2.26 Zapp Ingles Vocabulario en La Oficina

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Transcript of 2.26 Zapp Ingles Vocabulario en La Oficina

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Vocabulary & Pronunciation / Level 2 Unit 26 - In the Office

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Este eBook se usa junto con el audio que se puede descargar en Inglés.fm. Si tiene comentarios, preguntas o sugerencias visite nuestra página web: valoramos mucho su opinión. ¡Buena suerte! Katie y Tom

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Introduction In this unit you’re going to learn words for things in offices and actions we do in offices, as well as developing your pronunciation.

Meaning and Pronunciation 1 So, I’m going to ask you some questions and describe some words. They’re all things we use in an office. See if you know them and then repeat after the beep.

What’s the name of a piece of paper that contains information? We can also have these on a computer. For example a Word...


a document /dɒk/ /jə/ /mənt/ document

I can’t find the documents I need.

This one isn’t too difficult. What’s the name of a machine that makes paper copies of a document?

a photocopier Or sometimes we just say a copier.

a photocopier a copier

The photocopier’s broken again.

What do you call the small piece of metal that we can put over the top parts of papers to keep them together?

a paperclip

a paperclip Have you got any paperclips?

Another way to join documents is by putting them into a small tool. You push down on this and it puts metal through the papers and joins them. What’s this small thing called?

a stapler a stapler

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And so the piece of metal is called a staple and the verb is also to staple.

Staple those papers together so we don’t lose any.

We can put documents into a container that makes them easier to carry or store. You can have physical ones that we can carry, but we can also have them as areas on the computer where we organise documents. What’s this container called?

a folder

a folder Can you pass me that folder? I’ve saved them to a new folder.

Things that we use for writing and doing things in the office, like pencils, paper, notepaper are part of a group of things called...


Three syllables, stress on the first. /steI/ /ʃən/ /ri:/ stationery

We need to order some more stationery.

What do you call a paper thing that you put letters in, so that you can send them through the post?

an envelope

Stress on the first syllable, the second syllable is /və/.

an envelope Do we have any envelopes?

And the next word is a machine. You put a document or a picture on it, and it copies it into the computer. It makes electronic copies of documents. What’s it called?

a scanner

a scanner Do you have a scanner?

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Vocabulary and Listening 1 Now you’ll hear a conversation about working in offices and things in offices. Which of the words do you hear?

KATIE: Hello Tom.

TOM: Hello Katie.

KATIE: Now...you...we...we both work from home don’t we?

TOM: Yeah.

KATIE: So we don’t really go to...an office...a typical office. But I bet we have a few things that you find in an office...

TOM: Yes.

KATIE: ...at home. Wouldn’t you say?

TOM: I have a home office, but it doesn’t have that many things in it. But we’ll see.

KATIE: (laughter) Well I don’t know about you, but I...I really...I’ve never worked in a real, real office and...I’m pleased, because, when I’ve been...to offices, I...I just don’t like them. It’s like people are...people in offices behave strangely I think. Like they write their name on their stapler...

TOM: Yeah.

KATIE: ..because they don’t want anyone to steal their...their stationery, you know, like...they’ve got their envelopes, and their paper clips and their stapler and everything’s got their name on it and it’s all on their desk.

TOM: Yeah and there’s always office rules and regulations, about things like, how you should use the photocopier, and...

KATIE: And the photocopier always breaks.

TOM: And you always have to go to the secretary and say, Please, can you help me with the photocopier?

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: Even though...I used to have to, even though I’m a computer technician.

KATIE: (laughter)

TOM: I could never, ever use a photocopier.

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KATIE: Use the photocopier correctly. OK. And I hate erm...you’re quite tidy, you’re more organised than me,...but erm...I can remember working in offices where, you know, your desk has to be tidy, so you’ve got to...all your documents have to be, in folders, and you can’t have paper all over your desk and...

TOM: Yeah.

KATIE: I like paper all over my desk.

