens interieris TviTmyo-


advili warmosadgenia, ra sasiamovno iqneba adamianebisTvis ganaxlebul, komfortul da myudro sacxovreblebSi urTierToba, cxov-

reba da saqmianoba.

stili #36. 2010


ori binis istoriadizaineri ilia zaqaria


stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010


History of two


This residential interiors (in "Digmis Masivi"

and in Rcheulishvilis street in Tbilisi) was

designed by the architect-designer of Cube

Studio (Architectural Design Group) Ilia Zakaraia.

Realization stage of interiors design often

yields certain deviations from the initial sketch-

es. However in this particular case the interi-

ors created by architect, is absolutely identical

to its render version, revealing the author’s best


The beauty of this designs exceeds aes-

thetic perception, developing on different planes

and breathing a life of its own. Diversity of this

beautiful, well-organized space and top quality

of its refined forms are merged into a credible

organism. Lighting, colors, accessories, propor-

tions, mobile graphics - their integrity naturally

forms unordinary spaces devoid of excess


In the peaceful and respectable environ-

ment every element gains special importance.

The light space interrupted by visible and imag-

inary barriers is perceived as an entity not only

due to dominance of classic forms and refined

colors, but also because of precisely matched

finishing materials, fine textures, warm tonali-

ties and furniture. Textures and colors of finish-

ing materials, the apparent aestheticism of the

décor serve to highlight the originality of exte-

rior and interiors design, as well as profession-

alism of its author.


stili #36. 2010

warmodgenili interieris (Tbilisi, vaJa-fSavelas gamziri) avtori, dizaineri

naTia kariauli gaxlavT. man, saxlis mflobelis gemovnebisa da survilebis gaTva-

liswinebiT, sakuTar profesionalizmze dayrdnobiT, mkafio arqiteqturuli gra-

fikiT, furnituris forma-moculobebis originaluri monacvleobiT da feriTi ko-

ntrastebiT, Tanamedrove interieri Seqmna.

sacxovrebel sivrceSi warmoqmnil moulodnel dizainerul Strixebs, simsubu-

qe SeaqvT da mosaxerxebel gegmarebas qmnian. stilistur mTlianobaSi, TiToeuli

saTavsos individualuroba da funqciuroba Taviseburad ikveTeba, maTi kontras-

tuloba interierSi uwonadobis SegrZnebas badebs. Tavisufali atmosferos Seqm-

nis ideas sivrcis yoveli elementi eqvemdebareba. konstruqciuli Tu dekoratiu-

li detalebis erToblioba interiers vizualurad zrdis, xazs usvams formas, ga-

nsazRvravs masSi feris siRrmes da intensiobas.

sacxovrebelSi, avtorma, aucilebeli komforti da simyudrove Seqmna. interier-

is dizaini, mis binadarTa gemovnebis bunebrivi xorcSesxmaa.

nino laRiZe

komforti da simyudrove

stili #36. 2010


House owners, giving pref-

erence to this or that particular

design style, actually choose an

atmosphere, in which they will exist

for a certain amount of time and

which will have its influence on

their lives.

The author of this interior (

Apartment in Vaja-Pshavela ave.

in Tbilisi) is designer Natia Kariauli.

Considering the taste and expec-

tations of the house owner, they

created a refined modern interi-

or space with clear architectural

graphics, original furniture and

skillful color contrasts.

Unexpected design touches

add lightness to the residential

space and increase the efficien-

cy of its planning. In the stylistic

integrity, individuality and function-

al specificity of each room stand

out. All elements of the space

serve to highlight the feeling of

freedom, visually increase the

space, accentuate its form, define

the depth and intensity of colors.

Creating this interior, author

endowed it with comfort and orig-

inality, which would not look nat-

ural in any other place. In other

words, the design represents an

incarnation of the inhabitants’

taste and social position.


Comfort and convenience


stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010


komfortis esTetika


stili #36. 2010

mogexsenebaT interierze muSaobisas, Sede-

gi, xSir SemTxvevaSi, nawilobriv mainc gansxva-

vdeba sawyisi Canafiqrisagan, magram mocemul Se-

mTxvevaSi arqiteqtor aleko korkotaSvilis id-

eis identuri sacxovrebeli sivrcis realiza-

cia Sedga - maqsimalurad gamovlinda avtoris


sacxovreblis interieris Camoyalibeba-gafo-

rmebis ZiriTadi idea dizaineruli svlis ganu-

meoreblad, funqciurad sxvadasxva zonebis ef-

eqtur gadanawilebaSi mdgomareobs. Tavisi ar-

qiteqtonokiT TviTmyofadi, damoukidebeli sa-

Tavsoebi sacxovrebeli mTlianobis komforts,

simyudroves ganapirobebs. aq moxvedrisas, stu-

mars maspinZlebTan sakuTari `merkantiluri~ sa-

kiTxebis garkvevamde, amaRlebuli, Tbili ganw-

yoba eufleba, rac kvlav aq mosvlis survils


interierSi TiToeul niuanss is adgili

aqvs miCenili, saidanac igi saukeTeso saxiT aR-

iqmeba. formasTan, faqturasTan, ferTan damo-

kidebuleba, dizaineris SemoqmedebiT princip-

ebs gamoavlens da araordinaluria. mTliano-

baSi, ki avtoris originaluri da saintereso

mignebebi erT amocanas emsaxureba - Seiqmna sa-

cxovrebeli garemo - mSvidi, esTetikuri yofi-

sa da maRali komfortis garanti - konkretu-

li ojaxisaTvis.

nino laRiZe

stili #36. 2010



of aestheticsRealization stage of interior design often

yields certain deviations from the initial sketch-

es. However in this particular case the inte-

rior created by architect Aleko Korkotashvili,

is absolutely identical to its render version,

revealing the author’s professionalism at its


The key highlight of this residential inte-

rior is efficient development of design theme

from zone to zone. The spaces with their

original architectonics integrate into an utter-

ly comfortable living environment. A visitor

entering this apartment perceives its posi-

tive, pacifying atmosphere from the very first

step and feels an urge to visit the place

again and again.


stili #36. 2010

Every detail in the interior is positioned

so as to stand out with most efficiency.

Approach toward shapes, textures and

colours clearly expresses the designer’s artis-

tic principles and perfect taste. On the

whole, the author’s interesting and original

solutions aim to achieve one and only goal

– to create a living environment, guaran-

teeing comfortable and tasteful life to one

particular family.


modernizmi - saqarTveloSi, Senobebis

ideologiis Secvla maTi funqciis cvlile-

bis dros da kerZod, arqiteqtor giorgi Ca-

xavas utopisturi nagebobis Rirebuleba Ta-

namedrove arqiteqturis konteqstSi - am sa-

kiTxebs moicavda lora palmeris fondis, je-

oear saqarTvelosa da The Other Space

Foundation-is proeqti, saxelwodebiT – ”gayi-

nuli momentebi: arqiteqtura gvpasuxobs”,

romelsac 22-25 ivliss saavtomobilo gzeb-

is yofili saministrom umaspinZla. sami dRis

manZilze dagegmili saubrebi, diskusiebi,

preformansebi da koncertebi ori mTavari Te-

mis garSemo gaerTianda: utopiuri azrovne-

ba arqiteqturaSi da modernizmi.

22-25 ivlisi, 2010, Tbilisi, saqarTvelo

sajaro gaxsna: xelovneba, arqiteqtura, sa-

ubrebi, koncertebi, eqskursiebi da sxva.

xelovanebi, akademikosebi, arqiteqtore-

bi, kuratorebi, ekonomistebi da Tbilisis ma-

cxovreblebi konteqstualur sazafxulo xe-

lovnebis proeqtSi yofili saqarTvelos sa-

bWoTa respublikis gzebis departamentis sa-

ministrosa da saqarTvelos bankis momavali

saTao ofisis Sualedur drois monakveTSi:

vahram aRasiani, airin anastasi, ei araka-

va, mari mukai, gela pataSuri, sergei Cerep-

nini, ruben arevSatiani, betina atala, dani-

el baumani, alena boika, rene gabri, jgufi

bulioni, daniel birkenmaieri, giorgi Caxa-

va, ioseb dabernigi, kote jinWaraZe, didie

fiuza faustino da meTiu herbelini, mesar-

qiteqtura, iona fridmani, uiliam holiste-

ri, zurab jalaRania, nana yifiani, eva xaCa-

triani, agneSka kuranti, viki lee da neqsT

drimCeqer, eqsidenTal lover boiz, nikolo-

zi, nini falavandiSvili, lali pertenava, ri-

Card reinoldsi, georg Siolhameri, slavs end

TaTars, sofia tabataZe, nienke terpsma da rob

hamelinki, fakinggudarT, vato wereTeli,

urbanuli kvlevis laboratoria: gio sumba-

Ze, ani CorgolaSvili da rezo Rlonti, greg

linqvisti, Tamuna qarumiZe, neli zedgeniZe

da koka ramiSvili; urban reaqtori, ian ve-

rvorti da melinda braTeni, vladimer vol-

noviki, aleqsandra vasilovska, martin zeti.

