Post on 13-Jan-2022

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NOVEMBER 14, 2021

Hybrid service to be conducted in person and online via Zoom 9:30 am

I will try.

I will step from the house to see what I see

and hear and I will praise it.

I did not come into this world

to be comforted.

I come, like red bird, to sing. Mary Oliver

From her book Red Bird

First Congregational Church of Camden, United Church of Christ

Growing in Faith, Centered in Christ, Committed to Community

We are an Open and Affirming Congregation embracing diversity

and affirming the worth and dignity of every person.

We welcome everyone to share in all aspects of our church life. 55 Elm Street, Camden, Maine 04843 207.236.4821 phone 207.236.4822 fax

Web site: www.camdenucc.org Email: mailto:churchoffice@camdenucc.org

Home of Boy Scout Troop & Pack 200, Girl Scout Troop 1341

During the service please use speaker view instead of gallery view and keep your mics muted

during the service. DON’T click the green Share Screen icon,

that’s only for the HOST! This avoids the service being interrupted whenever you move or speak at home




PRELUDE When Morning Gilds the Skies – Robert Hobby

*Matt Mainster, organ

RESPONSIVE CALL TO WORSHIP adapted from Wendell Berry Joey Dowd

Leader: The incarnate Word is with us,

All: is still speaking, is present always,

Leader: yet leaves no sign

All: but everything that is.

Leader: Let us worship God, who is present in all that is;

All: and let us love God, as we pray and praise, that we might love God in and through all that is,

through the Spirit who is love-for-us, love-in-us, love-through-us. Amen.

* HYMN #100 When Morning Gilds the Skies

* Balcony Choir

We are now showing words & music for all hymns on separate pages. See page 7.

In the sanctuary, we can now sing softly behind our masks.

* UNISON PRAYER OF INVOCATION Adapted from A Wee Worship Book, 4th ed. Joey Dowd

Leader: O God our Creator,

All: Your kindness has brought us the gift of this new morning. Help us to leave yesterday, and not

to be anxious about what might come tomorrow, but to open ourselves to the unique gift of

today. For you meet us today as Love, and invite us into an embrace that holds us with fierce

tenderness, and will not let us go. Be to us the wind that stirs in the autumn woods; be the

waves that rise and fall and rise again, without our effort; be the warmth of the morning sun

and the hush of eventide. Dwell with us in love, that we might be those who love with courage

and truth. Amen.

* SPOKEN GLORIA from the UCC Book of Worship

Glory to God the Creator, and to the Christ, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now,

and will be forever. Amen.

* THE PASSING OF CHRIST’S PEACE Leader: The Peace of Christ be always with you.

People: And also with you.



HEBREW SCRIPTURES Leviticus 19. 1 – 2, 17 – 18 Joey Dowd

The LORD spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them: You

shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.

You shall not hate in your heart anyone of your kin; you shall reprove your neighbor, or you will incur guilt

yourself. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall love your

neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.”


GOSPEL Mark 12. 28 – 34

One of the scribes came near and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them

well, he asked him, “Which commandment is the first of all?” Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the

Sovereign our God, the Sovereign is one; you shall love the Sovereign your God with all your heart, and with

all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your

neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Then the scribe said to him, “You

are right, Teacher; you have truly said that ‘God is one, and besides God there is no other’; and ‘to love God

with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength,’ and ‘to love one’s neighbor as

oneself,’—this is much more important than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” When Jesus saw that he

answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the dominion of God.” After that no one dared to ask

him any question.

SERMON Remembering for the Future Rev. Dr. Mark S. Burrows


* HYMN #639 Let Hope and Sorrow Now Unite (https://youtu.be/hwkjQOuLWu0)

* Balcony Choir

We are now showing words & music for all hymns on separate pages. See page 8.

In the sanctuary, we can now sing softly behind our masks.

SHARING OF JOYS AND CONCERNS Please send your joys and concerns to Ute at ute@camdenucc.org or leave a message on Ute’s voice mail

(236-4821). During the worship time, you can write a prayer in via the chat function at the bottom of the screen. Please

only share if you have permission by the person you wish to pray for. Please only use first name and keep personal

information to a minimum as this will be available publicly.


George Rowan 4-18-19

Pat Rowan 12-8-20

Molly Glennie Gray 11-22-20

Charlotte Beebe 11-26-20

Annie Smart 12-22-20

Betty Killoran 1-27-21

Nan Lasbury 1-28-21

James Ostheimer 3-16-21

David Gordon 4-1-21

Dorothy Irene Conover 5-2-21

Robert Lannamann 7-14-21

Iris Beckstrom 8-8-21

Ruth Wells 8-26-21

Nancy Akers 9-14-21

Robert Alan Davis 9-25-21

Ashleigh Church 11-1-21

William Nuesse 11-8-21

William Bisbee 11-8-21

~ All Veterans ~

We now pause to remember in silence other loved ones who have died in the last year.