TOM: Yeah I...actually...dream about and hope...to have a paperless office, one day with no documents, except for, on my computer.

KATIE: Oh horrible. And how’re you going to...oh you’re going to, what...you, scan all the documents?

TOM: Yeah everything is either scanned or emailed, or just a...an original electronic document.

KATIE: I had a scanner and I...it...it...they're just a pain in the neck. I could never get them to work properly.

TOM: No you can use an iPhone or an iPad as a scanner now so...

KATIE: Can you?

TOM: You don’t need them yeah. You...they have little apps that er...are like...well it’s a scanner. I have a scanner app on my phone.

KATIE: Hmm. Oh well that...takes a way quite a lot of need...but you won’t be able to replace...paper. I mean, you know, you need an envelope to post...post documents to people don’t you?

TOM: No you...

KATIE: Or are you just going to email everybody?

TOM: Yeah you can email everyone documents. Attachments.

KATIE: I like paper. Give me some paper, paperclips and a stapler...I’m quite happy.

TOM: Yeah. Well...I don’t have any stationery in my office, and I’m very happy about that. I think I have one pen...

KATIE: (laughter)

TOM: ...and one...notepad and that’s it. (laughter) So it’s almost paperless.

KATIE: Uggh!

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Meaning and Pronunciation 2 Here are some more office words. As before see if you can guess them and repeat after the beep.

Sometimes, when we have a lot of documents, especially if they’re about the same thing, we put them together in a box or a particular part of a drawer. What do you call this?

a file a file

And so, we can also have the verb to file, which means to put documents into the correct place or box or folder.

Can you file these documents for me please?

Filing is something we do with paperwork to help us manage a business or an office. This and other things like filling in forms and organising information is called...


Five syllables , stress on the fourth. /æd/ /mIn/ /I/ /streI/ /ʃən/ administration

Sometimes we shorten it to admin.

I’ve got lots of admin to do.

These days, lots of offices are large rooms with lots of desks. People aren’t in different rooms, but all together where they can see each other and walk around. This kind of office is called open...


open-plan I like working in an open-plan office.

When you work in an office, you sometimes have to go to meetings. What’s another word we use together with meetings to mean to go?


attend a meeting /ətendə/ attend a meeting

We’ve all got to attend a meeting this afternoon.

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At the meeting, one person usually controls what happens and who speaks. What’s this person called?

the chairperson

the chairperson The chairperson controls the meeting.

The chairperson will ask someone to write down what people talk about in the meeting and what decisions are made. What’s the action of doing this writing?

to take minutes

to take minutes Can you take the minutes?

Vocabulary and Listening 2 Here comes another conversation. Listen out for the new words.

KATIE: So have you ever worked in an office?

KIM: Er, actually, I’ve never worked in a ...a real office, but I used to be a filing clerk, in a huge...

KATIE: Oh that sounds exciting.

KIM: ...oh and it was! Erm, a huge...er warehouse, erm, which belonged to an insurance company, and my job...along with many other people, was to file...pieces of paper, in their correct...

KATIE: Ohhh...

KIM: ...er, place and...and...I didn’t do it for very long, needless to say.

KATIE: Oh I’m not surprised...I c...well, that sounds...just, so boring...

KIM: Yeah.

KATIE: But I’m really not good with erm, paperwork. I hate any kind of administration...

KIM: Yeah.

KATIE: ...filing...

KATIE: I...I’m...

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KIM: Yeah me too.

KATIE: ...generally not good at organising paperwork.

KIM: Mmm, yeah. I...I think I can be, organised, erm...with my own...things...erm...things that are...important to me...


KIM: ...but...erm...yeah...in a ...in an office, with other people’s insurance policies...urrgh. (laughter)

KATIE: So in...in the office did you have your own sort of erm...was it open-plan? Were you s...w...hiding away in a little room?

KIM: No it was er, yeah...it was...there was an open-plan area, and then erm...sh...m...rows of shelves, with all these files in.