kavkasia saubrobs gayinuli momentebiT. ko-

munisturi reJimi daingra da matareblebi

gzad gaCerda, Tbilisis Tavze mitovebuli sa-

bagiro manqanebi daekida, xolo giumris ga-

nuxorcielebeli momavlis uZravma qonebam

droebiTi macxovreblebi Seifara. sabWoTa ar-

qiteqturulma memkvidreobam regionSi mra-

valjeradad gamoyenebis, SemoqmedebiTi meu-

rneobisa, mdgradi da TviTorganizebadi po-

litikuri kursis naadrevi potenciali gamo-

avlina, rac paralelurad dRevandel kul-

turul diskursSic Cndeba.

saqarTvelos sabWoTa respublikis yofi-

li gzebis saministro, aSenebuli 1975 wels

giorgi Caxavasa (1923-2007) da zurab jala-

Ranias mier, erT-erTi yvelaze gansacvifre-

beli Senobaa msoflioSi. realizebuli ut-

opiis (a utopie realizable) magaliTi gazrdili

realobis nayofia, romelSic komunisturi mo-

mavlis saxe organul, palimfsestur arqite-

qturasa da gangrZobad, araspecialistis mi-

er dagegmil garemos erwymis. saavtomobilo

gzebis saministro 1975 wels aSenda imdro-

indeli ministris, arqiteqtor giorgi Caxa-

vas mier.

proeqtis ”gayinuli momentebi: arqiteqtu-

ra gvpasuxobs” erT-erTi organizatori da

kuratori nini falavandiSvili ambobs, rom

aseTi tipis Senoba ara marto saqarTvelosa

da yofil sabWoTa sivrceSi, aramed, saerT-

od, arqiteqturul sivrceSi Zalian cotaa,

- `es Senoba pompidus centris, berlinis, lu-

dvig mis van der roes mier aSenebuli, Tana-

medrove xelovnebis muzeumis, oskar nimeie-

ris braziliis Senobebis gverdze, maTTan er-

Tad aris moxsenebuli. Cven ki es ar viciT”.

saqarTveloSi am Senobas gviandel mode-

rnizms miakuTvneben. 70-ian wlebSi, mSeneblo-

bis procesSi, moskovidan moulodnelad mo-

sulma brZanebam proeqti SeaCera. rogorc ni-

ni falavandiSvili ambobs, arqiteqtorma Ta-

visi namuSevris dacva moaxerxa da saqme bo-

stili #36. 2010


gayinuli momentebi: arqiteqtura gvpasuxobs

a x a l i a m b e b i


lomde miiyvana, - ”giorgi Caxavas idea absolu-

turad utopiuri iyo. qarTuli da sabWoTa ar-

qiteqturis garemoSi es nageboba aranairad ar

ewereboda. qarTul da rusul presaSi mas gamo-

xmaurebac ar mohyolia. ver aRiqves, Tu ramde-

nad saintereso da axleburi iyo arqiteqtoris

azrovneba. Caxavas mTavari idea bunebasTan axl-

os yofnaSi mdgomareobda. misi survili arqite-

qturaSi bunebis mier nakarnaxevi pirobebis ga-

moyeneba iyo, amitomac misca Senobas terasuli

da erTmaneTze gadakveTili konstruqcia, Caxav-

as undoda, SeZlebisdagvarad naklebi adgili da-

ekavebina miwaze da mSenebloba horizontalur-

ad, haerSi ganeviTarebina. amitom misi azrovne-

ba, garkveuli TvalsazrisiT, Zalian futuris-

tuli da, amavdroulad, utipiuric aris - sada-

mde unda gazardo, sadamde unda axvide caSi as-

eTi nagebobiT?”.

kavkasieli da saerTaSoriso xelovanebis,

arqiteqtorebis, kuratorebis, akademikosebis

da Tbilisis sazogadoebis 3-dRianma rezidenci-

am warmoadgina mdidari da momxiblavi kvlevi-

Ti da dasasavenebeli sesiebi am heteroTematu-

ri adgilis Sesaxeb. programaSi Sedioda saub-

rebi, saxelosno sesiebi, xelovanTa da arqiteq-

torTa intervenciebi, koncertebi, eqskursiebi

da saRamoebi saxuravze.

monawile artistebis, musikosebis, Teore-

tikosebis, kritikosebisa da arqiteqtorebisa-

Tvis proeqtSi specialuri eqskursiebic iqna ga-

Tvaliswinebuli. maT, TbilisSi arsebul ufun-

qciod darCenil, e.w. gayinul nagebobebTan er-

Tad gldanis nagavsayrelic moinaxules. 70-ian

wlebSi swored iq gadaitanes nagavsayreli, ro-

melic Tavis droze saavtomobilo gzebis sami-

nistros Senobis adgilze mdebareobda.

yofili saministros Senoba ara mxolod pro-

eqtis maspinZeli, aramed mTavari personaJic

iyo. man im sakvlevi teqstis funqcia Seasrula,

romelic sakuTar TavSi axal teqstebs Seqmnis

da ganaviTarebs. artistebma da Teoretikoseb-

ma Senobis istoriis, mdebareobis, irgvliv ar-

sebuli mwvane safaris Seswavlis Sedegad, per-

formansebi da moxsenebebi, swored Caxavas namu-

Sevris garSemo aages.

amosavali wertili gayinuli imijebis poe-

zia iyo, misi warsuli da momavali mniSvnelo-

bebis Cveuli potenciali - ufro meti, vidre mo-

dernizmis memkvidreoba; moZravi da moseirne qa-

laqi, CarTviTi konceptebi, “ukan momavlisaken”

kursi da bevri sxva.

”jeoeari naklebad cdilobs muzeumebis da

galereebis institucionalur sivrceebSi damk-

vidrebas . gvinda, sxva Senobebi gavacocxloT,

gareT gavideT da sazogadoebriv adgilebSi vi-

trialoT”, - ambobs nini falavandiSvili. Tum-

ca, sagamofenod yofili saministros SerCevis in-

iciativa amjerad polonel kurators, joana va-

rSas ekuTvnis, romelmac SarSan TbilisSi ”beT-

lemis proeqti” ganaxorciela - gamofenebisa da

warmodgenebis cikli qalaqis Zveli ubnis sxva-

dasxva adgilebSi. polonurma mxarem wlevande-

li proeqtis saorganizacio nawilTan erTad mi-

si dafinansebasac uzrunvelyo

ivlisis 3 dRis ganmavlobaSi es fantastiu-

ri Senoba gardaiqca horizontaluri TanamSro-

mlobis diagramad, romelSic erTi spontanuri

qmedebac ki mTel proeqts radikalurad cvli-

da. es iyo erTaderTi SesaZlebloba, rom saqar-

Tvelos bankis saTao ofisis saremonto samuSa-

oebis dawyebamde, Senoba sajarod gaixsna.

proeqtis sainiciativo jgufi: vahram aRasiani,

daniel birkenmaieri, vitek hebanovski, eva

xaCatriani, nini falavandiSvili da joana


saubrebis kuratori: eva xaCatriani

dizaineri: kaSa korJaki

mwarmoeblebi da koordinatorebi: vitek

hebanovski, julia misala, gela pataSuri da

lali pertenava

mwarmoeblebi: azer sfeis fondi (The Other

Space Foundation) da laura palmeris fondi

varSava (Laura Palmer Foundation Warsaw)

partniorebi: jeoear saqarTvelo (GeoAIR).

aika somxeTi (AICA), uZravi qonebis

ekonomikisa da proeqtis menejmentis

instituti, biberaxi, germania

sponsorebi: poloneTis respublikis

kulturisa da erovnuli memkvidreobis

saministro (MKiDN) da qalaqi varSava, qalaq

TbilisTan da festival transkavkasiasTan

TanamSromlobiT, evropis kavSiris

kulturis programis mxardaWeriT

mTavari partniori: saqarTvelos banki.

yofili saministros dRevandeli patroni

saqarTvelos bankia. mimdinare saremonto

samuSaoebis dasrulebis Semdeg, iq bankis saTao

ofisi daidebs binas. giorgi Caxavas mier

daproeqtebul nagebobas dRes arqiteqturuli

Zeglis statusi aqvs miniWebuli.

foto: aleqsandre bagration-davidovi, taras

margatia da nini falavandiSvili.


stili #36. 2010

Modernism in general: how ideology of build-

ings in Georgia changed along with their function-

al changes; modernism in particular: value of

Giorgi Chakhava's utopist construction in the con-

text of modern architecture - these issues were

covered by Laura Palmer Foundation, Other Space

Foundation and GeoAIR project "Frozen Moments:

Architecture Speaks Back", organized on July 22-

25 in the former Ministry of Highways of Georgian

Soviet Socialist Republic. Public discussions, per-

formances and concerts arranged under the proj-

ect during these three days were centered around

two main topics: utopist thinking in architecture and


Artists, academicians, architects, curators,

economists and Tbilisi residents gathered in the

former office of Ministry of Highways of Georgian

Soviet Socialist Republic and future headquarters

of the Bank of Georgia to attend Joanna Varsha's

project, which was realized with participation of

Vahram Aghasyan, Ei Arakawa, Mari Mukai, Gela

Patashuri, Sergei Tcherepnin, Ruben Arevshatyan,

Bettine Attala, Daniel Baumann, Alena Boika, Rene

Gabri, Daniel Birkenmeyer, George Chakhava

(son), Joseph Dabering, Kote Jincharadze, Didier

Fiúza Faustino and Mathieu Herbelin (Bureau des

Mésarchitectures), Yona Friedman, William Hollister,

Zurab Jalaghania, Nana Kipiani, Eve Khachatryian,

Agnieszka Kurant, Vicky Lee and Next Dreamchatter,

Accidental Lover Boyz, Nikoloz, Nini Palavandishvili,

Lali Pertenava, Richard Reynolds, Georg

Schoelhammer, Slavs and Tatars, Sophia Tabatadze,

Nienke Terpsma and Rob Hamelink, Fucking Good

Art, Vato Tsereteli, Urban Research Laboratory: Gio

Sumbadze, Ani Chorgolashvili and Rezo Glonti, Greg

Linquist, Tamuna Karumidze, Neli Zedgenidze and

Loka Ramishvili, Urban Reactor, Jan Verwoert and

Melinda Braathen, Vladimir Volnovik, Alexandra

Vasilyovska, Martin Zet and others.

