33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El

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Transcript of 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    Title 4 U.S.C. 1-4 Title 28 U.S.C. 1333, 1337

    Title 50 U.S.C. Appendix Sections: 7(c, 7 (e, ! "nd 12

    #ed.$%les o& Ci'. )oced%)e $%les: 8, 13 * 24 1!17 T)"din+ it te ne/ Act

    )esident "/"

    1500 ennsl'"ni" A'en%e

    "sin+ton, .C. 20202

    )eetin+s )esident "/"


    6, :i"ni-"":9e-l, "/ " #les "nd 9lood o/"n , "t)i")c o& Te At-Si;

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    3. Uni'e)s"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts, A)ticle 12 Section (1 st"tes:

    ?'e)one l"&%ll itin te te))ito) o& " St"te, "'e te )i+t to lie)t o& /o'e/ent

    "nd &)eedo/ to coose is )esidence.@

    4. C")te) o& te United "tions, A)ticle 55 st"tes: ?o'e)n/ent"l $ep)esent"ti'es

    ")e o%nd to ?p)o/ote %ni'e)s"l )espect &o), "nd ose)'"nce o&, %/"n )i+ts "nd

    &%nd"/ent"l &)eedo/s &o) "ll ito%t distinction "s to )"ce, sex, l"n+%"+e o) )eli+ion.@

    5. C")te) o& te United "tions, A)ticle 5 st"tes: ?All /e/e)-st"tes pled+ete/sel'es to t";e oint "nd sep")"te "ction in coope)"tion itte )+"niB"tion &o) te

    "cie'e/ent o& te p%)pose set &o)t in A)ticle 55.@

    6. Uni'e)s"l ecl")"tion o&

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    a. To ens%)e t"t "n pe)son ose )i+ts o) &)eedo/s "s e)ein

    )eco+niBed ")e 'iol"ted s"ll "'e "n e&&ecti'e )e/ed, notitst"ndin+t"t te 'iol"tion "s een co//itted pe)sons "ctin+ in "n o&&ici"l


    b. To ens%)e t"t "n pe)son cl"i/in+ s%c " )e/ed s"ll "'e is

    )i+ts te)eto dete)/ined co/petent %dici"l, "d/inist)"ti'e o)le+isl"ti'e "%to)ities, o) ote) co/petent "%to)it p)o'ided &o)

    te le+"l sste/ o& te St"te, "nd to de'elop "%to)ities possiilities o&

    %dici"l )e/edD

    c. To ens%)e t"t te co/petent "%to)ities s"ll en&o)ce s%c

    )e/edies en +)"nted.@

    11. 6nte)n"tion"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts A)ticle ! Section (1 st"tes

    t"t: ?'e)one "s te )i+t to lie)t "nd sec%)it o& pe)son. o one s"ll e s%ectedto ")it)") "))est o) detention. o one s"ll e dep)i'ed o& is lie)t except on s%c

    +)o%nds "nd in "cco)d"nce it s%c p)oced%)e "s ")e est"lised l".@

    12. 6nte)n"tion"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts A)ticle ! Section (1 st"test"t: ?Anone o is "))ested s"ll e in&o)/ed, "t te ti/e o& "))est, o& te)e"son &o)

    is "))est "nd s"ll e p)o/ptl in&o)/ed o& "n c")+es "+"inst i/.@

    13. 6nte)n"tion"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts A)ticle ! Section (2 st"test"t: ?Anone o "s een " 'icti/ o& %nl"&%l "))est o) detention s"ll "'e "n

    en&o)ce"le )i+t to co/pens"tion.

    United States and Canada are Obligated to Respect the Right to Own Property: The arbitrary

    1. Uni'e)s"l ecl")"tion o&

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    2. Uni'e)s"l ecl")"tion o&

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    ?'e)one "s te )i+t not to e s%ected to "n c)%el "nd %n%s%"l t)e"t/ent o)



    Fact ). :Nanya-Shaabu:El is Plenipotentiary of Atlan, Amexem, Turtle Island, Land of the Fros, Eypt of the!est" and #E$%&NI'E( by the &%)E#N*ENT of $ANA(A and has re+eied letters from the &oernment of$anada as *au.$hief of the At-si-hata Nation of /amassee *oors0 %ur Nation is #E$%&NI'E( 1/ T2E3NITE( NATI%NS as an Indienous Peoples %rani4ation - 3NIP%5 6789" %ur Nations has TreatiesA3T2ENTI$ATE( by the Proin+e of Alberta 5--------------------- and $ondolee44a #i+e also sined off on ourdo+ument ith re+onition of our Self-Autonomy and Self-&oernment0 see http:..natural+redit0tripod0+om

    Fact 2. I, :(iani :1ey-El as denied entry to $anada on *ay 88, 6;;9 hen my husband

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    Fact 11.>he 8;; - Noth me#can 7n#on have accepte* the contact F#(e* on a 7-1 #n theommonwea(th o Kentuc"y an* epote* the 8;; onto t(an= o((atea( ,!toppe(.

    Fact 12. >hee ae N ommon @aw out! o ana*a/7.8. opoate out! anywhee on th#!(an* ma!! !ee: http://!#te!.4oo4(e.com/!#te/authent#cepot. >hee ae N @NA,R NB 7.8.7R>8 thee #! N ana*a/7.8. o me#ca thee #! N@B >@N meem >ut(e !(an* @an*o the Fo4!.

    Fact 13.>he 7.8. ;o!t #ce ha! been epote* onto t(an meem >ut(e !(an* @an* o theFo4!.

