30th November 2020 - Guildford PS · 2020. 11. 29. · 2 Naaman, Josef Hiku GOLD SUPERSTARS BRONZE...

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Transcript of 30th November 2020 - Guildford PS · 2020. 11. 29. · 2 Naaman, Josef Hiku GOLD SUPERSTARS BRONZE...

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    Dear parents, carers, students and staff, Student achievement: We are fast approaching the end of a challenging and disrupted 2020. In my reflections I note that Guildford students continue to demonstrate a growing level of resilience and perseverance. I have conversations with a number of staff who agree, that students’ social skills and play behaviour have improved greatly this half the year. Structured play for year groups and the addition of the play equipment, picnic area and new sports field have provided students more opportunities and choice. I congratulate our staff and students for following and reinforcing our core school rules of ‘Be a safe, respectful and responsible learner’ Students are equally applying themselves eagerly to their learning experiences. Visiting James Erskine Public School Principal, Yvonne Quinlan, visited our school this week to observe our students during their class reading programs. Mrs Quinlan commented “Every Guildford student I spoke to was able to tell me the learning intentions of their task. They could tell me how they knew if they achieved the task. Guildford students can clearly explain their learning goals” This is a wonderful compliment to our students and teachers and the progress they have made in 2021. Kindergarten Transition: 90 students are currently enrolled to start Kindergarten next year at Guildford. The majority of these students have attended a transition day where they got to experience a ‘real’ Kindergarten classroom while parents and carers heard from key staff about how we will support their child to grow and learn in to an active, literate and numerate young person. A big shoutout to Mrs Bryceland and her amazing Kindergarten transition team who worked quickly to create a high quality program. I hope you have checked out the school video link that Mr Searle developed…it’s simply professional. End of year events: Presentation Day assemblies will be held in our school hall this year on Thursday 10 December. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, parents and family mem-bers are not permitted to the assemblies. Kindergarten, Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage will have their own sepa-rate assemblies. We understand this is not ideal but the safety and wellbeing of students and staff must be our priority.

    Year 6 students have their high school transition next Tuesday 1st December. Each high school has a different schedule, so ensure you are familiar with the day’s events and times. The Year 6 graduation and farewell dinner will be celebrated on Monday 14th December. The P&C are generously organising the Christmas Raffle. Next Thursday 3rd December is a mufti day where children are requested to bring non-perishable food or toys for the Christmas raffles. Every donation is highly appreciated. The VIP party for students who achieved 30 Daisy Stars is on Tuesday 8th December. This year there will be an inflatable obstacle course for VIP students to play on. Students will also be provide with a pizza lunch, water melon and cold drink. Congratulations to all our VIP students. End dates for 2020 and start dates for 2021: Students finish school on Wednesday 16 December and return to school on Friday 29th January. Best Start testing for 2021 Kindergarten students begins on Friday 29th January and conclude on Wednesday 3rd February. Further details will be provided to parents. Finally, please use the survey link or return the paper survey if your Kinder to Year 5 children are changing school next year. Stay safe, remember to play outdoors and be kind to each other. Mr Haberecht

    Principal’s Message


    APIA STREET GUILDFORD NSW 2161 Phone: 9632 9675 fax: 9892 1325


    News Update 30th November 2020

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    BRONZE SUPERSTARS KR Hassan Ghezy, 1M Elyas Noyan, Michael Bowles 2A Taha Rezaiy, Matin Haidari, Shalom Raji  2R Minerva Gardoll  2M Marwan Muna Alsadi, Sabah Taleb 2/1L Sesika Fahina 3A Gazelle Agha, Marcus Zhang 3G Ryder Seuseu 3K Rukaya Al Fadly, Angela Amiri, Jennen Hasna, Noor Khazma, Murtaza Rostami, Sopia Barghachoun, Aarya Patel, Darryl Sloane, Farhan Ali Amin 4/3K Najeeba Mokhtar, Rakshita Sudhakar, Amir Amiri, Janna Ziky 4J Ibrahim Sammour 4Y Bahara Haidarzadah