Caucasia interacts in frozen moments.

Destruction of communist regime resulted in train

stoppages, cableway cars hanging motionless over

Tbilisi, real property left over from unrealized future

plans had to shelter refugees. Soviet architectural

heritage showed the potential for multiple use, cre-

ative management, sustainable and self-organized

policy rather early, and these traits are still visible

in present-day cultural discourse.

Former office of Ministry of Highways of

Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic is one of the

most unusual constructions in the world. This spec-

imen of "utopie realizable" is a fruit of reality in

which Communist future can be combined with

organic, multi-layer palimpsest architecture and

amateurishly planned environment. This construc-

tion was built by the Minister of Highways, archi-

tect Giorgi Chakhava in 1975 in cooperation with

architect Zurab Jalagania.

According to Nini Palavandishvili, organizer and

curator of project "Frozen Moments: Architecture

Speaks Back", constructions of this type are very

few not only in Georgia and former USSR republics,

but in other parts of the world as well. "This build-

ing is mentioned alongside with Centre Pompidou,

Neue Nationalgalerie, built in Berlin by Mies van

der Rohe, Oscar Niemeyer's Brazilian masterpieces

- and we do not know that!"

In Georgia this building is attributed to late

modernism. In the 1970'ies construction process

was suspended by a decree, unexpectedly issued

by Moscow authorities, but Nini Palavandishvili says

that the architect somehow managed to protect

his project and finalize it: "Giorgi Chakhava's idea

was an absolute utopia - this building did not match

Georgian and Soviet architectural background in

any way. Local and central media did not even

stili #36. 2010


Frozen Moments: Architecture Speaks Back

consider it worth mentioning. The public did not

realize how interesting and innovative the archi-

tect's thinking was. Chakhava's main idea was

integration with nature; he wished to apply the

ideas suggested to architecture by natural con-

ditions, this is why he designed a terraced con-

struction, consisting of transverse segments,

occupying minimal amount of space on the

ground and horizontally expanding in the air.

Considering this, Chakhava's way of thinking was

highly futuristic and, in a way, utopist - how far

can one go this way, how tall such a construc-

tion can be?"

The three-day event, attended by Caucasian

and world artists, architects, curators, academi-

cians and the general public, included highly diverse

and interesting research and fun sessions, focused

on this heterothematic location. The program

comprised discussions, master classes, artists' and

architects' interventions, concerts, excursions and

rooftop evening parties.

Special excursions were organized for artists,

musicians, researchers, critics and architects, tak-

ing part in the project: they visited several non-

functioning, "frozen" constructions around Tbilisi

and a dump in Gldani - the place where city dump

was transferred in 1970'ies from the site current-

ly occupied by Ministry of Highways office.

Former Ministry office was not just the host,

but also the principal actor of the project. It acted

as a text under consideration, which has a poten-

tial of generating and developing new texts on its

own. Artists and researchers based their perform-

ances and reports on the history, location and nat-

ural environment of Giorgi Chakhava's work.

The starting point was the poetry of frozen

images, the usual potential of past and future mean-

ings: added benefits of modernist heritage, the

city moving and promenading, intermezzo con-

cepts, "Back to the Future" course and a lot more.

According to Nino Palavandishvili, "GeoAIR

does not focus exclusively on housing museums

and galleries in institutional constructions. We would

like to revive more constructions, to move out-

doors and animate public spaces." However, the

idea of organizing the exhibition in the former

Ministry office belongs to Polish curator Joanna

Varsha, who arranged "Project Bethlehem" -

series of exhibitions and performances in histor-

ical districts of Tbilisi - last year. On this occa-

sion, the Polish party contributed to the project

both from organizational and financial point of view.

For three days in July, the fantastic former

Ministry of Highways office transformed into hor-

izontal cooperation diagram, in which one single

action was capable of changing the whole proj-

ect. This was the only opportunity to open the

building to the public before its overhaul as Bank

of Georgia headquarters.

Initiative group in charge of the project:

Vahram Aghasyan, Daniel Birkenmeyer, Vitec

Hebanovski, Eve Khachatryan, Nini

Palavandishvili and Joanna Varsha.

Public talks curator: Eve Khachatyrian

Designer: Kasha Korzac

Producers and coordinators: Vitec

Hebanovski, Julia Misala, Gela Patashuri

and Lali Pertenava

Producers: the Other Space Foundation and

Laura Palmer Foundation Warsaw

Partners: GeoAIR (Georgia), AICA (Armenia),

Real Property Economy and Project

Management Institute (Biberach, Germany)

Sponsors: Ministry of Culture and National

Heritage of Poland (MKiDN) and City of

Warsaw in cooperation with City of Tbilisi,

TransCaucasia Festival and European Union

Cultural Support Program

Main sponsor: Bank of Georgia


stili #36. 2010

At the time being, former Ministry of

Highways office is owned by the Bank of

Georgia. After the end of repair works, this

building will house headquarters of the bank.

This construction, designed by Giorgi

Chakhava, has been attributed the status of

architectural monument.

Photos by: Alexander Bagration-Davidoff,

Taras Mirgatia and Nini Palavandishvili

stili #36. 2010






2010 - wlis 8 ivliss sagamofeno darbaz

"UNIVERS"-Si, gaixsna Cexi da qarTveli stude-

ntebis mier Sesrulebuli namuSevrebis gamo-

fena, romelic stu-sa da praRis teqnikuri un-

iversitetis arqiteqturis fakultetebis ur-

TierTTanamSromlobis farglebSi ganxorcie-

lebuli proeqtis Sesrulebis mimdinareobas

asaxavda. gamofena gaimarTa Cexuri grantis fa-

rglebSi, romelic iTvaliswinebda cnobili Ce-

xi arqiteqtoris Jan boCanis master klasebs

saqarTvelos teqnikuri universitetis arqite-

qturis fakultetze da paralelurad praR-

is teqnikuri universitetis arqiteqturis fa-


gasuli semestris ganmavlobaSi qarTvel-

ma da Cexma studentebma TavianTi qveynebis de-

daqalaqebis urbanuli da arqiteqturuli ga-

nviTarebis problemebze imuSaves. am progar-

mis farglebSi Tbiliss ewvia 5 saukeTeso stu-

denti da ori xelmZRvaneli, romlebmac qarT-

vel studentebTan erTad gamofines TavianTi

namuSevrebi. seqtemberSi dagegmilia saukeTe-

so namuSevrebis qarTveli avtorebis praRis ar-

qiteqturul skolaSi mivlineba da Sesabamisi

katalogis gamocema.

kerZod, dagegmilia 5 saukeTeso qarTveli

studentis viziti praRaSi da maTi namuSevre-

bis gamofena praRis teqnikur universitetSi.

gamofeni gaxsnidan, meore dRes, 9 ivliss,

saqarTelos teqnikuri universitetis arqite-

qturis, urbanistikis da dizainis fakultet-

ze gaimarTa samecniero konferencia -

„Tbilisis arqiteqturis da qalaqmSeneblo-

bis Tanamedrove problemebi“. konferenciis sa-

organizacio komitetis Tavmjdomare gaxld-

aT stu-s arqiteqturis, urbanistikis da di-

zainis fakultetis dekani, prof. goCa miqia-


konferencia miznad isaxavda Tbilisis ar-

qiteqturis da qalaqmSeneblobis sferoSi ar-

sebuli problematikis farTo sazogadoebis wi-

naSe warmoCenas. am sirTuleebis aRmofxvrisa-

dmi miZRvnil diskusiebSi profesionalebis, sa-

zogadoebis farTo fenebis, umaRlesi saxeli-

suflebo struqturebis da inteligenciis wa-

rmomadgenlebis CarTvas. calkeuli arqiteqto-

rebis, SemoqmedebiTi jgufebis mier samecnie-

ro asparezze Tu praqtikaSi miRweuli Sede-

gebis da gamocdilebis gaziarebas, maT Soris

TanamSromlobis Camoyalibebas da Semdgom ga-

Rrmavebas. axalgazrda Taobis Semdgomi pro-

fesiuli zrdisaTvis xelis Sewyobas.

arqiteqturis, urbanistikis

da dizainis fakultetis dekani,

goCa miqiaSvili


stili #36. 2010

Institute of Architecture

- July Chronicle

On July 8 2010 exhibition hall "Universe" launched exhibition of works by Czech and

Georgian students, reflecting the progress of a project, implemented under a cooperation pro-

gram, established by architectural faculties of Tbilisi and Prague Technical Universities. The

exhibition is funded by a Czech grant program, involving master classes delivered by famous

Czech architect Jan Bochan in Georgia and Prague Technical Universities.

During the last semester, Georgian and Czech students worked on urban development

problems of Prague and Tbilisi.

