23 präsentation marksteiner

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of 23 präsentation marksteiner

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

Petra MarksteinerUniversity of Vienna

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

An “E-Mail“ to the next generation or:What do young and old people think about health

and health promotion?

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

Design of the studyQualitative, semi-structured interviews

Guided field manual

Random sampling - 12 persons:6 senior citizens (60+)

6 young persons (12 to 18) - from the rural area

Data analysis: Qualitative content analysis (Mayring, 2003)

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

Yesterday ~1960



Subjective theories of health and health promotion

senior citizens (60+)

young persons (12 to 18)

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

Yesterday ~1960

„It was the end of the war. There was no time for health promotion.“ (O1)

From official quarters health and health promotion was not an issue

lifestyle was more healthy • Eating habits • Physical activity (spare-time activities)

Ignored risk factors: hard work

Subjective theories of health and health promotion

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

Yesterday ~1960



Subjective theories of health and health promotion

senior citizens (60+)

young persons (12 to 18)

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics


What is health?

Intellectual health (3)

You don´t recognize health when you are healthy (1)

Physical health and well-being (6/6)

Mental health and well-being (4/4)

Social well-being (1/2)

Subjective theories of health and health promotion

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

Today you don´t see anyone playing ball


Sitting society (TV, PC)

Instant meals


Affluence and availability


Playing computer games

Overweight even by children


What is the problem?

Subjective theories of health and health promotion

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

• No alcohol, smoking and drugs (4)

• Weather (2)• Go to a

health resort (1)

• Go outside/ fresh air (5)

• Wear warm cloths ( 3)

• Medicine (2)

Physical aspects• physical activity + healthy eating habits

(6/6)• avoid a risky and extreme lifestyle (2/1)Psychological aspects• Positive thinking+ no problems or

worries (3/2)• No stress (3/1)• Social contacts (family, friends,...) (2/1)


Influence of health!

Subjective theories of health and health promotion

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

„I really like

vedgetables and I

do a lot of sports“

„I did excercises for my back but if you

don´t have any problems you forget

to practice. “


Strategies in action!

Subjective theories of health and health promotion

„I sleep a lot and I drink a lot of water“

„I take iron tablets and remember to

wear warm clothes“

„when I retired I changed my

lifestyle completely“

„I could do more for

my health“

„I try to drink less alcohol and I ride the bike a


„Once a week I do


„I don´t eat a lot of fruits, but I like to go outside“

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

Yesterday ~1960



Subjective theories of health and health promotion

senior citizens (60+)

young persons (12 to 18)

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

• Beginneng during the childhood (1/3)

• School (1/2)• Support of sports clubs (1/1)• Parents (1/1)• Promotion and motivation (4)

• More information and creation of (risk) awareness (3)• Back to the origin (food habits)


• Technical developments (4)• fun (3)• Social integration (2)• Alternative organizations vs.

doctor (2)


Future visions

Subjective theories of health and health promotion

„I think it is important to do exercise and sport together and to have fun.“ (Y6)

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

Is this the future?


Interactive playgrounds


Green Goose sensors monitor your life, you earn experience points

Subjective theories of health and health promotion

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

Thank you for your attention

TIME is up!

Centre of Sport Science and University Sports Department of Sport Didactics

LiteratureFaltermaier, T. (2003). Subjektive Theorien von Gesundheit und Krankheit. In M. Jerusalem (Hrsg.),

Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung (S. 57-77). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Gunter, B. (2005). Digital Health. Meeting Patient and Professional Needs Online. Mawah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Mayring, P. (2003). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken (8. Ausg.). Weinheim: Beltz Verlag.

Sandhu, G. K. (1998). Health Promotion for the Twenty-First Century: Throughout the Lifespan and Throughout the World. In C. L. Edelman, & C. L. Mandle (Hrsg.), Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan (S. 667-676). St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book.

Schulz, D. et al (2011). Testing a Dutch web-based tailored lifestyle programme among adults: a study protocol. BMC Public health, 11:108

Schulze, C., & Welters, L. (1998). Geschlechts- und altersspezifisches Gesundheitsverständnis. In U. Flick (Hrsg.), Wann fühlen wir uns gesund? - Subjektive Vorstellungen von Gesundheit und Krankheit (S. 88-104). Weinheim und München: Juventa Verlag.

Spicker, I., & Lang, G. (2009). Gesundheitsförderung auf dem Weg in die Zukunft. In I. Spicker, & G. Lang (Hrsg.), Gesundheitsförderung auf Zeitreise - Herausforderungen und Innovationspotenziale auf dem Weg in die Zukunft (S. 13-25). Wien: Facultas.

http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/previous/ottawa/en/index.html (Zugriff am 5.1.2011)http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/23/green-goose-sensors-monitor-your-life-you-earn-experience-point/ (Zugriff

am 4.3.2011)http://www.sourcesecurity.com/markets/education/application/co-541-ga-co-3566-ga.298.html (Zugriff am

20.3.2011)http://www.wiinintendo.net/2007/01/15/wii-sports-experiment-results/ (Zugriff am 20.3.2011)