    Fact 1C. ! 8tate* by ;enn!y(van#a Rep. 8enato Kanjo!"# on 8;N - >he 7.8. opoat#on #! #nthe M))@, F >D, >@N>. !ee: http://!#te!.4oo4(e.com/!#te/at!#"hata-1

    Fact 1%. >hee #! no ana*a 7.8. o Me#co !ee http://!#te!.4oo4(e.com/!#te/authent#cepot/2->D,B N @NA,R , = N 7R>8 = N R;R>, ;,R>N@ DR>,R = NE7R8)>N = N 7>DR>B = N enue = >D, 7R>8 B7 R, >,N),RNA ;;,RRK> R, opeat#n4 #n a*m#a(ty on the @N) wh#ch they cannot *o a! #t ha! a(ea*y beene!tab(#!he* they ae #n the M#**(e o the t(ant#c = @@ the!e !o-ca((e* 7.8. cout! w#th the#

    ;ueto R#can Eu*4e!5 >#t(e C 78 !ec 9C6 ae #n an #mpope @>N an* #mpope venuee#the they !hut the cout *own ent#e(y o they ta"e the bu#(*#n4 to the m#**(e o the t(ant#ccoo*#nate! ae && && Noth @at#tu*eG 2% && e!t @on4#tu*e.

    Fact )7. Proc!a(ation b0 President Geor%e ush& This is Prima Facie

    Evidence.8e $i!! /rotect and honor triba! so"erei%nt0 and he!/ to sti(u!ate econo(ic

    de"e!o/(ent in reser"ation co((unities.

    Fact )*. E9ecuti"e Order )4)* b0 President i!! C!inton&This is Prima Facie

    Evidence.EXECUTIVE ORDER 13107


    &' (he a)(h*ri(' ves(ed in me as Presiden(by the Constitution and

    the laws of the United States of America, and bearing in mind the

    obligations of the United States pursuant to the International Covenant

    on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR, the Convention Against !orture

    and "ther Cruel, Inhuman or #egrading !reatment or Punishment (CA!, the

    Convention on the $limination of All %orms of Racial #iscrimination

    (C$R#, and other relevant treaties concerned with the protection and

    promotion of human rights to which the United States is now or may

    become a party in the future, it is hereby ordered as follows&

    Sec(i*n 1. Im+,emen(a(i*n *- $)man Rih(s O/,ia(i*ns. a I( sha,,/e (he +*,ic' and +rac(ice *- (he %*vernmen( *- (he Uni(ed S(a(es2 /ein

    c*mmi((ed (* (he +r*(ec(i*n and +r*m*(i*n *- h)man rih(s and

    -)ndamen(a, -reed*ms2 -),,' (* res+ec( and im+,emen( i(s */,ia(i*ns

    )nder (he in(erna(i*na, h)man rih(s (rea(ies (* hich i( is a +ar('2

    inc,)din (he ICCPR2 (he C#T2 and (he CERD.

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    Fact ):. Since Canada Reco%ni-e one Indi%enous Nation then Canada reco%ni-es ALL




    Convention on the Prevention and Pni!h"ent o# the

    Cri"e o# Geno$ide

    Adopted b !e"ol#tion 260 $%%%& A o' the (nited )ation" *eneral A""embl on 9

    +ecember 1948.

    Article 1

    ,he -ontracting artie" con'irm that genocide whether committed in time o' peace

    or in time o' war i" a crime #nder international law which the #ndertae to preent

    and to p#ni"h.

    Article 2

    %n the pre"ent -onention genocide mean" an o' the 'ollowing act" committed

    with intent to de"tro in whole or in part a national ethnical racial or religio#"

    gro#p a" "#ch:

    $a& illing member" o' the gro#p

    $b& -a#"ing "erio#" bodil or mental harm to member" o' the gro#p

    $c& +eliberatel in'licting on the gro#p condition" o' li'e calc#lated to bring abo#t it"

    ph"ical de"tr#ction in whole or in part

    $d& %mpo"ing mea"#re" intended to preent birth" within the gro#p

    $e& orcibl tran"'erring children o' the gro#p to another gro#p.

    Article 3

    ,he 'ollowing act" "hall be p#ni"hable:

    $a& *enocide

    $b& -on"pirac to commit genocide

    $c& +irect and p#blic incitement to commit genocide

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    $d& Attempt to commit genocide

    $e& -omplicit in genocide.

    Article 4

    er"on" committing genocide or an o' the other act" en#merated in Article 3 "hallbe p#ni"hed whether the are con"tit#tionall re"pon"ible r#ler" p#blic o''icial" or

    priate indiid#al".

    Article 5

    ,he -ontracting artie" #ndertae to enact in accordance with their re"pectie

    -on"tit#tion" the nece""ar legi"lation to gie e''ect to the proi"ion" o' the

    pre"ent -onention and in partic#lar to proide e''ectie penaltie" 'or per"on"

    g#ilt o' genocide or an o' the other act" en#merated in Article 3.

    Article 6

    er"on" charged with genocide or an o' the other act" en#merated in Article 3

    "hall be tried b a competent trib#nal o' the tate in the territor o' which the act

    wa" committed or b "#ch international penal trib#nal a" ma hae #ri"diction with

    re"pect to tho"e -ontracting artie" which "hall hae accepted it" #ri"diction.

    Article 7

    *enocide and the other act" en#merated in Article 3 "hall not be con"idered a"

    political crime" 'or the p#rpo"e o' etradition.

    ,he -ontracting artie" pledge them"ele" in "#ch ca"e" to grant etradition inaccordance with their law" and treatie" in 'orce.

    Article 8

    An -ontracting art ma call #pon the competent organ" o' the (nited )ation" to

    tae "#ch action #nder the -harter o' the (nited )ation" a" the con"ider

    appropriate 'or the preention and "#ppre""ion o' act" o' genocide or an o' the

    other act" en#merated in Article 3.

    Article 9

    +i"p#te" between the -ontracting artie" relating to the interpretation application

    or '#l'illment o' the pre"ent -onention incl#ding tho"e relating to the

    re"pon"ibilit o' a tate 'or genocide or an o' the other act" en#merated in Article

    3 "hall be "#bmitted to the %nternational -o#rt o' #"tice at the re#e"t o' an o'

    the partie" to the di"p#te.

    Article 10

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    ,he pre"ent -onention o' which the -hine"e ngli"h rench !#""ian and pani"h

    tet" are e#all a#thentic "hall bear the date o' 9 +ecember 1948.

