3 Easy Ways To Boost Mental Toughness

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 3 Easy Ways To Boost Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is a valuable skill in today’s

challenging world.

Most people know how to build physical strength – but there’s a

lot more ambiguity when it comes to building mental


The reason is simple.

Your thoughts have powerful influence over

what you feel and how you behave.

In fact, scientists at the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging estimate humans have about 70,000 thoughts per day. That

means you have 70,000 opportunities to think optimistically or tear yourself


While there are many exercises that can help you become

mentally tough, here are 3 easy ways to boost mental toughness:

1. Talk to yourself like a trusted friend.

As mentioned earlier, our thoughts have powerful influence over what we

feel and how we behave.

In fact, your inner monologue has a tendency to become a self-fulfilling

prophecy. Thinking things like, “I will never get this business profitable,” or “Things never work out for me,” can

alter your behavior in a way that makes those predictions come true.

Replace these negative thoughts

with optimistic ones.

When you notice yourself thinking something like, “I can’t figure this out,” remind yourself

that your thoughts aren’t necessarily true.

Instead, ask yourself, “What would I have to believe in order

to make this happen?” Then, focus on what you can do instead of what you can’t.

2. Take charge of your emotions.

Allowing emotions to control your focus

drains your will power.

Emotions are nothing more than actions signals. These signals are telling you that

something needs to change.

If you are frustrated it’s because your current strategy isn’t going

to get you to your goal – you need to change your approach.

If you are fearful about your presentation at the big

conference – you need to prepare yourself to give an exceptional presentation.

Many emotional issues stem from a desire to

avoid discomfort.

People who fear failure often avoid new challenges in order to keep their anxiety

at bay. But, avoiding emotional discomfort is usually a short-term

solution that leads to long-term problems.

Develop an awareness of how your emotions

impact your focus.

And decide to be in control of your emotions, so that they don’t control you. Face uncomfortable feelings head-on and take charge

of your focus.

Embracing discomfort will give you more confidence and you’ll gain the ability to face new challenges.

3. Behave productively despite the circumstances.

It’s impossible to feel mentally tough when you’re focused on circumstances

you cannot control.

Your life doesn’t just “happen.” It is designed by you, whether you know it

or not. The choices, after all, are yours. You choose happiness. You choose sadness. You choose decisiveness.

You choose ambivalence. You choose success. You choose failure.

Just remember that every moment, every situation, provides a new

choice. It gives you a perfect opportunity to do things differently to produce more positive results.

Build Mental Toughness

Everyone has the ability to be

mentally tough.

But developing mental toughness requires

resilience and optimistic thinking.

With focus, you’ll develop the awareness needed to regulate your thoughts, control your emotions, and behave productively despite

your circumstances.

Learning how to flex your mental muscles is the key to reaching your greatest

potential in life.

Whether your goal is to become a professional athlete or a successful

entrepreneur, or an outstanding parent – mental strength will help

you achieve your goal.

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