KATIE: Euughh!

KIM: Yeah.

KATIE: And so were you always on your own, did you ever have to attend any meetings or anything like that?

KIM: No. I didn’t go to any meetings. Erm, but there were...there were lots of us doing the filing and then there were erm...managers who...who did have to attend meetings occasionally I remember.

KATIE: Mmm. That’s my least favourite thing, erm...I haven’t really worked in an office, but even being a teacher, you ...sometimes have to, attend meetings...

KIM: Mmm hmm.

KATIE: ...and er, it’s my least favourite thing. And even worse than that, at the last place I worked, we used to have a weekly meeting...

KIM: Right.

KATIE: ...and er...um, the director of studies would always be like the chairperson...

KIM: Mmm hmm.

KATIE: ...deciding who...you know...who to ask a question to and who could speak and everything, and that was fine...but erm...she used to always choose someone to take minutes...

KIM: Ohh. OK.

KATIE: ...and every week, whenever she asked, erm... 'Who’s going to take minutes?'

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KIM: Mmm hmm.

KATIE: Everybody would look at the floor...

KIM: Mmm.

KATIE: ...because it’s just one of those jobs. You have to try and write down everything...everyone says, and then type it all up afterwards.

KIM: Oh right, and you’d have to pay attention to everything as well, wouldn’t you?

KATIE: Exactly.

KIM: You couldn’t...you couldn’t er....fall asleep in the back. (laughter)

Summary You should have increased your vocabulary around the topic of offices and be better at saying these new words. Great!

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Extra Materials

Vocabulary Glossary

a document /dɒkjʊmənt/ (noun) – documento

a photocopier /fəʊtəʊkɒpiə/ (noun) – fotocopiadora

a paperclip /fəʊtəʊkɒpiə/ (noun) – clip

a folder /fəʊldə/ (noun) – carpeta, archivo

a stapler / a staple /steɪplə/ /steɪpəl/ (noun) – grapadora / grapa

stationery /steɪʃənri/ (noun) – material de oficina

a file / to file /faɪl/ (noun / verb) – archivo, carpeta / archivar

administration /ədmɪnɪstreɪʃən/ (noun) – administración

to organise /ɔːɡənaɪz/ (noun) – ordenar, organizar, arreglar

open-plan /əʊpən plæn/ (noun) – sin paredes interiores

take minutes /teɪk mɪnɪts/ (noun) – tomar notas / escribir el acta

attend a meeting /ətendəmiːtɪŋ/ (noun) – asistir a una reunión

the chairperson /tʃeəpɜːsən/ (noun) – moderador

a scanner /skænə/ (noun) – escáner

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Practice 1

Answer the questions or complete the task.

1. Is a scanner stationery?

2. Does the chairperson usually take minutes in a meeting?

3. Name two things you can use to join pieces of paper together.

4. Does a scanner make paper copies?

5. Can a folder be electronic?

Practice 2

Underline the word that is different in some way.

1. scanner photocopier document

2. paperclip folder staple

3. stationery folder file

4. take minutes staple attend

5. administration scanner photocopier

Practice 3 - Pronunciation

Put the words in the correct column according to their stress pattern.

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12 Vocabulary 2.26 Zapp! English podcasts by Inglés.fm




Extra Materials - Answers

Practice 1

1. Is a scanner stationery? No.

2. Does the chairperson usually take minutes in a meeting? No.

3. Name two things you can use to join pieces of paper together. A stapler, a paperclip.

4. Does a scanner make paper copies? No.

5. Can a folder be electronic? Yes.

Practice 2

1. scanner photocopier document The other two are machines.

2. paperclip folder staple The other two are metal and used to join paper.

3. stationery folder file Folders and files are kind of stationery.

4. take minutes staple attend The other two are about meetings.

5. administration scanner photocopier The other two are machines.

Practice 3 - Pronunciation

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photocopier document administration stationery attend

