2.3 Design Guideline Water Supply Booster Pump Station · Design Guideline Water Supply Booster...

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Transcript of 2.3 Design Guideline Water Supply Booster Pump Station · Design Guideline Water Supply Booster...


Design Guideline

Water Supply Booster Pump Station

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

Date Published: Page 2 of 13 Reference Number: DOC13/71292

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Title 2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline


Reference Number DOC13/71292

Approved By

Date Approved

Next review date

Note: With each edit to this document, the following must be completed. Also if a

document is being reviewed and there are no changes, it should be noted that the review

was undertaken and the next review date updated.

Details of Review/Changes

Date Description Modified By Approved By

Feb 2010 Original draft issue Claire Speedy Steven Nash

Mar 2010 Revised draft issue Steven Nash Bruce


Sept 2010 Revised format Jeff Block

June 2011 Revised format Adam


Michael Welk

Sept 2012 New numbering and front page design Adam


Michael Welk

June 2013 Added risk section Adam


Michael Welk

Mar 2016 Perimeter fence amended Michael Welk Michael Welk

Mar 2016 Added new GVW logo and AS/NZS 4020




Michael Welk

May 2016 Reformatted to new GVW style guide Kirsten


2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

Date Published: Page 3 of 13 Reference Number: DOC13/71292

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Table of Contents

Description: ....................................................................................................................... 4

Objective: .......................................................................................................................... 4

Risk: .................................................................................................................................. 4

Reference Documents: ..................................................................................................... 4

Component Description: ................................................................................................... 5

1. Pump Station Site ................................................................................................... 5

2. Electricity Supply .................................................................................................... 5

3. Switchboard ............................................................................................................ 5

4. Perimeter Fence ..................................................................................................... 6

5. Pumps..................................................................................................................... 6

6. Pump Controls ........................................................................................................ 7

7. Pipework ................................................................................................................. 7

8. Electromagnetic Flow Meter ................................................................................... 7

9. Standard Drawings and Site Photos ...................................................................... 8

Schematic Plan: ............................................................................................................... 9

Figure 1 – Avenel Park Estate Site Layout Plan ............................................................ 10

Figure 3 and 4 – Pump Configurations – Avenel Park Estate ....................................... 12

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

Date Published: Page 4 of 13 Reference Number: DOC13/71292

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The water supply booster pump station is a component of the reticulation system and will

pump to an elevated water supply storage tank upon demand. The operation of the pump

will be governed by a low water level signal from the tank.


The objective of the water supply booster pump station is to provide a water supply that

meets the customer demands for reliability of supply and flow.


This Guideline may identify some risks and provides guidance in mitigating these risks.

However a further site specific assessment and/or HAZOP are required to address other


All materials in contact with potable water must comply with AS/NZS 4020 and utilise

WSAA National Codes and standards where applicable.

Reference Documents:

AS/NZS 4020: Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water

WSAA – MRWA – Water Supply Code of Australia

GVW Supplement to the WSAA – MRWA – Water Supply Code of Australia

GVW Product Manual

GVW Development and Construction Manual

Design Manual – Water Storage Tank (To be prepared)

GVW General Electrical Specification

GVW Booster Pump Station Specific Electrical/Requirements

GVW Building Aesthetics – Design Manual

Design Guideline: 1.5 Security Fencing

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

Date Published: Page 5 of 13 Reference Number: DOC13/71292

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Component Description:

1. Pump Station Site

The pump station site is to be located within a reserve in favour of the Goulburn

Valley Region Water Corporation.

The pump site is to be selected where a sufficient water supply is provided at peak

periods for the pump to operate (water pressure and flow). Advice is to be sought

from Goulburn Valley Water’s Planning and Project Development Section.

The site is not to be encumbered by existing or proposed overhead power lines

and is to provide satisfactory coverage for monitoring and control via SCADA.

The site must be accessible by vehicles by means of an all weather road. The

minimum width of the access is 3 metre wide and sufficient space is to be

provided for a light truck vehicle to turn and for at least 1 parking space.

The surrounding area of the pump station site is to be covered with a minimum of

100mm compacted crushed rock or similar approved material to provide an all

weather access to the site.