A group of 5 students and two professors paid a special visit Tbilisi under this program

in July and exhibited their works together with Georgian students. In September, 5 best Georgian

student architects will pay an exchange visit to the Czech Republic and present their works in

Prague School of Architecture.

On July 9, the second day of student exhibition, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanistics and

Design of Georgian Technical University hosted scientific conference "Major Issues of Tbilisi

Architecture and Urban Development", organized under supervision of professor Gocha

Mikiashvili, the dean of Faculty of Architecture, Urbanistics and Design of Georgian Technical


The conference aimed at raising awareness on the current challenges of Tbilisi architec-

ture and urban developments, involving the public and governmental structures into profession-

al discussion of possible solutions to these problems, sharing the experience gained and the-

oretical and practical results achieved by architects and creative groups within this sphere, fos-

tering creation of new links and partnerships, supporting professional development of younger




stili #36. 2010


2010 wlis 10-13 ivniss, kurort sairme-

Si, sanatorium `oazisi~-s (udabno) bazaze, `sa-

qarTvelos kurortebis aRdgenisa da ganvi-

Tarebis asociaciis~ da asociacia `mecniere-

ba da biznesi~-s egidiT Catarda saerTaSo-

riso samecniero-praqtikuli konferencia -

`kurortuli resursebis gamoyenebis Taname-

drove problemebi~.

saqarTveloSi am rangis konferencia me-

ored Catarda. pirvelad is 2009 wlis 24 oq-

tombers Sedga urekSi da daba urekis bavS-

vTa da mozrdilTa kurortis ganviTarebis

perspeqtivebs mieZRvna.

wlevandeli konferenciaSi is qarTveli

da ucxoeli mecnierebi, praqtikosi eqimebi,

biznesmenebi, arqiteqtorebi da sxva dainte-

resebuli pirebi monawileobdnen, romlebic

daavadebaTa mkurnalobisa da profilakti-

kis procesSi saqarTvelos bunebriv-klimatu-

ri pirobebis gamoyenebis perspeqtivebze,

sxvadasxva maRlivi sartylis balneoklima-

turi kurortebis pirobebSi bunebriv samku-

rnalo faqtorebze, kurortebis ganviTare-

bis Tanamedrove problemebze, saqarTvelos

kurortebze samedicino dawesebulebebisa

Tu sanatoriumebisaTvis saerTaSoriso sta-

ndartebis Sesabamisi mikro garemos Seqmna-

ze (aRsaniSnavia, rom, am kuTxiT, qarTvelma

arqiteqtorebma - irakli gamyreliZem, dimi-

tri TofuriZem, lali SaSiaSvilma, xaTuna

fircxalavam - metad saintereso proeqtebi

warmoaCines), kurortebis ekologiuri mdgo-

mareobis gaumjobesebis fonze - neiroreabi-

litaciis, sxvadasxva daavadebebis da orga-

noebis mkurnalobaSi saqarTvelos mineralu-

ri wylebis samkurnalo Tvisebebis gamoyene-

bis mimarTulebiT muSaoben.

konferenciis saorganizacio komitetis

Tavmjdomare gaxldaT n. saakaSvili - akade-

mikosi, saqarTvelos kurortebis aRdgenisa

da ganviTarebis asociaciis~ Tavmjdomare, or-

ganizacia `Tbilisis balneologiuri kuro-

rti - saqarTvelos kurortologiis, fizi-

oTerapiis, reabilitaciisa da samkurnalo

turizmis samecniero-praqtikuli centri~-s

generaluri direqtori.

TanaTavmjdomareebi: i. Tarxan-mouravi -

akademikosi, organiozacia `Tbilisis balne-

ologiuri kurorti - saqarTvelos kuror-

tologiis, fizioTerapiis, reabilitaciisa

da samkurnalo turizmis samecniero-praqti-

kuli centri~-s direqtori samecniero dar-

gSi; n komaxiZe - istoriul mecnierebaTa do-

qtori, asociacia `mecniereba da biznesi~-s


konferencia gaxsna akademikosma n. saaka-

Svilma. stumrebs - damswre sazogadoebas si-

tyviT miesalmnen: asociacia `mecniereba da

biznesi~-s prezidenti n. komaxiZe; akademiko-

si, saqarTvelos parlamentis vice-spikeri, er-

ovnuli mecnierebaTa akademiis vice-prezide-

nti f. Todua; saqarTvelos Sromis, janmr-

Telobisa da socialuri dacis ministri a.

kvitaSvili; akademikosi, ruseTis federaci-

is mediko-teqnikuri akademiis vice-prezide-

nti m. bostanjiani; akademikosi, azerbaija-

nis samedicino reabilitaciis samecniero-

kvleviTi institutis direqtori a. musaevi.

konferencia sam dRes gagrZelda. metad

aucilebeli Temebi iqna ganxiluli da Sesa-

bamisad bevri mniSvnelovani problemis ga-

dawyvetas Caeyara safuZveli. samedicino

kvleva-moxsenebebis fonze, Tavisi aqtualu-

robiT gamoirCeoda arqiteqtorTa moxsene-

bebi - `feris, sinaTlisa da bgeris urTier-

Toba arqiteqturul dizainSi da misi zega-

vlena~ (avtori - T. jorjaZe, arqiteqtori,

Tssa-s asocirebuli profesori) da `kuro-

rtebis ganviTarebis problemebi postsabWo-

Ta periodis saqarTveloSi~ (avtori T. maxa-

raSvili, arqiteqtori, profesori).

saqarTvelos kurortebis aRdgenisa da ga-

nviTarebisTvis samuSaoebi kvlav gagrZelde-

ba, amaRldeba sxvadasxva problemaTa gadaW-

ris xarisxi, Sesabamisad, TandaTan gaumjo-

besdeba saqarTvelos kurortebis mdgomare-

oba, rac, qveynisTvis, am sferoSi mniSvnelo-

van perspeqivebs ganapirobebs samomavlod.

kurortuli resursebis

gamoyenebis Tanamedrove



stili #36. 2010

On July 10-13 2010, "Association for Restoration andDevelopment of Georgian Resorts" and Association "Scienceand Business" organized international conference "ModernChallenges, Connected to Use of Resort Area Resources".

It is the second time that Georgia hosts such a confer-ence. On the first occasion it was arranged in Ureki on October24 2009 and was dedicated to opportunities of developing ayouth and adult resort in Ureki area.

This year's conference was attended by Georgian and for-eign scientists, practicing physicians, businessmen, architects andother stakeholders, whose activities are connected to medicaluse of Georgian natural and climatic conditions, natural cura-tive features of resort areas located at different altitudes, form-ing of high quality micro-environment in medical and recreation-

al establishments (we would like to specially note that Georgian architectsIrakli Gamkrelidze, Dimitri Topuridze, Lali Shashiashvili and KhatunaPirtskhalava presented highly interesting projects dedicated to this issue),environmental challenges related to resort areas, curative use of Georgianmineral waters, etc.

Organizing committee of the conference was presided by academi-cian N. Saakashvili, chairman of "Association for Restoration andDevelopment of Georgian Resorts" and general director of "TbilisiBalneotherapeutic Health Resort - Georgian Center for Balneology,Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Health Tourism". Co-chairmen were I.Tarkhan-Mouravi - academician, scientific director of "Tbilisi BalneotherapeuticHealth Resort - Georgian Center for Balneology, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitationand Health Tourism" and N. Komakhidze, Doctor of Historical Sciences,president of Association "Science and Business".

The conference was launched by academician N. Saakashvili.Greeting speeches were also delivered by N. Komakhidze, president ofAssociation "Science and Business"; P. Todua, academician, vice-speak-er of Parliament of Georgia; A. Kvitashvili, Minister of Labor, Health andSocial Affairs of Georgia; M. Bostanjyan, academician, vice-president ofMedical-Technical Academy of Russia; A. Musaev,academician, director of Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation.

The conference lasted for three days.Participants discussed highly important topics andoutlined possible solutions to numerous problems.Among the most interesting reports, delivered dur-ing the conference, were "Interrelation and influ-ence of color, light and sound in architecturaldesign" (author: T. Jorjadze,architect, associateprofessor of Tbilisi State Academy of Arts) and"Health resort development issues in post-SovietGeorgia" (author: T. Makharashvili, architect,professor).

Modern Challenges,

Connected to Use of Resort

Area Resources

kaWreTma xelovnebis

uikends umaspinZlasaqarTvelos mTavroba aqtiurad cdilobs

mTeli saqarTvelo CarTos turizmis ganviTa-

rebis ferxulSi da sxvadasxva regionebSi xe-

lovnebis dResaswaulebs awyobs. amjerad, 2010

wlis 24 ivliss, morigi RonisZieba gurjaanis

raionis sofel kaWreTSi moewyo, sadac xelo-

vnebis uikendi gaimarTa.