    SILVER SUPERSTARS KR Meleseini Latu, Sabir Hussaini, Jonathan Sou, Amelia Pafarillaga 1AB Sajjad Mohammadi 1D Omar Bouzayane, Mohamed Kadam, Bilin Alameddine, Eh Ku Paw, Sadek Sinjer, Zhen Lin, Sayeed Karimi, Xyion Suberu, Ali Hial, Aydin Bekric Alusine Jallah 1EH Naima El Samad, Syeda Marzia Fatima, Usama Staines, Arad Naseri 1M Urwah Mubeen, Mahdi Naseri, Mohamed Chemra 2/1L Sitayesh Mirzaee, Zainab Mansoor, Ana Ampevska  3G Alyce Mahmoud, Hira Mahsud, Zahra Nazari, Yu Chen Huang, Lemar Awwad 3K Fatima Al Anesy, Nargis Kamali, Omar Taleb, Adryan Estephan, Dakota Robinson 4/3T Ahmed Zakout 4J Ruqia Ali Zada, Ali Kowaider, Hania Mahsud, Favian Haque, Mark Joka, Ghayure Nazari, Amir Sharifi, Amira Taleb, Hope Mahmoud, Zakir Shahabzada, Jamie White

    4Y Faith Diaz, Diaka Namosimalua, Jack Jiang, Zabih Shahabzada, Shahnaz Naaman, Josef Hiku   

    GOLD SUPERSTARS 1M Maham Noor, Hareem Umer 3K Fatima Al Anesy, Omar Taleb, Nargis Kamali 4Y Sumaiya Sinjer

    The staff @ Guildford Public School are so

    happy & excited for your success. Be proud of your hard work &


    TERM 4 2M Armani Zreika, Azrielle Faingaa 4/3T Abeha Mahsud KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK


    Kind Regards Mr Chris Haberecht Principal

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    Deputy Principal

    Weekly News Ms Willis

    There is nothing better than having students come to my office to showcase their wonderful work. And boy, am I thrilled at the work that I am witnessing. It is so exciting to be a student at Guildford PS!

    There has been a push in years 3-6 to improve student’s ability to read and comprehend chal-lenging texts. Students have also been required to recycle the question and justify their response when responding to text so as to gain a deeper understanding of the text at hand. This in turn is having a positive effect on their independent writing. Research over the years has shown that good readers become good writers. Here’s what being a diligent reader does for you: It makes you a better writer by teaching you what’s most effective in terms of building sen-tences, developing a structure and strengthening one’s vocabulary. It also teaches successful ways

    to build plot, develop charac-ters and mood. What you see, you can imitate. In the words of Albert Einstein:

    If you want your children to be intelligent,

    read them fairy tales. If you

    want them to be more

    intelligent, read them more

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    CONGRATULATIONS to the students that were selected to take part in our very special Refugee Art Project for 2020. Each of these students has represented themselves on a panel that has been erected on our school grounds. The diversity and vibrant colours of the artwork adds a touch of brightness to our playground, and is representative of the diversity of students at our school. I’m so proud of the creativity these students have demonstrated when creating the panels, and I hope they enjoyed being part of the project as much as I did. Mrs Edge.

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    E X P E C T A T I

    Dear Parent/Carers, Please remember that the school canteen is closed on THURSDAYS

    Please remember to pack your child/children plenty of food and

    a water bottle.

    The canteen will be closed for 2020

    Wednesday 9th December WEEK 9

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    EVERY MONDAY DANCE GROUP 1:10pm - 1:50pm (In the hall)


    PHFS PLAYGROUP 9am - 11.20am (Tuesday 20th October - 15th December)

    EVERY WEDNESDAY 3-6 DANCE GROUP 1:10pm - 1:50pm (In the hall)

    EVERY THURSDAY 3-6 DANCE GROUP 3:15 - 4pm (In the hall)

    EVERY FRIDAY K-2 DANCE GROUP 1:10pm - 1:50pm (In the hall)

    WEEK 8 FRIDAY 4th December Year 6 - LASER TAG EXCURSION

    @ Rosehill


    WEEK 10 MONDAY 14th December

    Year 6 Graduation Ceremony 9:30am - 12pm

    Year 6 FAREWELL 5:30am - 9pm

    WEEK 10 WEDNESDAY 16th December LAST DAY OF TERM 4

    WEEK 1 FRIDAY 29th January 2021 FIRST DAY OF TERM 1

    Years 1 - 6

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