THE LORD’S PRAYER (Philip Newell, Casa del Sol)

Ground of all being, Mother of life, Father of the Universe, Your name is sacred, beyond speaking. May

we know your presence, may your longings be our longings in heart and in action. May there be food for

the human family today and for the whole earth community. Forgive us the falseness of what we have

done, as we forgive those who have been untrue to us. Do not forsake us in our time of conflict, but lead

us into new beginnings. For the light of life, the vitality of life, and the glory of life are yours now and

forever. Amen.


Stewardship Moment ~ Caring for Each Other

Joseph Coté





Mothering God, you provide us with all that we need to live. You are our very breath, and each pulse of

our heart praises You as our Maker. Be for us the blessing that blesses. Be the gift that gives what we

need, and provides through us for others in need. Receive our life as the gift You intend it to be, for

building Love in this place and beyond. Amen.


* HYMN #668 For the Healing of the Nations (verses 1 & 2 only)

We are now showing words & music for all hymns on separate pages. See page 9.

In the sanctuary, we can now sing softly behind our masks.


* SUNG BENEDICTION Go my children, with my blessing, never alone;

Waking, sleeping, I am with you, you are my own;

In my love’s baptismal river I have made you mine forever,

Go my children, with my blessing, you are my own.

POSTLUDE For the Healing of the Nations –– Paul Manz

*Matt Mainster, organ

Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream certain music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-729715.

Excludes music in public domain. All rights reserved.

OUR THANKS TO TODAY’S VOLUNTEERS! Deacon on Site: Terri Mackenzie/Ed Weber

Deacon on Site/Zoom: Terri Mackenzie/Ed Weber

Liturgist: Joey Dowd

Children’s Message: Elizabeth Lally

Greeters: Ann McClellan, Marti Garrison

Ushers: Melvin Achorn, Scott Achorn

Stewardship Presenter: Joseph Coté

Altar Decorations through Thanksgiving: Debbie Brady

Please join us for Virtual Coffee Hour, an on-line zoom conversation for fellowship following the service.

Get your coffee ready! Welcome to all who worship with us today.

Rev. John Bell from the Iona Community will preach on December 5th (originally scheduled for Nov. 28) We are excited and grateful to have Rev. John Bell join us once again (by Zoom) from

Glasgow to offer the sermon on December 5th. John Bell is a dynamic preacher, musician,

lecturer and broadcaster. He is an active member of the ecumenical Iona Community in

Scotland (www.iona.org.uk) and co-founder of the Wild Goose Resource Group (www.wildgoose.scot). John

engages the Gospel in dynamic, transformative and often humorous ways like few others can. Don’t miss this


~ Our newsletter continues on page 10 after the hymns ~





From Matt: Appeal for our Christmas By the Sea Noontime Concert Matt could use 2-3 more talented individuals to share a holiday tune or two (5

minutes or less) at our annual Christmas by the Sea noontime concert on Friday,

Dec 3rd. While vocalists and pianists are not discouraged, we could especially use a

few instrumentalists to vary our offerings (guitar, ukulele, accordion, clarinet,

violin, cello, etc.). Please reach out to Matt at 410-227-9359 or

matt62486@hotmail.com with interest or recommendations. Thank you!

~ Change in Dove Tree plans for 2021 ~

~ Cash Contributions requested from the congregation ~ Bette McFarland and Elaine Davis, from our Dove Tree Committee,

report that plans this year for the Dove Tree have changed. Due to the

ongoing Covid uncertainty we are not able to put up the Dove Tree with

paper doves listing toy and clothing requests from families in local

schools. Our relationship with teachers at Camden-Rockport Middle

School and other local families is still strong; instead of toys and

clothing, this year we are going to give generous Hannaford gift cards.

THIS YEAR, all are invited to donate for the Dove Tree in

several ways by Nov. 24: donate on our website specifying “Dove Tree Gift”; send checks

to First Congregational Church, 55 Elm St., Camden, ME 04843 (put “Dove Tree” in the

memo line); or bring donation to Becky in the office.

Journey through Advent with Christian Spiritual Teacher

Henri Nouwen

Save these dates and please let the office know of your interest!