RonisZiebis organizatoroba kompania "am-

basadorma" iTava. rogorc, kompaniis warmoma-

dgenelma oTar vefxvaZem ganacxada - es aris si-

axle saqarTvelos turistul biznesSi da msu-

rvelebs saSualeba miecaT erTi dRe xelovane-

bTan erTad gaetarebinaT.

gaimarTa cnobil mxatvarTa gamofena coc-

xali musikis fonze. moewyo wignis prezenta-

cia da qarTuli da evropuli kerZebis dage-

movneba. damswre sazogadoebas saSualeba mie-

ca, mSvenier, komfortul garemoSi, sruliad

usasyidlod mTeli dRis ganmavlobaSi bilia-

rdi, magidis CogburTi eTamaSaT da auziT es-


- es mxolod dasawyisia. Cven gadawyveti-

li gvaqvs, momavalSic bevri msgavsi Ronis-

Zieba movawyoT, raTa qarTvelebma pirvel

rigSi sakuTari samSoblo Semoiaron da mxo-

lod amis Semdeg ifiqron ucxoeTSi mogzau-


stili #36. 2010


Artistic Weekend in KachretiGeorgian government applies considerable efforts to involving the

whole of Georgia into tourism development and organizes art festi-

vals in various regions to contribute to this process. One of such

events - artistic weekend - was arranged in Kachreti Village (Gurjaani

District) on July 24 2010.

The event was hosted by "Ambassador" Company. Company

spokesman Otar Vepkhvadze stated that artistic weekend, where the

public had an opportunity to interact with artists, is an innovative step

in development of Georgian tourist business.

The event included exhibition of famous artists, accompanied by

live music, a book presentation, testing of Georgian and European

dishes. The attendees could also entertain themselves by playing bil-

liards or table tennis and by swimming in the pool.

This is just the beginning. More events of this kind will be arranged

in order to encourage the Georgians to travel around their own coun-

try and getting to know it better.


stili #36. 2010

Pasquale Liguori was born on February 12, 1964 in Raito

di Vietri S/M. He first started working with ceramics since being

introduced to it, at a young age. He graduated from the art

institute named - "Filiberto Menna". He used to work at sev-

eral laboratories as a designer/decorator and also at a small

laboratory with his brothers, where he perfected himself in expe-

riencing different characteristics from glazes. He participated

in all editions of "Journey through the ceramic" Vietri.


3-28 December, Art & Tabac, Scuderie Palazzo Ruspoli


1 shows St. Lorenzello.

October 19, the pleasure of object: ceramic artists of Salerno,

Cetrangolo Club with his brother Lucius.

November 30 contemporary art against animal testing.

Milan house through Liberty Travel Ceramics - 3rd

International Contemporary Art Prize National Review.

Cava dei Tirreni Ceramics Biennale.

Holy See, Pompeii.

August 2 to September 15, XX Exhibition of Ceramics S.

Stefano di Camastra, Sergio Palazzo.

January, Exhibition at the Gallery of Contemporary Art,

Palazzo Sisto Scafati.

May 24 to 25, a collective of artists Salerno and Vietri.

June- International Inner Vheel.

June-July, Pompeii revealed by Contemporary Art, Pompeii.

September 1 Review Albissola City of Arts and Ceramics.

Journey through Ceramics - Fourth National Award - Vietri

Sul Mare Travel through ceramics.

Winner of the Decoration of S. Lorenzello, NL.

Mediterranee “Arie Nitida Keramik” fragments Vietri sul Mare,

Engelska Kulturnstituted, Stockholm. Christmas Art & Crafts.

Winner of National Contest "Journey through the Pottery.

December 12 to January 6, 1999 Samnite town of


Journey through the ceramic - Regional Award for New

York XXIII Craft Show.

Dec 15 to Jan 6 The stars above us.

Ground and fire - Art and ceramics in Italy.

Mediterranean Prize by Lucio Barone - 1st Prize.

XXV Exhibition of Nativity - Christmas 2004 - Grottaglie


The National Review - Albissola City of Art and Ceramics.

1 August to 12 September exhibition of ceramic Of

Mediterranean cultures.

Portugal exhibition.

Calitri Avellino - World contest.


Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Modern Ceramics -

San Lorenzello (NL).

Pasquale Liguori issued an article about ancient and mod-

ern ceramics in Amalficoast Magazine No.4 Ceramicarte addi-

tion. In the November issue, there was an article with some

photos of his works. He participates in Ceramic exhibitions,

also in the Nepal Biennale.

Travel Magazine No.5 HC Ceram Hobbies - Milan -

Catalogue No 14 - have published pieces of art by Lucio and

Pasquale. He was also issued in Panorama Travel - New York


On October 1 he was issued in the Pellecchia Review

Journal- (Gift 63 mart Florence).

Art & decoration-has published his works(2 dishes donat-

ed as a gift) for a gallery "corner shop"-Paris. Pasquale owns


for the donation of a plate. His works were also published in

Bignardi Madame Figaro- Japan n. 256. Liguori the motions

of Cilento-have published a vase-" ziira ". Pasquale Liguori

holds certificate

of the Mayor of Grottaglie for the originality of shape and


stili #36. 2010


Pasquale Liguori

v e r n i s a J i


Pasquale Liguori daibada 1964 wlis 12 Te-

bervals Raito di Vietri S/M Si. saqmianoba da-

iwyo, rogorc axalbeda keramikosma, Semdeg

ki daamTavra xelovnebis instituti _ "Filiberto

Menna". muSaobda sxvadasxva laboratorie-

bSi da iTavsebda dekoraciis da CarxebTan

Casatarebel samuSaoebs. ZmebTan erTad pa-

tara laboratoriaSi muSaobs minanqris (em-

alis) damuSavebaze.


3-28 dekemberi Art & Tabac romi.

wminda lorencosadmi miZRvnili pi-

rveli Sou.

19 oqtomberi ceramisti salerni-

tano-s moqandakeebis gamofena

(Zma lorencosTan erTad).

30 noemberi milani Tavi-

suflebis moedani – auqcio-

ni – Tanamedrove xelovneba

cxovelebze eqsperimentebis


nacionaluri premia – mo-

gzauroba keramikis samyaroSi.

saerTaSoriso Tanamedrove xe-

lovnebis gamofena - Cava dei Tirreni.

#1 keramikis bienale.

Cveneba _ wminda pompei.

2 agvisto- 15 seqtemberi wminda stefa-

nesadmi miZRvnili keramikis # 20


ianvari – Cveneba Tanamed-

rove xelovnebis gamofenaSi,.

24-25 maisi – mxatvre-

bis koleqtivi "Salerno

open doors" sTan Tanam-


ivnisi – Vheel-is Ta-

namedrove centri.

ivnisi-ivlisi –

pompeis Tanamed-

rove xelovneb-

is gamofena.

1 seqtem-

beri – qalaq


xelovnebis ga-


wminda loren-

cos saxelobis prizis

mflobeli, xmelTa Sua zRvis

keramikis gamofena da stogholmis institu-

tes mier mowyobili gamofena.

saSobao xelovnebis gamofena, nacionalu-

ri konkursis – mogzauroba keramikis meS-

veobiT – is gamarjvebuli.

12 dekemberi – 6 ianvari

Cerreto SANNITA-s qalaqSi

gamarTuli prezentacia.

nacionaluri premiis me-

SveobiT – mogzauroba niui-


Grottaglie-Castello Villa Episcopio – 23-

e Cveneba.

15 dekemberi – 6 ianvari – Vito Pinto-

Salerno-s premia – varskvlavebi Cvens Ta-


miwa da cecxli – xelovnebisa

da keramikis gamofena italia-


xmelTaSua zRvis gamofe-

nis pirveli premia Lucio

Barone-s mier.

24-e saSobao Sou – Grottaglie-is

keramika (2004).

nacionaluri Jurnali _ xelovne-

bis da keramikis qalaqi

1 agvisto – 12 seqtemberi – xmelTaSua

zRvis keramikis konkursi,

gamofena portulagliis muzeumSi.

kulturis saxlis jildo.

Calitri Avellino-s premia.

Carnago-s sanapiros premia.

Caffettiera-s zogadi aRiareba.


eweva Tanamedrove da Zvel keramikasTan

dakavSirebul mudmiv sagamofeno saqmiano-

bas (SAN Lorenzello). awarmoebs saqmianobas ke-

ramikul JurnalTan, sadac noembris nomer-

Si gamoaqveyna ramdenime keramikis foto. as-

eve 18 oqtombris nomerSi aris informacia

romis keramikis gamofenis Sesaxeb. onawile-

obas iRebs keramikis SouebSi. amJamad mona-

wiloebs nepalis bienaleSi (12 oqtomberi).

2002 weli Jurnalma jeo mogzaurobam (mi-

lani katlogi # 14) gamoaqveyna statia lu-

cio paskuales mogzaurobis Sesaxeb nioio-

rkSi da aseve misi namuSevrebi. 1 oqtomb-

ers miiRo florenciis nacionaluri jil-

do (oqros premia) Jurnal Erminia Pellecchia

(# 274) – is mier.

Art & Decoration Juranlma gamoaqveyna pa-

skuales mier parizis museum "corner shop"

isTvis saCuqrad gadacemuli keramikuli

WurWeli. mas aseve miRebuli aqvs itali-

uri asociaciis serTifikati, romelic

keramikuli TefSis gadacemisTvis mieni-

Wa. misi namuSevrebi aseve gamoaqveynes

Bignardi Madame Figaro - iaponia #256- Si

da Liguori the motions of Cilento Jurnalma

aseve gamoaqveyna paskuales mier damza-

debuli minis larnaki. keramikuli file-

bisTvis aqvs mirebuli serTifikati da

aseve originaluri Sesrulebis maneri-

sa da ferisTvis meris mier aris daji-


stili #36. 2010


stili #36. 2010


upirvelesi safiqrali -

adamianis daniSnulebaa8 ivniss sagamofeno centr `eqspojorjiaSi~ mxatvar Tengiz sefiaSvilis gamo-

fena gaixsna. sagamofeno centris meoTxe pavilionSi Tavmoyrili sxvadasxva Taobis

damTvalierebeli gaecno mxatvris axal gatacebas. grafikul namuSevrebTan erTad

warmodgenili iyo rkinisgan damzadebuli didi zomis, moZravi konstruqciebi.

