31032010 we bbt workshop agiledevelopment

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Transcript of 31032010 we bbt workshop agiledevelopment

© iLean

People boosting your business

Agile development We-BBT Event

31 March 2010

© iLean

Our goal

General introduction to Agile development

Scrum & eXtreme Programming

Q & A


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Lean principles

Reduce cycle time

Build quality in

Eliminate waste

Respect people

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Agile values

individuals and interactions over processes and tools

working software over comprehensive documentation

customer collaboration over contract negotiation

responding to change over following a plan

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Agile methods & processes





Agile Scrum





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Agile is a tool

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Why agile?

working software better ROI

flexibility understand your business

motivated people continuous improvement

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Iterative and incremental !! Break down product

!! Plan according business value

!! Deliver regularly


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Manage goals detail requirements at the last responsible moment

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Collaborate daily and with all involved parties

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Develop and test build quality in

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engineering practices!

coding standards!

team charter!

definition of done!

code reviews!

test coverage!

pair programming!

unit testing!

continuous integration!

test driven development!


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Develop and test build quality in

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Integrate and release as early and often as possible

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Continuous improvement is a daily routine

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!! Manage requirements

To deliver incrementally and iteratively:

!! Develop and test

!! Integrate and release

!! Collaborate

!! Continuous improvement

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Agile methods & processes


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Deming quality cycle

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Scrum History

1993 Jef Sutherland:

first Scrum at Easel

2001 Agile Manifesto

1986 study by Takeuchi and Nonaka,

published in the Harvard Business Review

1995 Ken Schwaber:

First white paper on Scrum

1996 Kent Beck: XP

2003 Lean Software Development

by Mary & Tom Poppendieck


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The Scrum Process

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Scrum Product Owner

•! defines product, releases, ROI, ...

•! represents customer and users for the team

•! manages the Product Backlog

•! accepts work

BUT also

•! respects team estimates

•! respects sprint planning

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Product Backlog

nr! prio! user story! inschatting!

1! 970! Als gebruiker kan ik onder mijn naam veilig inloggen! 2!

2! 960! Als gebruiker kan ik volledig manueel alle gegevens voor nieuwe client invoeren. Dit zijn de identificatiegegevens van de persoon. ! 2!

3! 950!Als gebruiker kan ik een aanvraag invoeren, wat will zeggen dat ik kan invullen welke attesten bij de aanvraag zitten en dat ik kan aangeven dat er nog een

indicatiestelling moet gebeuren. (Na invoeren van de gegevens kan ik de aanvraag opslagen met status 'in behandeling'.)!3!

6! 900!Als gebruiker kan ik een aanvraag goedkeuren. Het systeem checkt dan de nodige gegevens en berekent dan start- en einddatum van de tenlastenneming en

toont alles aan mij ter bevestiging (ik kan de beslissing van systeem overrulen en daarvooreen reden/motivatie ingeven).!5!

9! 800! als gebruiker kan ik betalingen genereren voor een bepaald type dossier voor een bepaalde maand (door op 1 knop te klikken).! 3!

10! 780!als gebruiker kan ik uit de lijst van betalingen een betalingsbestand genereren en downloaden. Het systeem zet tegelijkertijd de status van de betaling op

'uitbetaald' !3!

32! 500! Als gebruiker kan ik een rapporteringsbestand genereren. ! 3!

4! 940!Als gebruiker kan ik een aanvraag en (eventueel bijhorende) tenlasteneming opzoeken op basis van een Rijksregisternummer. Het systeem toont de

identificatiegegevens, de aanvraag en de tenlasteneming samen op één scherm.!3!

5! 920!Als gebruiker kan ik een aanvraag wijzigen (velden verder invullen of wijzigen, attesten toevoegen of verwijderen, enz) en achteraf de aanvraag terug opslaan als

'in behandeling'.!3!

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Product Backlog

•! The business objectives

•! All desired work

•! Every item must be valuable

•! Prioritized by the product owner

•! ‘Living’ document

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The Scrum Process

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Sprint planning

•! PO + Team

•! Team takes commitment

•! Team prepares sprint

!! Break down work

!! Discuss and design

!! …

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The Scrum Process

© iLean

Scrum Team

•! cross-functional

•! self-organizing and empowered

•! typically 5-9 people

BUT also

•! respects Product Owner prio’s

•! respects Scrum values and process

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Direct and control

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servant leader!