What: New Course Offering for Advent Season

When: Following the Sunday Service

Dates: Nov 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19, and Jan. 2

Where: In-person at First Congregational Church (We do not yet know if we can offer a hybrid format)

How: Call (236-4821) or email Becky becky@camdenucc.org

Join Ute Molitor and Mark Burrows as they facilitate a once a week, one-hour discussion of beloved author and

spiritual master Henri Nouwen’s teachings, as we move through the Advent season. Participants will be

provided with five short free booklets, one to be read each week prior to class. Our discussions will follow the

booklets as they focus Nouwen’s teachings on:

* Identity: Finding Myself in God

* God: Discovering the Divine

* Love: Experiencing Deep Connection

* Suffering: Transforming Our Pain

* Freedom: Finding Peace in Anxious Times

To learn more about Henri Nouwen, visit the Henry Nouwen Society https://henrinouwen.org.

* Depending on the number of participants, we may form small discussion groups that will stay together

throughout the course. We thank Tom and Susan Yoder as well as Deborah Cautela for their initial willingness

to help lead the course. They have had to step back for important personal reasons at this particular time.



For Our Little Food Pantry Cupboard at FCC

You can help with food donations! Even though the First Congregational Church is not able to

gather for a Thanksgiving meal like we have done in the past,

and contribute food ahead of time for the Camden Area Food

Pantry– there are still opportunities to share the bounty and give joy during this

Thanksgiving season. Many of you are aware that FCC has a small outdoor free food

pantry cupboard near the entrance to SOS, which was built by Troop 200 Boy Scout Zachary Dorr as part of his

Eagle Scout project. The employees and volunteers at Heavenly Threads and SOS have reported that this

pantry cupboard gets visited daily. One of the nice things about the pantry is that it is available every day at any

time during the day or night. It’s convenient and accessible for all. As winter approaches it would be great to

keep this pantry stocked for those in need. Heavenly Threads and SOS also report that smaller food items and

snacks that can be eaten immediately are helpful, and canned goods that already have pull tab tops are

essential. So, the next time you’re at the grocery store please consider including a few items from the list below

and dropping them off at the church in the next few weeks. You can place donations under the table in the

Pilgrim Room entrance – call the office 236-4821 if you need a door entry code. You may also make a

monetary donation to the church if that is more convenient for you (please include Little Food Pantry in the

memo line of your check) and the church will purchase the pantry supplies. If you have any questions, please

call the office at 236-4821.

Helpful foods for the Little Food Pantry at FCC: Cereal bars

Granola bars

Packs of cheese and crackers

Fruit cups

Apple sauce cups



Peanut butter

Boxed crackers

Instant oatmeal

Tuna pouches/canned tuna

Canned ham/chicken

Canned soup

Canned beans

Canned spaghetti and meatballs

Dry pasta

Canned pasta sauce

Canned fruit and veggies

Boxed mac and cheese

Just add water pancake mix

Powdered milk or boxed

NEWS FROM HEAVENLY THREADS Our shop is full of Thanksgiving ideas,

and soon we’ll have Christmas items on display. Come have a look!

We continue to be OPEN for shopping Tuesday-Saturday 11-3

Donations are accepted Tuesday-Saturday 9-3PM

Emporium Listings

Members and friends can submit listings through the office. Categories are:

Help Wanted, In Search Of, For Sale/Swap/Trade/Free, and Services Offered.

FOR SALE Winterberry wreaths

for sale. Sliding scale of $65-$75.

These are outdoor wreaths. 24+

inches across. These should not be

placed on any door that opens

frequently. Limited quantities.

Email elizabethlally44@gmail.com


Need a Ride to Church from Quarry Hill? Marty

Martens, Camden UCC member and Quarry Hill

resident, will drive other Quarry Hill residents to

church services on Sundays. If you’d like to join the

in-person service, give Marty a call at 446-5900.

Masks are recommended in cars, required in Church!


Outdoor Hymn/Carol Sing on Dec 10th at 4:30 p.m.! Do you have some favorite hymns or carols you’d like to sing? We know your favorites

don’t always show up in the service, so we’re giving you the opportunity to sing and hear the

ones you love the most. This is an outdoor event on church property. Please dress warmly

and come prepared to request your favorite hymns and carols. If you have a favorite hymn

that does not appear in our “Chalice” hymnal, please submit your request to Matt ahead of

time at matt62486@hotmail.com. We will try to cover as many requests as possible! Any

necessary Covid protocols will be announced at a later date, but it’s always a good idea to

come prepared with a mask just in case. *You may wish to bring a flashlight (many phones have them built in).