Tengiz sefiaSvilma pirveli namuSevrebi meoce saukunis 70-iani wlebSi Seiqmna.

mis namuSevrebSi siurrealizmis, pop artisa da simbolizmis elementebis harmoniul-

ma Serwymam sazogadoeba aRafrTovana. mas Semdeg 30 welze meti gavida. Tengiz

sefiaSvili kvlav wardga sazogadoebis winaSe da wardga ise, rogorc mas sCveoda

_ originalurad da sainteresod. rogorc Tavad ambobs, mis cxovrebaSi dadga dro,

rodesac sibrtyem misi emocia da cxovrebiseuli gancdebi ver daitia da gadawyvi-

ta es yvelaferi sivrcesa da moZraobaSi gadaetana. ambobs, rom es kinetikuri obieqte-

bi yvelaze metad gamoxataven mis axlandel saTqmels. erTi SexedviTac etyoba, rom

upirvelesi safiqrali - adamianis daniSnulebaa. jvarcma aRsareba, feriscvaleba,

dro da sivrce. qali da mamakaci _ es yvelaferi 5 Tvis ganmavloabaSi muyaos, sarkis,

rkinis, plastmasis sinTeziT Seiqmna. es mcire dro misi cxovrebiseuli gamocdilebis

sruli gamoxatvaa, is emociebia, romelic mis sulSi daileqa da bolos am formad

gadmoiRvara. Tengiz sefiaSvilis namuSevrebis gamofena 12 ivniss daixura.


The Most Important Concern -

Purpose of MankindOn June 8 2010 artist Tengiz Sepiashvili launched his personal exhibition in exhibition center ExpoGeorgia. The exhi-

bition featured artist's new infatuation: large mobile iron constructions.

Tengiz Sepiashvili exhibited his first works in the 1970'ies. His art - harmonious mixture of surrealism, pop art and sym-

bolism - quickly became popular with Georgian public. Thirty years later, Tengiz Sepiashvili came to the fore once again in

his usual original and interesting manner. As he says, he now goes through the stage when his emotions and everyday

experiences can no longer be squeezed into flat two-dimensional existence and they are ready to be transposed into space

and movement. The kinetic objects he exhibited in ExpoGeorgia express his present-day feelings in the best way. One look

is enough to understand that the artist's biggest concern is purpose of mankind. Crucifixion, confession, transfiguration, time

and space, man and woman - these issues were expressed in a synthesis of cardboard, mirror, iron and plastic. The series

of exhibition works was created in just 5 months - the author found this brief period of time sufficient to express his life

experience and the emotions deposited in his soul.

Exhibition of Tengiz Sepiashvili's works ended on June 12.

stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010


vaxtang musxeliSvili daibada TbilisSi, saqarTvelos

dedaqalaqSi. miRebuli aqvs aTwliani ganaTleba iakob ni-

kolaZis (cnobili moqandakisa da rodenis moswavlis) sa-

xelobis xelovnebis kolejSi, SemdgomSi ki saqarTvelos

saxelmwifo samxatvro akademiaSi. oTxi wlis ganmavloba-

Si igi aswavlida xatvas Tbilisis bavSvTa samxatvro sko-

laSi, Semdeg ki daiwyo moRvaweoba profesoris Tanamdebobaze samxatvro

akademiaSi. 1990 wels vaxtang musxeliSvili Cavida aSS-Si keTili nebis

TamaSebze aRmosavleT evropuli xelovnebis warmomadgenlis statusiT.

SemdgomSi man moawyo araerTi personaluri gamofena sietlSi, sadac igi

dRemde atarebs masterklasebs da agrZelebs SemoqmedebiT saqmianobas. va-

xtang musxeliSvilis tiloebi inaxeba kerZo koleqciebSi aSS-Si, kanada-

Si, germaniaSi, espaneTSi da saqarTveloSi.

wlevandel zafxuls vaxtangi saqarTvelos ewvia da sazogadoebas Ta-

visi axali namuSevrebi gaacno - misi personaluri gamofenebi moewyo sa-

mxatvro galereebSi - 2010 wlis 29 ivniss mxatvris gamofena `baia gale-

reaSi~ gaixsna, 2010 wlis 15 seqtembers ki galerea `vernisaJSi~.

vaxtang musxeliSvilis namuSevrebi saocrad mravalferovania - aq Tqven

ipoviT rogorc peizaJebsa da portretebs, aseve warmosaxviT siuJetebsa

da adamianis sxeulis eskizebsac.

- "yovel grZnobas Tavisi moZraoba miesadageba"- am sityvebiT SeiZle-

ba gamoixatos mxatvris rwmena, rom adamianis Sida samyaro gamosWvivis

misi sxeulis moZraobaTa umdidres gamaSi. Tavis SemoqmedebaSi vaxtang mu-

sxeliSvili eZebs iseT Jestebs da simboloebs, romlebic TvalsaCinod ga-

dmoscems adamianuri grZnobebis myife samyaros. sakuTari cxovrebiseuli

gamocdilebiT STagonebuli, mxatvari qmnis saocar tiloebs, romlebic

uZlieres vizualur da emociur gamoxmaurebas aRZravs mnaxvelSi.

- "sxeulis yoveli moZraoba mokle sityvaa grZel winadadebaSi. Cems

naxatebSi am winadadebis danarCeni sityvebia peizaJebi, idumali horizo-

ntebi, cidan gadmoRvrili RvTaebrivi naTeli, mTebSi gaWrili sacalfe-

xo bilikebi, romlebic xan cicabo kldesTan wydeba, xanac usasrulobis

burusSi inavleba."

vaxtang musxeliSvili mxolod zeTis saRebavebiT xatavs, samagierod

misi tiloebis zoma miniaturulidan monumenturamde varirebs. wlebis ga-

nmavlobaSi igi cdilobda iseTi meTodebis da saSualebebis daxvewas, ro-

mlebic saSualebas miscemda mas swrafad da zustad gamoexata Tavisi az-

rebi ise, rom arafriT SeezRuda warmosaxva xatvis procesSi.

- "miqelanjelom maswavla xatva, rembrantma - feris marTva, breigel-

ma ki - sworad fiqri."

man SeiZleba aTobiT eskizi gaakeTos naxatze muSaobis procesSi, mag-

ram rogorc ki safuZvlis Cayras morCeba, igi srul Tavisuflebas aZlevs

Tavis warmosaxvas da dinamiurad, Tavis sulier samyarosTan uwyveti di-

alogis reJimSi qmnis naxats. suraTebi Cndeba da qreba, ferebi edeba er-

TmaneTs Sreebad da funjis cekva grZeldeba usasrulod.

vaxtang musxeliSvili


stili #36. 2010

Vaho Muskheli Vaho Muskheli grew up in Tbilisi, capitol of the Republic of Georgia.

He had ten years of formal art education at the Art College of Jacob Nicoladze

(the renowned sculptor and pupil of Rodin) and subsequently at the pres-

tigious Georgian State Academy of Fine Arts. He devoted four years teach-

ing painting at the Tbilisi Children's Art School before being appointed Art

Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1990 Vaho came to the United

States as an invited artist for the Goodwill Games to represent Eastern European art. Since then he has

had numerous solo exhibitions in Seattle, where he teaches master classes and paints full time. Vaho's

paintings are held in private collections in the United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, and Republic of


This summer Vaho Muskheli visited Georgia and introduced his new works to the public. Starting

with June 29 2010, exhibition of his works was arranged in Baia Gallery, and on September 15 2010,

his personal exhibition launched in Vernissage Gallery.

Vaho Muskheli offers a distinctive selection of work ranging from richly imagined landscapes, por-

traits, figurative and representational images to male figure studies.

- "Every feeling has a motion"- This expresses Vaho's belief that the inner world of the human being

can be illuminated through the figure with its infinite capacity for expression. Through painting he searched

for the gestures and symbols that convey the subtle world of human feeling in a way that can be uni-

versally appreciated. Inspired by his own life experiences, he creates luminous canvases that evoke

strong visual and emotional responses in the viewer that the eye wants to visit again and again.

- "Every motion of the body is a short word in a long sentence. The landscapes in my paintings,

the mysterious horizons, the divine light from the sky, the narrow roads cut through the mountains, some

leading to the edge of the cliff while others fade to the depths of eternity - these complete the sentence."

Vaho paints exclusively in oil on canvases of small to monumental format. Over the years he has

developed methods and mediums that enable him to express his ideas with swiftness and accuracy

while allowing complete freedom of imagination during the painting process.

- "Michelangelo taught me how to draw, Rembrandt showed me color and Bruegel taught me how

to think."

While he may make dozens of drawings in preparation for a painting, once the foundations have

been laid he gives the imagination free rein in a dynamic conversation with the evolving canvas. Images.

1999 wlidan batonma daviT ka-

kabaZem (umcrosma) daiwyo muSaoba qa-

rTuli tixruli minanqris tradi-

ciebis Seswavlasa da aRdgenaze.