    Article 11

    ,he pre"ent -onention "hall be open #ntil 31 +ecember 1949 'or "ignat#re on

    behal' o' an ;ember o' the (nited )ation" and o' an non

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    +en#nciation "hall be e''ected b a written noti'ication addre""ed to the ecretar1>2005

    ,he oreign oereign %mm#nitie" Act o' 1976 $Fthe %AG or Fthe ActG&1B de'ine"

    the #ri"diction o' the co#rt" o' the (nited tate" in action"

    28 U.S.C. 1603 : US Code - Section 1603: Definitions

    Search 28 U.S.C. 1603 : US Code - Section 1603: Definitions

    8each by Keywo* o #tat#on


    For purposes of this chapter -

    (a) A "foreign state", except as used in section 1608 of this

    title, includes a political subdivision of a foreign state or an

    agenc or instru!entalit of a foreign state as defined in

    subsection (b)

    (b) An a!enc" or instr#$enta%it" of a forei!n state $eans an"

    entit" -

    (1)&hich is a se'arate %e!a% 'erson, corporate or other#ise,


    ($)&hich is an or!an of a forei!n stateor political

    subdivision thereof, or a !a%orit of #hose shares or other

    o#nership interest is o#ned b a foreign state or political

    subdivision thereof, and$) #hich is an organ of a foreign state or political

    subdivision thereof, or a !a%orit of #hose shares or other

    o#nership interest is o#ned b a foreign state or political

    subdivision thereof, and

    (&) #hich is neither a citi'en of a tate of the nited

    tates as defined in section 1&&$ (c) and (e) of this title,

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    nor created under the la#s of an third countr

    (c) *he "nited tates" includes all territor and #aters,

    continental or insular, sub%ect to the %urisdiction of the nited


    (d) A "co!!ercial activit" !eans either a regular course of

    co!!ercial conduct or a particular co!!ercial transaction or act

    *he co!!ercial character of an activit shall be deter!ined b

    reference to the nature of the course of conduct or particular

    transaction or act, rather than b reference to its purpose

    (e) A "co!!ercial activit carried on in the nited tates b a

    foreign state" !eans co!!ercial activit carried on b such state

    "nd "'in+ s%st"nti"l cont"ct it te United St"tes

    The Article of Confederation has not been repealed to this very day

    Articles of Confederation : March 1, 1781

    To all to hom these Presents shall +ome, e the undersined (eleates of the States affixed

    to our Names send reetin0

    Arti+les of $onfederation and perpetual 3nion beteen the states of Ne 2ampshire,

    *assa+husetts-bay #hode Island and Proiden+e Plantations, $onne+ti+ut, Ne /or, Ne Dersey,

    Pennsylania, (elaare, *aryland, )irinia, North $arolina, South $arolina and &eoria0


    The Stile of this $onfedera+y shall be

    +>he 7n#te* 8tate! o me#ca+0


    Ea+h state retains its soereinty, freedom, and independen+e, and eery poer, urisdi+tion,

    and riht, hi+h is not by this $onfederation expressly deleated to the 3nited States, in $onress



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    The said States hereby seerally enter into a firm leaue of friendship ith ea+h other, for their

    +ommon defense, the se+urity of their liberties, and their mutual and eneral elfare, bindin

    themseles to assist ea+h other, aainst all for+e offered to, or atta+s made upon them, or any of

    them, on a++ount of reliion, soereinty, trade, or any other pretense hateer0


    The better to se+ure and perpetuate mutual friendship and inter+ourse amon the people of the

    different States in this 3nion, the free inhabitants of ea+h of these States, paupers, aabonds, and

    fuities from usti+e ex+epted, shall be entitled to all priilees and immunities of free +iti4ens in the

    seeral States" and the people of ea+h State shall free inress and reress to and from any other

    State, and shall enoy therein all the priilees of trade and +ommer+e, sube+t to the same duties,

    impositions, and restri+tions as the inhabitants thereof respe+tiely, proided that su+h restri+tions

    shall not extend so far as to preent the remoal of property imported into any State, to any other

    State, of hi+h the oner is an inhabitant" proided also that no imposition, duties or restri+tion shall

    be laid by any State, on the property of the 3nited States, or either of them0

    If any person uilty of, or +hared ith, treason, felony, or other hih misdemeanor in any State,

    shall flee from usti+e, and be found in any of the 3nited States, he shall, upon demand of the

    &oernor or exe+utie poer of the State from hi+h he fled, be deliered up and remoed to the

    State hain urisdi+tion of his offense0

    Full faith and +redit shall be ien in ea+h of these States to the re+ords, a+ts, and udi+ial

    pro+eedins of the +ourts and maistrates of eery other State0


    For the most +onenient manaement of the eneral interests of the 3nited States, deleates

    shall be annually appointed in su+h manner as the leislatures of ea+h State shall dire+t, to meet in

    $onress on the first *onday in Noember, in eery year, ith a poerresered to ea+h State to

    re+all its deleates, or any of them, at any time ithin the year, and to send others in their stead for

    the remainder of the year0

    No State shall be represented in $onress by less than to, nor more than seen members" and

    no person shall be +apable of bein a deleate for more than three years in any term of six years"

    nor shall any person, bein a deleate, be +apable of holdin any offi+e under the 3nited States, for

    hi+h he, or another for his benefit, re+eies any salary, fees or emolument of any ind0

    Ea+h State shall maintain its on deleates in a meetin of the States, and hile they a+t as

    members of the +ommittee of the States0

    In determinin uestions in the 3nited States in $onress assembled, ea+h State shall hae one


  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    Freedom of spee+h and debate in $onress shall not be impea+hed or uestioned in any +ourt

    or pla+e out of $onress, and the members of $onress shall be prote+ted in their persons from

    arrests or imprisonments, durin the time of their oin to and from, and attenden+e on $onress,

    ex+ept for treason, felony, or brea+h of the pea+e0


    No State, ithout the +onsent of the 3nited States in $onress assembled, shall send any

    embassy to, or re+eie any embassy from, or enter into any +onferen+e, areement, allian+e or

    treaty ith any in, Prin+e or State" nor shall any person holdin any offi+e of profit or trust under

    the 3nited States, or any of them, a++ept any present, emolument, offi+e or title of any ind hateer

    from any in, Prin+e or forein State" nor shall the 3nited States in $onress assembled, or any of

    them, rant any title of nobility0

    No to or more States shall enter into any treaty, +onfederation or allian+e hateer beteen

    them, ithout the +onsent of the 3nited States in $onress assembled, spe+ifyin a++urately the

    purposes for hi+h the same is to be entered into, and ho lon it shall +ontinue0

    No State shall lay any imposts or duties, hi+h may interfere ith any stipulations in treaties,

    entered into by the 3nited States in $onress assembled, ith any in, Prin+e or State, in

    pursuan+e of any treaties already proposed by $onress, to the +ourts of Fran+e and Spain0

