220 Superwash® Animal House Pullover - Cascade...

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Transcript of 220 Superwash® Animal House Pullover - Cascade...

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Design by Amy Bahrt

220 Superwash®

Animal House Pullover

© 2014 Cascade Yarns - All Rights Reserved.

220 Superwash® Animal House Pullover

Designed by Amy Bahrt

Skill Level: Intermediate

Sizes: 2 (4, 6) Chest ‐ 26 (28, 31)" Body length ‐ 14 (15, 16)" Sleeve length ‐ 11½” ( 12, 12½)" Armhole depth ‐ 5¾ (6¼ , 6¾)"

Materials: Cascade Yarns® 220 Superwash® 100% Superwash Wool 100 g (3.5 oz) / 220 yds (200 m) A - 2 (3, 3) skeins of #906 (Chartreuse) B - 1 skein of #825 (Orange) C - 1 (2, 2) skeins of #821 (Daffodil) D - 1 (2, 2) skein blue color #847 (Caribbean) US 5 & 7 knitting needles US 7 double pointed needles Crochet Hook size G/6 Stitch holders Yarn Needle Embroidery needle Small piece of yellow felt

Gauge: 20 sts x 26 rows = 4" (10 cm) in Stockinette stitch

Abbreviations: BO = Bind Off CO = Cast On K = Knit P = Purl RS = Right Side St(s) = Stitch(es) WS = Wrong side

Back: With smaller needles and A, CO 64 (70, 78) sts. Work in K1, P1 Rib stitch pattern for 8 rows. Change to larger needles and continue in Stockinette st until piece measures 14 (15, 16)" from beginning. On WS, BO 19 (21, 25) sts for shoulder, work across 26 (28, 28) sts and place on holder. BO remaining 19 (21, 25)sts for shoulder. Front: With smaller needles and A, CO 64 (70, 78)sts. Work in K1, P1 Rib stitch pattern for 8 rows. Change to larger needles , continue in Stockinette st, join B and work 32 ( 35, 39)sts. Join D and wk 32 (35, 39) sts. Continue in this manner for 8 (10,12) rows. On RS with B, work 8 (10, 12)sts, join D and work 16 st chart pattern #1 , end with 8 (9, 11) st B .

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Continue next block with D, work 7 ( 8, 10)sts,join C and wk 18 st chart pattern #2, end with 7 ( 9, 11) sts D. Continue in this manner until chart #1 is complete, and CONTINUE working on chart #2 with next block. Work 8 (10, 12) rows in B. On RS, join C and work 8 (10,12) rows. On RS with C, work 8 (10,12) sts, join B and work 16 st chart pattern #3, end with 8 (9, 11) sts C. When charts are complete, continue in C and D color blocks until piece is 11½” (12½ , 13½)" from beginning. Neck Shaping: On RS, K26(29,33) sts, BO next 6 sts, join D and BO next 6 sts, work to end. Work both sides at once, BO 2 sts twice, and 1 st three times at neck edge. Work even until piece measures 14 (15, 16)" from beginning. BO remaining 19 (21, 25) sts for each shoulder. Sleeves: With smaller needles and A, CO 34(36, 36)sts. Work in K1, P1 Rib stitch pattern for 8 rows. Change to larger needles, continue in Stockinette st and increase 4 sts evenly across row #1. AT SAME TIME, Increase 1 st at each side every 6th row until 58 (62, 66)sts are reached. Work even until piece measures 11½” (12, 12½)" from beginning. Finishing: Block pieces to measurements. Sew left shoulder seam. Neckband: With RS facing, with smaller needles and A, pick up 72 (74, 74) sts along neckline. Work in K1, P1 Rib stitch pattern for 7 rows. BO in Rib stitch pattern on WS. Sew second shoulder and neckband seam. Mark 5¾” ( 6¼, 6¾)" down from shoulder at each armhole edge. Sew top of sleeve at armhole edge between markers. Sew remaining side and sleeve seams. Lion eyes: With strand of B , form french knot as indicated on chart. Lion nose: With yellow felt cut triangle ⅝" on sides and ½" on bottom. Stitch in self thread as indicated on chart. (You can also embroider with strand of C). Lion ears : With D and crochet hook, form 10 st chain, spiral around and tack together to form circle. Attach as indicated on chart. Lion tail: With C and crochet hook, form 1½" chain. Knot end and attach as indicated on chart. Lion mane: With A cut 2" strands to go around face as indicated on chart. Fold each strand in half , pull through with crochet hook, and loop through front. Pull tight and tack with matching thread. Trim if desired. Elephant eye: With strand of D, form french knot as indicated on chart. Elephant tusk: With C and double pointed needles cast on 3 sts. Work in i‐cord for 1", cut yarn and pull tightly through remaining sts. Attach as indicated on chart. Elephant ear: With A and crochet hook, form 30 st chain, spiral around and tack together to form circle. Attach as indicated on chart. Elephant tail: With D and crochet hook, form 1½" chain. Knot end and attach as indicated on chart. Giraffe eye: With strand of D, form french knot as indicated on chart. Giraffe ear: With C and crochet hook, form 14 st chain, fold in half and st center together. Attach as indicated on chart. Giraffe horns: With strand of C, form french knots as indicated on chart. Giraffe tail: With B and crochet hook, form 1½" chain. Knot end and attach as indicated on chart. Elephant tail: With D and crochet hook, form 1½" chain. Knot end and attach as indicated on chart. Giraffe eye: With strand of D, form french knot as indicated on chart. Giraffe ear: With C and crochet hook, form 14 st chain, fold in half and st center together. Attach as indicated on chart. Giraffe horns: With strand of C, form french knots as indicated on chart. Giraffe tail: With B and crochet hook, form 1½" chain. Knot end and attach as indicated on chart.

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Chart #2

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