2000 wels maRalmTian javaxeT-

Si, saqarTvelos patriarqis, uwmi-

ndesisa da unetaresis ilia II-is

locva-kurTxeviT fokas wminda ni-

nos dedaTa monasterSi daiwyo mi-

nanqris miviwyebuli tradiciebis

aRdgena da qarTuli xelovnebis sa-

xelosno `fokanis~ daarsda, romel-

sac daviT kakabaZe (umcrosi) xelm-

ZRvanelobs. Tavdapirvelad saxelo-

sno mxolod saeklesio nivTebis da-

mzadebaze muSaobda.

2003 wels gaixsna keramikis (ke-

ramikis saxelosnos xelmZRvaneli

nino geleyva), faifuris (faifuris

saxelosnos xelmZRvaneli Sorena

kopaZe) xeliT moxatvis mimarTule-

ba. 2006 wels gaixsna mozaikis saxe-

losno. wlebis manZilze `fokanis~

produqciis mravali gamofena moe-

wyo rogorc TbilisSi, aseve sazR-

vargareT; maT Soris: 2007 wels mo-

nawileobda romSi mowyobil gamo-

fenaSi. 2008 wels monawileobda

SvedeTsa da safrangeTSi mowyobil


2010 wlidan minanqrisa da kera-

mikis mimarTulebebs daemata samka-

ulebis xazi. amgvarad, dRes `foka-

nis saxelosnoebi” sam mimarTuleb-

as: minanqars, mozaikasa da keramik-

as (xelnaxati faiansi, Wiqur-zwda da

Wiqur-qveda) aerTianebs da amzadebs

rogorc saeklesio, aseve saero da-

niSnulebis nivTebs.

amJamad `fokanis~ nakeTobebi wa-

rmodgenilia saqarTvelos TiTqmis

yvela eklesia-monasterSi, mxolod

samebis sakaTedro kompleqsSi: aR-

savlis kari, oqros barZimi, saxare-

ba, ori trapezi. garda amisa `fo-

kanis~ produqcia kargadaa cnobi-

li saqarTvelos farglebs gareT-

ac: aTonis mTaze, vatikanSi. mrava-

li nakeToba imyofeba ierusalimis,

saberZneTis, bulgareTis, serbeT-

is, ruseTis, rumineTis patriarqe-

bis, amerikisa da afrikis mitropo-

litebis, romis papis koleqciebSi,

aseve `fokanis~ nakeTobebi saCuqr-

ad gadaeca aSS, poloneTis, ukrai-

nis, ruseTis, safrangeTis, itali-

is prezidentebsa da samTavrobo


filosofia – mdidari qarTuli

tradiciis SenarCuneba, ganviTare-

ba da mudmivi swrafva siaxlisken.

mudmivi dialogi warsulsa da Ta-

namedroveobas Soris, mudmivi gana-

xleba. mSvenierebis gziT maradiu-

lTan ziareba.

savaWro niSnis gaxsna: TeTri


siwmindis, simSvidis, aRdgomisa

da mefurobis uZvelesi simboloa.

erT Reroze moTavsebuli ramdeni-

me SroSani qalwulobas, aRdgomasa

da ukvdavebas niSnavs.

qristianobaSi SroSani imedi,

siwminde da umankoebaa; RvTismSob-

lis simbolo.

SroSani samebisa da sami Rirse-

bis: rwmenis, imedisa da Semwynareb-

lobis simboloa.

qarTul tradiciaSi SroSanis

gamosaxulebam imTaviTve Rirseuli

adgili daimkvidra. evropulisgan

gansxvavebiT, qarTuli SroSanis er-

Ti foToli qveviTaa daxrili, rac

Seucdomlad gamoarCevs qarTul na-

keTobas da TviTmyofadi tradici-

is kidev erTi dadasturebaa. mrava-

li eklesia-monastris CuqurTmas am-

kobs SroSanis stilizebuli orna-

stili #36. 2010


fokanis saxelosnoebis istoria

menti, romelTa Soris gansakuTre-

biT safaris monastris Semkuloba

gamoirCeva. aseve gamorCeuli adgi-

li ukavia SroSans qarTuli oqro-

mWedlobis mdidar tradiciaSi. am-

is dasturad mxolod anCisxatis We-

durobac sakmarisia, romlis fons-

ac SroSanis gamosaxuleba warmoa-


odiTganve tixruli minanqari,

cvara da filigrani samefo xelobe-

bad iTvleboda, romelTa Soris ti-

xruli minanqari aRmatebulia. qar-

Tuli xelovnebis saxelosno `foka-

ni~ miznad isaxavs qarTuli minanqr-

is, oqromWedlobis, mozaikisa da

keramikis tradiciebis, Zveli teqni-

kis aRdgenasa da uaxles, Tanamedro-

ve teqnologiebze dayrdnobiT maT

Semdgom gafrTxilebasa da gamdid-

rebas. swored amitom qarTuli xe-

lovnebis saxelosno `fokanis~ sava-

Wro niSans briliantis kveTis fon-

ze gamosaxuli SroSani warmoadgens.

xatweraSi tradiciuli Semku-

loba, yvavilebi da ornamentebi ze-

ciuri ierusalimis gadmocemas em-

saxureboda. fokas monasterTan ar-

sebul saxelosnoSi Tavidanve saek-

lesio minanqari keTdeboda, Tbili-

sis saxelosnoSi ki aseve saeklesio

keramika da moxatva. swored iq aR-

dga da gamdidrda im uZvelesi qar-

Tuli Semkulobis tradiciebi. dRes

`fokani~ aerTianebs sam mimarTule-

bas: minanqarsa da keramikas daemata

samkaulebis xazi da kompaniam sae-

ro nivTebis gakeTebac daiwo. am xa-

ziT `fokanis~ produqcias metad

amravalferovnebs da amdidrebs da-

viT CxeiZis mier Sesrulebuli sam-

kaulebi. kompaniis mizania Tanamed-

rove samkaulebSic gaacocxlos da

saero nivTebSic gadmoitanos is uZ-

velesi qarTuli ornamentebi. swo-

red es simbolika da tradicia ga-

dmodis samkaulSi, romelic Semos-

avs RvTis cocxal xats,- adamians, ra-

Ta TiToeulma samkaulma moagonos

mas, rom SeiZleba Seimosos maradi-

uliT, zeciuri ierusalimiT.

Tamar mirianaSvili


stili #36. 2010

stili #36. 2010


In 2000, with blessing of His Holiness

and Beatitude Ilia II, Catholicos Patriarch

of Georgia, St. Nino Cloister in Foka, high-

land Ajara, began to work on revival of

ancient cloisonné enamel techniques and

founded Fokan workshop, directed by

David Kakabadze Jr.

Initially, the workshop was only

engaged in production of churchware.

History of Fokan Workshops


stili #36. 2010

In 2003, Foka Monastery launched

ceramics and china painting workshops

(directed respectively by Nino Gelekva and

Shorena Kopadze). A mosaic workshop

was established in 2006; with time, Fokan

Workshops were extended to Tbilisi.

During the recent years, numerous

exhibition of articles manufactured in

Fokan Workshops were arranged in Tbilisi;

in 2007 and 2008 Fokan Workshops sent

their expositions to Italy, France and


In 2010, Fokan Workshops started to

produce jewelry with active involvement

of David Chkheidze; at the time being, the

Workshops maintain activities three major

spheres: enamel, mosaic and ceramics,

and their products are intended both for

ecclesiastic and secular use.

By now, the articles made in Fokan

Workshops are distributed in almost all the

churches and monasteries of Georgia

and enjoy a great deal of popularity in for-

eign ecclesiastic centers, like Mount Athos

and Vatican, Jerusalem, Greek, Bulgarian,

Serbian, Russian and Romanian


Philosophy: preservation of rich

Georgian artistic traditions and their devel-

opment, innovation, continuous dialogue

between the past and the modern time,

reaching of the eternal through beauty.

Trade mark: white lily.

Lily is the ancient symbol of purity,

peace, resurrection and royalty. Several

lilies set on one stem designate virginity,

resurrection and immortality; in Christianity,

the lily symbolizes the Trinity and three

virtues: faith, hope and tolerance. For Fokan

Workshops, this symbol perfectly describes

their mission: to revive, preserve, devel-

op and enrich ancient traditions of enam-

el, jewelry and ceramics.TAMAR MIRIANASHVILI

stili #36. 2010


soso nadiraZe

daibada 1962 wlis 9 agvistos TbilisSi. ganaTleba: 1985 w. - Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia.

1985 wlidan eweva SemoqmedebiT saqmianobas: 1993 - kinostudia "qarTuli filmi", mxatvari. filmebi: "havau-

ri valsi" (reJisori z. buaZe). "kedeli" (reJisori z. buaZe). "angelozebi sasTumalTan" (reJisori z. buaZe).

"sayvareli" (reJisori m. kalatoziSvili). "6 da 7" (reJisori g. caava);

gamofenebi: 1988 - saSemodgomo gamofena; Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro galerea; 1995 - "akbanki"; stam-

boli, TurqeTi; 1996 - "galerea faruqi"; stamboli, TurqeTi; 1997 - forhaimis ratuSa, germania; 1997 - bam-

bergi, germania; 2004 - larisa mileris saxelobis galerea; berlini, germania; 2005 - n-galrea; Tbilisi,

saqarTvelo; 2007 - galerea "hobi"; Tbilisi, saqarTvelo; 2008 - "Censeri art galeri"; breisbriji, kanada;

2008 - monrealis 2008 wlis xelovnebis gamofena; kanada; 2009 - torontos 2009 wlis xelovnebis gamofena;

kanada; 2010 - galerea "hobi"; Tbilisi, saqarTvelo.