    No essel of ar shall be ept up in time of pea+e by any State, ex+ept su+h number only, as

    shall be deemed ne+essary by the 3nited States in $onress assembled, for the defense of su+h

    State, or its trade" nor shall any body of for+es be ept up by any State in time of pea+e, ex+ept su+h

    number only, as in the udement of the 3nited States in $onress assembled, shall be deemed

    reuisite to arrison the forts ne+essary for the defense of su+h State" but eery State shall alayseep up a ell-reulated and dis+iplined militia, suffi+iently armed and a++outered, and shall proide

    and +onstantly hae ready for use, in publi+ stores, a due number of filed pie+es and tents, and a

    proper uantity of arms, ammunition and +amp euipae0

    No State shall enae in any ar ithout the +onsent of the 3nited States in $onress

    assembled, unless su+h State be a+tually inaded by enemies, or shall hae re+eied +ertain adi+e

    of a resolution bein formed by some nation of Indians to inade su+h State, and the daner is so

    imminent as not to admit of a delay till the 3nited States in $onress assembled +an be +onsulted"

    nor shall any State rant +ommissions to any ships or essels of ar, nor letters of marue or

    reprisal, ex+ept it be after a de+laration of ar by the 3nited States in $onress assembled, and

    then only aainst the indom or State and the sube+ts thereof, aainst hi+h ar has been sode+lared, and under su+h reulations as shall be established by the 3nited States in $onress

    assembled, unless su+h State be infested by pirates, in hi+h +ase essels of ar may be fitted out

    for that o++asion, and ept so lon as the daner shall +ontinue, or until the 3nited States in

    $onress assembled shall determine otherise0


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    !hen land for+es are raised by any State for the +ommon defense, all offi+ers of or under the

    ran of +olonel, shall be appointed by the leislature of ea+h State respe+tiely, by hom su+h

    for+es shall be raised, or in su+h manner as su+h State shall dire+t, and all a+an+ies shall be filled

    up by the State hi+h first made the appointment0


    All +hares of ar, and all other expenses that shall be in+urred for the +ommon defense or

    eneral elfare, and alloed by the 3nited States in $onress assembled, shall be defrayed out of a

    +ommon treasury, hi+h shall be supplied by the seeral States in proportion to the alue of all land

    ithin ea+h State, ranted or sureyed for any person, as su+h land and the buildins and

    improements thereon shall be estimated a++ordin to su+h mode as the 3nited States in $onress

    assembled, shall from time to time dire+t and appoint0

    The taxes for payin that proportion shall be laid and leied by the authority and dire+tion of the

    leislatures of the seeral States ithin the time areed upon by the 3nited States in $onress


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    be redu+ed to thirteen" and from that number not less than seen, nor more than nine names as

    $onress shall dire+t, shall in the presen+e of $onress be dran out by lot, and the persons hose

    names shall be so dran or any fie of them, shall be +ommissioners or udes, to hear and finally

    determine the +ontroersy, so alays as a maor part of the udes ho shall hear the +ause shall

    aree in the determination: and if either party shall nele+t to attend at the day appointed, ithout

    shoin reasons, hi+h $onress shall ude suffi+ient, or bein present shall refuse to strie, the$onress shall pro+eed to nominate three persons out of ea+h State, and the se+retary of $onress

    shall strie in behalf of su+h party absent or refusin" and the udement and senten+e of the +ourt

    to be appointed, in the manner before pres+ribed, shall be final and +on+lusie" and if any of the

    parties shall refuse to submit to the authority of su+h +ourt, or to appear or defend their +laim or

    +ause, the +ourt shall neertheless pro+eed to pronoun+e senten+e, or udement, hi+h shall in lie

    manner be final and de+isie, the udement or senten+e and other pro+eedins bein in either +ase

    transmitted to $onress, and loded amon the a+ts of $onress for the se+urity of the parties

    +on+erned: proided that eery +ommissioner, before he sits in udement, shall tae an oath to be

    administered by one of the udes of the supreme or superior +ourt of the State, here the +ause

    shall be tried, Gell and truly to hear and determine the matter in uestion, a++ordin to the best of

    his udement, ithout faor, affe+tion or hope of reardG: proided also, that no State shall be

    depried of territory for the benefit of the 3nited States0

    All +ontroersies +on+ernin the priate riht of soil +laimed under different rants of to or more

    States, hose urisdi+tions as they may respe+t su+h lands, and the States hi+h passed su+h

    rants are adusted, the said rants or either of them bein at the same time +laimed to hae

    oriinated ante+edent to su+h settlement of urisdi+tion, shall on the petition of either party to the

    $onress of the 3nited States, be finally determined as near as may be in the same manner as is

    before prese+ribed for de+idin disputes respe+tin territorial urisdi+tion beteen different States0

    The 3nited States in $onress assembled shall also hae the sole and ex+lusie riht andpoer of reulatin the alloy and alue of +oin stru+ by their on authority, or by that of the

    respe+tie States -- fixin the standards of eihts and measures throuhout the 3nited States --

    reulatin the trade and manain all affairs ith the Indians, not members of any of the States,

    proided that the leislatie riht of any State ithin its on limits be not infrined or iolated --

    establishin or reulatin post offi+es from one State to another, throuhout all the 3nited States,

    and exa+tin su+h postae on the papers passin throuh the same as may be reuisite to defray

    the expenses of the said offi+e -- appointin all offi+ers of the land for+es, in the seri+e of the 3nited

    States, ex+eptin reimental offi+ers -- appointin all the offi+ers of the naal for+es, and

    +ommissionin all offi+ers hateer in the seri+e of the 3nited States -- main rules for the

    oernment and reulation of the said land and naal for+es, and dire+tin their operations0