The layout of the pump station must ensure that the available space for

maintenance purposes is maximised. A minimum of 1 metre clearance between

all assets and the reserve title boundary must be achieved.

2. Electricity Supply

The capacity of the electricity supply system needs to be investigated to ensure

that there is an electricity supply capable of meeting pump station loading within

electricity supply regulations for both Amperage and Voltage.

If a development project, then the connection to the grid is to be arranged by the

consultant including the meeting of associated costs as part of the project. These


Costs to hook into grid

Expected running costs of pump annually and life time

Pump wiring requirements,

Generator change over ability

All weather control box

3. Switchboard

The electrical cabinet and switchboard is to be in accordance with the GVW

Standard Specification for Switchboards. This is available upon request via email

to GVWProductManual@gvwater.vic.gov.au

GVW General Electrical Specification

GVW Booster Pump Station Specific Electrical/Requirements

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

Date Published: Page 6 of 13 Reference Number: DOC13/71292

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4. Perimeter Fence

The perimeter Fence shall comply with the Design Guideline: 1.5 Security Fencing

5. Pumps

All booster pump stations that boost water supply to an elevated water supply

storage tank are to equipped with 2 No. complete and identical pumpsets, (duty

and standby) and are to be rated to operate in an open weather environment.

The selection of the pump and the design of the inlet water main to the storage

tank should minimise the pressure spike to customers to 5 metres head, if there is

a single inlet/outlet pipeline to the tank. The preference is dedicated inlet and

outlet water mains.

The noise generated from the start, stop and running of the pumps is to be

considered and must comply with EPA requirements. If noise is an issue to

neighbouring properties, then sound attenuation measures, such as an enclosure

should be considered.

Pumps should be located adjacent to the access/parking area, so that there is

unrestricted access to pumps to allow lifting as required using a small GVW crane


Pumps and pipework are to be secured to a suitable concrete slab, which drains

surface water adequately.

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

Date Published: Page 7 of 13 Reference Number: DOC13/71292

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6. Pump Controls

The pumps are to operate on a duty call and duty stop set point from the storage

tank. There is to be a telemetry (radio) link between pumps station and storage


Cable is not to be used when the distance between the pumps and the tanks is

greater than 100m.

The pumps should have an automatic changeover between the duty and standby.

The preferred arrangement is for the water level in the storage tank to be relayed

to the pump station, which displays all information and is connected to SCADA.

7. Pipework

All pipework in the vicinity of the pumps is to be above ground and comprise

flanged or welded stainless steel or flanged DICL pipework.

Inlet and outlet pipes to be cast into the 100mm thick reinforced concrete slab.

All below ground pipe work within the pump station site must be DICL material.

8. Electromagnetic Flow Meter

A magnetic flow meter is to be installed on the discharge pipework from the

pumps and located above ground.

Installation must comply with the electromagnetic flow meter design guideline.

The discharge flow rate is to be displayed on the electrical cabinet and also linked

to SCADA, so that it can be viewed remotely.

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

Date Published: Page 8 of 13 Reference Number: DOC13/71292

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9. Standard Drawings and Site Photos

Site layout plan for Avenel Park Water Supply Booster Pump Station (JWS/2062)

A post construction review of the pump station indicates the following changes

should be made for future similar pump stations:

Control cabinet is located between the pumps and the access. This requires

any pumps to be lifted over the control cabinet for maintenance and repairs.

The control cabinet could have been located at the other end of the pump


Aesthetics – Neighbouring land owners have complained that the pump

station is unsightly, and shrubs are to be planted along the frontage to the

pump station. This could have been addressed during the design stage, by

requesting that the developer get approval for the pump station from Council

and the adjacent land owners. Please refer to GVW Building Aesthetics –

Design Manual

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

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Schematic Plan:

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

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Figure 1 – Avenel Park Estate Site Layout Plan

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

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Figure 2 - As constructed layout of the Avenel Park Estate pump and pipework

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

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Figure 3 and 4 – Pump Configurations – Avenel Park Estate

2.3 Water Supply Booster Pump Station - Design Guideline

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Figure 5