..."rodesac vxatav, momentebSi Cemi xeli Cemgan damoukideblad iwyebs xolme moZraobas. da roca xelze

"kontrols vibruneb", vatyob, rom naxati ukve TiTqmis mzadaa... aseTi ucnauri epizodebi xSirad ar me-

ordeba (sxvagvarad, amas sigiJis saxeli ufro mouxdeboda), magram swored amas veZaxi me bednierebas"

zogi misi naxati Zvel freskas waagavs, magram savsebiT Tanamedroved aRiqmeba. zogic, erTi SexedviT

abstraqtuli namuSevari, uceb gadaiqceva xolme sruliad realistur adamianis gamosaxulebad.

...naxatebi sinamdvileSi cocxali arsebebi arian: isini sunTqaven, azrovneben da kidec laparakoben raRa-

ca auxsnel saerTaSoriso enaze. memgoni mxatvari arc unda daixarjos sityvebze - mis nacvlad misma xe-

lovnebam unda ilaparakos.

misi tiloebi marTlac cocxals gavs...

soso nadiraZis namuSevrebi inaxeba kerZo koleqciebSi evropis sxvadasxva qveynebSi. mxatvars hqonda ga-

mofenebi italiaSi, germaniaSi, TurqeTSi da CrdiloeT amerikaSi.


stili #36. 2010

SOSO NADIRADZE Born in 9 August 1962 Tbilisi Georgia.

Education: - Academy of Fine Art. Tbilisi Georgia.

Since 1985 leads creative work. Cinema studio

“Georgian Film” Works as art designer of the fol-

lowing films: Hawaiian Waltz - Director Z. Buadze;

The Wall - Director Z. Buadze; Angels at the bed-

side - Director Z. Buadze; Beloved - Director M.

Kalatozishvili; 6 and 7 - Director G. Tsaava.

EXHIBITIONS: 1988 - Autumn Exhibition,

State Gallery of Art. Tbilisi, Georgia; 1995 - Akbank,

Istanbul, Turkey; 1996 - Gallery Faruk, Istanbul,

Turkey; 1997 - Rathouse Forhaim, Germany; 1997-

Bamberg, Germany; 2004 - Larissa Miller Gallery

– Berlin, Germany; 2005 - N- Gallery, Tbilisi,

Georgia; 2007 - Hobby Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia;

2008 - ChanceryArt Gallery, Bracebridge, Canada;

2008 - Expo Art Montreal 2008, Montreal,

Canada; 2009 - Expo art Toronto 2009, Canada;

2010 - Hobby Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia.

... While I am painting, there are moments

when my hand suddenly starts to move by

itself, without "asking my permission." And

after it finally returns back under my conscious

control, it surprisingly seems like the painting

is mostly completed... Such mysterious

episodes do not last long (otherwise, it would

be insanity), but this is what I actually define

as "Happiness."

Some of his oils appear like ancient frescos,

but feel absolutely contemporary. Some, on first

glance, "abstracts" surprisingly turn into totally

realistic Nudes.

... Paintings are, in fact, living creatures: they

breathe, think and talk, (although, in some

inexplicable international tongue). That's why

I suppose the artists should better keep

silence, letting the art to speak instead.

To note, his canvases seem to be alive


Soso Nadiradze's paintings are stored in

private collections across the Europe. The

artist exhibited his works in Italy, Germany,

Turkey and in North America.

Innocent and pureforms and symbols

“Material is not the reality; material has to be searched in us…”

Marc Chagall (1887-1985)

According to Walter Benjamen, everything that leads to progress is defendable…

Many modern artists are inspired by the innovative technologies. The artist that I am

going to present here has tried to add artistic value to the rigid mechanic world with

the organic character.

After having worked with canvas and oil paints for 30 years, Nana Tsikaridze,

Georgian artist, found herself interested in computers. Once, having realized how much

effort and money is spent on filling interiors with artwork, which is not artistically valu-

able, she thought of a cheaper and faster way of producing artwork that would have

artistic spirit in it. With little knowledge of Photoshop software she tried to come up

with electronic expressions of her inner world.

Nana Tsikaridze’s prints are exclusively used to decorate interiors of residential

houses, restaurants and some other public places, because their vibrant colors and

“mild” content are highly suitable for interior spaces. Material value plays a consider-

able role as well: many people appear willing to decorate their interiors with efficient,

but inexpensive artwork. The artist’s dream is to see her works - “innocent and pure

forms and symbols” - on industrially produced items such as crockery, stationery, etc.

Nana's technique is very simple. The process starts with inspiration; firstly, she

tries to come up with a definitive image, after the main composition is finalized, she

continues playing with colors, forms and shapes using Photoshop filters. The artist

amply uses curving lines in her works, contours are very crucial elements that create

the form and generate the composition. Her works are two-dimensional, therefore a

lot of attention is given to inventing of fantastic textures and daring application of col-

ors. There is no geometric precision in the forms she uses, though at the same time

you can feel a sense of symmetry. Her compositions are very intense, pulsating with

movement, chaos and energy of life.

Nana’s favorite artist in Marc Chagall; she says that the spirit of Chagall’s work

is very close to her way of perceiving and interpreting the art. The quote of Chagall:

"If a symbol be discovered in a painting of mine, it was not my intention. It is a result

I did not seek. It is something that may be found afterwards, and which can be inter-

preted according to taste.” really reflects the nature of her work.


umanko da wminda formebi da simboloebi

"materialuri realoba araa, materialuri CveSi unda veZioT..."

mark Sagali (1887-1985)

uolter benjamenis TqmiT, yvelaferi, rac progress uwyobs xels, unda Sevina-

rCunoT... dResdReobiT bevri xelovania gatacebuli inovaciuri teqnologiebiT.

is mxatvaric, romelsac es statia eZRvneba, cdilobs Seuxamos cifrul xelovneb-

as "cocxali" SemoqmedebiToba - gaamdidros xisti, meqanikuri sawyisi organuli Tvi-


30 wlis manZilze zeTis saRebavebiT xatvis Semdeg, qarTvelma mxatvarma nana

wiqariZem aRmoaCina, rom Zalian ainteresebs kompiuteri. erTxel igi mixvda, ram-

deni Zalisxmeva da fuli ixarjeba interierebis ugemovno xelovnebis nimuSebiT

"galamazebaze" da daiwyo fiqri imaze, Tu rogor SeiZleba swrafad da mniSvnelo-

vani danaxarjis gareSe Seqmna SemoqmedebiTi TvalsazrisiT faseuli nawarmoebi.

amrigad, qalbatonma nanam moimarjva fotoSopSi muSaobis elementaruli codna

da Seudga Tavisi Sida samyaros eleqtronuli formiT gamoxatvas.

nana wiqariZis namuSevrebi sacxovrebeli saxlebis, restornebis da sxva sazo-

gadoebrivi sivrceebis interierebSi gamoiyeneba, radganac maTi xalasi ferebi da

"rbili" siuJetebi daxurul sivrces esadageba. am cifruli naxatebis popularob-

as materialuri faqtoric uwyobs xels: rogorc aRmoCnda, bevrs unda interier-

is galamazeba efeqturi, magram arc Tu Zviri xelovnebis nimuSebiT. samomavlod,

mxatvari isurvebda, rom misi namuSevrebi - "umanko da wminda formebi da simbolo-

ebi" - industriulad damzadebul sagnebzec (magaliTad, WurWelze, sakancelario

nivTebze) exila.

qalbatoni nanas teqnika Zalian martivia. procesi warmosaxviT iwyeba; pirvel

rigSi mxatvari cdilobs gamokveTos konkretuli siuJeti; rogorc ki kompozicia

Camoyalibebul saxes miiRebs, igi agrZelebs ferebTan, formebTan da konturebTan

TamaSs, raSic fotoSopis filtrebi exmareba. mxatvars Zalian uyvars grexili xa-

zebi; mis namuSevrebSi konturebs didi datvirTva aqvs - konturi safuZvlad ud-

evs formas da kompozicias. qalbatoni nanas naxatebi organzomilebiania, amitom

gansakuTrebuli mniSvneloba eniWeba faqturas da fers. formebi geometriuli si-

zustiT ar gamoirCeva, magram naxatebSi igrZnoba Sinagani simetria. kompoziciebi

Zalian cocxalia, maTSi feTqavs moZraoba, qaosi da sicocxlis energia.

qalbatoni nanas sayvareli mxatvari mark Sagalia; misi azriT, Sagalis Semome-

debis suli Zalian axloa xelovnebis miseul xedvasTan. Sagalis gamonaTqvami: "Tu

Cems naxatSi simbolo aRmoaCineT, icodeT, rom es Cemda uneblied moxda. aseT Sed-

egs me ar veli. es iseTi ramaa, rac SeiZleba momavalSi dainaxon da gemovnebisda

mixedviT axsnan," - realisturad asaxavs qalbatoni nanas Semoqmedebas.

sofio axvlediani


stili #36. 2010




#362010September, October

a r q i t e q t u r a i n t e r i e r i d i z a i n i





saqarTvelos arqiteqtorTa kavSiri