    The 3nited States in $onress assembled shall hae authority to appoint a +ommittee, to sit in

    the re+ess of $onress, to be denominated GA $ommittee of the StatesG, and to +onsist of one

    deleate from ea+h State" and to appoint su+h other +ommittees and +iil offi+ers as may be

    ne+essary for manain the eneral affairs of the 3nited States under their dire+tion -- to appoint

    one of their members to preside, proided that no person be alloed to sere in the offi+e of

    president more than one year in any term of three years" to as+ertain the ne+essary sums of money

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    to be raised for the seri+e of the 3nited States, and to appropriate and apply the same for defrayin

    the publi+ expenses -- to borro money, or emit bills on the +redit of the 3nited States, transmittin

    eery half-year to the respe+tie States an a++ount of the sums of money so borroed or emitted --

    to build and euip a nay -- to aree upon the number of land for+es, and to mae reuisitions from

    ea+h State for its uota, in proportion to the number of hite inhabitants in su+h State" hi+h

    reuisition shall be bindin, and thereupon the leislature of ea+h State shall appoint the reimentaloffi+ers, raise the men and +loath, arm and euip them in a solid-lie manner, at the expense of the

    3nited States" and the offi+ers and men so +loathed, armed and euipped shall mar+h to the pla+e

    appointed, and ithin the time areed on by the 3nited States in $onress assembled0 1ut if the

    3nited States in $onress assembled shall, on +onsideration of +ir+umstan+es ude proper that any

    State should not raise men, or should raise a smaller number of men than the uota thereof, su+h

    extra number shall be raised, offi+ered, +loathed, armed and euipped in the same manner as the

    uota of ea+h State, unless the leislature of su+h State shall ude that su+h extra number +annot

    be safely spread out in the same, in hi+h +ase they shall raise, offi+er, +loath, arm and euip as

    many of su+h extra number as they ude +an be safely spared0 And the offi+ers and men so

    +loathed, armed, and euipped, shall mar+h to the pla+e appointed, and ithin the time areed on

    by the 3nited States in $onress assembled0

    The 3nited States in $onress assembled shall neer enae in a ar, nor rant letters of

    marue or reprisal in time of pea+e, nor enter into any treaties or allian+es, nor +oin money, nor

    reulate the alue thereof, nor as+ertain the sums and expenses ne+essary for the defense and

    elfare of the 3nited States, or any of them, nor emit bills, nor borro money on the +redit of the

    3nited States, nor appropriate money, nor aree upon the number of essels of ar, to be built or

    pur+hased, or the number of land or sea for+es to be raised, nor appoint a +ommander in +hief of the

    army or nay, unless nine States assent to the same: nor shall a uestion on any other point, ex+ept

    for adournin from day to day be determined, unless by the otes of the maority of the 3nited

    States in $onress assembled0

    The $onress of the 3nited States shall hae poer to adourn to any time ithin the year, and

    to any pla+e ithin the 3nited States, so that no period of adournment be for a loner duration than

    the spa+e of six months, and shall publish the ournal of their pro+eedins monthly, ex+ept su+h

    parts thereof relatin to treaties, allian+es or military operations, as in their udement reuire

    se+re+y" and the yeas and nays of the deleates of ea+h State on any uestion shall be entered on

    the ournal, hen it is desired by any deleates of a State, or any of them, at his or their reuest

    shall be furnished ith a trans+ript of the said ournal, ex+ept su+h parts as are aboe ex+epted, to

    lay before the leislatures of the seeral States0

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    &oernment Printin %ffi+e, 8=6702ouse (o+ument No0 B=90

    Sele+ted, Arraned and Indexed by $harles $0 Tansill


    In a nt!he%% ' ' '





    The ter"! nation3 !tate3 $ontr4 and nation5!tate are !ed to re#er to

    )o%iti$a%3 e$ono"i$3 !o$ia% and $%tra% a$tor! in the internationa% !4!te"'

    The "odern nation5!tate re#er! to a !in.%e or "%ti)%e nationa%itie! 6oined

    to.ether in a #or"a% )o%iti$a% nion' The nation5!tate deter"ine! an o##i$ia%

    %an.a.e7!83 a !4!te" o# %a,3 "ana.e! a $rren$4 !4!te"3 !e! a

    9rea$ra$4 to order e%e"ent! o# !o$iet43 and #o!ter! %o4a%tie! to a9!tra$t

    entitie! %i-e :Canada3: :the ;nited State!3: and !o on'


    A nation5!tate di##er! #ro" a :!tate: or a :nation: #or a $o)%e o# i")ortant


  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    A nation re#er! on%4 to a !o$io5$%tra% entit43 a nion o# )eo)%e !harin.

    ,ho $an identi#4 $%tra%%4 and %in.i!ti$a%%4' Thi! $on$e)t doe! not

    ne$e!!ari%4 $on!ider #or"a% )o%iti$a% nion!'

    A !tate re#er! to a %e.a%+)o%iti$a% entit4 that i! $o")ri!ed o# the #o%%o,in.*

    a8 a )er"anent )o)%ation> 98 a de#ined territor4> $8 a .overn"ent > andd8 the $a)a$it4 to enter into re%ation! ,ith other !tate!'

    Thi! di!tin$tion i! an i")ortant one 9e$a!e ,e3 a! )o%iti$a% !$ienti!t!3

    "!t 9e a9%e to a$$ont #or 9oth )o%iti$a% and !o$io5$%tra% #a$tor! in a

    )o%iti$a% entit4' ;!in. the ter" nation5!tate3 )er"it! thi! inve!ti.ation'

    What doe! the .ro,th in the n"9er o# nation5!tate! "ean=

    The .ro,th in the n"9er o# nation5!tate! "ean! that nation5!tate! are

    .oin. to have to $o)e ,ith ne, )o%iti$a%3 e$ono"i$3 and !o$ia% rea%itie!'

