2.Brand Equity

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Transcript of 2.Brand Equity

8/3/2019 2.Brand Equity

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8/3/2019 2.Brand Equity

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8/3/2019 2.Brand Equity

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Brand equity is a set of assets (and liabilities) linkedto a brands name and symbol that adds to (orsubtracts from) the value provided by a product

or service to a firm and/or that firms customers.

The major asset categories are :1. Brand name awareness2. Brand loyalty3. Perceived Quality4. Brand Associations

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Strength of a brands presence in the

consumers mind. Measured in terms of 

Recognition Recall

Top-of-the-mind (first brand)

Dominant (the only brand recalled)

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     Recognition - Familiarity from past exposure.

Marketers and Economists view

     Recall brand the comes to consumers mindwhen the product class is mentioned

     Graveyard Model Young & Rubicam

Exception 1 Niche brands; low overallrecognition, high recall

Exception 2 graveyard has high recognition butlow recall

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Dominant only brand recalled. Is that an


Protect, create the generic name, avoid

descriptive names

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Creating recall and recognition economically

Awareness levels- broad sales base vs unit

sales basis Life in decades not years

Other non-traditional media channels

General awareness vs. Strategic Awareness

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Only brand association that drives financial


PIMS data Customer satisfaction and impact on ROI

Changes in ROI & perceived quality and impact on

stock market returns

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As a strategic thrust area

Quality and commitment

Perceived quality positioning and differentiation As a measure of brand goodness

Acceptance of other brand aspects like brand


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What is quality to customers?

Develop quality products

Perceived quality, actual qualityInfluence of a past poor quality experience

Companys dimension of quality not relevant

Perceived quality based on few cuesWrong judgment of perceived quality

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Significant to determine brand equity- long

term profitability & investment required

Loyalty & Brand Value

Loyal customer base-predictable sales & profits

Less expensive to retain customers *Entry barrier 

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Loyalty SegmentationNoncustomers

Price switchersPassively loyal 



Firms under invest in passively loyal and committed.

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Relationship b/w brand and fence-sitters and


Frequent-buyer programs

Customer ClubsDatabase Marketing for targeted segments

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Product attributes, celebrity, symbols driven

by brand identity

Asset 5: Proprietary Brand Assets channelrelationships, pioneer advantage, patents,

competitive advantage

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