Don't worry about all those cargo ships out in San Francisco

Bay. Your very own church Christmas By The Sea Craft Fair

returns December 4th!! On December 4 from 9-2 you will find the Pilgrim Room filled with local

artisans and crafts people eager to sell all that they have been working on over the last two years. We can even

expand into the Mayflower Room if we fill some empty spaces, so if you know of any talented people out there

who would like a space have them contact Jan Kelsey at kelseyj62@gmail.com. Some Covid restrictions will

apply but we hope you will come and have share a joyous and successful holiday shopping experience!

Help wanted with Facebook! The Communications Committee is looking for an

enthusiastic someone with Facebook administration knowledge. We need help

keeping our Facebook page current with the posting of all that’s happening here at

church (classes, programs, concerts, news etc.) as well as keeping track of our usage

trends etc. We’d welcome you as a member of the committee, or you can simply

serve as our “off board specialist”. Contact Debbi Hitchings at

debhitch@gmail.com if interested.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING CONTRIBUTIONS AND PLEDGES! Despite the continuing pandemic, we are bustling with activity and continuing to give to

the local community through Heavenly Threads, Outreach and Shields Mission Project. In

this ever-changing pandemic, please remember to send your donations to the First

Congregational Church, 55 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843. We also have a provision for

“e-giving,” on the Church website homepage (www.camdenucc.org). Look for the

“DONATE” button on the top right. By clicking that button, you can exercise a myriad of options to give to

the Church. You can choose to direct your gift to General Fund, Shields Mission, Steeple Fund, Outreach

Fund, or Friends of Music. If you have any difficulty or questions, call the Church Office.

A quick update from the Search Committee for the Associate Pastor From Greg Worden

The Search Committee has been hard at work behind the scenes conducting numerous interviews and reviewing many profiles. We're excited to say that we've made wonderful progress. We are currently in the late stages of meeting with a candidate. While this is great news, there are many things that could still go wrong. I like to say that we are at the point where we are crossing our fingers but not yet holding our breath. If you have any questions about our process please don't hesitate to ask Greg Worden, gworden@yahoo.com and (207) 542-7691


Our Steeple Preservation Project Our Steeple Preservation Fund as of November 11, 2021 is at $128, 307. We’re inching our

way to the top! We want to meet our goal of $150,000 as the project is being finished in

November, and with your help we can do that!

If you have not yet joined the many who have made their commitment or, if you have, and want

to help us reach our goal, we hope you will send a gift soon. We wish to preserve our historic steeple

for a very long time into the future as a beacon for the missions of hope and caring that goes on in

the church buildings below.

Gifts can be made over a three year period by contacting the Church Office for a pledge card, or

by sending a check made out to First Congregational, 55 Elm St., Camden, ME 04843 with “Steeple

Preservation Fund“ in the memo line, or by going to camdenucc.org, where we have a button for

gifting to the Steeple Preservation Fund.

OUR CHURCH STAFF Rev. Dr. Ute S. Molitor, Minister among Ministers

Jeanne Denny, Shields Mission Project Administrator

Elizabeth Lally, Director of Christian Ed

Emily Bennett & Lara Webb, Sunday School Caregivers

Matthew Mainster, Director of Music

Tabitha Woodbury, Full Charge Bookkeeper

Becky Brace, Office Manager ~ Office hours Monday through Friday 8:30-3:30

Melissa Chapman, Manager, Heavenly Threads

Kristy McKenney, Assistant Manager, Heavenly Threads Welcome, Kristy!

Ryan Berry, Director of Facilities

Ian Mackenzie, IT & Zoom Support

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Date/Day Time Event Comments

Tuesdays 8:30 am Lectio Divina Meditation Call the office or email becky@camdenucc.org for Zoom invite.

Wednesdays 9:30 am Staff Meeting Zoom

Thursdays 12:00 pm Prayer Shawl Knitters/Crocheters Note: by Zoom only at this time. Contact becky@camdenucc.org for Zoom invite.

11/16 Tues. 3 pm Care Team

11/16 Tues. 4 pm Stewardship

11/17 Wed. 1 pm Burnout book discussion #3 Mayflower Room (to register contact Ute)

11/17 Wed. 4:30 pm Racial Justice monthly discussion “Native Enslavement”

(Zoom) To register, contact Mimi Benedict mimibenedict@gmail.com

11/18 Thurs. 1-3 pm Shields Planning Pilgrim Room (in person)

11/24 Wed. All day Deadline December BEACON

11/28 Sunday After worship Henri Nouwen Course #1 Mayflower Room (in person)

12/2 Tues All day Cabinet Reports due to office

12/5 Sunday 9:30 am Rev. John Bell preaches From the Iona Community in Scotland

12/7 Tues. 4:15 pm Cabinet (meeting moved from 11/23)