2nd 9 Weeks Exam Review...

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2nd 9 Weeks Exam

Review GameYour exam is Monday 12/18/17

What body served as town council and court of law during the

Spanish Colonial period, you need to be able to recognize a

picture of this building as well? (Hint: The building can still be

found in the French Quarter)

The Cabildo

What did Spanish Governor Galvez do to prevent supplies from

reaching the British in Florida during the American Revolution?

Attacked Florida, specifically sieged Fort Pensacola.

Why were the Acadians evicted from Canada?

The openly opposed the British during the French and Indian


What was the Secret Treaty of Fontainebleau?

The treaty that secretly transferred LA from the French to the

Spanish so the British couldn’t gain the territory.

Why did France transfer Louisiana to Spain?

They knew they were going to lose the French and Indian War.

What were the conflicting goals of France and England in the

1750’s that led to the French and Indian War?

France wanted to control the fur trade(move east) and the

British wanted to expand to the west.

What land did France lose because of the French and Indian


The French lose the LA colony.

How did Galvez aid the Americans before Spain formally

declared war on England?

He allowed the Continental Army to buy supplies at the NOLA


Spanish slaved law allowed slaves to ___________________,

which was not allowed under French Code Noir.

purchase their freedom.

What was one of the greatest success of the Spanish Colonial

Period? (Hint: Immigrants)

Attracting large number of new immigrants.

What characteristics did migrants from the Canary Islands and

the Malaga region of Spain have that was desired by the


Spanish speaking and could fight as soldiers.

Why did France decide to sell Louisiana to America?

Napoleon’s failure to control Saint-Domingue (Haiti) rendered

LA useless to the French.

What event led Thomas Jefferson to take steps resulting in the

Louisiana Purchase? (Think: Spanish and the river)

Spain kept closing the river to U.S. shipping/trade.

What natural feature formed the boundary between the

Spanish and American lands in the 1700s?

The Mississippi River

How was the port of New Orleans important to the economic

success of the United States in the late 1700’s?

Its connection to the Mississippi River made both importing and

exporting more profitable.

What body of water formed the eastern boundary of the

Louisiana Purchase?

The Mississippi River

Why did Thomas Jefferson want to purchase New Orleans from


He wanted permanent access to the Mississippi and control of

the port.

Why was W.C.C. Claiborne’s proclamation informing the

citizens of New Orleans of their American citizenship published

in three different languages?

To ensure everyone in LA could read it; English, Spanish,


Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr competed in the most

famous____________ in American history, which led to

Hamilton’s death.


The flag below represented what country that was temporary

formed in the Florida parishes?

West Florida Republic

The map below shows the territory of what country?

West Florida Republic

How did W.C.C. Claiborne’s 1806 Slave Code differ from

previous colonial code?

Outlawed self-purchase

Why did the British want to gain control of New Orleans during

the War of 1812?

Control the port and the Mississippi River

What led Andrew Jackson to enlist the help of Jean Lafitte

during the Battle of New Orleans?

Jackson’s army had inferior weapons and ammunition

compared to Jean Lafitte.

Anglos who settled in LA during this period were different from

the Creoles because they spoke _____________ and followed

the ______________ religion.

English, Protestant

Which two men are credited with inventing the steamboat?

Livingston and Fulton

Tense competition between political parties (Democrat and

Whig) and between New Orleans and the rest of the state led

to the creation of what documents in 1845 and 1852?

LA Constitution and 1845 and 1852.

How was Acadian Migration during the Spanish Colonial

period and the foreign French migration during the antebellum

period similar?

Both groups came to LA because of cultural similarities.

What Antebellum Era governor improved the infrastructure

(roads, bridges, canals, etc.) of Louisiana?

Andre Bienvenu Roman

Ethnic tensions in New Orleans during the antebellum period

led to the city being split into _______________ governance

districts. (The Old, The Poor, The Glorious)


Be able to explain the difference between the Jacksonian

Democrats and Whigs during this period. (AKA: Beliefs, Who

they wanted to help)

Whigs- Big Business over common man, Big Gov’t

Democrat- Small Gov’t, Small Business, large voting population

Why did sugar planters generally support the Whig Party?

They supported a sugar tariff making their locally grown sugar

more competitive with foreign sugar.

What effect do protective tariffs have on the price of goods?

The raise the price of imported goods above those same

goods produced in the United States.

How did the American Party “The Know Nothings” maintain

political control in New Orleans during the late antebellum


Force and violent intimidation (Hence when asked about their

party they would reply “I Know nothing”

What Jacksonian Democrat ideals were reflected in the

Constitution of 1845?

Universal manhood suffrage and limited government aid to

private business.

Private investors began constructing canals in order to collect

tolls from users as a result of increased water travel due to

what invention?


Why did Louisiana invest in railroad development during the

antebellum period?

They hoped to connect business centers in other states and

create more business opportunities for the state.

Which of the two main antebellum crops was possible to raise

throughout the state on any size farm?


How would the role of a slave in a large holding differ from that

of a slave in a smaller holding?

Slaves on a large holding would have more specialized jobs.

How did slaves pass down their cultural practices?

Stories and songs

What was the result of increasing immigrant populations during

the Antebellum period?

Poor sanitation and disease

Be able to describe the role of slavery in Louisiana’s economy.

Slave labor was profitable for farmers, renters, and dealers


Which did the Louisiana legislature try to limit the rights of free

people of color during the antebellum period?

The legislature was concerned by their rising population and

their potential to cause revolts and/or make slaves see the

possibility of their own freedom someday.

What is suffrage and how does it relate to this time period?

The right to vote

What were LA’s two main exports during this period?


Cotton and Sugar