2/3 Brain Jogger

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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2/3 Brain Jogger. religion. Fill in the sentences with information from yesterday’s notes. Hinduism is considered a _____________, but not an ethnic group Hinduism is _____________ which means a belief in more than one god. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 2/3 Brain Jogger

2/3 Brain JoggerFill in the sentences with information from yesterday’s notes.

1. Hinduism is considered a _____________, but not an ethnic group

2. Hinduism is _____________ which means a belief in more than one god.

3. Hinduism started in ________________, but has spread across the world.

4. The __________ people brought an early version of Hinduism to the Indus River Valley.

5. The Aryans were different from the people of India and Pakistan. They even had their own language called ________________.

6. The sacred text of Hinduism is called the _______________.





The VedasSanskrit

Hinduism and other Religions of South and

East Asia

What are some quick facts about? Hinduism

• It is a religion.• Polytheistic• 80% of people in

India are Hindu.

(The Spread of Hinduism)

•(Do you know anyone who is Hindu?)

The Story of Hinduism

• Aryan People migrated to Pakistan and India about 1500 years before Jesus was born.

• Aryans spoke Sanskrit

Aryan People

The Story of Hinduism• Aryans had a religion

that was spread through hymns and chants.

• The books were called the Vedas or Books of Knowledge.

(This Started Hinduism!!!)

(If the Vedas are the sacred text of Hinduism…)

• What is the sacred text of Christianity?

Bible• What is the sacred text of Islam?Qur’an• What is the sacred text of Judaism?Torah

The Story of Hinduism• As Hinduism

spread, it mixed with other local religions.

• In the end, many different versions of Hinduism appeared.

(Lets review so far…)• What is Hinduism? A religion• Where did Hinduism start?Pakistan and India• Who started Hinduism?The Aryans• What is the sacred Hindu text?The Vedas

Hindu BeliefsReincarnation is the idea that after death a person’s soul is reborn into a different body.

Hindu Beliefs Karma is the idea that a person’s actions

determine what will happen after his or her death.

Moral Life = Wealthy or wise reincarnationImmoral Life = Poor or sick person

Hindu Caste System• Caste=social class• Inherited from your parents.• Believe that people are not equal.• Social classes:

1. Priest2. Warriors and princes3. Merchants and Farmers4. Labors (workers)

*Untouchables are the absolute lowest class

(Final Review)• What is Karma?… a person’s actions determine what will happen after his or her death.

• What is Reincarnation?…idea that after death a person’s soul is reborn into a different body.

• What do Karma and Reincarnation have in common?

If you live a good life you will be reincarnated as a something good, and vice versa.

Hindu Caste System

Unskilled Workers

Warriors and Rulers

Farmers and Merchants



Coach Books•Read Pages 160-162.

2/4 Brain Jogger

• Name two ways that Christianity and Hinduism are both the same and different.

Two ways Hinduism is the same as Christianity.

Two ways Hinduism is different from Christianity

Cultural Characteristic of South and East Asia


• Castes (class, poor vs. rich)• Vedas and Upanishads,

Sacred texts.• Reincarnation and Karma–Move up and down caste.

• Polytheistic, many gods

•What are the major THEMES of Hinduism?

Islam• Not just in the

Middle East.• Believe Allah

sent Muhammad as a prophet.

• Five Pillars• Qur’an is sacred

text.• Pray in Mosques

1. Faith2. Prayer3. Charity4. Fasting5. Hajj

•Are the 5 pillars radical?


• A way of life or philosophy• Developed from the

teachings of Confucius.• His teaching focus on human

morals and making the “right action.”

Confucius Sayings• Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig

two graves.• Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.• Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.• It does not matter how slowly you go so long as

you do not stop.• Respect yourself and others will respect you.• Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.• Study as if you were never to master it; as if in fear

of losing it.

Buddhism• Siddhartha Gautama,

Buddha• 4 Noble Truths and the

Eight-Fold Path• Trying to reach


Remember the Story Board

How is this different from the teachings of other religions?

Shinto• Means “the way

of the gods”• No sacred

writings, no founder.

• Believes Kami, spirits, are in everything.

• Tori, shrine

Literacy Rates

• Ability to read and write.– Japan 99%– India 65%– Indonesia 85%– China 91 %

• Guess which of these two countries are the most developed?– Yep, Japan and China

• How does Asia’s literacy rates differ from those of the areas that we have already studied this year? (Middle East, Africa)

2/5 Brain Jogger

How do people in the United States choose a

partner to marry?

Arranged Marriage

• Parents choose who you marry• They want to pick a person that has the best

job, comes from families that haven’t divorced, is “attractive”, high caste, man=makes a lot of money, woman=runs the house well, healthy, educated, etc.

• http://home.att.net/~tisone/wedding.htm

Advantages and Disadvantages of Arranged Marriage.

Group up with a partner and decode the marriage

advertisements.• How is this different from U.S.?• What type of things do the parents list in the

ad?• Which a`d do you think is the craziest? Why?

Writing Assignment

• Compare and contrast the Hindu and American process of getting married.

• This writing assignment should be one page in length. It may go over the length, but if the paper is short I will begin to take off point.

• This will count as a Daily Work grade.• Hint: How are Hindu Weddings different from

American process of getting married? How are Hindu and American processes of getting married the same?

Taoism• In China, means

“The Way”• Live in Harmony,

“Go with the Flow”• Lao Tzu started it.• Really a Philosophy,

way of life.

•Way do you think so many people lump Taoism into the religion category?

Ethnic Groups and ReligionsChina India Pakistan

Ethnic Groups

Han Chinese 91.5% Indo-Aryan 72% Punjabi 44.68%

Other 8.5% Dravidian 25% Pashtun (Pathan) 15.42%

Mongoloid and other 3%

Sindhi 14.1%


Daoist (Taoist), Buddhist, Christian


Hindu 80.5% Muslim- Sunni 75%

Muslim 2% Muslim 13.4% Muslim-Shia 20%

Officially atheist 94%

Christian 2.3% other (includes Christian and

Hindu) 5% Sikh 1.9%