Self organizing

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The Scrum Process

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Sprint Demo

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Sprint Retrospective

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Sprint review (demo + retrospective)

•! Results:

–!Updates to the backlog (scope)

–!Update of the team agreements (charter)

–!Specific actions (owner + deadline)

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The Scrum Process

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Sprint Backlog & Commitment


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Burn Down Charts

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Scrum Board

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Daily Scrum meeting

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The Scrum Process

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Scrum Master

•! guards the Scrum process and the

improvement cycle

•! removes impediments

•! motivates and coaches the team

•! facilitates collaboration

BUT also

•! respects team decisions

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The Scrum Process

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The Scrum Process

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User Stories

•! User Story = description of an objective

As as user I can do something

to achieve a goal.

•! Add examples/scenarios/what NOT to do

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Daily Scrum meeting

•! What did I do yesterday?

•! What will I do today?

•! What’s bothering or blocking me?

!! SM facilitates

!! Time boxed! No side-discussions.

!! By and for the team

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Toolbox Philosophy






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Agile methods & processes



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Extreme Programming (XP)

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Test Driven Development

~unit tests

•! use short development iterations based on

pre-written test cases that define desired


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XP Practices Refactor Mercilesly

•! Don’t leave duplicate or uncommunicative

code around

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•! Objective

take a "simple is best" approach to software design.

•! Practical After every new piece of code: 'is there a simpler

way to introduce the same functionality?‘

•! Refactoring

XP Practices Code and design simply

© iLean

•! everyone is responsible

for all the code

•! this, in turn, means that everybody is

allowed to change any part of the code

•! if you run across some code that could be

improved, you have to stop and improve it

Collective Code Ownership

© iLean

developing is a team game


•! choose same style of class & variable names

•! format code the same way

Coding Standards

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•!The development team

should always be working on

the latest version of the software

•!Often combined with a regular (automated)

build process & automated testing.

Continuous Integration

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•! Every day

–!starts at start time

–!ends at end time

•! need for regular overtime is a clear signal

that something else is wrong with the


•! better awareness, better refactoring, simpler


Sustainable Pace

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•! two programmers work together at one


> Driver + Observer/navigator

Pair Programming

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Extreme Programming (XP)

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Lean principles

Reduce cycle time

Build quality in

Eliminate waste

Respect people

© iLean

Agile values

individuals and interactions over processes and tools

working software over comprehensive documentation

customer collaboration over contract negotiation

responding to change over following a plan

© iLean

Why Agile?

•! Respond to change

•! Deliver quality software

•! Boost people

•! Deliver more business value

•! Increase creativity

•! Have a working solution at all times

•! …

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People boosting your business

What’s next?

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Implement Agile values and


in your specific context!

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Implement Agile

Reduce cycle time

•! Break scope into valuable increments

•! Deliver often

© iLean

Implement Agile

Adapt to changes

•! Get feedback from iteration deliverables

•! Think and act “Just In Time”

•! Collaborate with all involved parties

© iLean

Implement Agile

Eliminate waste

•! Reflect regularly on process and


•! Reduce ‘stock’

•! Limit work in progres

© iLean

Implement Agile

Continuously improve

•! Inspect and adapt

© iLean

References Scrum in five minutes


Scrum Alliance http://www.scrumalliance.org/

Scrum and XP from the Trenches http://www.crisp.se/henrik.kniberg/ScrumAndXpFromTheTrenches.pdf

Scrum articles directory http://www.softdevarticles.com/modules/weblinks/viewcat.php?cid=46

Agile Alliance's Scrum library http://www.agilealliance.org/article/articles_by_category/17

InfoQ.com / Agile http://www.infoq.com/Agile

Agilo for Scrum http://www.agile42.com/cms/pages/download/

The New New Product Development Game http://apln-richmond.pbwiki.com/f/New%20New%20Prod%20Devel%20Game.pdf

Jeff Sutherland, Agile development: lessons learned from the first Scrum, 2004 http://jeffsutherland.com/scrum/FirstScrum2004.pdf

Agile Software development with Scrum

By Ken Schwaber

User Stories Applied By Mike Cohn

Agile Estimating And Planning By Mike Cohn

© iLean

People boosting your business


© iLean

People boosting your business

Thank you!

Feel free to contact me!

Jef Cumps