    The ne, entrant! in the )o%iti$a% !4!te" 9rin. ,ith the" ne,

    o))ortnitie! #or the internationa% )o%iti$a% !4!te"3 9t a%!o 9rin. ne,

    )ro9%e"! that the internationa% order "!t 9e a9%e to a))roa$h and

    atte")t to !o%ve'



    A nation5!tate i! a !tate3 or $ontr43 that ha! de#ined 9order! and

    territor4' It i! additiona%%4 a $ontr4 in ,hi$h a nation o# )rin$i)a%%4 the

    !a"e t4)e o# )eo)%e e@i!t!3 or.anied 94 either ra$e or $%tra%

    9a$-.rond' In the nation5!tate3 .enera%%43 ever4one ,o%d !)ea- the

    !a"e %an.a.e3 )ro9a9%4 )ra$ti$e the !a"e or !i"i%ar t4)e! o# re%i.ion3

    and !hare a !et o# $%tra%3 Bnationa%3 va%e!'

    ro" thi! !tri$t de#inition it! ea!4 to !ee that the ;S i! not a nation5!tate'

    We have "%ti)%e ethni$itie!3 n"9er! o# re%i.ion! )ra$ti$ed3 and di##erent

    $%tra% nor"!' Even tho.h $itien! o# the ;S !hare the !a"e 9order! and

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    territor43 ,e do not3 in the !en!e o# the nation5!tate3 !hare a $o""on


    Another ,a4 in ,hi$h a nation5!tate $annot e@i!t i! ,hen there i! a

    de#ined ethni$ and $%tra% .ro) that e@i!t! ,ithot territoria% 9order!3

    and $o")%ete ri.ht o# o,ner!hi) to tho!e 9order!' or e@a")%e3 ,hen

    i""i.rant! to the ;S de$%ared the $ontr4 to 9e a !tate3 n"ero! Native

    A"eri$an tri9e! ,ere nation! ,ithot 9ein. !tate!' The 9order! o# the

    vario! Native A"eri$an nation! ,ere di!re.arded 94 the %ar.er ;S !tate3

    re!%tin. in re)eated re%o$ation o# the!e nation! to other area! and

    territorie!' The!e territorie! ,ere on%4 he%d at the )er"i!!ion o# the ;S'

    Toda43 !o"e tri9e! do have de#ined 9order! 9t the4 !ti%% in !o"e $a!e!

    "a4 9e !96e$t to the %a,! o# the ;S3 "a-in. the" not #%%4 nation5!tate!'

    In #a$t3 "o!t $ontrie! do not $o")%ete%4 #a%% ,ithin the de#inition o# the

    nation5!tate3 !in$e "o!t $ontrie! have i""i.rant!' On$e i""i.rant!

    $o"e to a $ontr43 e!)e$ia%%4 in %ar.e n"9er!3 the nation5!tate $an no

    %on.er e@i!t' Contrie! ,ith on%4 a !"a%% n"9er o# i""i.rant! "a4 !ti%%

    9e !een a! $ontainin. )redo"inant%4 the !a"e ethni$it4 and !hared

    $%tre and "a4 th! 9e $on!idered a! a))roa$hin. the theoreti$a% nation5


    I$e%and i! $on!idered a%"o!t an idea% nation5!tate !in$e i""i.ration toI$e%and i! Fite %o,' &a)an a%!o $o"e! $%o!e to 9ein. a nation5!tate

    9e$a!e the !en!e o# nationa% identit4 and !hared %an.a.e i! ver4 !tron.'

    It i! not $oin$identa% that 9oth o# the!e $ontrie! are i!%and! and th! %e!!

    B$ro!!in. o# the 9order $an e@i!t'

    The Re)9%i$ o# Ire%and a))roa$he! the nation5!tate3 tho.h i""i.ration

    to other $ontrie! o#ten %ed to "ore Sothern Iri!h )eo)%e %ivin. ot!ide o#

    the Re)9%i$ than in!ide it' It ha! re%ative%4 #e, i""i.rant!3 e@$e)t

    retrnin. nationa%! or their de!$endant!3 and !hare! a !tron. nationa%identit4' In the Re)9%i$ o# Ire%and3 the !tate i! #onded on the )rin$i)%e!

    o# the nation3 ,ith %a,! "ade re!)e$tin. the dee) Catho%i$ 9e%ie#! o# the


  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    The de!ire to e!ta9%i!h a nation5!tate $an 9e one o# the "o!t deva!tatin.

    one! and "a4 re!%t in either "a!! evi$tion o# other nationa%itie! or ethni$

    $%ean!in.' Hit%er atte")ted to e!ta9%i!h Ger"an4 a! a nation5!tate 94 #ir!t

    e@i%in. &e,!3 and then %ti"ate%43 94 -i%%in. the "a6orit4 o# &e,i!h

    re!ident! in Ger"an43 and in other $ontrie! he $onFered %i-e Po%and'

    Atte")tin. to en#or$e a nation5!tate ,here none tr%4 e@i!t! o#ten re!%t!in hi.h n"9er! o# death! #or %ar.e "inorit4 )o)%ation! and a %a$- o#

    h"anit4 to the e@tre"e

    ' I $o)ied thi! )art #ro" the end o# %in- 9e%o, #or 4o to re!ear$h'

    Ja$-.rond* edera% Cort o# Canada i%e No' T5(?153 Kahentinetha et

    a% v' The een* Order o# "ada" Prothonotar4 Mirei%%e Ta9i93 O$to9er 0?3

    0 that the ,o"en .ive (13' !e$rit4 #or the $ort $o!t! #ro" the

    9e.innin. to the end3 9e$a!e the4 are Bordinari%4 re!ident ot!ide o#

    Canada a! the4 %ive in A-,e!a!ne and Kahna,a-e C r%e (7(8aQ>

    On e9' 03 013 State"ent o# C%ai" #i%ed on the Re$-%e!! di!re.ard #or

    the !a#et4 and !e$rit4 o# Indi.eno! Wo"en at the Canadian Jorder3

    A-,e!a!ne3 CC T5051 9et,een Kahentinetha3 o# the Kanion-e*ha-a3

    and the een3 Se$' edera% Cort A$t' i%ed e9' 03 013 on Hon'

    &ohn Si"!3 De)t4 Attorne4 Genera% o# Canada (?515022 a@ (?5105

    ' Conta$t* Marie-e Jo$hard (?5105> C4nthia Leaver3Re.iona% A!!i!tant (?5105??> Shr"an Lon.o Grenier (?5511>

    Vin$ent Vei%%e@ (?5105'Q

    Art' 023 Geneva Convention!* )rote$ted )er!on! are entit%ed to re!)e$t

    #or their )er!on!3 honor3 #a"i%4 ri.ht!3 re%i.io! $onvi$tion!3 "anner! and

    $!to"!' The4 !ha%% 9e treated h"ane%4 e!)e$ia%%4 a.ain!t vio%en$e or

    threat! and in!%t!' Wo"en !ho%d e!)e$ia%%4 9e )rote$ted a.ain!t

    inde$ent a!!a%t 9a!ed on ra$e3 re%i.ion and )o%iti$a% o)inion!'



