30 Seconds That Will Change Your Life

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 30 Seconds That Will Change Your Life

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What’s possible in an impossible world?

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That 30 seconds could change your life.

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A bit about tonight…

• Who’s Preston?

• The Power of a 30 Second Commercial

• What gets in the way of an effective commercial

• Putting a 30 Second Commercial together

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Who’s Preston?

• Been laid off from every corporation I’ve worked for

• Received more than 5,000 “no’s” since 1995

• A guy who simply declared what was next for self

• Salesperson first, Leadership and Life Coach second

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The Power of a 30 Second Commercial

• Clear, concise and powerful

• Captures attention – creates listening for you

• Generates action

• Regardless of outcome, it plants a seed

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What gets in the way?

• Giving too much information I.e. puking on people

• Focus on what you’re seeking I.e. It’s all about YOU

• Describing your experience and your skills I.e. Falling back into your past

• Examples?

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Putting a 30 Second Commercial Together

1. Your ideal opportunity or employer Who are the ideal “clients” for your service?

What are the demographics and psychographics?

Industry, position, needs, values, etc

What’s the “personality profile” of an ideal company?

• Answers the question – Is this person for me?

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Putting a 30 Second Commercial Together

2. The problem or challenge Why does a company need you?

What’s not working or could work better?

What’s missing or broken?

What’s frustrating the organization?

• Answers the question – Why do I need this person?

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Putting a 30 Second Commercial Together

3. The result or outcome you deliver What actual results will the company get by

hiring you? What ultimate result will make them happy?

• Answers the question – What do I get from this person?

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Putting a 30 Second Commercial Together

4. Case study or example Who else has benefited and what were the results?

What’s an actual story of helping a company get from point A to point B?

The only place you share your past

• Answers the question – Will this person really work for me or the company?

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Putting a 30 Second Commercial Together

5. Call to action What’s next?

Meeting, another conversation, interview, etc?

• Answers the question – What do we do next?

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Practicing your 30 Second Commercial

Ideal Target Employer or Organization

Problem, issue or challenge

Result or outcome

Case Study or Success Story

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Practicing your 30 Second Commercial

Ideal Target Employer or Organization• CPA firms, engineering firms, nutrition companies, commercial moving companies, 25 or fewer employees, etc

Problem, issue or challenge• Struggle to develop employees, frustrated with inefficient information systems, high turnover, etc

Result or outcome• Motivated teams, efficient information delivery, long-term loyalty and low turnover, etc

Case Study or Success Story• “At ABC Company, I developed an information system that delivered employee review information in five days rather than three weeks which allowed company to make faster decisions on staff changes which is especially important in the current economy.”

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Putting it all together

• “I work with CPA firms…” (ideal target)

• “…who are frustrated with how long it takes new partners to begin developing new business.” (problem)

• “I help them move through the fear of selling which allows them to take effective action immediately.” (result/outcome)

• “For example, in a firm I’ve been working with, we’ve been able to reduce the amount of time it takes a new partner to close his/her first new account from eight months to just 23 days.” (case study/example)

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Practicing your 30 Second Commercial

• Arrange in groups of three

• Five minutes each to brainstorm on: Ideal target Problems Results / outcomes BRIEF example / case study

• Use 30 Second Commercial template to create your new commercial – 2nd page

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Wrap up and what’s next?

• Examples of 30 Second Commercials

• What are you taking away from this?

• Where is the next place you’ll use your commercial?

• Want more support and ideas? Email me at preston@prestontrue.com to sign

up for my coaching newsletter• Thanks to St Andrews, Betty & Dick Dobies, and

especially all of you