  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    MNN' Se)t' 3 01 The $o%on4 o# Canada ha! o##i$ia%%4 re$o.nied or

    !overei.nt4 on Great Trt%e I!%and and ha! ta-en !te)! to a9ide 94 the

    T,o Ro, Wa")" a.ree"ent' Canada ad"it! the4 have no 6ri!di$tion

    over Indi.eno! )eo)%e and territor4'

    On &ne (3 03 t,o ,o"en ,ere )ea$e#%%4 $ro!!in. the i%%e.a%

    $he$-)oint in the "idd%e o# Ka,eno-e I!%and o# A-,e!a!ne' The Canada

    Jorder Servi$e! A.en$4 CJSA $a%%ed in (0 9r%4 ,e%%5ar"ed $o%onia% .oon!

    to vi$io!%4 atta$- the t,o ,o"en' One e%der a%"o!t died o# a tra"a

    ind$ed heart atta$- and the other ,a! !evere%4 9eaten and he%d


    The t,o ,o"en %ive in the Moha,- $o""nitie! o# A-,e!a!ne and

    Kahna,a-e' The4 #i%ed #or"a% $o")%aint! ,ith the RCMP3 OPP3 Moha,-

    A-,e!a!ne Po%i$e and the CJSA to inve!ti.ate' A%% re#!ed' The ,o"en,ere treated %i-e ene"4 $o"9atant! ,ith no ri.ht!' We are 9ein. #a%!e%4

    %a9e%ed a! in!r.ent!3 terrori!t! and .%o9a% ri!-!' Thi! vio%ate! the Geneva

    Convention! (11 ,hi$h !et the !tandard! in internationa% %a, #or

    h"anitarian treat"ent o# $ivi%ian! and the vi$ti"! o# $on#%i$t' See note!

    at endQ

    The ,o"en are not Canadian $itien! a! the Moha,- Nation never

    re%inFi!hed or territoria% inde)enden$e' The t,o ,o"en too- it to the

    edera% Cort o# Canada3 CA T5(?153 to addre!! the h"an ri.ht!

    a9!e!' Canada i! !))o!ed to %ive ) to it! $o""it"ent! nder

    internationa% %a, to re!)e$t h"an ri.ht! o# a%%'

    The Cro,n i!!ed order! re!)e$tin. or !overei.nt4' On O$to9er0?3 03

    Prothonotar4 Mirei%%e Ta9i9 ordered the t,o ,o"en to )a4 #or Canada !

    $o!t! 94 de)o!itin. (13' ,ith the $ort )%! a%% !9!eFent $o!t!'

    The rea!on The4 %ive in A-,e!a!ne and Kahna,a-e and are not re!ident!

    o# Canada ' An a))ea% ,a! #i%ed' On &anar4 013 01 &d.e ran$oi!

    Le"ie@ i!!ed the !a"e order' On e9' 03 01 another $a!e ,a! #i%ed

    94 one o# the ,o"en3 T5051' On A)ri% 23 013 the !a"e order ,a!

    "ade 9e$a!e !he %ive! in Kahna,a-e3 "a-in. her a non5re!ident o#

    Canada '

    The T,o Ro, Wa")" a.ree"ent !e)arate! the $o%oni!t! #ro" the tre

    ori.ina% Indi.eno! 6ri!di$tion' The Cro,n "!t #%#i%% or reFe!t to

    inve!ti.ate or $o")%aint! a.ain!t their a.ent!' The CJSA a$ted ot!ide

    it! territoria% 6ri!di$tion ,hen it a!!a%ted the t,o ,o"en and $annot

    de"and !e$rit4 #or their $o!t!'

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    The CJSA $an never retrn to Ka,eno-e I!%and 3 the rea% na"e o# Corn,a%%

    I!%and 3 ,hi$h the4 a9andoned on Ma4 ?(3 01' The Moha,-! re#!ed to

    a%%o, the!e #orei.ner! to $arr4 .n! in the "idd%e o# or $o""nit4' The

    o%d C!to"! Ho!e !it! e")t4 and 9e%on.! to the Moha,-!' CJSA need!

    to .et their 6n- ot o# there' When A%$atra ,a! a9andoned3 it retrned

    ato"ati$a%%4 to the Indi.eno! )eo)%e'

    The $o%on4 o# Canada re"oved the CJSA $he$-)oint #ro" Ka,eno-e to the

    #oot o# the 9rid.e in the $it4 o# Corn,a%% Ontario' Corn,a%% i! )art o# the

    Moha,- North Shore $%ai"' A CJSA !)ervi!or !tated to Moha,- e%der!

    that the #or"er Ka,eno-e C!to"! had to 9e o##i$ia%%4 de5de!i.nated a! a

    Canada )ort o# entr4' The ne, one !it! on A-,e!a!ne %and' CJSA ha! to

    re"ove it! )ort5a5)ottie! ot o# Corn,a%% to )art! n-no,n3 "a49e 9a$- to

    En.%and ' Phe,

    Or territor4 e@tend! a%% a$ro!! thi! %and'In reFe!tin. Moha,-! to re)ort

    to the" ,hen %eavin. Ka,eno-e3 ,hi$h the4 #or"er%4 treated a! )art o#the $o%on4 o# Canada 3 the4 are re!)e$tin. or !overei.nt4' The4 a$ta%%4

    have no 9!ine!! a!-in. or )eo)%e an4thin.' We $annot a%%o, the" to

    inter#ere ,ith or natra% 9irthri.ht and or ri.ht to trave% #ree%4 a9ot

    or ho"e%and or enterin. or $o""nitie!'

    The $o%onia% )irate! that are atta$-in. and $on#i!$atin. or %e.iti"ate

    )rod$t! on or river! are a%!o ot o# their 6ri!di$tion' The4 have no

    ri.ht ,hat!oever to inter#ere ,ith or trade and $o""er$e an4,here' A%%

    ,ater,a4! are or hi.h,a4! %on. 9e#ore the $o"in. o# #orei.ner! to thi!

    %and to 9e #ree%4 traver!ed 94 !'

    The!e edera% Cort o# Canada order! re$o.nie that Indi.eno! )eo)%e on

    Ono,are.eh retain internationa% !overei.nt4' The de"and #or "one4 i!

    "eant to di!$ora.e ! #ro" !ee-in. 6!ti$e a.ain!t the!e 9rta%

    $ar)et9a..er!' The4 are te%%in. ! ,e have to 94 6!ti$e #ro" the"'

    Canada ha! no )ro9%e"! to di!h ot "i%%ion! to the 9and and tri9a%

    $on$i%! to i%%e.iti"ate%4 !e%% ! ot and #rad%ent%4 tr4 to !ett%e or %and

    $%ai"!' It vio%ate! the Internationa% Covenant on Civi% and Po%iti$a% Ri.ht!

    Or )o%iti$a% )o!ition doe! not a%%o, the" to a!!a%t or "rder !3 )revent

    #reedo" o# !)ee$h or vio%ate or h"an ri.ht!' The!e or.anied $ri"ina%$arte%! have no ri.ht to e@tort "one4 #ro" !' Ever4thin. the4 do #a%%!

    nder ever4 -ind o# .eno$ide -no,n to h"an-ind'

    The $he$-)oint had to 9e re"oved' The 9order had to 9e re"oved'

    What! ne@t=

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    To !to) the CJSA #ro" $o"in. in3 ,e need to -ee) or #ire .oin. and to

    ere$t a 9i%din.' To he%)3 )%ea!e $onta$t a-,)eo)%e!#ire9e%%'net (?5


    Kahentinetha MNN Moha,- Nation Ne,!3 ,,,'"oha,-nationne,!'$o"

    -ahentinetha04ahoo'$o" Note* Yor #inan$ia% he%) i! needed anda))re$iated' P%ea!e !end 4or donation! 94 $he$- or "one4 order to

    BMNN Moha,- Nation Ne,!3 Jo@ 11( 3 Kahna,a-e e9e$ 3 Canada Q

    &L (J' Or .o to Pa4Pa% on ,e9!ite' Nia*,en than- 4o ver4 "$h' Go to

    MNN BJORDER and BAKWESASNE $ate.orie! #or "ore !torie!> Ne, MNN

    Joo-! Avai%a9%e no, Pr$ha!e t5!hirt!3 ".! and "ore at or


    htt)*++,,,'$a#e)re!!'$o"+"oha,-ne,!> S9!$ri9e to MNN #or 9rea-in.

    ne,! )date! htt)*++'"oha,-nationne,!'$o"+ne,!+!9!$ri)tion')h)>Si.n Wo"en Tit%e Ho%der! )etition


    Ja$-.rond* edera% Cort o# Canada i%e No' T5(?153 Kahentinetha et

    a% v' The een* Order o# "ada" Prothonotar4 Mirei%%e Ta9i93 O$to9er 0?3

    0 that the ,o"en .ive (13' !e$rit4 #or the $ort $o!t! #ro" the

    9e.innin. to the end3 9e$a!e the4 are Bordinari%4 re!ident ot!ide o#

    Canada a! the4 %ive in A-,e!a!ne and Kahna,a-e C r%e (7(8aQ>

    On e9' 03 013 State"ent o# C%ai" #i%ed on the Re$-%e!! di!re.ard #or

    the !a#et4 and !e$rit4 o# Indi.eno! Wo"en at the Canadian Jorder3

    A-,e!a!ne3 CC T5051 9et,een Kahentinetha3 o# the Kanion-e*ha-a3

    and the een3 Se$' edera% Cort A$t' i%ed e9' 03 013 on Hon'

    &ohn Si"!3 De)t4 Attorne4 Genera% o# Canada (?515022 a@ (?5105

    ' Conta$t* Marie-e Jo$hard (?5105> C4nthia Leaver3

    Re.iona% A!!i!tant (?5105??> Shr"an Lon.o Grenier (?5511>

    Vin$ent Vei%%e@ (?5105'Q

    Art' 023 Geneva Convention!* )rote$ted )er!on! are entit%ed to re!)e$t

    #or their )er!on!3 honor3 #a"i%4 ri.ht!3 re%i.io! $onvi$tion!3 "anner! and

    $!to"!' The4 !ha%% 9e treated h"ane%4 e!)e$ia%%4 a.ain!t vio%en$e or

    threat! and in!%t!' Wo"en !ho%d e!)e$ia%%4 9e )rote$ted a.ain!tinde$ent a!!a%t 9a!ed on ra$e3 re%i.ion and )o%iti$a% o)inion!'

    The :Jar: Treat4 o# (12

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    ''ectiel ,ing the Dar A""ociation" o' the !e"pectie an ,@!=(*@ ()%,+)A,%=) $relatie to the Dar ,reat o' 1947&


    !e"oled ,hat the American Dar A""ociation note" with approal the '#rtherprogre"" made within the "tr#ct#re and -harter o' the (nited )ation" at the recent%nter

  • 8/12/2019 33094419 President Obama Receives Mail From Foreign Head of State Nanya Shaabu El


    -harter again"t aggre""ion 'rom an "o#rce anwhere within a -ontinentalAmerican Ione de'ined in the treat.

    !e"oled #rther ,hat the American Dar A""ociation hail" with e"pecial "ati"'actionthe progre"" made at M#itindinia and !io de aneiro beca#"e it ha" been 'o"teredactiel and "#b"tantiall b lawer" o' the America" thro#gh their re"pectie bar

    a""ociation" and learned academie" o' the law and that thi" A""ociation pledge" it"contin#ed "#pport thro#gh it" own actiitie" and it" participation in the %nter